Sunday, April 24, 2022
MUCH more on private cities
'Utopia' by More, etc.
Remember the Jesuits in Paraguay
Remember Disney World
Free Private Cities Foundation
Much more in article
Money 3.0 (2.0 on web) as new shekel of temple
LocaCoin as new Gold Bond Stamps--store selling only in GBS in Perry, IA in 1950s
Saturday, April 23, 2022
oks Ten Words Hebrews Proverbs
Books Hebrews Proverbs
Hebrews AD 30-AD 70 Festschrift for JBJ
Proverbs Timing I’ve thought the BH consensus boils down to
John Frame’s tri-perspective on this issue; particular the Situational
In warfare, the situation may require a lie to the
enemy. Situations, necessarily, have
ethical hierarchies or priorities.
Otherwise, would be self-destruction.
This is the whole book of Proverbs; figuring out when to speak or not,
God often puts us in situations where He wants us to figure
it out.
Regarding the Sabbath: go to church, rest, enjoy the
day. Make those your priorities.
I think this is BH consensus,
Eric Greene
3—See BH recommended commentaries
4-- Richard BledsoeApr 22
Eric pointed out
that this is much of what Proverbs is about. The translation I teach from (My
big, black leather, preaching/teaching Bible) is a NKJV, and it uses the words
"enigma" and "riddles" to describe how wisdom works
(Proverbs 1:9). Adams is I believe, correct, but he doesn't flesh it out (one
is not obligated to always flesh everything out). But this is precisely why
wisdom is such a big deal.Many things that appear to be contradictory, are in
fact only contraries (ALL X are not Y, as opposed to SOME X are not Y). But
that is presicely where the fun begins. It is the whole basis of the detective
novel, and it requires genius on the level of Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot
to resolve a series of apparent contradictions, and restore coherence, and
bring the villain to justice. Wisdom is in fact a kind of detective like
enterprise. It is the source of that OHHHHHH, THAT'S HOW IT WORKS feeling. It
is WHY detective novels are so entertaining.
The world becomes
a collosal bore when all is reduced to singular answers, or monism. Life
presents us with what appear to be whole series of impossible contradictions. A
king has two prostitutes come to him, both claiming a living baby belongs to
them and a dead baby belongs to the other. DNA testing was not available that
day, the doctor being on vacation. What to do? Well, you know how Detective
Solomon solved the case, proving he was wise. Two contradictory things cannot
both be true, but resolution is not easily found. It is a riddle, an enigma, a
classic British detective case. Sherlock Holmes amazes and confounds us, and
deeply entertains us, by finding the resolution.
We know Burke is
to blame for ALL bad things (not some), but he was in Tinbuktu when X or Y bad
thing happened in St. Louis. Jeff Meyers is confounded. How??? But Ralph solves
the enigma, the riddle, and proves himself to be the Sherlock Holmes of BH.
That is wisdom
for you...
Friday, April 22, 2022
Town Crier Tulip Time Ad
First, Ask me
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
LocalCoin--Simple, Short
a—A Simple Plan To Help Locally-Owned Businesses
b—Use ‘airline miles’ for local business building
c—WIR (long-time Swiss plan), Kenya community currencies,
MiamiCoin/City Coins donsidered and rejected
d—Jeremiah Time
c’—Hopkins’ ‘Scientific Advertising’ service, Unlimited
Checkbook (FB Group) as 2 examples
b’—City Council, Chambe of Commerce, Gold Bond Stamps,
Medieval Cities?
a’—More at Hartman Marketing link (FB)
When we want to help local businesses, MTTT is very good. Media, Telephone
Directory, Tour, Text. ‘… create, sell, and support effective local advertising
solutions so our customers win more business…’
Optima, Home Pages, CloseBy, Virtual Tours.
Having a ‘buy local’ incentive ‘currency’ would complement
these AND help expand sales over a MUCH larger area, in many communities.
The basics already exist in airline miles. To adapt this,
we’d use an affinity credit or debit card that gives ’LocalCoin’ for purchases. (Another example, stamps given in 1950s for buying at a
grocery store, e. g., redeemable at a store that ONLY took those stamps.) Participating
stores could allow ‘LocalCoin’ use for all or part of purchases. Credit/debit
card companies may help.
Swiss businesses have been using WIR for decades, Kenya is
using community currencies with Bancor, MiamiCoin exists—the Mayor says they
may be able to eliminate local taxes. There are many other such, but the ‘airline miles’ analog is simpler.
This is working ‘for the good of the city,’ as Jeremiah
commanded. In the past decades I have been working on my ‘plot of land’, The
Next Thousand Years, based on the work of Jordan, and Rosenstock (Harvard,
Dartmouth, Peace Corps).
Claude Hopkins in ‘Scientific Advertising’ recommends service
selling, The ‘Unlimited Checkbook’
Facebook group emphasizes getting things without spending the money. Jay Abraham is very wise.
Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution’ mentions that charters for
medieval cities gave them authority to mint coins. Thus, City Council (my
doctor is a member of the city council). Chambers of Commerce might be another
avenue. Also, companies might initiate such a ‘LocalCoin’ plan. (Another example, stamps given in 1950s for
buying at a grocery store, e. g., redeemable at a store that ONLY took those
See Hartman Marketing Facebook Page for more. Also contact
Charles Howard Hartman, 1404 Broadway, Pella, IA 50219, 641-621-0184 for a good
sales representative.
PS: Lolli gives rewards in Bitcoin. This doesn’t YET help.
(1) Most local businesses don’t YET take
Bitcoin. (2) This doe NOT YET drive people to the local business community.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Jeremiah Time--Short
Jeremiah Time--Short
Many years ago, at a Biblical Horizons conference,James Jordan toldme--twice--that we werin Jeremiah Time.
Thousand Years'.After ERH/Rosenstock, Nothing lasts that is not 3 generation. I have, Therefore, sent assets and duties ahead to grandchildren. This includes a pastor, 3 godparents, and 10 relatives.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Pella Coin like airline mileage
Contact airline mileage brokers for administrating PellaCoin. AlsoJohn Turmel, gold bond stame stores.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Gold Bond Stamps PellaCoin
Gold Bond Stamps PellaCoin
I'm thinking reviving the Gold Bond stamp, electronically is
one way. Each merchant credits a %, a small % to the buyer, who can then spend
the result anywhere in Breckinridge. It'd help if I'd 'won the lottery'--my
'ship had come in'--to start it going. Gold Bond stamps used to have a store in
Perry Iowa that only took 'books' of Gold Bond stamps! What say you?
Thursday, April 7, 2022
BH Commentary list
Years ago, it was here But that is WAY out of date. It needs a new home. |
Michael Bull Apr 6 #25075 I saved this in 2015, but I think it's the 2014 version. Don't know if it's newer or older than what Tim has online. Previous Results (JBJ recommends everything by Keil & Delitzsch, Homer Hoeksema, Hirsch, and Lange, so those are not included below.) GENESIS First team Wenham Hamilton Second team Cassuto EXODUS First Team Cassuto Second Team Houtman Enns LEVITICUS First Team Wenham Kiuchi Milgrom (Anchor) Second Team Gorman Honarable Mention Bonar NUMBERS Wenham Milgrom DEUTERONOMY First Team Christensen Second Team Cragie C. Wright Brueggemann Honorable Mention North JOSHUA First Team Woudstra Sinnema Second Team Dale Ralph Davis David Howard JUDGES First Team Jordan Second Team Dale Ralph Davis Block RUTH Block Hubbard SAMUEL First Team Leithart Gordon (1 Sam only) Youngblood Second Team McCarter Fokkelman Dale Ralph Davis Honorable Mention Alter Fox (Give Us a King) Baldwin KINGS Leithart Davis CHRONICLES First Team Johnstone Japhet Second Team Hill EZRA-NEHEMIAH First Team Hugh Williamson (WBC) Ralph Klein (NIB) Second Team Hannah Harrington (NICOT) Honorable Mention Doug Green (NIV Application Commentary, forthcoming) ESTHER Jordan (forthcoming) Wiskerke (Purim) JOB First Team Sumpter (Through New Eyes series, forthcoming) Norman Habel (The Old Testament Library series; Toby said it might complement his best) Second Team William Green (Conflict and Triumph) PSALMS First Team J. A. Alexander (The Psalms Translated and Explained) James L. Mays (Interpretation) Second Team Gerald H. Wilson (NIV Application Commentary) Willem VanGemeren (Expositor's Bible Commentary) Honorable Mention PROVERBS First Team Waltke (NICOT) Kidner (IVP) Second Team Ross (EBC) ECCLESIASTES First Team Meyers Kaiser Second Team Wilson Moore Honorable Mention Choon-Leong Seow SONG OF SOLOMON First Team Lloyd Carr Robert Jenson Ellen Davis Second Team Cheryl Exum Christopher Mitchell Honorable Mention Craig Glickman Christopher Mitchell ISAIAH First Team Alec Motyer (IVP) Second Team Allan Harman (Focus on the Bible) E. J. Young Honorable Mention J.A. Alexander Brevard Childs Alec Motyer (Tyndale) JEREMIAH Harrison (Tyndale) Brueggemann (Exile and Homecoming) LAMENTATIONS Robert Hubbard (NICOT) Paul House (WBC) Iain Provan (NCBC) EZEKIEL Daniel Block Robert Jenson DANIEL Jordan Young HOSEA Honorable Mention Duane Garrett (NAC) Andrew Dearman (NICOT) Gary Smith Douglas Stuart (WBC) David Hubbard Derek Kidner Veldkamp JOEL None AMOS Second Team Gary V. Smith (Menor or, alternatively, the NIVAC series) Honorable Mention Shalom Paul (Hermeneia) James Luther Mays (OTL) Meindert Dijkstra (HCOT) M. Daniel Carroll R. (NICOT) OBADIAH David Field (Obadiah: A Practical Commentary) JONAH First Team Patrick Fairbairn Hugh Martyn Second Team James Limburg (OTL) Honorable Mention Terrence E. Fretheim (The Message of Jonah: A Theological Commentary; Augsburg, 1977) Philip Cary (Brazos) Phyllis Trible (NIB) Jack M. Sasson (AB) MICAH Honorable Mention Bruce Waltke (2007) James Luther Mays (OTL) Ralph Davis (EPSC) NAHUM None HABAKKUK Honorable Mention O. Palmer Robertson (NICOT, also includes Nahum & Zephaniah) Richard D. Patterson (Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary, also includes Nahum & Zephaniah) John D. Currid (Welwyn Commentary Series) ZEPHANIAH O. Palmer Robertson (NICOT, includes Nahum and Habakkuk) Richard D. Patterson (Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary, includes Nahum and Habakkuk) HAGGAI First Team Jordan (Brazos, Haggai & Zechariah, forthcoming) Honorable Mention J. Alec Motyer ZECHARIAH First Team Jordan (Brazos, Haggai & Zechariah, forthcoming) Honorable Mention Joyce Baldwin (TOTC) Thomas McComiskey (in vol. 3 of The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical & Expository Commentary, edited by McComiskey) MALACHI Honorable Mention Andrew Hill (Anchor) Peter Verhoeff (NICOT, also includes Haggai) Douglas Stuart (in 3rd volume of McComiskey set on MP) MATTHEW First Team France (NICNT, 2007) David Garland (Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary) Davies & Allison (ICC, three volumes) Second Team N.T. Wright (Matthew for Everyone) Ben Witherington (Matthew, Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary) Honorable Mention D.A. Carson (EBC) MARK First Team Mark Horne (The Victory According to Mark) France (NIGTC) Second Team Ben Witherington (The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary) Eugene LaVerdier (The Beginning of the Gospel) Joel Marcus (Anchor Bible, 2 vols) N.T. Wright (Mark for Everyone) Honorable Mention Austin Farrer (A Study in Saint Mark) Lane (NICNT) Edwards (Pillar) LUKE First Team Arthur A. Just (Lutheran Commentary, 2 vols) Joel B. Green (NICNT) Luke Timothy Johnson (Sacra Pagina) Second Team Wright (for Everyone) LaVerdiere (New Testament Message series) Honorable Mention Joseph Fitzmyer (Anchor Bible, 2 vols.) Frederick Danker (Jesus and the New Age) JOHN First Team Raymond Brown (Anchor Bible Thomas Brodie (Oxford) Second Team Gary Burge (NIV Application Bible) Ridderbos Mark W.G. Stibbe (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary -- ISBN: 1-85075-433-0) Carson (good antidote to biblical skepticism) Honorable Mention Morris ACTS Honorable Mention Joseph Fitzmyer (Anchor Bible) - sequel to his excellent 2 volumes on Luke Richard Longnecker (Expositor's Bible Commentary) - evangelical to balance Fitzmyer Eckhard Schnabel (ZECNT) Marshall (TNTC)
John Stott (BST) ROMANS First Team Wright Cranfield Second Team Davies/Allison Honorable Mention Moo 1 CORINTHIANS First Team Richard Hays (Interpretation) David Garland (BECNT) Second Team Gordon Fee (NICNT) Honorable Mention Gregory Lockwood (Concordia Popular Commentary) Witherington (Conflict and Community in Corinth: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians)
2 CORINTHIANS First Team Scott Hafeman (NIV Application) Second Team David Garland (NAC) GALATIANS First Team Witherington (Grace in Galatia) Second Team Hays Garlington Honorable Mention Bruce McKnight EPHESIANS First Team Thielman (ECNT) Stott (BST) Mark Horne (Through New Eyes, forthcoming) Second Team O'Brien (PNTC) Hoehner (Baker) Honorable Mention PHILIPPIANS First Team Fee Wright (audio commentary) Second Team Lightfoot Honorable Mention Silva Fowl O'Brien Thielman Heir
11:27pm #25079 What's the password, Tim? And Mike, do you have the rest of the list, past Philippians? Cheers, Chris W |
Michael Bull 1:52am #25080 That's all there was. toggle quoted messageShow quoted text |
1:58am #25081 Well, let me help with some of the others... Hebrews - Doug Wilson (kinda weird in places, but still worth a read) 2 Peter - Peter Leithart 1-3 John - Peter Leithart Revelation - Peter Leithart (plus James B Jordan, David Chilton) Chris W |
2:13am #25082 Password should be 44bhonly Tim |
2:14am #25083 That wiki is a really out of date app. If we really want this, we should probably start over with something better. Tim |
2:16am #25084 IIRC, it was Jeremy Sexton who kept up with this stuff the most, and for the longest. I take it he's no longer on the list? Tim |
Dan Dillard 5:40am #25091 You need to update the entry for Matthew by putting Peter’s Jesus As Israel 2 vol commentary at the top of the list. toggle quoted messageShow quoted textPro Rege, Dan |