Thursday, November 24, 2011

List of Projects, Cash* Hartman Joint Ventures

What's in it for you? There's money to be made! And 'cash--conducting a symphonic history: train conductor, orchestra conductor, electricity conductor.

Who says? Watch this space, and read below. Find something to work on with the inventor of the projects below.

A Day of Thanksgiving, November 24, A. D. 2011/PhilsYMMM!, The Twelve Sheba, Merciful, Sardis Coram 861

[From Host4061]

Latest: Rosetta Stone of Time, Liturgical Battle [Much of my stuff is low-grade stefnal in TheoSymbol language, awaiting translation]Formation For Warriors of light/Living Epistles

[Concentrate on: Calendar (name days especially), around the square, godparents for Eldsters--oops, forgot that below:]

Christian Court TV (see Biblical Law from American Vision)
Beatitudinal Field
Saturday Court
Business Consulting, Ford plan/Marketing Case Studies [Mobile, Local Video? Depends]
Psalm O Day/Prayer O Day
Seasons of Beatitudes
Public Vindication and other holidays—TBOTMOFA, TC, EAT,MaeDay80 Confess and Confer
Renaming Days Firmamentally
Opus 3, easier than Opus 22—with audio
Lectionary Historical and Future of equal length, esp. ‘America’ as part of what new covenant
Rhyming Covenant Sequences—imperative, then How To Make Your Communities Better as subjective, then TSOP/H as narrative, HOST and objective unto imperative. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—Gardner Ch. 5 and ERH UH 1954
PROPR, Participatory ReCovenanting Of Pella/Refuge—host5065 (now How To Make Your Communities Better—get someone doing this this year)
Webcast Tulip Time
With Pastor Hekes, revival of Pella—hire? Get each household inventory (advisor)
Prepare and prepare to help others
Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects
[Search host ueberfolder and facebooks notes and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]
Get PergamosCoram861 and EphesusCoram 861 done and published
Name Weeks for Books of 49 as part of rhyming 30—get from Doug
Joint Ventures—have ‘em search and propose
Go through ‘Chuck’ and try the money-making deals
Michael Senoff, esp. buying businesses, audio, HMA Consulting—if necessary with Ford
10% for property manager, Schaub
[Calling—most important thing I can do at which I am most difficult to replace: HOST/TSOH?]
Help Jim, connect him with Switzer, etc.
Mike Bull and have others do/workbook, agent, etc. Brigette mehr, others?
Beatitudinal Field (and Woes)
List the 10 Words. What connects, in an argument, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc. Then what connects what connects 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, etc. Finally get to the Big Connector. 9 connetc, then 87654321, a pyramid like unto the Tabernacle, and the elders over 10s, 50s, 100s, thousands, to Moses under God

For church: nursing home prayer warriors: North, also his sustained revival
Liabilities into assets for church budget process—‘Warren’ for p.[type for all in cong.], joint venture for website. Expenses into incomes. PATW of Bible, some projects above. SRS advisor only.

1-Cash, 2—CHHConductor, 3—Marketing Case Studies, repeat [websites, etc. Locke: Million eBooks]

Electricity conductor: when a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, so as we proclaim His death until He comes, that is conducting. So too is the Fifth Word.

Tomorrow (ThyatiraYMMM!): CHHConductor


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