Saturday, November 9, 2013

Druthers Back Home

1--An attitude of gratitude. I really have come to realize the grace of having people send me to the wilderness, as one of the goat was sent. It taught me, thanks to Rev. Dan Dillard’s recommendation of ‘Shame Interrupted’ that the shamed do not get a day in court when they can speak, but the guilty do.  That’s the difference between shame and guilt.  It also taught me that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.  Thanks.

2—With this sheet, I include copies of things Clint Gardner wrote in ‘Beyond Belief’.  These show aspects covenant that operate throughout history.  In Gardner’s work, summarizing Rosenstock-Huessy (Rosenstock) it is the Revolutions of the West.
Others whose works show this, in different fashions, include James Jordan (JBJ) in ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’(COATCF) and Gary North in ‘Crossed Fingers’. More could be said, more examples could be given.

3—Given these above, I will be spending more time and mentation back home, working on my calling, which is to psalmodically respond to these, such that the challenge of the next era (the next 1000 years, however long it is), that we glorify the tribal social order, in this neo-tribal time, by keeping the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but get rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes. Rosenstock, Universal History 1954.
3a.  But JBJ holds to more of a 3-phase and parallel view. Elsewhere I have indicated that after the Sabbath/Jeremiah time we are in, something such as Godparents for Eldsters, 5th Word, and Christian Court TV (8th Word) might work. COATCF.

4—Gathered in peace to my fathers. So, ideally, I would live back home, we’d have a house with a garden, I’d ‘Altucher’ by reading 4 or 5 hours a day and writing 4 or 5 hours a day.  I’d shoot a little pool, maybe play some ambidextrous golf, maybe help with Covault Gardening and/or George Washington Hartman and Great-grandson Hardware, d/b/a, by matching materials from with packets of hardware for sale online and through affiliates.  Maybe. But my main goal would be doing the most important thing at which I would be most difficult to replace, lifetime, namely my Future Four/Five, after the patterns above. 153 Culture (see chuckhartmanhistoryconductor for most of this on the web) is the key now.

3’—You might read these books mentioned. Some may be online.

2’—My Imperative is The Symphony Of (Comprehensive) History (Interactive).  Yes, the many meanings of this are intended.  I think I might be able to monetize the (next era’s parallel to) the scientific method.  I can learn. I ain’t dead yet, though I won’t be running the floor at Sunday night basketball back home until I’m at least 70. (I seem to be in pretty good shape, and now have tried to do Dr. Day’s attitude + and diet, as well as I can, while still working. Subjective, Narrative, Objective, etc.—all rhymed with others.

1’—Praise the Lord. This is all psalmodic response (learned from JBJ) to these good thinkers. I have tried to take the breath, the spirit, the essence of some of what they’ve done, to apply it to new situations.  The Holy War against the Devil (God’s Devil: Luther), in redemptive history, unto maturity. I’m grateful that I seem to have avoided being caught up in marketing before I got to the completion.  And 153 Culture requires more incubation.  I usually do that by giving myself questions before work, and praying that my soul will bring up some answers.  I write them down and incorporate them now, so even the profound acts that discouraged me from listening to more wisdom via the miracles of cassette tapes, iPods, wordMP3, etc. have worked out to the good, I pray.
1a.  More could be said.  All Lord willing.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook, with Pages)
November 9, Anno Domini 2013 , sometime in EphesusCoram861 (so discouraged that I have not yet updated the Calendar Of Peace Priming/HOST—House Of Singing Times)


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