Friday, August 30, 2024

Lights and Liturgy

 Lights and Liturgy

Rich started a good topic when he linked sexual 'confusion' in culture to the church's 'lady ordination'.
Here's another.
1--Some churches light candles before worship, and extinguish them after. I propose that the amens Day One.
2--Others don't. I would say that this amens the the Providence of GodTrinity has given us Faraday, Tesla, Edison, electrical grids, etc. Note that Bledsoe quoted in one of his books that 'Since we have electricity, we donn't need Jesus'. Lenin said something such as 'Communism is electricity plus soviets...'.
MY POINT is that whichever you do, you should explain why.  This is because ther's a verse somewhere in the Bible which has Jesus saying something like 'If you know why you're doing this, that's ok, but if you don't know why, you're in trouble'.

Summa So Far Sept 1, A D 2024

 Summa So Far Sept 1, A D 2024


I anticipated it would be a 3 generation project.

The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

Let’s take each of the 4 in each deck of a 3-decker universe.

FWIW it’s Esther Sheba of SardisCoram of Heptad 863. Sardis Yom


Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact in Jordan’s system

Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective in Rosenstock’s System.


Garden/Church Priest


1—Biblical Law. Add GregHartman’s (sic) ‘New Testament Imperativity’ (371) to Maimonides 613, and a modified Meyers’ 5.

2—Lyric/Subjective. Yes, I’ve written a few song of books. Ps. 117/150:6 is good. Singing Galatians (re: Leithart’s) and 2 John start.

3—Evaluation/Narrative: The 42x 4 of B R SH T. End with #42 Fully Forever Final. Filling in: House/Fellowship(Acts 2:42, start with Nisbet’s 7, yea 8. Add things like homo corporativus, etc. Remember Poul Anderson’s first work. Plumb SF depth. Head/Apostles’ Doctrine.  All the creeds, add new issues such as global brain, uploaded, Brin. Eat/Bread Bread. 25+ General Purpose Technology (Wikipedia), plus Luther’s ‘bread on flags view’. Here put Kardashev. Prayer/Cross. All the prayers of the Bible, Cross of Reality, ‘Respondeo’. More work on languages, much more. Singing as glorified speech. Principia Operatica.

4--Objective/Fact. ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ illegal in India, so entrepreneurship?


Simpler from now on.


Land/Civil Magistrate/ King. Key for all of this is that Jesus is King Now, has ‘all authority’.

1—Twelve Word Platform, modified by historical reality.

2—Song of starting up, modified by such as ‘The Man Who Stole The Moon’ (Mafia does it) and gethfennu (organized crime does it) in ‘Day of Burning’ (saved from nova).

3—Healthspan, but Eschatological Evangelism’. Isaiah 65:20. Time and Eternity both/and real.

4—Nations as trade routes. If good vision, reward programs could be replacement. Wunderbar, BRICS likes gold.


World/Culture (Marriage, Family, Business, Art)/Prophet

1—Wright’s ‘The Day The Revolution Began’. Ma’s covenant of vocation. Man to God, God to Man.

2—Local/Online Leader. Both/And

3—Build a Peace Tribe. What war(s) are we really in?

4—New. McCloskey’s ‘Bourgeoise Dignity’ and more. Jay Abraham.


GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. And as we are ton between the past and the future, the in and the out, our howls become music, and we the Singing Song. The hero is one between time, the first sufferer, the protagonist, Helping Explicitly Reconcile Opposites—In Necessary Exigencies.



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ready? ERH

 ERH: 'The Christian Era is when liabilities are turned to assets'.

If, I say IF 'we are done as a country,' then we should prepare for a hiccup, economically. and both suggest disaster kits.
I'd add a few things.

Churches should get ready: Matthew 25: 31-46.
I'm doubtful.
Few want to to do the basics of applying Meyers' 5 to Maimonides and 'New Testament Imperativity'.
I will find 6 and work with them.
Chuck 'It's Jeremiah Time' Hartman

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Greg NTI and Maimonides--2 ways

 Should be valuable. Easy to do.

Jesus Laws Imperativity Book Proposal

James Jordan once said that when he gets old he'll write how Jesus fulfilled all the laws of Torah.

We have Maimonides' 613 and now GregHartman's (sic) 'New Testament Imperativity' book' 371.

Let's work with 1000.

A class of 25 with 40 weeks would mean one per student per week.

A group of homeschooling families could have their work apportioned.

We'd use Meyers' 5 on Psalms to do Maimonides' 613--'What did it mean THEN individually and corporately, how was it fulfilled in/by Jesus, what does it mean NOW corporately and individually?'

For GregHartman's 371, the difference would be in the 3rd question, changed to 'How did Jesus with all authority show the application of each imperativity in history?' For instance #158 (Romans 13:1 and two others) would include, who are the various and successive rulers, who are they now, who will they be. Included might be Roman emperors, local church authorities, aristocrats, higher church officials, cities, guilds, etc.

A book could be published as a helpful word.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck (shalak)


Dear Greg:


This might work.

Use some of the money to buy 20 or so of your books for Stephen's congregation.

He gets 20 participants.

He comments on all answers.

He puts it all on a website. Use some of the money.

Use Maimonides and 'Imperativity'

One per week per participant.

Some of Maimonides" are not to be done now.

This is 'fair use'/'educational use'.

Then I can link to the website for world-wide use.

One Swahili guy and another in Burma/Myanmar have asked if they could translate my mess--yours will be better.

It would be good to link what I attach also.

This would accomplish the goal of getting people closer to God, and knowing the 'ensamples' and 2 Timothy 3:16.



Love in King Jesus,


Chuck ('shalak' means 'hurl' in Hebrew)

PS: This is #1 of my projected 12 small groups.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Forbiddden by Facebook

 Forbidden by Facebook.

Let me say that I'm VERY optimistic is the longest, longer, and long run, but that there will be som hicccups on the way, as Ted Koppel and Newt Gingrich have written. But see 'Superabundance' and 'Life After Capitalism' and 'The End ins Near and It's Going To Be Awesome'.
And both the Federal government ( and the Red Cross (.org) write that individual preparedness is of great

help in case of tornados, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters.
(My relatives in the 1950s only went to town on Saturday nights)
Further, Ike cut the Army in half, and the reduction in the Federal government under Truman 1945-7 would be the equivalent of completely eliminating the Federal government today (george Gilder 'The Scandal of Money').
Given that, it's odd that Facebook would refuse to publish the link:  How One Wall Street Giant Is Prepping for “Financial Collapse” - LewRockwell
For churches, one should reference Matthew 25: 31-46.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)
PS: 'The Alpha Strategy' is wise. Buy 2x what you already use.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lagos, 90 million?

 Lagos, 90 million?

Peter:  You wrote; 'Africa is the future' This by Doug Casey on Lew Rockwell agrees. Were my ship to come in (voluntary taxation-wise) this would be a priority investment.

“Eighty years from now, Lagos, Nigeria, will be the largest city in the world. It’s on track to have a population of more than 90 million.

The world’s second biggest city will be Kinshasa in the Congo with about 80 million people.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, will be the world’s third biggest city with a population of roughly 75 million people.”

How do the demographic changes in Africa compare with the rest of the world?

Doug Casey: Those are United Nations projections. 


Chuck (shalak)

Monday, August 19, 2024

Psychology, Medicine, Confession, Advolution to Glory

 Good question, Jon--Why say 'no' to psychology and 'yes' to medicine?

I would ask, what are the batting averages of each?
Chuck (shalak)
PS: Private confession of sin, and bringing to bear that GodTrinity is advolving (changing toward) all things to glory is a key.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

More Confucius


Paul vs. Socrates. 'Who will save me from the body of this death?' vs. The more you know, the more moral you are.
Somewhere the '500 words' of every language should come in. Osgod and Osgood, shown in Heinlein's 'Gulf'.
Kardashev. (wikipedia) Stage 1 civilization, all the energy of a planet. 2, solar system. 3, galaxy.
These are all 42s. the song of each book to be answered by the song of history toward Beatific Harmony.
Re: Confucius. Also eat the ideographs. Can they portmanteau: narradigm=a paradigm narrative.
Also, 'God's Promises to the Chinese' shows early ideographs as in Genesis 1?
Chuck (shalak)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

When will Confucius be eaten--a proposal

 When will Confucius be eaten?--A proposal

The propsal will come at the end.
Some background.
1--JBJ has said that while Israel was in exile, God raised up Greek Philosophy, Buddhism, and Confucius.
2--This is for us (the Church) to take care of later.
3--When will this be? When will the good parts of Confucianism be incorporated (eaten into the corpus, the Body)?
4--This prssupposes that God, theodically, has the whole of history as an opra before him.
5--We are to sing/act 9'opera-te) this after Him.
6--Oddly to many, I propose that the A of this chiastic work, is the first letter-words of the Bible.
7--Thus B house R head SH eat T cross.
8--And Acts 2:42, fellowship, Apostles' Doctrine, breaking of bread, prayer.
9--For fellowehip/hous, I propose to start with Nisbet's forms of society.
10--For head/doctrine we have the creeds and confessions so far.
11--For eat/breaking of bread we have General Purpose Technology (wikipedia) which is somewhat Marxist, but we know that Luther proposed that all flags have a loaf of bread on them.
12--For cross/prayer we have such things as Matthew 25:31-46 and all the prayers of the Bible.
13--I also propose that the firs 4 notes, a la Beethoven's 5th, are 2671.
14--So we need to place these in 120,000 years. (JBJ said that it's at least 3,000 generations of blessing, for Hebrew did NOT use the word for 'two'.
15---This would give us the 'score' of the 'opera'. (IIRC 'opera' is the plural of 'opus' in Italian (?).
16--Thus, we begin. We sing books, for God wrote books, etc.
17--Preliminary proposal. Rosenstock wrote of Jesus, Confucius (I substitue Lao-tse), Buddha, and Abraham.  Thus days of the week (dia) could be, alternatively and at the same time as 8531642 churches, and Sunday-Saturday: AlreadyDia (Sunday), Jesus All Times Dia (Monday), Lao-tseDia, AbrahamDia, BuddaDia (Thursday), add GreekTheaterDia and then NotYetDia (Saturday). This follows Rosenstock's Forward/Imperative, In/Sibjective, Back/Narrative, Out/objective

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck (shalak)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Unzing SF

 6 imaginatives--we need Unz

(Unz has digitalized 150 years of American journals of opinion, and found something he did not expect. He calls it 'American Pravda'. Evidently many who supported FDR's domestic policies, but who did not support his WWll

'American Pravda'. Evidently many who supported FDR's domestic policies, but who did not support his WWll policies were blacked out, and did not appear in those journals).
I propose that we/someone digitalize all SF to find some key imaginative concepts. The church then should deal with them. Here are some examples. I'm sure there are more and better ones.
Cordwainer Smith: '...real money in the computer.' Also, someone called the equivalent of 911 to request assistance for a mentally disturbed (?) person. The answerer said '  you know what do do...' [Theory, this is about Christians helping.
A Poul Anderson story about saving a planet from a nova has 'organized crime' (gethfennu) as the only world-wide

organization able to act. He also has a story which floats the concept of (primitive?) nations as trade routes.
Henlein has corporate states (non-territorial) obliterating Acapulco. And Jack Vance portrays a society in which different musical instruments are used to address different (classes) of society.
Let's Unz' SF! (Johnson, in 'History of the American People' says that Mencken wrote that the American practice of turning nouns into verbs was a key. Some though it uncivilized. And how do ideographic languages show new words?
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Calvinism and Coca-Cola (was Lady Ordination)

 Calvinism and Coca Cola (Was 'Lady Ordination).

This is another in the series started by Rich Bledsoe. The general theme is 'liturgy is causative, culture is downstream'. Dr. Bledsoe held that errors in the matter of sex in the culture were from the church's error regarding Lady Ordination.
Then came economy (and tithing, Randal), songs of whole books and total Bible saturation, and oddities.
Now I point to Paul Johnson's 'History of the American peope, pages 675-8 and following.
He states: 'Coke was probably the best single of the example of the way the American religious spirit was transmuted into a secular force while keeping its religious overtones.'
Starting from classis as sales territories, to rhetoric about a convert to Coke (salesman esp.) being born again, to the 'miracle' of the could go on and on.

Now, to other aspects of the general theme (see above) we go.
1--We need to work backward from societal problems to liturgical and church changes.
2--The last time I was in a Baptist service, they had an altar call wehn we would have communion. Here's a key--they err in bringing the revival tent meeting into the church as a service, but we err when we do not see communion as such a life-altering rededicatory event.
3--Since creation was by speech, we need to look more into cymatics, Search 'electronic cymatics'.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)

Moral, not educational Paul vs. Socrates

 But who would have thought this about China in Gilder's 'Scandal of Money'? And BRICS will have some gold backing. You don't know who is reading. Projects take 3 generation, Rosenstock who said his wourk would not be enacted until 70 years after his death,

NOT this generation unless you can talk to a Moses while in Pharaoh's court, or a Paul the Persecutor.

Babushkas prayed for 70 years, and USSR fell.

Charles Howard (Chuck) Hartman
PS: Read 'Superabundance' and ponder Socrates (smarter, ore moral) vs. Paul (Who will save me from this body of death?) It's a moral/vision problem, not an educational one.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Liturgy Oddities

 Change liturgy, change culture.

'Talk only to those who can make a decision': Jay Abraham, great marketer.
A corollary to that is to work on those things that make a difference.
 Thus, Rich Bledsoe's comment about Lady Ordination, a church/liturgy error, causing societal sex errors--that liturgy is causative, and culture downstream, is a KEY to making things right.
I've mentioned economy, and singing whole books.
Today will mention adding oddities as essential to good liturgy.

How so? Because we believe in 'both/and' logic. Jesus Christ is both God and Man, without confusion, mixture, division, or separation. (Chalcedon). We also believe 3R1 ('R' is some new relation that is not '='. We believe The Father incomprehensible, The Holy Breath (Spirit) incomprehensible, The Son incomprehensible, but not 3 incomprehensabilities, but on incomprehensabilities. 3R1.
We could replace the Gradual (where the Bible is brought to the front) with some such oddities, past or future. (Someday Confucianism will be eaten into the body of doctrine, incorporated. Also will be Buddhism, also will be ideographs...). 'The Good Old Days, My Ass' would be another source.
But the important this is to 'DO!,' as Dr. Leithart admonished us in 'Blessed Are The Hungry'. Teach outside the

Love in Christ Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)
PS: One way to do this is to emulate Ron Unz and digitalize all the scientifictional (stefnal) ideas. Unz has done this with US magazines of 150 years, and discovered American Pravda--'liberals' work was blacked out when they opposed WWII. Stefnal ideas such as that in Vance's 'Moonmoth'--all wear masks, different musical instruments  used to address persons of different status are examples.
PPS: Toby Sumpter has done good work with his piece on creeds and civil order. RJR's creeds and councils is very wise.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rich BH Lady Ordination Sing Whole Books

 Dear Randal:

Yes! Tithing solves many problems. If/as/when the Spirit of exnihilation (ennihilation, Pastor Meyers) leaves the Eccles Building (Federal Reserve) we should be ready. How can we/churches get ready. Start small?
Chuck (shalak)

And now to 3 short things today, all in response to Rich's comment that Lady Ordination (sexual incorrectness in church) leads to cultural sexual incorrectness.
1--Worried about 'world government'?  Frear not--Christ has all authority, Act like it!
2--Paul Johnson has a sweet telling
of the story of Calvinism and Coca-Cola in his 'History of the American People.
3--Total Bible Saturation. JBJ says we need it ('Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian Future') One way would be by singing whole books of the Bible. I limn this in 'Singing Galatians' earlier on this forum. Why is this important? a--Oddly, God made the whole world be speech. Singing is glorified speech. God will make us, and does make us, by His Word ('breathed out') in books. Catechisms and Confessions are good, but not sufficient.  This can easily be done in a year, using JBJ's 49-book Bible. See 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' on
Some will say, wow! Leviticus. But I have seen a diagram of Leviticus that is a mountain, peaking at Day of Atonement. 2 John is 13 verses, but deals with antichrists already here, and defines them at its center.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rich: Musin in liturgy is Causative, culture downstread BH

 Dear Rich:

I continue with causative liturgy, downstream culture, following you Lady's Ordination is sexual error, causing sexual error in cluture.

1--Rhyming is good, but not sufficient. Check wikipedia on 'Rhyming' for its historical place.
2--The Bible unifies by number, by acrostics, etc.
a. For instance, the New Jerusalem Bible (Roman Catholic) translates Psalm 25 as an acrostic in English, as it was in Hebrew.
How could we sing an acrostic? Line out. Have the cantor or elder sing first, and we sing the same thing back. 'Aleph' A line of Psalm 25. Beth. The second line.
3--Let's take a lectionary reading. Most would have significant mentions/use of certain concepts/words. We could (horror of horrors) have one of the Psalm 150 instruments, or a drum, and play that instrument before each.
4--Let's take a Psalm. JBJ has translated them--alas, I did not keep mine well--with number/word/concept

bolding. He also arranged the structure. This would teach our children (aren't we?), especially if we had this sequence: instrument, Hebrew (transliterate) English (or other tribal language) I wish I had studied Chinese!
5--Keep the hymns. I've heard sermons using the hymn. But honor The Word by singing it as it was written.
Chuck (shalak)
PS: Maybe next is the question of where evangelism is to be done.
PPS: Psalm 117 (with 150:6) has 5 commands to praise, 6 praisers, and 7 Praised. The line/words commanding praise--put them on the top 3 notes, praiser in the center, and Praised in the bottom 3 notes of the octave. THE TWELVE is wonderfully not arranged chronologically, and can be so played on 12 notes and half notes.

Rich 'passing the plate' economies of the world Lady's Ordination


What does it do to the economies of the world when we 'pass the plate'?
Pastors should study and teach--not necessarily preach: That's mostly one of the assurances (with cleanse and commune)-- this passing the plate as a parallel economy of voluntaryism.
One might read Creveld's 'The Rise and Decline of the State' along with '4th Generation Warfare'
The key thing now is Rosenstock's 'Universal History 1954' about small enthusiastic groups being the key for the next 1000 years in his chiasm of history. JBJ mentions tribes in 'Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian   Future'.
We ARE the ever new society. We should know it and act like it (3rd Word).
One of the footnotes in Peter Leithart's 'The End of Protestantism' tells of a book describing the centuries of battle between the state-adherents and the church, cities, and aristocracy.
Conclusion: Yes, 'heave' the money up. God gives it back to us to do his will, whether it be Confederate money, Weimar inflation money, bitcoin, or dollars, or partially gold-backed BRICS stuff.

Chuck (shalak)
PS: Gilder's "Life after Capitalism' is good. I remember superabundance (that we work far less in time of goods) as '11 bicycles'. We can buy 11 bicycles now for the time we worked then for one. Also MIGW. Money is time (who is the Lord of time, he doesn't ask), Information is surprise, Growth is learning, and wealth is knowledge. This should enthuse ministers of the Word!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Strangeness 3 Bob Cook

 Dear Robert Cook

Here's why there's so much strangeness--3 reasons

1--New technology. We have a lot of it. From one-room country schools, to Khan Academy in my lifetime. And Rosenstock (FREE Dartmouth courses, transcripts and audio at says any new technology increases space (I'm somehow working with African pastors on Facebook) decreases the time it takes but destroys old groups.
2--We're in the Fifth Wave of information according to Gurri in 'The Revolt of the Public' written befor Trump and Brexit. First Wave was wirting, second alphabet, so this is BIG. Add 'confirmation bias', that one can find easily others who agree.
3--So, since in Jeremiah Time I've done the 'plot of land'--The Next Thousand Years book--and the jeremiads (when you die, soon, you will be judged (Eschatological Evangelism) what I'm concentrating now on is working the the old home town. a--Self-sufficient in vegetables, b--microgrid for energy, c--old cars (EMP my be false, but...). And I'd promote 'the chess of pocket billiards'.

Chuck (shalak)

Liturgy Causative Money

 Yes, Rich. Here is the first of many: money. (I'll tie it up with liturgy at the end)

Ex-Senator Santorum (won Iowa caucus one year) has proposed 'cathio' and alternative currency to run the Roman Catholic organization. 
  1. Santorum is sitting on the advisory board of a company and soon-to-be digital coin (stablecoin, specifically) called Cathio.


    This seems wise to consider, given the situation.


    2--Some organization of monks became very financially powerful in the 'Middle Ages' by remaining poor, but providing services to pilgrims.

3--George Gilder, in 'The Scandal of Money' quotes a scholar who says that the elimination of the warfare economy in these uSA 1945-7 would be the equivalent of the total elimination of the US government today. An optimistic view of this is in the book 'The End is Near, and It's Going to be Awesome'.


4--We already do things with the money of collection, such as transforming that through daily activities into bread and wine.

5--A "Kennedy Half-Dollar' is now worth about 9x, or $4.50.

Tying it all together, a relatively voluntary economy (dispensation on some old tomes) exists, wand has existed, that takes various languages (media of exchange) and puts them to good use. Most liturgies have collections. We don't know what we are doing and why, too often. It's a teaching moment, outside.


Next: Tent meeting evangelism, or renewal.


Love in King Jesus,

Chuck (shalak)

PS: This is a good topic. We have leverage, as you say, culture is downstream.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Rich Lady Ordination 2

 Rich Bledsoe had previously opined that cultural sexual perversion all started with sexual errors in the church, especially lady ordination.

I replied that this was VERY important. Rich thanked me.

Then I wrote: Dear Rich:

One could ask this question:  What are the good and bad things in culture, and how are they caused by liturgical errors?
 'Judgment begins at the house of God'
One could also ask this question:  What are the errors in liturgy, and what bad thing do they cause in culture? And vice versa--what good things are caused by good worship?
I have lists.

I don't want to end this conversation.
'I will fight on this front if it takes...' Grant.
Chuck 'liturgical miximalist' Hartman
PS: What are on YOUR lists?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Gallant Christmas Hymns

 You might try unifying acrostically: Psalm 25, Proverbs 31, Psalm 119.

(I know the form of rhyming is...postmillennial.)
You could also do something chiastic, with 7, 10, or 12 concepts (Cascione, 'Repetition) with directions t the singers to strike/play an instrument when one of the concepts is voiced.
Direct quotes from the Bible which tend toward the event would be good.

Bethlehem=house of bread manger=to eat in French