Monday, August 28, 2023

Summary 10001

 Layers added to present  Church Year, Lectionary, Etc.—a chiasm

1—James Jordan’s 49 books over the year, one per week

     (Note: Re-retune days and rename them and year per Jordan’s chronology)

2—Liturgy through the year (coram,  presence celebration.of.resurrection.anno.mundi)

     Cleanse, consecrate, commune conflated with  historical events

3—12 small enthusiastic groups—4 each of three decker Creation

     Garden/Church/Priest, Land/Civil Government/King,

     World/Culture/House (Marriage, Children, Business)


     Law/Imperative, Lyric/Subjective, Evaluation/Narrative, Fact/Objective

4—Liturgy of B, R, SH, T/House, Head, Fang (Eat) , Cross – Bereshith


      Fellowship, Apostles’ Doctrine, Breaking of Bread, Prayer

     (Expansion of Lectionary to all history—keyboard of history

5—Beatific Harmony, Song of each book, and response of 4, thus opera

References: Jordan’s chronology, biblicalhorizons » No. 80: Rethinking the Order of the Old ...

The purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons. (Universal History 1954)

Monday, August 21, 2023

Revised Tulip Time Tokens 2

 Millions of Dollars

S&H Green Stamps sold for over $100 million—This is better

Tulip Time Tokens 2

Benefits: 1--More money for local businesses

2—Expand world-wide. Des Moines Dollars, Burlington Bucks, St. Louis Louies, Chicago Chicagos, etc.

3—Expenses into Revenues

Take bids on credit card provider?

How much for a franchise?

Take bids on website (they get a %?)

Email promoter—how much?

Sell memberships to merchants? Monthly too?

AND MORE (Credit card company—2% TTT, reserve 2% in dollars for merchants if want to trad in TTT)


It’s a loyalty/rewards program. Buyers would get a certain amount/percentage from the merchant in TTT. The Tulips Time Tokens could be redeemed through products offered at a website, through email promotions, or at a store.

Proof: It’s Been Done Before and Now We Have More Tools

1--There was a store in the 1950 in Perry Iowa that only sold things for Gold Bond stamps.

2--Green stamps had a catalog of merchandise. Facebook thought of their own coin.

3--Every community -- (Search: Bancor Kenya Community Currencies)

4--HOW? Any of the many rewards/loyalty programs could add PellaCoin, VermeerKoin (from ’koinonia’=community), Tulip Time Tokens Say, Casey’s Rewards, HyVee perks. Any city, marketplace.

5--Medieval  cities’ charters included authority to mint their own coins. (Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’

6--BIG MONEY?  See Carlson Companies, which started with Gold Bond Stamps ($38 loan) and now owns many hotels. S & H Green stamps, per Wikipedia, sold  for over $100 million…

7--[It’s Jeremiah Time: See ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’(Facebook)]

The above is the ‘plot of land,’ Tulip  Time Tokens are ‘for the good of the city’. Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook

Barfield, Briefly

 Barfield, Briefly (Please correct this, Rich?) [Does not include History in English words, and more]

Evolution of Consciousness ( I prefer ADvolution, Aristotle's Final Cause)
'...the conscious collaboration with Christ in the economy of creation, which is to say, "Final Participation' 'What Barfield thought, 81

1--Originally man  though of himself as part of nature, in that he could be of the lion tribe, or the wolf tribe, etc. This was forbidden in the Decalog.
2---In medieval times all was thought to be a theophany.
3--The Scientific Revolution considered nature to be independent enough, apart from man.

1-- and 3-- were idolatry, that is a misplacement of concreteness?

Words originally meant many things, and historically these different meaning have obtained different wordsl

Love in King Jesus,

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Tulip Time Tokens 2

 Tulip Time Tokens 2


Benefits: 1--More money for local businesses

2—Expand world-wide. Des Moines Dollars, Burlington Bucks, St. Louis Louies, Chicago Chicagos, etc.

3—Expenses into Revenues

Take bids on credit card provider?

How much for a franchise?

Take bids on website (they get a %?)

Email promoter—how much?

Sell memberships to merchants? Monthly too?

AND MORE (Credit card company—2% TTT, reserve 2% in dollars for merchants if want to trad in TTT)



It’s a loyalty/rewards program. Buyers would get a certain amount/percentage from the merchant in TTT. The Tulips Time Tokens could be redeemed through products offered at a website, through email promotions, or at a store.

Proof: It’s Been Done Before and Now We Have More Tools

1--There was a store in the 1950 in Perry Iowa that only sold things for Gold Bond stamps.

2--Green stamps had a catalog of merchandise. Facebook thought of their own coin.

3--Every community -- (Search: Bancor Kenya Community Currencies)

4--HOW? Any of the many rewards/loyalty programs could add PellaCoin, VermeerKoin (from ’koinonia’=community), Tulip Time Tokens Say, Casey’s Rewards, HyVee perks. Any city, marketplace.

5--Medieval  cities’ charters included authority to mint their own coins. (Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’

6--BIG MONEY?  See Carlson Companies, which started with Gold Bond Stamps ($38 loan) and now owns many hotels. S & H Green stamps, per Wikipedia, sold  for over $100 million…

7--[It’s Jeremiah Time: See ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’(Facebook)]

The above is the ‘plot of land,’ Tulip  Time Tokens are ‘for the good of the city’. Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook

Saturday, August 12, 2023

No Hebrew Present Tense? Leithart Barfield MetaArgument

 No Hebrew Present Tense Barfield Leithart MetaArgument


1—There is no  present tense in Hebrew. Barfield p. 150 ‘Saving the Appearances’

2—Sometimes the absence of something emphasizes it. Leithart, Festschrift for Jordan (‘Glory of Kings’ essay on forbidden sexual relations

3—Thus, that there is no present tense in Hebrew emphasizes that the Author of that language is ‘outside’/’other’—not part of The Creation, not part of Time. It is like unto the First/Second Word(s).



a.       ‘I AM THAT I AM’ ‘I AM has sent you.

b.       Greek has 256 tenses (Pastor Toensing) and is part of the Bible.

c.       Seven ‘I AM’s in John


Further considerations: Chinese, even with pin yin’ is a different language, emphasizing SPO pitch snf tone.

Some LCMS preachers do so in a ‘sing-song’ tone so as to emphasize the Word, not the sermonizer’s speech/meaning.

On the other hand, some churches have layperson do Bible reading in the worship service, and others forbid such because it is up to the trained called and ordained to do such reading with emphasis, which has much to do with the meaning of the passage read.


Barfield:  ‘’…a  peculiar sense of the significance and  shape of time is also reflected in the Hebrew language. Not only, for example does the Hebrew verb posses no present tense, as we understand it in the Aryan languages; the past being used for every moment up to the present, and the future for every moment from the future on. Not only is this the case, but the past and future are interchangeable in ways it is difficult for us to  understand, More than one Hebrew grammarian, for instance, hasw declared that the past tense was used for prophecy and the future for history.




SUMMARY: The absence of something emphasizes it.

CONCLUSION: This is important

WHAT TO DO: Translation and teaching should  reflect this. More linguistic work should be done with other languages. Such as Chinese.


Notes: Someone should have told me about this! I could be very wrong, though it might be an advantage that I am ‘ignorant’.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

No! to reverse speech 'The Great Spiritual Darkness'

 No! to reverse speech 'The Great Spiritual Darkness'

1) Oates doesn't do conservative Lutherans or Reformed
2) This is too 'new' like Cascione's Hebrew Cadence in NT
3) He finds good in people we don't like
4) He reads into reversals--I don't see what he sees
5) How can you read backward, though ERH in 'Out...' does?
6) The idea that people speak forward, and backward (metaphors) is odd
7) He's a prepper
8) more

Sunday, August 6, 2023

GET ME OUT of nursing home

 Pastor Keuning, Tom, Rand, Louise, Staci, Tim, Dan, Sandy

 I talked with PastorKeuning today, and we discussed my top priority if I'm ever in a nursing home, and that is to GET ME OUT. I shouldn't be there unless there's an accident or something. I could lose 30% of my IQ and still be 'normal' and we've enough money to take care of each other, barring a complete economic collapse. You become a slave--I don't want that.