What would you tell a rich person whom you wanted to
convince to help do good?
I ask that as I begin to attempt a summary of Sorites and
Memory Palaces, First Corinthians in Building a Civilization of Peace, followed
by The First Fourteen in Building a Civilization of Peace.
What would you tell a rich person whom you wanted to
convince to help do good?
You ARE a rich person!
There will be an electronic augmented reality analog, for
apprehending the history and future of something in the present on the way to a
beatific vision-type knowergasmic experience—an upgrades of things already
here. Will it be like a Dewey decimal
system, or based on all things cohering is the Word Inscripturate, a Jubilee
Matrix Bible?
For a sorites of this, a heap that in my thinking got us to
the above, see Sorites Wikipedia, and, among others: [Please note that I’ve
claimed that Mike Bull is travelingTAP heuristically through a variety of
memory palaces, poetically, which see,
Both derived from JBJ’s work, which is based on that of others, as he
says in ‘Apologia,’ and ‘TAP,’ above is a self-conscious language move
(grammar, ERH, is the self-consciousness of language) to help enableTAP us to
better sacrifice the creation (‘sharper than a two-edged sword), in peace, the
explicit reconciliation of opposites, in this case one acts and Trinity All
Powerful. Remember the history of the
comma (recent), the novel, the detective short story, Zeroes and Ones as
language, various mathematical operators (Sheffer Stroke), etc.
So when we ‘see’ something, can we not attempt to see its
history, its future, its all? Summed up, see here on Charles Howard Hartman
Facebook Wall and Notes, and in chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
Here is an example showing that the "middle term"
can be expanded and redistributed so that self-canceling pairings aren't
immediately obvious. Lewis Carroll's famous puzzles were presented in this form
(taken from Law of Form, pp. 122-23):
The only animals in this house are cats;
Every animal is suitable for a pet, that loves to gaze at
the moon;
When I detest an animal, I avoid it;
No animals are carnivorous, unless they prowl at night;
No cat fails to kill mice;
No animals ever take to me, except what are in this house;
Kangaroos are not suitable for pets;
None but carnivora kill mice;
I detest animals that do not take to me;
Animals, that prowl at night, always love to gaze at the
Now, my ‘heap,’ my sorites. [I suppose one could look at the order in chaos
theory too?] Question: Is the whole
‘Building A Christian Civilization BookBrick By Book Brick’ a sorites AND a
--I write these notes in a little notebook during the week
as I contemplate the AHA!, the gist, the essence, the Spirit, the imperative,
the beauty of the respective book of the Jubilee Matrix Bible.—
They are a heap. They’ve
resulted in this, so far-- There will be an electronic augmented reality
analog, for apprehending the history and future of something in the present on
the way to a beatific vision-type knowergasmic experience—an upgrades of things
already here. Will it be like a Dewey
decimal system, or based on all things cohering is the Word Inscripturate, a
Jubilee Matrix Bible?
1—1 Corinthians
2—History of the word ‘Trinity (undecipherable scratches)
3—Do mathematical, comma with other
[I think what I was getting at is the idea that when we see
a word, or something such as a comma
that helps us, we should somehow apprehend the past of it, and the future. For instance, the comma is very new, 13th
C.?, and Bible chapters and verses are from the 12th Century and the
16th, respectively, I’ve read. We do not want to be is a narrow
historical area, but comprehensive, toward Beatific Vision?]
4—Early days (we are in, later) in that way
5—Speak first, in the image of God, Who spoke first—He in
everything, we in a new area.
6—Or, new words and ways of speaking will come upon us—teenage
[Later, add zeros and ones as important language, and behind
all this is Rosenstock-Huessy’s saying in ‘In Defense of the Grammatical Method
in ‘Speech and Reality’ that ‘Grammar is the self-consciousness of speech. What I’m getting at is to change the grammar
for more articulation, explicitly, of reconciliation of opposites=peace.]
[If we don’t speak first, as we should, others will do so—that
we don’t want]
7—Speak (your) peace
Explicit reconciliation of opposites.
8—Guilty vs. shamed.
The guilty get their day in court, thus peace (above) can be achieved—later,
this latter.
9—Unreadable (ornd One?)
10—MAST Wycliffe. (Re, no: What’s really happening—a way to
double the speed of translating the Bible into new languages)
11—Cecil (Jim, Jay Abraham speaker) summary: The quality of
your life is the quality of the questions you ask of yourself and others.
12—Chuck the Closer.
I’m the initiator my whole life.
Maybe ‘grow up’? Re: Missing winning pool shots
13and 14—Botanists named plants. Adam named.
Should we not do the same?! Instead of using a language some other has
already invented? (Later, but re-define,
as Pella accepts refuge and now gives it, as Stuart helped farmers around
railroad, now around internet?)
15—He is goingyr to do it. ‘You’re Responsible’—a grammatical
innovation, similar to ‘SELAH’ as ‘Go back to the beginning and use the
beginning as a refrain’ in 1864 Theological Journal, an acronym in Hebrew.
16—Begin a tribe of grammar makerstap. Tap= trinity all
18—Mutual indwelling, exponential self-conscousness
across/on all wavelengths
19—Get help! Who?
20—True Speech. (ERH said we would lose the ability to truly
speak in America, by which he meantto put our lives behind our words, to put
flesh on them, incarnate)
21—Whatever grammatical form (Hebrew) Adam used for Woman
22—As look at thing and see The Beauty (AHA!) COMPREHENDS
23—Like searchable e-texts
24—E. G. Jim’s ‘Through New Eyes’ covenant forms. Here we are on the road=X
That’s the start
and ends here
25—Comma Novel Verses Chapters Detective short story Sonnet
26—Better tools with which to cut up creation as a sacrifice
to Trinity
27—Examples—aha! A verse 1551, Stephanos. A mystery short
story Poe 1840. Our old adversary in the trees.
28—Cf. grammar of commerce, shekel of Temple.
29—Gospel terminism or whole body of histyr + future (Chuck,
end of week, see structure of l Cor 15.
a. Gospel
b. Jesus died and was raised
c. Body, more
b’. (Your) corruption will be raised incorruption
a’. Your work is not in vain in Christ
30—Super footnotes (Wikipedia) augmented reality
31—Web organized vis 7x7?
32—Back -> presuppositions—now break free? (This referred
to what I see as this, that I’m going through, looking for new HARTMAN:
Herovolution, Advolution, Revolution—These May Advance Newness—but I seem to
come back to what I presupposed. Now,
the 20th, maybe it’s Eliot’s ‘We shall not ceases from exploring, and
the end of our exploring will be to return, and to know the place for the first
time’ (paraphrase?)
33—Let’s make some grammar!
34—Kings begins with construction of Temple and ends in
destruction. 1 Cor Gospel dead and raised at end sown in corruption, raised in
incorruption, therefore, works not in vain
35—Augmented reality—see all thins past and future as the
detective goes to past via effects to find out what happened -> justice in
36—By 7x7 or Dewey or creatin good—maybe in 10s?
37—Any (?) minted (?) packets (?) us see sructures
38—As tour memory palace (BIBLE) creations, reminde of who
you are made (that is, 20th, see who you really are, it’s cdrawn out
by sorites and memory palaces?) Comprehensive
39—(I have) no position of authority, so I author authority!
41—Sum up at 14 (the AHA!s of each book)
42—All the connections, word studies, periscopes, sentences,
(structures), types (building, lamb, etc.)
After all, this: There will be an electronic augmented
reality analog, for apprehending the history and future of something in the
present on the way to a beatific vision-type knowergasmic experience—an
upgrades of things already here. Will it
be like a Dewey decimal system, or based on all things cohering is the Word
Inscripturate, a Jubilee Matrix Bible?
And next week, we capture the AHA!, the gist, the Spirit,
the imperative, the beauty…of 3 John, and start to build on it with a 5-step
sequence, akin to the liturgy and/or the scientific method, in maturation, in
the Holy War against the devil and his angels (The devil is God’s devil:
Luther), and in redemptive history.
What say you it is?
Appendix: The First 14
Here is the start of a list:
Hebrews: OTT 511 (Omegalphic
Transition Turn, that is from Exodus at the end of the previous completion, to
Hebrews at the beginning of this one)
Titus: The 7th of Leviticus, that is
‘rituals’ to prepare?
1 Timothy: Parallel to Civil Government? Trotsky, Zero
State, Barzun, Creveld, TransHumanis IS Christianity
1 Thessalonians: The Epistles are
retuned too, as were/was The Twelve!
Philemon: The 7th of Joshua, rhetoric of conquest. Both ‘…not that you owe me anything, I just
brought the Good News to you…, says Paul, and a very tightly structured 26-verse
letter (Bullinger)
2 Timothy: (I need to look at this
again) What’s new in wilderness,
formation (of speech). Look at 3:16.
2 Thessalonians: Toward ADodus, not just ‘from’/ex, but
Colossians: Mystery, and the figuring
out of the Joshua of Judges is another mystery.
Mystery in the book, and mystery in the 49.
[And I still must get the three
strands of the rope/cord (chord!?) together with the 5-step. The 3, from Jordan: maturity, holy war
against the devil and his angels (CHH: The devil is God’s devil—Luther) and
redemptive history.]
Ephesians: Mystery 2, but revealed,
seated with 2:6.
2 Corinthians: AHA!
In this backward (49-2) 2 Corinthians comes before 1 Corinthians, so
maybe a detective is the key. He sees
what now is (clues) and must deduce back to what came before.
And now, Public Vindication. I have written 3 things on the liturgy of the
years/CORAM-Celebration OfResurrection Anno Mundi (yes, I know what the Latin
means). After 10 weeks, outside the 49,
is Public Vindication. Crossing of
Rivers, Confession/Absolution, A. D. 70.
After 11 is The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly
(TBOTMOFA).Sinai, Readings and Sermon, Conversion of Constantine (?). After 11
more is Total Christ/Totus Christus, a 2-week long one. 8531642 by 8s, then
1234567 by 1s. TBOTMOFA was 8531642 by 8s. Conquest of Promised Land,
Communion, Conquest of Europe (Iceland @ 1000?.
For Public Vindication it’s 4s by
4152637 (thus, the retuning from Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 per Jordan’s commentary on
Revelation. So Lord’s Day/Sunday is Luke, then Numbers, 1
John, Job, Galatians, Ezekiel, 2 Timothy. In later years, and later this year,
I’ll try to figure the relationships of these out.
The full calendar part is on
chuckhartmanhistoryconductor at something like ‘retuned 7x7 PergamosCoram861’.
Here is the 1-49. These did NOTwhgw come out with the
grids. Search BookBricks at google
sites, or I’ll try to put Host18077 on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. For those reading this in the future, there
should be enough clues in the other digital records to help you.
After PV/Public Vindication, we have
these books:
Romans—‘from him, and through him,
and to him’ is the key, and Bullinger says there are 102 ‘and’ words in Gen.
1:1-2:3, so I suggested to a ‘family’ pastor that he assign each ‘and’ area to
one family (hey! The 20th, this would be a recruiting tool—we need a
shortstop!) to steward, as commanded
Philippians—Rejoice! Thus, turn where one is into music, glorified
speech, including My Life: The Musical, My Workplace: The Musical, My
Community: The Musical. Stuart, The
Musical, for our 15th (iowa) and oen can use tunes already written,
and change the words. Musicals or music
of the times. Start and end with ‘Captain Stuart/Oklahoma) and in center have ‘Everybody
sings Te Deum, with churches interepsersed, and to the tune of ‘I’m getting
married in the morning,’ bracket Te Deum with ‘We’ll get to heroes in a minute….Now
remember unsolved crimes’ crimes and
heroes. George Hamm beaten to death in
alley, fellow shot behind grain bin? Don’t forget ‘We’re loop scoopin,Stuart I—O-Way!
To tune of ‘Surfin’ USA’
Galatians—Spreads to all
1 Cor—7x7 to organize augmented
reality e-text, footnotes, Wikipedia, or Dewey?
[If I’ve missed anything, it’s on my
Facebook Notes (Charles Howard Hartman) or at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor,
google blog.]
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