'When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time': Rosenstock
Monday, January 13, 2025
Steve Schlissel
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sermon Feedback
4 things.
Opera of History Update
Opera of History Update
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Just Entering My Prime
Yes, extravagant. Soon I'll forward 'Just entering my prime' in which I propose the the letter-words of the First Word (B, R, SH, T) are a proto-liturgy conflated with Acts 2:42 and giving 42 (!) instances should help compose 'the opera of history' that responds to singing the opera of each boo, a theodicy. It's 'the most important thig I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace' 3 generations at least.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Sing Samuel Proleptic
Let's sing Samuel! It's easy
Why I avoid most social media
I avoid most social media, I'm attempting to do a 42x4to 'opera' history in response to GodTrinity's opera of each book of Bible.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
To Peter Leithart about '1000' book
The Jim stuff is good--another way of Psalm singing, and his books to him. And the 'New Abraham' 1000-year deal is a 3-generation project anyway. But a book a week in addition avoids 'doctrine' and could be unifying. The LCMS when they worshiped in Gaerman celebrated A. D. 70, so liturgy through the year conflated with historical evens isn't bad. To sing each book and prolepticall tabernacle tour it could be valuable. I'm one of the few who can do a 42x4 of history, and the 12 smallenthusiastic groups to start ain't bad. Add; 'New Abraham'--
Monday, January 6, 2025
General Purpose Technologies
General-purpose technology - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General-purpose_technologyGeneral-purpose technologies (GPTs) are technologies that can affect an entire economy (usually at a national or global level). [1][2][3] GPTs have the potential to drastically alter societies through their impact on pre-existing economic and social structures.
Roseto Community Health American History School
This is best seen in Gladwell's "Outliers'. I'd substitute gardening and American History as community unifiers for gardening and immigrant Italian
Roman Catholic feasts, etc. for the public school sysstem is the established religion at this time in America. Socrates' 'wisdom is morality' vs. Paul's 'Who will save me from this body of death?'. Specialists in the community would speak on their respective areas of expertise, the time span would be divided and each student would be class expert on causes of Invention, Idea, Individua, Institution. All video-ed, and put on YouTube, etc as shotgun. Rifle would be consulting/manual. Scope would be membership site. Each 10%--students, speakers, board, employees. Thus health through community.Roseto effect - Wikipedia
The Roseto effect is the phenomenon by which a close-knit community experiences a reduced rate of heart disease. The effect is named for Roseto, Pennsylvania.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Past 39 years
Past 30 years--what's changed? New technology, per 'Abundance' and Peter Diamandis. 'His 5 Ds. Superabundancesays time measurement of money means things are MUCH cheaper. 11 bicycles now at cost in time worked of one in 1900. Technology destroys Post Office--iternet instead of mail. Easier international communication via Facebook, etc. FREE edication (MIT has free courses taught by Nobel laurastes). Khan Academy University of the People (free through MBA) Project Gutenberg (classics free), 'all' the information in the world through smartphones, and much more. Jennifer Patterson Hodges, Darrell Dow Tim Galeazzi.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Yes, Pray For Peace
Yes, pray for peace.
Never easier to make money
Never easier to make money-$1.2 million/day from one website
Incomplete on Google Docs
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Connie Willis 'At the Rialto'