'Deep Exegesis for you. Reading it convinced me to turn my efforts to money-making to support Dr. Leithart (now that I have the basics of 'The Next Thousand Years) and for 14 'grandchildren.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Friday, June 24, 2022
Coward, Alone, Proverbs 16:4
Host A 5030 Obituary Coward Alone Proverbs sixteen 4Let’s start with Principia Operatica. 17 more written on the year, from Resurrection to Resurrection. CORAM Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Also, in Latin, it means face or presence.
1—Calendars. One fact per week. 2—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. One
book per week
3—Liturgy through year. 10-11-11-17
4—Matthew starts with genealogy, ends in command (to
timeline?) Use Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’
5—Mark. Business servants. Two types: ad hoc and 12 x 12 of
Days. See E. T. Hall ‘Silent Language’
for 10 x 10of society.
6—Luke: How does each book of the week show, foreshadow Jubilee?
7—John, Tabernacle. The last 7 are THEEEOS (Bull) with 4 in
each E, respectively Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Government, World/Prophet/Culture.
Each of these has a Rosenstock Cross of Reality Forward/Imperative,
In/Subjective, Back/Narrative, Out/Objective. In 2020 I had Christian Courts,
Psalms, Godparents for Eldsters, Contagious Disciple Making (Book) , Twelve Word Platform,
Restraint, History of Western Civilization, Peace Tribe, Thousand Year Prayer,
<pmey 2.o, LocalOnlineLeader, New Property/Jay Abraham
8—Maimonides—how applied/apply
9—New Testament Imperativity and other: 2500/800 ‘laws’
10—Trinity, alternating with
12—ERH ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ (divide into 42 sections)
13—JBJ’s ‘Short Reader’s Guide to Revelation’ (42)
14—Ussher/Adam/s Chart of History
15—Timetables of History
16—Psalms, especially JBJ’s translations with Hebrew Cadence
(146 x2) See my 117 with 150:6
17—Jeremiah’s Prophecies, see Bullinger (51)
I LEAVE MUCH TO ‘GRANDCHILDREN’ Now I have cowardly fled to
games, reading, history, science fiction, but ‘Surely Go has made all things
for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil). 2 no-hitters, slow
pitch. 3 outs in 10 games in leage. Stole home (reberry delayed steal) in fast
pitch. Invented Avalanche for pocket billiards, and Naming Rights, the chess of
pocket billiards. Qualified for Jeopardy (Hartman lore says I should not have
written them that I could not come out in Nov/Dec because of mailflow. One of
400 in year.
Philosophy grad and assistantship. Air Force Office. 19
years of trying to sell something. 31 years of Post Office, listening.
Friday, June 17, 2022
North Future is Online Video Naming Rights
North: Future is online video
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
GodTrinity kept me alive
Why Trinity kept me alive
Basically 'The Next 1000 Years' but...First, history. Near death in hospital in January, February : Sons lifted me off couch, put me in wheelchair, March: walker with belt, some outside,'laps'in house, April/May:Improvements, okayed to drive before JuneOther projects: HealthSpan crypto (see Knights hospitaler and templar), 'Naming Rights' the chess of pocketbilliards (all others are checkers) LocalCoin (but where's the money in this and other 'collapse' actions('Pioneering don't pay' Rockefeller, and 'Christianity is the science of timing' (ERH),Shekel of Temple (later, pagans get there first), Write A Book (HS, after back home?0
But the key is the nutso, and I must find again the stuff 'put in order' while I was hospitalized.
Love in King Jesus,Chuck
PS: I have an offer to do 'Christian Court Video' for $100K
Monday, June 13, 2022
Donatism and SADS
If, if, IF...
)One of the key books for understanding the times, is Gurri's 'Revolt of the Public'He holds that we are in the Fifth Wave, an information tsunami.
This Fifth Wave he compares to 1--Writing, 2--Alphabet, 3--Printing Press, 4--Mass Media.[In on recent year, the amount of information available DOUBLED]
This is destroying old groups, especially those in control previously. It was written before Trump and Brexit.
All this information enables confirmation bias, the ability and propensity to find people you agree with. Because of that I try very hard to find people I DO NOT agree with.
So, I could be wrong.)
If, if IF the reports of insurance companies of a great increase in deaths of healthy, relatively young, people are true, andif, if, IF Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is true
then the wisdom of the church in the Donatist controversy would be very useful.
Love in King Jesus,
Monday, June 6, 2022
2--Agricultural, Industrial Revolutions
Whenever the public was in a frenzy about something or other, my friend Herman Kahn (look him up) liked to quip, “There are only two important things that have happened since the dawn of history—and this isn’t one of them.” He was referring to the Agricultural Revolution around 5000 years ago and the Industrial Revolution. It’s good to keep things in perspective…
Sunday, June 5, 2022
12 Days squared
12 days squared. Fill in the blanks for business servants. Hat Tip E. T. Hall "Silent Language' I don't even know the questions. 6, 7 is Fall, 8 is Resurrection, 9 is Ascension, 10 in Pentecost, 11 is A. D. 70, we await 12 (Matt. 25: 31-46?)