Another good way to interpret, especially the Bible. Joykegesis,
Dear Daniel Mann: A valuable use of Scripture, mostly
unknown by the users, is related to us by Rosenstock-Huessy in 'Out of
Revolution'. Each of the revolutions of
western history, starting with the Papal under Gregory VII (the church has her
own house, not a room in the Emperor's palace is another way to see that one)
emphasized a certain part of Scripture--backwards. Thus, the Papal was the Last
Judgment (see 'Dies Irae'), the Franciscans were Jesus--this is an interlude--and
then Germans (justification by faith0, the English Judges, Americas Noah,
French Natural Man Before the Fall, Russians Formless and Void (Bledsoe, Metropolitan
Manifesto). Now Bledsoe says the Bride and New Jerusalem (cities). Gardner
'Beyond Belief') says that the revolution is to take the benefits of these
planet-wide. Bledsoe, start anew with
those images. I think there is also
something before formless and void, before tohu and bohu—‘In the
beginning....'. And the Hebrew words for the letters in BRSHT make a liturgy?
Come into the HOUSE! (B), bow down to the HEAD (R) in confession and readings
and sermon, EAT (sh), take your CROSS (t) out.
I'm working on a means of exegesis that emphasizes joy and house. More to come.
Here's my summary of Gardner's summary of the revolutions--I think the 5
of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, and Planetary Service are a
liturgy also, as are my 5--later--that could take the benefits out. I call this
new layer of interpretation joykegesis or b(u)ildegesis.
Example of B(u)ildegesis.
Build, we know, building a house.
‘Bild’ is something such as ‘art’ in German. Thus, a house as an art work.
The Conquest of Canaan was a remodeling—from tribes to a
settled land, for sure. The house is essentially finished after the Great
Day. The first letter of Genesis is ‘B’.
‘B’ means ‘house’ also, beth. First and last,
in one perspective, The Bible is a history of houses.
The promise was fulfilled, that this land was for Abram and
his descendants, and the promise will be fulfilled, for sure, at the Great Day,
for Abraham saw Jesus’ Day.
There is much more.
Tabernacles and Temples. Christ
in us and we in Christ. The body as a temle of the Holy Spirit. Perichoresis of the Trinity. Stewardship.
Priests as household servants, but we now friends, for He has told us
everything. … Remember, He promised us
mansions in His Father’s house—Abraham was promised the Promised Land.
THE ABOVE is also an example of Joykegesis—the joy of the
joke, as in this BELOW.
Here's the punchline: 'They call me Mr. Tibia!'
Write the joke. [I’ve written one, playing on the great line
by Sidney Poitier’s Virgil Tibbs, detective, responding to the line by the
Sheriff, played by Rod Steiger in ‘In the Heat of the Night’. I add something
medical, for the tibia is a bone in the leg. I’m not revealing it at this time,
for I’ve given this to help those who will help me in my enfeeblement and
vulnerability as I age—Godparents for Eldsters and others.
The punchline above, in the B(u)ildegesis was, at start, the
Conquest of Canaan. At the end it was, ‘Remember,
He promised us mansions in His Father’s house—Abraham was promised the Promised
I wrote the joke, the explanation of all the houses, and how
the Conquest of Canaan fit in.
--Now, you give us a punchline and/or write a joyke, do a
b(u)ildegesis, a joykegesis House!
My 5 revolution, to take the benefits of the Revolutions of
the West (Rosenstock) planet-wide, are here:
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