I'm trying to help
establish a next institution, one that is in addition, not in substitution. One
I follow says that this is to keep the good of the tribal social order, but not
keep the bad--perpetual war. A start, for now, on this is Peace Tribe. It's
blurry and vague at this time, but it involves following the 4-step sequence of
Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective of Rosenstock-Huessy as best told in
Chapter 5 of Clint Gardner's 'Beyond Belief'. Imperative, Comprehensive Beauty.
Subjective, Pella Square .
Narrative, The Symphony of History,
especially Opus 47: From Creatin Speech to New Song, Singing. Objective: House
Of Singing Times, a calendar to engender peace, rather than the other way
around. A second way is from another, which is a following of a pattern of
emphasis (not subordiationist not modalist) of the Father, the Son, the Holy
Spirit. This fellow (Joradn, Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future) says
that after He Who Reversed The Trend, it was Church, Christian State ,
University. Now we wait. I am analogizing that to Jeremiah Time, a
time of exile, for we have not been doing right in Sabbath/Rest in Jesus. Then comes the Fifth Word, honoring father
and mother (in many ways: history, GodTrinity, genetic fathers, Paul-Timothy,
etc.) and I think Godparents for Eldsters would be key, and something about not
stealing, for 5 and 8 are Adam's sin, 6 and 9 are Cain's, and 7 and 10 are the
Sethites. Adam dishonored his Father in
the Garden by stealing--5 and 8. Cain killed his brother in the land and bore
false witness--6 and 9, but I'm not there yet.
Soon, a couple of Facebook pages, and much of my stuff in my Notes on
Facebook, at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor and GodparentsForEldsters. Thanks for asking, iron sharpens iron. Love in King Jesus, New Charlie PS: One should have specific
commands, so for Peace Tribe, name the days rightly, and for
GodparentsForEldsters, be a Godparent for Eldster or get one, a younger person. Today, Monday is
‘Exile’ or SardisYMMM! (SardisBmoY!)
Monday, October 29, 2012
You'd like 'The Great Ptolemaic Smackdown and Down-and-Dirty Mud-Wrassle
You'd like 'The Great
Ptolemaic Smackdown and Down-and-Dirty
A revisionist essay by
the author of the GREAT 'In the Country of the Blind,' Michael F. Flynn.
A revisionist history
of the heliocentric controversy.
Analog, Jan.-Feb.
History ain't what it
seems. He starts out by challenging us
to prove the heliocentric system. He
mentions Vansina's 'Oral Tradition as History,' and goes on from there.
In Footnote 10: 'The
Renaissance replaced the syllogism with the witty insult'.
Love in King Jesus,
New Charlie
PS: It's worth
subscribing to Analog just for this article, and one can start one's
subscription with this issue, I believe.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Why celebrate birthdays, and not death days?
Here's a thought that I've been pondering since I heard a comment of Rosenstock-Huessy's in his Dartmouth lectures (www.argobooks.org).
He mentioned that the church celebrated deaths of saints until Luther. Luther was born on Martin of Tours celebratin day, and named 'Martin'.
Then we started with origins, birthdays.
I'm thinking that it could be that a birthday today is an echo from the future of the heavenly birthday, that was made assured in Luther's theology.
I don't know.
I do know that ERH held that to say that the past and the present cause the future is heresy, for the present is caused by the past and the future.
I've written a poem, 'Herovolution,' on this theme, a short poem.
Love in King Jesus, New 'torn' Charlie
He mentioned that the church celebrated deaths of saints until Luther. Luther was born on Martin of Tours celebratin day, and named 'Martin'.
Then we started with origins, birthdays.
I'm thinking that it could be that a birthday today is an echo from the future of the heavenly birthday, that was made assured in Luther's theology.
I don't know.
I do know that ERH held that to say that the past and the present cause the future is heresy, for the present is caused by the past and the future.
I've written a poem, 'Herovolution,' on this theme, a short poem.
Love in King Jesus, New 'torn' Charlie
Western Civilization Past and Future
Use with PergamosCoram861, link in comments. Sodeprehend explanation also in comments. Amos 3:7
How To Use: October 25, A. D. 2012 is the 27th week. What do we know about history in the 27th week of 49 from A. D. 854 to now(1484-1506) ? And what do we know about the 27th week in the future (2588-2610) ? [This is all VERY tentative]
How To Use: October 25, A. D. 2012 is the 27th week. What do we know about history in the 27th week of 49 from A. D. 854 to now(1484-1506) ? And what do we know about the 27th week in the future (2588-2610) ? [This is all VERY tentative]
A. D. 854 to A.
D. 2012 Covenant/organization, persons, events, transitions
Boxes in grids
are bones. Organizations, persons,
events, transitions are blood vessels, muscles, nerves, etc. We’re interested in the rhythms of the whole
body of time, and times. Note, go forward and backward in each grid of 49, that
is, from 854 to now, and from now to 3172.
You will have four boxes. See ‘more’.
Some Items could
extend over several boxes, and/or disappear and return.
Writings on the first and
last boxes should include much summary of before and after.
1990 to 2012
and 2013
DATE + or – 23 years?]
3170 to 2012
You’ll notice extra years in the
top-leftmost box, and the bottom-rightmost box.
Next year, add another year to each box, and make 2012 into 2013, and
continue doing this until you have 49 in each of these boxes, and then change
the numbers in each of the 49 boxes by +1. Isaiah 46:10
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Greater Depression and the Victory-Housebuilding Pattern
Charles Howard Hartman I'm thinking that the 'Abundance' authors have a lot right. I think the difference is in unnecessary superstructure. In the victory-housebuilding pattern, God destroys the enemies of His people, and with the spoils (washed up army equipment of Egyptians in Red Sea, things 'borrowed' from Egyptians before Exodus, Aholiab and Bezaleel, Moses knowing all the lore...) His people build Him a house, etc. Happens many times,Stephen Durham, and this is what's gong to happen again, for we displease Him by disobedience. The Tabernacle was split up for @100 years before the Temple was built, etc. Over and over, victory-housebuilding.
22 key points toward planting 80,000 churches in 15 years
The 80,000 churches in North India guy--http://www.viddler.com/v/7c694c4e Start @ 25 minutes.
1—How YOU met the Lord, etc. is
part of your cultural background, and does not apply to those who grew up in
other cultural backgrounds.
2—Huge barrier if we try to make
others do as we did.
3—Identify barriers that keep
people from coming to Christ. Lots about
church that people don’t want anything to do with. Muslims saw 200 barriers,
traditional Christians saw 8.
4—Traditional vs. Biblical.
5—Pagan Christianity? Barna. We
are to redeem people and cultures. But a
redeemed culture is not the way to redeem cultures. One does not have to become a European to be
a Christian, CHH says—Constantine .
Is not the only way of church and culture. Much of ‘culture’ had little to do
with the Bible. Example: Pray with bowed
heads and closed eyes.
6—We pass culture on without
thinking about it, unless we think about it and choose not to pass it on.
7—Make a conscious choice about
what to do.
8—Form has not place in missions,
i. e. the form from our culture. Form transmits the culture, not the Gospel.
9-Musch of what we hold dear in
our tradition, is detrimental to church planting in other cultures. Causes death to the movement of the Gospel.
10—How do we move the Gospel
without the transport mechanisms of our individual cultural expressions of
CHH—Compare English is Anglo-Saxon
plus the church. Spanish is Catalan (?) plus the church. But do English and Spanish understand each
11—See what happens in Acts as
minor compared to what the speakers are saying.
12—Gospel offends everyone, we
remove the additional offense of traditional Christianity.
13—Church planting is the end
game, much must happen before that.
14—He’ll show framework/strategy.
15—20 hours, needs 200.
16—Church Planting Missions is not
a methodology, but a way to get your methods for your situation.
17—Deculturalize the Gospel,
external guy. It’s the inside guy to take this pure and contextualize it for
the new group.
18—Example. White paper for gift to baby is ‘death’ color
in China ,
and stork is scavenger who takes away dead baby. We want to not give the Gospel with the wrong
packaging. God loves you and you can be part of His forever.
To minute 52.
19—Based on the directives, but
differs because Jesus did not select everyone to go, He selected leaders and
held them accountable. Accountable, that’s the key.
20—You 2 are responsible for 100
million people, and large has come out of that! Gojipori in India .
21—Accountable, with out it,
church planting won’t happen. E. G. Some say, my responsibility is imams. Imams
and priests become believers first!
22—Research. Minute 55. Lots of it. More from this : http://www.viddler.com/v/7c694c4e
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Music: Let's try it again
Music. Let’s try this again.
1—Revelation sums up the whole
2—There is a Song of Revelation,
compiled by JBJ, of the words of the songs in Revelation.
3—This Song of Revelation is
summational of the songs of the Bible, then.
4—But there is no music, as we
know it, A. D. 2012/PergoamsCoram861.
5—Why not? Perhaps it is related
to psalmodic response being the ultimate theological dynamic. Perhaps we are to
respond to Revelation and the Song of Revelation to provide the music (melody,
instruments, etc.).
6—How so? Consider Psalm 1. There
are three iterations of ‘Blessed is the man’ in different situations. This is an illustration of psalmodic
7—Hold this thought also: God
reveals in word and sign.
8—How do we get the music then?
9—Hold this thought, from the
atheist Howard Bloom in ‘Genius of the Beast:--Tuned empathy, saturated
intuition. You get the intuition of the
tunes by saturated empathy, with the whole Bible.
10—Here’s a help: You run the
gamma to ut, the gamut, in liturgy. Revelation is liturgical (and preterist,
futurist, historicist, idealist, transformational—and I say, teachus us
symbol). Therefore, certain note combinations, etc. are appropriate for certain
times in the liturgy, which liturgy is sung in the Song of Revelation.
11—We can find, here’s an example,
instruments mentioned in the Bible, e. g., Psalm 150.
12. What was used at Jericho , at the Song of the Red Sea ,
after the Last Supper?
13—And there is a space of time
between A. D. 70 to now, and we are to flower from the seeds planted in the
Bible, most of which is about our youth, and slavery. This leaves room for
going from drums to organs and moog synthesizers and microphones and Snuffle
and more.
14—My proposal would be to hang
all the music for liturgy on the Song of the Revelation, insterspersing songs
from other parts of the Bible, and that ‘we’—those with these talents—should
continue to provide the links from one to the next, and into the liturgy. (It
used to be that where songs came from was indicated by a verse at the top of
the page in the hymnal. And in many churches, such as Christ the Redeemer, we
respond to a Scripture reading with a Psalm or hymn.
15—What a revelation it would be
to enact liturgy as a Lord’s Day/Day of the Lord proleptic recapitulation and
training for maturing in the Holy War in
redemptive history, for liturgy trains the muscle memory of the body of Christ,
so we can rightly ‘blink,’ Gladwellingly.
16—A wise one describes various
ways of working. One can get a job from
the newspaper or a friend’s recommendation, and go to it and do it. The job is in the temporary air. Or one can
begin an apprenticeship of a few weeks or so, and then move up to journeyman,
etc. Thirdly, there are jobs one gets
after academic training or liberal arts college work. But the key work is a 4th way,
one’s calling, in which one engages from, say, 21, to, say, 70—one’s vocation,
the most important thing one can do at which one would be most difficult to
replace, lifetime. (this is not to belittle ‘issacharing,’ which is knowing
what must be done NOW. I have described
a 4th way approach.
CONCLUSION: Write a liturgy after
the fashion of Revelation, providing the notes, etc. and
instruments/memestruments, in psalmodic response to Symbol, the Language, the
language in which Revelation is written, and which Revelation teaches us. Hang the hymns and psalms from this
framework. If people complain, tell them
in a loving imperative why, and ease into it, as ‘The Lord be with you, And
with your Spirit’.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Great Missionary Success in North India--and elsewhere
This fellow, successful in North India, wildly, says things I think you would find valuable.
To start, don't let the form of your cultural church offend, let the Gospel do the offending.
And he says people are having results that make the success in Acts 'minor'.
On my Facebook, or start at minute 25.
I went to @ 55 and put my notes on my Wall, and I don't like videos, I prefer transcripts.
Love in King Jesus,
New Charlie.
He's at: http://www.viddler.com/v/7c694c4e
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
To start, don't let the form of your cultural church offend, let the Gospel do the offending.
And he says people are having results that make the success in Acts 'minor'.
On my Facebook, or start at minute 25.
I went to @ 55 and put my notes on my Wall, and I don't like videos, I prefer transcripts.
Love in King Jesus,
New Charlie.
He's at: http://www.viddler.com/v/7c694c4e
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Do Music Right!
I'm also thinking that the music should be appropriate to the task and the group.
What have you? An army, warriors of light, a flock, an orchestra? I'm pushing for a teleological vision, a response to the triumph song.
[Oddly, I hold that the first 3000 years after the Resurrection, in a big sense, are Psalm Tone G, that is the covenant sung on a high note of the heavens above in liturgy and names, followed by the covenant sung on a low note in the scientific method of numbers (Galileo), and now the covenant sung in the middle, in 'you know hat I'm saying' the words, maximally interpreted, of the earth beneath, people made of dust. Psalm Tone G.]
[Even more oddly, the response of song to the reading of the word is a micro-kairos of the chiastic glorification of Creation Speech into New Song, Singing]
We need anthems, chants, harmonizations, lining out and more, much more, depending on our purposes.
Here's a very appropriate 'singing' for its time and place.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAcKiMy0Gp4 [A couple minutes of celebration as ISU beats Nebraska]
Love in King Jesus, Our Song and Strength
New Charlie
Ur-politics, a calendar that engenders peace
One rhyming grid I'd use first is in E. T. Hall's 'Silent Language'. Can we rhyme, thusly, the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, with Buddha's 8-Fold Path, for example. Many more examples abound.
The ur of the ur: "The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 http://members.valley.net/~transnat/erh.html
Charles Howard Hartman Hi, Sarah! It's almost a year later now. I'm now thinking, still, that an ur-political set of actions is a key type of work for us. We are the 'long-thinkers'! What might this be like, an ur-political action? It would be an action that sets the stage, defines paramaters. An example would be a schedule, for an individual or smaller group. 'Show me a man's schedule, and I'll tell you who he is': Rosenstock-Huessy. One could also say; 'Show me a society's calendars, and I'll tell you who she is.' How would this work? Well, at the present time we have expressions of some previous social orders in our calendars. Community calendars, tribal. Work and Marketing schedules/calendars are from empires. Ecclesiastical calendars, Israel. Educational schedules and calendars are Greek. (Sports season derive from Greek, I'd say). But these centers are not holding as well as they might. Can we, using another ERHian concept (and Aristotle's 4 causes, part of them) do a reverse-engineering of a peaceful (center-holding) calendar that would ENGENDER the result we want, rather than reacting to calamities brought upon us by making a calendar. A big change was tribal social order, thus community calendar. A big change was settlement into empires, thus business calendars. ... What we ur-politicians might do, then, is put forth a calendar that would hold the center, that would engender peace. Where would we start? Luke 4. Jesus' first statement. 'Jubilee' is fulfilled in their ears. I take off from that to identify The Word Incarnate with The Word Inscripturate, using Jordan's 49-book Bible, and then I rhyme other things with it to fulfill an Imperative of Comprehensive Beauty. Someday, an eBook, but for now, this is the closest. A joyous PhiladelphisBmoY! (PhiladelphisYMMM!) to you.http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2012/06/retuned-7x7-pergamoscoram861-calendar.html
The ur of the ur: "The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 http://members.valley.net/~transnat/erh.html
Charles Howard Hartman Hi, Sarah! It's almost a year later now. I'm now thinking, still, that an ur-political set of actions is a key type of work for us. We are the 'long-thinkers'! What might this be like, an ur-political action? It would be an action that sets the stage, defines paramaters. An example would be a schedule, for an individual or smaller group. 'Show me a man's schedule, and I'll tell you who he is': Rosenstock-Huessy. One could also say; 'Show me a society's calendars, and I'll tell you who she is.' How would this work? Well, at the present time we have expressions of some previous social orders in our calendars. Community calendars, tribal. Work and Marketing schedules/calendars are from empires. Ecclesiastical calendars, Israel. Educational schedules and calendars are Greek. (Sports season derive from Greek, I'd say). But these centers are not holding as well as they might. Can we, using another ERHian concept (and Aristotle's 4 causes, part of them) do a reverse-engineering of a peaceful (center-holding) calendar that would ENGENDER the result we want, rather than reacting to calamities brought upon us by making a calendar. A big change was tribal social order, thus community calendar. A big change was settlement into empires, thus business calendars. ... What we ur-politicians might do, then, is put forth a calendar that would hold the center, that would engender peace. Where would we start? Luke 4. Jesus' first statement. 'Jubilee' is fulfilled in their ears. I take off from that to identify The Word Incarnate with The Word Inscripturate, using Jordan's 49-book Bible, and then I rhyme other things with it to fulfill an Imperative of Comprehensive Beauty. Someday, an eBook, but for now, this is the closest. A joyous PhiladelphisBmoY! (PhiladelphisYMMM!) to you.http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2012/06/retuned-7x7-pergamoscoram861-calendar.html
Reminds me of a haiku; 'Both not both...'
Reminds me of a haiku.
Both not both the one/
and the other and both t.h.e./
one and the other.
Combines the Sheffer Stroke (ur-sign of the 5 signs for all mathematical operations of Whitehead and Russell: '/' as 'not both the one and the other' with the Athanasian Creed. 't.'h.e.' stands for typological.hospitality.evangelism. and is pronounced as the word 'the'.
Science and Psalm Tone G of History?
And, Brian Nolder and Doug Roorda
and Mike Bull, this progress of history makes a 3-notepsalm tone of high, low,
middle: (Psalm tone G), just as Opus 47: From Creation Speech to New Song,
Singing, in some way, resonates with Reading and Response in Singing.
Howard Hartman Science is that arm of the church that is
allowed to investigate to find out what can be learned by treating the universe
as dead: Rosenstock-Huessy, www.argobooks.org. After
The One True God Trinity conquered gods such as that of the river, the ocean,
etc., we did not have to charm such gods, and could investigate 'scientifically'.
The covenant oriented to the heavens above is order of worship (liturgy,
following Biblical patterns), the covenant applied to the waters under the
earth is the scientific method, and now we have the task of applying the
covenant order of sociology, or the earth beneath, people made of dust.
Aristotle's Four Causes include teleology. Dr. Goldman's audios from the
Teaching Company on Science Wars: What Science Knows..., indicate that
scientists CANNOT know necessary and certain truths. I'm working on the
sociological aspect. It's names, heavens above, numbers (Galileo) waters under,
and words for earth beneath.Someday I'll get this more organized.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Enjoy the Wilderness meal!
The chef is the chief, in a tribe united by a theology you can eat and drink(Mike Bull)!
A joyous PergamosBmoY!, PergamosYMMM!, as we inwardly digest (Luther) the Wilderness Time (Jordan, Vindication). More.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Lewis, quoted by Pastor Brian Nolder in sermon Oct. 14, A. D. 2012*
C.S. Lewis on Man's Godly Potential
"It is a serious thing," says Lewis, "to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to one or other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no 'ordinary' people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilisations -- these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whome we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit -- immortal horrors or everlasting splendours. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously -- no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption. And our charity must be a real and costly love, with deep feeling for the sins in spite of which we love the sinner -- no mere tolerance or indulgence which parodies love as flippancy parodies merriment."
--C. S. Lewis, From The Weight of Glory.Contributed by 'John B. Smith' <htrails@solve.net>
aka WholeYMMM!, Acts, Hunger and Thirst, PergamosCORAM 861 in Calendar Of (that engenders, I pray) Peace
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Competing Internet Arbitration Services
Better than Christian Court TV? How about an internet
arbitration service that offers to decide cases by God's Word? Here's one that
operates in many countries via email mostly, re: small claims. There's a big
market out there for justice. I see a Buddhist service, a Marxist one, and many
others as competing. Here's a company that does it in many countries, mostly by
email, small claims, as I understand it. Let alternatives flourish! http://www.judge.me/
Sunday, October 7, 2012
He Who Reversed The Trend
He Who Reversed The Trend.
And ERH 'chiasms' it.
Tribes, Empires, Israel ,
Greece , He Who Reversed The
Trend, The Church glorified Israel
without the exclusiveness, (Greece
is always a companion, not an order/imperative), The Nation-State glorifies
Empires without slavery, and the challenge of our era is to have the small
enthusiastic groups of the Tribes, without the perpetual warfare. Universal
History 1954 at www.argobooks.org has the best explanation. I'm trying to work
on it. Please watch my wall and my new pages?
It’s both the above, and
the below.
A parallel. Tribe, Nation, Cosmopolitan (persons of Trinity
emphasized, not modalistic, not subordinationalistic), then Jesus Christ, then
Church as tribe*, Christian nation, University--and now we await the next.
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