Just as Jesus' death was our life, all 'currency' comes from that, in some way. When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time. Consider: Dead metals, dead saints (indulgences), dead Presidents. 'My life for yours,' some say in the Lord's Supper. Etc. 'Love makes the world go 'round,' and 'Greater love hath no man....'. 'How to love your clients': Jay Abraham.
And He was raised for our justification, so that when we lose our respective lives, we save them.
There is some key in the above that should be taught. Service to others is a circumcision of time.
PS: ‘…IS our life…’. The life of the world.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
'How To Make Your Communities Better'
A wise one: This should be done in every community.
How To Make Your Communities Better
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 800 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Even better would be having half of the group go around from past to future, and half from future to past, to show dragvolution:
I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
[I've changed 'dragvolution' to 'herovolution'. 'No one comes to me but the Father draw him', 'draw' is 'drag in Greek, 'helko,' but a close word to it is alpha iota rho omega, or 'iro,' which I punned to 'hero,' the man between times, the protagonist, first sufferer.]
How To Make Your Communities Better
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 800 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Even better would be having half of the group go around from past to future, and half from future to past, to show dragvolution:
I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
[I've changed 'dragvolution' to 'herovolution'. 'No one comes to me but the Father draw him', 'draw' is 'drag in Greek, 'helko,' but a close word to it is alpha iota rho omega, or 'iro,' which I punned to 'hero,' the man between times, the protagonist, first sufferer.]
Monday, December 26, 2011
In other words: 'Don't Dope Me Up!'
Form allows one to state what one wants done in treatment, and/or what one does NOT want done in treatment. My M. D. has said that he would honor it, and that it would be put into my file, for others also.
Declaration For Mental Health Treatment
Sent to relevant parties: Family, Rescue Team, Lawyer, M. D., Cure Team, Godparents for Eldster, Session Members
Declaration For Mental Health Treatment
Sent to relevant parties: Family, Rescue Team, Lawyer, M. D., Cure Team, Godparents for Eldster, Session Members
Friday, December 23, 2011
King Jesus Pledge Cards
As has been said, politics as practiced has merged with entertainment, and I don't get to many movies myself these days.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: THAT'S the movement, individual pledge cards, either very simple or Mayflower Compact-like. Thus we teach people to truly speak, to put lives behind words--not this 'entertainment' thing. Thus we disciple, pledge cards. More later.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: THAT'S the movement, individual pledge cards, either very simple or Mayflower Compact-like. Thus we teach people to truly speak, to put lives behind words--not this 'entertainment' thing. Thus we disciple, pledge cards. More later.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How am I using Facebook, and what will Timeline do to it?
I think it could be even more useful.
Some of what I do now is this:
I use posted verses to print off and give to some co-workers who have requested things such as 'a verse a day'.
. I also post note about my calling (trying to help organize the conducting of a new layer of social order in history) and this can someday be collected or edited into a ebook, etc.
Included are a new calendar, for all religions manifest each one's respective truths in a calendar, and a new art form--both appropriate for the new layer. Much more.
Some of what I do now is this:
I use posted verses to print off and give to some co-workers who have requested things such as 'a verse a day'.
. I also post note about my calling (trying to help organize the conducting of a new layer of social order in history) and this can someday be collected or edited into a ebook, etc.
Included are a new calendar, for all religions manifest each one's respective truths in a calendar, and a new art form--both appropriate for the new layer. Much more.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Typological Hospitality Evangelism [T.H.E.]
Build House
Move In
Typological Hospitality Evangelism
[T. H. E.]
Move In
Typological Hospitality Evangelism
[T. H. E.]
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The Song Of The Twelve
Someone will come out with The Song of the Twelve, a meta-song--it might as well be I that starts it.
Retune using the chronology as present days of week are retuned geocentricity.
And ‘Naming the Days Aright’ retunes the retuning. But stay trapped in a small place of time if you want. A link to a link: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2011/11/astrology-or-naming-days-aright.html
Someone will come out with The Song of the Twelve, a meta-song--it might as well be I that starts it.
Retune using the chronology as present days of week are retuned geocentricity.
And ‘Naming the Days Aright’ retunes the retuning. But stay trapped in a small place of time if you want. A link to a link: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2011/11/astrology-or-naming-days-aright.html
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Complementary Political Approach?
1--Modify something such as the Mayflower Compact, using King Jesus appropriately. It's short: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayflower_Compact
2--Get signers.
3--Find wisdom in the Truce of God in the 12th C., and derivative city-formation covenants, and guild covenants. Berman.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Text below
Modern version
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.[12]
2--Get signers.
3--Find wisdom in the Truce of God in the 12th C., and derivative city-formation covenants, and guild covenants. Berman.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Text below
Modern version
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.[12]
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Three 3 Rhymings
Re: Rhyming Covenant Sequences, Toward Peace
1—Within each structure of the ‘liturgy’ that will produce, Lord willing, some help for those organizing the conducting of A Next Layer Of Social Order In History
2—With the ‘liturgies’ of previous ‘revolutions’: Law, Lyric, Evaluation Fact—Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective
3—Each with the other structure(s) of the 4
This is all in the general resonance and comprehensive beauty and one and many and parallelisms and chiasms, etc.
I have the Table of Contents ready to go, but had other priorities. I got the Tennessee ready for M. D> and Teams, for instance.
Love in King Jesus,
1—Within each structure of the ‘liturgy’ that will produce, Lord willing, some help for those organizing the conducting of A Next Layer Of Social Order In History
2—With the ‘liturgies’ of previous ‘revolutions’: Law, Lyric, Evaluation Fact—Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective
3—Each with the other structure(s) of the 4
This is all in the general resonance and comprehensive beauty and one and many and parallelisms and chiasms, etc.
I have the Table of Contents ready to go, but had other priorities. I got the Tennessee ready for M. D> and Teams, for instance.
Love in King Jesus,
Monday, December 12, 2011
Where Should New Instruction Come From Now?
First--So: Comprehensive Beauty is Imperative/Law: the challenge of our age and society
ERH on Gardner, Carmen Humanem
Unto New Song as Chiasm
…..Peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites in a ‘nets and jets’ world, where small networks can destroy massively, in ways such as biowar agent carried around the world on passenger jets, but where we need to be able to create more massively for good with our own ‘nets and jets’
Second--How To Make Your Communities Better is Subjective/Lyric
From the trauma of MaeDay80
Third--The Symphony Of Peace History is Narrative/Evaluation. As liturgy was to Church, applying the covenant structure to the Heavens Above, and naming, so the scientific method was to applying the covenant structure to the Waters Under The Earth and numbering, so TSOPH is to the Earth Beneath, people made of dust, and words, words of peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites, and especially to glorifying the small group enthusiasm of tribal groups, while ridding ourselves of the perpetual warfare of the tribes.
Fourth--Calendar House Of Singing Times Calendar is Objective/Face
In Gardner’s terms, Chapter 5 of ‘Beyond Belief,’ and The Complete Cross of Reality
Forward CB
The New Torah/Instruction develops from these 3 institutions as a liturgy shapes worshipers. How To Make Your Communities Better, The Symphony Of Peace History, Calendar House Of Singing Times.
Next: Show these from UH 1954 and Chapter 5’s Revolutions of the West
Then, mohar/market
Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes, especially ‘The Ultimate Sales Machine’
Get a product or several. Get a ‘name’. Make apps.
ERH on Gardner, Carmen Humanem
Unto New Song as Chiasm
…..Peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites in a ‘nets and jets’ world, where small networks can destroy massively, in ways such as biowar agent carried around the world on passenger jets, but where we need to be able to create more massively for good with our own ‘nets and jets’
Second--How To Make Your Communities Better is Subjective/Lyric
From the trauma of MaeDay80
Third--The Symphony Of Peace History is Narrative/Evaluation. As liturgy was to Church, applying the covenant structure to the Heavens Above, and naming, so the scientific method was to applying the covenant structure to the Waters Under The Earth and numbering, so TSOPH is to the Earth Beneath, people made of dust, and words, words of peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites, and especially to glorifying the small group enthusiasm of tribal groups, while ridding ourselves of the perpetual warfare of the tribes.
Fourth--Calendar House Of Singing Times Calendar is Objective/Face
In Gardner’s terms, Chapter 5 of ‘Beyond Belief,’ and The Complete Cross of Reality
Forward CB
The New Torah/Instruction develops from these 3 institutions as a liturgy shapes worshipers. How To Make Your Communities Better, The Symphony Of Peace History, Calendar House Of Singing Times.
Next: Show these from UH 1954 and Chapter 5’s Revolutions of the West
Then, mohar/market
Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes, especially ‘The Ultimate Sales Machine’
Get a product or several. Get a ‘name’. Make apps.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sermon Effectiveness Form
What's in it for you? 1--The theme of the sermon is before each member of the congregation throughout the week. 2--The member goes through the whole Bible and history, one part per day. 3--Emphasis on embodying his/her BIGGIE (calling) in action.
Who says? Try it and see.
WRITE YOUR 'BIGGIE:' HERE: [The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace. What you wake up thinking about at 3 AM. …]
From the sermon: 3 bridges in the sermon to effective action, if… .
From Terry/Velva Evans on Facebook: awesome sermon today at Emmanuel Baptist Church ... God forgives his children, why can't we forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ?! ... stay away from bitterness and resentment ... Amen, Amen, Amen! CH: “in Christ,’ that’s the key?
Now we begin. For each section of History, find parallels, applications, precursors to the sermon topic/verse, and relate it to your biggie, so that you can take appropriate action.
‘Sunday’: Ephesus – “garden” – Creation to Abram
‘Monday’: Smyrna – “prison” – Abram to Moses
‘Tuesday’: Pergamos – “ wilderness” – Moses to David
‘Wednesday’: Thyatira – “kingdom” – David to Elijah
‘Thursday’: Sardis – “remnant” – Elijah to Jeremiah
‘Friday’: Philadelphia – “world witness” – Daniel to the Maccabees
‘Saturday’: Laodicea – ‘Communion with God” – Maccabees to Jesus
[Add the time period after Jesus’ resurrection to the Laodicea portion, and include Jordan’s Church, Christian State, University continuation of his ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’ success emphases in history. And see ERH’s Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend, Church as Israel without exclusiveness, Nation-State as Empire without slavery, now something as Tribes without perpetual war. Greece is always a companion only.]
On Sunday, apply the sermon to “garden,” on Monday to “prison,” etc.
This is the simple part, the beginning, the ‘lining out’.
Later we will ‘retune’ this, renaming the days, and add other parts of the calendar of A Next Layer of Social Order in History to it, and thus we will build up the Hermit-Monastery-Landlord-Truce.
3 Possible Actions To Embody The Sermon Into Real Life
And next week, we go back again, more mature, to get more ‘ammunition’ of the Word to apply to fight the Holy War against the Devil (God’s Devil) more effectively in Redemptive History. The Lord be with us.
Remember the Big Picture.
Who says? Try it and see.
WRITE YOUR 'BIGGIE:' HERE: [The most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace. What you wake up thinking about at 3 AM. …]
From the sermon: 3 bridges in the sermon to effective action, if… .
From Terry/Velva Evans on Facebook: awesome sermon today at Emmanuel Baptist Church ... God forgives his children, why can't we forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ?! ... stay away from bitterness and resentment ... Amen, Amen, Amen! CH: “in Christ,’ that’s the key?
Now we begin. For each section of History, find parallels, applications, precursors to the sermon topic/verse, and relate it to your biggie, so that you can take appropriate action.
‘Sunday’: Ephesus – “garden” – Creation to Abram
‘Monday’: Smyrna – “prison” – Abram to Moses
‘Tuesday’: Pergamos – “ wilderness” – Moses to David
‘Wednesday’: Thyatira – “kingdom” – David to Elijah
‘Thursday’: Sardis – “remnant” – Elijah to Jeremiah
‘Friday’: Philadelphia – “world witness” – Daniel to the Maccabees
‘Saturday’: Laodicea – ‘Communion with God” – Maccabees to Jesus
[Add the time period after Jesus’ resurrection to the Laodicea portion, and include Jordan’s Church, Christian State, University continuation of his ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’ success emphases in history. And see ERH’s Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend, Church as Israel without exclusiveness, Nation-State as Empire without slavery, now something as Tribes without perpetual war. Greece is always a companion only.]
On Sunday, apply the sermon to “garden,” on Monday to “prison,” etc.
This is the simple part, the beginning, the ‘lining out’.
Later we will ‘retune’ this, renaming the days, and add other parts of the calendar of A Next Layer of Social Order in History to it, and thus we will build up the Hermit-Monastery-Landlord-Truce.
3 Possible Actions To Embody The Sermon Into Real Life
And next week, we go back again, more mature, to get more ‘ammunition’ of the Word to apply to fight the Holy War against the Devil (God’s Devil) more effectively in Redemptive History. The Lord be with us.
Remember the Big Picture.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Which of 4 Markets Best? Your Thoughts, Please?
One Anothering Revolution?
Comprehensive Beauty?
Rhyming Covenant Sequences?
The Symphony Of Peace/History?
And is market a butterfly/flutter by of mohar (hard 'h,' like a 'k')--the bride price on the Cross?
Love in King Jesus,
Comprehensive Beauty?
Rhyming Covenant Sequences?
The Symphony Of Peace/History?
And is market a butterfly/flutter by of mohar (hard 'h,' like a 'k')--the bride price on the Cross?
Love in King Jesus,
Friday, December 9, 2011
Calendar: House Of Singing Times as social tool for peace
What's in it for you? Here you get a first look at a proposed calendar to help organize the conducting of a next era.. Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites, and this calendar, HOST, has many sequences of things in one document, as a typological example.
Who says? Chuck Hartman History Conductor? Train, Orchestra, Electricity.
All religions manifest their truths in calendars: Rosenstock-Huessy.
Social orders remain with us as calendars (ERH): Tribes as community celebrations, Empires as business and work schedules, Israel as church calendars, Greece as education calendars.
So I go backward, making the calendar that will shape the truths, rather than the other way around!
I will do better with this soon. This is last year's calendar, and the calendar for this year and next year will be much more user-friendly. For distinctives, see near the end. [And I'll figure out how to get all the boxes in too!]
April 24 A. D. 2010 is Celebration of Resurrection/Easter and Starts SardisCoram861
1—Apr 4
2—Apr 11
3—Apr 18
1st Timothy
4—Apr 21
1 Thess
5—May 2
6--May 9
2 Tim.
7—May 16
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 23
9—May 30
10—June 6
[A—June 13, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 13, PV]
11—June 20
12—June 27
13—July 4
14—July 11
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 18
3 John
16—July 25
17—August 1
1 Peter
18—August 8
1 John
19—August 15
2 John
20—August 22
2 Peter
21—August 29 [B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
3 B/W+
B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
22—September 12
23—Sept 19
24—September 26
25—October 3
26—Oct 10
27—Oct 17
28—October 24
4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—October 31
The Twelve
30—Nov 7
31—Nov 14
32—Nov 21
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
33—Dec 12
34—Dec 19
35—December 26
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 2
37—Jan 9
38—January 16
39—January 23
40—Jan 30
41—Feb 6
42 #1—February13
42 #2—February20
42 #3—February 27
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart
43—March 6
44—Mar 13
45—March 20
46—March 27
47—April 3
48—April 10
49—April 17
7 B/W+
pers., pers.
Books for each
week and day
and Psalm of Day, etc. in next.
1--Season of Blessed are the poor in spirit. Woe: Matthew 23:13. [Might also do First Day, and 8th Church (KOLWhole)]
2—Season of Blessed are those who mourn. Woe: Matthew 23:14. [Second Day, and 5th Church (SardisJudgment and Exile)]
3—Season of Blessed are the meek. Woe: Matthew 23:15. [Third Day, and 3rd Church/Era (Pergamos/Wilderness)]
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is between 3 and 4
4—Season of Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Woe: Matt. 23: 16-22. [4th Day
and 1st Church/Era (Ephesus/Garden)]
5—Season of Blessed are the merciful. Woe: Matthew 23:23-24. [5th Day and 6th Church/Era (Philadelphia/Restoration)]
6—Season of blessed are the pure in heart. Woe: Matthew 23: 25-26 [6th Day and 4th Church/Era (Thyatira/Kingdom)]
7—Season of blessed are the peacemakers, the persecuted, ye persecuted. Woe: Matthew 23:27-36.
[Days 7-12, and 2nd Church/Era (Smyrna/Prison)]
Next: Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, Explanation of each HoliSheba, Explanation of Eliot/AnselmTime (EAT), General Instructions.
Coram is a Latin/English acronym. In Latin it means ‘face’ or ‘presence’. Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.
Kol is a Hebrew/English acronym. God ‘kol’ed down from Sinai, and Kol, Octave (8th Day Theology) and Laodicea.
Add: Retuning. Add: List of Covenant Rhymes.
AND REASONS WHY God wrote books.
The Bible is musical, and the overture of the 7 days is repeated and developed. A covenantal sequence is ‘writ large’ on the year, complementing the Church Year that shows the life of Christ and our response.Good questions, such as Hebrews as 8th iteration of Day 7. Lots of Covenant Rhymes.
Add: Philippians 2:15: ‘lights’
Down the side, TO THE RIGHT: 1-7 Days, 7-1 Days, 8-2 Churches, 2-8 Churches, Poor in Spirit to Ye Persecuted (Woes), Ye Persecuted to Poor in Spirit (Woes)—
These make 6, and we have, the Bride/Body, 7th coming after Exodus, as
We are in jubilee ‘above’ the 49
[Calendar Dialect of Symbok, the language]
[And the second telling, with Adam as the light]
Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, etc.
Another layer of calendar, in which the covenant is written on the Resurrectin to Resurrection
And ‘30’ (+?} covenants are rhymed.
D. 2011- A D. 2012.
Eldstering, ThyatiraBmoY, 1 Peter Sheba (Friday, August 26 A. D. 2011)
Add Days 7-12 at firt and last of the Seasons.
Dear One: This is from LAST year. I’m still working on this year and next year.
Also, on Friday, Aug. 26, I added a new holiday—holidays are only about death. Godparents for Eldsters is the name, for I made provisions for a kind of death of enfeeblement and befuddlement, and two agreed to help me then.
thyatiryBmoY (ThyatiraYMMM!), First Peter week (sheba).
More to come. Chuck
The days of the week now are to be named after the churches in Revelation, for they are the sky/firmament now, per Ephesians 2:6.
Retuned. This is deep, deep.
Sunday/Lord’s Day: Now WholeYMMM!
Monday, SardsYMMM!
Tuesday, PergsYMMM!
Wednesday, EphesusYMMM!
Thursday, PhilsYMMM!
Friday, ThyatiraYMMM!
Saturday, SmyrnsYMMM!
K.O.LBmoY!, SardisBmoY!, PergamosBmoY!, EphesusBmoY!, PhiladelphiaBmoY!, ThyatiraBmoY!, SmyrnaBmoY!
‘moY’ is the Hebrew for ‘day,’ coming at us from the future, the Great Day.
I use exclamation ponts to indicate an imperative, and an enthusiasm.
YMMM! Is a pun for ‘day’ and ‘eat’. We eat time, we take it in.
Sunday, Monday, etc. are named for ‘planets’ in the sky. The new names are for things in the social sky, firmament.
The key things in this calendar are:
Covenant structure written on the ‘year’: Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi (‘face,’ or ‘presence’ in Latin= ‘coram’)
Rhyming—lots of things in one system.
Days retuned and renamed.
Weeks named.
Seasons named after Beatitudes and Woes.
Years named, and numbered since Creation (I have a 16 billion year model)
Starts at Pascha/Easter, and moves to the celebrator’s ‘exodus’
This is another layer of social order, for educational calendars are after Greece, church calendars are after Israel, work and business calendars are after Empires, and community calendars are after Tribes.
This is another layer, not to replace everything else.
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is. Show me a society’s calendars, and I’ll tell you who she is.
All religions manifest their beliefs in a calendar: Rosenstock-Huessy.
The next version will be simpler, and will have an un-retuned companion, with lots of notes.
[[[Host600KolCoram861 [Host548KolCoram861OnOnePage has less]]]]
Who says? Chuck Hartman History Conductor? Train, Orchestra, Electricity.
All religions manifest their truths in calendars: Rosenstock-Huessy.
Social orders remain with us as calendars (ERH): Tribes as community celebrations, Empires as business and work schedules, Israel as church calendars, Greece as education calendars.
So I go backward, making the calendar that will shape the truths, rather than the other way around!
I will do better with this soon. This is last year's calendar, and the calendar for this year and next year will be much more user-friendly. For distinctives, see near the end. [And I'll figure out how to get all the boxes in too!]
April 24 A. D. 2010 is Celebration of Resurrection/Easter and Starts SardisCoram861
1—Apr 4
2—Apr 11
3—Apr 18
1st Timothy
4—Apr 21
1 Thess
5—May 2
6--May 9
2 Tim.
7—May 16
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 23
9—May 30
10—June 6
[A—June 13, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 13, PV]
11—June 20
12—June 27
13—July 4
14—July 11
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 18
3 John
16—July 25
17—August 1
1 Peter
18—August 8
1 John
19—August 15
2 John
20—August 22
2 Peter
21—August 29 [B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
3 B/W+
B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
22—September 12
23—Sept 19
24—September 26
25—October 3
26—Oct 10
27—Oct 17
28—October 24
4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—October 31
The Twelve
30—Nov 7
31—Nov 14
32—Nov 21
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
33—Dec 12
34—Dec 19
35—December 26
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 2
37—Jan 9
38—January 16
39—January 23
40—Jan 30
41—Feb 6
42 #1—February13
42 #2—February20
42 #3—February 27
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart
43—March 6
44—Mar 13
45—March 20
46—March 27
47—April 3
48—April 10
49—April 17
7 B/W+
pers., pers.
Books for each
week and day
and Psalm of Day, etc. in next.
1--Season of Blessed are the poor in spirit. Woe: Matthew 23:13. [Might also do First Day, and 8th Church (KOLWhole)]
2—Season of Blessed are those who mourn. Woe: Matthew 23:14. [Second Day, and 5th Church (SardisJudgment and Exile)]
3—Season of Blessed are the meek. Woe: Matthew 23:15. [Third Day, and 3rd Church/Era (Pergamos/Wilderness)]
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is between 3 and 4
4—Season of Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Woe: Matt. 23: 16-22. [4th Day
and 1st Church/Era (Ephesus/Garden)]
5—Season of Blessed are the merciful. Woe: Matthew 23:23-24. [5th Day and 6th Church/Era (Philadelphia/Restoration)]
6—Season of blessed are the pure in heart. Woe: Matthew 23: 25-26 [6th Day and 4th Church/Era (Thyatira/Kingdom)]
7—Season of blessed are the peacemakers, the persecuted, ye persecuted. Woe: Matthew 23:27-36.
[Days 7-12, and 2nd Church/Era (Smyrna/Prison)]
Next: Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, Explanation of each HoliSheba, Explanation of Eliot/AnselmTime (EAT), General Instructions.
Coram is a Latin/English acronym. In Latin it means ‘face’ or ‘presence’. Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.
Kol is a Hebrew/English acronym. God ‘kol’ed down from Sinai, and Kol, Octave (8th Day Theology) and Laodicea.
Add: Retuning. Add: List of Covenant Rhymes.
AND REASONS WHY God wrote books.
The Bible is musical, and the overture of the 7 days is repeated and developed. A covenantal sequence is ‘writ large’ on the year, complementing the Church Year that shows the life of Christ and our response.Good questions, such as Hebrews as 8th iteration of Day 7. Lots of Covenant Rhymes.
Add: Philippians 2:15: ‘lights’
Down the side, TO THE RIGHT: 1-7 Days, 7-1 Days, 8-2 Churches, 2-8 Churches, Poor in Spirit to Ye Persecuted (Woes), Ye Persecuted to Poor in Spirit (Woes)—
These make 6, and we have, the Bride/Body, 7th coming after Exodus, as
We are in jubilee ‘above’ the 49
[Calendar Dialect of Symbok, the language]
[And the second telling, with Adam as the light]
Psalm O Day, Prayer O Day, etc.
Another layer of calendar, in which the covenant is written on the Resurrectin to Resurrection
And ‘30’ (+?} covenants are rhymed.
D. 2011- A D. 2012.
Eldstering, ThyatiraBmoY, 1 Peter Sheba (Friday, August 26 A. D. 2011)
Add Days 7-12 at firt and last of the Seasons.
Dear One: This is from LAST year. I’m still working on this year and next year.
Also, on Friday, Aug. 26, I added a new holiday—holidays are only about death. Godparents for Eldsters is the name, for I made provisions for a kind of death of enfeeblement and befuddlement, and two agreed to help me then.
thyatiryBmoY (ThyatiraYMMM!), First Peter week (sheba).
More to come. Chuck
The days of the week now are to be named after the churches in Revelation, for they are the sky/firmament now, per Ephesians 2:6.
Retuned. This is deep, deep.
Sunday/Lord’s Day: Now WholeYMMM!
Monday, SardsYMMM!
Tuesday, PergsYMMM!
Wednesday, EphesusYMMM!
Thursday, PhilsYMMM!
Friday, ThyatiraYMMM!
Saturday, SmyrnsYMMM!
K.O.LBmoY!, SardisBmoY!, PergamosBmoY!, EphesusBmoY!, PhiladelphiaBmoY!, ThyatiraBmoY!, SmyrnaBmoY!
‘moY’ is the Hebrew for ‘day,’ coming at us from the future, the Great Day.
I use exclamation ponts to indicate an imperative, and an enthusiasm.
YMMM! Is a pun for ‘day’ and ‘eat’. We eat time, we take it in.
Sunday, Monday, etc. are named for ‘planets’ in the sky. The new names are for things in the social sky, firmament.
The key things in this calendar are:
Covenant structure written on the ‘year’: Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi (‘face,’ or ‘presence’ in Latin= ‘coram’)
Rhyming—lots of things in one system.
Days retuned and renamed.
Weeks named.
Seasons named after Beatitudes and Woes.
Years named, and numbered since Creation (I have a 16 billion year model)
Starts at Pascha/Easter, and moves to the celebrator’s ‘exodus’
This is another layer of social order, for educational calendars are after Greece, church calendars are after Israel, work and business calendars are after Empires, and community calendars are after Tribes.
This is another layer, not to replace everything else.
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is. Show me a society’s calendars, and I’ll tell you who she is.
All religions manifest their beliefs in a calendar: Rosenstock-Huessy.
The next version will be simpler, and will have an un-retuned companion, with lots of notes.
[[[Host600KolCoram861 [Host548KolCoram861OnOnePage has less]]]]
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Bible In A Year? Get The Rhythm
Marketing: A bite at a time.
On an internet (sic) forum, it was asked how one could best do The Bible In A Year. Which program(s) work best? The idea was to read through some of the Bible each day.
I resoponded:
1 of 2) 15 minutes a day. One of the recorded Bible folks said that by listening 15 minutes a day, one could listen through the whole Bible in a year iirc.
2 of 2) To get the rhythm of the Bible, use JBJ's Garden-Prison-Wilderness-Kingdom, etc. division of the Bible from 'Crisis, Opportunity...'. Have a form that lists the key ponts (sic), bridges in your sermon--bridges to action. Then have them see how on Sunday, these are seen, foreshadowed, resonate in Garden, on Monday Prison, on Tuesday Wilderness, etc.
On Saturday they would do Communion with God (or Apostasy in Jesus' Time, if using A Brief Readers Guide) and add Church-Christian State-University-and What Next? so as to prepare for going about doing good.
The key is not study, so much as it is maturing so as to go out with timing in redemptive history so as to effectively wage Holy War. Study is preparatory to participation, to being, to doing.
Notes: Of course, the universe is retuned and to be retuned, so we don't live only in a 1234567+ sequence, but a paisely of sequences. Song of the Twelve, Rev. 5:12 and 7:12, more.
For extra ponting (sic), use Sunday, Moonday, Warday, MoneyMessageday, Fatherday, Motherday, WayOutday.
In a couple generations one could get to the true firmament (Eph. 2:6, and days based on the churches in Revelation, taking them in, such as EphesusYMMM!, EphesusBmoY!, but, as I write, that will take a couple of generations at this rate--but we should be ready for an eye-opening trauma.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Example that I use with 4 unchurched at work. Today is Wednesday, MoneyMessageday. Kingdom in 1234567+. Suppose the sermon was on John 3:16. Much about sons and sacrifice in David to Elijah, the Messiah from David, the world-modle is Temple, etc.
On an internet (sic) forum, it was asked how one could best do The Bible In A Year. Which program(s) work best? The idea was to read through some of the Bible each day.
I resoponded:
1 of 2) 15 minutes a day. One of the recorded Bible folks said that by listening 15 minutes a day, one could listen through the whole Bible in a year iirc.
2 of 2) To get the rhythm of the Bible, use JBJ's Garden-Prison-Wilderness-Kingdom, etc. division of the Bible from 'Crisis, Opportunity...'. Have a form that lists the key ponts (sic), bridges in your sermon--bridges to action. Then have them see how on Sunday, these are seen, foreshadowed, resonate in Garden, on Monday Prison, on Tuesday Wilderness, etc.
On Saturday they would do Communion with God (or Apostasy in Jesus' Time, if using A Brief Readers Guide) and add Church-Christian State-University-and What Next? so as to prepare for going about doing good.
The key is not study, so much as it is maturing so as to go out with timing in redemptive history so as to effectively wage Holy War. Study is preparatory to participation, to being, to doing.
Notes: Of course, the universe is retuned and to be retuned, so we don't live only in a 1234567+ sequence, but a paisely of sequences. Song of the Twelve, Rev. 5:12 and 7:12, more.
For extra ponting (sic), use Sunday, Moonday, Warday, MoneyMessageday, Fatherday, Motherday, WayOutday.
In a couple generations one could get to the true firmament (Eph. 2:6, and days based on the churches in Revelation, taking them in, such as EphesusYMMM!, EphesusBmoY!, but, as I write, that will take a couple of generations at this rate--but we should be ready for an eye-opening trauma.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Example that I use with 4 unchurched at work. Today is Wednesday, MoneyMessageday. Kingdom in 1234567+. Suppose the sermon was on John 3:16. Much about sons and sacrifice in David to Elijah, the Messiah from David, the world-modle is Temple, etc.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Symphony of Peace/History
The Symphony of Peace/History
[We compose, do, be, sing the New Song, recapitulating proleptically – the past and anticipation of the future.]
Each person has a talent to contribute, a pressing need. To these two we add a Jordan historical situation, person, Bible verse, etc. and then given all the persons, callings, verses – all working together – each is, respectively assigned a Day, from 1 to 8 (Resurrection) and each week a Day (with calling, person, jordan) is added to make 12 at the end. 9, Ascension, 10, Pentecost, 11, A. D. 70, 12 anticipates The Great Day.
General Pattern: We learn to truly speak in our calling by speaking as GodTrinity spoke in the Bible, one anothering, under Conductor, which conducting we learn also.
1 Law to 2 Lyric. 3 Lyric to 4 Evaluation. 5 Evaluation to 6 Fact.
7 Fact to 8 New Law. (Also Torah, Wisdom, Prophecy, Gospel; Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective; Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man…)
Each even week is for initiations and introducing new Day. Week 1, Day 9 (Ascension): Week 3, Day 10 (Pentecost); Week 5, Day 11 (A. D. 70); Week 7, Day 12 (The Great Day of Final Judgment).
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
We are learning to speak speech which transitions from one era to another, we are maturing by re-enacting this cosmic process, so that others can participate.
We speak true speech, behind which we put our lives.
Important: Conductor (Day 8 sits at West, looking east from Holy of Holies, until Week 8, when Conductor moves to North, looking south.
Poor in Spirit and Woe Week 1: Law 87654321 creative construction/initiation—ask questions. Then 9 is introduced. Then each or several ask(s) a question in Law to Day 9, (see Jordan on Revelation for retuning of universe at Ascension. I take it farther.) and Day 9 (Ascension) asks a question in Law of each or several
Mourn and Woe Week 2 Lyric 415263789 responsive reconstruction/psalmodic response (answer questions) ; 10 words of Solo also (in addition to answers)
Meek and Woe Week 3: Lyric 415263789 CC—creative construction (ask questions). Day 10 is introduced. Then each asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or combination to Day 10, and Day 10 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or combination of each or several
Hunger and Thirst and Woe Week 4 Evaluation RR—responsive reconstruction: 10, 987531642 10 words + 70words of Solo also (in addition to answers)
Sabbath in Middle.Merciful and Woe Week is a rest, a week of Celebration of The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly TBOTMOFA (Har Mo’ed, Armageddon)
Pure in Heart and Woe Week 5 Evaluation 10, 987531642, ask questions. Day 11 is introduced. Then each or several ask(s) a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or combination to Day 11, and Day 11 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or combination of each or several
Peacemakers and Woe Week 6 Fact: 123456789.10,11 10 words + 70 +153 of Solo toward True Speech in form of letter to each’s respective church in Revelation
Persecuted and Woe Week 7: Fact 123456789, 10, 11. Ask questions. Then Day 12 is introduced. Then each asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or Fact and/or combination to Day 12, and Day 12 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and /or Fact and/or combination of each
Ye Persecuted and Woe Week 8 Law; (Fact becomes new (transfigured) Law (/Wisdom/Torah/Age-World))
12, 11, 10, 987654321. Answer questions. (Christians live from the end, backward from The Great Day of Final Judgment, de-fined=from-final(end).) Here are the solos, the TRUE Speech—oaths, that one puts one’s life behind; thoughts made real--per the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation—the whole Book of Revelation being a letter to Jerusalem Below, the whole old creation. Days 9-12 take from all representatives to make such a letter-type. To the 10+70+153 is added enough words to make 430 (in Egypt), or 480 (until Temple after entering Land), 490 (Sabbaths not observed, leading to exile, or 70 weeks of years until Return from Exile), or ‘500’.
A key is to choose to what note in song one writes. What institution is like unto what church, what person, what (something else)?
Questions/Initiations are to help the other person write his or her Solo, or
To help yourself, or
To help the group or parts of the group.
We are weaving a garment/house her, the Church.
We learn to speak ‘universes’ by asking questions under the aspects of each week, and we learn to respond to ‘universes’ of questions similarly. It’s maturing unto New Song. PhilsYMMM! 1 John Meek SardisCoram861. Sept. 1, Thursday, A. D. 2011. PhiladelphiaBmoY!
See also ‘Twelve Tones of the Spirit’ and ‘Ten Commandments of Education. Rosenstock-Huessy. Argobooks.org.
In Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5 shows this pattern in the revolutions of the west: Papal, German, English, American/French, Russian.
‘Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact unto new Torah’ from James Jordan’s wonderful booklet: ‘Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future’. BiblicalHorizons.com
[from HOST9138—modified August 2, A. D. 2008: :SmyrnaYom, JohnSheba, Season of Blessed are the Meek (and Associated Woe Matt23:15), Philadelphia 860]
© Charles Howard Hartman, Tuesday, December 6, Anno Domini 2011. PergsYMMM! (PergamosBmoY!), Jeremiah-Lamentations sheba, Blessed are the Merciful (and associated Woe, Matthew 23), SardisCORAM 861(Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi). Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution and links.
See Symphony of History on YouTube. A brief introduction @ 6 minutes in short segments) is here:
Part 3 of 4. Imperative—Comprehensive Beauty (Rhyming Covenant Sequences), Subjective—How To Make Your Communities Better, Narrative—The Symphony of Peace/History, Objective—House Of Singing Times (Calendar). All are attempts to help organize the conducting of a new layer of social order in history, like unto Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed the Trend (Jesus Christ), Israel is glorified in the Church, by getting rid of exclusiveness, Empires are glorified in the Christian state by getting rid of slavery, and we face the task of glorifying the Tribes by getting rid of perpetual warfare. See Rosenstock-Huessy’s Universal History 1954 recording from Dartmouth lectures, especially the last few which recap this.
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.
[We compose, do, be, sing the New Song, recapitulating proleptically – the past and anticipation of the future.]
Each person has a talent to contribute, a pressing need. To these two we add a Jordan historical situation, person, Bible verse, etc. and then given all the persons, callings, verses – all working together – each is, respectively assigned a Day, from 1 to 8 (Resurrection) and each week a Day (with calling, person, jordan) is added to make 12 at the end. 9, Ascension, 10, Pentecost, 11, A. D. 70, 12 anticipates The Great Day.
General Pattern: We learn to truly speak in our calling by speaking as GodTrinity spoke in the Bible, one anothering, under Conductor, which conducting we learn also.
1 Law to 2 Lyric. 3 Lyric to 4 Evaluation. 5 Evaluation to 6 Fact.
7 Fact to 8 New Law. (Also Torah, Wisdom, Prophecy, Gospel; Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective; Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man…)
Each even week is for initiations and introducing new Day. Week 1, Day 9 (Ascension): Week 3, Day 10 (Pentecost); Week 5, Day 11 (A. D. 70); Week 7, Day 12 (The Great Day of Final Judgment).
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
We are learning to speak speech which transitions from one era to another, we are maturing by re-enacting this cosmic process, so that others can participate.
We speak true speech, behind which we put our lives.
Important: Conductor (Day 8 sits at West, looking east from Holy of Holies, until Week 8, when Conductor moves to North, looking south.
Poor in Spirit and Woe Week 1: Law 87654321 creative construction/initiation—ask questions. Then 9 is introduced. Then each or several ask(s) a question in Law to Day 9, (see Jordan on Revelation for retuning of universe at Ascension. I take it farther.) and Day 9 (Ascension) asks a question in Law of each or several
Mourn and Woe Week 2 Lyric 415263789 responsive reconstruction/psalmodic response (answer questions) ; 10 words of Solo also (in addition to answers)
Meek and Woe Week 3: Lyric 415263789 CC—creative construction (ask questions). Day 10 is introduced. Then each asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or combination to Day 10, and Day 10 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or combination of each or several
Hunger and Thirst and Woe Week 4 Evaluation RR—responsive reconstruction: 10, 987531642 10 words + 70words of Solo also (in addition to answers)
Sabbath in Middle.Merciful and Woe Week is a rest, a week of Celebration of The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly TBOTMOFA (Har Mo’ed, Armageddon)
Pure in Heart and Woe Week 5 Evaluation 10, 987531642, ask questions. Day 11 is introduced. Then each or several ask(s) a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or combination to Day 11, and Day 11 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or combination of each or several
Peacemakers and Woe Week 6 Fact: 123456789.10,11 10 words + 70 +153 of Solo toward True Speech in form of letter to each’s respective church in Revelation
Persecuted and Woe Week 7: Fact 123456789, 10, 11. Ask questions. Then Day 12 is introduced. Then each asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and/or Fact and/or combination to Day 12, and Day 12 (Pentecost) asks a question in Law and/or Lyric and/or Evaluation and /or Fact and/or combination of each
Ye Persecuted and Woe Week 8 Law; (Fact becomes new (transfigured) Law (/Wisdom/Torah/Age-World))
12, 11, 10, 987654321. Answer questions. (Christians live from the end, backward from The Great Day of Final Judgment, de-fined=from-final(end).) Here are the solos, the TRUE Speech—oaths, that one puts one’s life behind; thoughts made real--per the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation—the whole Book of Revelation being a letter to Jerusalem Below, the whole old creation. Days 9-12 take from all representatives to make such a letter-type. To the 10+70+153 is added enough words to make 430 (in Egypt), or 480 (until Temple after entering Land), 490 (Sabbaths not observed, leading to exile, or 70 weeks of years until Return from Exile), or ‘500’.
A key is to choose to what note in song one writes. What institution is like unto what church, what person, what (something else)?
Questions/Initiations are to help the other person write his or her Solo, or
To help yourself, or
To help the group or parts of the group.
We are weaving a garment/house her, the Church.
We learn to speak ‘universes’ by asking questions under the aspects of each week, and we learn to respond to ‘universes’ of questions similarly. It’s maturing unto New Song. PhilsYMMM! 1 John Meek SardisCoram861. Sept. 1, Thursday, A. D. 2011. PhiladelphiaBmoY!
See also ‘Twelve Tones of the Spirit’ and ‘Ten Commandments of Education. Rosenstock-Huessy. Argobooks.org.
In Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5 shows this pattern in the revolutions of the west: Papal, German, English, American/French, Russian.
‘Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact unto new Torah’ from James Jordan’s wonderful booklet: ‘Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future’. BiblicalHorizons.com
[from HOST9138—modified August 2, A. D. 2008: :SmyrnaYom, JohnSheba, Season of Blessed are the Meek (and Associated Woe Matt23:15), Philadelphia 860]
© Charles Howard Hartman, Tuesday, December 6, Anno Domini 2011. PergsYMMM! (PergamosBmoY!), Jeremiah-Lamentations sheba, Blessed are the Merciful (and associated Woe, Matthew 23), SardisCORAM 861(Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi). Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution and links.
See Symphony of History on YouTube. A brief introduction @ 6 minutes in short segments) is here:
Part 3 of 4. Imperative—Comprehensive Beauty (Rhyming Covenant Sequences), Subjective—How To Make Your Communities Better, Narrative—The Symphony of Peace/History, Objective—House Of Singing Times (Calendar). All are attempts to help organize the conducting of a new layer of social order in history, like unto Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed the Trend (Jesus Christ), Israel is glorified in the Church, by getting rid of exclusiveness, Empires are glorified in the Christian state by getting rid of slavery, and we face the task of glorifying the Tribes by getting rid of perpetual warfare. See Rosenstock-Huessy’s Universal History 1954 recording from Dartmouth lectures, especially the last few which recap this.
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
How To Make YOur Communities Better
This is part 2 of 4 in the process, so far, of trying to help organize a next layer of social order in history.
1--Imperative: Rhyming Covenant Sequences: Comprehensive Beauty Unto New Song
2--Subjective:How To Make Your Communities Better (from Via Pellarosa, MaeDay80...)
3--Narrative: The Symphony Of Peace/History (art form of a next era/ear?)
4--Objective: House Of Singing Times (calendar/schedule of society, a layer)
Soon I will summarize Chapter 5 of Clint Gardner's 'Beyond Belief'. It summarizes other 'revolutions' of the West: Papal, German, English, American/French, Russian.
HTMYCB is much like his Complete Cross of Reality, in the back of BB.
See also 'Law, Lyric, Evaluation Fact unto new Torah' in Jordan's booklet, 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future'.
How To Make Your Communities Better
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 800 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Even better would be having half of the group go around from past to future, and half from future to past, to show dragvolution:
I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
Dragvolution has been improved to 'HeroVolution' I may post HeroVolution later.
1--Imperative: Rhyming Covenant Sequences: Comprehensive Beauty Unto New Song
2--Subjective:How To Make Your Communities Better (from Via Pellarosa, MaeDay80...)
3--Narrative: The Symphony Of Peace/History (art form of a next era/ear?)
4--Objective: House Of Singing Times (calendar/schedule of society, a layer)
Soon I will summarize Chapter 5 of Clint Gardner's 'Beyond Belief'. It summarizes other 'revolutions' of the West: Papal, German, English, American/French, Russian.
HTMYCB is much like his Complete Cross of Reality, in the back of BB.
See also 'Law, Lyric, Evaluation Fact unto new Torah' in Jordan's booklet, 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future'.
How To Make Your Communities Better
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 800 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Even better would be having half of the group go around from past to future, and half from future to past, to show dragvolution:
I believe in dragvolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
Dragvolution has been improved to 'HeroVolution' I may post HeroVolution later.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A Simpler and Easier Strategy Toward Peace
Hermit, Monastery, Landlord, Truce, Cities: Toward Peace
Simpler and Easier: Start Now
Email me to be one of the few: edencity@aol.com
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
Big Picture: It’s worked before. We modify it.
What’s in it for you? This is a comprehensive strategy Toward Peace. It has worked before. Here I explain it.
Who says? Please read and join. A few will join and start to give feedback, and to work Toward Peace.
The first thing to do –it’s VERY simple -- is described at the end. Call it the seed of the seed of peace, for we are trying to help organize the conducting of a next layer of social order in history. All social orders remain, glorified, in calendars. Community Holidays: Tribal, Business and Work Schedules: Empire, Israel: Church Calendars, Greece: Educational Schedules.
We have a calendar already, and an art form. We’ll grow into them!
Yesterday I wrote about marketing A Next layer of Social Order in History Toward Peace.
As I thought about it during the say a Simpler and Easier strategy came to me. It’s based on a pattern that has worked before.
Rosenstock-Huessy tells of the example in history of Hermit, Monastery, Landlord/Knowledge/Truce of God.
We will emulate it. This will 'tame' the perpetual warfare of the tribe, I pray.
THE BIG PICTURE. In sophomoric terms (for this was probably in about a sophomore class at Dartmouth, after the Roman Empire fell, the raiding tribes were kept apart by forests. Then hermits moved into the forests, and land-clearing monasteries followed, and onto the cleared land came share-cropping peasants who depended on the planting, etc. knowledge of the rich now monastery landlords, but this cleared land allowed the tribes to raid again, but the monasteries had sufficient wisdom, etc. to become a glorified forest for peace-keeping by saying and enforcing (proxies?) 'No fighting during Lent,' 'No fighting from Saturday night through Monday morning,' etc. And the Peace Movement of the 12th C., mentioned above, unto oath-covananted cities, plus. Page 90 of Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ almost all free online at Google Books.
I am the hermit (my work is based on ERH and JBJ, and many others SF-ly, e. g.), and a few will be a group, not celibate and poverty-chastity-obedience, but in the sequential place-time of monasteries, and wisdom and wealth may come, and then the speaking and oathing of peace.
I want you to be one of that group, one of the few, as ERH would say--and more. One-Few-Many-All, he says somewhere. I'll send you messages from time to time, and other material is on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor, my Charles Howard Hartman Facebook, Godparents for Eldsters and some new places. Thanks for the encouragement. Writing this out in the paragraph above has been very helpful. Most is in the Facebook Notes, open to all.
What you should do first.
1—There is something major each week that you should think about and apply. It should be the message of the sermon.
2—Take this message and run through the Core History of Humanity’s Childhood (and more) with it, seeing how it was stated and told in that time, and in the institutions after He Who Reversed The Trend, King Jesus.
3—Thus, from page 6 Jordan’s small booklet, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ which I will give those few with whom I personally work:
Ephesus – “garden” – Creation to Abram
Smyrna – “prison” – Abram to Moses
Pergamos – “ wilderness” – Moses to David
Thyatira – “kingdom” – David to Elijah
Sardis – “remnant” – Elijah to Jeremiah
Philadelphia – “world witness” – Daniel to the Maccabees
Laodicea – ‘Communion with God” – Maccabees to Jesus
[These are slightly modified in ‘A Brief Reader’s Guide to Revelation’]
[I would add after Jesus’ resurrection to the Laodicea portion, and include Jordan’s Church, Christian State, University continuation of his ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’ success emphases in history.]
On Sunday, apply the sermon to “garden,” on Tuesday to “prison,” etc.
We ‘line out,’ that is, repeat. [HOST9338]
Later we will ‘retune’ this, renaming the days, and add other parts of the calendar of A Next Layer of Social Order in History to it, and thus we will build up the Hermit-Monastery-Landlord-Truce.
Let’s get started. edencity@aol.com
Simpler and Easier: Start Now
Email me to be one of the few: edencity@aol.com
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
Big Picture: It’s worked before. We modify it.
What’s in it for you? This is a comprehensive strategy Toward Peace. It has worked before. Here I explain it.
Who says? Please read and join. A few will join and start to give feedback, and to work Toward Peace.
The first thing to do –it’s VERY simple -- is described at the end. Call it the seed of the seed of peace, for we are trying to help organize the conducting of a next layer of social order in history. All social orders remain, glorified, in calendars. Community Holidays: Tribal, Business and Work Schedules: Empire, Israel: Church Calendars, Greece: Educational Schedules.
We have a calendar already, and an art form. We’ll grow into them!
Yesterday I wrote about marketing A Next layer of Social Order in History Toward Peace.
As I thought about it during the say a Simpler and Easier strategy came to me. It’s based on a pattern that has worked before.
Rosenstock-Huessy tells of the example in history of Hermit, Monastery, Landlord/Knowledge/Truce of God.
We will emulate it. This will 'tame' the perpetual warfare of the tribe, I pray.
THE BIG PICTURE. In sophomoric terms (for this was probably in about a sophomore class at Dartmouth, after the Roman Empire fell, the raiding tribes were kept apart by forests. Then hermits moved into the forests, and land-clearing monasteries followed, and onto the cleared land came share-cropping peasants who depended on the planting, etc. knowledge of the rich now monastery landlords, but this cleared land allowed the tribes to raid again, but the monasteries had sufficient wisdom, etc. to become a glorified forest for peace-keeping by saying and enforcing (proxies?) 'No fighting during Lent,' 'No fighting from Saturday night through Monday morning,' etc. And the Peace Movement of the 12th C., mentioned above, unto oath-covananted cities, plus. Page 90 of Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ almost all free online at Google Books.
I am the hermit (my work is based on ERH and JBJ, and many others SF-ly, e. g.), and a few will be a group, not celibate and poverty-chastity-obedience, but in the sequential place-time of monasteries, and wisdom and wealth may come, and then the speaking and oathing of peace.
I want you to be one of that group, one of the few, as ERH would say--and more. One-Few-Many-All, he says somewhere. I'll send you messages from time to time, and other material is on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor, my Charles Howard Hartman Facebook, Godparents for Eldsters and some new places. Thanks for the encouragement. Writing this out in the paragraph above has been very helpful. Most is in the Facebook Notes, open to all.
What you should do first.
1—There is something major each week that you should think about and apply. It should be the message of the sermon.
2—Take this message and run through the Core History of Humanity’s Childhood (and more) with it, seeing how it was stated and told in that time, and in the institutions after He Who Reversed The Trend, King Jesus.
3—Thus, from page 6 Jordan’s small booklet, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ which I will give those few with whom I personally work:
Ephesus – “garden” – Creation to Abram
Smyrna – “prison” – Abram to Moses
Pergamos – “ wilderness” – Moses to David
Thyatira – “kingdom” – David to Elijah
Sardis – “remnant” – Elijah to Jeremiah
Philadelphia – “world witness” – Daniel to the Maccabees
Laodicea – ‘Communion with God” – Maccabees to Jesus
[These are slightly modified in ‘A Brief Reader’s Guide to Revelation’]
[I would add after Jesus’ resurrection to the Laodicea portion, and include Jordan’s Church, Christian State, University continuation of his ‘Father, Son, Holy Spirit’ success emphases in history.]
On Sunday, apply the sermon to “garden,” on Tuesday to “prison,” etc.
We ‘line out,’ that is, repeat. [HOST9338]
Later we will ‘retune’ this, renaming the days, and add other parts of the calendar of A Next Layer of Social Order in History to it, and thus we will build up the Hermit-Monastery-Landlord-Truce.
Let’s get started. edencity@aol.com
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Marketing: Former Customers
7 Action steps.
1—Make a list of all who’ve been interested before. Email it.
2—Simplify ‘A Next Layer’
3—Tell them what I want them to do.
4—Tell them to refer someone to the simplified ‘A Next Layer’ also.
5—Both email and Facebook friends.
6—Both Facebook and ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor.
7—Take ‘A Nex Layer’ to work and edit on breaks.
1—Make a list of all who’ve been interested before. Email it.
2—Simplify ‘A Next Layer’
3—Tell them what I want them to do.
4—Tell them to refer someone to the simplified ‘A Next Layer’ also.
5—Both email and Facebook friends.
6—Both Facebook and ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor.
7—Take ‘A Nex Layer’ to work and edit on breaks.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Imperative: Rhyming Covenant Sequences
What’s in it for you? All revolutions start with an imperative. The Peace Revolution now has this rhyming imperative. Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites, and a time that features neo-tribalism must deal with the perpetual warfare of the tribes. This is rhyming. This brief note will be expanded and illustrated.
Here is Rosenstock-Huessy with an inspiring writing on this:
"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 http://members.valley.net/~transnat/erh.html
Who says? Chuck Hartman History Conductor. Administering certain aspects of this, as a conductor on a train. Keeping an orchestra to the written score, as a symphony conductor—making beautiful music. Conducting history to the present and future, as the electricity of the death of a great man, which releases great power into the field of time. Watch this space, read these writings.
1—We start our revolution with an imperative. One is freest when one does what one must do. This seems odd, but it is similar to gaining one’s life by losing it, and losing one’s life by gaining it. Later I will trace the imperatives of the past revolutions—great changes. The Papal Revolution, the German, the English, the American and French, the Russian.
Great power to destroy is in the hands of very few. That is one challenge for the Peace Revolution. Another is neo-tribalism, and the perpetual warfare of the tribes.
Rosenstock-Huessy said that we must glorify the Tribal social order, eliminating the perpetual warfare. He thought we had glorified the Empire social order with the nation-state, and eliminated the slaver of the Empires. He thought that we had glorified Israel with the Church, and eliminated the exclusiveness. All these glorifications were on the basis of He WhoReversed The Trend, Jesus Christ.
James Jordan, in ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ says that this is the most exciting time to be alive since the first century, for the church started as a tribe in the Roman Empire, and then the Empire fell and the Church rose, it became King and Priest side by side. And now, nations have become more tribal, and the Church has native churches in every land. Jordan uses the organizing principle of successive emphases on the Father, and then the Son, and then the Holy Ghost/Spirit. He also uses Law for Imperative, Lyric for Subjective, Evaluation for Narrative, and Fact for Objective. (One could use the faces of the cherubim: Bull, Lion. Eagle, Man. Also Priest, King, Prophet, Man. There are many such. Jordan and ERH have it the best.
At the same time, every 700years of so, Jordan writes, a new institution arises. Church, Christian State, University.
We don’t know what will arise next, he writes in ‘Through New Eyes.’ And we are called to faithful worship and work and family.
2—The next part of a revolution, a great change, is subjective response.
(Yes, I hold that this is a type of liturgy of history. We are brought in, are cleansed by confession of sins and authoritative forgiveness, are consecrated—set apart—by words in a sermon, we are communed by the sign of the Lord’s Supper, and we are commissioned/sent out.)
My subjective response is “How To Make Your Communities Better’. We trace the history of one community, with her basic confession/catechism, and at the end, we come to her re-commissioning.
3—Narrative is next, writes Rosenstock-Huessy.
All these are best seen in two parts of Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. Chapter 5 limns the (mostly national) revolutions of the West. It traces each one’s Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, and Objective phases, and what is featured in each. Secondly, Clint Gardner illustrates ‘the complete cross of reality,’ near the end of the book.
I propose The Symphony of Peace/History (‘Fruit of Lips’: ERH) for this narrative part. It attempts by participation to proleptically recapitulate all of history, unto the New Song. This is incompletely on YouTube. See the 6 minute explanation with Sarah Roorda and Doug Roorda. There is also the Opus 22 attempt. Opus 3, much simpler, is available in audio and transcript, with notes. Opus 3 was after Jordan’s Exodus audios, Opus 22 is after Jordan’s Revelation audios.
TSOH is the art form of a next era. We will be in many eras at the same time, see calendar, below.
4—The Objective is a new calendar for this ‘a next layer of social order in history’. It rhymes at least 30 covenant sequences. The Days of Creation are a covenant sequence, so are the Ten Words (and especially the first 5). In ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ Jordan shows us a 12-part covenant sequence. Etc.
Every religion enshrines (ERH—I’d say ‘manifests’) her truths in a calendar.
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is. Show me a society’s calendar, and I’ll tell you what the society is.
I’ll have the calendar for this year and next year complete…soon. It only takes time! The formula is done.
We name the days for the social firmament/lights in Ephesians 2:6. We don’t use months/moon times. Seasons are Beatitudinal. The year is a Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi, and starts at Resurrection/Pascha/Easter. We have Psalm O Day, etc. It disciplines us. We use a Rosetta Stone approach, marking time in both/many calendars.
As the Tribal era is retained in community celebration holidays, and as the Empire in business and work schedules, and as Israel is retained in church calendars, and Greece in educational calendars, so a next era needs her calendar, House Of Singing Times, HOST, which I try to claim by spelling to be as the garments of the High Priest were to the Tabernacle, a kind of inside out.
Tomorrow, more marketing, more mohar (bride price). How to get words embodied.
Then we will every other day do Calling and Marketing.
The Lord be with you,
© Charles Howard Hartman. Tuesday, November 29, A. D. 2011. PergsYMMM! (PergamosBmoY), Daniel, Merciful, SardisCORAM861. Use freely, with attribution, non-commercially.
Host9330The ImperativeRhymingCovenantSequences
Oops! Add to this what is not in the Facebook Note, that this rhyming covenant sequences is chiastically the dressing of the Garden. This anticipates that after redemptive history has brought us to the time when we have fought the Holy War, that is, kept the Garden/Creation, we will beautify her in diversity in unity--rhyming!--unto the glorification of verbal exnihilation in the New Song. This latter is especially seen in The Symphony Of History/Peace.
Here is Rosenstock-Huessy with an inspiring writing on this:
"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759 http://members.valley.net/~transnat/erh.html
Who says? Chuck Hartman History Conductor. Administering certain aspects of this, as a conductor on a train. Keeping an orchestra to the written score, as a symphony conductor—making beautiful music. Conducting history to the present and future, as the electricity of the death of a great man, which releases great power into the field of time. Watch this space, read these writings.
1—We start our revolution with an imperative. One is freest when one does what one must do. This seems odd, but it is similar to gaining one’s life by losing it, and losing one’s life by gaining it. Later I will trace the imperatives of the past revolutions—great changes. The Papal Revolution, the German, the English, the American and French, the Russian.
Great power to destroy is in the hands of very few. That is one challenge for the Peace Revolution. Another is neo-tribalism, and the perpetual warfare of the tribes.
Rosenstock-Huessy said that we must glorify the Tribal social order, eliminating the perpetual warfare. He thought we had glorified the Empire social order with the nation-state, and eliminated the slaver of the Empires. He thought that we had glorified Israel with the Church, and eliminated the exclusiveness. All these glorifications were on the basis of He WhoReversed The Trend, Jesus Christ.
James Jordan, in ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ says that this is the most exciting time to be alive since the first century, for the church started as a tribe in the Roman Empire, and then the Empire fell and the Church rose, it became King and Priest side by side. And now, nations have become more tribal, and the Church has native churches in every land. Jordan uses the organizing principle of successive emphases on the Father, and then the Son, and then the Holy Ghost/Spirit. He also uses Law for Imperative, Lyric for Subjective, Evaluation for Narrative, and Fact for Objective. (One could use the faces of the cherubim: Bull, Lion. Eagle, Man. Also Priest, King, Prophet, Man. There are many such. Jordan and ERH have it the best.
At the same time, every 700years of so, Jordan writes, a new institution arises. Church, Christian State, University.
We don’t know what will arise next, he writes in ‘Through New Eyes.’ And we are called to faithful worship and work and family.
2—The next part of a revolution, a great change, is subjective response.
(Yes, I hold that this is a type of liturgy of history. We are brought in, are cleansed by confession of sins and authoritative forgiveness, are consecrated—set apart—by words in a sermon, we are communed by the sign of the Lord’s Supper, and we are commissioned/sent out.)
My subjective response is “How To Make Your Communities Better’. We trace the history of one community, with her basic confession/catechism, and at the end, we come to her re-commissioning.
3—Narrative is next, writes Rosenstock-Huessy.
All these are best seen in two parts of Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. Chapter 5 limns the (mostly national) revolutions of the West. It traces each one’s Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, and Objective phases, and what is featured in each. Secondly, Clint Gardner illustrates ‘the complete cross of reality,’ near the end of the book.
I propose The Symphony of Peace/History (‘Fruit of Lips’: ERH) for this narrative part. It attempts by participation to proleptically recapitulate all of history, unto the New Song. This is incompletely on YouTube. See the 6 minute explanation with Sarah Roorda and Doug Roorda. There is also the Opus 22 attempt. Opus 3, much simpler, is available in audio and transcript, with notes. Opus 3 was after Jordan’s Exodus audios, Opus 22 is after Jordan’s Revelation audios.
TSOH is the art form of a next era. We will be in many eras at the same time, see calendar, below.
4—The Objective is a new calendar for this ‘a next layer of social order in history’. It rhymes at least 30 covenant sequences. The Days of Creation are a covenant sequence, so are the Ten Words (and especially the first 5). In ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ Jordan shows us a 12-part covenant sequence. Etc.
Every religion enshrines (ERH—I’d say ‘manifests’) her truths in a calendar.
Show me a man’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is. Show me a society’s calendar, and I’ll tell you what the society is.
I’ll have the calendar for this year and next year complete…soon. It only takes time! The formula is done.
We name the days for the social firmament/lights in Ephesians 2:6. We don’t use months/moon times. Seasons are Beatitudinal. The year is a Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi, and starts at Resurrection/Pascha/Easter. We have Psalm O Day, etc. It disciplines us. We use a Rosetta Stone approach, marking time in both/many calendars.
As the Tribal era is retained in community celebration holidays, and as the Empire in business and work schedules, and as Israel is retained in church calendars, and Greece in educational calendars, so a next era needs her calendar, House Of Singing Times, HOST, which I try to claim by spelling to be as the garments of the High Priest were to the Tabernacle, a kind of inside out.
Tomorrow, more marketing, more mohar (bride price). How to get words embodied.
Then we will every other day do Calling and Marketing.
The Lord be with you,
© Charles Howard Hartman. Tuesday, November 29, A. D. 2011. PergsYMMM! (PergamosBmoY), Daniel, Merciful, SardisCORAM861. Use freely, with attribution, non-commercially.
Host9330The ImperativeRhymingCovenantSequences
Oops! Add to this what is not in the Facebook Note, that this rhyming covenant sequences is chiastically the dressing of the Garden. This anticipates that after redemptive history has brought us to the time when we have fought the Holy War, that is, kept the Garden/Creation, we will beautify her in diversity in unity--rhyming!--unto the glorification of verbal exnihilation in the New Song. This latter is especially seen in The Symphony Of History/Peace.
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Little More About A Few Projects
What’s in it for you?
Some of these will make big money.
Some I will let lie fallow for a while.
Since I’m telling more about each,
those who want to do so
will have more with which to work.
Big money.
Who says?
Chuck Hartman History Conductor
Read and be happy.
1--CITY COMPACT. Take the Mayflower Compact. Adapt it for the present situation. Add a confession, and a vow to be under King Jesus. Use it for evangelism and discipling of a city.
[Based on Berman’s treatement of Truce of God and what followed, in ‘Law and Revolution’ page 90—free online at Google Books.]
Start wit this: Modern version
In the name of [the Trinitarian] God [of the Bible], Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of (our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.) King Jesus.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and [Covenants] (Country), [to confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, and to live appropriately] (a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia,) do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together (into a civil body politic;) to formally write that [_______ is a Christian _______] for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such (just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time,) [issuances] as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good [and the glory of King Jesus] (of the colony); unto [Whom] (which) we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at [_________] (Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.) [on ______________]
[Thus we declare that _______ is a Christian _______]
My changes in parentheses above. [added] (deleted)
2—I will be concentrating on trying to help organize the conducting of a next layer of social order in history, which see.
3--Rosetta Stone of Time will permeate my work. The idea is that, just as the Rosetta Stone was written in 3 languages, each saying the same thing, so that one unknown language of the 3 could then be learned and translated, we are communicated with by the past, by the present. and by the future, each being in a different language, but each saying the same thing.
We seem to concentrate almost exclusively on the past.
But, those ‘in a zone,’ are much in the present. This could include athletes with muscle memory, mechanics whose hands receive the information, musicians, persons working with computers to solve difficult problems.
Working with Lectionary Historical will/should help us learn more of the language of the future.
4—Pat WOT B. This is written in code, as I am approaching persons to do this.
5--Liturgical Battle Formation For Warriors of light/Living Epistles. Armies are in formation. We don’t want to treat our worship assemblies as the mixed multitude, unorganized, do we? This uses Jordan’s 49-book Bible, arranged in 7 sevens, each 7 being an iteration of the first 7 books, and the first 7 days. One person is in each ‘chair’. Each chair is one of these 49 books. Each chair sees the sermon especially through his book, and writes such for the others, even those who aren’t of the 49. Thus there is great reflection, great one anothering, great music. Light and sound are both waves. Engendered by the fact that cathedrals were astronomical observaties (Woods: “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization’). They had holes in roofs, and lines on the floor of the cathedral, and where the sun shone, for example, taught them about the sun’s movements. But now we are the light (‘Let your light so shine before men…’) and we are in the firmament (Ephesians 2:6). Therefore we reflect on our being lights, embodying the Bible.
6--Christian Court TV. Self-explanatory. Can be a money-maker, a surplus producer. See ‘Biblical Law’ from American Vision. Get help from experts. Could be ‘real life’ with Saturday Court.
7--Beatitudinal Field. Along the side write the Beatitudes and Woes. Across the top write the names of major institutions in the community (and the community as a whole). How does each measure up? When that is answered, one can know better where to go and what to do for the community.
8—Various business helps, etc.
9—In the calendar (HOST, House Of Singing Times) for a next layer of social order in history.Psalm O Day/Prayer O Day,Seasons of Beatitudes, Public Vindication and other holidays—TBOTMOFA, TC, EAT,MaeDay80 Confess and Confer, Renaming Days Firmamentally, etc. At one time I counted 30 covenant rhymes in HOST. Add this: Lectionary Historical. Also add Lectionary Future (of equal length), esp. ‘America’ : Part of what new covenant?
10—In TSOH (The Symphony Of Peace/History of ‘a next layer’) Opus 3, easier than Opus 22—with audio. Opus 22 and other Symphony Of History are on YouTube. Especially valuable is the approximately 6 minute explanation, with Sarah Roorda and Doug Roorda.
11: This is ‘a next layer’ in brief: Rhyming Covenant Sequences—imperative, then How To Make Your Communities Better as subjective, then TSOP/H as narrative, HOST and objective unto imperative. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—resources for this include Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ Ch. 5 and ERH UH 1954, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ by Jordan, ERH’s Dartmouth lectures, etc. HTMYCB was originally PROPR, Participatory ReCovenanting Of Pella/Refuge . It might be dual, it might be enacted as now ‘How To Make Your Communities Better’ Can I get someone doing this this year, and can they webcast Tulip Time? This should bring surplus, or profit.
12—Religious inventory of Pella households. Hire someone? Each church take a page of the phone book, with ours doing 4 of the 30. There are 26 churches for whom we pray. Teach other communities?
13--Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. Each family takes a big project, say, colonization of Mars, cleaning up the Sea of Plastic in the Pacific, etc. It will take generations. Nation-states, corporations might be tools. Think big, think long-term. Think Glory of God.
14--Search host ueberfolder and facebook notes and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, etc. May be some hidden, forgotten.
15--MaeDay80 has now produced Godparents for Eldsters, How To Make Your Communites Better, Rescue Teams, Cure Teams, etc. The 80th day, inclusive, after Pascha/Easter/Resurrection, and July 4. Confess first, then Conferences. Pick an author or book to feature each year. ‘An Enemy of the People,’ Ibsen. ‘Ceremonial Chemistry,’ Szasz. ‘Heart of Darkness’. Rene Girard.
18—Special note on HOST for now, Nov. 28, A. D. 2011: Get PergamosCoram861 and EphesusCoram 861 done and published. Also: Name Weeks for Books of 49 as part of rhyming 30—get from Doug
19: Anyone can do any of the above with me as a Joint Venture: search my work on the internet, etc. and propose something. I’’lll be concentrating on ‘a next layer’ and ‘the few,’ etc. It’s my Calling: the most important thing I can do at which I am most difficult to replace.
20—Help various others.
21—The Pyramid of the Decalogue. Just as the Tabernacle had 3 stories, and the elders over 10s, 50s, hundreds, and thousands was a type of pyramid structure, so to by list the 10 Wordsand seeng what connects, in an argument, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc., we can then what connects what connects 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, etc. Finally get to the Big Connector. 9 connect, then 87654321, so that we have THE ONE KEY Connector, atop a pyramid like unto the Tabernacle, and the elders over 10s, 50s, 100s, thousands, to Moses under God. Maybe 11?!
Example: Prolog “I am the Lord thy God Who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of bondage.
First Word: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
A.What connects these? Something such as ‘Your rescuer is your God?
The what connects First Word with Second Word (no idols, in Hebrew and Protestant renderings—the Words are not numbered, we are to maturely divide them ourselves, as God showed us in numbering the days of Creation?)?
B. Could it be something such as this: ‘When you have a god, don’t worship something that god has made— worship that god’?
What connects A and B?
Do this for all the Words, and the connectors of them, and the connectors of the connectors, until you get to one great connector, the essence of the Ten Words?
22--For church: nursing home prayer warriors: North, also his sustained revival. SRS. Also:Liabilities into assets for church budget process—‘Warren’ for p.[type for all in cong.], joint venture for website. Expenses into incomes. Advisor only.
23--Chuck Hartman History Conductor carries the messages of ‘a next layer’ primarily. Use all kinds of marketing, etc. to show value, if/as/when must get another second source of income. Types of conducting. a —Train, b—Orchestra, c--Electricity conductor: when a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, so as we proclaim His death until He comes, that is conducting. So too is the Fifth Word.
24—Raising money to buy a building for church services, and more.
Redeemer Hours: Basic idea. Need $200,000 to buy church building. Find someone to buy 20,000 Redeemer (name of church) hours @ $10/hour--maybe they'll need 25,000 to compensate for the risk, and administration.
[Also, some hours are worth more than $10, some less. A computer guy, maybe 2 Redeemer hours per hour of work, a leaf-raker, maybe .75 per hour of work].
The members of the church would pledge a certain number of hours, say 5 a week (Saturdays?). So, to get to 25,000 hours, @ 50 weeks a year, 5 hours a week, that would be 250 divided into 25,000, or 100 member/years. That is 100 members x 5 hours a week, x 50 weeks, would equal the 25,000 hours.
My math may be off. The principle makes sense to me. Could circulate in community as alternative currency, see Time Banks and Labor Exchanges.
Could use this to get people into the narrative of God’s history, that is, who will help with this and see that it is a good idea and manifestation of Biblical principles?
The above 24 were based on these:
Monday, November 28, Anno Domini (A. D.) 2011/ SardsYMMM! [SardisBmoY!], Daniel [week, sheba—7, oath], Season of Beatitude Merciful [Mo’ed] and associated Woe (Matthew 23), SardisCORAM861 [861st Hepatad since Creation—Ussher/Jordan, Celebration of Resurrection Anno Mundi] © and other claims by Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially
I’ll make it MUCH simpler in the future, as I am letting these lie fallow, except for ‘a next layer’ and taking a small bite of the elephant at a time.
Thanks for your patience! Chuck
[Much of my stuff is low-grade stefnal in TheoSymbol language, awaiting translation]
Some of these will make big money.
Some I will let lie fallow for a while.
Since I’m telling more about each,
those who want to do so
will have more with which to work.
Big money.
Who says?
Chuck Hartman History Conductor
Read and be happy.
1--CITY COMPACT. Take the Mayflower Compact. Adapt it for the present situation. Add a confession, and a vow to be under King Jesus. Use it for evangelism and discipling of a city.
[Based on Berman’s treatement of Truce of God and what followed, in ‘Law and Revolution’ page 90—free online at Google Books.]
Start wit this: Modern version
In the name of [the Trinitarian] God [of the Bible], Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of (our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.) King Jesus.
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and [Covenants] (Country), [to confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, and to live appropriately] (a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia,) do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together (into a civil body politic;) to formally write that [_______ is a Christian _______] for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such (just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time,) [issuances] as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good [and the glory of King Jesus] (of the colony); unto [Whom] (which) we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at [_________] (Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.) [on ______________]
[Thus we declare that _______ is a Christian _______]
My changes in parentheses above. [added] (deleted)
2—I will be concentrating on trying to help organize the conducting of a next layer of social order in history, which see.
3--Rosetta Stone of Time will permeate my work. The idea is that, just as the Rosetta Stone was written in 3 languages, each saying the same thing, so that one unknown language of the 3 could then be learned and translated, we are communicated with by the past, by the present. and by the future, each being in a different language, but each saying the same thing.
We seem to concentrate almost exclusively on the past.
But, those ‘in a zone,’ are much in the present. This could include athletes with muscle memory, mechanics whose hands receive the information, musicians, persons working with computers to solve difficult problems.
Working with Lectionary Historical will/should help us learn more of the language of the future.
4—Pat WOT B. This is written in code, as I am approaching persons to do this.
5--Liturgical Battle Formation For Warriors of light/Living Epistles. Armies are in formation. We don’t want to treat our worship assemblies as the mixed multitude, unorganized, do we? This uses Jordan’s 49-book Bible, arranged in 7 sevens, each 7 being an iteration of the first 7 books, and the first 7 days. One person is in each ‘chair’. Each chair is one of these 49 books. Each chair sees the sermon especially through his book, and writes such for the others, even those who aren’t of the 49. Thus there is great reflection, great one anothering, great music. Light and sound are both waves. Engendered by the fact that cathedrals were astronomical observaties (Woods: “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization’). They had holes in roofs, and lines on the floor of the cathedral, and where the sun shone, for example, taught them about the sun’s movements. But now we are the light (‘Let your light so shine before men…’) and we are in the firmament (Ephesians 2:6). Therefore we reflect on our being lights, embodying the Bible.
6--Christian Court TV. Self-explanatory. Can be a money-maker, a surplus producer. See ‘Biblical Law’ from American Vision. Get help from experts. Could be ‘real life’ with Saturday Court.
7--Beatitudinal Field. Along the side write the Beatitudes and Woes. Across the top write the names of major institutions in the community (and the community as a whole). How does each measure up? When that is answered, one can know better where to go and what to do for the community.
8—Various business helps, etc.
9—In the calendar (HOST, House Of Singing Times) for a next layer of social order in history.Psalm O Day/Prayer O Day,Seasons of Beatitudes, Public Vindication and other holidays—TBOTMOFA, TC, EAT,MaeDay80 Confess and Confer, Renaming Days Firmamentally, etc. At one time I counted 30 covenant rhymes in HOST. Add this: Lectionary Historical. Also add Lectionary Future (of equal length), esp. ‘America’ : Part of what new covenant?
10—In TSOH (The Symphony Of Peace/History of ‘a next layer’) Opus 3, easier than Opus 22—with audio. Opus 22 and other Symphony Of History are on YouTube. Especially valuable is the approximately 6 minute explanation, with Sarah Roorda and Doug Roorda.
11: This is ‘a next layer’ in brief: Rhyming Covenant Sequences—imperative, then How To Make Your Communities Better as subjective, then TSOP/H as narrative, HOST and objective unto imperative. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—resources for this include Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ Ch. 5 and ERH UH 1954, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,’ by Jordan, ERH’s Dartmouth lectures, etc. HTMYCB was originally PROPR, Participatory ReCovenanting Of Pella/Refuge . It might be dual, it might be enacted as now ‘How To Make Your Communities Better’ Can I get someone doing this this year, and can they webcast Tulip Time? This should bring surplus, or profit.
12—Religious inventory of Pella households. Hire someone? Each church take a page of the phone book, with ours doing 4 of the 30. There are 26 churches for whom we pray. Teach other communities?
13--Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects. Each family takes a big project, say, colonization of Mars, cleaning up the Sea of Plastic in the Pacific, etc. It will take generations. Nation-states, corporations might be tools. Think big, think long-term. Think Glory of God.
14--Search host ueberfolder and facebook notes and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, etc. May be some hidden, forgotten.
15--MaeDay80 has now produced Godparents for Eldsters, How To Make Your Communites Better, Rescue Teams, Cure Teams, etc. The 80th day, inclusive, after Pascha/Easter/Resurrection, and July 4. Confess first, then Conferences. Pick an author or book to feature each year. ‘An Enemy of the People,’ Ibsen. ‘Ceremonial Chemistry,’ Szasz. ‘Heart of Darkness’. Rene Girard.
18—Special note on HOST for now, Nov. 28, A. D. 2011: Get PergamosCoram861 and EphesusCoram 861 done and published. Also: Name Weeks for Books of 49 as part of rhyming 30—get from Doug
19: Anyone can do any of the above with me as a Joint Venture: search my work on the internet, etc. and propose something. I’’lll be concentrating on ‘a next layer’ and ‘the few,’ etc. It’s my Calling: the most important thing I can do at which I am most difficult to replace.
20—Help various others.
21—The Pyramid of the Decalogue. Just as the Tabernacle had 3 stories, and the elders over 10s, 50s, hundreds, and thousands was a type of pyramid structure, so to by list the 10 Wordsand seeng what connects, in an argument, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc., we can then what connects what connects 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, etc. Finally get to the Big Connector. 9 connect, then 87654321, so that we have THE ONE KEY Connector, atop a pyramid like unto the Tabernacle, and the elders over 10s, 50s, 100s, thousands, to Moses under God. Maybe 11?!
Example: Prolog “I am the Lord thy God Who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of bondage.
First Word: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
A.What connects these? Something such as ‘Your rescuer is your God?
The what connects First Word with Second Word (no idols, in Hebrew and Protestant renderings—the Words are not numbered, we are to maturely divide them ourselves, as God showed us in numbering the days of Creation?)?
B. Could it be something such as this: ‘When you have a god, don’t worship something that god has made— worship that god’?
What connects A and B?
Do this for all the Words, and the connectors of them, and the connectors of the connectors, until you get to one great connector, the essence of the Ten Words?
22--For church: nursing home prayer warriors: North, also his sustained revival. SRS. Also:Liabilities into assets for church budget process—‘Warren’ for p.[type for all in cong.], joint venture for website. Expenses into incomes. Advisor only.
23--Chuck Hartman History Conductor carries the messages of ‘a next layer’ primarily. Use all kinds of marketing, etc. to show value, if/as/when must get another second source of income. Types of conducting. a —Train, b—Orchestra, c--Electricity conductor: when a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, so as we proclaim His death until He comes, that is conducting. So too is the Fifth Word.
24—Raising money to buy a building for church services, and more.
Redeemer Hours: Basic idea. Need $200,000 to buy church building. Find someone to buy 20,000 Redeemer (name of church) hours @ $10/hour--maybe they'll need 25,000 to compensate for the risk, and administration.
[Also, some hours are worth more than $10, some less. A computer guy, maybe 2 Redeemer hours per hour of work, a leaf-raker, maybe .75 per hour of work].
The members of the church would pledge a certain number of hours, say 5 a week (Saturdays?). So, to get to 25,000 hours, @ 50 weeks a year, 5 hours a week, that would be 250 divided into 25,000, or 100 member/years. That is 100 members x 5 hours a week, x 50 weeks, would equal the 25,000 hours.
My math may be off. The principle makes sense to me. Could circulate in community as alternative currency, see Time Banks and Labor Exchanges.
Could use this to get people into the narrative of God’s history, that is, who will help with this and see that it is a good idea and manifestation of Biblical principles?
The above 24 were based on these:
Monday, November 28, Anno Domini (A. D.) 2011/ SardsYMMM! [SardisBmoY!], Daniel [week, sheba—7, oath], Season of Beatitude Merciful [Mo’ed] and associated Woe (Matthew 23), SardisCORAM861 [861st Hepatad since Creation—Ussher/Jordan, Celebration of Resurrection Anno Mundi] © and other claims by Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially
I’ll make it MUCH simpler in the future, as I am letting these lie fallow, except for ‘a next layer’ and taking a small bite of the elephant at a time.
Thanks for your patience! Chuck
[Much of my stuff is low-grade stefnal in TheoSymbol language, awaiting translation]
Peace Compact--it can lead to more.
Berman's very interesting on p. 90 of Law and Revolution (free online at Google Books) about how the Truce of God's oath-taking led to cities and guilds in the 12th C. And there's something odd about the 'nations' of students in the university narrative. Could these be used? I think so. An updated Mayflower Compact (call it the City Compact?) signed as an evangelistic and discipling tool.
Astrology Or Naming The Days Aright
Since the names of the days of the week are those of planets or 'gods' of these planets, I've made a preliminary attempt to do better.
WE are in the firmament with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6), and we are lights.
This may be very significant, since it has been said that Israel of Old and the New Israel (the church) both conquer empires--empires based on astrology/astronomy--by worshiping every 7 days.
When we worship/rest every 7 days, we amen that The One True God created all these sun, moon, stars in 6 days and all very good and rested on the 7th.
THAT's a witness!! Charles Howard Hartman (Chuck)
Conductor as in train, orchestra, conductor of electricity. For when a good man dies, he releases great power into the field of time. We proclaim His death until He comes.
Psalm 90:12
King James Version (KJV)
12So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
A glorifying SardsYMMM! to you! Monday, November 28, A. D. 2011 old style (keep the A. D.) becomes SardisBmoY!, Daniel (sheba=week=oath, 7), Merciful (Mo'ed/Season of Blessed are the Merciful (and associated Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM 861 (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi--From Resurrectin unto resurrection).
When this gets to be in more widespread use, over time, all the explanations won't be necessary, and this could be what is said: SardsYMMM!, Daniel, Merciful, SardsCoram861.
More later. The above is meant to be a type of Rosetta Stone.
WE are in the firmament with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6), and we are lights.
This may be very significant, since it has been said that Israel of Old and the New Israel (the church) both conquer empires--empires based on astrology/astronomy--by worshiping every 7 days.
When we worship/rest every 7 days, we amen that The One True God created all these sun, moon, stars in 6 days and all very good and rested on the 7th.
THAT's a witness!! Charles Howard Hartman (Chuck)
Conductor as in train, orchestra, conductor of electricity. For when a good man dies, he releases great power into the field of time. We proclaim His death until He comes.
Psalm 90:12
King James Version (KJV)
12So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
A glorifying SardsYMMM! to you! Monday, November 28, A. D. 2011 old style (keep the A. D.) becomes SardisBmoY!, Daniel (sheba=week=oath, 7), Merciful (Mo'ed/Season of Blessed are the Merciful (and associated Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM 861 (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi--From Resurrectin unto resurrection).
When this gets to be in more widespread use, over time, all the explanations won't be necessary, and this could be what is said: SardsYMMM!, Daniel, Merciful, SardsCoram861.
More later. The above is meant to be a type of Rosetta Stone.
I believe in herovolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are chosen to be torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
We are first sufferers, protagonists, men between eras, heroes.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
John 6:44
King James Version (KJV) 44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:44, Greek tracing and a pun.
[‘draw’/’drag’ in John 6:44, helko, ireo, hero—
Lewis Carroll would be happy: cold, cord, word, worm, warm.]
As we are chosen to be torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
We are first sufferers, protagonists, men between eras, heroes.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1)
John 6:44
King James Version (KJV) 44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:44, Greek tracing and a pun.
[‘draw’/’drag’ in John 6:44, helko, ireo, hero—
Lewis Carroll would be happy: cold, cord, word, worm, warm.]
Saturday, November 26, 2011
City Covenants
Add Truce of God
City covenants 12th C., Berman, adapted for Pella, 21st C. and Sustained Revival: North
City covenants 12th C., Berman, adapted for Pella, 21st C. and Sustained Revival: North
Get Your Ideas Adopted: Case Study One
What’s in it for you? First: Marketing is an enormously important task, and skill. Second: You COULD be one of the few who lead the way. Write me a not at edencity@aol.com when you want to be one of this key group. Tell me about what project you think is good, and how it might be furthered. They are in the last two notes on my Facebook Profile, Charles Howard Hartman. That's a lot that is in it for you, to be in the lead.
Who says? Jay Abraham is very highly paid. North has written an economic commentary on the whole Bible, a project he started in 1973. That’s stick-to-itiveness, and comprehensivity. Thirdly, read on?
Before getting to the meat of lists, as presented by Jay Abraham and Gary North on North’s site, garynorth.com, here are two wonderful points.
1—Since I write just after I get up, about a page a day, in a schedule of first:Projects, second: Peace Calling/ Next Layer of Social Order, then third: Marketing, I find that I am thinking about what to write during the day before.
2—On lists, it’s not yet time for large numbers of people to participate. I’m looking for a few. Therefore, I will search for these few. I have many who have expressed some interest over the years (since 1997 for The Symphony of History). These are on forums, at work, at church, etc. We’ll start there. Then there is social media, and John Locke’s system for selling a million ebooks in 5 months will be helpful.
What I am looking for is a low double-digit number.
Each must qualify, by writing a note about what attracts them to some aspect of the Projects or A Next Layer of Social Order—Toward Peace.
Building on that, I will work toward a total system of marketing, using social media, websites, email lists, ebooks, etc. But this is a long term process. ERH said that his material would not get into schools for 100 years—my stuff will take longer.
The Most useful at present could be aspects of HOST, a new calendar, and How To Make Your Communities Better. On the calendar, one could start with renaming the days according to the retunng? Or maybe an aspect of Lectionary Historical?
We must test and see. We will be surprised. The market tells us.
To Lists, Abraham and North. This is for members only, so I will summarize and apply. I recommend joining garynorth.com. Marketing Studies is in the Members section, in the column on the left.
A quote first from an article for members yesterday by Dr. North. I will follow this plan.
Find, don’t educate.
‘irect-response marketers learn very early that they cannot educate the public to do what is good for them. They can only profit by selling people what these people want. It costs too much to educate shoppers’
First, Dr. North recommends that you download and read the FREE Chapter One of Jay Abraham’s book Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got. I will do that AGAIN as a next step. Watch this space, next Wednesday.
To the Case Study about in-house mailing lists. (As I wrote above, I will be making a short one, given my circumstances, for now.)
SUMMARY: A restaurant owner doubled business by doing simple things to make a list of his customers, and by keeping in contact with them through this list.
Ego trumps money.
How does this apply to me—and you?
I have recognized the stage of the process.
It is not time for big mailing lists.
The products are not ready.
But I still must change the way I do things.
This is for the good of the results I hope for.
Stages of the process of adopting an idea are these:
2.5% are innovators.
13.5% are early adopters.
34% are the early majority.
34% are the late majority.
16% are the laggards.
I’m still looking for innovators, tending toward early adopters.
What stage of the process are you in, and how can you do it best?
PS: Later, from fall of Rome to Truce of God (ERH), and One then Few then Many then All (Copernicus to Galileo), then Women-Disciples-Students-Patrons, etc.
Host9311MarketingCaseStudyOneOneOnLists Saturday, November 26, Anno Domini 2011/ SmyrnaBmoY! (SmyrnsYMMM!), The Twelve Sheba (Week). Season/Mo'ed of Blessed are the Merciful (and Associated Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi) 861. (This is a Rosetta Stone of HOST, calendar.)
(c) Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution.
Who says? Jay Abraham is very highly paid. North has written an economic commentary on the whole Bible, a project he started in 1973. That’s stick-to-itiveness, and comprehensivity. Thirdly, read on?
Before getting to the meat of lists, as presented by Jay Abraham and Gary North on North’s site, garynorth.com, here are two wonderful points.
1—Since I write just after I get up, about a page a day, in a schedule of first:Projects, second: Peace Calling/ Next Layer of Social Order, then third: Marketing, I find that I am thinking about what to write during the day before.
2—On lists, it’s not yet time for large numbers of people to participate. I’m looking for a few. Therefore, I will search for these few. I have many who have expressed some interest over the years (since 1997 for The Symphony of History). These are on forums, at work, at church, etc. We’ll start there. Then there is social media, and John Locke’s system for selling a million ebooks in 5 months will be helpful.
What I am looking for is a low double-digit number.
Each must qualify, by writing a note about what attracts them to some aspect of the Projects or A Next Layer of Social Order—Toward Peace.
Building on that, I will work toward a total system of marketing, using social media, websites, email lists, ebooks, etc. But this is a long term process. ERH said that his material would not get into schools for 100 years—my stuff will take longer.
The Most useful at present could be aspects of HOST, a new calendar, and How To Make Your Communities Better. On the calendar, one could start with renaming the days according to the retunng? Or maybe an aspect of Lectionary Historical?
We must test and see. We will be surprised. The market tells us.
To Lists, Abraham and North. This is for members only, so I will summarize and apply. I recommend joining garynorth.com. Marketing Studies is in the Members section, in the column on the left.
A quote first from an article for members yesterday by Dr. North. I will follow this plan.
Find, don’t educate.
‘irect-response marketers learn very early that they cannot educate the public to do what is good for them. They can only profit by selling people what these people want. It costs too much to educate shoppers’
First, Dr. North recommends that you download and read the FREE Chapter One of Jay Abraham’s book Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got. I will do that AGAIN as a next step. Watch this space, next Wednesday.
To the Case Study about in-house mailing lists. (As I wrote above, I will be making a short one, given my circumstances, for now.)
SUMMARY: A restaurant owner doubled business by doing simple things to make a list of his customers, and by keeping in contact with them through this list.
Ego trumps money.
How does this apply to me—and you?
I have recognized the stage of the process.
It is not time for big mailing lists.
The products are not ready.
But I still must change the way I do things.
This is for the good of the results I hope for.
Stages of the process of adopting an idea are these:
2.5% are innovators.
13.5% are early adopters.
34% are the early majority.
34% are the late majority.
16% are the laggards.
I’m still looking for innovators, tending toward early adopters.
What stage of the process are you in, and how can you do it best?
PS: Later, from fall of Rome to Truce of God (ERH), and One then Few then Many then All (Copernicus to Galileo), then Women-Disciples-Students-Patrons, etc.
Host9311MarketingCaseStudyOneOneOnLists Saturday, November 26, Anno Domini 2011/ SmyrnaBmoY! (SmyrnsYMMM!), The Twelve Sheba (Week). Season/Mo'ed of Blessed are the Merciful (and Associated Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi) 861. (This is a Rosetta Stone of HOST, calendar.)
(c) Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Toward Peace: A Next Layer of Social Order In History
What’s in it for you? There’s so much power in the hands of so many, that almost anyone in a 5th Generation Warfare time (nets and jets) can destroy a tremendous amount, so we need to work ‘toward peace’ by honoring what came before by applying it well, so that we may do well and live long in the promise. What is below attempts to do this with comprehensive beauty.
Who says? Read along, please. Works of wise and reverent ones are the basis for this work.
Thanks! Chuck
My calling is trying to help organize the conducting of a next era of social order in history, toward peace.
Conducting, as a train conductor, as an orchestra conductor, as a conductor of electricity.
First in order of complexity, this conducting would be like staying on track—wait, that’s more the engineer’s job. The conductor on a train takes tickets and sees to the passengers and the re cord keeping.
The symphony orchestra conductor follows the total score.
The electricity conductor is more complex. The bais is this: When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, like the generation of electricity. To use this power to best effect, transmitting, transforming, etc., that’s electricity conducting. It’s an honoring of father and mother, it’s an appreciation of the past.
Now, we do and will live in many social orders. These are represented by calendars. Here I follow Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, argobooks.org. The tribal order is with us as community holidays. The empire order is with us as work and business schedules. The ecclesiastical calendar manifests the Israel social order. The Greeks are with us as educational calendars.
ERH (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy) held to this sequence of social orders. Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend (Jesus Christ), the Church as Israel without the exclusiveness, the Nation-State [and Science] as Empire without slavery, and we are now confronted with the task of the Tribes without perpetual war, ‘socio-stuff’. The church has liturgy, science has the scientific method, and we must now apply the covenant sequence to the tribe.
Science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead. After The One True God conquered the other gods (of rivers, storms, etc.) so that these other gods did not have to be charmed before action could be taken, science could proceed. Church, Heavens Above; Science, Waters Under the Earth; A Next Layer, The Earth Beneath (People Made of Dust).
There is also the Jordan sequence (Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future) which sees history as a succession of emphases on, respectively, The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Thus, Tribes, Nations, Cosmopolitan before Jesus, and Church, Christian State, University (700 year periods) after.
A third system, based on ERH, is limned in Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5. Starting with the Papal Revolution in the 11th C., each national revolution follows the sequence of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, and Objective. Jordan calls these Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact unto new Torah.
I’ll summarize Gardner later. But my 4 are Comprehensive Beauty, How To Make Your Communities Better, The Symphony of Peace/History, and House of Singing Times (calendar). These will be explained more later.
Other works to follow are the lectures of ERH at Dartmouth, especially the new DVD material on Universal History 1949-1956. These are available from Amazon.com, and can be found from a link at argobooks.org. There are other DVDs of lectures also, and each DVD contains several aaudio sets of lectures, and all the lectures in transcript. ERH sang his ideas into his students, so the audio experience is crucial. There are some books free online at argobooks.org also.
Friday, Novermber 24, A. D. 2011/ThyatiraBmoY (ThyatraYMMM!), The Twelve Sheba, Mo’ed/Season of Blessed are the Merciful (and Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi) 861. © Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution.
Tomorrow, Lord willing, I apply a marketing case study by Jay Abraham to some part of either or both of Joint Venture Projects, or A Next Layer of Social Order
What’s in it for you? There’s so much power in the hands of so many, that almost anyone in a 5th Generation Warfare time (nets and jets) can destroy a tremendous amount, so we need to work ‘toward peace’ by honoring what came before by applying it well, so that we may do well and live long in the promise. What is below attempts to do this with comprehensive beauty.
Who says? Read along, please. Works of wise and reverent ones are the basis for this work.
Thanks! Chuck
My calling is trying to help organize the conducting of a next era of social order in history, toward peace.
Conducting, as a train conductor, as an orchestra conductor, as a conductor of electricity.
First in order of complexity, this conducting would be like staying on track—wait, that’s more the engineer’s job. The conductor on a train takes tickets and sees to the passengers and the re cord keeping.
The symphony orchestra conductor follows the total score.
The electricity conductor is more complex. The bais is this: When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, like the generation of electricity. To use this power to best effect, transmitting, transforming, etc., that’s electricity conducting. It’s an honoring of father and mother, it’s an appreciation of the past.
Now, we do and will live in many social orders. These are represented by calendars. Here I follow Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, argobooks.org. The tribal order is with us as community holidays. The empire order is with us as work and business schedules. The ecclesiastical calendar manifests the Israel social order. The Greeks are with us as educational calendars.
ERH (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy) held to this sequence of social orders. Tribe, Empire, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend (Jesus Christ), the Church as Israel without the exclusiveness, the Nation-State [and Science] as Empire without slavery, and we are now confronted with the task of the Tribes without perpetual war, ‘socio-stuff’. The church has liturgy, science has the scientific method, and we must now apply the covenant sequence to the tribe.
Science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead. After The One True God conquered the other gods (of rivers, storms, etc.) so that these other gods did not have to be charmed before action could be taken, science could proceed. Church, Heavens Above; Science, Waters Under the Earth; A Next Layer, The Earth Beneath (People Made of Dust).
There is also the Jordan sequence (Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future) which sees history as a succession of emphases on, respectively, The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Thus, Tribes, Nations, Cosmopolitan before Jesus, and Church, Christian State, University (700 year periods) after.
A third system, based on ERH, is limned in Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5. Starting with the Papal Revolution in the 11th C., each national revolution follows the sequence of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, and Objective. Jordan calls these Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact unto new Torah.
I’ll summarize Gardner later. But my 4 are Comprehensive Beauty, How To Make Your Communities Better, The Symphony of Peace/History, and House of Singing Times (calendar). These will be explained more later.
Other works to follow are the lectures of ERH at Dartmouth, especially the new DVD material on Universal History 1949-1956. These are available from Amazon.com, and can be found from a link at argobooks.org. There are other DVDs of lectures also, and each DVD contains several aaudio sets of lectures, and all the lectures in transcript. ERH sang his ideas into his students, so the audio experience is crucial. There are some books free online at argobooks.org also.
Friday, Novermber 24, A. D. 2011/ThyatiraBmoY (ThyatraYMMM!), The Twelve Sheba, Mo’ed/Season of Blessed are the Merciful (and Woe in Matthew 23), SardisCORAM (Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi) 861. © Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially, with attribution.
Tomorrow, Lord willing, I apply a marketing case study by Jay Abraham to some part of either or both of Joint Venture Projects, or A Next Layer of Social Order
Thursday, November 24, 2011
List of Projects, Cash* Hartman Joint Ventures
What's in it for you? There's money to be made! And 'cash--conducting a symphonic history: train conductor, orchestra conductor, electricity conductor.
Who says? Watch this space, and read below. Find something to work on with the inventor of the projects below.
A Day of Thanksgiving, November 24, A. D. 2011/PhilsYMMM!, The Twelve Sheba, Merciful, Sardis Coram 861
[From Host4061]
Latest: Rosetta Stone of Time, Liturgical Battle [Much of my stuff is low-grade stefnal in TheoSymbol language, awaiting translation]Formation For Warriors of light/Living Epistles
[Concentrate on: Calendar (name days especially), around the square, godparents for Eldsters--oops, forgot that below: http://godparentsforeldsters.blogspot.com/]
Christian Court TV (see Biblical Law from American Vision)
Beatitudinal Field
Saturday Court
Business Consulting, Ford plan/Marketing Case Studies [Mobile, Local Video? Depends]
Psalm O Day/Prayer O Day
Seasons of Beatitudes
Public Vindication and other holidays—TBOTMOFA, TC, EAT,MaeDay80 Confess and Confer
Renaming Days Firmamentally
Opus 3, easier than Opus 22—with audio
Lectionary Historical and Future of equal length, esp. ‘America’ as part of what new covenant
Rhyming Covenant Sequences—imperative, then How To Make Your Communities Better as subjective, then TSOP/H as narrative, HOST and objective unto imperative. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—Gardner Ch. 5 and ERH UH 1954
PROPR, Participatory ReCovenanting Of Pella/Refuge—host5065 (now How To Make Your Communities Better—get someone doing this this year)
Webcast Tulip Time
With Pastor Hekes, revival of Pella—hire? Get each household inventory (advisor)
Prepare and prepare to help others
Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects
[Search host ueberfolder and facebooks notes and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]
Get PergamosCoram861 and EphesusCoram 861 done and published
Name Weeks for Books of 49 as part of rhyming 30—get from Doug
Joint Ventures—have ‘em search and propose
Go through ‘Chuck’ and try the money-making deals
Michael Senoff, esp. buying businesses, audio, HMA Consulting—if necessary with Ford
10% for property manager, Schaub
[Calling—most important thing I can do at which I am most difficult to replace: HOST/TSOH?]
Help Jim, connect him with Switzer, etc.
Mike Bull and have others do/workbook, agent, etc. Brigette mehr, others?
Beatitudinal Field (and Woes)
List the 10 Words. What connects, in an argument, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc. Then what connects what connects 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, etc. Finally get to the Big Connector. 9 connetc, then 87654321, a pyramid like unto the Tabernacle, and the elders over 10s, 50s, 100s, thousands, to Moses under God
For church: nursing home prayer warriors: North, also his sustained revival
Liabilities into assets for church budget process—‘Warren’ for p.[type for all in cong.], joint venture for website. Expenses into incomes. PATW of Bible, some projects above. SRS advisor only.
1-Cash, 2—CHHConductor, 3—Marketing Case Studies, repeat [websites, etc. Locke: Million eBooks]
Electricity conductor: when a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, so as we proclaim His death until He comes, that is conducting. So too is the Fifth Word.
Tomorrow (ThyatiraYMMM!): CHHConductor
Who says? Watch this space, and read below. Find something to work on with the inventor of the projects below.
A Day of Thanksgiving, November 24, A. D. 2011/PhilsYMMM!, The Twelve Sheba, Merciful, Sardis Coram 861
[From Host4061]
Latest: Rosetta Stone of Time, Liturgical Battle [Much of my stuff is low-grade stefnal in TheoSymbol language, awaiting translation]Formation For Warriors of light/Living Epistles
[Concentrate on: Calendar (name days especially), around the square, godparents for Eldsters--oops, forgot that below: http://godparentsforeldsters.blogspot.com/]
Christian Court TV (see Biblical Law from American Vision)
Beatitudinal Field
Saturday Court
Business Consulting, Ford plan/Marketing Case Studies [Mobile, Local Video? Depends]
Psalm O Day/Prayer O Day
Seasons of Beatitudes
Public Vindication and other holidays—TBOTMOFA, TC, EAT,MaeDay80 Confess and Confer
Renaming Days Firmamentally
Opus 3, easier than Opus 22—with audio
Lectionary Historical and Future of equal length, esp. ‘America’ as part of what new covenant
Rhyming Covenant Sequences—imperative, then How To Make Your Communities Better as subjective, then TSOP/H as narrative, HOST and objective unto imperative. Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—Gardner Ch. 5 and ERH UH 1954
PROPR, Participatory ReCovenanting Of Pella/Refuge—host5065 (now How To Make Your Communities Better—get someone doing this this year)
Webcast Tulip Time
With Pastor Hekes, revival of Pella—hire? Get each household inventory (advisor)
Prepare and prepare to help others
Greater Things Multi-Generational Big Projects
[Search host ueberfolder and facebooks notes and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]
Get PergamosCoram861 and EphesusCoram 861 done and published
Name Weeks for Books of 49 as part of rhyming 30—get from Doug
Joint Ventures—have ‘em search and propose
Go through ‘Chuck’ and try the money-making deals
Michael Senoff, esp. buying businesses, audio, HMA Consulting—if necessary with Ford
10% for property manager, Schaub
[Calling—most important thing I can do at which I am most difficult to replace: HOST/TSOH?]
Help Jim, connect him with Switzer, etc.
Mike Bull and have others do/workbook, agent, etc. Brigette mehr, others?
Beatitudinal Field (and Woes)
List the 10 Words. What connects, in an argument, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc. Then what connects what connects 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, etc. Finally get to the Big Connector. 9 connetc, then 87654321, a pyramid like unto the Tabernacle, and the elders over 10s, 50s, 100s, thousands, to Moses under God
For church: nursing home prayer warriors: North, also his sustained revival
Liabilities into assets for church budget process—‘Warren’ for p.[type for all in cong.], joint venture for website. Expenses into incomes. PATW of Bible, some projects above. SRS advisor only.
1-Cash, 2—CHHConductor, 3—Marketing Case Studies, repeat [websites, etc. Locke: Million eBooks]
Electricity conductor: when a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time, so as we proclaim His death until He comes, that is conducting. So too is the Fifth Word.
Tomorrow (ThyatiraYMMM!): CHHConductor
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
A True Holiday: Armistice Day
The Armistice was an event, and thus qualifies to be a holiday, when the whole people celebrates one thing together at one time. Ideas don't do this--Veterans Day, for instance, and other things such as Pastor Appreciation (pay the man! double honor!) and National Adoption Month. GFE is, in a way, a whole new breed of holiday, I'm thinking. Peace to you, the explicit reconciliation of opposites. Charles Howard Hartman
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Armistice Day Beats Veterans Day
Key Levers Politically And What Technology Destroyed Europe WWI
Much political discussion is entertainment, that is ‘between holding’.
What are the keys to be held?
We could learn this by seeing what technology (yes, Marx!) made it such that WWI and WWII happened, for any new technology destroys the old group (yes, Rosenstock-Huessy!) while increasing the space over which one can operate, and decreasing the time it takes to do something.
Thus we re-member (sic—join ourselves again) history, that is, Armistice Day, a real time, a celebration of peace in which the whole people can celebrate at the same time, as one.
This is not only the general idea of having place one’s frail body between one’s loved home and the war’s desolation. Not a general idea, but a specific time. General ideas get lost, one cannot as well focus on them.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month—November 11, A. D. 1918, the Armistice ending the fighting that was the end of Europe—one can get one’s mind and soul around that, and so too can every one, and the whole people can celebrate this one time, as one, on the same day.
So, what are the Key Levers?
Much political discussion is entertainment, that is ‘between holding’.
What are the keys to be held?
We could learn this by seeing what technology (yes, Marx!) made it such that WWI and WWII happened, for any new technology destroys the old group (yes, Rosenstock-Huessy!) while increasing the space over which one can operate, and decreasing the time it takes to do something.
Thus we re-member (sic—join ourselves again) history, that is, Armistice Day, a real time, a celebration of peace in which the whole people can celebrate at the same time, as one.
This is not only the general idea of having place one’s frail body between one’s loved home and the war’s desolation. Not a general idea, but a specific time. General ideas get lost, one cannot as well focus on them.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month—November 11, A. D. 1918, the Armistice ending the fighting that was the end of Europe—one can get one’s mind and soul around that, and so too can every one, and the whole people can celebrate this one time, as one, on the same day.
So, what are the Key Levers?
Should A Member of a Church Vowed to the 3 Forms of Unity....Use Them?
Who will derive specific positions from the 3 Forms of Unity?
(Someone asked) …Could you please rephrase your question? I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. Thanks!
1--People are making political statements. The statements of one oath-bound the the 3 Forms should be derived from them. I don't see such derivation. 2--This lack of use of the foundational document is similar to such lack of use of the foundational document that some mention in the political realm. That is, some say--You can't do 'Y,' it's not in the Constitution. I say, 'Derive your political postions from the documents you vow --by membership -- are foundational to your application of the Bible. 3--I'm also saying that if such are not derivable, they are .... --I ask you, what? -- or that there should be some changes made in the documents, their application, one's vows, etc. For instance, some could argue that #36 of the Belgic applies to church buildings. 4--For example, the writers of the U. S. version of the Westminster Confession of Faith changed one part, if I remember correctly, to NOT say that the magistrate had the authority to call synods. Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman Thus, specifically,
is there a 'just war' type provision in the 3FU?
(Someone else also made a reply to which I responded) Is one flying blind then, or does one need a more elaborate set of documents, or are the (gasp) in need of more comprehensivity, to put it euphemistically. This came up on another thread.
I am being a little pert here. It seems necessary. It’s what is called a ‘teachable moment.’
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Some may say that the vow is not that kind of vow.
PPS: Let me rephrase this: What should be our position(s), in the present political situations(s), based on The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, The Canons of Dordt?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Forms_of_Unity Also seewww.reformed.org.
(Someone asked) …Could you please rephrase your question? I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. Thanks!
1--People are making political statements. The statements of one oath-bound the the 3 Forms should be derived from them. I don't see such derivation. 2--This lack of use of the foundational document is similar to such lack of use of the foundational document that some mention in the political realm. That is, some say--You can't do 'Y,' it's not in the Constitution. I say, 'Derive your political postions from the documents you vow --by membership -- are foundational to your application of the Bible. 3--I'm also saying that if such are not derivable, they are .... --I ask you, what? -- or that there should be some changes made in the documents, their application, one's vows, etc. For instance, some could argue that #36 of the Belgic applies to church buildings. 4--For example, the writers of the U. S. version of the Westminster Confession of Faith changed one part, if I remember correctly, to NOT say that the magistrate had the authority to call synods. Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman Thus, specifically,
is there a 'just war' type provision in the 3FU?
(Someone else also made a reply to which I responded) Is one flying blind then, or does one need a more elaborate set of documents, or are the (gasp) in need of more comprehensivity, to put it euphemistically. This came up on another thread.
I am being a little pert here. It seems necessary. It’s what is called a ‘teachable moment.’
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Some may say that the vow is not that kind of vow.
PPS: Let me rephrase this: What should be our position(s), in the present political situations(s), based on The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, The Canons of Dordt?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Forms_of_Unity Also seewww.reformed.org.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Temporal Rosetta Stone
Temporal Rosetta Stone
Today's crazy thought: Temporal Rosetta Stone. Each of the respective times--past, present, future--speaks/writes/communicates in a different language, but all say the same.? It could be that we use pastlanguage most now. Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman
PS: This emerged from thinking about "cookin'".
Today's crazy thought: Temporal Rosetta Stone. Each of the respective times--past, present, future--speaks/writes/communicates in a different language, but all say the same.? It could be that we use pastlanguage most now. Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman
PS: This emerged from thinking about "cookin'".
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Let's Do Some Cookin'
I may soon post something on BH. It will outline a problem, and then invite everyone to 'solve' it. I will include the phrase 'You know my methods,' for I do come up with odd things. But only later will I share what I think might be a good solution. The basic idea is that in the 17th and 18th C., cathedrals were used as astronomical observatories. Holes were made in the ceilings, and meridian lines placed on the floor. Then the movement of the sun could be tracked. This helped with equinoxes and dates of Easter. I will maintain that we can glorify this, inter-personally, sociologically.
Someone wrote 'Teach me!'. This should be a new way of doing so.
I pray you find it valuable.
Love in King Jesus,
Someone wrote 'Teach me!'. This should be a new way of doing so.
I pray you find it valuable.
Love in King Jesus,
Monday, October 31, 2011
How To Make Your Communities Better
How To Make Your Communities Better
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guild, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 00 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
One Example: Pella, Iowa—We’ll apply this to others later.
We write her history around the square, as the first layer.
From 2011 go south from northwest corner
To 2011 go west from northeast corner
To 1922 go north from southeast corner
To 1847 -> go east from southwest corner
Then we add the second layer, the Heidelberg Catechism’s summation: Guild, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+ (the latter, Jeff Harlow)
GoForth+ go south from northwest corner
Gratitude go west from northeast corner
Grace go north from southeast corner
Guilt east from southwest corner
Let us sum up the first two squares.
Something was wrong in Holland, so Domine (Reverend) Scholte and about 00 people came to America, to Pella (‘Pella’ means ‘refuge’—they sought refuge). To 1847. ‘Pella was founded in 1847 when eight hundred Dutch immigrants led by Dominee (Minister) Hendrik (Henry) P. Scholte settled the area.’http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pella,_Iowa
They enjoyed life, and built a community for about 100 years—this building and enjoying continues.
In 1922, this history was written to be shared. In 1936 it becan to be shared in a yearly community celebration, Tulip Time. Many visitors come. Tourist come at all times of the year to see Pella, the Historical Village, etc.
Now, in A. D. 2011, we ask this question:
How can this refuge be given to others?
We are in an age of increasing technological benefits, but, as Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy said, any new technology increase the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, but destroys the old community. [Fear not, as travel went from ships and covered wagons, to railroads, and cars, we have lived through that change.]
We see three more Christian principles at work here in How To Make Your Communities Better.
1—The consummation is greater than the creation. That is, as Pella moves along her covenant history, there are greater things.
2—As great Providential gifts are given, we are to give. Pella was given refuge, she should give refuge.
3—We are to become more and more what we are. Personally, a unique image of GodTrinity, with talents to be used. For Pella, she become more and more her name: Refuge.
These 3 are from Pastor Brian Nolder, Christ the Redeemer Church, Pella. (website)
How about your community?
When was it founded (Stuart, Iowa, 1871), and why (the railroad having been built, land could be better used for a better life).
What was the key event to mark when sharing began (Good Egg Days?)
What of your community’s name should be shared as you become more and more your name ( ____________)?
Commission go south from northwest corner
Commune go west from northeast corner
Consecrate go north from southeast corner
Call and Cleanse go east from southwest corner
Let’s add one more layer to our square, before we get to the next stage. It is from the structure of worship at the church pastured by Pastor Nolder. Let’s see how it ‘rhymes’.
A presupposition: History is liturgy (Wayne Larson).
In Pella? Please help us fill out the form on the next page, to participate in PROPR—Participatory Recommissioning Of Pella/Refuge. Thanks!
Christ the Redeemer uses 5 Cs. Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. I, Chuck Hartman (website), have put Call and Cleanse together as ridding of guilt, until 1847. Consecrate (the sermon) would be living out the Word from 1922, and continuing. Communion (sharing) begins in 1922 with Souvenir History of Pella (a936, Tulip time).
We are now at the Commissioning stage, how to give refuge, greater than receiving it.
[In Sunday Adelaja’s ‘Church Shift, pages 135-6, he tells how he asks for a show of hands of those who have a project or a talent that they want to use to ‘go about doing good’. He puts hand-raisers into committee(s), to draw up plans and manuals, and had them test it out on a small scale before rolling it out completely.
His church has 2000 (two thousand) of these groups as of late summer 2011.]
In each of these 4 areas, what have been (will be, post 2011) the key events in Pella, and/or your community, in these eras around the square in a memory palace? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci Categories below are Rosenstock-Huessy’s.
Community (tribe) Business (empire) Religion (Israel) Education (Greece)
How can Pella share refuge in the areas of
Community, Business, Religion, Education?
Rosenstock-Huessy, Multiformity of Man, free on line www.argobooks.org
For more references and help, see
our website ( ------------).
The Lord be with you.
Author: Charles Howard Hartman (on Facebook), edencity@aol.com
Not part of the brochure. Could be on the website(s).
Additional information: Examples of Pella giving more Community—this brochure, help on website and as ministry. More Business, help the unemployed, home business on internet (sic). Religion, covenant here, other ministry help, especially ‘discipling by getting other into the narrative. Education, here we have a definite revolution with home schooling, on-line MIT classes and more, Khan Academy, etc.
TheTitle. An homage to the American philosopher, C. S. Peirce, who wrote a key article, ‘How to Make Your Ideas Clear’ in Popular Mechanics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
Each of these four categories of community (festivals…), business work schedules, marketing calendars…), religion (church year, weekly worship…), education (semesters, degree programs…), has its own calendar.
On communities being destroyed, see Creveld http://mises.org/daily/527 , Barzun’s epilog to From Dawn to Decadence, Nisbet (History of the Idea of Progress, Introduction), and Berman (‘Law and Revolution’ Introduction—the best scholarship:North). Hat tip: GKN These are all speaking of the nation-state system.
On the national revolutions of the West following a pattern of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. His complete cross of reality at the end is valuable, and the memory palace above is related to it, though differs.
Jordan’s short ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ uses Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact as the sequence. His ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ has a 12-stage sequence, ending in the new song of the covenant.
The Heidelberg Catechism is online, the Souvenir History is difficult to find.
Our eBook is for sale here: (when done, link). It elaborates on this process.
We want to help. It’s a refuge giving. Contact us.
For Hartman, his website, were CtR not to do this—or from CtR’s were they To Do this, will emphasize Joint Ventures, for CHH should become more and more what he is, an early innovator of projects.
For Christ the Redeemer, there should be a business plan, but the key thing is that this could be given out to tourists and at Tulip Time, and it spreads the Word of covenant, and the narrative of the Gospel, I believe.
[Things added in pen include copyright notice and AD 2011 also in “Hartman”. Should be a total campaign with YouTube, live streaming, tourist, Tulip Time, website… . The sides of the squares named and the times of the 4x4 for Pella put into time frames, community First Party Politics through Fifth Party politics.]
An example of how rhyming covenant sequences helps.
Take two of them. THEOS and the first 4, 5 words, commandment.
If coming to Pella 1847 is both obeying a Transcendant God and setting up a new Hierarchy (America, not Holland), then living Ethically until 1922 (and continuing) would be next, but what does one do with ‘Oaths and Sanctions’ as the next side of the square?
One goes to the word/commandment about the Sabbath, and realizes that its admonition to give rest fits in with the sharing of Tulip Time and Souvenir History of Pella, so that the Oath part is seen to be more Sanctions—that one should give rest somehow.
One also sees an implication of getting out and coming to the new land, the Transcendant Hierarchy, and of Ethically living there. This implication is that one should give rest, share, or be sanctioned?
As these sequences are piled up more and more, we learn more and more about them individually, in part, totally, and in whole.
Add the genesis and early history of this as a dealing with the trauma of Mom.
Dear Doug:
HTMYCB is a possible solution to part of the FV controversy, for we would narratively disciple all parties, uniting them on what to do going forward--and on whence we have come.
All kinds of communities.
I must get my stuff out. Starting well with a Facebook and CHHC synopsis.
Praise the Lord.
Love in King Jesus,
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