Saturday, March 4, 2017

Judges Week Mobys: 2 of 3

Dear Gentle Ones:

Judges Week Mobys: 2 of 3.

Dorsey thinks God's continual grace is one theme, the key one. Bullinger holds to the epilog: 'There was no king in Israel, and everyond did what was right in his own eyes.'

I's saying for the sheba (week, 7, oath) for this year (coram, celebration of resurrection anno mundi) that, realizing that we'll do better next time, we could do worse than looking at Christian Courts 3.0 (example to civil authorities, internal church judgments, appealing to the Highest Court in coprorate prayer--all video-ed for YouTube, with shorter and longer segments, using lapel mikes, with a website--what should be able to be turned into a low-cost, more than self-sustaining ministry, using material already in existence)


Creveld on 'the Rise and Decline of the State' (the state is where the organization supplants the person, e. g. king--and it's failing because of lack of justice and lack of sound money for the elderly, iirc)


Berman's GREAT 'Law and Revolution.

Thus, in my fumblings and mumblings, we have Flynn's 'In the Country of the Blind' as a Moby for Samuel, my own TSOCHI for Song, Dr. Leithart's book re: 'Tree of Life' movie, for Job (with the side note that the shape of this culture's Mobys is over-weighted toward Job, as the sense receptors on, e. g.., a pig's snout show it bery large in 'The Body Has A Mind of Its Own'.  For Ruth/Eliot Anselm Time, we need a Moby that'd be something such as an In Jointing Time Device, so that we know 'when'

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck ''fittin'--Finding The Needed New Now-- Hartman

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