Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Celebrating 'Circumcision and Name of Jesus' saved several sanities, but...

Celebrating 'Circumcision and Name of Jesus' (we didn't call it that then) saved several sanities, but...
next year I'll do more shorter-term mutual indwellings. Cash, I mean.
That is, cash--let the credit go.
It's all in the cloud, and some researchers think that they can put the whole internet in a test-tube by putting information into DNA?  I don't know.
'Circumcision' led to much, and the completion, in my/future terms, of a 5-step ERHian sequence that, with an app, might spread the benefits of the Revolutions of the West worldwide.
But who cares? (I do! That's why this new path)
The 5:  The Symphony
Calendar of Peace Prejected
Godparents For Eldsters, and now For Society
I only had The Symphony and the start of the Calendar before we celebrated 'Circumcision' @ a decade ago.  At it, I asked one of our church leaders if I were crazy.  Answer: No.  The other was cod=nducting the service.
I decided to do a memory palace around the square, remembering the 'treatment' of Mom. That then became MaeDay80--confessional around the square 80 days inclusive after Resurrection, and conferences on July 4.
First conference guest, Stockman of Ibsen's 'Enemy of the People'. Later, Girard, Conrad 'the terror, the terror,' Szasz, Girard (all in my head). Pella Sauared or How To Make Your Communities Better.
A few years later, Aug. 26 A. D. 2011 was the GFE ceremony.ThyatiraYMMM!, First Peter Sheba.
HOST (TSOH reversed, as the garments of the High Priest, he lying on his back to the tabernacle) did the COPP thing.
153Culture, with the Big Six came from each of the 49 books (JBJ) in redemptive history, maturity, and holy war against the devil and his angels modes.  'The devil is God's devil': Luther.
GFE is a plea for help, and I have good ones. Much to do, though. And the whole 5 is for Society, Lord willing, as always.
This latest insance situation in which I have been placed, will, I pray, work out similarly.
Love in King Jesus, 
Charlie 'Arminians handle the elderly now--Wesley Life--here' Hartman
PS: More could be written. It has been. You know where.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

New Abrahams Project

New Abrahams Project.

I'm thinking I should go ahead and attempt to do it myself, and depend on mimetic desire to get it to be more widespread, with the exception of a few with whom I might joint venture. It's spreading the benefits of the revolutions of the West planet-wide. It's a scientific method analog for the next era, sociological method, or better 'irology' method, for 'ir' is city in Hebrew, and Rosenstock thought that the word 'origin' had great power since it had a base in each of two eras. But David Bostrom, Tim Gallant, Mike Bull, Mark Horne, email me at, and I will outline in return a reading fee I will pay you to read my stuff (see: "If I get hit by a deer' in my Facebook Notes) for reading and 3 joint venture monetizing proposals. This will reduce stress for me, and ldet me do that at which I'm best--Im currently suffering the loss of central vision in one eye from that already.

I call this the One Anothering Revolution. I have an entry in each of ERH's (and other 5-sequence thinkers' respective) categories. 'Symphony' in Imperative, 'PellaSquared' in Subjective, House Of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace Prejected (sic) in Narrative, 153Culture in Objective, and Godparents for Eldsters/Society in Planetary Service.

Per JBJ in 'Crisis, Opportunity...' we can be New Abrahams, setting the course for thousands of years.
Peter Leithart, James B. Jordan, Clinton Gardner, Rich Bledsoe

Saturday, November 21, 2015

In case I hit a deer or something, much of my work

Benefits: 1--Art form of next era--we are God’s ‘poiema,’ act like it,
2--liturgy (service) principles applied to earth beneath (people made of dust/dirt) as order of worship follows a sequence oriented toward heavens above, and scientific method follows that sequence oriented toward waters under the earth, as the three-decker universe is filled in this way by me,
3--after the fill-in-the-blanks form is turned into an app, this will help the benefits of the Revolutions of the West (Rosenstock-Huessy) be spread planet-wide, for all of us,
4--new types of persons, types of speech, institutions made flesh with an entry in each of ERH’s (and others--JBJ, GKN...) categories, objectively.
5--more, of course, including godparents for society as godparents for eldsters.
Me (Thou), I, we, they. In, out, forward, back. Levitical sacrifice order. Decalogue order. How God takes, breaks/reconstructs, names, gives out with command for enjoyment. Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and sanctions, Succession--THEOS. God owns everything, He delegates ownership, with ownership comes responsibility, value is imputer, mankind increases dominion. Etc.
Better Summary:
Fill-in-the-blanks/The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive (Think of how more penicillin was made by injecting oxygen into a cube of material, so that there were more surfaces/faces--one another one another:
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘There’s more on Facebook pages, in Norton cloud--2 computers, etc.’ Hartman Charles Howard Hartman’ November 21, A. D. 2015, and you can find the date of the new calendar from searching ‘Retuned Pergamos Coram861’ on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor
PS: The I believe Herovolution poem is worth reading, and responding. Respondeo etsi mutabor
If you ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a new change of heart, Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding of the universe and you will understand that the universe begins with creation. And it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative man in the world. But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain, not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be run. You'll never solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate animal. If the spirit moves you, you will see how simple things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren will bless you. ERH

Thursday, November 5, 2015

‘In the beginning’ in Hebrew letter-words as liturgical acronym?

‘In the beginning’ in Hebrew letter-words as liturgical acronym?
'In the beginning' / B R SH T
What do those letters 'mean' in words?
B, house
R, head
SH, fang/eat
T, cross
(This is from something of JBJ's).
These MIGHT be something such as the imperative stem that Rosenstock mentions in 'Magna Carta Latina'. All Latin verb forms, he writes (iirc) are derived from a shorter imperative stem.
Corroboration? JBJ's 5-phase sequence from 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future' starts with Lsw (then Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah, iirc).
So, house. Come into the house (Call), be the house, build the house...these will be elaborated in the 'verb forms' of the rest of the Bible.
Head? Bow down your head in confession, use your head to hearken to the readings and sermon? Cleanse, Consecrate?
Fang, eat? Communion.
Cross? Carry it out, your cross. Commission.
For what it's worth.
Charlie 'surfaces of languages-8+' Hartman

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Joykegesis, B(u)ildegesis--Another Good Way To Interpret, Especially The Bible

Another good way to interpret, especially the Bible. Joykegesis, B(u)ildegesis

Dear Daniel Mann: A valuable use of Scripture, mostly unknown by the users, is related to us by Rosenstock-Huessy in 'Out of Revolution'.  Each of the revolutions of western history, starting with the Papal under Gregory VII (the church has her own house, not a room in the Emperor's palace is another way to see that one) emphasized a certain part of Scripture--backwards. Thus, the Papal was the Last Judgment (see 'Dies Irae'), the Franciscans were Jesus--this is an interlude--and then Germans (justification by faith0, the English Judges, Americas Noah, French Natural Man Before the Fall, Russians Formless and Void (Bledsoe, Metropolitan Manifesto). Now Bledsoe says the Bride and New Jerusalem (cities). Gardner 'Beyond Belief') says that the revolution is to take the benefits of these planet-wide.  Bledsoe, start anew with those images.  I think there is also something before formless and void, before tohu and bohu—‘In the beginning....'. And the Hebrew words for the letters in BRSHT make a liturgy? Come into the HOUSE! (B), bow down to the HEAD (R) in confession and readings and sermon, EAT (sh), take your CROSS (t) out.  I'm working on a means of exegesis that emphasizes joy and house.  More to come.  Here's my summary of Gardner's summary of the revolutions--I think the 5 of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, and Planetary Service are a liturgy also, as are my 5--later--that could take the benefits out. I call this new layer of interpretation joykegesis or b(u)ildegesis.
Example of B(u)ildegesis.  Build, we know, building a house.  ‘Bild’ is something such as ‘art’ in German.  Thus, a house as an art work.

The Conquest of Canaan was a remodeling—from tribes to a settled land, for sure. The house is essentially finished after the Great Day.  The first letter of Genesis is ‘B’. ‘B’ means ‘house’ also, beth.  First and last, in one perspective, The Bible is a history of houses.
The promise was fulfilled, that this land was for Abram and his descendants, and the promise will be fulfilled, for sure, at the Great Day, for Abraham saw Jesus’ Day.
There is much more.  Tabernacles and Temples.  Christ in us and we in Christ.  The body as  a temle of the Holy Spirit.  Perichoresis of the Trinity. Stewardship. Priests as household servants, but we now friends, for He has told us everything.  … Remember, He promised us mansions in His Father’s house—Abraham was promised the Promised Land.
THE ABOVE is also an example of Joykegesis—the joy of the joke, as in this BELOW.
Here's the punchline: 'They call me Mr. Tibia!'
Write the joke. [I’ve written one, playing on the great line by Sidney Poitier’s Virgil Tibbs, detective, responding to the line by the Sheriff, played by Rod Steiger in ‘In the Heat of the Night’. I add something medical, for the tibia is a bone in the leg. I’m not revealing it at this time, for I’ve given this to help those who will help me in my enfeeblement and vulnerability as I age—Godparents for Eldsters and others.
The punchline above, in the B(u)ildegesis was, at start, the Conquest of Canaan.  At the end it was, ‘Remember, He promised us mansions in His Father’s house—Abraham was promised the Promised Land.’
I wrote the joke, the explanation of all the houses, and how the Conquest of Canaan fit in.
--Now, you give us a punchline and/or write a joyke, do a b(u)ildegesis, a joykegesis House!
My 5 revolution, to take the benefits of the Revolutions of the West (Rosenstock) planet-wide, are here:


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Punchline: 'They call me Mr. Tibia!' Write the joke.

Here's the punchline: 'They call me Mr. Tibia!'
Write the joke.
--First of a series, not of punchlines and jokes, but of very deep stuff.
I’m using this a part of the training for Godparents for Eldsters and Godparents for Society.
--Part Two
Before 'And the earth was formless and void' comes 'In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth'.
You have done wonderfully to say in 'Metropolitan Manifesto' that we should go 'round again, backwards, from ERH's connections of the respective Revolutions of the West to periods of Bible history. New Jerusalem and the Bride is a great contribution, expecially when associated with cities as the key next move.
May I suggest that in the first word of the Bible we have a liturgy?
B-R-SH-T, if I understand it, means 'in the beginning'.
Now, they tell me that Hebrew letters also stand for words.
B = house. R = head. SH = fang, eat. T = cross.
Can we put these into a sentence, supplying the imperative mood, for you have quoted ERH as saying that 'Without the imperative, there is no future'.
From one perspective, BRSHT means 'in the beginning'.
From a liturgical perspective, and from going backward to go forward (sequence of revolutions in 'Out of Revolution), can we see this that follows?
House! (Come into the house, be the house!) Come! We come in, we are, Called. Trespass offering later.
(Bow down to and listen to the Head!) Cleanse! Confession/Absolution, and being Consecrated with Readings and Sermon.
Eat! (Communion)
Carry your Cross! out. Commissioned.
What then, in another perspective, is another of our tasks? It's somehow related to 'God created the heavens and the earth'. I'm thinking it's something such as filling in between. Writing the joke, the joyke, as below.
[This is done all the time. Planning a trip and doing it. Making plans for the new model automobile or iPhone.]
More is available. I'm using this to train Godparents for this eldster, and for society, which seems befuddled. (Velikovsky worried about the catastrophically traumatized mankind (in amnesia) becoming the traumatizer by catastrophe (nuclear, esp. This is similar to the abused becoming abusers. V. was a psychiatrist first)
PS: I think there's something to reverse speech, in which, played backward, we speak sometimes in symbols that show our truer meaning. But what do I know?
Here's the punchline: 'They call me Mr. Tibia!'
Write the joke.
--First of a series, not of punchlines and jokes, but of very deep stuff.
I’m using this a part of the training for Godparents for Eldsters and Godparents for Society.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Conquering Toward Peace By Calendar

Dear Gentle Ones: This is a very odd answer. I say again, this is a very odd answer. To paraphrase a question, 'Who are the rulers in the heavenly places?".
God rested one day in 7 as a pattern.  And Ancient Israel and the New Israel both conquered astrological/astronomical empires by resting one day in 7, and by that action-speech witnessing that The One True God made all those things that the respective empires worshiped. This is ERH's contention. I say also that now we rest in Christ's 8th Day Resurrection.
So, the rulers in the heavenly places in this instance, downstream, were the astrological/astronomical.
To respond to ERH's contention that the Israels conquered in that way, I think we will retune the 1234567, and the retunement of it by circle of fifths (Rev. 5:12-7:12, the Ascension pictured), by doing it again, and flipping (there was more the the Revelation changes than re-ordering: sining instead of speaking, using instruments...) into 8531642 (we are self-conscious), and using the churches as names of the eras in the Bible, so that we can respond to them--filling, as Mike Bull and others might say.  The names are now changed to sociological ones, the churches, and 'tag' -> 'day' is punned to YMMM!!, so that we are 'seen' (O taste the Lord and see that He is good) to 'read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest' bodies of time.
Odd answer out.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'If this is Tuesday, it must be SardisYMMM!!' Hartman
PS:  I have another set for the Axial Age.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Creativity, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, and Flow Genome Project


In ‘Bold,’ the Flow GenomeProject is about maximal human potential doing.  Mostly athletic so far?

I’m talking creativity also—not especially ‘logic,’ but artistic, ideas, fleshing them out as in ERH’s Revolutions.
NowI have certain types of ideas when I’m being balanced, energy-wise, in Cranio-Sacral Therapy.  These follow Caroline Myss’ ‘Anatomy of the Spirit’ categories:  feet => baptism, gut => maturity, etc.
But when I am talking about these appropriately related things, if a ‘still point’ is induced, my stream of articulation/thought changes direction.
I can’t yet ‘feel’ these, but my doctor can.  We’re trying to pavlov this by having doctor tell me when it happens.
In our meme-environment/culture the best analogy may be a computer reboot for a ‘still point’. It’s when whatever flow of cranio-sacral fluid from the brain is restarted. Compare that to the stream or articulation/consciousness being redirecdted/changed.  (Yes, I’m reaching here—I need to do more research).
Doc’s ministrations have helped me be balanced, and pains go away, arms become able to reach above the shoulder, etc.

Can this compare to the ideas that are in my mind as I awaken?  They are formed, ready to be written down?
This gets us to Dr. Bledsoe, who has written that it seems he is thinking of a6 things at a time, and after he speaks, people say, ‘I didn’t understand that, but it was very interesting,’ for instance?
I will pursue these avenues: 1—More CST research, 2—More self-consciousness during a CST session, 3—Facebook CST groups, ask question, etc. 4—Submit to Flow Genome Project, 5—Dr. Bledsoe, 6—Can more ‘still points’ be induced during a person’s daily activities?  On 6-, I carry a small notebook and write down, write into my brain by this writing down, thoughts as I go through physical and/or repetitive daily activity. Sometimes I give myself a problem to solve, a subject area to think about during the day (example: Peak Brain Activity and CST). 7—Can certain physical positions, facial expressions help better thinking, creativity. ‘One Cause, One Cure,’ re: chiropractic mentioned that certain bodily functions (hormone release, etc.?) happened with certain facial expressions.

Goal: Better artistic articulation, enfleshment, per ERH’s articulation below in a Dartmouth lecture.
“If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.

Note:  After reading some about machine intelligence, I believe that this creativity is a key to what I should be doing.  Can machines do this creative leaping?  Can they bridge (pontiff=> ‘bridge builder,’ thus priest: ERH)  Compare this from Diamandis re: Kurzweil predictions, and read ‘Darknet,’ about scientifictionally such things as decentralized autonomous corporations—the author, Mather, has references to such things happening NOW.

Diamandis re: Kurzwei (email received October 11, A. D. 2015)l:
“I consider Ray Kurzweil a very close friend and a very smart person.

Ray is a brilliant technologist, futurist, and director of engineering at Google focused on AI and language processing.

He has also made more correct (and documented) technology predictions about the future than anyone:

As reported, "of the 147 predictions that Kurzweil has made since the 1990's, fully 115 of them have turned out to be correct, and another 12 have turned out to be "essentially correct" (off by a year or two), giving his predictions a stunning 86% accuracy rate."
Two weeks ago, Ray and I held an hour-long webinar with my Abundance 360 CEOs about predicting the future.

During our session, there was one of Ray's specific prediction that really blew my mind.

"In the 2030s," said Ray, "we are going to send nano-robots into the brain (via capillaries) that will provide full immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system and will connect our neocortex to the cloud. Just like how we can wirelessly expand the power of our smartphones 10,000-fold in the cloud today, we'll be able to expand our neocortex in the cloud."
Let's digest that for a moment.

2030 is only 15 years away…

Directly plugging your brain into the internet? Upgrading your intelligence and memory capacity by orders of magnitude?

This is a blog about the staggering (and fun) implications of that future.

[ Click to Tweet about this (you can edit before sending): ]

The Basics

The implications of a connected neocortex are quite literally unfathomable. As such, any list I can come up with will pale in comparison to reality… But here are a few thoughts to get the ball rolling.

Brain-to-Brain Communication

This will deliver a new level of human intimacy, where you can truly know what your lover, friend or child is feeling. Intimacy far beyond what we experience today by mere human conversation. Forget email, texting, phone calls, and so on – you'll be able to send your thoughts to someone simply by thinking them.

Google on the Brain

You'll have the ability to "know" anything you desire, at the moment you want to know it. You'll have access to the world's information at the tip of your neurons. You'll be able to calculate complex math equations in seconds. You'll be able to navigate the streets of any cities, intuitively. You'll be able to hop into a fighter jet and fly it perfectly. You'll be able to speak and translate any language effortlessly.

Scalable Intelligence

Just imagine that you're in a bind and you need to solve a problem (quickly). In this future world, you'll be able to scale up the computational power of your brain on demand, 10x or 1,000x… in much the same way that algorithms today can spool up 1,000 processor cores on Amazon Web Servers.

Living in the Virtual World

If our brains can truly connect at high bandwidth, you will be able to bypass our current sensory organs (eyes, ears, touch) to the point where brain's perception of reality can be driven completely by a gaming engine – a virtual world. Likewise, the connections would exist in the motor cortex of your brain as well. When you move your limbs, imagine a corresponding set of virtual limbs (your avatar) moving perfectly in the virtual world. This is about creation of The Matrix x 1,000.

Extended Immune System

In my webinar discussion with Ray, he outlined how we already have intelligent biological devices, the size of blood cells, that kill disease. They are called T-cells. They can recognize an enemy and attack it, but they don't work on cancer, retroviruses, et cetera. In the future, nanorobots will be able to communicate wirelessly, download software when new pathogens arrives, and attack cancer, cancer stem cells, bacteria, viruses, and all the disease agents. They can also work on metabolic diseases like diabetes. They could also maintain healthy levels of everything you need in the blood, including nutrients, and basically repair and eventually replace damaged organs.

Downloadable Expertise

Remember the scene in The Matrix where Trinity needs to learn how to fly a helicopter, and Tank downloads a program teaching her how to do it? We'll be able to do this. Need to perform emergency surgery? Just download the ER doctor program. Need to learn a new language? Download it. Want to cook the perfect meal? Download the chef module. In fact, you probably won't even need to download it (which takes up memory), you'll probably just "stream" expertise from the cloud.

Expanded and Searchable Memories

We'll be able to remember everything that ever happened to us (because we'll store our memories in the cloud), and we'll be able to search that memory database for useful information. When our memories will become searchable, we'll also be able to make them contextual by cross-referencing our calendars, GPS coordinates, health data, stock market, current news, weather conditions, and anything else that might be relevant to that particular moment in time.

A Higher-Order Existence

Ray talks about how a connected neocortex will bring humanity to a higher order of existence and complexity – expanding our palate for emotion, art, humor, creativity, expression, and uniqueness. He says, "We're going to be funnier. We're going to be sexier. We're going to be better at expressing loving sentiment. We're going to add more levels to the hierarchy of brain modules and create deeper levels of expression. People will be able to very deeply explore some particular type of music in far greater degree than we can today. It'll lead to far greater individuality, not less."

Join Me

While this future may sound fanciful to many, let's remember that exponential technologies are initially deceptive, before they become disruptive.

And today, there are many labs around the world working on molecular machinery, CRISPR/Cas9 systems that allow us to edit our own genome, and brain-computer interfaces (through cortical implants and the field of optogenetics).

So what if these fields of technological progress double every 18 months? In 15 years (2015 - 2030), we will have a 1,000-fold improvement over today. What does a future one thousand times better look like? Perhaps it's what Ray describes…

If this future becomes reality, connected humans are going to change everything…

We need to discuss the implications in order to make the right decisions now so that we are prepared for the future.

This is the sort of conversation we explore at my 250-person executive mastermind group called Abundance 360.

The program is highly selective and currently full. If you'd like to be considered for the waitlist, we are looking for a few last CEOs and entrepreneurs who want to change the world. We imagine a few spots will open up over the next few months. You can apply here.

Share this with your friends, especially if they are interested in any of the areas outlined above.

P.S. Every week I send out a "Tech Blog" like this one. If you want to sign up, go to and sign up for this and Abundance Insider.

P.P.S. I've just released a podcast with my dear friend Dan Sullivan called Exponential Wisdom. Our conversations focus on the exponential technologies creating abundance, the human-technology collaboration, and entrepreneurship. Head here to listen and subscribe:

Note:  The work done so far with such things as applying the 5-point Revolutionary sequence to getting the benefits of the Revolutions of the West out to the planed, planetary service, may/will be found when the time is ripe, re: ‘Selah’ in 1864 theological journal that Google digitalized and James Jordan found. Thesis: ‘Selah’ is an acronym in Hebrew for ‘go back to the beginning and use it as a refrain.

This is the most important thing I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace.  My calling, per Gary North.

Revolutions planet-wide? I have a plan. People look at their phones instead of talking with others. We'd turn this liability into an asset, which Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, key man in founding of Peace Corps, Harvard/Dartmouth, etc, said was the mark of the era. An app for all those smart phones. It would help spread the benefits of the Revolutions of the West to the whole planet, through interactivity. Here is a summary of a summary of the Revolutions. Each person would be helped to find what's important to them, and then they'd be helped through the 5 phases of Revolution, all helping each and each helping all. More later, if interested.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Making Peace In A Time Of Neo-Tribal Wars

Making Peace In A Time Of Neo-Tribal Wars


Study History, Study Wars…Now, Make Peace! [I call you to this vow/service]

This will be brief.  I’ll bring in Creveld, Nisbet, Barzun and Berman. I number 17 statements.
One wise teacher writes that to best study American (U. S.) history, study the wars. 1
Another wise one has organized a course on American Social History around the re-integration of the veteran into peacetime society. 2
In one way, both of these are threatened by the statement of the second that ‘we will lose the ability to speak in America’. By that he means ‘true speech,’ in which one’s life is put behind one’s words. [I see this as a vow, such as a marriage vow of ‘ ‘til death us do part’. 3
For instance, the Congress of the United States of America has not formally declared war since World War Two, and yet there are various wars—against drugs, terror, cancer, etc. 4
Is this progress? Nisbet writes of ‘The History of the Idea of Progress’. I think it can be recovered. 5
Is this ‘The Rise and Decline of the State,’ this not declaring wars? Creveld writes that it is lack of justice and lack of sound money for retirees. 6
Is this decadence? Barzun’s ‘From Dawn to Decadence,’ in the epilog, if I remember correctly, sees regional ethno-linguistic organizations bridged by corporations. Later, again if I remember correctly, he sees the re-learning of reading from monuments (?). 7
Berman, who we will mention again below, fears, in ‘Law and Revolution,’ that administrative law will be the end of that of which he writes. 8
Remember, we are aiming at making peace. Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites. Does it require a vow, in a way that peace treaties ended declared wars? 9
Let us move to Bledsoe’s ‘Metropolitan Manifesto’. This wonderful book proposes a way for ambassadors of peace (Christians) to attain the position of advisor to the decision-makers, mayors of cities, and other powerful persons.  It proposes other things also, and gives examples. 10
We take a detour from the writing above about ‘the state,’ which Creveld defines as the organization without the person (king, etc.?). Why? We do this because Bledsoe indicates that cities may be the economic movers of the future. Many in city governments are disenchanted with being controlled by polities of larger areas. 11
Now, toward peace we go, Lord willing. Can we study the establishment of peace in a previous era, and adapt that to our time? I say, ‘Yes!,’ and I will proceed. 12
We return to the second teacher mentioned above. He is the one of ‘the re-integration of the veteran,’ and of ‘losing the ability to speak’. 13 He tells the story of the establishment of peace after the Fall of Rome. Rome had kept the warring tribes from warring. After Rome fell, forests, for example, kept tribes apart.  But then came hermits into these impenetrable forests.  After hermits came monasteries, and monks who cleared the forests and drained the swamps.  After this was done, peasant farmers could move in. The monasteries provided wisdom such as when to plant, and became rich on rents, so that when the now-penetrable forests allowed tribes to war, the monasteries could say ‘No fighting during Lent!’. They got the imperative to say, ‘No fighting from Saturday evening to Monday morning!’ [I may have some details wrong]. The second teacher, first of the two chronologically, then relates how, after the land was organized, skills were organized around equipping the knight, guardian of the greater traffic allowed by the invention of the horse collar.  Then markets were organized, and I would say, missionary efforts.  I attempt at this time to respond to this narrative, though I will be changed. I pray to be able to help organized peace. Land. Skills. Markets. Missionaries. Peace. 13
To do this organizing, I return to the themes of cities and true speech.  Again, if I recall correctly, Berman mentions the Truce of God.  This was an oath-taking peace, and it was an advance from the command of the monasteries for there to be no fighting during certain periods of time. 14
This Truce of God, and the mutual oath-taking, again, if I recall correctly, became the basis for the formation of cities in the 12th century (?). Cities were formed by oaths. 15
Why can we not have a type of oath--if not explicit yet-- at least in the background for the use of the advisor about which Bledsoe writes in ‘Metropolitan Manifesto’? This could follow well the narrative of the establishment of peace between warring tribes that we saw during the almost a century from the time Rome fell. Remember, early on, there were natural boundaries to keep warring tribes apart, and at the end, it was true speech, oaths. 16

Of what would that oath consist, that vow? I propose that it would resonate with the service of the church. As a third great teacher, to remain unnamed for the present also, writes: We are Called, we are Cleansed in authoritative forgiveness after confession, we are Consecrated (by readings and preaching), we are Communed (eating and drinking), and we are Commissioned (sent out to tell the good news). The whole here has been a Call that showed how the Cleansing of peace was attained at one time, that pointed to readings and applications of them, that pointed to something Communing that we should ‘read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest,’ and that now you have been Called to this vow/service (‘liturgy’ is from a word for ‘service’ in Greek). There are many 5-point examples of which I have written, but since this follows the second teacher above, one might do it in the form of Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective-Planetary Service.  This would be godparenting the next era.  In that vein, one might see the ceremony for godparents for eldsters, it’s in a blogspot. You can figure it out! What oath should these advisors have in mind that, at some appropriate time, could explicitly reconcile opposites, making peace? Tell us! 17

Monday, August 31, 2015

Dimensions, Tribes, Languages, Times, Actions

Dimensions, Tribes, Languages, Times, Actions
Let this ‘poiema’ do some poeming.  Allusions, resonances, wordplay, rhyming, acronyms, same-initial-lettering attempting to image in a small way the BigPoem.  Isn’t that the future of Protestantism?
Why? Because the future is here already in outline, and the past is yet to happen in fullness.
What future? That The Great Day of Final Judgment will come, and after that, The Next World.
What past? That Ansgar, Apostle to the North, and others brought the tribes into the Kingdom.
And now we have neo-tribalism.
ERH tells us again that English is (some early language) plus the language of the church.  French the same. German the same. The languages of the tribes were transformed by the language of the church, and became the respective languages of nations—not always peaceful, but more peaceful.
As we find the tribes, and the languages of those tribes, we can have more tongue at our feast. Thus we will glorify tribes by keeping the small enthusiastic groups, but losing the perpetual warfare of the tribes, as the Church is Israel without exclusion, and Nations are Empires without slavery. Universal History 1954. We will sing them into the Kingdom as new peaceful groups, these new tribes, as the church language and their language now become a new language of a new group, as the tribal language plus the church language became French for France, English for England, etc. What will we call these analogs of nations, these analogs of states? The vocative is half imperative. Translation is singing, and it is more an opus, a work, an opera, the plural of opus/work in Italian.  More than an instrumental symphony, with narrative and human singing, human vocation.
What are these tribes?  We must find them.  One would be the scientist, I suppose.  (Word coined, invented/wented in @ 1834!) The artist. The novelist (pregnant, that!). The manager. The neo-transhumanists—we are the originals. They are not territorial, but the world is more than flat now.  Corporations, NGOs, Rotary, AA… . Fuller on Gresham in ‘Critical Path’ wrote that the university of the East India company could see by reports the more sphericity, global-ness. Can we see that there are more dimensions and that tribal members travel through, like later Flatland—not only points intersected by lines, and triangles, and more dimensions, but spinning charm or whatever else physicists have named multi-dimensions. And don’t forget holographicity and the largeness of smaller parts, and the swirling energies of Tesla. Remember that they made more surfaces on which penicillin bases to grow by injecting air into a cube—more surfaces, more presences, more faces.
What will be the four fronts of each tribe, and the respective shibboleths?  What new Wycliffe translators will arise?
[A joyke—a joke that gives great joy, is bigger: An engineer knows more and more about less and less until finally he knows everything about nothing. A salesman knows less and less about more and more until finally he knows nothing about everything. And we have had Bible study groups in Congress.  If it’s an exaltation of larks, and a school of fish, what is it of gratitude—or what is it a gratitude of? And a memory too…and what else?]
We’d need history. ‘Scientist,’ coined 1834—8 centuries after.  Can we name earlier?
To what North do we need to send new Ansgars? And how will the emphasis of Theopolis on liturgy beget the language of the church that begets new, more peaceful socio groups, not nations, but analogous? The future of Protestantism.
A hint. It will be not only language begetting new and better language from old language, but it will be Kalends, the end and beginning of 1/12, of month. One says tithes were brought in then. A small hint from ERH is that we still have tribal calendar with us, in community celebrations. And empires—work and business schedules. Israel’s calendar remains in the eternal calendar of the ecclesiastical church, and Greece gives us academic calendars.  What will be the analogs?

Rosenstock tells us that in the next era, the next ear, the next 1000 years, however long that is, socio- will be the key. Or as one put it, the liturgy service of worship of the church, from kyrios, Lord, is oriented, or some might say northed/throned (neat how it works!) toward The Heavens Above. Once That One True God was established, The Waters Below could be covenantally examined, and we had the scientific method, ‘that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead’. And now begins socio.

So let’s go over to Lord’s today—they’re serving a fine body of times, on this FirstDay, on this 8thDay, on this DayOfDays, K.O.L.Ymmm!!. ‘Kol’, yeah, down from all the mountains of time, and Octave, not only the 7 named, but the whole old, and with Laodicea, all making a kind of three/one, traced out. And more body types too, prepositioning the body of Lord’s. Sequentially and, let’s read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the whole octave Apostasy in Jesus’ day/Union with Christ, and Exile, and Wilderness, and Garden, and Restoration, and Kingdom, and Prison. 8531642, from 4Sun, 1Moon, 5Mars/Tiw-Tir, etc. 1234567 at Ascension retuned to 4152637 (planets), now retuned analogously by circle of fifths again, with poetic license, to 8531642 (sociological groups, Revelation churches). K.O.L., SardisYMMM!!, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Smyrna—all liturgies. Do Beatitudes too. N-dimensional.
Rosenstock related that the Israel of Old, and the New Israel both conquered astronomical/astrological empires by worshiping one day in 7.  In that way their actions witnessed that The One True God had made all those planets and gods of planets that the empires worshiped.
Thus we retune, as at Ascension, as The Twelve, as the Epistles.
Be what you’ve been made, poiema! Make what will be, a poem mutually-indwelling Poem of poems!

Preliminary SUMMARY/Translation:  I'm just now writing a piece about how Rosenstock ( saw nations as being developed from some tribal language, plus the language of the church. I point out that we are in a neo-tribal era. What tribes and what respective languages are we to upgrade into peaceful sociological groups? He sees (Universal History 1954, Dartmouth) socio- as the key to the next era. Are 'scientists' a tribe, 'artists,' 'novelists'?
This may be worthwhile on a longer wavelength. As groups were made then, in more maturity, make some now?


1—We live in many different calendars simultaneously. We sense that it’s a certain time distance to the next town celebration, or national holiday.  We are in a certain part of work or marketing/business schedule. It’s Martyrs’ tide, or Season of the Church, or Epiphany, or Christmas Season of the Church Year. It’s back to school, or first day of school, or second semester. It’s a certain day of the week, or month of the year, or numbered year.
2—Similarly, we may be under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or the laws of various other civil government jurisdictions—town, counties, states or provinces, nations… It’s not panarchy or what I read in Berman about students at medieval universities from various territorial areas organizing their own law systems in ‘nations’.
3—But, there is a larger calendrical space, an n-dimensionality, or, as I say now, an M-dimensionality, a Maturity-dimensionality, similar to where the tribes live whom we must find, define, disciple into respective sociological groups of peace (explicit reconciliation of opposites…or of dimensions). As grammar is the self-consciousness of language, and logic is the self-consciousness of thinking (ERH, ‘In Defense of the Grammmatical Method), rhetoric is the self-consciousness of bonding.

4—These are resondeos. And self-conscousnesses of respondeos.  Taking something and multiplying it by itself, aplyingit to itself, exponentially, as the square of 5 is 25, or 7 is 49…343, 2401… .
5—So too, the retuning by circle of fifths shown (JBJ Commentary) in Revelation 5:12-7:12, from listing the attributes of Christ in 12334567, in the former, and then 4152637 (2 and 3 vary?) calls out for a response, since this is Ascension pictured, and yes! We are between the 4th Day and 7th Day, but yes, Pentecost is a Day, A. D. 70 is a Day, Resurrection is called the Eighth Day…
6—Thus, as all the times mutually indwell—Tribal community celebrations, Empire work and business schedules, Israel as the eternal ecclesiastical calendar, and Greece as the educational calendar, to start—and as these times are derived from speech, for speech makes times—And God said—then 1234567 and 4252637 (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…), and 8531642 (K.O.L.YMMM!!, and SardisYMMM!!) similarly can be peaceful in M-dimensionality. They can be opposites, other dimensions in an n-dimensional social world, explicitly reconciled as we grow up to it.
7—We await.  As 8-2 is great prophetic theater for this age, especially with Body Pianoforte Theology in action, yet in 4 iterations it return to its beginning. Myss holds that certain parts of the body are correlated with Roman Catholic sacraments. These arose for times in one’s life, crucial one one could pun.

Introduction to a poem by a poiema.
As Ansgar went north to bring in the tribes, let’s analogously find the tribes in an unflat sociological world, an n-dimensional one, a maturity-dimensioned one. The tribes travel in it as jets of air changed the cubical medium for growing penicillin mold from that of a flat surface to that of one with many surfaces for growing more.
After we find them—corporations, NGOs, scientists (Snow (?) and ‘scientist’ word coined/invented/vented in @ 1834), novelists (Tom Jones time?), other vocations (choose-able @ Reformation), artists-accountants-counterpointists (all around the same time)—we should do as the church did, and add the language of the church to their early (let’s say) language, to form a peaceful group.  As the tribal language and the language of the church became French for France, and English for England, so we do analogously. What is this church language now, as Latin was then? What is the language for each respective tribe, and the frons of In, Out, Forward, Back? ERH.
And we should do the same with calendars, echoes and remnants and glorifications of earlier speech.
The whole thing is online here:
This was inspired by the phrase ‘The Future of Protestantism’ and the work of giants, and more recently the beginning of my reading of ‘Inquietude’ and the beauty of The Book reflected a

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Economic Problems?

Dear _____:

You wrote:
‘JDD says:

1. The stock market will fall 50%
2. The real estate market will fall 40%
3. Savings accounts will lose 30% of their value
4. Unemployment will triple

I am not entirely sure what to think of this, especially since I have not lived in the US since 1981 and do not really know the on-the-ground reality of the American market and society.

But I know that if America gets a cold, Japan will get pneumonia.

Does anyone have an opinion?’
[JDD is Dale Davidson.]

I waited for other, wiser ones to reply.
Little was forthcoming.
I think this is an important question.  Perhaps one should do a Symphony on it!?
I will number my comments.
1—What has happened in other down economic times in the past?
In general, since @ 1700 we have had 2% growth in world total economy per year.  This is astonishing. (I follow North here). McCloskey, in ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ credits this to the economic and rhetorical support given to traders and innovators, in an environment of prudence, temperance, justice, courage, faith, hope, and charity.
To start to answer 1--, I would say that in some areas and times of raid change, the church grows. Seoul has been in rapid change, and yet has more Ph.Ds per capita than any other place in the world, and Pastor Cho had a church of 800,000, with 24,000 small groups.
Also, Africa has been rapidly urbanizing, and in the last century, Christians have become 46% of the population, rather than 10%. Jenkins attributes this to the search for the tribal village in the city, the church being the new one.
2—Wesley, some say, in the reason England had an Industrial Revolution. Lack of a Wesley, they also say, is why the French had a different kind of revolution. Combine 1—and 2—and some actions are indicated.
3—Any system set up against the Trinity will be struck down.  We pray that: ‘Thy kingdom come’. We also pray—we should pray this in a litany—1 Timothy 2: 1-4.  This is basically that the civil authorities leave us in peace to do our work.  Thus, concentration on one’s calling, and that of each congregation member would seem to be indicated.
4—Now, several say that this is the greatest time of revival in the history of the church. David Field, David Watson (of 80,000 churches in 15 years), Jenkins maybe, North in ‘Beating the State,’ etc.  A good task would be a booklet entitled something like ‘What We’ve Learned and Lost in 18 Centuries—and What’s Left to Do’. 12 of each could be listed.  These 3rd Century Christians, without paid pastors or buildings, are going to go through things ‘we’ve’ been through.
5—Another nike (sic, conquering) thing would be this: How about a life work of 'Comedic Construction,' that is, if Deep Comedy ends in marriage, then it could be that the 'joykes'--jokes that bring great joy--in the Bible are the forming of which, in response to which, we are to build.  Find a culture's jokes, find how to disciple it... . I am not kidding. One likes 'I brought my own bananas,' another likes/joys in 'An officer shall always be attired appropriately for the sport in which the officer is engaged'. And good sermons resonate with The Great Joyke  of Providence, and Romans 8:28, etc. Bledsoe has a great joyke point in his 'Alinsky' book--demonstrates presuppositionalism, a short history of thought--that the 'judgers' are judged by how they judge. 
Not 'study,' or 'analysis,' but the filling of forming. Construction. Response. Respondeo etsi mutabor.
6—There’s Luther’s Thesis 94, of course.
7—One final point about JDD. He wrote somewhere, sometime, that nothing was going to come out of the ‘dusty ghost towns of western Iowa’. But Opus 3 was done in Guthrie Center, which would definitely be one. Perhaps ‘in season and out’ is more appropriate.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘TwentySix Four’ Hartman
PS: Barzun’s ‘Dawn to Decadence,’ especially the epilog, and Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the State’ are worth perusing.

PPS: More on these all if you want.