Music. Let’s try this again.
1—Revelation sums up the whole
2—There is a Song of Revelation,
compiled by JBJ, of the words of the songs in Revelation.
3—This Song of Revelation is
summational of the songs of the Bible, then.
4—But there is no music, as we
know it, A. D. 2012/PergoamsCoram861.
5—Why not? Perhaps it is related
to psalmodic response being the ultimate theological dynamic. Perhaps we are to
respond to Revelation and the Song of Revelation to provide the music (melody,
instruments, etc.).
6—How so? Consider Psalm 1. There
are three iterations of ‘Blessed is the man’ in different situations. This is an illustration of psalmodic
7—Hold this thought also: God
reveals in word and sign.
8—How do we get the music then?
9—Hold this thought, from the
atheist Howard Bloom in ‘Genius of the Beast:--Tuned empathy, saturated
intuition. You get the intuition of the
tunes by saturated empathy, with the whole Bible.
10—Here’s a help: You run the
gamma to ut, the gamut, in liturgy. Revelation is liturgical (and preterist,
futurist, historicist, idealist, transformational—and I say, teachus us
symbol). Therefore, certain note combinations, etc. are appropriate for certain
times in the liturgy, which liturgy is sung in the Song of Revelation.
11—We can find, here’s an example,
instruments mentioned in the Bible, e. g., Psalm 150.
12. What was used at Jericho , at the Song of the Red Sea ,
after the Last Supper?
13—And there is a space of time
between A. D. 70 to now, and we are to flower from the seeds planted in the
Bible, most of which is about our youth, and slavery. This leaves room for
going from drums to organs and moog synthesizers and microphones and Snuffle
and more.
14—My proposal would be to hang
all the music for liturgy on the Song of the Revelation, insterspersing songs
from other parts of the Bible, and that ‘we’—those with these talents—should
continue to provide the links from one to the next, and into the liturgy. (It
used to be that where songs came from was indicated by a verse at the top of
the page in the hymnal. And in many churches, such as Christ the Redeemer, we
respond to a Scripture reading with a Psalm or hymn.
15—What a revelation it would be
to enact liturgy as a Lord’s Day/Day of the Lord proleptic recapitulation and
training for maturing in the Holy War in
redemptive history, for liturgy trains the muscle memory of the body of Christ,
so we can rightly ‘blink,’ Gladwellingly.
16—A wise one describes various
ways of working. One can get a job from
the newspaper or a friend’s recommendation, and go to it and do it. The job is in the temporary air. Or one can
begin an apprenticeship of a few weeks or so, and then move up to journeyman,
etc. Thirdly, there are jobs one gets
after academic training or liberal arts college work. But the key work is a 4th way,
one’s calling, in which one engages from, say, 21, to, say, 70—one’s vocation,
the most important thing one can do at which one would be most difficult to
replace, lifetime. (this is not to belittle ‘issacharing,’ which is knowing
what must be done NOW. I have described
a 4th way approach.
CONCLUSION: Write a liturgy after
the fashion of Revelation, providing the notes, etc. and
instruments/memestruments, in psalmodic response to Symbol, the Language, the
language in which Revelation is written, and which Revelation teaches us. Hang the hymns and psalms from this
framework. If people complain, tell them
in a loving imperative why, and ease into it, as ‘The Lord be with you, And
with your Spirit’.
(Note later: This saturated empathy unto intuition tuning is why the king was required to copy out the whole Torah in his own hand, to develop such! ‘Whose baby? Questions would come up! Yes, Revelation is the Torah of music.))