Glenn Sunshine
.From Aristotle: A thing is substance and accidents.The priest's words, allegedly, change the substance (transubstantiation) and leave the accidents.
Glenn Sunshine
.From Aristotle: A thing is substance and accidents.20th C.'s best books, Trump 'Art of Deal': Think big, watch downside.
What I have so far of Barfield is that original participation is paganism, and that final participation is leading to being 'in Christ', and that this develops in the history of thought.
What else?
Best intro to ERH: The central insight of speech thinking is
that speech or language is not merely, or even primarily, a descriptive act,
but a responsive and creative act which is the basis of our social
existence.[1] Gardner's 'Beyond Belief'
chapter 5 is good--outlines the changes in the Revolutions of the West. Almost all his stuff is at
www.erhfund.ore, free transcripts and audio of lectures. Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy is good. There's an ERH discussion group, Norman Fiering (sp?).
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888–1973)
was a sociologist and social philosopher who, along with his close friend Franz
Rosenzweig, and Ferdinand Ebner and Martin Buber, was a major exponent of
speech thinking or dialogicism. The central insight of speech thinking is that
speech or language is not merely, or even . Leithart: I Respond Though I Shall
Be Changed: Essays on the Thought of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy:
This week is the week to create small enthusiastic groups in the Garden/church/priest area in the categories of Law, Lyric, Evaluation, and Fact unto the next thousand years.
Most Important Sound of 20th c.--2nd attempt
OK, what's the most important sound of the 20th C.?
This week's (sheba's) question: What groups have been destroyed?
Chiasms all the way up
Most important book of 20th C.?
FWIW. Children speak reverse speech FIRST. (He has recordings!)
Expensive. Read with Leithart's 'End of Protestantism' footnote about how advocates of 'state' waged a centuries-long campaign against cities, church, and aristocracy.
Creveld 'Rise and Decline of the State'
I'll name one--Gurri. previous 40 years--what key newness?
Early Days For Languages
1—JBJ says we’ll learn languages—God is word, Languages—in Heaven.
2—Leithart (‘Solomon Among the Post Moderns’) says the English
sentence was ‘recently’ (1000 years) invented, and punctuation was a lot for
3—Hebrew had no spaces between words, no vowels, etc. 5/6 of
the Bible. Recent.
4—JBJ says Hebrew was mostly voices (modes, stems). Few
5—Oates (‘Reverse Speech’) has recordings of infants first,
first, recordings, speaking backward, in Reverse Speech.
6—Some languages go left to right, others right to left,
some up and down.
7—Revolutions beget are begotten by new words, names—Rosenstock.
8—It’s early days. ERH has history going backward through
Bible (tart Gregory VII) and through person’s ages (end, Soviet adolescent) and
history (start, Aquinas and Aristotle).
p. 714 of "Out...'. Oates bemoans lack of interest in reverse speech. His latest book will have a map of metaphors.
David Oates He died in 1973, said his material would not come into prominence for 70 years. David Oates This might be helpful. the 'giant' of thought, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (left Germany1933, taught at Harvard ad Dartmouth) on page 714 of 'Out of Revolution' shows the history of Western Man (male and female) autobiographically, as retracing the stages of a person's life. He also doe something similar with Aquinas/Aristotle. Renaissance/Plato, Erasmus/St. Socrates, Nietzsche/Pre-Socratics, and I suppose backward to 14.5 billion and before. All his Dartmouth audio lectures and transcripts are at 714 "out...' David Oates He died in 1973, said his material would not come into prominence for 70 years. David Oates This might be helpful. the 'giant' of thought, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (left Germany1933, taught at Harvard ad Dartmouth) on page 714 of 'Out of Revolution' shows the history of Western Man (male and female) autobiographically, as retracing the stages of a person's life. He also doe something similar with Aquinas/Aristotle. Renaissance/Plato, Erasmus/St. Socrates, Nietzsche/Pre-Socratics, and I suppose backward to 14.5 billion and before. All his Dartmouth audio lectures and transcripts are at
Short: Prepping for heaven
10 years, 100,000 churches, 1 million baptized: 'Contagious Disciple Making'
Compare Howard Bloom's explorers and consolidators all throughout the universe
How do they fit into your views?
'The core difference between the Free City model and the status quo is in the Free City model, government is a service provider which competes with other entities to attract residents and enterprises.' (Charles Hugh Smith)Host A 12020 Crisis of Age Gurri
We should be working on this—a new unified theory for these
times—Issachar. (I forgot that JBJ has indicated that the Ursprache used nodes,
stems, voices (From Bread to Wine) , and that the English sentence was invented
historically recently (Leithart: ‘Solomon Among the Postmoderns’)
Start with this: Gurri’s ‘The Revolt of the Public and the
Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium’
Gurri says we are in the Fifth Wave of information, like
unto writing (First Wave) and alphabet (Second Wave). In some recent years the
amount of information available has doubled. North: ‘The internet is the great
decentralizer’ (paraphrase).
I’ll try to keep this short. There’s MUCH more that can be
Nation-State and University are failing.
Briefly, I propose, based on Rosenstock’s Dartmouth course
‘Universal History 1954’ and Jordan’s work on the ‘Old Testament’ that we
should be composing Beatific Harmony. Principia Operatica, The Next Thousand
Years A Prayer. God Trinity has composed an Opera of History, persons, acting,
singing. We should likewise respond. It will take many generations.
1—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. biblicalhorizons » No. 80: Rethinking
the Order of the Old ...
The purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few
have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more
definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the
text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons. A
Biblico-Theological Canon.
2—Liturgy written on the year. (Note: My work is
SUPPPLEMENTAL to church years, lectionaries, etc.It emphasizes Culture, the
World History.
3—The song of each book. Cascione’s ‘Hebrew Cadence’ helps,
as do the outlines in Bullinger’s ‘Companion Bible’. I’ve done something with
The Twelve (minor prophets) and Psalm 117. What JBJ sent to his monthly donors,
translations of the Psalms, would help.
4—Our response in song. Using keyboard of history, and B R
SH T as a proto-liturgy to go with Acts 2:42 is as far as I have been able to
go so far, in my 2 years of physical debility.
5—Twelve small enthusiastic groups, 4 each in Garden, Land,
World. Use JBJ’s 4 (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact) and Rosenstock’s
(ERH’s)—imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective.’s) 4HHHH
Work on something such as this. Email and I’ll email you back
what I have so Far.
Love in King Jesus,
Host A 12020 Crisis of Age Gurri
We should be working on this—a new unified theory for these
Start with this: Gurri’s ‘The Revolt of the Public and the
Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium’
Gurri says we are in the Fifth Wave of information, like
unto writing (First Wave) and alphabet (Second Wave). In some recent years the
amount of information available has doubled. North: ‘The internet is the great
decentralizer’ (paraphrase).
I’ll try to keep this short. There’s MUCH more that can be
Nation-State and University are failing.
Briefly, I propose, based on Rosenstock’s Dartmouth course ‘Universal
History 1954’ and Jordan’s work on the ‘Old Testament’ that we should be composing
Beatific Harmony.
Principia Operatica, The Next Thousand Years A Prayer.
God Trinity has composed an Opera of History, persons,
acting, singing. We should likewise respond. It will take many generations.
1—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. biblicalhorizons » No. 80: Rethinking
the Order of the Old ...
The purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few
have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more
definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the
text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons. A
Biblico-Theological Canon.
2—Liturgy written on the year. (Note: My work is
SUPPPLEMENTAL to church years, lectionaries, etc.It emphasizes Culture, the
World History.
3—The song of each book. Cascione’s ‘Hebrew Cadence’ helps,
as do the outlines in Bullinger’s ‘Companion Bible’. I’ve done something with
The Twelve (minor prophets) and Psalm 117. What JBJ sent to his monthly donors,
translations of the Psalms, would help.
4—Our response in song. Using keyboard of history, and B R
SH T as a proto-liturgy to go with Acts 2:42 is as far as I have been able to
go so far, in my 2 years of physical debility.
5—Twelve small enthusiastic groups, 4 each in Garden, Land,
World. Use JBJ’s 4 (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact) and Rosenstock’s (ERH’s)—imperative,
Subjective, Narrative, Objective.’s)
Work on something such as this. Email and I’ll email you back
what I have so Far.
Love in King Jesus,