Host A 5089 What Is Chuck Up To Now
1—Near death in January. Summation at end of progress on
2—During decades listened to all JBJ, all ERH and more.
3—Last few years gave self something to think about as
started work, wrote down thoughts during day.
4—Thus, The Next Thousand Years—A Prayer.
5—JBJ says: ‘Don’t play God’ (TNE) re: What’s next.
6—But says “New Abrahams’—‘Crisis…’
7—JBJ, successive emphases on respective members of Trinity.
Post-Resurrection: Church, Christian state, university.
8—ERH, chiasm of Tribe, Empire, Israel and Greece. Post-Resurrection:
Greece a companion only, Church is Israel without exclusions, nation-state is
empires without slavery, next is tribes without perpetual warfare—small,
enthusiastic groups.
9—So I tried this prayer, amidst a n adding of 17 layers to
Eternal Calendar—life of Christ and our response.
10—But this is a report on the progress of The Twelve.
11—Looking Backward 3020, I wrote. We’ll know the structure of history better in
1000 years.
12—But ‘grandchildren’ will carry on. Kennedy halves so far,
soon (UNest) some encrypted currencies for them (10 + 4 godparents and one
pastor), plus postage for those now.
13—Can put special years (coram, celebration of resurrection
anno mundi) such as 3rd Educational Revolution, how the church built
14—But The Twelve, 3-decker universe x 4—Law, Lyric,
Evaluation, Fact (JBJ) or Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective (ERH).
For Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, see chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’.
15—Each of the 12
Garden/Church/Priest: a—Christian Courts Video Ministry—Bid for
$100K, Wilson has a book on justice, Judge Judy still making $16 million a year. (Law and prophets
b—Psalms with Hebrew Cadence—Awaiting publication (or
electronic transfer) of JBJ’s translation, only my feeble 117 so far
c—1000—this winter, more to ‘grands’, add specials such ass
3rd. Ed. Rev.
d—‘Contagious Disciple Making’—no interest, edifice complex of
evangelization limited to size of parking lot.
Land/Civil Magistrate/King: a—Alternatives to state
surprising. b—Twelve Word Platform, realized that many don’t vote. Gurri’s Fifth
Wave (like writing, alphabet). c—History of past non-state work. Burris,
(David) Friedman, much more needed. D—Nations
as trade routes. Local coin (from affinity cards, yes! Also Lolli) Local
Christian Thrift Shop up to $20 wooden nickels to prisoners and strangers (35%
in Pella), with sprouting seeds and equipment, and flower pot and other heating—a
no go so far.
World/Marriage, House, Business, Culture/Prophet: a—Wrights vocation
covenant from ‘The Day The Revolution Began’ is wise, b--LocalOnline seems to
be coming, as ‘3rd’ is from pandemic lockdowns (see Mao 1949), c--Peace
Tribe needed as nuclear war and unseen war (bioeconomic) looms, and d--NEW as
in technology (Diamandis—and ERH ‘destroys old groups) and Jay Abraham.
This is a THEEEOS, Bull-derived. ‘Oath-formed, Profitable,
Productive, Small Enthusiastic Groups. POFSPEG. Re: State—Creveld, Barzun,
Berman’s administrative law vs. decentralization, Idea of Progress lost:
Nisbet. ‘If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall’.
This plus Gurri,and technology increase are the BIGGIES, Transcendence. (I like an ‘a’ instead of an ‘e’. Dance toward
Principia Opera-tica (yes), not a symphony: We sing. ‘GodTrinity lovingly drags
us into His future, changing us. And as we are torn in the present between the
past and the future, the in and out, our howls become music, and we the singing
song. A HERO is one between times, ta first sufferer, a protagonist Helping
Explicitly Reconcile Opposites In Necessary Exigencies.
More later. Lord
Chuck ‘Hartman1000’Hartman