Monday, March 13, 2017

Toward True Speech, A Calendar Heurasm

Toward True Speech, A Calendar Heurasm
‘We will lose the ability to speak in America’: Rosenstock Dartmouth class lecture.
By ‘true speech’ he meant words behind which one puts one’s life.
Therefore: Toward True Speech, words behind which you put your life: oaths
In this schedule for A. D. 2017-2018, Easter/Resurrection to Resurrection, I ‘write’ the 49-book Bible, literarily conceived, of James Jordan’s essay ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at Biblical Horizons, onto the Resurrection/Easter to Resurrection/Easter year as a liturgy, with mountains in time for equivalents of Confession and Absolution, Readings and Sermon, and Bread and Wine.
Each book is studied for a week, with the goal of finding something that can be formed by oath.
When we have 49 such derivative oath formed institutions, or types of speech, or types of persons, or types of planetary service we will be more on our way to a fully-realized Christendom.  Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’ shows the Truce of God in medieval times as formed by mutual oath, and cities in @ 12th C. as derived from such mutual oath-making.
(I take the books backward, and retuned from 1234567 through 4152637 to (8)7531642, which latter, using the churches in Revelation, I also use to name the years, or Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi—CORAM, Latin for ‘face, presence’. There’s more to this, for this is derived from the 3rd part of my 5-part sequence, ‘narrative’ as Rosenstock calls it, House Of Singing Times, a calendar of peace that has many other features. I also use various ‘fives’ in my ‘A Next Era Prayer’/The Symphony Of CHI—Comprehensive History Interactive.)
Let’s get to it. This is K.O.LCORAM862, the first year of the 862nd set of 7 years since Creation in this task-specific calendar. See my other essays for the justification of this, but surely we live in many calendars, ways of organizing time for good uses—academic, ecclesiastical, work and business, community… . And GOD WROTE BOOKS.
After Eliot Anselm Time (EAT) made us stay on Ruth for 3 weeks (shebas: 7, ,oath) to get the final 7 weeks to match us so that at the end of them, we come to Resurrection/Easter, we finish SmyrnaCORAM861.
43—Judges—Perhaps ChristianCourts 3.0?
44—Deuteronomy—Perhaps, per Dorsey, something new, as Deuteronomy took care of Jacob’s family troubles?
45—Leviticus—The work of Theopolis Institute comes to mind. Liturgical.
46—Genesis—How speech makes new times. North’s view that McCloskey’s ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ and its recounting that great economic benefits accrued after trading and innovation began to be honored by rhetoric and money @1750 in North Europe, and my view that his recounting that his definition of calling is now only possible in that new prosperity sphere is worth noting. ‘The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace’ 2 hours a day.
47—Joshua—Axial Age Calendar for incorporation of those raised up during Israel’s Exile, as Sunday-Monday reflects Rev. 5:12-7:12 retuning? AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, LaoTseDia,
AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, GreekThinking+HistoryAsGod’sTheaterDia, NotYetDia. (I’v also written about this elsewhere)
48—Numbers—The whole ERH ISNOSP, Jordan LLEFNT, as outlined in the latest ‘Symphony’ comment on Google Sites.
49—Exodus—Something about transitions

1-- 2017 April 16—Hebrews (possible oath-forming Moby: Don’t reject ‘Abundance’ by
Diamandis.  This is the first of K.O.L.CORAM 862
2—April 23--Titus
3—April 30--1 Timothy (2:1-4 deserves a look).  I search first for an imperative for the whole book.
4—May 7—1 Thessalonians (What do you think could be an oath-formed something from the imperative key to 1 Thessalonians?)
5—May 14—Philemon (That the founder of the AME denomination witnessed to his owner while the future founder was still a slave bears investigating—and the owner converted!)
6—May 21—2 Timothy
7—May 28—2 Thessalonians

(I’ll use such references as the ‘New Bible Commentary,’ Bullinger’s Companion Bible, Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament,’ and many others.)

8—June 4—Colossians
9—June 11—Ephesians (Something about ‘seated with’ and/or ‘workmanship’?
10—June 18—2 Corinthians

June 25—Public Vindication

11--July 2—Romans
12--July 9—Philippians
13--July 16—Galatians (See Leithart on communion?)
14--July 23—1 Corinthians

15--July 30—Jude
16—August 6—2 John
17—August 13—2 Peter
18—August 20—James
19—August 27—3 John (Perhaps something from ‘ephemeralization’/more with less, and use of zero and smaller things of physics and chemistry vs. mechanics in Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ (I must get Sheldrake’s ‘Science Set Free in somewhere, and there are other events/art works seeking a book)
20—September 3--1 John
21—September 10--1 Peter

September 17—TBOTMOFA—The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (This is Sinai, as Public Vindication was the Red Sea Crossing.  There are a series of 3s)

(Please note: You may want to look at Jordan’s essay, because an expansion of this limited work would be to match the forward 1-49 to this backward 49-2, for finding the needed new now/heurism purposes.  And we go through the Psalms twice, one a day, with reviews and summaries in House Of Singing times/HOST)

22—Sept 24—Revelation
23—October 1—John
24—Oct 8—Mark (ERH’s view that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are, respectively, addressed to Tribes, Empires, Israel, and Greece could be looked into)
25—Oct 15—Greater Chronicles
26—Oct 22—Acts
27—Oct 29—Luke
28—November 5—Matthew

29—November 12—The Twelve (minor prophets as one book) The Song of The Twelve (put them chronologically on 12 keys in octave—black and white—and play them in the theological order in which they appear in the Bible.  Lenth of note = time between, or length of book?)
30—November 19--Daniel
31—November 26--Jeremiah-Lamentations (Mao’s scattering of Christians, 1949)
32—December 3—Isaiah

December 10—Total Christ/Totus Christus #1 (compare bread)
December 17—Totus Christus/Total Christ #2 (compare wine)

33—December 24—Esther (Purim today?)
34—December 31—Ezekiel (Some comparisons to other calendars might be done, and not only ecclesiastical, but billions of years, nanoseconds, work and business, community, academic and others)
35—January 7, A. D. 2018—Kings

36—January 14—Ecclesiastes (‘New Testament Imperativity’ and/or ‘Solomon Among The Post Moderns’ and more)
37—January 21—Proverbs (a series of teaching events?)
38—January 28—Psalms (‘Bible in miniature’)
39-42—February 4—EliotAnsemlm time (EAT): Samuel (Flynn’s ‘In the Country of the Blind’), Song (‘TSOCHI’), Job (‘Tree of Life’ movie, and Leithart’s commentary books ‘Shining Glory’ with ‘The Body Has A Mind of its Own, as showing disproportionate attention to Job as a hog’s snout is bigger in pictures for having more sense organs), Ruth (discipling). Thus Eliot’s ‘We hall not cease from exploring, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ gets us to BuildUp, the last 7 books, with days 1-49 of the last 7 weeks, per Jordan’s unreturned 1-49 AND Anselm’s ‘God is greater than we can conceive’. Science fiction now has ‘The universe is not only greater than we imagine, it’s greater than we can possibly imagine’. So last coram, Ruth/EAT was 3 weeks, and this coram, 4 books are squeezed into one week. Intercalary.

43—February 11--BuildUp (He will rise, He is risen!)—Judges (for all these, see the previous CORAM)
44—Feb 18—Deuteronomy
45—Feb 25—Leviticus
46—March 4, A. D. 2018—Genesis
47—March 11—Joshua
48—March 18—Numbers
49—March 25—Exodux

April 1, A. D. 2018 starts SardicCORAM862.  Work both forward and backward from dates of Easter (search) and calrndars (I use those at—or I’ll be publishing and writing, as wisdom accumulates, Lord willing.

Submitted March 13, A. D. 2017/SardisYmm!!!, LeviticusSheba, SmyrnaCORAM861

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘50’ Hartman

Saturday, March 11, 2017

2 of 3: 'Song' Moby unto oath-forming 8th

Change to Song Moby Toward True Speech
2 of 3: ‘Song’ Moby unto oath-forming 8th.

The 8th aspect of  a Moby, and the most important, is True Speech training, oath-forming of newness.
(JBJ: Maturity, Holy War against devil and his angels (CHH: ‘The devil is God’s devil—Luther), Redemptive History. ERH: (New Types of) Speech, Persons, Institutions, and Planetary Service)
What we will have at the end, which will be a beginning, is many, many, oath-formed newnesses.
The Symphony OF CHI (Comprehensive History Interactive) now newly aims at developing oath-forming newnesses from the talent/trauma of the first of the 5 steps in the sequence. Each initiates to the others and is responded to, in each of the 5 steps. (The third step, after Bull, can be expanded to the three of prophet, priest, and king, respectively).
The singers/players sit around a table in tabernacle form.
Here are the FIVES.
Jordan: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah. (‘Crisis, ,Opportunity, and the Christian Future’)
Jordan: Call, Cleanse, Consecrate (CHH: Cut Up), Commune Commission (Liturgy)
Rosenstock: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service. (Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief, Chapter 5 summaries Revolutions of The West and show the new Speech, Persons, Institutions, and Planetary Service of each—Papal, German, English, American/French, Russian. Hartman’s working on what’s to come.)
North: THEOS—Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and sanctions, Succession. (He has many others.
So, we start in the same way, gathering 10—the Conductor plays 3 ‘days’—1, 8, 12. We aim at interacting unto teaching players to be conductors, yes, but now, DeuteronomySheba,of SmyrnaCoram861—March 11, A. D. 2017 as I write this, we add to goal of not only training conductors and educing a solo (the Conductor writes the whole), but of educing, bringing out, a formed-by-oath something.  When we have many, many such formed-by-oath, we are heading more toward a society permeated, begun, etc. by Christendom, by CHI.
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘form by oath’ Hartman
PS: This is best learned by playing.  I’ll send a PDF to those who request. The first 150 pages are the key. I’m concentrating on Mobys (as ‘Moby Dick’ is to Leviticus (Jordan) so are other Mobys to other books of the Jubilee (49-book, literarily conceived) Bible, per Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament).
PPS: TSOCHI is the Moby of ‘Song’ (Song of Solomon), now glorified by being unto oath-forming newness, informed by Dorsey’s comments on Song as equality of male/female, and the life of Mae Hartman.

PPS: The technique is easy, the will to true speech/oath-forming is often lacking. This is a Sheldrakean initial effort, after which it becomes easier for others, I pray. is the Moby of Song

1 of 3 More: Moby Oath-Forming for Deuteronomy

1 of 3 more: Moby Oath-Forming for Deuteronomy
I'm working on Mobys, that is, works of culture that relate to books of the Bible as one says 'Moby Dick,’ with its details, relates to Leviticus.  I've written a little about this on my Wall and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor--it's a form of evangelism and discipling for this culture.  Please tell me about your work.

I have 7 forms, and now 8.  The 8th is a search for oath-forming, as Harold Berman writes about in 'Law and Revolution'. He cites the medieval Truce of God, and the formation of cities in @ 12th century by such mutual oath-taking.

Example:  For Deuteronomy, Dorsey in 'Literary Structure of the Old Testament' writes that structurally, the laws of Deuteronomy are related to avoiding the many trouble of Jacob.  That's not all, of course, for Deuteronomy is an application of the Decalogue given on Sinai, surely. (Jordan: 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy' free online at

So, it'd be: Jacob’s troubles/Deuteronomy/AllThatTowardATotalOath-TakingForOurTime.
This would be 'true speech,' when one's life is put behind one's words.
ERH said we would lose the ability to speak (true speech) in America--and lack of declarations of war, and thus the inability to 'make peace' has come upon us politically.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'times are spoken' Hartman
PS: This will be more articulated the next time through.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Organizing A Next Era Prayer

A co-worker said ‘You should write a book’. I’m working on it.
Here are two prayers. Here’s a meta-thought—GodTrinity gives us blanks to fill in.
One blank is that of ‘the heavens above, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth.
Order of worship, liturgy/service, is facing (oriented, northed—God’s throne is in the north) toward the heavens above.
We can see the same 5-step sequence applied to scientific method, facing the waters under, reality minus speech (Rosenstock’s words, these latter). Newton is Called into a different state of mind by the apple falling, He is Cleansed by the realization that he can proceed, though he doesn’t know how it works. He’s Consecrated (Cut up) by reading what others have thought, and he starts to put together a ‘sermon’ that applies. This is tested by Communion’s two witnesses—confirming experiments and writing. And after the hypothesis becomes a theory that way, we all are Commissioned to take it out.
So, I claim that TSOCHI, The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive (the ‘CHI’ part is not accidental) is a 5-step application facing the earth beneath, people made of dust/dirt.

And remember, like a baby, it’s messy.

That’s One.

The Second is a search for oath-forming units (more than just institutions) through the Moby program.
Something to echo is The Truce of God in medieval times. As Rosenstock tells it, after Rome fell, the only thing keeping the warring tribes apart was a physical barrier—let’s use forests.  The, after hermits moved in, and monks cleared the forests, here came the peasants, monks being those with knowledge of when to plant, etc. But with the forests out of the way, what to do about the tribes?
‘No fighting during Lent!’ ‘No fighting from Friday night ‘til Monday morning!’ Etc.
This was (I use my big picture, macroscope here) by mutual oath-taking?
Later, @ the 12th Century, cities were formed similarly, by mutual oath-taking, per Berman in ‘Law and Revolution’.
Many nuances would come into play here.
From a remark by James Jordan that ‘Moby Dick’ is related to Leviticus, in its meticulous detail, I wondered if we might find similar relationships to other books of the Bible, as we wander around the 49-book literarily-conceived  Bible he presents as 7 sevens.
Please note that in Symbol, the Language, this would relate to the Jubilee Jesus announced in Luke 4.
For the Second, let’s consider Deuteronomy. (I go through the books one per week, in a calendar that has 7 rows of 7—forward and backward. I’ll put the whole schedule up soon. In this effort, we’ve done Samuel, Song of Songs (Solomon), Job, and Ruth/Elion Anselm time. This ‘EAT’ resets the books so that the last 7 weeks backward and retuned coincide with the 7th set of 49, What I call the BuildUp. More on that later.
BIG NEWS. This week, however, the Moby search has turned into the ‘oath-forming’ search.
So, we seek some Moby (we may have to do the art work ourselves, if it’s not yet done).
Here’s a hint.  Dorsey, in his ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament,’ has a structure, chiastic, of Genesis through Joshua, in which the laws’ of Deuteronomy are related to solving the problems of Jacob’s family strife. (Note that Deuteronomy is also a sermon on the Decalogue/Ten Commandments/Ten Words from Sinai/Horeb—so is Daniel, per a Jordan audio. And the 10 Words can be seen as 7, for 5 and 8 (Hebrew/Protestant numbering) relate to 3 falls, as Adam sinned in the Garden dishonoring  the Father, and stole the fruit, 5 and 8. Cain killed his brother and bore false witness—6 and 9in this numbering—Land. Seth committed adultery with the pagan woman, coveting them, 7 and 10.) Beatitudes and Woes may be amenable to similar treatment.
But our task is to make a society for a next era, by the prayer of going through the Jubilee 7x7, and finding of making, under GodTrinity, oath-formed units (institutions, types of speech, types of persons, planetary service. For the latter, consider the organizing document of the ‘company of gentlemen and adventurers exploring into Hudson’s Bay’. This, in maturity (self-consciousness), through redemptive history, and in the holy war against the devil and his angels. (‘The devil is God’s devil’: Luther).
On though on Deuteronomy is this: Jacob’s family strife is to Deuteronomy as solving it, as the whole of the Bible is to our potential oath-formed Moby. Now, the work of “Law and Revolution,’ by Berman is a big part of this, but surely the justice situation as outlined by Creveld in ‘Rise and Decline of the State’ shows that there’s work to be done.
For this week (sheba: 7, oath) that’s as far as I’ve gone. I have Mobys for the other books so far.
CONCLUSION: These are prayers, thinking GodTrinity’s thoughts after him. I attempt to fill in blanks, as in the third element of reality as created, and for each of the components of Jubilee, the 49 books.
O Lord, have mercy.
Charlie Hartman March 8, A.D. 2017/DeuteronomySheba, SmyrnaCoram861

Saturday, March 4, 2017

History of Peace: Land, Skills, Markets, Missions, Mobys

Dear Gentle Ones:

History of Peace: Land, Skills, Markets, Missions, Mobys

We start out with a narrative from Rosenstock at Dartmouth.

After the Fall of Rome, the warring tribes were not kept apart by Rome anymore, but only by natural features, such as forests.
Then hermits moved into the forests--this is an example.
Monks cleared the land.
to the cleared land came peasants. The monks had knowlege of great importance--when to plant.
What to do about the tribes, now undeterredby the natural barrier of forests?
'No fighting during Lent,' said the monks. No fighting from, say, Friday night until Monday morning. (This is something like it).

These eventuated in the Truce ofGod, mutual oath-taking. Later, Berman wrote, cities were formed similarly. @ 12th Century.

It took time.

In the meantime, the invention of the horse collar made 10x the freight possible. Knights, one of the functins was protecting this traffic. It too 153 (I DO remember  that number) skills to armor a knight.

Later, there were a couple centuries of similarly organizing markets--not much said about that.

Mission have been successful. Africa from 10% Christian @ 1900, to +46% now (Jenkins). AndDevid Fields' work on evangelical defeatism being unbiblical. add North's 'Beating the State'. In North India one man started 80,000 churches in 15 years, churches. China may become the world's largest Christian nation. Searh Zambia Christian nation on YouTube.

A 'Moby' is an art owrk, a cultural artifact that is influenced by a book of the Bible, thus Leviticus for 'Moby Dick'.

When we have 7 types of Mobys for each of the JBJ 49-book Bible books, we will be on our way to a 'benne esse'.

Love in King Jesue,

Charlie 'Moby' Hartman

Judges Week Mobys: 2 of 3

Dear Gentle Ones:

Judges Week Mobys: 2 of 3.

Dorsey thinks God's continual grace is one theme, the key one. Bullinger holds to the epilog: 'There was no king in Israel, and everyond did what was right in his own eyes.'

I's saying for the sheba (week, 7, oath) for this year (coram, celebration of resurrection anno mundi) that, realizing that we'll do better next time, we could do worse than looking at Christian Courts 3.0 (example to civil authorities, internal church judgments, appealing to the Highest Court in coprorate prayer--all video-ed for YouTube, with shorter and longer segments, using lapel mikes, with a website--what should be able to be turned into a low-cost, more than self-sustaining ministry, using material already in existence)


Creveld on 'the Rise and Decline of the State' (the state is where the organization supplants the person, e. g. king--and it's failing because of lack of justice and lack of sound money for the elderly, iirc)


Berman's GREAT 'Law and Revolution.

Thus, in my fumblings and mumblings, we have Flynn's 'In the Country of the Blind' as a Moby for Samuel, my own TSOCHI for Song, Dr. Leithart's book re: 'Tree of Life' movie, for Job (with the side note that the shape of this culture's Mobys is over-weighted toward Job, as the sense receptors on, e. g.., a pig's snout show it bery large in 'The Body Has A Mind of Its Own'.  For Ruth/Eliot Anselm Time, we need a Moby that'd be something such as an In Jointing Time Device, so that we know 'when'

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck ''fittin'--Finding The Needed New Now-- Hartman

Apologia for new task-specific additional calendar: 1 of 3

Dear Gentle Ones: 

1 of 3: Apologia for task-specific (new) calendar

a. We learn from the great marketer Jay Abraham that there are marketing calendars.
Aha! 'et mo(k)har' and 'market' are a metathesis, in which the order of consonants is changed? 'Origin of Speeches'? That is, ,one pays the bride price as one markets. It's an echo of the Trinity, or a Trace.

b. There are other made calendars. Geologic Ages, nanoseconds, technological time vs. natural time ('Present Shock'.

c.  These show maturity, as does the administration of holidays and quickenings/celebrations.

c'.  Thus, we administer the birthday parties of our respective children, ditto Christmas.

b.'  I've made a calendar from JBJ's 49-book Bible ('Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament') as a Jubilee symbol that Jesus announced in Luke 4. God wrote books, and these 49,, plus 3 parts of a 'liturgy' I use for a 'coram'/celebration of resurrection anno mundi/Latin: face, presence.  As we move through it from one Pascha/Resurrection/Pesach/Easter to the next, I seek the essence of each book, to apply unto action and true speech (vows, words  that one puts one's life behind).

a' the 'et mo(k)har'-ing will improve next time, unto ERH's new speech, new persons, new organizations, planetary service, and JBJ's maturity, holy war against the devil and his angels (Luther: 'The devil is God's devil') and redemptive history.

More in 2 and 3.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'heurasm' Hartman