Thanks, Rich!
And here's a way to approach 'the intellectual frontier'.
Use JBJ's 7x7 grid as a way for the whole Bible to respond to a sermon, or something else, in this way.
1--Each of 49 congregants (or groups, such as families) respectively becomes the congregation 'expert' on that book. Someone is Leviticus, someone is second Leviticus=Psalms, etc.
1 Genesis
2 Exodus
3 Leviticus
4 Numbers
5 Deuter-
6 Joshua
7 Judges
| |
8 Samuel (I think JBJ exchanged Samuel and Ruth later)
9 Ruth
10 Psalms
12 Proverbs
13 Song of Songs
14 Ecclesiastes
| |
15 Isaiah
16 Kings
17 Jeremiah-Lamentations
18 Ezekiel
19 Daniel
20 Esther
21 The Twelve
| |
22 Greater Chronicles
23 Matthew
24 Mark
25 Luke
26 John
27 Acts
28 Revelation
| |
29 James
30 1 Peter
31 2 Peter
32 1 John
33 2 John
34 3 John
35 Jude
| |
36 Romans
37 1 Corinthians
38 2 Corinthians
39 Galatians
40 Ephesians
41 Philippians
42 Colossians
| |
43 1 Thessalonians
44 2 Thessalonians
45 1 Timothy
46 2 Timothy
47 Titus
48 Philemon
49 Hebrews
| |
2--After the sermon, within the service, within the church calendar, within the life of the church and society, each instrument (book of Bible) player writes maybe 1/2 page about how the sermon can be seen through the lens (the new eyes) of that book. [Wouldn't it be neat if each sat in the position of the book in the above grid! -- The congregation would 'be' the Bible!]
3--Thus each teaches the other, they one another one another.
4--Were this put on a web page, evangelism efforts would better 'tell everyone what He has done'. What's your church like? Well, we do this interactive thing, wherein we have 49 perspectives on the Bible.
5-- Don't have 49? Tell a 'prospect' that we need a 4th Joshua=Luke?
6--Approaching an American literature scholar, ask him or her to superintend the Leviticus section, from the position of Moby Dick=Levitticus, as Jim has said.
7--A bonus. Philemon is the Judges of Joshua. It tells about conquest. My friend, Eric Robinson, has made valuable remarks about how Paul's use of rhetoric, the tongue, was used in the slavery issue.
8--The best 'telling' ways are found by actually praying over the town, and the houses, and those who aren't in the liturgical battle weekly, asking the Holy Spirit to give you the right words, I propose. And you have mentioned that Boulder, and Cambridge, England are the frontier--we know how to do tribes. I call this an 'interactivity'. Hahn, I've read somewhere was asked to teach patritistics at a Roman Catholic seminary, a type of joining a team in a way. I have a series of 'interactivities,' in the I.O.W.A. play, Interactivities.Of.Warriors.Advancing.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: If the 7x7 grid doesn't come through as a grid, look on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor.
Grid from E. T. Hall's Silent Language, where he uses a 10x10 to show a whole society.
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