Thursday, December 28, 2023

Comprehensive History House



Comprehensive History House


There are 3 classical methods of truth testing: Coherence, Correspondence, Comprehensiveness.


Coherence, or non-contradiction has problems with Goedel’s Incompleteness—that there are truths that cannot be derived from axioms in any axiomatic system.


Correspondence has problems with Shroedinger, and that the observed thing is affected (effected) by the observer.


That leaves comprehensiveness as the key.


I have tried to solve this with The Next Thousand Years A Prayer (1000), and my work on American history, both of which are examples of CHH.


Thus in 1000 we have the year (coram) as 49 books, a Jubilee number. (Jordan)

We also put the liturgy through the year (coram), among other things to show how to learn and teach, as Newton did from the apple to the Theory of Gravity.

That ach book is a song, is being worked on.

That our response, in fours, is a song is being worked on, Both are toward Beatific Harmony, and the latter uses the Keyboard of History.  All this is in The Next Thousand Years A Prayer.

12 small enthusiastic groups are fours in the 3-decker.


An example of response.

House/Fellowship uses the 40 cities in the book ‘Centers of Progress’.

Head uses 3 things: That many General Purpose Technologies (Wikipedia) happened before allegedly history was recorded, Bloom’s ‘God Problem’ fission-gusion process permeates from the ‘Big Bang’ on, and Genesis, which Rosenstock says could not have been a better repost (paraphrase). Thus Matthew 13’s admonition so solve the riddle prevails.

For  Eat (Fang)/Breaking of Bread we use Leithart’s ‘Blessed Are The Hungry’ and the key: ‘Do this.’

For Cross/and Prayer, the End, we use Aristotle’s Final Cause—what kind of building are  we to build? A factory, a warehouse, a church, a school, a home?


To answer this last I write about the Victory HouseBuilding pattern. GodTrinity defeats the enemies of His people (Matthew 28—done) and He moves in (many scriptures)lights the fire (Pentecost +) and we  go out and administer this covenant.


Comprehensive History House.  

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Comprehensive History House--American

 Comprehensive History House--American

40 segments.-- one per week

1--Pre-Columbian (Barry Fell and more)

2--1492-1607--Bartolomeo de las Casas?

3--Every 9 years thereafter--person, idea, institution, invention

Each student has one--what influenced, what influenced?

Standard textbok stuff too

Members of community too

Video and post free--shotgun

Refle = manual

Scope = consulting

A  million shares per year.  School, employees, students, me.

Add new every year

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 Volume I: AngelAnimalAristocracyArtAstronomyBeautyBeingCauseChanceChangeCitizenConstitutionCourageCustom and ConventionDefinitionDemocracyDesireDialecticDutyEducationElementEmotionEternityEvolutionExperienceFamilyFateFormGodGood and EvilGovernmentHabitHappinessHistoryHonorHypothesisIdeaImmortalityInductionInfinityJudgmentJusticeKnowledgeLaborLanguageLawLibertyLife and DeathLogic, and Love.

Volume II: ManMathematicsMatterMechanicsMedicineMemory and ImaginationMetaphysicsMindMonarchyNatureNecessity and ContingencyOligarchyOne and ManyOpinionOpposition,[13] PhilosophyPhysicsPleasure and PainPoetryPrincipleProgressProphecyPrudencePunishmentQualityQuantityReasoningRelation,[14] ReligionRevolutionRhetoricSame and OtherScienceSenseSign and SymbolSinSlaverySoulSpaceStateTemperanceTheologyTimeTruthTyranny and DespotismUniversal and ParticularVirtue and ViceWar and PeaceWealthWillWisdom, and World.

  1. A Syntopicon - Wikipedia

    A Syntopicon: An Index to The Great Ideas (1952; second edition, 1990) is a two-volume index, published as volumes 2 and 3 of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ’s collection Great Books of the Western World. Compiled by Mortimer J. Adler, an American philosopher, under the guidance of Robert Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, the ...

    Syntopicon: No Christ, no Resurrection, no Trinity, no Jssus--what use?

    Love in King Jesus,


Monday, December 11, 2023

3 to Africa. Want one?

 3 to Africa. Want one?(Somehow these pastors in Africa 'friended' me on Facebook

It's still a mess, but it's improved and has some neat wordings--Principia Operatica, Keyboard of History, etc.
76 pages, send your email to
'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer'
Through Resurrection/Easter 2026 (beginning of EphesusCoram of 863rd Heptad.Wait!'Coram' is neat too--Latin for 'face, presence', acronym for Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.

Love in King Jesus,  Chuck

Monday, December 4, 2023

Steiner Time

 Rudolf Steiner held that the time between waking and sleeping was when you communicated with the dead. This is a grave (pun intended) error, but there is a different brain/mind/soul connection at that time. ( Poul Anderson story about an alien diplomat who torpedoed a treaty between Earth and his planet shows this, as a poet is interrupted by an Earth engineer in the midst of creation,. It took 50 years to see it.)

Today, in SteinerTime, these came to me: 1--As a Keyboard of History thing in '1000), the Athanasian Creed (God and Man) and light (particle and wave). 2--God outside of time (as we know it) inserts people, events, ideas into history to effect scuh tward Beatific Harmony.3--Check out Brazil Do they have ethanol 'gas stations'? Remember early Ford cars that had a switch to go from ethyl alcohol to gasoline. Fill up at the farmer's still. 4--To sell community currencies such as Tulip Time Tokens, a--they have 'em all over the world, so it ain't pioneerin' ('Pioneerin' don't pay': Rockefeller, and b--Show the whole vision, of a future like productive Europe in Middle Ages, with many small units.
Back to work implementing.

Love in Christ Jesus, King and our Rest,

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Answer to Bowyer on first 4 notes

 First 4 consonant/words are B R SH T. Using Psalm 119 as 3 sevens and a 1, we see that B is #2, R is #20 (thus a 6 on the third seven) and SH is #21, or a 7. T is #22, so a 1. This is odd, but may be of some help. That B=house, R=head, SH = eat (fang) and T is cross make a protoliturgy. Come into the HOUSE, lot of HEAD stuff, from confessing to hearing, to hearkening to readings and sermon, the SH is eating (bread and wine, body and blood) and T is bearing your cross. Not the final word, maybe a first, helpul word. Others will do better, and like the elaboration of Beethoven's 5th's first 4 notes, the rest of creation's responses fill this out. 2671.

Monday, November 27, 2023

What if GodTrinity is destroying the enemies of His people?

 What if GodTrinity is destroying the enemies of His people?

With what spoils will we build His house?

What is the fire that will be lit?

How will we administer this new conquest?

Or is it happening now?

Love in King Jesus,

Saturday, November 25, 2023

53 Manual

 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

© A. D. 2023 by Charles Howard Hartman

53 Manual

Here are the key components. 1—Toward 12 small enthusiastic groups. “Universal History 1954’ FREE audio and transcripts of this Rosenstock Dartmouth course. 2—God wrote books, one book per week of Jordan’s 49-book Bible at ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament at 3—Beatific Harmony. The song of each book is responded to by B R SH T, itself played on the keyboard of history. 4—Liturgy through the year, which starts at Resurrection/Easter: Celebration.Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi (coram). 5—Initial song of the opera is DAB and back to C, with words of the consonants of bereshith. 6----2025-6 (SardisCoram) Improve the 42s. --2026-7 PergamosCoram Improve the 12 small enthusiastic groups. GodTrinity Willing. 7--God has conquered and we need  to administer all the improvements (Diamandis, 'Superabundance'). this redemption should lead to a Holy War, and our maturity.  JBJ's Victory-Housebuilding pattern, that we don't see. We should want to mature.8—Not the last word, but hopefully, a helpful word:JBJ.

God has conquered

 God has conquered and we need to administer all the improvements (Diamandis, 'Superabundance'). this redemption should lead to a Holy War, and our maturity. JBJ's Victory-Housebuilding pattern, that we don't see. We don't want to mature.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Opening notes/words of opera B R SH T

 B R SH T and notes from Ps. 119 on 7 note octave = opening of opera

First 4 notes/word of opera synedoche next year

 Use music among the R=head of 42, and this…

Ralph: I'd start with 'Genius of the Beast'
Of Howard Bloom's work
I'm using /influenced by some of his work in deriving the 4 notes of the Opera (with word B R SH T) as a Beethoven's 5th start, sung out as elaboration in the Bible as synedoche and inspiration. (Etymologically, influence as watery, inspire as breathe in = starts)
Love in King Jesus,

Monday, November 20, 2023

Jeremiah Time 3Efforts

 Jeremiah Time 3 efforts

1-@Tulip Time Tokens (good of the city)
Emphasize SIMPLICITY, BENEFITS (to businesses, 20%-50% increases) and TO OTHER PARTNERS (credit card company gets customers, we 'scale' efforts to other communities, with cashout possibilities)

2--Jeremiahs abound and so do Diamandis and 'Superabundance' and Gilder

3--@The Next Thousand Years A Prayer I have printed this year's (coram--Celebration.Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi)through Easter/Resurrection A. D. 2025. Then for 2025-6 (K.O.L.coram of 863) I'll improve the four parts of liturgical response, and all GodTrinity willing, take off from the 4 opening notes of the opera, and somehow add to the songs of books and responses.
For Sardiscoram of 863 (2026-7) I'll concentrate on improving the twelve small enthusiastic groups (POFSPEGs) Profitable Oath-Formed Productive.

GodTrinity willing.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Report November A. D. 2023

 Finished my edition for this year of '1000;. Next year a 53-page manual, and the year after, I'll work more on the 'small enthusiastic groups' ERH discussed in 'Universal History 1954' Cartmouth course, audios and transcripts FRR as, GodTrinity willing.

Biblical Law Practitioners Degree


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From: <>
To: Joel Brondos Sturm <>; <>; Tim Galeazzi <>; Ovid Need <>; Pastor Keuning <>; Dr. Sandy Seeman <>; Michael Shover <>; Carl Lantz <>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 10:11:13 PM CST
Subject: Biblical Law Practitioner Degree


Elisha Nehemiah

46m  · 
*The Path to Becoming a Biblical Law Practitioner*
Greetings esteemed audience,
Thank you for joining us as we explore the realm of Biblical Law and the journey towards becoming a Biblical Law Practitioner. In this overview, we will discuss the definition and significance of this role, the benefits it offers, the duration of the program, the enrollment criteria, and what it means to be a Biblical Law Practitioner. Let us delve into this thought-provoking topic.
*I. What is a Biblical Law Practitioner?*
*A. Definition:* A Biblical Law Practitioner is an individual who specializes in studying, interpreting, and applying the principles and laws derived from the Bible in various areas of life, including personal conduct, community engagement, ethical issues, and legal matters.
*B. Role:* The practitioner seeks to bridge the gap between the ancient wisdom contained in the Bible and its practical implementation in contemporary society.
*II. Benefits of Becoming a Biblical Practitioner:*
*A. Ethical Guidance:* Practitioners gain a deep understanding of moral values and ethical principles grounded in the Bible, enabling them to navigate complex situations with an ethical compass.
*B. Personal Growth:* The program fosters personal growth through the exploration of spiritual and moral concepts, promoting self-reflection, empathy, and compassion.
*C. Contribution to Society:* By applying the principles of Biblical Law, practitioners contribute to the establishment of a just and righteous society, promoting fairness, equality, and compassion.
*III. Program Duration:*
*A. 48-Month Track:* The standard program duration for a Bachelor's in Biblical Law is 48 months.
*B. Accelerated Options:* For those seeking a faster completion time, an intensive approach allows students to finish the program in either 24 months or 12 months, depending on their preferred pace and dedication.
*IV. Enrollment Criteria:*
*A. Academic Requirements:* Applicants must possess a high school diploma or equivalent to be eligible for enrollment.
*B. Passion and Commitment:* A genuine interest in the study and application of Biblical Law is crucial for successful enrollment.
*C. Academic Aptitude:* While no specific prior knowledge is required, individuals with a background in law, religious studies, or related fields may possess an advantage during the selection process.
*V. What a Biblical Law Practitioner is NOT:*
*A. A Religious Authority:* A Biblical Law Practitioner is not a religious leader or clergy member; their role focuses primarily on the interpretation and application of biblical principles in various contexts.
*B. Exclusive to Christianity:* Although rooted in the Bible, the principles studied and applied by Biblical Law Practitioners are relevant to individuals of various religious or philosophical backgrounds, as they pertain to ethical and moral values.
*C. A Replacement for Legal Professionals:* While practitioners grasp the legal dimensions of biblical principles, they are distinct from legal professionals such as judges, lawyers, or legal advisors.
In conclusion, becoming a Biblical Law Practitioner offers an enriching and rewarding path towards personal growth, ethical guidance, and meaningful contributions to society. The program duration can be tailored to individual preferences, and the enrollment criteria consider a genuine passion for Biblical Law. Remember, a Biblical Law Practitioner is not a religious authority nor a substitute for legal professionals, but rather a bridge between the timeless principles of the Bible and their contemporary application.
Thank you for your attention, and I invite you to further explore this fascinating field.