Sunday, April 30, 2023

Christ has overcome the world.

 Christ has overcome the world. We are mopping up. As we become more mature, Trinity gives us greater challenges in the 'redemption, Holy War, maturity' pattern. History is the Father preparing Daughter Humanity, by the Holy Spirit, as a Bride for the Son, one says. An example of the need for maturity is that Gurri writes that this is the Fifth Wave of information, and another is Diamandis' metatrends work, etc. Minimum wage in America if the top 15% of world earners, etc. Staci Galeazzi, Tim Galeazzi, Michael Shover, Sandy Seeman, Dan Spencer, Tom Hartman, Louise Hartman Yes

Festival Calendar in Worship

 Well, I've thought that liturgical covenant renewal worship could follow the festival calendar of Ancient Israel in this way:

We Passover by entering church.
We rise as First Fruits when cleansed (forgiven)
Pentecost is Readings
Trumpets is Sermon
We eat and drink the Atonement
Having been made into Tabernacles,
We are sent out at and as Purim.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Introdctory Music Theory books?

 Dear Friends:

As I soon,Lord willing, enter my 9th decade of personhood, I find a need to know more about music.
Introductory Music Theory books?

Lovi in King Jesus, 
PS: Born April 5, 194, thus conceived @July 4, 1943. We used to understand this personhood, starting the civil year (President's inauguration @ March 20,  months before celebration of Nativity. Lady Day. Jesus conceived, began is reign?

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Principia Operatica Update

 Principia Operatica Update

Principia Operatica. Take the Hebrew Cadence from each book (ofBible), then responds with 4 notes (B, R, S-H, T and or 'fellowship, Apostles' doctrine, breaking of bread, prayer, and more from Jordan, Rosenstock, etc.) like unto Beethoven's Fifth, upon which 4 notes was an elaboration made--but with singing (glorified speech, thus opera. Use Keyboard of history for the notes.

Latest epiphany. Retunings (JBJ Rev. 5:12-7:12). books, liturgy written on year (coram), 12 small enthusiastic groups (ERH, Universal History 1954 at, more layers (see above) DONE enough.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Yep, I think it's that important. Building on JBJ, ERH, etc.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Keyboard of History 2

 What  I need now is the 'song' or each book, and the 'song' of the B R S-H T (and/or prayer, apostles' doctrine, breaking of bread, fellowship--and/or JBJ and ERH four-foldedness).

It's enthusing!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Keyboard of History and Beethoven's Fifth

 Keyboard of History. When did each of the 4 B R S-H T happen. Universe is in 12 parts. Then elaborate on these 4 notes, as Beethoven’s Fifth does. This is responding to the music of the book of the sheba/week, so things will have to be adjusted for Principia Operatica. If 3 of each,  a chord.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Gladwell choke points

 Dear Friends:

Gladwell strikes again! 'choke points'

What are the choke points in the culture war? Prayer, liturgy...?

Gladwell's 'Bomber Mafia' gives rise to the above question.

Summary: The Bomber Mafia wanted to make the next war more humane. They wanted to avoid the million casualties at Some in WWI.
They thus developed the idea of 'choke points'.  What would cripple the enemy's ability to make war? They were helped in this by the Norden bombsight, which allowed pinpoint bombing. Norden was a Christian, explicitly says Gladwell.

Alas, cloud cover put the kabosh on the bombsight. The raid on Schweinfurt, the town with 5 ballbearing factories did not work, despite the courage of LeMay, who said that a non-evasive flight was needed. His pilots said it was suicide, so he piloted the lead bomber.

The same thing happened with Japan, and LeMay again devised how to do it. Low-level night bombing with napalm, which destroyed Japanese cities (wooden houses) by fire. It wasn't only the A-bombs that shortened the war, preventing a Russian invasion which would have resulted in North Japan and South Japan. See East Germany and West Germany.
But the idea of choke points is a good one?
What are they in 5th Generation Warfare of the mind?
Love  in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Thousand Year Prayer' Hartman 
PS: Biblically, 'non-destruction of fruit trees is more Norden than LeMay.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

5th Fifth Generation Warfare

 5th generation warfare In the mind. Changed at Westphalia (ation-state monopoly) and now (mind, maximum)

5th generation warfare In the mind. Changed at Westphalia (nation-state monopoly) and now (mind, maximum)

What is to be done? I await your wise suggestions/orders

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Numbers are containers

 Numbers are containers, so if there is 4 of something, see all fours, etc. B, R, S-H, T; then ERH’s 4 (Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece; then Fellowship, Apostles’ Doctrine,  Breaking of Bread, Prayer

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

McDonogh freed slaves

 Dear Friends:

It appears to me (1) That there is much more slavery than we have thought. To sin, to porn especially, etc. (2) JBJ wrote on this. (3) McDonogh is great on this--a Southerner, let his slaves work for themselves on Saturday afternoons. They bought themselves out of slavery, and had learned independence--this was later outlawed in the South. 
  1. John McDonogh - Wikipedia

    John McDonogh (December 29, 1779 – October 26, 1850) was an American entrepreneur whose adult life was spent in south Louisiana and later in Baltimore. He made a fortune in real estate and shipping, and as a slave owner , he supported the American Colonization Society , which organized transportation for freed people of color to Liberia.

    From Wikipedia 'He had devised a manumission scheme whereby the people he held as enslaved could "buy" their own freedom, which took them some 15 years. In his will he provided large grants for the public education of children of poor whites and freed people of color in New Orleans and Baltimore, and by the 1970s some 20 schools in the New Orleans public school system were named for him.'

    Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

We should be good at this: 5th Generation Warfare

 5th Generation Warfare. Well-written

' “The basic idea behind this term [5GW] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens.”'

Local Christianity

 Dear Friends:

Re: Local Christianity'
You might study Johnson's 'History of Christianity. He maintains that the Cistercians (monks) developed agriculture in the 'Middle Ages' (He also seems to maintain that as the Roman Empire fell, the 'Christian Empire' rose, as sons of leading families went into administration of monkish subgroups--my interpretation.
Also, Hoppe 'Short History of Man' holds that as civilization falls globally, local leaders/natural leaders will emerge.
Of course, JBJ and ERH both point to neo-tribalism, ERH in his chiasstic view ('Universal History 1954' @ download of Dartmouth lectures, free transcript too) and JBJ in 'Crisis...'In Jeremiah Time we must both buy the plot of land and work for the good of the city. Bancor's work with community currencies for economic development in Kenya is worth studying, as is Berman's comment in 'Law and Revolution' that in medieval city charter was included the authority to mint local coinage.

Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'dealmaker for the good of the city' Hartman
PS: In Jay Abraham's GREAT book, 'Getting Everything You Can Oout Of All You've Got' he limns the currency that any business can issue. Also, the history of S&H Green Stamps as currency/trade increasing is worthwhile. There was a store in Perry, Iowa in the 1950s that ONLY sold goods for Gold Bond stamps. (But then I studied Latin in public school then, and we sang a Latin Hymn is the Campbellite church youth program.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

May 7 'Thousand'

 May 7 'Thousand'

5—May 7 Philemon (Booker T. Washington, $10 billion on porn, McDonogh, Roberts on 1913 income tax slavery, enclosure movement, St. Batilda (Stark),slavery to sin ended with Christ, etc., gold from New Worlds paid off Medieval indentures, McCloskey trade and innovation honored rhetorically and financially caused the Great …,liturgy recaps)
B, House (Wife, Mother, woman) St. Bathilda ended slavery once, 5—Madame Curie
R, Head (Business peace om mutually-advantageous deal--5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone
S-H, Eat, 5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting
T, Cross, Atonement then

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Conflate B, R, S-H, T with 'fellowship, apostles' doctrine, prayer, breaking of bread'

 Woe is me! I only had the idea of conflating, B, R, S-H, T with 'fellowship, apostles' doctrine, breaking of bread, and prayer'. House, Head, Eat, Cross/End. Which fits, house and fellowship or house of prayer? If so, then, fellowship is the sacrifice following the cross? The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 30

 4—Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess

B, House: 4—Stark, Church benefited because women wereimportant

R, Head: 4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

S-H, Eat: 4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically (fasting)

T, Cross: 4--Trumpets then

Monday, April 10, 2023

April 23

 April 23, 1 Timothy, 'Thousand' B,R,S-H,T

3—Apr 23 1st Timothy

B, House: 3--3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

R, Head 3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

S-H, Eat: 3—Napoleon canned food for army

T.Cross 3—Pentecost then


Saturday, April 8, 2023

'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer' so far

 To ThirdMill

Rosenstock ( history as a chiasm. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece. After Resurrection (He Who Reversed The Trend), Greece became a companion, never a social order, and Israel without exclusions became the church, Empires without slavery became the nation state--each 1000 years of emphasis--and now tribes without perpetual warpath will become the next thousand. I try to work this out, messily.

Host A 8002 The Next Thousand Years A Prayer Short Version
There are 7 parts.
This supplements church  years, Sunday worship, etc.
1—Books. Please see the last part. A complete year is presented.
2—Liturgy through the year. Easter/Resurrection to the next.Easter/Resurrection.
3—Tabernacle of 12
4—New Layers
5—Especially each unique person’s history. This responds to 1, above.
6—We’ll know more in 1000 years*. Use this for private devotions and/or in church to supplement year and lectionary.* Anno Domini 3020.
7—Key verse: ‘all author-ity’ (sic).
Now, chiastically we continue.
(Put this in here. The fourth part: Books, Liturgy over the year (coram), Tabernacle of 12 small,  .enthusiastic groups, Those are the 3. Now the 4th:Everyone Is Important. Other layers can be added later.
1—Everyone’s important.
2—One of the Elders should run this.
3—It’s more important than other layers.
4—Trace the first letter-words of the Bible. See Appendix Four. Also, in ERH’s ‘Fruit of Lips’ he says Matthew is addressed to Tribal Social Order, Mark to Empires, Luke to Israel, and John to Greece. After He Who Reversed The Trend (Jesus), a chiasm occurs, so that Israel without exclusions become the Church (Luke?, Empires without slavery become the nation-state (Mark) and so in the time, the next 10000 years, small enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warpath, should be informed by Matthew? (The Greeks became companions only, never a Social Order. They had all the faults of the others.)
5—Use as an example members of the congregation.
6—Forward/imperative , law. In—subjective, lyric. Back—narrative, evaluation. Out—objective, fact.
7—OR. for example, house—someone in the hospitality or construction business. Head—a singer, a talker: salesman, teacher. Eat (fang): a restaurant, fast food worker. Cross: a service worker, business servant.
8—Hotel   worker, Singer, McDonald’s employee, Complaints department worker.
9—Each is helped to write  a 42-part history of their work. (Work and worship, I read, in Hebrew have
The same root.
10—Each week, one of these 42 is put with the book.
11—Thus, a liturgy.
12—Based on the first letter-words of the Bible, a proto-liturgy.  We sing back, responding to the book of the week.) B labial, R Spanish trill or guttural, S-H sibilant, T fricative, BR (S-H) T. Vowels articulate the breath/living waters flowing out, as  speech becomes  more musical/glorified.
7—I mean that all things are in control of the God-Man. ‘The devil is God’s devil’: Luther.
6—Right now, I follow Rosenstock’s dictum: ‘Everything that lasts is 3-generational. I have grandchildren, natural and chosen, to carry on. See also Host 7003, 8001, 7000.
5—Every person is important. Let’s take a hotel servant, a teacher, a McDonald’s worker, and a service industry worker.  Each has a history, Example: food.  Agricultural revolution, domestication of cattle, the automobile, money systems, electronics/computer. One of the plurality of elders can orchestrate this in a church. (Note: These 4 reflect the first letter-words of the Bible. B, R, S-H, T. House, Head, Eat (fang), Cross.) See Appendix 5.
4—There are many new layers possible.
I started with the technological history in Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ as an ‘amen’ to the genealogy that started Matthew.  Then I add business servants, for Bullinger said Mark was about servanthood, and Rosenstock (ERH) said Mark was addressed to Empires, where business began.
Many other could be added. For instance, get Maimonides’ 613 laws from and pick one of the first 6, one each from the next 40 fifteens, and one form the last 7.  This writes a 42 across the year.
Music: God is our song is first. Luther’s: Musinc second only to the Bible’. Etc.
This follows Law, Lyrc, Evaluation, Fact.
For evaluation, do the series of redemption-holy war-maturity in the Bible.
For Fact do: ‘Contagious Disciple Making’. A Million Baptized. Person of Peace. Discovery. 8 times, then the 26 verses in Discovery. Then 8 Times.
3—Tabernacle. This is the last 7 weeks. THEEEOS—Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics of Garden, Land, World, Oaths and Sanctions form, then the Succession, the plan. This from Bull through North.
This gets us to a 12 of ‘small enthusiastic groups’. Rosenstock-Huessy’s ‘Universal History 1954’ course at Dartmouth is the seed here. FREE audio and transcript. My 12 NOW are 1—Christian Courts Video Ministry (Maimonides0, 2—Psalms sung in Hebrew Cadence, 3—TNTYAPS, 4 Contagious Disciple Making, 5—Do it without the state, 6—Twelve Word Platform, 7—History of doing it without state, 8—Nations as trade routes (Anderson, ‘Territory’ has the germ, 9—Wright ‘The Day the Revolution Bagan’ covenant of vocation, 10—LocalOnline Leader (sic), 11—Peace Tribe, 12—New (Jay Abraham)
TRANSCENDENCE: Better—Diamandis metatrends, ‘Abundance, ‘Superabundance. Worse—Kunstler/Peak Oil, Climate Change hysteria, ‘When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall’ Has the Spirit which creates ex nihilo, left? Stranger: Gurri’s ‘The Revolt of the Public’—the tsunami of information is the Fifth Wave, of which writing was the First, and alphaet the Second. This includes centralization vs. decentralization, smartphone, internet, Tuhy-Pooley, crypto, blockchain, ‘Life after Google’ blockchain, etc.
2—Liturgy through the year. I call the year c.o.r.a.m. Celebration.Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi. Called,to begin. Cleansed (after 10 weeks). Consecrated, after another 11, Communed, after 11. Commission as you  go out to the next coram.
Cleansed is conflated with confession and absolution/authoritative declaration of forgiveness., A. D. 70, and Red Sea.
Consecrated is conflated with Readings and Sermon, conversion of Constantine, Sinai.
Communion is conflated with final conquest of the land, conversion of last in Europe, Iceland @ A. D. 1000.
See other writings for the 12 small enthusiastic groups.
Don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple. This year (coram) I’ll publish to book of the week, with references to Bullinger, New Bible Commentary, The BH commentaries list, etc. I’ll concentrate on that and what  I’m now considering the key 12 POFSPEGs—Productive Oath Formed Small Profitable Enthusiastic groups, which are: 1--Christian Courts Video Ministry,
 8--nations as trade routes (alternative currents currencies), Book “The Network State’ Also ,consider Jane Jacobs’ view that cities should issue coinage-: - Bitcoin as if it were a national economy (@Mar 1)
'By 2050, 70 percent of the world’s population will live in cities, up from 54 percent in 2020, according to a new report by the Institute for Economics & Peace. This increase is being driven by both population growth and a continued shift towards urbanization, particularly to so called ‘megacities’ – metropolises that have a population of 10 million or more.'
9--Wright’s covenant of vocation, 10--Local  online leaders, 11--Peace Tribe, 12--The New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.) See Chapter 3 and Appendix 3. 1,5,9—Imperative (Rosenstock)/Law/Jordan; 2,6,10—Subjective(ERH)/Lyric(JBJ), 3,7,11—Narrative/Evaluation; 1,8,12—Objective (R)/Fact (J). First 4, Garden/Church/Priest; Middle 4, Land/Civil Magistrate/King; Last 4, World/Marriage-Family-House-Business-Culture. Also see Speech, Persons, Organizations, etc. in Chapter5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ 7003 for instance  
1—Here’s the list of dates and books for Anno Domini 2024-2024.
1—Apr 9 Resurrection/Easter 2023 Hebrews
Dear Friends:
Christ has all author-ity, 'Thousand'--April 9
I'm adding layer to the church calendar.
These are seeds that will grow.
Tribes: JBJ writes about them, so does ERH.Goals: Liturgy through the year, getting 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups.
On April 9 in the Book layer, God our Song sings Hebrews to us.
We respond with an entry in each part of the 'coolio' proto-liturgy of the first letter-words of the Bible,
B,R, S-H, T
House, Head, (fang) Eat,Cross (Last Letter)
House=Wife, Mother, Woman. Head=Peace by mutually advantageous business deals. Eat=Food. Cross+ Festivals, Sacrifices.
So, Hebrews.
So,  Mother Church, Moses, Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood. Must understand Passover.
Everyone Is Important, so any job/calling can fit.
More later, Weekly.
2—Apr 16 God our Song sings Titus to us (See Bullinger’s outline?)
We respond, with instances in B, R, S-h, T protoliturgy
House 2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.
Head  2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move, Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain
Food 2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity
Cross 2—First Fruits then
All toward Small Enthusiastic Groups of the ‘Thousand Years’—however long that is, in liturgy of coram
3—Apr 23 1st Timothy
4—Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess
5—May 7 Phlmn
6--May 14 2 Tim.
7—May 21 2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes] Early on I wrote the Beatitudes and  Woes in.
8—May 28 Colossians
9—Jun 4 Eph
10—June 11 2. Cor
 [A—June 18, PV] Early on, I had books per day of week, 1s by 1234567 Cleansing (Confession and Absolution) Red Sea A. D. 70
[A—June 18, PV]
11—June 25 Romans
12—July 2 Phllp
13—July 9 Galat
14—July 16 1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 23 3 John
16—July 30 Jude
17—August 6 1 Peter
18—August 13 1 John
19—Aug 20 2 John
20—Aug 27 2 Peter
21—Sep 3 [B—September  10, TBOT-MOFA] James Consecration (Readings and Sermon), Conversion of Constantine, Sinai
3 B/W+
[B—September 10, TBOTMOFA]] Earlier on, I had 4s by  4152637
22—September 17 A. D. 2023 Revelation
23—Sept 24 John 9 From Leithart ‘A House For My Name’ p251—1:19, day one, 1:29, 1:35, 1$#, 3rd day after last day mentioned. Cana on 7th day. First chapter outlines a week..
24—October 1 Mark
25—October 8 Greater Chron.
26—Oct 15 Acts
27—Oct  22 Luke
28—October 29 Matthew
4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst--
29—Nov 5 The Twelve
30—Nov 12 Dan.
31—Nov 19 Jer-Lam
32—Nov 26  Isaiah
[TC #1—Dec 3 TC #1—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Bread [TC #2—Dec 10 TC #2—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Wine, Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion  of Iceland, Communion
33—Dec 17 Esther
34—Dec 24 Ezekiel
35—December 31 Kings
5 B/W+ [merciful]
36—January 7 Ecclesiastes
37—Jan 14 Prov.
38— Jan 21 Psalms
39—January 28 Samuel
40—Feb 4 [EAT] Song, 41—Feb 4, [EAT]Job—42
Three propositions:
1. Job is just
2. God sent his suffering
3. God is just
Job's friends start with #3, agree on #2, and therefore keep saying #1 cannot be true.
Job starts with #1, knows #2 is true, and therefore cannot get to #3.
Of course the reader has been shown that all three are true, and we must learn that all three can be true together or else we'll never get to the cross.
And of course Job, the suffering righteous man, after saying "why have you forsaken me?" is the only intercessor possible for his friends.
lincoln, ne  Feb 4 [EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+--Pure in heart--
T 43—Feb 11 Judges
H 44—Feb 18 Deut.
E 45—Feb 25 Leviticus
E 46—March 5 Genesis
E 47—Mar 11 Joshua
O 48—Mar 18 Numb.
S 49—Mar 25 Exodus
March 31, A. D. 2024 is Resurrection/Easter
Appendix One: Transcendence and Hierarchy. The creation is better than we can possibly imagine, worse than we can possibly imagine, and stranger than we can possibly imagine. (This is downstream from Anselm and science fiction.
BETTER: See Diamandis metatrends.
WORSE: See Kunstler and Peak Oil.
STRANGER: See Gurri’s ‘The Revolt of the Public’. Gurri claims that what we’ve recently been living through is a tsunami of information, a Fifth Wave. The First Wave was the invention of writing, the second was alphabet!!
Appendix Two: The 49 is from Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.
S.D.G. Lord willing.
Appendix Three: This is important
Perhaps we can sing Hebrew Cadence also.
Cascione, after Jordan, after Casuto sees the number of times something is mentioned in a pericope as important. He uses this Hebrew Cadence to exegete parts of the New Testament, finding it. ‘Repetition in the Bible’ is his work.
This nobody has done something with Psalm 117, with 150:6, thus.
There are 5 commands to  praise, 6 praisers, and 7 Praised. KJV
Assigning one note of 7 to each, we would sing note5 for praise!, 4 to praiser, and 3 to Praised, thus:
5 O praise
3 the Lord
4 all ye nations
5 Praise
3 Him
4 all ye peoples
3 For His mercifulkindness is great
4 toward us
5 Praise
4 ye
3 the Lord
4 Let everything that hath breath
5 Praise
3 The Lord
5 Praise
4 ye
3 the Lord
It would be even better to use Hebrew.
I pray that Pastor Keuning will help the immusicate nobody, patternist, translate this.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck Hartman
Thirdly, we could try to sing shorter books, using Hebrew Cadence
Naming the days and years—a name is ½ a command, vocative is ½ imperative
First, I go backward on the  BOOKS, as ERH/Rosenstock did in ‘Out of  Revolution.
Second, I retune the order, and 1234567 was retuned to 4152637 (in Revelation 5:12 to 7:12, picturing the Ascension. Thus,  or days of the week, when applied to the solar system. ( 2 & 3 are switched).
I changed 4252637 into 2461357, using 5s, and flipped it. We have turned ‘the world upside down’.
OK, 8531642 then. Now I name the days for the churches in Revelation, which are eras of history, and add YMM!!! (a homophone for ‘yom,’ Hebrew for day, and indicating that we consume time, thus
K.O.L.Ymm!!! starts. KOLis what God did from Sinai, and a soft K is an H, or ‘Whole’. Then Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia, SmyrnaYMM!!!.
Third, the same for years.
Fourth, we don’t do ‘moonths’ but weeks. I rename weeks to be ‘sheba’—7, oath.
Fifth, I name the year sof  heptads.  It’s a riddle, but JBJ at one time said that Christ was to be born at AM (Anno Mundi—year of the world) 4000, but there was an 80 year delay. (I could be wrong).
Thus, figuring 4080 as year of Christ’s birth, adding 2023, we get 6103. 6102 completed in 2022. 7 into 6102 is 871 remainder 5, so PhiladephCoram is complete, and this is Thyatiracoram.
I name the years ‘coram,’ for celebration of resurrection anno mundi. ‘Coram’ also means ‘face, presence’ in Latin.
All this will be done better by grandchildren and others
Rosetta stone. Tuesday, March 13, A. D. 2023 is PergamoYMM!!!, (what book sheba week?) Philadelphiacoram, 871 (heptad)
April 9, Anno Domini 2023 will be K.O.L.YMM!!!, Hebrewssheba, Thyatiracorqm, 871
Apppendix 5, March 21, 2023
1—Everyone’s important.
2—One of the Elders should run this.
3—It’s more important than other layers.
4—Trace the first letter-words of the Bible.
5—Use as an example members of the congregation.
6—Forward/imperative , law. In—subjective, lyric. Back—narrative, evaluation. Out—objective, fact.
7—OR. for example, house—someone in the hospitality or construction business. Head—a singer, a talker: salesman, teacher. Eat (fang): a restaurant, fast food worker. Cross: a service worker, business servant.
8—Hotel   worker, Singer, McDonald’s employee, Complaints department worker.
9—Each is helped to write  a 42-part history of their work. (Work and worship, I read, in Hebrew have
The same root.
10—Each week, one of these 42 is put with the book.
11—Thus, a liturgy.
12—Based on the first letter-words of the Bible, a proto-liturgy.  We sing back, responding to the book of the week. B labial, R Spanish trill or guttural, S-H sibilant, T fricative, BR (S-H) T. Vowels articulate the breath/living waters flowing out, as  speech becomes  more musical/glorified.
HOUSE:  Mothers (St)?, HEAD: Business Servants (T)?. EAT: Food (Sa)?. Cross: Sacrifices (D)?
THIS IS AN UPDATE OF OPUS 3. See Principia Operatica also. Everone fits into one of the 4 categories.  Housewife, house. Child, house. Student, head?
No.  Per Thomas Aquinas, the individual who perhaps did more than anyone to develop and explain the natural law ethic:
Now human law is framed for a number of human beings, the majority of whom are not perfect in virtue. Wherefore human laws do not forbid all vices, from which the virtuous abstain, but only the more grievous vices, from which it is possible for the majority to abstain; and chiefly those that are to the hurt of others, without the prohibition of which human society could not be maintained: thus human law prohibits murder, theft and such like. (Emphasis added)
The Life of Christ and Our Response
1—Christ has all author-ity (sic) and John 1 and Matthew 28.
2—Therefore, our response should be more vigorous.
3--Thus, I add layers to A Church Year. Books of week, Liturgy through the Year, What Small Enthusiasitic Groups? (Rosenstock at, free transcripts and audio for ‘Universal History 1954’ Dartmouth course).
4—Now I add a fourth—others will do all these better in the future, I pray. ‘Everyone is Important’
5—One of the elders could do this. Each person fits into one of the ‘coolio’ proto-liturgies of the first word of the Bible, composed of word-letter. B, R, S-H, T. House, Head, 9fang0 Eat, Cross (last letter).
6—I’ve fit, as an example, Wife-Mother-Woman into house, Peace of Business into head—mutually-advantageous deals, Food into eat, and Sacrifice into Cross.
7—Each person’s job or calling, occupation or vocation, would fit. A McDonald’s worker—history of food, a gardener—house, etc.
Four 42s. The last 7 weeks are devoted to the 12new small, enthusiastic groups.
To Begin
God-Man (Both/And), Trinity
All toward Small, Enthusiastic Groups of Next Thousand Years
‘coolio’ B, R, S-H, T House, Head, Eat, Cross
April 9
House, Church Mother—Head, Moses, Peace Through Mutually-Advantageous Deals—(fang) Eat,  Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body and Cup-Wine Blood—Must know Cross Sacrifice End (last  letter)
House—Wife, Mother, Woman.
1—Mother Church
3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.
4--Stark: The Church benefited because women were important.
5—Madame  Curie
6—Homeschool mothers
7—Some Culture don’t let women, lose one-half.
8—Other Nobel Prize women
9—Schoolteachers, country school, just out of high school
10—Women writers
11-Deborah, a mother in  Israel
12—Lovelace, first computer
13—Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’
14—Exodus, wife is in house; Deuteronomy, wife is above house
15—Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
17—Mary theotokos
18—Miriam,  Jael
19—Pyramids as houses
23—Joan of Arc
24—Pick a woman
25—Hildegard of Bingen
26—From 100 Most Important Events  in Christian History
27—Billionaire Women
28—Mother Teresa
30—Again: History = Spirit Preparing Created Daughter as Bride for Son
31--Succession of Houses, e.g. Tabernacle to Temple
32—Houses of Rosenstock’s Revolutions of the  West. See Chapter 5 of  Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’
33—What house  changed in A. D. 70?
35—Tabernacle of mouth.
36—Girls basketball farm girls strong enough
37—God is our song, inhabits the praises of Israel
38—Parts of house show future, past,  in, out and other ERH progressions
39—Sign  of cross recreates creation days, tabernacle  furniture
40—Again: History Sprit Bride Son
41—Mae West,  Marilyn Monroe (Johnson; ‘Heroes’) Rose Kennedy
42—All   toward 12 small enthusiastic groups
Head Business Peace Mutually-Advantageous Deals
3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends
4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically
5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone
6--: Ford, greatest artist of 20th century: Fuller
7—Cistercians leg agriculture in Middle Ages: Johnson
8—12x12 Days, like Hall’s 10x10 in ‘Silent Language’ only 6 Days of Creation, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D.70, Great Day AND Spirit proceeds continually continuously, so world is NOT zero-sum
9—Gregory VII, Charlemagne filioque (Church a separate jurisdiction)
10—Kurzeweil and ‘The End is Near and it’s  going to be Amazing’ (Williamson)
11—Rushdoony ,North, Jordan
12—Cromwell Luther (Church,  King, House) Calvin
13—Writing First Wave (Printing Press 3rd,Mass Media4th)
14--Alphabet Second Wave (Fuller says Pound says Babel was First to 2nd, Muslim in Eco, editor says each got part—Babel)
15—Gurri says current information tsunami is Fifth Wave of information
16—Jesus, God-Man
17—Tertullian, Trinity solved one and many
18—Haber,   nitrogen fixed, or 1/5 to 1/3 of world  would starve
19—Locke, Watt
20—Common Law Trust and Corporation
21—Science Fiction
22—Again ‘The End is Near…Amazing’, Paul Johnson’s works—especially ‘Creators’
23—Berman, ‘Law and  Revolution’ First 100 pages, 10000 year budgets for   medieval cathedrals, Truce/Peace o fGod, fears administrative law centralization AND Barzun ‘Dawn  to Decadence’ ethno-lingusitic bridged by corporations, re-learn to read from monuments
24—Web, computer
25—Nakamoto, crypto ,etc. Community currencies, etc.
26—Jay Abraham innovations, McCloskey trade and innovation rhetorically and monetarily honored
27—Settling, tribes to empires, but now Jane Jacobs
28—Agricultural revolution
29—Domestication of animals
30—Adam, Cain et al
31—British East India and the like
32—Columbus, Muhammed, 700 year Reconquista
33—1694 Bank of England, Rothschild
34—FAANG Musk Buffet
35—Gates, Rockefeller—double-entry bookkeeping, coffee (Lloyd’s Insurance in coffee ship) mind-expanding chemicals? Note: Perspective in art and baptismal houses concurrently with dule-entry
36—McDonogh(freed slaves),  LeTourneau, Howard Bloom ’Beast’, Morgan, Walton,  Sears,  Hill
37—Debs vs. WWI and  Jeanette Rankin
38—Knights Hospitaler and Life Extension and Cryonic Missionaries (Montgomery), Crusades
39—Theodora, Justinian Code
40—Festival Laws ag->city, Imhitep (Johnson ‘Heroes’ intro)
41—Booker T .Washington, Madame Walker,  Oprah, Billionaire  Chinese
42--Tesla, electricity, Faraday
Eat (Food)
1—Mystery Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood
3—Napoleon canned food for army
4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically
5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting
6—Vitamins 1913
7—Sanitation, etc.  cures diseases—life span 1900, 40; now close to 80; 2030 much longer?
8—Pasteur  (germ  theory) vs. Beauchamp (territory)
9—Homeopathy and ‘Medicine Beyond’ and Flexner
10—Alternative vs.  Establishment; Kuhn
11—Agricultural Revolution, GMOs, etc.
12—Sacrifice animals, howls and Psalms
13—Amish vs.  Industrial Agriculture
14—Grow Your Own, Backyard National Park
15—Alpha Food
16—Omega Food
17—Vitamin Deficiencies
18—Gluttony one of 7 deadly sins
19—Hermits, Monks
20—Spices preserve food colonies
21—Potatoes, tomatoes from New World, gold, diseases, ecosystems 1493
22—Irish Potato Famine
24—John Deere
25—Mercola’s 19
28—2nd  and 3rd brain, gut  and heart
29—Couldn’t butcher farm   boys during Covid
30—Haber and  nitrogen   from air, 1/5  to 1/3 starve without; then heworked on WWI  poison gas
31—Junk food for pleasure
Cross, Sacrifice, End
1-7—Feasts then (Passover, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, Purim)
8-14—Feasts Fulfilled  by Jesus
15-21—Fulfilled  Feast Applied  by us
22—Intro to – note:Christian Liturgy recaps the  7
23-27—Trespass, Sin, Ascension with Tribute, Peace, Daily Memorial, New Moon
28—Conclusion and New Moon, Tannk, Drink; Feasts and  Sacrifices  inLiturgy
29-35—Repeat 1-7
36-42—Repeat 8-14
Host 8003 AEIOU An Everyone’s Important Outline Unit
Grand-daughter will be doing a 2-year stint at a university  for Fellowship ofCatholic University Student.
She must raise her own living.
I propose that she help students put the history of their majors into a responding liturgy.
Thus: List the 42 most important facts about their field of study.
Put these into the ‘Thousand Year’ paradigm.
Put the major into one of the B,R,S-H,T categories. House, Head, Eat, Cross.
Then, as Trinity sings a book of the Bible, the instances of the collected 42s make a liturgy in response.

Everyon is Important April 16

 2—Apr 16 God our Song sings Titus to us (See Bullinger’s outline?)

We respond, with instances in B, R, S-h, T protoliturgy

House 2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

Head  2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move, Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

Food 2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

Cross 2—First Fruits then

All toward Small Enthusiastic Groups of the ‘Thousand Years’—however long that is, in liturgy of coram

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

'Thousand' April 9

 Dear Friends:

Christ has all author-ity, 'Thousand'--April 9
I'm adding layer to the church calendar.
These are seeds that will grow.
Tribes: JBJ writes about them, so does ERH.Goals: Liturgy through the year, getting 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups.
On April 9 in the Book layer, God our Song sings Hebrews to us.
We respond with an entry in each part of the 'coolio' proto-liturgy of the first letter-words of the Bible,
B,R, S-H, T
House, Head, (fang) Eat,Cross (Last Letter)
House=Wife, Mother, Woman. Head=Peace by mutually advantageous business deals. Eat=Food. Cross+ Festivals, Sacrifices.
So, Hebrews.
So,Mother Church, Moses, Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood. Must understand Passover.
Everyone Is Important, so any job/calling can fit.
More later, Weekly.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Finishing this stage of 'Next thousand...'

 The Life of Christ and Our Response


1—Christ has all author-ity (sic) and John 1 and Matthew 28.

2—Therefore, our response should be more vigorous.

3--Thus, I add layers to A Church Year. Books of week, Liturgy through the Year, What Small Enthusiasitic Groups? (Rosenstock at, free transcripts and audio for ‘Universal History 1954’ Dartmouth course).

4—Now I add a fourth—others will do all these better in the future, I pray. ‘Everyone is Important’

5—One of the elders could do this. Each person fits into one of the ‘coolio’ proto-liturgies of the first word of the Bible, composed of word-letter. B, R, S-H, T. House, Head, 9fang0 Eat, Cross (last letter).

6—I’ve fit, as an example, Wife-Mother-Woman into house, Peace of Business into head—mutually-advantageous deals, Food into eat, and Sacrifice into Cross.

7—Each person’s job or calling, occupation or vocation, would fit. A McDonald’s worker—history of food, a gardener—house, etc.


Four 42s. The last 7 weeks are devoted to the 12new small, enthusiastic groups.


To Begin

God-Man (Both/And), Trinity

All toward Small, Enthusiastic Groups of Next Thousand Years

‘coolio’ B, R, S-H, T House, Head, Eat, Cross

April 9

House, Church Mother—Head, Moses, Peace Through Mutually-Advantageous Deals—(fang) Eat,  Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body and Cup-Wine Blood—Must know Cross Sacrifice End (last  letter)


House—Wife, Mother, Woman.

1—Mother Church

2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

4--Stark: The Church benefited because women were important.

5—Madame  Curie

6—Homeschool mothers

7—Some Culture don’t let women, lose one-half.

8—Other Nobel Prize women

9—Schoolteachers, country school, just out of high school

10—Women writers

11-Deborah, a mother in  Israel

12—Lovelace, first computer

13—Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’

14—Exodus, wife is in house; Deuteronomy, wifeis above house

15—Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world


17—Mary theotokos

18—Miriam,  Jael

19—Pyramids as houses




23—Joan of Arc

24—Pick a woman

25—Hildegard of Bingen

26—From 100 Most Important Events  in Christian History

27—Billionaire Women

28—Mother Teresa


30—Again: History = Spirit Preparing Created Daughter as Bride for Son

31--Succession of Houses, e.g. Tabernacle to Temple

32—Houses of Rosenstock’s Revolutions of the  West. See Chapter 5 of  Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’

33—What house  changed in A. D. 70?


35—Tabernacle of mouth.

36—Girls basketball farm girls strong enough

37—God is our song, inhabits the praises of Israel

38—Parts of house show future, past,  in, out and other ERH progressions

39—Sign  of cross recreates creation days, tabernacle  furniture

40—Again: History Sprit Bride Son

41—Mae West,  Marilyn Monroe (Johnson; ‘Heroes’) Rose Kennedy

42—All   toward 12 small enthusiastic groups


Head Business Peace Mutually-Advantageous Deals



2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move,Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone

6--: Ford, greatest artist of 20th century: Fuller

7—Cistercians leg agriculture in Middle Ages: Johnson

8—12x12 Days, like Hall’s 10x10 in ‘Silent Language’ only 6 Days of Creation, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D.70, Great Day AND Spirit proceeds continually continuously, so world is NOT zero-sum

9—Gregory VII, Charlemagne filioque (Church a separate jurisdiction)

10—Kurzeweil and ‘The End is Near and it’s  going to be Amazing’ (Williamson)

11—Rushdoony ,North, Jordan

12—Cromwell Luther (Church,  King, House) Calvin

13—Writing First Wave (Printing Press 3rd,Mass Media4th)

14--Alphabet Second Wave (Fuller says Pound says Babel was First to 2nd, Muslim in Eco, editor says each got part—Babel)

15—Gurri says current information tsunami is Fifth Wave of information

16—Jesus, God-Man

17—Tertullian, Trinity solved one and many

18—Haber,   nitrogen fixed, or 1/5 to 1/3 of world  would starve

19—Locke, Watt

20—Common Law Trust and Corporation

21—Science Fiction

22—Again ‘The End is Near…Amazing’

23—Berman, ‘Law and  Revolution’ First 100 pages, 10000 year budgets for   medieval cathedrals, Truce/Peace o fGod, fears administrative law centralization AND Barzun ‘Dawn  to Decadence’ ethno-lingusitic bridged by corporations, re-learn to read from monuments

24—Web, computer

25—Nakamoto, crypto ,etc. Community currencies, etc.

26—Jay Abraham innovations, McCloskey trade and innovation rhetorically and monetarily honored

27—Settling, tribes to empires, but now Jane Jacobs

28—Agricultural revolution

29—Domestication of animals

30—Adam, Cain et al

31—British East India and the like

32—Columbus, Muhammed, 700 year Reconquista

33—1694 Bank of England, Rothschild

34—FAANG Musk Buffet

35—Gates, Rockefeller

36—McDonogh(freed slaves),  LeTourneau, Howard Bloom ’Beast’, Morgan, Walton,  Sears,  Hill

37—Debs vs. WWI and  Jeanette Rankin

38—Knights Hospitaler and Life Extension and Cryonic Missionaries (Montgomery), Crusades

39—Theodora, Justinian Code

40—Festival Laws ag->city

41—Booker T .Washington, Madame Walker,  Oprah, Billionaire  Chinese

42--Tesla, electricity, Faraday


Eat (Food)

1—Mystery Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood

2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

3—Napoleon canned food for army

4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically

5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting

6—Vitamins 1913

7—Sanitation, etc.  cures diseases—life span 1900, 40; now close to 80; 2030 much longer?

8—Pasteur  (germ  theory) vs. Beauchamp (territory)

9—Homeopathy and ‘Medicine Beyond’ and Flexner

10—Alternative vs.  Establishment; Kuhn

11—Agricultural Revolution, GMOs, etc.

12—Sacrifice animals, howls and Psalms

13—Amish vs.  Industrial Agriculture

14—Grow Your Own, Backyard National Park

15—Alpha Food

16—Omega Food

17—Vitamin Deficiencies

18—Gluttony one of 7 deadly sins

19—Hermits, Monks

20—Spices preserve food colonies

21—Potatoes, tomatoes from New World, gold, diseases, ecosystems 1493

22—Irish Potato Famine


24—John Deere

25—Mercola’s 19



28—2nd  and 3rd brain, gut  and heart

29—Couldn’t butcher farm   boys during Covid

30—Haber and  nitrogen   from air, 1/5  to 1/3 starve without; then heworked on WWI  poison gas

31—Junk food for pleasure













Cross, Sacrifice, End


1-7—Feasts then

8-14—Feasts Fulfilled  by Jesus

15-21—Fulfilled  Feast Applied  by us

22—Ontro to

23-27—Trespass, Sin, Ascnesion with Tribute, Peace

28—Conclusion and New Moon, Tannk, Drink; Feasts and  Sacrifices  inLiturgy

29-35—Repeat 1-7

36-42—Repeat 8-14