Thursday, July 28, 2022

ME internet LENR cold fusion

 'Mesh' will operate internet if itgoes down/is taken down. LENR/cold fusion is now showing progress and will inaugurate new enerrgy era for mankind, if so.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Stuart Class of '62's 60th

 Robert Cook: SERIOUS illness precluded my attendance at Stuart '62's 60th reunion., BUT you might be interested in my 'Jeremiah Time'. The plot of land is adding 17 layers to The Eternal Calendar--the life of Christ and our response.Were the Gracious Lord to give me

more time, I willl also workfor the good of the city. Thanks!
Work of Rosenstock and Jordan applied. Robert Cook, this is called 'The Next 1000 Years, A Prayer' after ERH's 'Universal History 1954' Dartmouth lecutres, in which he claimed that the next 1000 years would feature small. enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warpath, as the last 1000 was nation-states, empires without slavery, and the first 1000 was The Church, Israel without exclusions. After The Resurrection, Greece became a companion only. There's MUCH more.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

he 17 newlayers of eternal calendar

 Host A 5030 Obituary Coward Alone Proverbs sixteen 4Let’s start with Principia Operatica. 17 more written on the year, from Resurrection to Resurrection. CORAM Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Also, in Latin, it means face or presence.

1—Calendars. One fact per week. 2—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. One book per week

3—Liturgy through year. 10-11-11-17

4—Matthew starts with genealogy, ends in command (to timeline?) Use Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’

5—Mark. Business servants. Two types: ad hoc and 12 x 12 of Days. See E. T. Hall ‘Silent Language’  for 10 x 10of society.

6—Luke: How does each book of the week show, foreshadow Jubilee?

7—John, Tabernacle. The last 7 are THEEEOS (Bull) with 4 in each E, respectively Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Government, World/Prophet/Culture. Each of these has a Rosenstock Cross of Reality Forward/Imperative, In/Subjective, Back/Narrative, Out/Objective. In 2020 I had Christian Courts, Psalms, Godparents for Eldsters, Contagious Disciple  Making (Book) , Twelve Word Platform,

Restraint, History of Western Civilization, Peace Tribe, Thousand Year Prayer, <pmey 2.o, LocalOnlineLeader, New Property/Jay Abraham

8—Maimonides—how applied/apply

9—New Testament Imperativity and other: 2500/800 ‘laws’

10—Trinity, alternating with


12—ERH ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ (divide into 42 sections)

13—JBJ’s ‘Short Reader’s Guide to  Revelation’ (42)

14—Ussher/Adam/s Chart of History

15—Timetables of History

16—Psalms, especially JBJ’s translations with Hebrew Cadence (146 x2) See my 117 with 150:6

17—Jeremiah’s Prophecies, see Bullinger (51)

I LEAVE MUCH TO ‘GRANDCHILDREN’ Now I have cowardly fled to games, reading, history, science fiction, but ‘Surely Go has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil). 2 no-hitters, slow pitch. 3 outs in 10 games in league. Shot age ambidextrously. Stole home (reberry delayed steal) in fast pitch. Invented Avalanche for pocket billiards, and Naming Rights, the chess of pocket billiards. Qualified for Jeopardy (Hartman lore says I should not have written them that I could not come out in Nov/Dec because of mailflow. One of 400 in  year.

Philosophy grad and assistantship. Air Force Office. 19 years of trying to sell something. 31 years of Post Office, listening.


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Well monetizes

 Well monetizes, doubles stock

Say $100,000
Issue certificates for that amount for money
Sell to donors
Donors can give away
Buy more stuff

Saturday, July 16, 2022

North Biblical Economics Conclusions

 There is nothing in the Bible that indicates that the pursuit of individual self-interest is the basis of long-term economic growth. Much in the Bible favors charity. There is little in the Bible that speaks of capital formation.

North: Some Biblical Economics conclusions

His books are free online. The rest of the above is behind a pay wall

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Serious: What new type of Christ/person was created July 14, Fr. Rev.

 Serious: What new type of Christ/person was created July 14, Fr. Rev.

Gardner limns it in Chapter 5 of 'Beyond Belief'. Then there's Bledsoe in 'The Glory of Kings'.It's stranger than you can possibly imagine. Hint: Napoleon abolished tarifs?

Love in King Jesus,

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Re; Re-reading Bledsoe in 'Glory of Kings'

 Dear Friends:

Re: Re-reading Bledsoe in 'Glory of Kings'
It would appear that Christ continues to live in the types created by the Revolutions of the West, thus

When Henry IV stood in snow for 3 days—ended 28 January 1077

All Saints Eve, Martin Luther 95 Theses

When Charles I executed Tues 30 January 1649

July 4 America

July 14 France

May 1 Russia

This from Rosenstock. Also,one could profitably use chapter 5 of Gardner's 'Beyond Belief' on the same subject.

Add it to the calendar.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Re-retuning Days


Shared with Public
OK. We've conquered the astronomical/astrological 'gods'/planets by putting them into a 7-day structure, in which we rest one in 7, because The One True God Trinity made all the things 'they' worship (Mercury, Moon, Sun, War/Mars...) and rested on that one in 7. Now's the time to do two more: 1--To similarly conquer what was raised up during the Axial Age, in a Eugen Rosenstock-Huessyian (The Christian Future) way, and to retune the retuning that happened at the Ascension (where we got the order that started with 'Sun'day, and ended with 'Saturn'day) and changing it so that we use the names of the churches in Revelation, etc. I think this is in something that can be searched via 'PergamosCoram861'. This last also shows a calendar prejected (sic) so that we grow up into it, Lord willing. I'll give more links if necessary, but most of this is in my (Charles Howard Hartman) Facebook Notes, or on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor Blogger. Love in King Jesus, Charlie 'Midwife A New Era' Hartman. Tomorrow is SardisYMMM! in this HouseOfSingingTimes/HOST--COPPP/CalendarOfPeacePrimingPrejection.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Naming Rights StuartCH SCHtuart

 5033 Naming Rights SCHtuart StuartCH


Shotgun, Rifle, Scope


Rules: Basically holes numbered 2,3,4,5,6,7 clockwise from left of kitchen. Balls 2,3,4,5,6,7.One ball at a time. Put it anywhere on table . As many tries as number of ball. Must bank. Score is hole  X banks X ball. So 7 ball into 7 hole 3 banks + 7 x7 x 3 or 147. Mostholes wins. Choose how you will play. 7th hole, if needed,  is total score.


Shotgun: Post on YouTube, other video  platforms. 4-person world championship to start. Someone such as Chuck Vanderheiden as ref.


Rifle: Manuals, other videos, sell scorecards with rules.


Scope: NFTs, private lessons, tournament at Good Egg Days.

Best, bg holes, lively rails, but ‘the table as it is, the balls as they are’

Monday, July 4, 2022

Lady Day, ERH's 5, Chucks 3 Moonshots

 ‘Lady Day’ @ March 25, Conception. Governments once started their year then!

ERH’s 5—Gregory VII, Luther, Cromwell , July 4, French, May Day.
Chuck's 3 Moonshots: The Next 1000 Years, Media of Exchange/Language Platforms--LocalCoin, HealthSpanCoin, Chess of Pocket Billiards

Saturday, July 2, 2022

'Science' ERH

 Rosenstock-Huessy: "Science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead.' Most who worship science are lost in the last 1000 years, and cannot see the next (however long it is). Only after all the gods of sky, and river, Zeus, and Poseidon, etc. had been defeated by The One True God, He Who Reverses The Trend, could mankind approach dead nature in a 'scientific' way ('science' word coined @ 1834). The future must deal with, not the heavens above of the first 1000 years, nor the waters under the earth of the last 1000, but the earth beneath, we humans, made of dust, of earth beneath. We must be more comprehensive. The joy is that there is more.