Host A 5030 Obituary Coward Alone Proverbs sixteen 4Let’s
start with Principia Operatica. 17 more written on the year, from Resurrection
to Resurrection. CORAM Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Also, in Latin,
it means face or presence.
1—Calendars. One fact per week. 2—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. One
book per week
3—Liturgy through year. 10-11-11-17
4—Matthew starts with genealogy, ends in command (to
timeline?) Use Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’
5—Mark. Business servants. Two types: ad hoc and 12 x 12 of
Days. See E. T. Hall ‘Silent Language’
for 10 x 10of society.
6—Luke: How does each book of the week show, foreshadow
7—John, Tabernacle. The last 7 are THEEEOS (Bull) with 4 in
each E, respectively Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Government,
World/Prophet/Culture. Each of these has a Rosenstock Cross of Reality
Forward/Imperative, In/Subjective, Back/Narrative, Out/Objective. In 2020 I had
Christian Courts, Psalms, Godparents for Eldsters, Contagious Disciple Making (Book) , Twelve Word Platform,
Restraint, History of Western Civilization, Peace Tribe,
Thousand Year Prayer, <pmey 2.o, LocalOnlineLeader, New Property/Jay Abraham
8—Maimonides—how applied/apply
9—New Testament Imperativity and other: 2500/800 ‘laws’
10—Trinity, alternating with
12—ERH ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ (divide into 42 sections)
13—JBJ’s ‘Short Reader’s Guide to Revelation’ (42)
14—Ussher/Adam/s Chart of History
15—Timetables of History Kurzweil here and Week 43—kairos
time, not chronicle years in week)
16—Psalms, especially JBJ’s translations with Hebrew Cadence
(146 x2) See my 117 with 150:6
17—Jeremiah’s Prophecies, see Bullinger (51)
I LEAVE MUCH TO ‘GRANDCHILDREN’ Now I have cowardly fled to
games, reading, history, science fiction, but ‘Surely Go has made all things
for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil). 2 no-hitters, slow
pitch. 3 outs in 10 games in league. Shot age ambidextrously. Stole home
(reberry delayed steal) in fast pitch. Invented Avalanche for pocket billiards,
and Naming Rights, the chess of pocket billiards. Qualified for Jeopardy
(Hartman lore says I should not have written them that I could not come out in
Nov/Dec because of mailflow. One of 400 in
Philosophy grad and
assistantship. Air Force Office. 19 years of trying to sell something. 31 years
of Post Office, listening.
The 4 of Garden/Church/Priest
Imperative/Law: Christian Courts Video—Christian&Christian,
Examples for Civil Magistrate, How Should We Then Pray (to Highest Court)?
Wholeness (RJR), Vocational Covenant Restoration (NTW)
Subjective/Lyric: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence (see my
Narrative/Evaluation: The Next Thousand Years A Prayer
Objective:Fact: ‘Contagious Disciple Making (Baptized a
million) and more
Land: Twelve Word Platform(Revise to War—ERH American Social
History re-integration of veteran into peace time, 5th generation
war and more),