Oaths and Sanctions Week
This is the sixth week of the year-long attempt to 'Christianize' the next thousand years.
It's based on North's THEOS for the first five Words, and Bull's expansion into THEEEOS, in which the 3 Es are for priest, king, and prophet.
For 'Oath' my 3-generationers will research Reformation works. Lawful Oaths and Vows, WCF and Monks' same, Lutheran works.
For Sanctions, if we don't, others will. Hitler, z.B. (Medieval churches had budgets for a thousand years, Berman, 'Law and Revolution'). ERH's great wisdom in 'Out of Revolution' should have eventuated in more.
Sanction. The Twelve--4 each in priest, king, and prophet. Garden, Land, World. Church, Civil Magistrate (hey, 'magister' is 'teacher' in Latin, and JBJ says 'Torah' is instruction on which to meditate--see Solomon and baby and 'how did he get that wisdom, it wasn't explicit).
I also use JBJ's 4 (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact) and Rosenstock's 4 (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective)
If we don't apply Biblical law, we'll get some other law, sanction-wise.
If we don't sing, Hebrew Cadence see, others will make the songs. See Goia 'Music' and Beatific Harmony from Bullinger's outlines, as part. The 5th awaits Keyboard of History. An improvement on Psalm singing to use cymbals to emphasize emphasized parts in recent. See also Psalm 117, and The Twelve (minor prophets). Others will do better.
If we don't plan for The Next Thousand Years in Prayer, someone else will.
(This doesn't mean to diminish the key work or suffering a witch to live, choosing life, living by faith you just, on this rock, etc.) bwabwa, I recently wrote. Butterfly Wings in Amazon, Blizzard in Western America. #12.)
If we don't baptize a million, as in 'Contagious Disciple Making' someone else will.
And so on, through. #5--funding, #6 Twelve Word Platform modified by 'Do Your Best in a Tough Situation--to Roman soldiers, #7 HealthSpan, #8 Nations an Trade Routes and new appropriate currencies.
#9, covenant of Vocation (Wright 'The Day the Revolution Began), #10, LocalOnlineLeadership, #11 Peace Tribe and more comprehensive understanding of the wars we are in, seen by redemption, holy war, maturity, and especially 'Go'--Mao, Walton and Zecharia 8 (when we take care of our own business others want it) and #12, Jay Abraham and McCloskey and bwabwa.
Others will do better.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Next week (sheba0 is Succession. I'll try to do more on next first Steps.
PPS: I'm sure I'm missing something. See Am. History which starts with 'Creator'/'God Problem' as 1, then Fell/Hancock as 2, then 'Out...' and Gardner Chapter 5 as 3. 1492 I1, 3) to 1620. Divide until 2026 by number of students, each take and Idea, Institution, Invention, of Individual to show how was influenced, did influence. After, Gilder and Gurri and 4, Kurzweil and Diamandis as5, Spinrad ('Transformation') and the Russian who write about stages of civilization--planet energy, solar system energy, galaxy energy.