Nisbet and the future
He claims that 'the state' has taken over from intermediate institutions such as guilds, town, monasteries, church, kinshi, family, etc.
There were some liberating results. 'Capitalism' in 'Quest for Community'.
But this atomistic individualism has also led to tyranny.
Now we have Gurri's observation that we are in the Fifth Wave of information. First=Writing, Second was Alphabet.
Nisbet does not want to go back.
But others (JBJ, ERH, GKN?) have pointed out tribalistic/decentralistic evidences.
Let's think.Let's imagine.
What would be 12 (a good Biblical number!) new intermediary institutions, small enthusiastic groups, that could be? Hint: Use the three-decker Creation, and JBJ's/ERH's 4 in each. Law/Imperative, Lyric/Subjective, Evaluation/Narrative, Fact/Objective. JBJ traces the Bible, ERH uses Speech forms.
Love in King Jesus, Chuck 'the chess of pocket billiards' Hartman