Dimensions, Tribes, Languages, Times, Actions
Let this ‘poiema’ do some poeming. Allusions, resonances, wordplay, rhyming,
acronyms, same-initial-lettering attempting to image in a small way the
BigPoem. Isn’t that the future of
Why? Because the future is here already in outline, and the
past is yet to happen in fullness.
What future? That The Great Day of Final Judgment will come,
and after that, The Next World.
What past? That Ansgar, Apostle to the North, and others
brought the tribes into the Kingdom.
And now we have neo-tribalism.
ERH tells us again that English is (some early language)
plus the language of the church. French
the same. German the same. The languages of the tribes were transformed by the
language of the church, and became the respective languages of nations—not
always peaceful, but more peaceful.
As we find the tribes, and the languages of those tribes, we
can have more tongue at our feast. Thus we will glorify tribes by keeping the
small enthusiastic groups, but losing the perpetual warfare of the tribes, as
the Church is Israel without exclusion, and Nations are Empires without
slavery. Universal History 1954. We will sing them into the Kingdom as new
peaceful groups, these new tribes, as the church language and their language
now become a new language of a new group, as the tribal language plus the
church language became French for France, English for England, etc. What will
we call these analogs of nations, these analogs of states? The vocative is half
imperative. Translation is singing, and it is more an opus, a work, an opera,
the plural of opus/work in Italian. More
than an instrumental symphony, with narrative and human singing, human
What are these tribes?
We must find them. One would be
the scientist, I suppose. (Word coined,
invented/wented in @ 1834!) The artist. The novelist (pregnant, that!). The
manager. The neo-transhumanists—we are the originals. They are not territorial,
but the world is more than flat now. Corporations,
NGOs, Rotary, AA… . Fuller on Gresham in ‘Critical Path’ wrote that the
university of the East India company could see by reports the more sphericity,
global-ness. Can we see that there are more dimensions and that tribal members
travel through, like later Flatland—not only points intersected by lines, and
triangles, and more dimensions, but spinning charm or whatever else physicists
have named multi-dimensions. And don’t forget holographicity and the largeness
of smaller parts, and the swirling energies of Tesla. Remember that they made
more surfaces on which penicillin bases to grow by injecting air into a
cube—more surfaces, more presences, more faces.
What will be the four fronts of each tribe, and the
respective shibboleths? What new
Wycliffe translators will arise?
[A joyke—a joke that gives great joy, is bigger: An engineer
knows more and more about less and less until finally he knows everything about
nothing. A salesman knows less and less about more and more until finally he
knows nothing about everything. And we have had Bible study groups in
Congress. If it’s an exaltation of
larks, and a school of fish, what is it of gratitude—or what is it a gratitude
of? And a memory too…and what else?]
We’d need history. ‘Scientist,’ coined 1834—8 centuries
after. Can we name earlier?
To what North do we need to send new Ansgars? And how will
the emphasis of Theopolis on liturgy beget the language of the church that
begets new, more peaceful socio groups, not nations, but analogous? The future
of Protestantism.
A hint. It will be not only language begetting new and
better language from old language, but it will be Kalends, the end and
beginning of 1/12, of month. One says tithes were brought in then. A small hint
from ERH is that we still have tribal calendar with us, in community
celebrations. And empires—work and business schedules. Israel’s calendar
remains in the eternal calendar of the ecclesiastical church, and Greece gives
us academic calendars. What will be the
Rosenstock tells us that in the next era, the next ear, the
next 1000 years, however long that is, socio- will be the key. Or as one put
it, the liturgy service of worship of the church, from kyrios, Lord, is
oriented, or some might say northed/throned (neat how it works!) toward The
Heavens Above. Once That One True God was established, The Waters Below could
be covenantally examined, and we had the scientific method, ‘that arm of the
church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by
treating the universe as dead’. And now begins socio.
So let’s go over to Lord’s today—they’re serving a fine body
of times, on this FirstDay, on this 8thDay, on this DayOfDays,
K.O.L.Ymmm!!. ‘Kol’, yeah, down from all the mountains of time, and Octave, not
only the 7 named, but the whole old, and with Laodicea, all making a kind of
three/one, traced out. And more body types too, prepositioning the body of
Lord’s. Sequentially and K.O.L.ly, let’s read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest
the whole octave Apostasy in Jesus’ day/Union with Christ, and Exile, and
Wilderness, and Garden, and Restoration, and Kingdom, and Prison. 8531642, from
4Sun, 1Moon, 5Mars/Tiw-Tir, etc. 1234567 at Ascension retuned to 4152637
(planets), now retuned analogously by circle of fifths again, with poetic
license, to 8531642 (sociological groups, Revelation churches). K.O.L.,
SardisYMMM!!, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Smyrna—all liturgies.
Do Beatitudes too. N-dimensional.
Rosenstock related that the Israel of Old, and the New
Israel both conquered astronomical/astrological empires by worshiping one day
in 7. In that way their actions
witnessed that The One True God had made all those planets and gods of planets
that the empires worshiped.
Thus we retune, as at Ascension, as The Twelve, as the
Be what you’ve been made, poiema! Make what will be, a poem
mutually-indwelling Poem of poems!
Preliminary SUMMARY/Translation: I'm just now writing a piece about how
Rosenstock (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rosenstock-huessy/) saw nations
as being developed from some tribal language, plus the language of the church.
I point out that we are in a neo-tribal era. What tribes and what respective
languages are we to upgrade into peaceful sociological groups? He sees
(Universal History 1954, Dartmouth) socio- as the key to the next era. Are
'scientists' a tribe, 'artists,' 'novelists'?
This may be worthwhile on a longer wavelength. As groups
were made then, in more maturity, make some now?
1—We live in many different calendars simultaneously. We
sense that it’s a certain time distance to the next town celebration, or
national holiday. We are in a certain
part of work or marketing/business schedule. It’s Martyrs’ tide, or Season of
the Church, or Epiphany, or Christmas Season of the Church Year. It’s back to
school, or first day of school, or second semester. It’s a certain day of the
week, or month of the year, or numbered year.
2—Similarly, we may be under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice, or the laws of various other civil government jurisdictions—town,
counties, states or provinces, nations… It’s not panarchy or what I read in
Berman about students at medieval universities from various territorial areas
organizing their own law systems in ‘nations’.
3—But, there is a larger calendrical space, an
n-dimensionality, or, as I say now, an M-dimensionality, a
Maturity-dimensionality, similar to where the tribes live whom we must find,
define, disciple into respective sociological groups of peace (explicit
reconciliation of opposites…or of dimensions). As grammar is the
self-consciousness of language, and logic is the self-consciousness of thinking
(ERH, ‘In Defense of the Grammmatical Method), rhetoric is the
self-consciousness of bonding.
4—These are resondeos. And self-conscousnesses of
respondeos. Taking something and
multiplying it by itself, aplyingit to itself, exponentially, as the square of
5 is 25, or 7 is 49…343, 2401… .
5—So too, the retuning by circle of fifths shown (JBJ
Commentary) in Revelation 5:12-7:12, from listing the attributes of Christ in
12334567, in the former, and then 4152637 (2 and 3 vary?) calls out for a
response, since this is Ascension pictured, and yes! We are between the 4th
Day and 7th Day, but yes, Pentecost is a Day, A. D. 70 is a Day,
Resurrection is called the Eighth Day…
6—Thus, as all the times mutually indwell—Tribal community
celebrations, Empire work and business schedules, Israel as the eternal
ecclesiastical calendar, and Greece as the educational calendar, to start—and as
these times are derived from speech, for speech makes times—And God said—then 1234567
and 4252637 (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…), and 8531642 (K.O.L.YMMM!!, and
SardisYMMM!!) similarly can be peaceful in M-dimensionality. They can be
opposites, other dimensions in an n-dimensional social world, explicitly
reconciled as we grow up to it.
7—We await. As 8-2 is
great prophetic theater for this age, especially with Body Pianoforte Theology
in action, yet in 4 iterations it return to its beginning. Myss holds that
certain parts of the body are correlated with Roman Catholic sacraments. These
arose for times in one’s life, crucial one one could pun.
Introduction to a poem by a poiema.
As Ansgar went north to bring in the tribes, let’s
analogously find the tribes in an unflat sociological world, an n-dimensional
one, a maturity-dimensioned one. The tribes travel in it as jets of air changed
the cubical medium for growing penicillin mold from that of a flat surface to
that of one with many surfaces for growing more.
After we find them—corporations, NGOs, scientists (Snow (?) and
‘scientist’ word coined/invented/vented in @ 1834), novelists (Tom Jones time?),
other vocations (choose-able @ Reformation), artists-accountants-counterpointists
(all around the same time)—we should do as the church did, and add the language
of the church to their early (let’s say) language, to form a peaceful
group. As the tribal language and the
language of the church became French for France, and English for England, so we
do analogously. What is this church language now, as Latin was then? What is
the language for each respective tribe, and the frons of In, Out, Forward,
Back? ERH.
And we should do the same with calendars, echoes and
remnants and glorifications of earlier speech.
The whole thing is online here:
This was inspired by the phrase ‘The Future of
Protestantism’ and the work of giants, and more recently the beginning of my
reading of ‘Inquietude’ and the beauty of The Book reflected a