Summary of church year work, with Axial Age, poetic response improvements
Dear Gentles:
Progress--Poetic response Eternal Calendar, Axial Age
I wrote this to Dave as an introduction to my 'Participate
in the Eternal Calendar' recent work.
Summary: 1--The @ 8 pages, also sent to him. I'll send them
to those who ask me at Two pages work will at work for
evangelize 'What is Pentecost?' some ask, and for reassuring believers.
2--A more poetic response is valuable. (see below).
3--Incorporating Axial Age institutions, a start, is worthwhile.
Search 'church year colors pictures' for what rives the
attntion, the color wheel.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlis 'calendar' Hartman
Oct 23, to Dav Salyer, BH: Dear Dave:
There's some good material here. The 'eternal calendar'
concept is VERY useful, and the other calendars mentined, as derived from
different social orders.
I'm recently adding that, per Rev. Keuning, of Zion Dexter
(LCMS, Iowa) we can divide the Season after Pentecost into Apostles' Tide,
Martyrs' Tide, Angels' Tide and End Times.
This fits somewhere into the White horse of Gospel proclamation, the Red
horse of dying fot that, the Black horse (JBJ says Joseph's color, and bread
was black, and 'angels' in Revelation are pastors o, and the green (pale) horse
of Levi, gauardians/killers.
Other sequences don't fit as well. THEOS, CDATMCG,
churches-trumpets-scrolls-bowls. The liturgical structure of
In-Confession/Absolution, Readings/Sermon, Ciommunion, Out Blessed DOES seem to
This week I'm working on two things. One has to do with an Episcopal remembrance
of Ignatius of Antioch, which needs to be placed into JBJ's
Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact NewTorah sequence (and/or ERH's
Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objectiv-Planetary Service, etc.). As RJR wrote
in Politics of Guilt and Pity,' 'history is God's theater'. Thus the response
will be heading more toward a structure, nmany layered poem ('poiema' in Eph 2,
8-10--we are his 'poem,' ERH says).
A second is the conquest, incorporation, 'eating' of the
Axial Age institutions brought up by God during Israel's Exile--Buddha, Greece,
Lao-tse/Confucius. Now Aquinas produced the 'straw' of his work with Paul and
Aristotle, and per Jenkins' 'Lost History of Christianity' in China early on a
missionary translated Buddhist texts, and I will be attempting something,
cursorily, with the I Ching, a 2 to the 6th group of 64, which is not the heir
to the Urim and Thummin. I'll use my cranial-sacral therapist who can 'sense'
yes/no conditions within me of which I know little. Is it 1, is it 2, etc., up
to 64. Well see. Re: Senses, a man namedRitchie lists 51 that some creature or
other has.
The links to 'church year colors pictures' might need to be
followed. I don't think the wheels come
through, computer-wise.
I've used a 2 or 3 page condensation well in witnessing at
work. Some ask, 'What is Pentecost?' when they see the wheel. Believers are
Colors make the exegetical and hermeneutical discussions
take another direction, away from preconceived thoughts on applicability of
feasts and laws/
I'm hoping someone will start a church year colors business.
I use t-shirts and rubber bands now.
I'll revisit this next coram (celebration of resurrection
anno mundi). This year I'm going through JBJ's 49-book Bible, literarily
conceived, as another 'church year'--one book per week. Search '7x7 retuned
Pergamos Coram861' at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor for a grid.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'calendars are more important than we think' Hartman
PS: This is too long below.
Please revise it as needed.
Participate In The Eternal Calendar
I wear this week's color.
People ask, 'What does that mean?'
I explain. We all live in many calendars.
Septermber 26: Wear something green until Reformation Day,
people will ask why, you'll say 'It's the eternal calendar.' They'll ask, what
is that? You'll say, 'the Life of Jesus Christ, and our response to that most
important event in history, after the Creation.'
Colors are in the Bible. High Priest’s stone, e. g.,
Revelation. Since we're the priesthood now (1 Peter) we should wear colors
Rosenstock, Dartmouth professor (Peace Corps, speech
thinker, ‘Out of
Revolution’-- said that
our educational calendar is from the Greeks. Our business and work schedules
are from Empires. Community celebrations are from the Tribal social order. And ‘the eternal calendar’ (his name for it),
the ecclesiastical calendar of the life of Jesus Christ and our response, is
from Israel. Sports seasons combine several. Each calendar ‘pays,’ Trinitarianly
via mutual indwelling in the transaction—community celebrations, community;
business and work schedules in profits and wages, Greek educational calendars
in credits, degrees, knowledge; and as one said, ‘the eternal calendar
in…eternity—maybe sanctification is better?
Rosenstock believed that history was a symphony and a
chiasm. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend, then, going
back to the first, Greece became a companion only, NOT a social order, Israel
without exclusions became the Church, Empires without slavery became the
nation-state, and we are working toward the next era, Tribes without perpetual
warfare—small, enthusiastic groups.
Lord willing, join us in this most basic of calendars—the
eternal calendar, as ERH named it, the Church Calendar. It shows the life of
Jesus Christ, and our response. [Changes can be made! And why can't we have
something with all 12 colors of tribes, similar to what was on the high
priest's breast? The calendar is still abuilding.]
What follows is from the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.
Others can be found by searching ‘church calendars--pictures’. The French
Revolution changed a calendar. Comte had a calendar, etc. For different colors
from different calendars, wear ‘plaid’ swatches?
A good link that has explanations for the meanings of
[Note by Hartman.
When the LCMS worshipped in German, @ the 10th week after Easter, the
destruction of Jerusalem was celebrated, reading from Josephus. Also, ‘Season
after Pentecost’ is also called ‘Season of the Church, or including ‘Martyrs’
Tide,’ ‘Apostles’ Tide, etc. The 22 to 27? Weeks can possibly be improved with
respective weeks devoted to some one or two of these books of Jordan’s work?]
See the one-pager from the Service Book that is attached at
the end. It shows the church year and colors in another way. Find the dates and
readings here:
The large number of ‘green’ weeks is peculiar, but it
initiates a response ‘Why so much green?/Green doesn’t fit your fashion? And so
it’s good, while we await a high priest’s breastplate/rainbow of colors in the
church year/eternal calendar.
A little bit about the worship service, the liturgy.
In liturgy, The Divine Service—we are torn apart and cut up,
individually and corporately, to be put back together, transformed by the
battle, for the battle. Hartman calls it ‘redressment’. White robes as we
enter. Some churches have a picture of the Last Judgment above the entrance.
Garment of the High Priest as we arise, forgiven. Then ‘the full armor’ after
Readings and Sermon. The Bride Adorned after Communion. Hopefully, we’ll go
out, wearing the appropriate color of the eternal calendar, the Church Year. [Hartman believes that the imperative
stem [‘Magna Carta Latina’: paraphrase] of every Latin verb form is derived
from a short imperative stem] of each of the literarily-conceived (by Jordan)
49 books (jubilee!) (Bible) can be what leads us to a jubilee (49) of
oath-formed small, enthusiastic groups, of which ERH
(Rosenstock) spoke. Jordan:
[Samuel, Kings each too big for one scroll, 12 minor prophets had one theme,
Lamentations goes literarily with Jeremiah, Ezra and Nehemiah unto Greater
Chronicles.] What to use to wear the eternal calendar? Wrist bands, scarves (what
comes out of the throat should be appropriate) t-shirts, skirts, shirts,
pants…varied…, swatches pinned…rubber bands. Different colors from different
traditions could be ‘plaid’ swatches.
For more, see ‘Build
A Peace Tribe’ on Facebook, Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, Hartman @, and This
effort to ‘put flesh/action on’ was inspired by 1 John. 3 John, last week,
inspired ’ephemeralize’.
This sequence is seen in many places. Leviticus,
Rosenstock’s revolutions of the West (Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’),
Hartman’s ‘Symphony,’ and especially startling for many is to see it in the
scientific method. Consider this
following, the scientific method (nature) compared to liturgy. Newton is
brought into a new mental state by seeing the apple fall, compared to coming
into the worship area—as I wrote, some churches have pictures of the Last
Judgment above the entrance. Then Newton may have said to himself, ‘I can’t
figure this out now, but I can later’. Confession and Absolution. He studies
previous thinkers (Readings) and proposes his own hypothesis (Sermon). The
hypothesis is tested, 2 witnesses, Bread and Wine. Then the new theory (not
hypothesis any more) is taken out to the world, as we are sent out, transformed
and Blessed individually and corporately. Herovolution.
For a summary of each of Hartman’s submissions in the
respective ERH categories, Imperative—TSOCHI, Subjective—How To Make Your
Communities Better, Narrative—House Of Singing Times (HOST) calendar,
Objective—153Culture (now limited to the jubilee above mostly, Planetary
Service—Godparents For Eldsters becomes Godparents For Societies, see
Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ has a tremendous summary, in
Chapter 5, of the Revolutions of the West.
Toward Heaven—liturgy. Toward Nature—scientific method.
Toward one another—The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive.
TSOCHI—Click on Home, and let it load. There are only 90 pages, the rest is
preparation for initiations and responses (ir).
[Dr. Bledsoe had suggested that it would be good to flood
society with pastors wearing collars. I asked, ‘What should members of the
congregation wear?’ Perhaps the rainbow of light in the colors of the Church
Year is a part of ‘the fire next time’?]
September 23, Anno Domini 2017: It occurs to me that we
could try to determine and apply the tribes of Israel and the respective colors
of the stones on the High Priest by adding colors to the green portion of a
Church Year color wheel above. There
must be some complete inventory characteristics in the descriptions of the
tribes. How, we could ask, are these
transformed into the 12 minor prophets, the disciples, and representative
outstanding humans? An ofspeg (oath
formed small profitable enthusiastic group) could be formed for each, and these
12 colors/statements/persons/groups put into the green portion above. Using
‘Loomy’ rubber bands of #33 ones (search Amazon) could be done
economically. In this scenario, a green
band and another would be worn. We do know, however, that 12 tribes changed—see
Bullinger’s Companion Bible. Here are some images:
For general search results, see:
The use here would be to get people to participate in the
eternal calendar by getting them to wear the colors, and after that, to
continue to teach them meanings unto ofspegs!
[In Revelation, Wikipedia goes for 4 colors, thus (and see
specifics above this): ‘Whether there is any pattern to the choice of gemstones
depends on their identity. Taking the majority view of scholars in regard to
the identity of the gems, and including the implication from the Book of
Revelation that the Onyx at the end of the fourth row was a Sardonyx, there are
four colours – red, green, yellow, and blue – each represented by a clear gem
(red – Carbuncle, green – Heliodor, yellow – Chrysolite, blue – Amethyst), an
opaque gem (red – Carnelian/red Jasper, green – green Jasper, yellow – yellow
Jasper/yellow Serpentine, blue - Lapis Lazuli), and a striped gem (red –
Sardonyx, green – Malachite, yellow – pale golden Agate, blue – sky-blue
Agate).[4] The four colours of red, green, yellow, and blue, are the first four
colours (apart from black and white) distinguished by languages, and are
distinguished in all cultures with at least six colour distinctions (the other
two being black and white).[37] These colours roughly correspond to the
sensitivities of the retinal ganglion cells. (The retinal ganglia process colour
by positioning it within a blue to yellow range, and separately positioning it
within a red to green range.)[37]’]
Join us in this most basic of calendars, the Church
Calendar. It shows the life of Jesus Christ, and our response, unto
peace/concord—the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
September 25, A. D. 2017: HostA822 Twelve Color Ofspegs
[Put in KolCoram862—Revelation—and Participate in the
Eternal Calendar = Build A Peace Tribe]
(What benefits, proof? What cure? What pain or fear? Who’s
the ideal ‘buyer’?—mutual indweller in the transaction)
Twelves in Bible into 5s of North, Jordan, Rosenstock
These into Season of Pentecost (after Trinity Sunday,
excluding A. D. 70?)
Imperative, Transcendent, Law—12 on the breastplate of the
High Priest, with colors, and descriptions of tribes.
Subjective, Hierarchy, Lyric—Twelve Minor Prophets (points
out 12 is one, theodicy—12ness of Israel is key—Cascione)
Narrative, Ethics, Evaluation—12 disciples/apostles
Objective, Oaths and sanctions, Fact—Who has fulfilled these
so far, in part? See Saints of Day, Martin of Tours and Martin Luther. Example:
Issachar, knowing signs of times and what Israel ought to do, see Asimov
Foundation, and Flynn, ‘In the Country of the Blind’. In Flynn, ‘everyone’ was
doing math, but they ended up with music (mathematics, music in Quadrivium?) In
Asimov, mental ‘pushing’—controlling another’s will, and Arkady’s having her
mind formed early for later non-detection, the Mule, and the robot-human
Planetary Service, New Torah, Succession—Here we pur 4
colors x 3 types, clear, opaque, striped, onto the greens of Season After
Pentecost (excluding Trinity Sunday and A. D. 70?) with the information above,
and this calls us to a new setoff 12 Peace Tribe (one and many). Use ‘Loomy’ rubberbands from Amazon, and. For
instance, weave a clear with a color, and have two of the same clor for opaque,
and twist a black with a color for striped.
See Wikipedia on High Priest colors, to start. Bible descriptions—Jacob and throughout by
actions. See Bullinger, for the 12 is sometimes 13, sometimes in different
order—this would be ADDED from the base in Wikipedia, and pictures too. Ask BH
guys and gals. Keep going each
year/coram, improving.
Searched ‘High Priest stones colors Wikipedia
To BH Short. Added stones in Revelation to 'Participate,
Eternal Calendar' unto ofspegs
This is at chuckhartmanhistorconductor, comments and in
Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman.
Developing. An early morning first attempt.
I'll report back how this works with co-workers, etc.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'keeping on keeping on' Hartman
--Response to Sarah Wilson and Wesley Bruce at ‘Build A
Peace Tribe’ on Facebook. 2012! And on Wall—5 years late, but now I have
something to say
And, the 12 is one, again!
Yes, Sarah Wilson and Wesley Bruce, I'm using tribe as a
small, enthusiastic group, as Rosenstock does in 'Universal History 1954'--see links from ERH Fund, this
is a recording, transcript of a Dartmouth course from 1954. He sees history as
a chiasm of Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, He WHo Reversed The Trend, then
after HWRTT, Greece becomes a companion, never a social order. The Church is
Israel without exclusions, the Nation-State is empires without slavery, and,
chiastically, remember, the next 1000 years, however long that is, is tribes
without perpetual warfare--small, enthusiastic groups. I call them ofspegs. Oath Formed, Small
Profitable Enthusiastic Groups.
Join us in this most basic of calendars, the Church
Calendar. It shows the life of Jesus Christ, and our response, unto
peace/concord—the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
]Dodecatotality—that a tribe of tribes has 12 parts, and
that the respective red, blue, yellow, green colors mentioned above from
Wikipedia, and eah of their respective, transparent, opaque, and striped
examples make a 12, that we should fill in dudring the ‘homesteading of the
green’—turning liabilities into assets, is a key thought. A past new type
person, new type of speech, new type of institution (in, our, forward, back
makes another 12) is a way to go, ‘ite’.]
October 1: Dear Gentles:
Rosenstock wrote in 'Magnat Carta Latina' that all Latin
verb forms were derived from a shorter imperative stem.
Were we able to find the imperative stem of a book of the
Bible, such as John, we could then develop from that.
We could develop a small, enthusiastic group to develop this
imperative stem, so that, as new technology allows us greater reach in a
shorter time, as old groups are destroyed, we could make new groups, tribes
without perpetual warfare.
Were these formed by 'true speech,' behind which we put our
lives, we would have the basis for a 49-book, jubilee, society.
So, what's the imperative stem of John?
Love in King Jesus,
ChuckCharlie 'rainbow wearing green for Season of Pentecost'
PS: If, as Wikipedia hints, the stones in Revelation are
red, green, yellow, blue, each with transparent, opaque, and striped examples,
that would make a dodecatotality of a new 12and1 tribe of tribes, were we able
to find an old example, and an example to come, rainbow-wise.
PPS: As Williams responded to those who said, 'Ted, you
could hit .600 against the Boudreau shift if you just dumped the ball into
left,' 'But I'd lose my rhythmic swing!,' I say there's a great opportunity to
obey The Commission by writing an ebook about Church Year Colors Evangelism,
for someone, but not me.
Something’s missing here, but it’s worth a look:
Join us in this most basic of calendars, the Church
Calendar. It shows the life of Jesus Christ, and our response, unto
peace/concord—the explicit reconciliation of opposites.