Thursday, April 25, 2024

I go home

 I go home

The Billions (no receipt, BPD)
The 1000 (good, 3 generations from now)
Crippled (protocol)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A New Song

 OK. Well, 'A New Song'--a start. Songs bond unto action (Gioia)

OK. The assembly of church is a prolepsis/seed of the world (redeemed). March (militarily) around/asquared it--that's your dance. What Word do you take? The center of a Bullinger ('Companion Bible' has all books outlined chiastically) to start--it can be better done. How so? Putt parts of the chiasm in pews. Next to center at first. 'Recite' each book. Better, sing. Last 3 syllables in common. That's enough of a beginning.

More if you want, and that's the key. It isn't the intellect, it's the wanting.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Summation 1000

 Summation 1000

5 parts
1--Jubilee of books, see Biblical Horizons 'Rethinking the Order'
2--Structure of renewal adds 4 items, totaling 53, thus Eliot Anselm Time.
3--Song for each book, and group action, squaring the fellowship house--above.
4--Tunes in response.  See below.
5--12 small enthusiastic groups. See Rosenstock's Dartmouth course 'Universal History 1954'--FREE transcript and audio at

#4 expanded.
a--Fellowship, House/Marriage. Use 25+ General Purpose Technologies (wikipedia). These restructure societies. Add Nisbet's 7 or 8 forms of groups. Add Hall's ('Silent Language') 10x10 of any society.  Then add items such as Aristotle's eternal matter, continuous creation (Hoyle), Leithart's 'Creator', evolution, and Bloom's 'God Problem'. The Final House.
b--Head/Doctrine. Gioia "music', various world views (Sire, Wilkens and Sanford, etc.), Speech, Singing as glorified speech, Process of Renewal and Discovery (explanation of Newton's 5-step), etc.
c--Eat. Difficult. Is eating one with fellowship? Leithart's 'Blessed Are The Hungry': DO!. Haber's nitrogen from air, Agricultural Revolution, History of Farming, etc.
d--Cross/Prayer. Economics basic proposition of scarcity, but Gilder and 'Superabundance'. Spinrad's 'Transformation' and the Russian who wrote about type of civilization, one of which was all enorgey organized of the planet, another of the solar system.

Thus, I have done. I'm better at outlining forms than filling in the blanks, so I will trade and innovate for profit, since the universe is growing, though there will be tough time. It's Jeremiah Time, buy your plot of land. work for the good of the city.

Chuck (Charles Howard) Hartman, April 21, A. D. 2024, Pella, Iowa 50219 (New Calendar Inside)

2 John March

   2 John March a square of fellowship

Our churches aren't set up for proleptic/prophetic marching a square of a microcosm of world, but we can march a square of our fellowship, the assembly of worshipers, the pews or standing.

Best Dance

 The best 'dance' is marching (church militant) around the microcosmic church building (think tabernacle made from the pattern in the heavens), as prophetic/proleptic of taking the Word to the world.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

2 John War Song

 2 John War Song

1--Gioia in 'Music' emphasizes the group bonding to action of song.
2--Lets' do Word, Song, Dance, Group Bonding To Action of 2 John,
3--There are only 13 verses.
4--This should be easier than longer book, as Psalm 117/150:6 is simpler.
5--Bullinger's 'Companion Bible' proposes a chiastic outline of 2 John.
6--He also puts this outline on the left side of each page.
7--It is ABCBA.
8--I propose the first A to be composed of members in the second row, left side.
9--The first B, front row, left side.
10--C--The front of the church.
11--The second B across, to the right (audience right) of the first B.
12--The second A across from the first A.
13.  2 John would be sung ABCBA.
14--Three other points--First, the last 3 syllables of A' would be sung also by B', etc. STAND TO SING.
15--All would march (Mars, militarily, 'when kings go out to war') out and around in a square of the church as world model, prophetically taking 2 John to the world.
16--There are 7 instances of 'truth/love/grace'. Each would be preceded by a sound of the high-sounding cymbals. There are 10 'commandments/doctrine'--before each of them, use the cymbal.
Or, you and use any instruments.  I chose these from Psalm 150.
What notes? Use ABC of a 7-note 'octave'
Can the congregation as a whole sing along, march with?--yes.
This is an example, others will do better.
1---'Marked up' 2 John attached. 1 is high-sounding cymbal, 2 is cymbal, underlines are overlapped singing.

Love in King Jesus,


2 John Music

 Made progress on 2 John. 'Music' intimates that songs--work, love, etc. are for group mobilization. 2 John is easiest, as Ps. 117/150:6. More later.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Memory Bible Books Chiasm Song Dance

 I'm working on remembering each book of the Bible in song and dance. Memorize. Bullinger has a chiasm for each book--on its side, scale the mountain of scale notes. Then Hebrew Cadence those words/ideas in the book a significant # of times. 7, 10, 12 and multiples. Then chiasms within the book.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Music as change agent Bullinger's chiastic outline, Hebrew Cadence, chiasms

 As a change agent I'm very VERY impressed with the thought written in Gioia's 'Music', so much so that I think that using Bullinger's chiasms as outline for each book of the Bible, with Cascione's Hebrew Cadence, and with chiasms within each book as musical flourishes will be instrumental in evangelism. As the troubadores (sp?)he says have influenced us since then, we'll influence the future.

Bledsoe BH Memory Chiasms

 I may not be remembering this correctly, but to your point of whom should we trust to transmit, I think I may possibly remember that Gilder in 'Life After Google' maintained that the human brain, one human brain, has more connections than the whole internet.

PS: Gurri ('Revolt of the Public') claims we're in the Fifth Wave of information. #1 was writing, #2 was alphabet.
PPS: 'God's 

Gift to the Chinese' maintains that early pictographs (now degraded) told the Genesis story, and were in tune with Noah.

One could read Cascione on 'Repetition in the Bible'. It seems that not only chiasms but how many times a word or concept is mention in a pericope or book is essential. 

Casuto -. Jordan -. Cascione.

PS: In other words, the Gospel writers wrote like Moses.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Change the music, change the society


Change the music, change the society.
Hartman, paraphrasing Gioia -> Ginsberg -> Plato

We have new tools that Gregory of the chants did not have.
Leithart's 'Silence to Song'
Bullinger's chiasms, mountain to scale/musical scales
BibleWorks 8
Hebrew Cadence

So, I will devote some efforts to the initiatory songs of respective Bible books, with Hebrew Cadence, especially in JBJ's Psalm translation (they're MUCH more than that) and responses (past, present, and future--singing GodTrinity's songs after Him)
and the completing of the 42s (consummation as 42) X4.

Remember the 4 notes, and the elaboration, of Beethoven's 5th

Love in King Jesus,  


Musical Structure in Plato's Dialogs

 Musical Structure in Plato's Dialogs


J. B. Kennedy argues that Plato's dialogues have an unsuspected musical structure and use symbols to encode Pythagorean doctrines. The followers of Pythagoras famously thought that the cosmos had a hidden musical structure and that wise philosophers would be able to hear this harmony of the spheres. Kennedy shows that Plato gave his dialogues a similar, hidden musical structure. He divided each dialogue into twelve parts and inserted symbols at each twelfth to mark a musical note. These passages are relatively harmonious or dissonant, and so traverse the ups and downs of a known musical scale. Many of Plato's ancient followers insisted that Plato used symbols to conceal his own views within the dialogues, but modern scholars have denied this. Kennedy, an expert in Pythagorean mathematics and music theory, now shows that Plato's dialogues do contain a system of symbols. Scholars in the humanities, without knowledge of obsolete Greek mathematics, would not have been able to detect these musical patterns. This book begins with a concise and accessible introduction to Plato's symbolic schemes and the role of allegory in ancient times. The following chapters then annotate the musical symbols in two of Plato's most popular dialogues, the Symposium and Euthyphro, and show that Plato used the musical scale as an outline for structuring his narratives.

Footnote in Gioia's 'Music'

Saturday, April 13, 2024


 9. Rosenstock: ‘The Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets’. What are you taking for granted? What whales are being killed for lighting? What piles of sand are there? What concentration camps? I know many. ‘Thy will be done!’

Fragments. 'Music' Gioia.


(HT: Gioia, 'Music'. Footnote: Leithart 'Creator' I think)
1. Saved the whales. Hunted for whale oil to light lamps. 4 years before Gettysburg, in same state. Pollutant. Don't 'wildcat'--too risky, Refine. One of largest fortunes in history. Into 'health'.
2. Let IBM give it to you. Lotsa viruses. Use most common thing in world. Sand. But Silicon Valley. But in Washington state. Sell off supermoney shares for real assets. One of richest men in world. Now depopulating, like father? Into 'health'.
3. Use computer code. Stabler than fiat. Spirit leaving Eccles? 2009 Bitcoin Pizza Day--10,000 for a pizzza. (Look it up). Meanwhile five-figure donation not receipted. Billions if tax saving at BPD rate. 'Zone of Interest'-ed.
4. Would he have? Anyone shooting age ambidextrously, among other 'oddities'/'fragments'? 'Zone of Interest'-ed off refrigerator. 'Who did, who would want to?'
5. Climate change from citification? 'Zone of Interest'-ed.
6. Carry on calling.
7. See 'Zone of Interest' at IMDB. HT: Wayne Larson
8. Fragments. 'Music' Gioia.
  1. The Zone of Interest (2023) - IMDb

    The Zone of Interest: Directed by Jonathan Glazer. With Christian Friedel, Sandra Hüller, Johann Karthaus, Luis Noah Witte. Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden beside the camp.

Friday, April 12, 2024



Soundstitching: Color to sound
Looks better than it sounds, to me
Encourage this fragment (Gioia 'Music')


    "Soundstitching is an interdisciplinary, multimedia project that transforms color from a hand-stitched image into a musical composition that can be interpreted by a musician and/or performance artist. The result is an organic combination of three forms of art into one collaborative, multisensory experience."


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Mary Africa Rosenstock Jenkins Time Patrol

 Host A 21031 Italy Mary Africa Community Time Patrol


Rosenstock claims that Mary came into prominence in the 13th century, as Italy moved from manor-centered life to city-centered life.  ’Mary’s intercession was construed as the intercession of the mother for her family and servants in a manor or palace of the time.’ Page 582, ‘Out of Revolution’. Remember community.


I’ll connect this up with Africa in the 20th century, and what should be done.


The rosary and landscape painting came in around that time. Landscape painting arose because the rural areas were considered part of these cities.


Thus, Mary, Rosary, Landscape Painting, Citification.


Later (1854 Immaculate Conception, 1950 Assumption) came other ‘Marian Dogmas’—Divine Motherhood, Perpetual Virginity.


Let’s avoid such.

To do so, remember Jenkins’ view that Africa went from 10% Christian in 1900 to 46% Christian around a century later. One of the trends supporting this was the urbanization of Africa. New city residents wanted a community such as they had in the villages.


So we have commonalities. Increased devotion because of a desire for community.


Do we have landscape painting? I propose ‘ecology’.


Do we have other dogmas, especially concerning beginning (conception) and ending (assumption).


These would relate to intercessors for family and servants in the manor/village. Thus chiefs? Mothers?


There is much more to the development of such things as The Rosary, and other Marian Dogmas. There is much more to ‘ecology’/’climate change’. And it took centuries.


ERH says that any history must be universal, encompassing the good and bad. Darwin, among others, has said that ability to adapt is key. Berman has even written that Purgatory gave us Western law. (‘Law and Revolution’)


But to avoid error we need to be sure that our African borthers do not rhyme with the Italians.


And we’re all ‘citified’ now—JBJ, Bledsoe.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

'Time Patrol' chords


More to come on 'Time Patrol' chords

Spinrad's 'Transformation' The Russian who spoke about the energy of the Solar System as a type of civilization, etc.

Axial Age thought systems arose whil Israel was in captivity

Meant it for evil , God for good

Sunday, April 7, 2024

4 Musical Response

 4 Musical Response

Rhymes don't happen necessarily chronologically.
Example: Joseph's brothers meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.
Also, culturally, the killing of millions by Hitler, Stalin, Mao taught us against the utopian state--Hoppe, Paul Johnson (Modern Times)

so, for each of the 4 there are 42. 1234567, 4152637, 8531642, so 168

Again, culturally (world) and not necessarily chronologically.

Except #42 of each is eschatological--42 of House! is House of God, e.g.

PS: Now, get the 42!
PPS: We see more as God, thinking His thoughts after Him. Also, Anderson's 'Time Patrol'

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Sharia TV

 Sharia TV.

My latest attempt to get someone to do.
Provoking to jealousy.
Judge Judy's millions don't provoke to do.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

God is our song--2

 God is our song. Toward Beatific Harmony

1--A chiasm is a mountain on its side (or valley--male female)
2--Bullinger chiasm-izes all books
3--Scale this mountain, musical scales
4--Thus, a 'Beethoven's 5th) song for each book
5--We respond though we will be changed
6--Conflate B R SH T and Acts 2:42
7--House, Nisbet's 8, yea 8, and General Purpose Technologies (wikipedia)
These are some note toward notes.
8--Head, example Axial Age ideologies for church to handles laer (JBJ)
This is a world/culture thing/ding, not Land or Garden. Riddles to explain since the Bible is true. Mat. 13, parables.
9--Eat: Leithart's 'Blessed are the Hungry': Do! as basis. Haber, etc.
10--Cross is tough. Martyrs of world, that we speak means we believe: ERH
A work in progress. Your grandchildren will bless you. (Note: What did the angels sing/ I's outfigureable.

Love in King Jesus,


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

God is our song. Chiasms as mountains/valleys

 Hello. Reading 'Through New Eyes' and seeing a chiasm as a mountain/valley, that one scales up, in musical scales, using Bullinger's outlines of each book in 'Companion Bible'. Thus, 'God is our song'