Comprehensive History House
There are 3 classical methods of truth testing: Coherence,
Correspondence, Comprehensiveness.
Coherence, or non-contradiction has problems with Goedel’s
Incompleteness—that there are truths that cannot be derived from axioms in any
axiomatic system.
Correspondence has problems with Shroedinger, and that the
observed thing is affected (effected) by the observer.
That leaves comprehensiveness as the key.
I have tried to solve this with The Next Thousand Years A
Prayer (1000), and my work on American history, both of which are examples of
Thus in 1000 we have the year (coram) as 49 books, a Jubilee
number. (Jordan)
We also put the liturgy through the year (coram), among other
things to show how to learn and teach, as Newton did from the apple to the
Theory of Gravity.
That ach book is a song, is being worked on.
That our response, in fours, is a song is being worked on, Both
are toward Beatific Harmony, and the latter uses the Keyboard of History. All this is in The Next Thousand Years A
12 small enthusiastic groups are fours in the 3-decker.
An example of response.
House/Fellowship uses the 40 cities in the book ‘Centers of
Head uses 3 things: That many General Purpose Technologies (Wikipedia)
happened before allegedly history was recorded, Bloom’s ‘God Problem’ fission-gusion
process permeates from the ‘Big Bang’ on, and Genesis, which Rosenstock says
could not have been a better repost (paraphrase). Thus Matthew 13’s admonition
so solve the riddle prevails.
For Eat
(Fang)/Breaking of Bread we use Leithart’s ‘Blessed Are The Hungry’ and the
key: ‘Do this.’
For Cross/and Prayer, the End, we use Aristotle’s Final
Cause—what kind of building are we to
build? A factory, a warehouse, a church, a school, a home?
To answer this last I write about the Victory HouseBuilding
pattern. GodTrinity defeats the enemies of His people (Matthew 28—done) and He
moves in (many scriptures)lights the fire (Pentecost +) and we go out and administer this covenant.
Comprehensive History House.