Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Luther and Bitcoin

 Luther and Bitcoin: Catholic church and fiat money



Reformation for 'billionaires' to get into banking.


Says WWIII inevitable, Protestant Reformation occcurred because 'billionaires' wanted to get into banking. ('Usury' was a sin.)

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sunshine, Glenn

 Hildegard of Bingen--music on YouTube. Slow, but a couple of ideas. Mike

Bull on 'Isaiah' is great. Glenn Sunshine of '32 Christians..."mentions that 'The Mother of Khans' was a Christian, and one of the most important people in world history. Mother of Kublai Khan. He also shows the difference between vibrant, disciple-making and ours, in 'Unleashed'. Etc.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Gift For JBJ

 Dear Peter:

On one of his audios JBJ mentioned something about when he is old, he''-ll show how Jesus fulfilled every OT law.

I'm thinking this could be a project of the BH group online, with oversight by someone of Theopolis.

We'd start with Maimonides' 613.

Here's something I wrote previously to BH:

--Maimonides' 613, Fulfilled by Jesus

1---We can get the wisdom from each: 2 Timothy 3


Let’s take #22 for an example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/613_commandments

Ex. 13:13 — To redeem the firstborn donkey by giving a lamb to a Kohen

Thus, the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sins of the world.



2—Change of priesthood, change of law: Hebrews

3—New Exodus, Return from Exile: Wright ‘The Day the Revolution Began’

A good example here is wife first (house is part of her) in Deuteronomy, compared to house first (wife is part of house) in Exodus.

3—Galatians 5, love of neighbor fulfills the law (goal of law is shalom, peace per RJR) and

4—Jesus reconciled all to Himself. Also John 3:16 AND 17.

5—Rosenstock-Huessy’s Cross of Reality, with Jesus at center of history as doer and example, dying to us and all, his  neighbor.

6—End of John, can’t write it all down, bigger than creation. Took all sins, forgave all.

7—JBJ: If your church is like one of 7, yea 8 in Revelation, study that part of the Bible.

8—Both/And. One God, 3 Persons. True god and True Man.


Love in King Jesus,


Tulip Time Tokens

 Community Currencies Mean Millions of Dollars

S&H Green Stamps sold for over $100 million—This is better

Tulip Time Tokens 2

Benefits: 1--More money for local businesses

2—Expand world-wide. Des Moines Dollars, Burlington Bucks, St. Louis Louies, Chicago Chicagos, etc.

3—Expenses into Revenues

Take bids on credit card provider?

How much for a franchise?

Take bids on website (they get a %?)

Email promoter—how much?

Sell memberships to merchants? Monthly too?

AND MORE (Credit card company—2% TTT, reserve 2% in dollars for merchants if want to trad in TTT)


It’s a loyalty/rewards program. Buyers would get a certain amount/percentage from the merchant in TTT. The Tulips Time Tokens could be redeemed through products offered at a website, through email promotions, or at a store.

Proof: It’s Been Done Before and Now We Have More Tools

1--There was a store in the 1950 in Perry Iowa that only sold things for Gold Bond stamps.

2--Green stamps had a catalog of merchandise. Facebook thought of their own coin.

3--Every community -- https://blog.bancor.network/redesigning-community-currencies-from-one-tomato-to-1000-wallets-on-sarafu-network-80a629354ab1 (Search: Bancor Kenya Community Currencies)

4--HOW? Any of the many rewards/loyalty programs could add PellaCoin, VermeerKoin (from ’koinonia’=community), Tulip Time Tokens Say, Casey’s Rewards, HyVee perks. Any city, marketplace.

5--Medieval  cities’ charters included authority to mint their own coins. (Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’

6--BIG MONEY?  See Carlson Companies, which started with Gold Bond Stamps ($38 loan) and now owns many hotels. S & H Green stamps, per Wikipedia, sold  for over $100 million…

7--[It’s Jeremiah Time: See ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’(Facebook)]

The above is the ‘plot of land,’ Tulip  Time Tokens are ‘for the good of the city’.

edencity@aol.com Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Maimonides' 613: 8 Solutions

 Maimonides 8 Solutions


1---We can get the wisdom from each: 2 Timothy 3


Let’s take #22 for an example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/613_commandments

Ex. 13:13 — To redeem the firstborn donkey by giving a lamb to a Kohen

Thus, the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sins of the sorld.



2—Change of priesthood, change of law: Hebrews

3—New Exodus, Return from Exile: Wright ‘The Day the Revolution Began’

A good example here is wife first (house is part of her) in Deuteronomy, compared to house first (wife is part of house) in Exodus.

3—Galatians 5, love of neighbor fulfills the law (goal of law is shalom, peace per RJR) and

4—Jesus reconciled all to Himself.

5—Rosenstock-Huessy’s Cross of Reality, with Jesus at center of history as doer and example, dying to us and all, his  neighbor.

6—End of John, can’t write it all down, bigger than creation. Took all sins, forgave all.

7—JBJ: If your church is like one of 7, yea 8 in Revelation, study that part of the Bible.

8—Both/And. One God, 3 Persons. True god and True Man.


Greatings for greatings

 Greatings for greetings

Concord Dance

 The dance of concord, concord dance, concordance.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Oct. 20 : Debs Day

 Eugene Debs got over a million votes for President while imprisoned for speaking against WWI.

Died Oct. 20


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Page Of Response

 A page for individual response

Day (Conventional, Hartman 1, Hartman 2)

Week (‘1000’)

Book (Of Jordan’s 49)

Cantata of book

B House/Fellowship

R Head/Apostles’ Doctrine

SH Fang—Eat/Breaking of Bread

T Cross/Prayer

4 Notes (Beethoven’s 5th) of Response

Improve your small enthusiastic groups

Principia Operatica Sum

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

12 small enthusiastic groups )ct. 17, A. D. 2023

 31—12 small enthusiastic groups (POFSPEGs—Productive Oath-Formed Small Profitable Enthusiastic Groups) as of October 17, A. D. 2023.

3-decker universe, 4 in each. Garden/Church, Priest and Land, King, Civil Magistrate, and World, Prophet, House (Marriage, Family Business, Culture.

ERH: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective unto Planetary Service.

JBJ: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact.


Garden: 1--Christian Courts Video Ministry + Maimonides and Galatians 5.

2--Psalm Tunes (see 117 and The Twelve) unto Cantata of John (Leithart ‘Deep Exegesis) and 4 notes of Keyboard of History, and ‘A Mighty Fortress’ from Psalm 146—Luther) toward Beatific Harmony.

3—The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

4—‘Contagious Disciple Making’ Baptized a million, person of peace, discovery sessions of  Bible verses.


Land:1-- Projects without state, past and future.

2—Twelve Word Platform, and see Reformation Confessions on working in state.

3—HealthSpan, to include Godparent for Elders, Cryonics Missionaries (Christianity Today, May 10, 1968, Montgomery), New Knights Templar/Hospitaler

4—Nations as trade routes (community currencies, crypto, metals…)


World: 1—Covenant of Vocation (Wright ‘The Day the Revolution Began)

2—Local/Online Leader

3—Peace Tribe (to include unrecognized wars)

4—New Trade and Innovation (Jay Abraham, McCloskey ‘Bourgeois Virtues)

Monday, October 16, 2023

Heresy = to say that the past and the present cause the future: Rosenstock

 Heresy = to say that the past and the present cause the future: Rosenstock

PPS: Aristotle had 4 causes. Final Cause fits this.
Dear Friends:
'Traces of the Trinity' is NOT, not responsible for this. Rosenstock: To say that the past and present cause the future is heresy.However, reading it reminded me of the above the Rosenstock did say.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: After 'on nothing' and 'slavery', I will soon be writing on first mover/you can't beat something with nothing.

Sunday, October 15, 2023


 But you're either a bondservant of Christ,or of the evil.Also, this could show the demise of the nation-state, for ERH said that the nation-state is Empires without slavery.

And this doesn't count 'Idols for Destruction' 
  1. There are more slaves now than any time in human history


    89 MILLION The number of people who have experienced some form of slavery in the last five years. The average length of time victims were forced to work varied from a few days to five years. And...

II think it's in the wikipedia article about McDonough is menton that slaves were ship captains, etc. 
  1. John McDonogh - Wikipedia


    John McDonogh (December 29, 1779 – October 26, 1850) was an American entrepreneur whose adult life was spent in south Louisiana and later in Baltimore. He made a fortune in real estate and shipping, and as a slave owner, he supported the American Colonization Society, which organized transportation for freed people of color to Liberia.

    This is part two, following 'You'll own nothing (God ownsall,and delegates) and be joyous.

    Love in King Jesus,

    Chuck 'Curt Flood' Hartman

Mike Bull and Keyboard of History

 Mike Bull Your work (that God writes in covenant sequence) has influenced my messy baby of The Next Thousand Years A Prayer, in that even though He also speaks in chords (Surely the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil)' there is a Keyboard of History. More later. 29—For instance, Philemon would be a good time to trace the tune of slavery, with Bathilda, Wilberforce, Sowell and the like in a ‘tune of slavery’ on Keyboard of History (and chords). With Rosenstock’s ‘nation-states are Empires without slavery’ and more slavery now than ever (search) and slavery to ‘Idols For Destruction. Not historicism, but influenced by it and work of Mike Bull.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Own nothing, be joyous. (Deep)

 Own nothing, be joyous in God's work. He owns all and delegates Own nothing, be joyous in God's work. He owns all and delegates

I think it's one of Mortimer Adler's books that makes a distinction between two type of knowledge, and now Glenn Sunshine has told us of a third. Episteme/Revelation/Absolute in one kind. Pascal's 'probabilism' is a second. Sunshine held that this was the cause of the idea lf progress--I think he misses much from the Bible here---linearity of history vs. circularity. But the second was one of the great social inventions, the scientific method. (Sunshine: empircism). The thing about empiricism is that it is not Absolute, it is subject to more being seen by experiment. 'The Science' makes a mistake in thinking that it is settled. [It could be the same mistake made wen people think they 'own' their jobs--the mistake of rent-seeking (land) vs. wages-seeking (labor). But this latter is for another day, as is the deification of 'The State'. We should own nothing and be joyous stewards, for GodTrinity DOES own everything and He delegates to us!. That's a third point. Jesus has all authority, therefore go joyously about the work you have been given. This is another example which shows that since we do not acknowledge Bible Truth, alternative untruths come in. See Judges, especially.Also Philemon.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

What Now? 'City of God' moment?

 There have been key times in history. What now?


Constantine’s conversion, Augustine, the Investiture controversy, various Reformation…what now?


Let’s take a look a 3-decker world.


In Church we have S. America going Protestant faster than Europe during the Reformation, we have ‘Jesus in Beijing’, we have Africe from 10% Christian in 1900 to 46% @2000, we have a million baptized with ‘Contagious Disciple Making’, we have Islamic Republics, etc.


In Land we have fewer dying in war, but the possibility of nuclear war. We have forms of war we don’t even recognize, but surely the end of Westphalia in 4th generation war…5th etc., we have the failure of the nation state (Creveld), tremendous debt, etc.


In Culture we have the Spirit of exnihilation leaving the Eccles building, blockchain/Bitcoin, the internet, and the like (see ‘General Purpose Technologies’ on Wikipedia), we have incivility and various divisions, decentralization vs. centralization (administrative law, per  Berman) and MORE.


What do you think is our ‘City of  God’ challenge, our Investiture?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I can now ask this question

 October 2023—I now know enough to ask this question:

If Cluny engendered the transition from church dominance

To state dominance in the West (remember RJR and ‘filioque’),

What can/should engender the good transition to small enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warfare?

Therefor, remember you have enough money!

Sunday, October 1, 2023



  1. General-purpose technology - Wikipedia


    General-purpose technologies (GPTs) are technologies that can affect an entire economy (usually at a national or global level). GPTs have the potential to drastically alter societies through their impact on pre-existing economic and social structures. The archetypal examples of GPTs are the steam engine, electricity, and information technology.

    There are maybe 30 listed.

    I'm more into social groups, one of which would be insurancve, invented at Lloyd's coffee shop in London where someone guaranteeing return of a ship would write his name under it.  Thus 'underwriter'.

    Coffee was the mind-altering substance of the day. Some hold that the double helix of Watson and Crick was influenced by LSD. I don't know.

    I'm more interested is such social inventions, using JBJ's 4 on the 3-decker universe.

    I do hope that someone will email me at edencity 

    @aol.com to allow me to send you my latest.  Keep it for your grandchildren, for as ERH says, unless it's 3 generations, it doesn't count.

    Love in King Jesus,
