Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Deep Peace: Polyphony/Counterpoint in Overlapping Structures of Text

Dear Gentles:
Thanks for this discussion! Example: 318 men of Abram, sum of 7 primes: 'I only just found that 318 is the sum of twelve consecutive primes (7
> + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47) AND MUCH MORE
Some whispers:       
CHH: And someday, when we have programmed computers with Jordan Cards, and Bull Cards, and BH Cards, and the computers, our technos/our logos, the technology gushes forth all kinds of comparisons, where does that leave us?  It leaves us as more makers of things by speech that echoes.
Point two:  There are rolling (overlapping) structures of polyphony (counterpoint).  This was brought home to me while I was listening to Pastor Harlow’s exposition of Romans 5: 1-5, which was a complete and excellent one, while at the same time I observed that Bullinger (JBJ: Buy the Companion Bible) put Romans 5: 1-5 into a structure the center of which was ‘the love of God in Christ (6:8), 9-10 being parallel to 3-5, and flowering out to peace/joy, and the atonement made/received.
Point three: Since psalmodic response is the ultimate theological dynamic, this puts JBJ’s (and ERH’s) layers of social order into  a very high regard, as being a psalmodic response to these layers of structures, polyphonically (and synesthetically by them) seen and heard.  Thus they can both be correct, JBJ’s parallelism and ERH’s chiasm.
Point four:  We must flower out through the above-mentioned technos of the logos, we sons of the Word, to breath-ness, for surely earlier readers of the Breath (all scripture is God’s breath, Clark translates the familiar passage). Our brethren in the past did not have periods, capital letters, spaces between words…cantillation.  How did their out-breathing, in reading, get done? Reversing Augustine to go forward by going backward, we must learn this glorious art, in order to psalmodically respond to Creation Speech as New Song, Singing.

Love in King Jesus,

New ‘electronic breathing’ Charlie
PS: The folks at Maharishi U. who have discovered that just hearing the Sanskrit words causes a physiological change in the body are onto something. (Hearers did NOT know the meaning of the words, iirc).  So too, ‘tabernacle of the mouth’ should be put into the patters sought by the computers, for tone is the ultimate maturity. Sandwiching, I hear both that much of Chinese speech, before phoneticization by pin-yin, was via pitch, etc. despite the ideographs, and that Korean is so constructed as to enable ‘anyone’ to do difficult numerical computations quickly.
PPS: Blessed are the poor in Spirit, thus, those who know that they are poor in understanding Breath.

A Peace Challenge from Peace Tribe Manual

A Peace Challenge. Charles Howard Hartman:

A wise one, Stephen Durham, has mentioned that E. T. Hall's work on conceptions of space and time among different peoples could help with understanding the war in the West (USA) between settlers in American Indians.

I'm wondering if there are applications of this today.  For instance, the 'Indians' seemed to roam, and not settle.  They did not fence in land, as settlers/farmers did.  On the other hand, they warred against other tribes.

Do we have similar situations today?  I'm thinking space, the oceans, the internet (sic) might qualify.


New Charlie
PS: Nest, something about, and something about the polyphony/counterpoint of overlapping structures in texts, such as the Bible

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

You or someone you love may need this! SHORT video + transcript of Godparents for Eldsters ceremony

On this site, they are:


Short explanation and transcript:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What to do? Many social discussions are onanistic.

The best remedy fro such discussions as many have about social policy, etc. is literature, especially Sturgeon's short story 'Brownshoes,' aka 'The Man Who Learned Love.' In 'Sturgeon is Alive and Well' for .01 on Amazon.  A hippie discovers free energy.  How to get 'power to the people'.  That's what is needed, the finding of one's imperative, and the getting it done within a certain social environment. All else is a form of onanism.
Posted on Facebook Pages : ‘Peace Tribe Manual’ and ‘Nursing Home? Godparents for Eldsters?’ Charles Howard Hartman 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Future 'I Believe's--are stories/true myths/narratives?

Dear Gentles:           
The issue is the legitimacy of using things made by bad means.  For libertarians, the issue is roads, for instance.

This issue is very well handled by Theodore Sturgeon in this penny (plus shipping) selection of short stories, 'Sturgeon is Alive and Well'.  the story is 'the Man Who Learned Love,' aka 'Brownshoes.'

A hippie discovers free energy, and must DO something.  How does he get 'power to the people'?

I believe that narrative is a good way to do 'I believe,' or creeds.  In fact, that's the way it is being done, and God did give us stories, did He not?

This is an example:

Some could best understand GFE by being shown in a story how it applies to Heavens Above (Portalism), Earth Beneath (Perpertualism), and Waters Under the Earth (Planetism).  But those are distinctions and narratives for your grandchildren's grandchildren, who will have searched our discussions.

Godparents for Eldsters (search, Facebook and/or web) is an institution that helps vulnerable people.  Portalism takes them to a next world, Heaven, e. g., and is originally Christian. Perpetualism would apply to those who think that they can be healed of today’s death by tomorrow’s medicine. Cryonics, Kurzweil, etc. Planetism would be green burial, for example. Instead of a funeral, buy an acre of scrub land, have it cared for, and have yourself buried there. The GFEr institution keeps it maintained.

We can see this in those who are in the Potter world, and those who are in the Bilbo world.

Love in King Jesus,

New 'tell me a story' Charlie
PS: Compare ‘priming’ in ‘Blink’.
PPS: How be a hero? H.elp E.xplicitly R.econcile O.pposites? That's the question we are called to answer by the Prince of Peace. Someone WRITE this story. 2 Corinthians 3:2

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Need for Godparents For Eldsters--2 billion dementia patients?

The need for Godparents for Eldsters--2 billion dementia patients?

The Church turned unwanted babies, considered a liability by Romans--exposed for death, into assets by picking them up and raising them. Now we think our elderly are liabi
lities--we should take care of them, viewing this care as an asset.

Here's a source for the '2 billion'. More later, Lord willing.

For 'Peace Tribe Manual'--neo-tribalism evidences

Peace Tribe Manual (How To build Your Peace Tribe) says that we are in a neo-tribal age, and must avoid the perpetual warfare of the tribes, while keeping the small enthusiastic groups. This short note is to indicate neo-tribalism in the p
olitical, church, and family realms, respectively. Politically, search 5th generation warfare, and Lind. First generation warfare of modernity was massed armies. Then artillery, then maneuver (tanks). 4th and 5th get blurred, but I like, at this time, 4th as insurgents plus media, and 5th as nets and jets: Networks (not hierarchies) and jet planes to spread bio-war, etc. In families and society we have much more tattooing, and gangs (including 'organized crime'), and what I'll call radical tattooing--body modification, sex changes, etc. This is written on the social fabric. Illegitimacy also. In churches we have denominations. A Peace Tribe will somehow move us toward comprehensive beauty, the one and the many. (More on Gardner's 5th Chapter in 'Beyond Belief' next. 'Friday' by Heinlein shows some of these trends. Creveld on The Rise and Decline of the State is a key work--search Mises with that for a shorter transcript. And here's a report from the US Army:

Friday, November 16, 2012

'About' Nursing Home? Godparents for Eldsters? on Facebook

This is what I thought I had put into the 'About' section of Nursing Home? Godparents for Eldsters? Page on Facebook.

1--Godparents For Eldsters? 2--Yes, you know how some churches have godparents for infants?  GFE is for adults, who, as they age, might become enfeebled, befuddled and vulnerable.1, again--Get it going.  It's needed. Video and transcript of ceremony here:
Each eldster with godparents, and none shall be afraid. Godparents--they are not only for youngsters anymore.
Become a godparent for an eldster, or as an eldster, get godparents--or start a godparents for eldsters ministry.
James 1:27, Deuteronomy 5:16.
2 billion alzheimer's patients?  Some say so.
The Federal Government of the USA is in deep financial trouble.  CLASS was too expensive, and here's NPR on the $211 trillion debt:
This is a big crisis.  and there are many other types of dementia:
During early Chrristendom, infants exposed to die were rescued by Christians, and raised.
We need to turn the apparent liability of dependent older ones (beloved eldsters) into an asset.  That asset is the promise in the 5th Word (4th Commandment): Honor your father and mother, inherit the land (the promise)
How can this be done?                          
We don't know.  But it is clear that certain bad actions should be avoided. Search nursing home abuse.
Promising movements and causes will be highlighted in this community.
Here is deep background on this as a calling for Charles Howard Hartman:
How does this fit into history?  James Jordan writes in 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future' that history is a successive emphasis on the Persons of the Trinity.  The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Ghost. This is not modalistic or subordinationistic, for the theologians.  We see, for instance, father Abraham, son (of his son) Jacob, and then Joseph, in whom the Spirit of God was. We see the period until David as fatherly, David as sonly, and the prophets as moved to speak by the Holy Spirit.
After the Resurrection, this continued.  We can see the Father time as the Church, and then was added the Christian State, and then the University.
What time is it now?  JBJ has said that it is Jeremiah time.
I conflate this with the need to give Rest, which is why Israel went into Exile.
And after this time will resume the sequence.
Conflating again, JBJ sees, in COATCF, the 5th and 8th Words (honor father, don't steal) as related to Adam's sin in the Garden.  Cain's sin in the Land was killing his brother, and bearing false witness. The Sethites sinned in the World by adultery, coveting.
So, I see Godparents for Eldsters as being in line with this--honoring father and mother.  Elsewhere I will do a 7-foldedness of honoring and inheriting. See this through 'Who Rules the Land?' [How the church acts is reflected in society]
Please see Peace Tribe Manual on Facebook also.
There ARE alternatives.  Dr. Newport, coconut oil, YouTube--search. Luteolin and Dr. Rowen--search. Vitamin B3 and Dr. Williams--search.  More.
Love in King Jesus,  New Charlie
The 15th day of November, A. D. 2012, 6 years after the death of Mae Hartman
Buddha Day, PhiladelphiaYMMM!!/PhiladelphiaBmoY! Daniel Week (Sheba) Season (Mo'ed)of Blessed are the Merciful + PergamosCORAM861  Charles Howard Hartman

First Post: This is started on the anniversary of the death of my mother, which was traumatic.  I'm glad I, this Eldster, have my Godparents--and my Cure Team, and my Rescue Team, in addition to legal help, medical help, and family.  It will be a tough slog, a big challenge, a big opportunity to demonstrate the Christian Era, when liabilities are turned into assets.  Thanks for joining!  Chuck (New Charlie)
God has gifted us, let us help others.

'About' Peace Tribe Manual Page on Facebook

For those who aren't on Facebook, here's the 'About' section of the Page that explains it.


Build your peace tribe. Challenge of age: To glorify the neo-tribal social order and small enthusiastic groups, without perpetual war.Click on 'About' for longer summary, with links.
Peace Tribe Manual

Without the imperative, there is no future: Bledsoe. I start with an imperative, and I will end with one.


I challenge YOU to organize a tribe, within our challenge for the next era -- to preserve the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribe, but to avoid the perpetual warfare of the tribe. This is based mostly on the work of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. This Page should be where we help each other do so.

ERH holds that the social orders of humanity have been Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed The Trend, The church was Israel glorified by getting rid of exclusion, the nation-state glorified Empire by getting rid of slavery, and we are engaged in glorifying the tribe. Greece is a companion, never a social order.


An insight from James Jordan might help. The church started as a small group, a tribe, within the larger Roman Empire. After Rome fell, the situation became one of King and Bishop, side by side. Now the church is world-wide, and though there are moves toward unity, I say, the state is becoming neo-tribal. [I add that the pirates of the superstructure, the tax-eaters, are a tribe.]

In addition, we are in a 4th generation warfare situation (Lind) at least. From massed armies we have gone to artillery (2nd generation), through maneuver/tanks (3rd) and now insurgents and media (4th) and some say networks (who can surrender?) and jets (carrying bio-war and nano-war world-wide). This latter some call 5th generation warfare. The way of declaring wars and concluding peace treaties, well, it's Armistice vs. Veterans. Armistice celebrated an end to fighting, a specific time--the 11th day of the 11th month. Veterans seems to be a perpetual war for perpetual peace.

WHAT IS A PEACE TRIBE? A Peace Tribe explicitly reconciles opposites. One example would be the taking of E. T. Hall's 10x10 grid of society and finding things in which those who disagree on other things can cooperate. Another would be Better Herovolution:

So far, I have gone through one of the four parts of ERH's 'revolution' sequence: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective.

Comprehensive Beauty is my imperative. A germ of that is here:

"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history bec
omes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 (ERH)

The Subjective --and I mention this because it would be wise for your peace tribe to work in this manner -- engenders new persons and new speech. Mine is Pella Square.


For the Narrative, see this short video (and other The Symphony of History videos on YouTube. BUT, I am working on Opus 47: From Creation Speech to New Song Singing. The videos of Opus 22 do not TSOH --The Symphony of History -- at her best. ) POOR audio:

The NARRATIVE produces new institutions.

The 4th phase is OBJECTIVE. For that I propose House Of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace. By working through this additional calendar, Peace Tribe Manual came to be. ERH says that we live in a multiplicity of calendars, each from a previous social order. Community celebrations, from the Tribes. Business and work schedules and calendars, from the Empires. Ecclesiastical calendars from Israel. Educational, from Greece. With HOST, I have tried to anticipate and avoid a trauma, rather than having the trauma, an historical event that happens once for the first time --in contrast to chronology. I tried to avoid war by explicitly reconciling opposites within HOST. (See 'Incorporating the Axial Age into the Week':

Here is HOST:



I have much more that I will be posting. See chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Also see and a page for it, both attempt to build a next institution.

What is my calling?:

The Lord be with you.

The 11th day of the 11th month of Anno Domini 2012.
WholeYMMM!!! (AlreadyDay), Daniel Sheba (week), Blessed are the Merciful + Season (mo'ed), PergamosCoram861

Charles Howard Hartman
New Charlie

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Use this first salvo in long-term culture war unto peace

Dear Gentles:

Are you tired of reacting in the battle? Win a Big One here.

Try this.

(Aside: This also illustrates rhyming cards, as I recommend for JBJ and Mike Bull).

1. Take as a basis the names of the days of the week in English.
1a. I presume these are relics of won battles in the culture war.
1b. The gods and planets or Europe as incorporated into the week.

2. That we measure this significant time in 7 days indicates the victory of the One True God, Creator.
2b. All the other gods and creation are within this pattern.
2c. The order in which they are  presented echoes the circle of fifths retuning after the Ascension, shown in Rev. 5:12-7:12.

3. But we are in a bigger, world-wide battle to arrange the social firmament.
3b. @ the Axial Age (Jaspers) God put challenges before the church-to-come: Greek philosophy, Buddhism, Confucius/Lao-tse.
3c. Israel was in Exile then.

4. I will now rhyme/conflate 4 pattern cards.
4a. Creation Week, retuned (as above)
4b. The Axial age institutions to be incorporated (eaten)
4c. The 5 Cs liturgy pattern, sandwiched in the Already/Not Yet.
4d. ERH's revolutionary pattern, forward-in-backward-out, as imperative-subjective-narrative-objective (planetary service).

5. Thus,

The first day of the new week (amening Creation, remember) is Already Day. Lord’s Day, Sunday, WholeYMMM!! (a bonus, that last—we can have several days of the week running concurrently, just as we have community calendars, work schedules, church calendars, educational calendars [remnants of previous social orders] running concurrently. One outer layer of the sandwich.
JesusAllTimesDay. Forward. (See Gardner’s illustration of the Complete Cross of Reality in ‘Beyond Belief,’ or see Pella Square (first page of search). These two are Call and Confess.
We are cleansed into speechlessness, Inwardly, on Lao-Tse Day. But we have risen.
Abraham Day. Backward to Consecration and Communion. We are given words. (The MittWoch, as the Germans would say, middle of the week, Luminaries…(?), but that’s conflating/rhyming another card! So would WotansTag/Wednesday/Mercury be.
Now two days of Commissioning.  [I didn’t say the rhymes were perfect!] Buddha Day, out #1, and Greece Day, out #2.
And NotYetDay.

Try it, you’ll like it. Taste this echo of the Lord, and see that he is good.

Just as ERH says that empires were conquered by Israel, Old and New, because they rested every 7 days, amening The One True God, (New Israel said Trinity), Creator, because by doing so, they amened that He had made all the things that the empires worshiped (stars, parts of creation, planets…) and rested on the 7th (rose on the 8th/1st), so too we ‘eat’ all these elements of the social firmament into our echo of Him, glorifying. [Future such may change—and it’ll take several jubilees for this to go from ‘weird’ to ‘that’s the way it is.  Maybe next time we’ll have become more epistemologicall self-conscious about it?]

Love in King Jesus,

and a Joyous Buddha Day!

New ‘social firmament’ Charlie
PS: Recap: We’ve fired a salvo in the Culture Wars, claiming that all creation is by The One True God, Trinity, fitting into His categories. Thus: Worship Him, via the Week, or as I’d prefer…
PPS: Let’s practice.  What’s today? Buddha Day, Out, Commissioning #1.
OK, what’s tomorrow? Greece Day, out #2, Commissioning.
PPPS: You can and will do better.  This was a first salvo in the ur-culture wars to come.

Buddha Day in Peace Week--Short Explanation

A BRIEF explanation of the Peace Week. More later.  We are in a long campaign. (This is Buddha Day in this week, so I explain a little. Developing.  

I REALLY like tensegrity, the integrity in tension. Lots of that in ancient lore too, for I have been reading about the Dogon and their effect on the symbolism of a Buddhist Building, the stupa, both being civilizational 'matrices,' I would say. and one I did and am doing for Peace Tribe Manual is the incorporation of the Axial Age (Buddha, Greek philosophy, Confucius and Lao-tse emerged @ 500 B. C.) into a week, as we have the Greek and Roman gods of planets, and the northern tribes too in our present week.

Already Day, JesusAllTimes Day, Lao-tse Day, Abraham Day, Buddha Day, Greece Day, NotYetDay. These follow a 'revolutionary' pattern of Rosenstock-Huessy on the space-time axes of forward, in, backward, out--I have an extra out to get Greece in there, and to fit it within the 5 day 'liturgy' sandwiched by the Great Tearing of Already/NotYet. 

The Buddhist building,/Dogon building connection is best explained on pages 173 ff. of The Cosmological Origins of Myth and Symbol by Laird Scranton.

 And of course, the various buildings of Hebrew and Christian Culture are cimilar maturational, I'd say ur-maturational, and I in that tradition with House Of Singing Times (peace-engendering calendar for neo-tribal times, when our big problem is the perpetual warfare of the tribe) and thus Peace Tribe Manual, wherein I attempt to command other to find their imperative (above with Bucky) and start the path ERH identified of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective (planetary service), best limned in Gardner's 'Beyond Belief' chapter 5 and in his chart of the Complete Cross of Reality (on space-time axis).

 Love in King Jesus, New Charlie. 
PS: More to come.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A conversation from Peace Tribe Manual--Explicitly Reconciling Opposites

Post: Here's a thought: to talk about "tribe" we're revitalizing an almost lost word. Reading Enlightenment thinkers, they talk about the Social Contract. Nobody in my class pointed out that the Social Contract is not really the origin of society. It's a fable. The tribe forms naturally, and pre-dates the idea of contracted civil government, does it not? They say everything begins with the individual as individual, but that's a semi-modern idea I think. So we have a false history. Not sure exactly how it's relevant to your proposed neo-tribalism, but you can tell me if there's something there.

Yes. Somehow in his lectures, ERH 'post-dicted' the tribe as the first social order (with an imperative).  They were first with speech--empires did writing, iirc. Post-diction is 'this is the way it must have been'.  We must remember that ERH was teaching college students, academia is 'liberal'.  He was bold for the creeds, surely.  Harvard said he should not bring Christ into what he was teaching--1933. So, we see that he is tailoring his message, as Pastor Nolder taught today that Paul 'justification by faith' was writing to a different audience, with different problems.  James was too. Pastor Nolder reconciled these opposites.  Now, ERH says that it's tribe, empire, Israel, Greece, then Jesus (He Who Reversed The Trend) and starting back chiastically, so the Church is Israel without exclusiveness, the Nation-State is the Empire without slavery, Greece not being a social order, but a companion. So we come to tribes, neo-tribalism, when and where we want to keep the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but without the perpetual warfare of the tribes.  So, working through HOST/Calendar Of Peace to find an institution that would do that in a neo-tribal area, it FINALLY came to me--'Peace Tribe'! And, peacefully, other types of peace tribes, no fighting, go in peace.  Yes, it's a fable, a post-diction, a true myth and JBJ would say.  He expanded on ERH's work and modified Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective to a more Biblical Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact.  Now, chiastically, 'lost' word.  Yes.  That's what's dangerous. Many on Facebook, etc. are anti-Obama, anti-Romney, pro-Paul, almost as if it were perpetual war, as if they were tribal.  So, perhaps we can get epistemological self-consciousness by using the word.  I pray so.  Thanks, _____.  The Lord be with you. PS: Let’s start your manual.  What is your imperative, your calling? Please.

Peace Tribe Manual--Page on Facebook, I hope


Without the imperative, there is no future: Bledsoe.  I start with an imperative, and I will end with one.


I challenge YOU to organize a tribe, within our challenge for the next era -- to preserve the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribe, but to avoid the perpetual warfare of the tribe. This is based mostly on the work of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. This Page should be where we help each other do so.

ERH holds that the social orders of humanity have been Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed The Trend, The church was Israel glorified by getting rid of exclusion, the nation-state glorified Empire by getting rid of slavery, and we are engaged in glorifying the tribe. Greece is a companion, never a social order.


An insight from James Jordan might help.  The church started as a small group, a tribe, within the larger Roman Empire.  After Rome fell, the situation became one of King and Bishop, side by side.  Now the church is world-wide, and though there are moves toward unity, I say, the state is becoming neo-tribal. [I add that the pirates of the superstructure, the tax-eaters, are a tribe.]

In addition, we are in a 4th generation warfare situation (Lind) at least.  From massed armies we have gone to artillery (2nd generation), through maneuver/tanks (3rd) and now insurgents and media (4th) and some say networks (who can surrender?) and jets (carrying bio-war and nano-war world-wide). This latter some call 5th generation warfare.  The way of declaring wars and concluding peace treaties, well, it's Armistice vs. Veterans. Armistice celebrated an end to fighting, a specific time--the 11th day of the 11th month. Veterans seems to be a perpetual war for perpetual peace.

WHAT IS A PEACE TRIBE?  A Peace Tribe explicitly reconciles opposites.  One example would be the taking of E. T. Hall's 10x10 grid of society and finding things in which those who disagree on other things can cooperate. Another would be Better Herovolution:

So far, I have gone through one of the four parts of ERH's 'revolution' sequence: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective.

Comprehensive Beauty is my imperative. A germ of that is here:

"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history bec
omes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 (ERH)

The Subjective --and I mention this because it would be wise for your peace tribe to work in this manner -- engenders new persons and new speech.  Mine is Pella Square.


For the Narrative, see this short video (and other The Symphony of History videos on YouTube. BUT, I am working on Opus 47: From Creation Speech to New Song Singing. The videos of Opus 22 do not TSOH --The Symphony of History -- at her best. ) POOR audio:

The NARRATIVE produces new institutions.

The 4th phase is OBJECTIVE. For that I propose House Of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace.   By working through this additional calendar, Peace Tribe Manual came to be.  ERH says that we live in a multiplicity of calendars, each from a previous social order.  Community celebrations, from the Tribes.  Business and work schedules and calendars, from the Empires. Ecclesiastical calendars from Israel. Educational, from Greece.  With HOST, I have tried to anticipate and avoid a trauma, rather than having the trauma, an historical event that happens once for the first time --in contrast to chronology.  I tried to avoid war by explicitly reconciling opposites within HOST.  (See 'Incorporating the Axial Age into the Week':

Here is HOST:



I have much more that I will be posting.  See chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.  Also see  and a page for it, both attempt to build a next institution.

What is my calling?:

The Lord be with you.

The 11th day of the 11th month of Anno Domini 2012.
WholeYMMM!!! (AlreadyDay), Daniel Sheba (week), Blessed are the Merciful + Season (mo'ed), PergamosCoram861

Charles Howard Hartman
New Charlie

Friday, November 9, 2012

Do this NOW! Neo-'monastery'-ing as a solution to the crisis

Do this NOW!
Neo-‘monastery’-ing as solution to the crisis
Dear Gentles:

I start with an imperative, and I'll end with one.  Bledsoe: Without the imperative, there is no future.

Here's an example:  Christ the Redeemer should uniquely serve as a monastery of families, draining the swamp of education.  That's a good specialty. 90% of the state budget of Iowa is spent on 'education,' or the remediation of the effects thereof.

[Denominations are like monastic orders]

So, I think it's a good option, the monastery-ing, if done rightly.

How it used to work was that the monastery would be founded 'en eremo,' in a desert. Usually a grant of swamp land, etc.

But there are many deserts. (Detroit is being reclaimed, the old buildings, the vacant land, I read, by squatters).

But this was after the hermits went into the forests.  The deal with the forests (Vermont even) was that it was a natural barrier, impenetrable to the always-raiding tribes.  The forests kept the peace. I'll mention what this was transmuted into later.

This is ERH-ish info.  700 years from the Fall of Rome (which kept the peace) to the Truce of God (which kept the peace).

So, after the hermits came the monks, clearing forests, etc.  This farmable land was share-cropped to the peasants, and the monks became wealthy and authoritative, because they knew the key science of the day, planting times, and other farming wisdom.

But what about the raiding tribes?  Well, the church said (this is grossly simplified): No fighting during Lent.  No fighting, e. g., from Friday night through Monday morning.  No attacking clergy.

Now, was this enforced by oaths, and did these oaths (Berman: Law and Revolution) lead to oaths that made towns?  Something like that.

But you see that the big trend was from 'natural' barriers to raiding of tribes, to 'theological' barriers, erected by a rich and authoritative church, and/or parts thereof.

Can you do this?  In some way?  One thing that Cassiodorus did was preserve the ancient manuscripts.  A rich man, after retiring as Secretary of State of Rome, he founded a monastery for this copying.  He outlived the first generation, at at the age of 90, was teaching spelling to later generations.

One such project would be an EMP-proof iPad or something with essential info.  One fellow has plans for the 50 most needed tools for rebuilding.  Simulations could be put in.  But that's just an example.

The Knights Hospitaller started as a hospital for pilgrims to the Holy Land, graduated to military protection of them, ruled large parts of Europe, led the big fight at Malta vs. the Turks, and is still in existence, after beign a force against piracy in the Mediterranean.

I think that JBJ's patterns in 'Crisis...' indicate that after our Sabbath/Jeremiah Time (they had not rested the land, we do not sufficiently rest in Christ) his pattern of successive emphases--not modalistic or subordinationalistic) of The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit indicates that the 5th and 8th Words are the key.

We can surely get an heptamerous chiasm out of father and mother--genetic, Paul-Timothy, Father Abraham, the church fathers, Words 1,2,3,4 as ‘father and mother’ to 5, history as father, future as father (He drags us from there, He ordains us to do things in the foreordained future), church as mother and GodTrinity as Father, beloved enfeebled and befuddled older ones (James 1:27), etc.. And theft?
So, we have all these monastery-ish churches, finding deserts, and making them bloom, and gaining wisdom and authority and wealth, and thus replacing the former ‘peace’-engenderers, with new.

What can your church do in this regard, IF you are serious?

I started out saying that CtR should be a monastery of families (ouch!—but it’s where we are) draining the swamp of education—and there’s much going on there with free online colleges, the Ethiopiand illiterate children who learned to read in 5 months from a tablet, the year of seminary in a $25 thumb-drive for 10,000 African pastors from ThirdMill—but the key will be teaching entrepreneurial and craft and other money-engendering skills! (And we are called and ordained servants of the Word, which word engenders standards of accounts, stores of value, media of exchange, and those much better now than relics and indulgences!)

So, here’s the ending imperative: By 17 January, Feast of St. Anthony, figure out in what type of monastery action your church will specialize.

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof—and the deserts we make into fullness.

Love in King Jesus,

New 'new era need new ear' Charlie
PS: I’ll help. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tunes of The Twelve and much more

Tunes of The Twelve, and much more
We take The Twelve in chronological order, and place that over an octave (I think) on the piano.  12 notes, 7 white, 5 black. (I have no training, I think that’s how it works. Variations should be tested.

Then we put these notes into the order of theological ‘composition’ in the Bible. We get a tune. (Could the length of the notes be the length of the respective books?)

Now, Bullingers chronology gives one tune, and New Bible Commentary’s chronology gives another tune.

Which is better? Or are either? Should either or both be flipped, the last being first, the first last?

We are just beginning.

I’m presupposing 4 major tunes of the Bible.  The Tune of Creatin (God speaking, angels singing (sons of God), per Job.


Tune of The Twelve.

Retuning at Creation—‘our days of the week,’ a wise one said, ‘are connected’. 1234567 becomes 4152(3)63(2)7.

The big question is the 5th tune.  Do we best psalmodically respond by harmonizing the two, Rev. 5:12 and 7:12, is that grasping the gist of the transition and applying the principles?  Or should we ‘circle of 5th’ the transition, and do some shifting to get an Exodus at the last, so we can put it into an additional calendar, one of Peace, as I have proposed?  Add the 8th, and 2461357 becomes 8531641. I’m joyous that I get a tri-lingual acronym for the 8th, K.).L. (God ‘kol-ed’ from Sinai), Octabve (8th day theology) and Laodicea (7th church).  K.O.L.BmoY!—the day approaches from the east right? In popular parlance, as WotansTag became Wednesday, K.O.LBmoY! becomes WholeYMMM!!—a homophone pun.

(You who are ministers get the big money for figuring this stuff out.  And I am serious, for what is the big money, surely it is related to the Word, and what currencies and currents we have now are pale echoes of Creation and of the distant triumph song that we sing each Lord’s Day.  Money is a standard of account, and you are custodians of how accounts will be paid on The Great Day, and all times. A store of value?  All value is imputed from the Creator, Redeemer, etc. A medium of exchange? Whence and whither language?)

The harmonizers and the flippers can fight this out over a couple three jubilees! This will give us the fifth tune.

And all together, orchestrated (ERH, in The Christian Future, said something such as orchestration is dance (have we been discussing worship posture?) and music.  O Joy, that’s the 6th tune, and we are matured through redemptive history and Holy War against The Noise, ready for the 7th.

Love in King Jesus,

New ‘this is a study for Opus 47’ Charlie

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BETTER Rhyming Axial Age and more, 'eating' into the week

Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.  Here goes.



!  I'm attempting to get my intellectual stuff out there, for it need a long time to mature. I hope what's on the web, stays available.  But right now as a Peace Tribe project, I am trying to 'Kepler' the social firmament.  An article in Analog by Michael Flynn showed the great complexity of the natural firmament controversy, given to us in legend and icon after many years. But Rosenstock-Huessy said that the next era would be a 'socio-'era. I'm working on two projects.  One is to incorporate (eat) into the week, the thought systems of the Axial Age (Confucius/Lao-tse, Buddha, Greek philosophy) and now some others that Rosenstock-Huessy puts on the forward-in-backward-out axes in 'The Christian Future'. As we have, in English, Greek and Roman gods, natural planets, in our Sunday-Monday, I now propose for the first time that we bracket the 7 days with AlreadyDay to start, and NotYetDay at the end. The 5 in the middle are to be conflated with 'the Complete Cross of Reality' in Gardner's 'Beyond Belief' and the historic liturgy, thus (Monday) JesusAllTimesDay (Call/Forward), (Tuesday) Lao-tseDay (Cleanse--confess/forgive/Inward) (Wednesday) AbrahamDay (Consecrate—sermon—and Communion: Unity of Common Past/Backward) (Thursday) BuddhaDay (Outward, #1), (Friday) GreeceDay (Outward #2, Greece is not to be a social order, ERH says, as tribes, empires, Israel, but is then, to be discipled. Commission). (Saturday) NotYetDay.
So, Alreacy to NotYet, incorporating and conflating the historic liturgy with those systems of though and action, plausibility structures that are to be read, marked, learned, and inwardly digested (Luther).

Speaking of that, I do have also, YMMM!! Days, corresponding to a re-retuned social firmament of Ephesians 2:6 and the churches in Revelation, including #8 (and 12!).  For that, search ‘Astrology and Naming Days.’

It’ll be 100-120 years that this is worked out, if Flynn’s article on Ptolemaic stuff fits.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rhyming The Axial Age (and more) Into The Week

Metapolitics of 'priming': Eating the Axial Age institutions into the week

Dear Gentles:

In 'Blink,' there's a wonderful essay on priming.

 Example: Psychological test subjects thought they were doing a word puzzle, but really they were being primed by the words in it--many relating to old age, feebleness, etc.

 They were watched when leaving, and by being primed by these words, they DID act older in walking, posture, etc.

I'm priming by incorporating Axial Age thought systems into the week, so we will think that all are under He who made all in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  We have conquered empires by this 7th day worship, and the European 'gods' and the natural planets were incorporated thus, in Sunday, Monday, etc.  This is meta-politics.

Next: Two Tunes of The Twelve

New 'up-politics' Charlie
PS: You'll do better. So far it looks like this.
1 Lord's Day (other names in other essays) Already He Has Reversed The Trend Imperative Law
Days 2-5 incorporate some semblance of the 5 Cs liturgy
2 Called to Confess (yes, conflated) Buddhism (we are undone, is there even a self?) Subjective
3 Cleansed  Tribes (Peace Tribe?) Lyric
4 Consecrated Abrahamic Faiths (share a 7th day) Conjective/University?
5 Communion (or 6th day, Philadelphia, World Witness, 'death 'til He 6comes') Confucius and other Empires Narrative Evaluation
6 Commissioned, our big Challenge now, Greece 'education' Bledsoe's Boulder, Science Fact Objective/Planetary Service
7 Not Yet (Smyrna in JBJ's churches=eras, Prison age of Core History of Humanity's Childhood (Bible)

More to come.  Names aren't easy, for they are vocative, half-imperatives, and imperatives are VERY DIFFICULT.

PPS: May I encourage bettering this?

Rhyming The Axial Age (and more) Into The Week

Metapolitics of 'priming': Eating/Incorporating the Axial Age institutions into the week

Dear Gentles:

In 'Blink,' there's a wonderful essay on priming.

 Example: Psychological test subjects thought they were doing a word puzzle, but really they were being primed by the words in it--many relating to old age, feebleness, etc.

 They were watched when leaving, and by being primed by these words, they DID act older in walking, posture, etc.

I'm priming by incorporating Axial Age thought systems into the week, so we will think that all are under He who made all in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  We have conquered empires by this 7th day worship, and the European 'gods' and the natural planets were incorporated thus, in Sunday, Monday, etc.  This is meta-politics.

Next: Two Tunes of The Twelve

New 'up-politics' Charlie
PS: You'll do better. So far it looks like this.
1 Lord's Day (other names in other essays) Already He Has Reversed The Trend Imperative Law
Days 2-5 incorporate some semblance of the 5 Cs liturgy
2 Called to Confess (yes, conflated) Buddhism (we are undone, is there even a self?) Subjective
3 Cleansed  Tribes (Peace Tribe?) Lyric
4 Consecrated Abrahamic Faiths (share a 7th day) Conjective/University?
5 Communion (or 6th day, Philadelphia, World Witness, 'death 'til He 6comes') Confucius and other Empires Narrative Evaluation
6 Commissioned, our big Challenge now, Greece 'education' Bledsoe's Boulder, Science Fact Objective/Planetary Service
7 Not Yet (Smyrna in JBJ's churches=eras, Prison age of Core History of Humanity's Childhood (Bible)

More to come.  Names aren't easy, for they are vocative, half-imperatives, and imperatives are VERY DIFFICULT.

PPS: May I encourage bettering this?

Where Law Lyric Evaluation Fact, University, Conjective?
ERH’s 4?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Metapolitics of priming: Eating the Axial Age

In 'Blink,' there's a wonderful essay on priming.  Example: Psychological test subjects thought they were doing a word puzzle, but really they were being primed by the words in it--many relating to old age, feebleness, etc.  They were watched when leaving, and by being primed by these words, they DID act older in walking, posture, etc. I'm priming by incorporating Axial Age thought systems into the week, so we will think that all are under He who made all in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  We have conquered empires by this 7th day worship, and the European 'gods' and the natural planets were incorporated thus, in Sunday, Monday, etc.  This is meta-politics.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Data Point for Western Civilization Future

Galileo, Kepler, etc.

Analog for January/February 2013 has a GREAT article by Michael Flynn, who wrote In the Country of the Blind'. THE GREAT PTOLEMAIC SMACKDOWN AND DOWN-AND-DIRTY MUS-WRASSLE.

He first writes of social memory, and of things, after a time, becoming legendary and iconic.

Then he tells what really happened.  It's much more complicated and multi-sided than we've been taught.
I'll tell this as a story, following Flynn's remark that the Renaissance brought in sarcasm to replace the syllogism.

The key thing is that it took 120 years for it to be sorted out.  So too for the time it took relativity and quantum mechanics to go from  "wild hypothesis overthrowing the wisdom of the ages" to "standard model"--footnote 37.

I propose to do something with the social firmament.  You can look up 'Astrology and Naming the Days'--it's on this blog.

But, given this 100-120 year length of time, it'll take that long, unless time if flowing faster.

There are 4 or more competing social firmament explanations.  Our present names of days of the week in English--similar in rest of the West, not identical--use Greek, Roman, northern tribes gods and planets, retuned.  Option 1 is to do something similar with the other gods and wanderers (planets) of the social firmament.  Jaspers' Axial Age entities would be a start.  Need Empires and Tribes.

A rough grouping would include:  Buddha (add in Hinduism), Confucius/Lao-tse (add in Egypt empire per Rosenstock-Huessy), the Whole, the Yet More, Abrahamic faiths, 'Science' as covenant applied to Waters Under, and Earth Beneath/Conjectivity.  That's 7.  I'd put Whole as Lord's Day/Sunday/First Day/8th Day. Yet More would be 7th day.

Remember, we're trying to 'inwardly digest' these into the Body, as our ancestors did with their milieu. It's a discipling.

2--Abrahamic. This is those who emphasize a 7th day rest, after a 6 day creation.
3--Empire/Confucius, a la Wilderness Moses.
4-Yet More
6--Conjectivity/Earth Beneath
5--Science and nation, Exile.

These are adjustable, pending further work, with Beatitudes, especially.

---That's one option, I call it 'Integrate'.
A second is to take the 1234567 of Revelation 5:12, and harmonize it with the changes after the Ascension is shown, 4152(3)63(2)7, using a chord wheel. 'Harmonize'
A third is 'Flip'.  Use the circle of fifths operation on the 4152637, add 8th, earth, etc., to get 8531642, e being exodus in the first 7 books, as we complete our 'exodus' (Greek) as Christ did.

There should be several more, for there were 7 options, per Flynn, in the article above.

This is a data point for the following, 100-120 years from now (?), I propose.

Here's the chart on which it would be placed.

Western Civilization
A. D. 854 to A. D. 2012 Covenant/organization, persons, events, transitions
Boxes in grids are bones.  Organizations, persons, events, transitions are blood vessels, muscles, nerves, etc.  We’re interested in the rhythms of the whole body of time, and times. Note, go forward and backward in each grid of 49, that is, from 854 to now, and from now to 3172.  You will have four boxes. See ‘more’.
Some Items could extend over several boxes, and/or disappear and return.
Writings on the first and last boxes should include much summary of before and after.
1990 to 2012 and 2013
[Maybe DATE + or – 23 years?]
3170 to 2012
You’ll notice extra years in the top-leftmost box, and the bottom-rightmost box.  Next year, add another year to each box, and make 2012 into 2013, and continue doing this until you have 49 in each of these boxes, and then change the numbers in each of the 49 boxes by +1. 
Isaiah 46:10. Amos 3:7

Love in King Jesus,

New Charlie

PhiladelphiaBmoY! (PhiladelphiaYMMM!), 
Matthew Sheba (Week),
Hunger and Thirst Mo'ed (Season)
--Novermber 1, All Saints Day,
A. D. 2012,