Monday, May 14, 2012

Public Vindication Holiday: The 22s from Pentecost to Public Vindication (A. D. 70)

The 22s from Pentecost to Public Vindication (A. D. 70)            

From the Lord’s Day of Pentecost, inclusive to the 7th Lord’s Day after Pascha/Easter/Resurrection is 22 days. I propose to run 4 22s in these days.  The Hebrew alphabet with word meanings (‘Beth’ is ‘house) The 22 books, the 22 parts of Psalm 119, and a 6 and 21 of the Greek books.  There could be more, for instance 22 ‘selah’s.  But let’s go forward and backward with these, and in Symbol this is saying that the whole Bible was done then, that a completeness of the alphabet and ‘law too.

What might one preach on Public Vindication?  The we renew covenant weekly, and that the book of Revelation is amened. That Revelation tells the history of Pentecost through A. D. 70, with a little left.  That changes happen now still by that sequence of covenant. You know better than I.  I do have an 8th way of looking at Revelation, in addition to JBJ’s mentioned preterist, futurist, idealist, historicist, summational, liturgical, and transformational. It teaches Symbol, the Language.  Thus, ‘Against Christianity’ and language school.

Now, the Lord communicates to us in Symbol, the Language.  That means that we might consider psalmodically responding to Him is the same language.

A feeble effort is to show a completeness of 22 in the time between Pentecost and a proposed holiday of Public Vindication.  Public Vindication/A. D. 70 WAS an actual event, and that we have not emphasized the significance (and sing-nificance) of it sufficiently is why, I propose, we have misunderstandings, and even dys-understandings (sic).  We have hyperpreterism and the naming of the true doctrine as ‘replacement theology’ and we have’Jesus is coming tomorrow/Scofieldism,’ among other things.

Two more points, or ‘ponts’/bridges.  Days 71-76 are a mountain in time, now included in the 49.  This is Cleansing in the 5 Cs of liturgy, written on the year. The mountains are at the Xs. 10 X 11 X 11XX 17.  Still on point one.  My argument is this:  We should have taught better on A. D. 70, so at the second X (corresponding to Sermon/Consecration/Sinai, as PV is the Red Sea—and analogs--) we will propose some things that should be taken up as holidays, for a holiday is based on a wholeness, a happening once for the first time, that the whole people celebrate at the same time together (ERH).  And at the XX (Totus Christus/Communion) we will actually do some of these. Also, at Totus Christus, the outflow from this Chore Hisotry of Humanity's Childhood is shown more, as all cultures are brought into the comprehensive beauty imperative of my 4-stepper. I start with 7s, as I have done with energy medicine, previously communicated.

Is this legit?  I think so, for I am going on the basis of the Rosetta Stone of Time, that God is everyWHEN, and we in Him, and Amos 3:7, etc. and that He does communicate with us wholnesses from the future that we can celebrate.

Second.  Each day has had her own book of the 49. In Symbol, this is a count down. 49-1, and 49-29.  But now, with the change, the days will run, in ordinary weeks, not mountains, in sets of 7, retuned, until after Eliot/Anselm Time, which intercalendary adjustment brings us to the last 7 weeks.  AND, we show retuning by naming each day in the week of PV Mountain in the sequence 4152(3)63(2)7, as our Engish days are named, and of the 4th book in each tiara/tier of 7.  More when we get there.

This week in my run-through of the Calendar of Peace (a picture of the calendar from another is in my pictures on Facebook) I write (in my Facebook Notes and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor) about a 'new' holiday, Public Vindication. Remember that a holiday is when the whole people celebrate one thing together, and that one thing should be an historic event, happening once for the first time--a wholeness.

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