Peter Dalee Scott (JFK researcher) writes that national governments after WWII had not kept up with international organizations, and this reminds me of Anderson’s ‘Day of Burning’.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The Church as Nation
The Church as Nation
Until then, you might look here:
Peter has a wise footnote about how long it took 'pro-state' people to enable the state to conquer other jurisdictions. "the End of Protestantism'. He proposes marriage courts as a start.
Hoppe has some valuable comments in Economy, Society, and History' Various religions, competing legal systems. Statism as result of Protestantism is remarkable, so I remark.
Berman has 3 points at least. 21 (iirc) types of laws, 1000 year budgets for cathedrals, and Roman Catholic church as first state (from ERH).
Barzun 'From Dawn to Decadence' limns the triumph of monarchialism as law-pronouncer.All these are a result on Christ as King, not.
Teller's 'Public Stoning' does not see the church as lawgiver over non-members, but that if/as/when she is a nation of good law, people will grab us (on of The Twelve) and want be join our nation.Ofcourse, what most miss is that GodTrinity ALREADY is omnipotent, and'Surely the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil). So, whether we say it or not, He judges, and we, by prayer etc. are with Him.
Love in King Jesus,
'You will stand before kings' Witnessing to WEF
Dear Friends:
'You will stand before kings' Witnessing to WEFThe guy from Argentina was helpful.
But anti-state is not our key statement.
Love in King Jesus,
ChuckPS: 'Day of Burning' and Peter Dale Scott are also helpful.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Vitamin H for Hope. Born blind, 99% scar tissue. Now unrestricted driver's licens.
Vitamin H for Hope.
Yes, he give me hope. Born blind, 99% scar tissue, now unrestricted driver's license.
I'll exercise!
More if desired.
Love in King Jesus,
Friday, January 19, 2024
What is the most important news of our time?
What is 'the most important news of our time'?
1--Technological advances. Diamandis and Kotler 'Abundance'
2--'Superabundance'--the in terms of time worked to buy
something, prices are going DOWN
3--Fifth Wave' of information, like unto writing at all
'First' and alphabet 'Second' Gurri's 'The Revolt of the Public'
4--More type of war. 4th generation, 5th and many we do't
know. Sun Tzu 'The greatest victory is when you opponent doesn't even know he's
in a war'
ERH Backward is Forward Expanded
Host A 12017 Rosenstock backward is Forward Expanded
Rosenstock once mentioned that Aquinas worked with
Aristotle, the Renaissance Plato, Erasmus toasted St. Socrates, Nietszche
emphasized pre-Socratics, etc.
Let’s add that anthropological studies , missionaries, and
late colonialism all worked with tribes.
Linnaeus did plants.
Darwin and Lyell were natural.
Then came astronomical efforts the culminated in a Big Bang
(an erstwhile humorism by Hoyle, who held to continuous creation of something small
in deep space) billions and billions (14.5?) of years ago.
Then subatomic particles, black holes, etc. were mentioned,
along with relativity, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, etc.—all pushing backward.
Then worked on was language and the speaker itself, with
deconstructionism of texts, punctuation, Gurri’s Fifth Wave of information, and
the fact that an individual human had 30# of other species of life in gut.
Now comes electric universe, and waves (Mumby) and gaia (sic, yes) to the universe
(Bloom who misses Augustine’s third Person)and being part of the whole.
Soon, some will get to Who is behind all this. They will see
and hear that they’ve gone as far back as they can, and with Eliot ’We shall
not cease from wandering, and then end of all that wandering shall be to arrive
back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’. (paraphrase).
The Beatific Vision, the
Beatific Harmony, the Beatific Dance, the Beatific Opera—all will be
known ’For surely the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for
the day of calamity’.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Differance transcendance transcendante
OK. DifferAnce, TranscendAnce, TranscendanTe
A little homo ludens, playing man
Some sorites from Lewis Carrol
l've recently read Dr.Leithart's 'Ascent to Love
At one time I thought of a game/covenant to be in newspapers. It didn't work out.
Try the above. See how it works for exegesis in Greek and Hebrew.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Vitamin J for Joy' Hartman
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Death Star $193 quintillion, carbon uptake money
From Asimov's in 2021, For Fun: Death Star $193 quintillion
Carbon uptake money to start (From 'Ministry for the Future'
This got me to thinking about money types, and in a 'Steiner moment' I listed a couple dozen that might be of interest (pun unintended)
Love in King Jesus,
Friday, January 12, 2024
A universal language?
Gestures, hmmm. One kabbala (spelling?) Meru claims that, iirc, the Hebrew alphabet is easily seen as images made by hand arrangements in a tent at night.
Thinking long term. A hero is he who did pin yin.
Love in King Jesus,
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Liturgy and Scientific Method
Newton and 'liturgy'. CALLED by the apple into a new condition. Why did that apple fall?CLEANSED by confession and authoritative forgiveness. He says he doesn't know, but is assured it can be figured out. CONSECRATED by readings and sermon. He has an hypothesis. Sermon. COMMUNED The hypothesis is tested, 2 ways. If bad, it 'dies'. COMMISSIONED in grace to graciously give this to the world. Thus, the scientific method follows the Bible. (I also can show how 'liturgy' follows the festival calendar of Israel.
Zoom Public Stoning Adam Terrell
Posting the invitation here for anyone who wants to join also.
Adam Terrell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Monday, January 8, 2024
'Public Stoning' Considerations
Host A 12013 Public Stoning Considerations
1—There is more than what I write below.
2—Key: ‘Wholeness’ the goal of the law—Rushdoony
3—Exegetical things later.
4—It will take time.
Leithart in ‘The End of Protestantism’ writes about Tilly’s ‘The Formation of
National States in Western Europe’ that it was centuries from over 500 to the
few, and not unaccompanied by violence.
5—We have some examples of non-monopoly (polypoly?)
Heinlein’s ‘Moon is a Harsh Mistress (jury chosen from passersby, judge okayed
by all parties, IIRC),
Godfather opening sequence (‘No, your daughter is still alive’ is response to a
request for killing of the perpetrators), also ‘Looking Backward 2162’ portrays
a village-oriented system, the President as fund-raiser
b—Arbitration for
stock market disputes
religious: Jewish diamond merchants,
Islamic money transfers
d—Hoppe claims in
‘Economy, Society, and History’ that a % of Rabbinic fines were paid to the
authority in exchange
f—Hoppe again
alloidally nobles judged
g—Aborigines in
Australia did something like elders made restitution, offender worked to pay
bak, when all made whole, offender set up in business, or kept working
h—Leithart again,
marriage courts as uniting Christians
6—Absent a Hoppean collapse, which would engender return to
natural leaders as judges, to get to establishment of a more Biblical system,
we might do 2 things
a—Since it’s ‘Jeremiah
Time’ (Jordan0 were we to serve ‘for the good of the city, as Daniel did, we
might get Jerusalem back (Ezra, etc.)
b—Wholeness in
the easier parts, such as were a young man to steal mechanics’ tools, the
elders of the church would pay restitution (Biblical amount to make whole), the
thief would work for, ideally, the elder’s business (mechanic) until the debt
is paid that the church paid as restitution, and thus be made whole, as the
thief is made whole, and then with feasting, the one now made whole is set up
to start his own business, or continues to work for the elder
7—Thus we show the making whole
8—As we show this in part, we gradually evangelize