Sunday, April 27, 2014

Titus And Exodus And Breath Warrior Weekly April 27 A.D. 2014

Titus And Exodus And Breath Warrior Weekly April 27 A.D. 2014

The sermon, briefly, was on John 20 and the breath of life/forgiveness—and retention of sins!. Exekiel’s dry bones and 1 John 5 were other lectinary readings, with Psalm selections forQuasidmodogeniti.

I’m doing here a Warriors of Light (which see, search it with ‘chuckhartmanhistoryconductor’).  We’d have 49 perspectives if done as a congregation, but here I go through the weeks of the Calendar Of Peace Priming one at a time.

Backwards, re-retuned, it’s Titus.  Forward, it’s Exodus.

The central message to Titus,  per Bullinger’s structure isthis:

C, 2:15  Charge to Titus to speak, rebuke, and exhort
C, 3: 1,2  Charge to Titus to put in mind (civil duties).

Exodus is about leaving bondage and going toward the Promised Land, and there is organization into a form of government that will be settled, not roaming tribally.


Now, before I indicate a message of breath of life, forgiveness, let me mention some ways of organizing the outflow through the channels of the two books of the warrior’s week.

We could do Monday, Tuesday, etc. or similar names of days.
We could do The Conquest of the Axial Age, written of elsewhere.
We could use the re-retuned names: KOLYom (Lord’s Day, Sunday; then 531642, successively, Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Smyrna, using the letters to the 7 churches. (KOL includes the whole (‘kol’ from Hebrew, the whole words that God sends down the mountains, Octave (Jesus, the 8th Day), and Laodicea (7th church).

But simpler is to be an echo of the service/liturgy, sandwiched by Already and Not Yet.
Thus Already today on the Lord’s Day/Sunday, we received the sermon within the total: John 20 and the breath of life/forgiveness—and retention of sins!. Exekiel’s dry bones and 1 John 5 were other lectinary readings, with Psalm selections forQuasidmodogeniti.
The day before we get together again for a new battle briefing in liturgical warfare, and rest and rehab, etc. will be Not Yet, or Saturday.
On Monday, or Called, our message will be through that Day, or ‘Come on in!’
On Tuesday, or Cleansed, our message will be through that Day, or ‘Be washed!’.
Wednesday, ‘Be Consecrated, or Cut up!’
Thursday: Be Communed, be one with The Son!’
Friday: You are Commissioned!  Go forth, tell the Good News! (Spurgeon: ‘If you aren’t telling the Good News, have you heard it?)
Saturday, Not Yet:  We’re lacking. Come back in for rest, and rehab, and a new battle briefing in liturgical warfare.
SUMMARY: Come to where the breath of life and forgiveness is, don’t stay out, unrepentant.
IN OTHER WORDS: Come to X church.  We’ll kill you, under Trinity, and make you alive in Christ, you and all your relationships.

This is part of a series of way outside works, psalmodically responding so as to help explicitly reconcile opposites, unto peace.  See The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive, How To Make Your Communities Better, Calendar of Peace Priming/HOST/House Of Singing Times, 153 Culture, Pirate/Hero.

This is an additional layer of social order, not a replacement.  For the calendars, see:

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