Toward Peace 2
Being A Gospels Layer of
The Eternal Calendar
A Thousand Year Prayer
© 2020 by Charles Howard
December 27, Anno Domini
Season of Christmas
EzekielSheba, EphesusCoram871
(Alternatively, for incorporation
into SEVEN of Axial Age,
Of JesusDia, Lao-tseDia,
AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia,
OperaDia, NotYetDia)
All Lord Willing.
This is messy, as is every newborn baby. (There’s much
repetition here. I’ll do better in the future, D.V.)
Table of Contents
Calendar A. D. 2020-2021
Calendar A. D. 2021-2022
Mountains in Time
Tune of Next Era
Our Response
What'll we have when done with 'Issachar Thousand Year
Psalm tune appropriate for time—this war
What to do
A Christian Sociology
Jubilee Calendar
New Social Order
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old
groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought
to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts.
1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space.
(Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH:
Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more.
This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to
each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the
end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND
Now, Week 18
One Page Summary of Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise as
of July 27 A D 2020
1—Calendars organize our actions in time. Thus, this ‘new’
calendar will help you act more effectively toward Christendom, better
2—Tribal social order, community celebrations. Empires,
business, work schedules. Israel, ecclesiastical times. Greece, education.
3—The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our
response. This ‘Gospels Layer’ emphasizes response, particularly for small,
enthusiastic groups,’ the next social order. ‘Universal History 1954,
4—John 21:25 tells us that if all Christ (TheBothAnd,
Chalcedon) did were written in books, they’d be bigger than creation.
5—A Church Year is essential, but not complete. It’s the
best we have so far of The Eternal Calendar.
6—Let’s take each Gospel—what can it add to our eternal
7—Matthew—Starts with physical genealogy, ends with
assumption that we’re going, and command. Discipling ‘genealogy’.
8—Mark. ERH says empires/business, Bullinger says servant.
Business Servants—and remember Proverbs 16:4. ‘Surely the Lord has made all
things for himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (‘evil’).
9—Luke. Jesus says he has fulfilled Isaiah 61 (Leviticus
25—Jubilee). I use Jordan’s 49-book Bible, to list each book, one per week,
I re-retune them, and do it backwards, with a ’liturgy’ inserted, to make 53
weeks. (I have this on a grid). How does the book of each week show Jubilee
fulfilled, and that applied?
10—John is a tour of the tabernacle. GodTrinity sill works
that way. The last 7 weeks make a tabernacle construction, leading to Our
Response of 7, 10, 12 things to do.
11—Weeks 30-38 are the Opera, the Symphony of History, that
finds these 12 PSOFPEG—Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic
Groups that we enact for the next Social Order—the next 1000 years, however long
that is. Rosenstock held to Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, then
He-Who-Reversed-The-Trend, then Greece is only a companion, never a social
order, The Church is Israel without exclusion, the nation-state is Empires
without slavery, and now we’ll have tribes without perpetual warpath. Jordan
holds to a series of emphases on Persons of the Trinity, and after Christ, @700
years, the last 700 being University, and next—we don’t know. That’s why I also name this (vocative is ½
imperative) ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. Also, ‘Teaching Timing,’ also ‘Critical
Path 1000’.
12—Other things go into the boxes of the 7x7 grid. Dates
(Sundays Lord’s Days), books re-retuned backwards, entries from Fuller’s
‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, entries from ‘The 100 Most Important
Events in Church History’, a Business Servant, an event of the last 49 years,
each year. Later, ‘grandchildren (through Jeremiah Time Project) may add
Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies, Jordan’s 146 Psalms and Summaries, Grids are at event
for Christendom (remember ‘all authority’) per heptad or decade, etc. This is
not a final word, but D. V. it may be a helpful word. Grids are at
chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and in book forthcoming after next Easter
(coram—celebration of resurrection anno mundi). More. Weekly at, Facebook, etc. Get on email list: More
HostA1128 A Thousand Year Prayer
1—Calendars organize our times, and actions.
2—Rosenstock-Huessy held that community celebrations are
remnants of a tribal social order. Also , were business and work schedules of
an empire social order, ecclesiastical calendars of Israel and educational
calendars of Greece the respective remnants.
3—The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our
response. See Chalcedon for true man/true God.
4—At this time, various church years are used.
5—But surely John 21:25 indicates more are needed.
6—A Thousand Year Prayer tries 3 thing, not as a final word,
but perhaps as a useful word:
a—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—Matthew uses, to start,
Fuller’s history of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important
Events in Christian History’. Thus,
genealogy to start is matched with genealogy of discipleship under all
authority at the end. Mark tells of empires (ERH) and servanthood (Bullinger),
thus, one business servant per week. Luke 4 tells that Jesus said he had
fulfilled this prophecy in their ears—Isaiah 61, Leviticus 25, Jubilee. How this is shown in each of 49 books, per
Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is what is done each
week—I name each week/sheba after the respective book, re-retuned and backward
(also no retuned and forward?). John shows tabernacling, and we are to amen how
GodTrinity is building one since 190.
b—Th John. Address it every 7th week.
c—Rosenstock held that the next 1000 years would be ‘small,
enthusiastic groups’/tribes without warpath. We address that every 3rd week,
and between just before Total Christ )communion, as PV is absolution, and
TBOTMOFA is Word).
Aka ‘Critical Path 1000’. Aka ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal
I’m still writing. A book will emerge after the week before
next Resurrection,/Easter.
There’s more. This is brief. Tell your grandchildren!
Week One
This is sent out during the week named. It doesn’t
conflict with ‘Church Year’
John 21:25—there’s more.
This is ‘Gospel Layers of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our
response, emphasizing RESPONSE.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader
into a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
There are 4 parts.
Matthew starts with a genealogy, and ends with a command.
Timelines are the emphasis. Timetables of history, Ussher, Jordan’s Biblical
Chronology, ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church history, but I emphasize
Fuller’s chronology of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’.
Most of these only go the @ a980, so at the end, our
response in the last 7 weeks (Resurrection to Resurrection) is 6 weeks of
‘what’s new since 1980; and one week of ‘Dothisnow’—7 in heptamerous chiasm.
See John, below.
Mark, business servants. Deng Xiaoping, greatest move
toward free market in large country in history.
Luke, Jubilee, Luke 4. How does Hebrews show Jubilee
fulfilled and applied? Use Meyers’ 5, re: Psalms. How then individually, how
then corporately, how fulfilled in Jesus, how now corporately, how now
John, a tour of tabernacle. Build tabernacles in
history—God does. Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is
accelerating, causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in
garden/church—gone south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a
country in Africa. Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain ->
currencies encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we
pray. Succession—7.
The key this week is languages. Fuller mentions 3 in the
1/42 of his list we read this week. And he mentions Ezra Pound’s assertion that
Babel shows the confusion of the invention of phonetic writing, vs. ideographs.
But read ‘the Alphabet Effect’. Read that God wrote the Decalogue with his
finger. Contemplate ‘aleph beth’ and alphabet. Wolfe, in ‘Kingdom of Speech’
held that language was a memory tool, a mnemonic artifact. Was it from birds
chirping, are Hebrew letters seen by light in tents (Meru)? Etc. Note: ‘et’ as
an omegalphic construction. Later. God spoke first, we 'after 49'
MUCH MORE to come.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader
into a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical path 1000’ Hartman
JesusAllTimesDia (and 3 more names of days) HebrewsSheba,
EphesusCoram871 April 13, A. D. 2020
Intro for those new to this:
2031 ReSummary (from Week 18)
Calendars help tell us what to do and when. Rosenstock says
community celebrations are from the tribal social order, business and work
schedules from Empires, ecclesiastical calendars are from Israel, and education
from Greece. Greece is a companion, don't let it be a social order.
Issachar Thousand Year Prayer is Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar--the life of Christ and our response. Add it to Church Year. There
will be more, John 21:25
I write it on a 49-book Bible—Jordan 'Rethinking the Order
of the Old Testament.
At the end, I tell you what we'll have at the end.
What We Will Have When Done
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old
groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought
to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts.
1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space.
(Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH:
Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more.
This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to
each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the
end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND
Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Jeff. A Church Year (there are several) is essential, but it
is an incomplete eternal calendar.
The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response: Rosenstock.
We know this from several passages, especially John 21: 25.
What follows isn’t a final word, but it may be a helpful
word, as JBJ often wrote.
Now, to be too early is a sin. To be too late is one also.
I’m too early.
When the grandchildren below, improve it, that’ll be the
I’m giving my children, grandchildren, and godparents some
ferns (FRNs Federal Reserve Notes) that may be ephemeral and won’t last. These
are for themselves. I’m giving them some Kennedy halves, that should still be
valuable when thir respective grandchildren are asked to improve what I call ‘A
thousand Year Prayer,’ and ‘Critical Path 1000,’ and ‘A Gospels Layer of
Eternal Calendar’.
In the meantime, I’m in a type of induced deep sleep,
writing a little each week. A book will be out after next Easter.
The general idea is that Matthew is about making discipling
disciples, in all areas. “All authority’ He has.
He commands discipling—those are the two inclusions of
Simply—I simplify a lot—I use Buckminster Fuller’s
chronology of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important
Events in Church History’. Others will add more, such as from ‘Timetables of
History’. Thus we remember.
Mark? Bullinger says it’s about being a servant. ERH said it
was addressed to empires/business. I
pick a business servant each week. ‘Et’ is a Hebrew word which is made up of
the first letter of the alphabet, and the last—a totality, and omegalpha
unit. Combine that with ‘mohar. And do a
metathesis (buterly flutter by’ to get market.
Each week? Yep, for Luke, we use ‘this prophecy fulfilled in
your ears’ from chapter 4, Christ speaking. I claim this refers to Jubilee, and
the 49 books in JBJ’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’—49, a nice
resonance with a jubilee of years!—and ask each week/sheba “How is it shown in
this book that Jubilee has been fulfilled, and how do we best apply that
So John. Tour of Tabernacle, some say. After 42 weeks, we do
a Mike Bull thing and find the Transcendent Imperative since @1980, when
‘Fuller’ and ‘100’ both end. And we do a 7. Transcendence (seems to be rapid
change) Hierarchy (old groups destroyed) Ethics: Garden/Church, ERH’s 4 fronts.
Forward (revolution), In (mysticism). Back (decadence) and Out (war). How wrong
are some, and what can we learn from them—Proverbs 16:4—and what small,
enthusiastic groups (ERH0 can fulfill that function. (Oath-formed, productive,,
Ethics 2, Land/King/Civil Magistrate.
Ethics 3, World, Prophet.
#6: Oaths and Sanctions. Here we write the documents, for
the 12.
Succession: And of we go.
These 12 are helped to be found by an Opera conducted from
week 32 through 42. (More on that later, it’s still in develop[ment).
Oh, and I write the liturgical service structure over the
year (‘coram’ I name it, celebration of resurrection anno mundi—face presence.
Later I’ll add Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies in and the 146
Psalms (JBJ), and I re-retune the 49 books backwards also, thus Hebrews to
Thus we’ll have what difference the life of Christ made, as
shown be what I consider at this time important from each of the 4 Gospels, and
OUR RESPONSE—what we’ll do, DO.
That’s a simple summary I’ll give to my children,
grandchildren. and godparents, with ferns and Kennedy halves, for themselves
and their respective grandchildren to improve the effort.
I’ll keep in touch, and promote/monetize it in other ways
through Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and
at Tom Hartman is my curator.
More to come. Friday< July 3, A. D. 2020, NumbersYMM!!!,
RomansSheba, EphesusCoram871. OperaDia.
Jeremiah Time
Jeremiah bought a plot of land, thus 'saying' with this
action that Israel would return.
I'm giving godparents, children, grandchildren some 'ferns'
(FRN--Federal Reserve Notes) and Kenney halves (40% silver) to have THEIR
grandchildren improve ECCE! (Eternal Calendar Community Enterprise.(AKA 'A
Thousand Year Prayer'/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'Critical Path 1000'.
It's gestating, the book will be out after next Easter'.
Chuck 'tardema' Hartman
Chuck’s 4, now 5
1--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do at
which you would be most difficult to replace
2--Get Ready To Help People Locally
3--It's not only worse than you can imagine, it's worse than
you can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than you imagine, it's
better than you can possible\y imagine.
4--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 :
1 Timothy 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may
lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the
knowledge of the truth.
5--Follow 'A Thousand Year Prayer'. I post frequently, and
soon will have one that says that 'Yes, a Church Year is essential, but as an
eternal calendar, it is incomplete'.
Charles Howard Hartman
My stuff is world-changing. Read Fuller's 'Critical Path'
and then follow my post for a year or two. Start here: What are the 6 most
important events in the past 40 years, and the 7 dothisnow (yes, a new word!)
actions to take? Also, what 4 questions would you ask? Of the 6, number one is
the rate of technological change, which breaks up old groupings, I'd say. I'll
work through this year toward a better understanding.
The 'coram' Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi starts
April 12 (Resurrection). I've been working on it to be ready. 'Coram' in Latin
means 'face, presence'. It's my term for year. I add Gospels layers: Matthew,
timelines, based on Matthew's inclusions of genealogy and command (make
disciples who make disciples, etc). Mark, business servants--Rosenstock thought
Mark was to empire (business) social
order, Bullinger says 'servant'. Luke 4, Jubilee fulfilled, and I use Jordan's
40-book Bible for names of weeks. John, tour of tabernacle, and our liturgical
response to imperative time. Etc. I need
49 anomalies (such as 'millions of years') and 49 business servants (such as
Ford, Deng--greatest move toward market ever in any large country,
Critical Path 1000: A Prayer
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of
eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year.
Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific
method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
B, R, SH, T
House, Head, Eat, Cross
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of
eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year.
Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific
method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What year/coram:
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke)
House of Remembering--Matthew: Timelines. Fuller, Ussher
(better: first 40 by 2s of Biblical Chronology @ www.garynorth/com/freebooks,
69 total?), ‘100 Most Important Events in Christian History’, anomaly
[For better understanding, 1/49 of ‘Out of Revolution,’ but start with Chapter 5 of
Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ and listen to Universal History 1954 lectures (ERH
Head Organizers--Mark: Business servant
Eat (Incorporate) Into 49/Jubilee--Luke: Week of 49 backward
and re-retuned. Book How is Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
Cross, What To Do, Tabernacle of 7--John; What
Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history liturgy?
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method
is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple,
confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past
thinkers/researchers, sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and
wine, and we are to take the theory out for the good of the world. The
Symphonic Method then applies steps to people.
Later add mountains in time (liturgy), names of days, etc
John 21:25 KJV - And there are also many other things ...
John 21:25 King James Version (KJV) 25 And there are also
many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every
one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that
should be written.
So I added the
Gospels Layers
Matthew starts
with genealogy, ends with command (to make timelines?) Thus we remember, and
are not given over to not remembering. Plague of 'Alzheimer's' and societal
forgetting. 1/49 of various
Mark: Bullinger
says 'servant,' ERH says business/empires. Business servants, one per week.
Luke: Jubilee
fulfilled (Luke 4). How and was, and is now, 49 book Bible of Jordan.
John, tour of
tabernacle. So we are 'transcended'/'imperatived' and should build, recognize
7-stages in history, as in tabernacle.
Calendar A.D. 2020-2021
Calendar A. D. 2021-2022
Mountains in Time
Tune of Next Era
Doug: I'd like to buy your Dad's Psalms work--a paper
and electronic set
This is the material he sent out to monthly donors.
Theopolis doesn't have the structures.
I've figured out a way to use Hebrew Cadence (Cascione) to
write appropriate tunes, not the only way, but an additional one.
Blink/howl--from Gladwell's 'Blink,' wherein art experts had gut reactions to a
fake statue, and 'howl' from a Teaching Company course that maintained that
jazz/blues grew out of the howl of the Southern hand standing in the field.
I'd show musically intuitive ones the work of your dad, and
they'd write.
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman
Mathew layer of eternal calendar--anti-Alz
Hypothesis: A little forgetting? God gives Big Forgetting.
Hypothesis 2: Start remembering, start not forgetting
Hypothesis 3: Mathew starts with genealogy, ends with command
to ...
Here are two glorified genealogies.
1--100 most significant events in church history. I like
spreading out from 1 and 100 in 21st week of Jubilee Calendar, which uses JBJ's
49 book Bible.
@25, do 1 and 100 then alternate 1 &99 @22, 3 and 98 at
20, etc.
Last 7 weeks are for you to put in what's happened since.
JBJ's 49, a million baptized, Cascione's repetition in the Bible, Theopolis...
Do the same with Fuller from 'Critical Path.
Note: Last week before Resurrection is for the 7 or so technological
things that (should be/are) coming, and the same for events in church.
I'll try to get this out for Resurrection/Easter
Other layers: Jubilee Calendar of 49 books, with liturgy,
Psalms, Jeremiah prophecies (51) and backward and forward, with liturgy spaced.
Also, Mark as business (ERH) and servant (Bullinger). So far
Rockefeller, Knights protecting pilgrims, Deng (!), Debs (!)...
John and tabernacles built in history--see historicism.
But the big thing is anti-Alz with history genealogies and
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman and see chuckhartmanhistoryconductor
Heptamerous chiasm of last 40 years
I'm advolving it toward the week before Easter next year.
Very interesting had useful
Watch this space
Week 1—
Critical Path 1000--Week One
Newton worked on the calculus and his 'Principia' during a
Something good will appear after a year, Deo Volente.
This emphasizes RESPONSE.
It started as a theological antidote to forgetting.
For next week, 'What are your four questions?"
This is sent out during the week named. It doesn’t conflict
with ‘Church Year’
John 21:25—there’s more.
This is ‘Gospel Layers of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our response,
emphasizing RESPONSE.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into
a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
There are 4 parts.
Matthew starts with a genealogy, and ends with a command.
Timelines are the emphasis. Timetables of history, Ussher, Jordan’s Biblical
Chronology, ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church history, but I emphasize
Fuller’s chronology of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’.
Most of these only go the @ a980, so at the end, our
response in the last 7 weeks (Resurrection to Resurrection) is 6 weeks of
‘what’s new since 1980; and one week of ‘Dothisnow’—7 in heptamerous chiasm.
See John, below.
Mark, business servants. Deng Xiaoping, greatest move toward
free market in large country in history.
Luke, Jubilee, Luke 4. How does Hebrews show Jubilee
fulfilled and applied? Use Meyers’ 5, re: Psalms. How then individually, how
then corporately, how fulfilled in Jesus, how now corporately, how now
John, a tour of tabernacle. Build tabernacles in history—God
does. Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating,
causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone
south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa.
Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies
encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray.
Critical Path 1000--Week One
Newton worked on the calculus and his 'Principia' during a
Something good will appear after a year, Deo Volente.
This emphasizes RESPONSE.
It started as a theological antidote to forgetting.
For next week, 'What are your four questions?"
This is sent out during the week named. It doesn’t conflict
with ‘Church Year’
John 21:25—there’s more.
This is ‘Gospel Layers of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our
response, emphasizing RESPONSE.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into
a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
There are 4 parts.
Matthew starts with a genealogy, and ends with a command.
Timelines are the emphasis. Timetables of history, Ussher, Jordan’s Biblical Chronology,
‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church history, but I emphasize Fuller’s
chronology of science and technology in ‘Critical Path’.
Most of these only go the @ a980, so at the end, our
response in the last 7 weeks (Resurrection to Resurrection) is 6 weeks of
‘what’s new since 1980; and one week of ‘Dothisnow’—7 in heptamerous chiasm.
See John, below.
Mark, business servants. Deng Xiaoping, greatest move toward
free market in large country in history.
Luke, Jubilee, Luke 4. How does Hebrews show Jubilee
fulfilled and applied? Use Meyers’ 5, re: Psalms. How then individually, how
then corporately, how fulfilled in Jesus, how now corporately, how now
John, a tour of tabernacle. Build tabernacles in history—God
does. Simple: First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating,
causing hierarchies and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone
south. Ethics in land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa.
Ethics in world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies
encrypted?). Oaths and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray.
The key this week is languages. Fuller mentions 3 in the
1/42 of his list we read this week. And he mentions Ezra Pound’s assertion that
Babel shows the confusion of the invention of phonetic writing, vs. ideographs.
But read ‘the Alphabet Effect’. Read that God wrote the Decalogue with his
finger. Contemplate ‘aleph beth’ and alphabet. Wolfe, in ‘Kingdom of Speech’
held that language was a memory tool, a mnemonic artifact. Was it from birds
chirping, are Hebrew letters seen by light in tents (Meru)? Etc. Note: ‘et’ as
an omegalphic construction. Later: God spoke first, we ‘after 49’.
MUCH MORE to come.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into
a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical path 1000’ Hartman
JesusAllTimesDia (and 3 more names of days) HebrewsSheba,
EphesusCoram871 April 13, A. D. 2020
The key this week is languages. Fuller mentions 3 in the
1/42 of his list we read this week. And he mentions Ezra Pound’s assertion that
Babel shows the confusion of the invention of phonetic writing, vs. ideographs.
But read ‘the Alphabet Effect’. Read that God wrote the Decalogue with his
finger. Contemplate ‘aleph beth’ and alphabet. Wolfe, in ‘Kingdom of Speech’
held that language was a memory tool, a mnemonic artifact. Was it from birds
chirping, are Hebrew letters seen by light in tents (Meru)? Etc. Note: ‘et’ as
an omegalphic construction. Later: God spoke first, we ‘after 49’.
MUCH MORE to come.
It’s a ‘total immersion (novel) that throws the reader into
a different world, revealing details as the action proceeds’. Analog, June
2016, page 106, stumbled upon by accident.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical path 1000’ Hartman
JesusAllTimesDia (and 3 more names of days) HebrewsSheba,
EphesusCoram871 April 13, A. D. 2020
Helping Billions Week 1
1—From Easter/Resurrection Sunday April 12, A. S. 2020)
through Great Saturday (April 3, A. D. 2021) 49 weeks, 4 holiday weeks.
10-11-11-17. And Eliot/Anselm Time to synchronize.
2—Each of the 49, 1/49th of Fuller’ Critical Path’
science/technology list.
#--Also, 1/49th of ‘100 Most Important Events in Church History’.
4—Add Ussher later.
5—This app could be used by billions.
6—Remembering avoids forgetting.
7—Eventually, Matthew (this), Mark (business servants), Luke
(the 49—Jordans’ Rethinking…’), John (tabernacles of history (built on
holidays). Another layer of eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our
response, emphasizing RESPONSE—to add to ‘church year.
8—The above after 42, leaving 6 (what since then until now?)
+ 1 (what to be done.
9—So, advolve—change toward ‘eye hath not seen’/’as waters
cover the seas’.
10—ERH: Present caused by Past and Future.
11—Rejected: Hoppe’s many types of humans, Fuller’s oceania
origins, 100,000 100,000 years ago, Cremo’s devolution avatars—but keep his out
of place artifacts, Aristotle’s eternality of matter. Billions of years and
‘evolution’: Result in slicing up babies in and out of womb and selling parts?
12—Final Cause, the use of the building. First: blueprint.
Efficient: workers. Material: lumber, bricks.
13—Eventually Psalms (Hebrew Cadence songs, per
Cascione, Jordan), Jeremiah’s 51
prophecies (Bullinger), books per day in changing orders, books of week
re-retuned backward and 1-49. etc.
15—First week, Hebrews of re-retuned backwards (Genesis 1-49)
16—In Fuller’s (purchase), first 8, through 100 B. C.,
Egyptian hieroglyphics. 4 on languages. Remark on ‘Origin of Speeches’ which
claims that proto-Hebrew was the Ursprache. In ‘100’ fire in Rome, destruction
of Temple in Jerusalem A. D. 70, Justin Martyr.
Remark on A. D. 70.
17—When we sin a little, GodTrinity shows us the whole, thus
societal cause of ‘Alzheimer’s’ as He gave Israel over to Philistines when they
liked a little Philistine culture, and He sent them into Exile re: land laws.
Maybe this remembering will help.
Second Attempt at Week 1—
Next attempt at Week 1
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of
eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year.
Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific
method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of
eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year.
Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific
method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What year/coram:
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke)
Matthew: Timelines. Fuller, Ussher (better: first 40 by 2s
of Biblical Chronology @ www.garynorth/com/freebooks, 69 total?), ‘100’,
Mark: Business servant
Luke: Week of 49 backward and re-retuned. Book How is
Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
John; What Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history liturgy?
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method
is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple,
confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past
thinkers/researchers, sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and
wine, and we are to take the theory out for the good of the world. The
Symphonic Method then applies steps to people.
Later add mountains in time (liturgy), names of days, etc.
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
What will you have when done? Briefly, Gospels layers of
eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response. Add this to church year.
Also, Symphonic method toward application of creational/liturgical/scientific
method to people speaking. Thirdly, this emphasizes RESPONSE.
What year/coram: EphesusCoram871
What week/sheba—7, oath-- (see Luke): Hebrews
Matthew: Timelines. 3 (1/49) Fuller, 17 (1/49) Ussher, 3
(1/49) (better: first 40 by 2s of Biblical Chronology @
www.garynorth/com/freebooks, 69 total?),‘100’, anomaly—language/speech
Mark: Business servant--Deng
Luke: Week of 49 backward and re-retuned—Hebrews How is
Christ’s fulfillment of Jubilee to be applied?
John; What Imperative/Transcendence starts a new history
Toward what 6 between 1980 and now—FAANG, ‘Life After
Google,’ China economy, Money 2.0/blockchain, ‘Abundance,’ biology 4x Moore’s
Toward what 7 to do, 7th week of 7th seven—what oath-formed,
small, profitabley productive, enthusiastic groups ‘ofsppeg’
Consider Opera after Total Christ weeks. Scientific method
is liturgical steps applied toward nature. Thus Newton is called by the apple,
confesses he doesn't know but is reassured. Readings are of past thinkers/researchers,
sermon is his hypothesis. It's tested 2 ways--bread and wine, and we are to
take the theory out for the good of the world. The Symphonic Method then
applies steps to people.12 times, 12 books, church/family/civil magistrate in
ERH’s 4 fronts wrongly, persons/players/co-composers/singers, ofsppeg
Commentary (brief): Speech creates times, as in declarations
of war and peace treaties. Ezra Pound held that the Phoenician
letters/sounds/words/sentences was Tower of Babel compared to ideographs, Wolfe:
language is a mnemonic artifact/memory tool. The idea of these added layers of
the life of Christ and our response is that if we want to forget part, God will
make us forget all—dementia. Consider Velikovsky’s ‘Mankind in Amnesia’
proposition that there were astronomical cataclysms that we’ve wanted to forget
and that we’ll be like abused children who abuse as adults, and bring another
cataclysm, or read Lafferty’s ‘What Was The Name Of That Town’ for a depiction
of forgetting on purpose.
Later add mountains in time (liturgy), names of days, etc.
2—April 19, Anno Domini 2020 Anomaly, gaps in chronologies.
Henry Ford (Fuller’ greatest artist of 20th century)
3—April 26, Year of the Lord, 2020 Anomaly, various other
homo sapiens, 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago. Deng Xiao Ping, ‘greatest free
market change big country in history’: North.
4—May 3
5—May 10
6—May 17
7—May 24
8—May 31
9—June 7
10—June 14 (Daily Countdown 49-1, 49-29 ends after week 10)
11—Public Vindication (1s, b7 1234567) June 21
12, 11—June 28 (Daily names of days, by books--8531642
continues through week 46, using 28-1, 49-1 continuing)
13, 12—July 5
14, 13—July 12
15, 14—July 19
16, 15—July 26
17, 16—August 2
18, 17—August 9
19, 18—August 16
20, 19—August 23
21,20—August 30
22. 21—September 6
23—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of
Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
24, 22—Sep 20
25, 23—Sep 27
26, 24—Oct 4
27, 25—Oct 11
28, 26—Oct 18
29, 27—Oct 25
30, 28—Nov 1
31, 28—Nov 8
32, 30—Nov 15
33, 31—Nov 22
34, 32—Nov 29
35—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
36—Dec 1 (Total Christ Two, 8s by 851642)
37, 33 December 20 (Opera by Symphonic Method begins,
through week before Countdown, the last 7 before a new Celebration of
Resurrection Anno Mundi (coram/year) begins.
38, 34—Dec 27
39, 35—Jan 3, A. D. 2021
40, 36—Jan 10, Anno Domini 2021
41, 37—Jan17, Year of (Our) Lord, 2021
42, 38—Jan 24
43, 39—Jan 31
44, 40—44 through 46, 40 through 42—Feb 7
45, 41—Feb 7
46, 42—Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall
not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive
back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’
(paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possible conceive’.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are
48, 44—Feb 21
49, 45—Feb 28
50, 46—Mar 7
51, 47—Mar 14
52, 48—Mar 21
53, 49—Mar 25
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first
Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in
Latin.PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins.
1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
[A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September
3 B/W+
[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16
23—Sept 23
24—September 30
25—October 7
26—Oct 14
27—Oct 21
28—October 28
4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart
43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24
The sequence above is correct, though the DATES ARE OFF
Summary of Jordan’s 49
Genesis Ruth Isaiah
Exodus Samuel Kings
Leviticus Psalms Jeremiah-Lam.
Numbers Job Ezekiel
Deuteronomy Proverbs Daniel
Joshua Song of Songs Esther
Judges Ecclesiastes The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for
reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system
makes sense.
Day 1: The Light of the Law given
(Genesis – Judges).
Day 2: The Firmament
People established as mediators (Ruth – Ecclesiastes).
Day 3: Land and Sea
(Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah – Twelve).
Day 4: The Governing
Light Established: The Wars of Numbers and Job: The Greater Son of Man
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of
God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The
Climax of the History of Israel (Daniel): These are the Apostles to the
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man
and Bride Established: Conquests of Joshua, this time in the world: Bride
(Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath:
Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the Twelve are answered at last. God’s
future comings (Thessalonians); the future of the Church (Timothy, Titus,
Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest (Hebrews).
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Genesis – ’aleph (thousand; cp. promise to Abraham)
Exodus – beth (house; in Exodus the Tabernacle is built)
Leviticus – gimel (ripen; or recompense, re-ward, requite)
Numbers – daleth (door, entrance; enter the holy land)
Deuteronomy – he (lo! behold!)
Joshua – vav (hook, nail)
Judges – zayin (weapon; God trains Israel to war)
Ruth – heth (living thing)
Samuel – teth (a winding; goodness?; mud)
Psalms – yodh (hand)
Job – kaph (palm)
Proverbs – lamedh (ox-goad; learn, study, teach; clearly
fits Proverbs)
Song of Songs – mem (water)
Ecclesiastes – nun (sprout, propagate, flour-ish, generate)
Isaiah – samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in)
Kings – ‘ayin (eye)
Jeremiah-Lamentations – pe (mouth; fits Je-remiah)
Ezekiel – tsaddi (related to "capture" and
"righteous"; both fit Ezekiel, the tsadiq)
Daniel – qoph (ape; eye of a needle)
Esther – resh (head)
The Twelve – shin (tooth, jaw)
Greater Chronicles – tav (sign, cross)
An anomaly:
Also: Evolution 2.0 (Marshall)
7 of John tabernacle for in womb after Personhood Day, after
birth and growth (ERH’s 12—[inherit] listen, read, learn, play, doubt
(critique/analyze) protest/witness, win, rule, teach, (bequeath),
[generations]), after death
12 of Symphony, ERH’s civil magistrate over-emphasize ‘out’
= war (e.g. corona virus, terror…)
'The poor' in America are richer than 99%+ of the world's
population has ever been, Chuck Gutenson. We're beneficiries, not Rene Girard
victims. Abundance Figure out why. Post it. Covetousness is a SIN.
Week 1, Part 3—
Research (Lectionary) For Week One Of Gospels Layer Of
Eternal Calendar*
*The Life OF Christ And Our Response
Matthew, timelines
First 2 of Jordan’s Biblical Chrononlogy at
Through page 12 of Ussher ‘Annals of the World’ (includes
all introductory material)
First 3 of ‘The 100
Most Important Events in Church History’
First 3 of Fuller’s Chronology of Science/Aftifacts in
‘Critical Path’
Chapter 5 (Revolutions of the West) in Gardner’s ‘Beyond
1/49 of “Out of Revolution’ Rosenstock
Rosenstock entry in ‘Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’
Universal History
1954 Dartmouth course lecture (listen or read transcript)
Mark, Business Servants
Deng of China, Wikipedia (?) Greatest Free Market Reforms
Ever In Any Large Country
Remember Gilder’s view that his directives wer vabue enough
to allowdaring innovation
Luke, 40 books
How does Hebrews show Jubilee Fulfilled, and How Apply that
John, Tabernacles (toward oath/imperative that starts is—see
Gardner above for examples)
[Psalms, Hebrew Cadence, later. Mountains of Time (liturgy
as it comes up 10-11-11-17)
Advolving—changing toward, thinking
Last 7 weeks, first 6, what since 1980. Proposals. 1--Great
conversions in South, Field, ‘Contagious Disciple Making, Justo Gonzalez,
2—China in business/state, Russia, ‘Abundance’ the book and ‘Bold’ and ‘The
Future is Faster than You Think’ 3—Biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore’s
Law, 4—FAANG, 5--ERH Universal History 1954 and 3 statements: ‘Any new
technology gives us larger spatial reach, shortens time it takes, and destroys
old groups’, and ‘Turning liabilities into assets is the mark of the Christian
Era’ and ‘The next social order is small, enthusiastic groups—tribes without
constant warpath. 6—Psalms tunes per Hebrew Cadence (Cascione) and Jordan’s
work(to monthly donors, in his computer)
CHH—Symphony of History after Total Christ (the 1o weeks
between that and BuildUp)
Imperative: 12 Days
Subjective: 12 Books (of Bible, maybe later others)
12-fold groups destroyed. 3—church, family, civil
magistrate—x4 failures (forward, revolution; in, mysticism; back, decadence;
out, war) intermeshed with individual and creational callings
Persons (You see we’re reversing ERH’s 3 from
Gardner)—players, composers, conductors I choose or imagine (Hat Tim: Steve
Allen ‘Meeting of the Minds’
Speech—see language commentary Week One) Oath-formed,
profitable, productive, small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg, after ERH
universal History 1954) POSSIBLY Use some CHH has proposed, but ‘solving’ for
failed groups destroyed
Week 2—
Second attempt
Week Two Critical Path 1000
Your 4 Questions: The Symphonic Method in Critical Path 1000
What are your 4 questions? (Initiations to get Responses,
forming IR—Hebrew for city/community).
This will begin the week of November 29, and
thinking/planning will continue through the 2 weeks of Total Christ, and the
first initiation will be in the week after Total Christ—NO! Start BEFORE. Each week will then have, alternatively, a
Response, and Initiation, etc. The 9th week will be Solos and the Conductor’s
Symphonic Summation. The purpose is to train Conductors also.
Before we get to more detail, let’s review the Gospels Layer
for this week.
Matthew (remembering to avoid the plague of forgetting), the
second 42nds of Fuller, ‘100.’ Ussher. Consider adding Barzun’s ‘Dawn to
Decadence,’ Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’ Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the
State,’ and Nisbets ‘History of the Idea of Progress’. We emphasize this week
The Symphonic Method.
Mark (business servants). MOONSHOOTERS. JFK’s ‘and on moon
and return safely to earth’. The billionaires doing it privately now.
Diamandis’ ‘moonshots’—Big Ideas and Plans.
Make a billion, help a billion. The literary precursors: Heinlein ‘The
Man Who Sold the Moon’. Add the short story ‘The Man W
ho Stole the Moon’—he leave NASA, goes back to Cleveland,
rises in the mob, and they make a ‘Vegas’. Van Rijn. Flynn’s ‘In the Country of
the Blind turns societal mathematics into music.
Luke (Jubilee—how does this book show its fulfillment,
applied?). 49 books, JBJ. This week: Titus.
Remember that as we go through this ‘novel’ in a year
(coram) the total is revealed, bit-by-bit.
John: Tabernacles. Remember from Week One: Simple: First
two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies and
groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in
land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in
world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths
and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7. These would
initially be some of what CHH has thought before: Godparents For Eldsters,
Psalm tunes by Hebrew Cadence, Christian Courts Teach Billions To Pray Better,
this Critical Path 1000, The Symphonic Method, Incorporating the Axial Age by
names of days, etc. But the Big Imperative now is corona virus Covid-19, and
response. Get to your own imperatives. 7 IMPERATIVES
OK, back to The Symphonic Method in Critical Path 1000.
Simple—a whole universe, and you answer your own, respond to your own
initiative also. Self-consciousness. Growing, later.
Doug Roorda has also suggested ERH’s 4 fronts. In, Out,
Forward, Back.
E.T. Hall has a 10x10 in ‘The Silent Language’.
Let’s add those to the 3 oath-formed institutions. Church,
Marriage/Family, State/King/Civil Magistrate.
Forward, In, Back, Out is the sequence of ERH. If bad,
forward becomes Revolution. (CHH favors advolution, Aristotle’s Final Cause,
the end use of the structure.
Others’ not good: In--mysticism, back—decadence, out—war. I
would correct with advolve forward, the poem inward*, back--(see Matthew and
Luke above), Out—see ‘Contagious Disciple Making’.
The 4 Question could follow, respectively, John, Luke (49),
Mark, Matthew. Or maybe the first word of the Bible B-R-SH-T: Something to do
with House, Head, Eat (Fang), Cross respectively.
*GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
And as we are torn in the present between the past and future, the in and out,
our howls become music, and we the singing song. The hero is one between times,
the first sufferer, the protagonist Helping Explicitly Reconcile Opposites—In
Necessary Exigencies
An interesting historical vignette from B. Fuller's 'Critical
Path' is that in 1600 Elizabeth I and others organized the British East India
company for private profit, but this 'state's' ships protected it, thus a
'public-private partnership' or what we would call today socializing the costs,
privatizing the profits. But that's only descriptive--to get things done, what
levers are the. E. g. going to the moon.
Or maybe restraint is the key. Waiting. 'This country is
only formed for a religious people' Sabbath, etc.
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman
April 20, Anno Domini 2020
Sardis YMM!!!, Titus Sheba, EphesusCoram781
Bonus: Get to the imperative. Run ‘Coronavirus’ as
Transcendence in Bull’s 7, end with 7 IMPERATIVES at Succession. That’s what’s
missing, the imperative, start with His, end with yours.
Helping Billions Week
2 April 19 AD 2020
My post this week about Generational Wealth and Gospels
Layers of eternal calendar and The Symphonic Method (Principia Operatica) will
include 'conquering'/'incorporating'/'eating' into our 7/week/sheba the
institutions of the Axial Age, when Israel was in Exile, set up for us for our
Calendars are important. Consider how we may have
incorporated Greek,
Roman, Norse gods/planets into our week. List the orbs by
closest to earth. 1--moon, 2--Venus, 3--Mercury, 4--Sun, 5--Mars, 6--Jupiter,
7--Saturn. Then start at 7 and go 124,
Sun(day). 4, 5671, Moon, Monday, etc. (2 and 3 are switched).
Theologian James Jordan sees this retuning by 5 in
Revelation 5:12-7:12, The Ascension.
Hundreds, thousands of years from now, we'll conquer Axial
Age institutions, using Rosenstock's work, to get AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia,
AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, GreekTheaterOperaDia, NotYetDia. See
'Christian Future, and Cross of Reality.
Right now I have KOLYmmm!!, SardisYmmm!!, 8531642, retuning
the retuning and flipping it. (Later retunings make no Kol is a
Hebrew/English work. GodTrinity 'kio'ed at Sinai.
Matthew—when Israel sinned a little, wanting some Philistine
culture, GodTrinity put them total under the Philistines, just as with land
laws and Exile. So, to solve societal ‘forgetting/’Alzheimer’s, let’s remember!
In ‘The 100 Most Significant Events in Church History’ we’re
up to Tertullian, who is one of Justo Gonzalez’ 3—legal. He coined
In Fuller’s chronology, he claims the Phoenicians invented
phonetic language. Ezra Pound related this shift from ideographic language to
phonetic to Babel. Buy ‘Critical Path’
Ussher is on its way.
I’ll include 5 anomalies. This week
Cremo, who specializes in Out Of Place artifactS (OOPS!), fossils and such
found in the wrong temporal layers in archeology. ‘Forbidden Archeology’.
Mark—Let’s say Henry Ford, famous in ‘Brave New World’—after Ford dating, and
Fuller’s greatest artist of the 20th century.
Luke—we continue with
John—we anticipate ‘tabernacles’/Bull’s Bible structures in
history. More later, bu we do see it in
liturgy and in PV/TBOTMOFA/TC in this layer of eternal calendar.
Week 3-
Week 3, Second Attempt
Week Three Should We Pray for the Godfather?
MARK. YES. We should
Pray for the Godfather.This week in Mark, Business Servants, we remember FAANG.
Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netrflix, and Google all started relatively recently,
and make up a significant 15% of the S & P 500, which is considered a proxy
for the whole American economy. Add to this other significant recent activity
such as Gilder’s ‘Life After Google, ’
Blockchain, Money 2.0 encrypted currencies and you have something out of
‘Abundance,’ great wealth creation.
Previous Business Servants were Deng (greatest move toward a
free market in any major country in
history) and MOONSHOOTERS. Bullinger says Mark is about ‘servant,’ and
Rosenstock says Mark is addressed to Empires, where business was starting to be
emphasized in markets.
First Timothy 2: 1-4 applies to these ‘gone bad’.
Rockefeller is next week, Week Four. ‘McMafia’ claims that 20% of World
Economic Product is ‘organized crime’. Rothbard and other libertarians claim
that ‘government’ economic activity should be SUBTRACTED from GDP! (This has
some relevance pro and con in an economy in which 25% are unemployed, there’s
SNAP, and social security, etc.) Also see Fuller, in ‘Critical Path’—much work
is unnecessary, and it’d be better, he says, to pay what we’d now call a
universal basic income –very high—and let those who do significant (I almost
typed sign if I can (t)) work do so as an honor.
One of the 12 ofsppeg might be a group to turn bad-gone, who
are servants of He-Who-Ordains-All, though they don’t know it.
MATTHEW. We’ll add such as Berman’s ‘Law and Revolution,’
Barzun’s ‘Dawn to decadence,’ Rosenstock’s “Out of Revolution,’ Nisbet’s
‘History of the Idea of Progress,’ an Creveld’s ‘Rise and Decline of the
State,’ with ‘Timetables of History’ to our 42nds reading in future years, just
as we Psalms, (several run throughs) and
the 51 prophecies of Jeremiah (Bullinger).
But for this coram/year (celebration of resurrection anno
mundi) we have only the third 42nds of the history of science and technology in
‘Critical Path’ and the history of the church in ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History.
Matthew starts with a genealogy and ends with a command—disciples make
disciples, and have influence.
Fuller’s list goes from 900 B. C. rustproof iron in India, to 220 B. C. Archimedes many discoveries A
key to Greek thinking was the 350 B. C.
adoption of a 24-letter alphabet. (Explore this!)
In Christian History we have Origen C. 205, Cyprian On the
History of the Church’) and Anthony beginning his life as a hermit.
LUKE is First Timothy. We name the weeks (shebas) as we do
the years (corams) as a re-retuned backward. The weeks by books in heptad, the
years by churches in Revelation. We respond.
JOHN. We emphasize covenant structures in history.
Neo-historicism. At the end of 42, we find the structure since 1980 (Fuller and
‘100’ end there). So far we are thinking this: Remember from Week One: Simple:
First two—The pace of technological change is accelerating, causing hierarchies
and groups to be destroyed. Ethics in garden/church—gone south. Ethics in
land/king—Jesus not king, except for a country in Africa. Ethics in
world/prophet—we can do better (blockchain -> currencies encrypted?). Oaths
and Sanctions—small, enthusiastic groups, we pray. Succession—7. These would
initially be some of what CHH has thought before: Godparents For Eldsters,
Psalm tunes by Hebrew Cadence, Christian Courts Teach Billions To Pray Better,
this Critical Path 1000, The Symphonic Method, Incorporating the Axial Age by
names of days, etc. But the Big Imperative now is corona virus Covid-19, and
response. Get to your own imperatives. 7 IMPERATIVES.
We will do a Symphony starting the sheba before Total
Christ’s 2 weeks.
Remember that as we go through this ‘novel’ in a year
(coram) the total is revealed, bit-by-bit.
Other thoughts this week include what follows.
Amazon $10,000 a second, 24/7/65 per Kim Komando? But, like
Rockefeller, gone bad, Gates?
How avoid the going bad?
$10,000 a second? Amazon’s results could be amazing
That would be up nearly 22% on the same quarter last year,
and works out as sales of $10,000 every second, day and night. Sales at Amazon
had already been increasing, but analysts at Bank of .
Put in other calendars (remnants of social orders) such as Dan
Spencer’s, recapitulated in liturgy. God’s 5-step. Per Jordan.
We don't command because it's 'true speech,' our life put
behind our words. We fear.
If we initiate (a command), and no one responds (obeys), we
don't have an 'IR" Initiation-Response.
"IR' is Hebrew for city, I think--community.
Bur if we only discuss in the declarative, we can maintain
some semblance of (FALSE!) community. JBJ: Our evangelism/discipling should be
inviting (into life, Rich, etymologically) into community. His phrasing describes
a condition, and issues a command. 'Crisis, Opportunity...'
'The world is looking for someone to command
them'--paraphrase of Jay Abraham.
Without the imperative, there is no future' Rich Bledsoe
from ERH.
Chuck 'working toward best command timing in Critical Path
1000' Hartman
Well, in worship you are killed (self-consciously) and made
alive. Kneeling for confession and being cleansed by authoritative declaration
of forgiveness is proleptic, a small that is part (and image, microchron) of a
And, both/and each is and we are cut up and put back
together again, transformed for battle, sent forth to do.
I'm Lutheran, but 'Ite, missa est' is good (Roman Catholic,
Go, you are sent out'). Matthew 28 is
good at the end.
For Psalm 117, with coda of 150:6, use the instruments named
in Psalm 150to mark transitions from 5 (high, Praise!). 6 (middle Praisers) and 7 (low note Praised).
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard (Chuck) ‘Command!) Hartman
Sardis YMM!!!, First Timothy, EphesusCoram781 April 26, Anno
Domini 2020
Helping Billions Layers of Eternal Calendar Week 3 April 26
Note: Somewhere I have JBJ’s 146 Psalms, and Summaries, etc.
put onto this calendar and Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies from Bullinger, likewise
Week 4 will have ‘The 53s’—items for each week/sheba of the
The 53s
Weeks forward
Weeks backward re-retuned
Business Servants
Jeremiah’s Prophecies
Days of each week
PV 1s by 1234567
TBOTMOFA 4s by 4152637
Both TCs 8s by 8531642
‘What will your verse be?’ Music and History
ERH: Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's theater.
Combined: Principia Operatica. Quote by James A. Garfield (President? I know it
was added later) at beginning of reprint of Ussher mentions music. It's great!
And: What Will Your Verse Be?
In a single monologue "Dead Poets" made me
understand what holds life together. The truly meaningful experiences we have
and the extraordinary people we meet over the course of our lives are the
biggest influences to inspire our paths (or our “song”) Video: 'What will your
verse be?'
Chuck 'poiema' Eph. 2' Hartman
Curing 'Alzheimer's' theologically
Medical cures abound, and more will arrive. Dr. Sears, $199
is the latest. Angel and Assassin (microgiia). The End of Alzheimer's.
But the key is that God punishes a little sin, often, Deo
Volente, by giving 'us' the whole thing. You want a little Philistine culture,
here's being totally under the Philistines. Same with land laws--I'll remove
you from what land I've given you. (I have a theologial solution to Axial Age
institutions that arose during Exile--like our days of week eat the old Roman,
Greek, Norse gods/planets.)
So, to remember a lot (He's showing us the result of not
wanting to remember a little) remember, remember!
So I have Bucky Fuller's scientific history, that I put on
the Jubilee Calendar, along with Ussher (lost for hundreds of years) and
'...100 Most Significant...Church', and we do 1/49 a week.
Jubilee Calendar (Luke 4) from JBJ's 'Rethinking...' work.
Add timelines from genealogy--command inclusios, business
servants from Mark through Bullinger/ERH, and tabernacles (7s) from writing the
liturgy 1011-11-17 onto the 49, re-retuned and backward, and forward.Stick
Jeremiah's 51 prophecies on (Bullinger) and Psalms, twicewith commentaries, and
you've got another layer of eternal calendar--the life of Christ and our
But sin is too soon or too late. This is too soon. Do it
after I'm dead, son Tom curates.
I'll cash.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'conduct a symphonic history' Hartman
If the coronavirus is like the Black Death, in @100 years,
there'll be a new Reformation.. Same for dementia. Those who continue to
endeavor during crises emerge afterwards with more.
After the Black Death came the Reformation.
I'm Getting Ready To Help People Locally (Welcome Home
Heroes), encouraging 1 Timothy 2:1-4, and continuing my calling--additional
layers of eternal calendar, the life of Christ and our response. John 21:25.
These can be accessed at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
I try to keep weeks ahead.
It's elaborate.
It's Sheldrake (it'll be easier for others later) and
Girardean (these next will 'kill' me because they'll do it better.
I like the Matthew starting with genealogies and ending with
a command (make disciple genealogies?) and I use Fuller's artifacts history
from 'Critical Path' and 'the 100 Most Important Events in Church History, and
Ussher (with an anomaly per week)
Do a little liking of Philistine culture and GodTrinity puts
you completely under them, same with not obeying the land laws--Exile.
I try to remember, because not wanting to remember, doe it
give us the plague of Alzheimer's and worse--though medical knowledge is now
making ALZ much more voluntary. Read 'the End of Alzheimer's' and 'The
Angel and the Assassin.
They are startling. So is 'The Future
is Faster than You Think'.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Isaiah 65:20' Hartman
George Gilder/Jack Ma—Alibaba
I reference Jordan’s
GREAT work on ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament:
He writes:
‘Genesis Ruth Isaiah
Exodus Samuel Kings
Leviticus Psalms Jeremiah-Lam.
Numbers Job Ezekiel
Deuteronomy Proverbs Daniel
Joshua Song of Songs Esther
Judges Ecclesiastes The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for
reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system
makes sense.
Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).
Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth –
Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah –
Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers
and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to
Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel
(Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of
Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the
Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future
of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
I retune the retuning of each of the 7, 1234567 to 4152637
(to get our days, from planets/gods), and flip and include earth
(epistemologically self-conscious) to 8531642, days of week and years.
If Jesus was born, for calendar purposes on Anno Mundi (year
of the world) 3930, plus an 80 year delay (which frequently happens—God goes
away and awaits our response), then A. D. 70 was 4080 AM, and A. D. 2020 adds
1950 years, so 4080 + 1950 is 6030, divided by 7 is 861 heptads of years done,
plus years, and start the
fourth—KOL—Kol, Octave, Laodicea--, Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia,
Thyatira, Smyrna. This is Ephesus Coram
More later on:
Add to the 6—new stuff since @1980—
This is a good idea
I'd use a word that differs from 'happy'--healthy, wealthy,
What would make you happy about what I do?
Chuck 'et mohar' metahesized is 'market' Hartman
Week 4—
Week 4, poem
Neat poem re: Week Four anomaly(Please note that what this
tries to do is remember, so that as we seem to want to forget a little, God
won't send us a Great Forgetting--compare a little Philistine culture liked and
He puts us totall under the Philistines, and similar action re: land laws
disregardment and Exile)
not both the one
and the other
both the one
and the other
Thus the Sheffer stroke and Chalcedon are in Big Chalcedon
Matthew has conversion of Constantine, Council of Nicea, Athanasius' letter
recognizing New Testament Canon in '100'
In 'Fuller' it's from 200 B.C. Phoenicians circumnavigate
earth, to A. D.529 Closing of all universities--many entries
How does First Thessalonians affirm and apply the
fulfillment of Jubilee from Luke 4?
Business Servant is John D. Rockefeller, and points to the
question of how they go bad and what
small, enthusiastic group can counteract it.
The tabernacle, echoing John, would seem to have its
imperative transcendence in that surrounding the virus. For Chuck, it's additional income online.
We're working both our days off, so this is short.
Chuck 'Critical Path 1000' Hartman
Monday, March 4, A. D. 2020 Jesus All Times Dia, First
Thessalonians Sheba, EpheseusCoram871
It'll be much simpler when this starts on April 12
Resurrection/Easter, Deo Volente/Lord willing.
HostA1085 The 53s and Week 4 First in June 2020 Critical
Path 1000
Anomaly 3 after millions of years and gaps:
Charlie Pinero to Ancient Knowledge
15 hrs ·
Ryan Bohlender, a statistical geneticist at the University
of Texas in Houston, reported the findings at an annual meeting of the American
Society of Human Genetics on Oct. 20, 2016.
According to Ancient Origins, a computer analysis suggested
that the unidentified ancestral hominid species that researchers discovered is
unlikely to be either Neanderthal or Denisovan. Because these are the only two
known predecessors of humankind at this point, that conclusion is remarkable.
“We’re missing a population or we’re misunderstanding
something about the relationships,” said Bohlender.
Interesting huh? 🧐🤓
I’ll add divisions of Fuller’s history of technology,
Ussher, and ‘100 Most Important’ later. Remember that these will only ONLY
continue through @ 1980, then we add 6 weeks of since 1980 in both church
(liturgical method) and scientific method, and the last week is 7 of each that
it is TIME to focus on NOW. We also play/compose and ‘Opera’ of the Symphonic
Method, starting after Total Christ, giving ourselves 10 weeks to come up with
‘small, enthusiasticgroups, oath-formed, profitable productive’. The whole is a
prayer, a ‘Critical Path (the next) 1000 (years).
I think this is EphesusCoram862, on the basis of Jordan’s
chronology that Jesus would have been born in 99 Anno Mundi (AM), but there was
a Delay of 80 years, so it was 4010 AM, and A. D. 70 was then 4080 AM, and
(taking the liberty of starting all at Easter) 2020 + 4080 = 6100, divided by
7, gives 871, remainder , starting 4th, so KolCoram, SardisCoram,
PergamosCoram, EhpesusCoram. The next
will be PhiladelphiaCoram, then Thyatira, and finally Smyrna—then we start with
872. Years and days are deliberately same-named.
Psalms, and Jeremiah Prophecies aren’t ready yet, and
anomalies and business servants are ‘abuilding,’ but here go the numbers/names
of weeks/shebas (7, oath). Names of days are also KOLYmm!!!?, Sunday,
AlreadyDia, book, SardisYmm!!!/Monday, JesusAllTimesDia, book,
ThyatiraYmm!!!/Friday/GreekTheater-God’s OperaDia/book,
SmyrnaYmm!!!/Saturday/NotYetDia/book. This is explained elsewhere. I’ll need to get a calendar out.
All weeks/shebas begin on KOLYmm!!!/Sunday/AlreadyDia/book.
Each week/sheba will have a history portion, 1/49 fo
Fuller’s technology history from ‘Critical Path’, 1/49 of ‘The 10 0 Most
Important Dates in Church History,’ and 1/49 of Ussher’s ‘Annals of the
World’. This is the Matthew portion.
I’ve only done the first few. None are in the holishebas (holidays, mountains
in time) of Public Vindication, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival
Assemboy, and the two of Total Christ.
Matthew layer of eternal calendar is a esponse to the plague
of forgetting, that God may have brought us because we forgot a little. The Israelites wanted a little Philistine culture,
he put them under the Philistines. Same with land laws not observed and Exile.
The Mark portion is business servants. Building.
The Luke portion is putting this into 49s, as
The John portion is the tabernacles in time God builds, as
he does tabernacles (see Bull’s works) in the Bible. For instance, one is
struck by an imperative, Day 1, and continues on, as in liturgy and scientific
method (Newton’s apple).
1--April 12, A.D. 2020 17 of Ussher, the first 3 of both
Fuller, and ‘100’. Anomaly, ‘millions of years. Elizabeth I and British East
India, 1600.
2—April 19, Anno Domini 2020 Anomaly, gaps in chronologies.
Henry Ford (Fuller’ greatest artist of 20th century)
3—April 26, Year of the Lord, 2020 Anomaly, various other
homo sapiens, 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago. Deng Xiao Ping, ‘greatest free
market change big country in history’: North.
4—May 3
5—May 10
6—May 17
7—May 24
8—May 31
9—June 7
10—June 14 (Daily Countdown 49-1, 49-29 ends after week 10)
11—Public Vindication (1s, b7 1234567) June 21
12—June 28 (Daily names of days, by books--8531642 continues
through week 46, using 28-1, 49-1 continuing)
13—July 5
14—July 12
15—July 19
16—July 26
17—August 2
18—August 9
19—August 16
20—August 23
21—August 30
22—September 6
23—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of
Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
24—Sep 20
25—Sep 27
26—Oct 4
27—Oct 11
28—Oct 18
29—Oct 25
30—Nov 1
31—Nov 8
32—Nov 15
33—Nov 22
34—Nov 29
35—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
36—Dec 1 (Total Christ Two, 8s by 851642)
37—December 20 (Opera by Symphonic Method begins, through
week before Countdown, the last 7 before a new Celebration of Resurrection Anno
Mundi (coram/year) begins.
38—Dec 27
39—Jan 3, A. D. 2021
40—Jan 10, Anno Domini 2021
41—Jan17, Year of (Our) Lord, 2021
42—Jan 24
43—Jan 31
44—44 through 46—Feb 7
45—Feb 7
46—Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not
cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at
where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and
“God is greater than we can possible conceive’.
47—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49
48—Feb 21
49—Feb 28
50—Mar 7
51—Mar 14
52—Mar 21
53—Mar 25
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the
first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.PhiladelphiaCoram
871 begins.
No, I'm a total history guy. As I told Jason Nelson, 'left'
in the past has often been 'right; and vice versa. Eugene Debs vs. WWI is an
example, Tulsi in this election cycle, Often it takes a Nixon to open up China
and a Carter to eliminate CAB, etc. But
as I mentioned to Jim Rohret, is the statement true? I favor 3 steps here and
now: Get Ready To Help People Locally, pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4, and do your
calling (the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult
to replace). That's additional (Gospels) layers of eternal calendar--the life
of Christ and our response. Fuller's history of science/artifacts helps with
the inclusios (ends of chiasm) in Matthew, which starts with a genealogy and
ends with a command (make more...?) The obvious is the hardest to see, often.
Chuck Gutenson
It's difficult to get people to grow gardens, though 40% of
food in America during WWII was grown there, and much in USSR, and bees need
habitats. Presuppositions are idols.
If you can find it, Lafferty's short story 'What Was the
Name of that Town' tells of lost memory of a traumatic incident, and the
recovery of memory, for a time.
Velikovsky's (!!!) books 'Worlds in Collision' and 'Earth in
Upheaval' as well as 'Mankind in Amnesia' tell of his research, the first in
ancient texts, the second in 'science only' about the now-known electrical
universe and his now-standard views, for instance of the hotness of Venus.
V. was a psychiatrist first, and worried that we human race
who had been subject to such great cataclysms, would, as an abused child
becomes abuser, wreak cataclysms.
Dear Ones and Groups:
That'd be valuable. History of discovery of 92+ elements
It's in Fuller's 'Critical Path'
Discovery in peace time, no discovery, but use, in war time.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'essential infrastructure' Hartman
PS: If we're stopped, we're to show 'em our ID card.
[Leave this 92+elements history of discovery and Psalms and
Jeremiah for later.]
[Both/and centralization/decentralization—Chalcedon, Sheffer
Stroke. Both/and. Supposedly the Sheffer Stroke (Harvard guy) could produce all
the Russell and Whitead Principia Mathematica operators. 'Not both the one and
the other' And, Or, Not, If and only if, If then.
But we hold to both/and--Chalcedon, etc. Very God of very
God, very man of very man, without confusion, etc.
So, it's Berman (administrative law will overturn the legal
tradition of the
West) vs. Mises (impossibility of calculation in
Socialism). North goes with Mises, FWIW.
So does Gilder--market precedes law. JBJ mentioned something
about that when he opined that case laws
had precedents before Sinai/Moses.
Weeks forward
Weeksbackward re-retuned
Business Servants
Jeremiah’s Prophecies
Days of each week
PV 1s by 1234567
TBOTMOFA 4s by 4152637
Both TCs 8s by 8531642
And Rich, cities were founded--first ones--around book
copying places
St. Patrick
From ‘How the Irish Saved Western Civilization'
Chuck 'next 1000 years' Hartman
Week 5—
Week 5 Actual
Week 5 Philemon
Matthew--Fuller from 1144, paper used in Japan, to 1270,
pivoted magnetic compass and from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian
History we go from Jerome completes the Vulgate in 405 to the Council of Chalcedon
in 451.
Mark’s business servant in Knights Hospitaler, formed to
protect pilgrims, degenerating over the centuries, but inaugurating many
financial reforms.
How does Philemon show the Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4) and
what is the application of that fulfillment?
John—what tabernacle is starting. I propose financing of
time pilgrims per John Warwick Montgomery’s article in Christianity Today of
May 10, 1968. Can degeneration be avoided?
Anomaly—try ‘How Do You Know God Exists>’ from the book
of that title.
There’s much more to write about and explain, but were I to
die tonight, someone should take over. It’s all on Facebook, in my computer, or
at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Son to,
systems analyst, is my curator. An entrepreneurially-minded member of your
congregation might want to help monetize the scientific method (completer)
and/or Critical Path 10000, Gospels Layer of eternal calendar—life of Christ
and our response.
Much of my thinking is working toward getting oath-formed
small, profitable productive, enthusiastic groups, starting @ Week 35.
More will be transcribed from my notes. We’re working 12
hours a day, 7 days a week. I’ll get something online too.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical Path 1000’ Hartman
PS: Books of DAY go down 49-1 until Public Vindication
mountain/holiday, and then go 8531642 until Build Up—after Eliot/Anselm
Time—when BuildUp goes 1-49. This will be the order of speaking in the
Symphony, whose 49th initiation is ‘How will you show the life of Christ and our
response from your book?’.
PPS: The order of books of WEEK is backwards from 49, and
8531642 in each groups of 7.
Week 5 May 10 Preliminary Critical Path 1000
Books needed: Fuller ‘Critical Path’, Ussher ‘Annals of
World’. ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History. Additional layers
of eternal calendar. Matthew—starts
genealogy, ends command (make timelines). Mark (need 49 Business Servants).
Luke (on 49-book Bible—Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament,,
John (tabernacles in history). Weeks are named from 49-book Bible, backward,
and re-retuned. Other patterns help. Week 5 is Philemon (see below).
Matthew—Fuller 642-1118, ‘100’ Jerome/Patrick/Chalcedon;
Mark (need a Business Servant), Luke—Philemon (1-49 runs parallel),
John—Coronavirus smites, starting tabernacle.
On all this I’d comment that Fuller ignores ‘and the
sone/filioque) which is a key to Western liberty, being more fully Trinitarian.
The East held that the Spirit proceeded only from the Father, Rushdoony holds
that this led to strongman governing. Our ‘Continuity of Government in uSA is
strongman, we’ve failed to teach filioque.
More next week, and more succinct and calendrical at Easter.
Church year developed over 2000 years, scientific method (Berman) since @ 1000
with scholastics. I’m adding, it’ll take after I’m dead.
1—Find Psalms and Jeremiah Prophecies, toward Hebrew Cadence
2--Add the Ussher, ‘100’ and Fuller to each week
3—It’ll be simpler when it happens
4—49 anomalies, 49 business servants
5—Import 5, etc. from Week 4
5—JBJ 49 in there
6--You need these 3 books
7—Montgomery ‘How do we know…?”
8—Start 1980-2020
9—Start—Next 7 church and science
10—Start Symphony—Opus 54, from Opus 53?
11—Other calendars, and DRH’s ‘remnants of previous social
Build a tabernacle, starting with this time God has spoken
as a Transcendant Imperative, a la Mike Bull in the Bible, and now God'sOpera.
(ERH says symphony of history, RJR says God's Theater is history).
Chuck 'Critical Path 1000 starts April 12' Hartman
(This is someone else’s) In reply: Whatever is approximately
true of the world-wide quarantine and shut down, I believe in an ultimate
sense, God is giving us a world-wide time of reflection, prayer, reorientation,
repentance. We are at an end, and at a beginning. It is marked both literally,
and theologically, by virus. A virus is a malignant pathogen that has no self,
no center, no self definition, and it can only exist by invading the DNA of a
cell that previously had an identity. The immune system of the world has been
lowered by the erosion in old age of the past age (approximately 500 years).
The era of the Reformation/Enlightenment is weary, old, and full ready to be
attacked by invading viruses. Leftism has become and devolved to a world-wide
What happens in America, as the most dominant nation-state
in the world, happens in the world. Reagan was raised up (along with Thatcher
and JP-II) to defeat Communism. Trump has been raised up to bring an end to an
era, raise resistance world-wide, to the vague, anarchical virus left (that is
without identity or self differentiation, and survives by being a parasite
inside of previously healthy cells). Trump is Sampson at the end of Judges
("...and Sampson BEGAN to deliver Israel..."). The Judges were
followed by monarchy. I predict that the global monarchy of Jesus Christ will
begin to be visible in the following number of decades.
Not only are cities going to become central in a new way,
but I think nation-states may begin also to find a new birth, with cities
inside of nation-states also finding new identities under the King. This may
happen for some by going further back in their own history to find a new
future. What if France's identity as the home of Enlightenment and the French
Revolution, rediscovered her identity in Joan of Arc, who initially gave her
the status of a kingdom.
In the mean-time, our teatotaling Sampson, with weird hair,
is carrying on a sanitation battle with the two dark places where the virus of
sick modernity seems to dwell: in the power houses of propaganda in the press
and media, and the damp, dark, wetness of the bureaucratic swamp.
In the mean-time, I thank God for a time of fasting from
life (and perhaps food) and reflection and prayer.
I wrote: May I put this into my Week 5 Preliminary
work. I'm trying for another layer of
eternal calendar, the Gospels layer. I put it all on Jim's 49-book Bible (Luke
4), with various timelines (inclusios of Matthew) and business servants (ERH:
Mark was to Empires, whence we got business, Bullinger 'servant) and John is a
tour of the tabernacle, and I stick a liturgy which is tabernacle- building in.
It's difficult. I'll have time to be more succinct after I
work through it.
Love in King Jesus,
1--April 12, A.D. 2020 17 of Ussher, the first 3 of both
Fuller, and ‘100’. Anomaly, ‘millions of years. Elizabeth I and British East
India, 1600.
2—April 19, Anno Domini 2020 Anomaly, gaps in chronologies.
Henry Ford (Fuller’ greatest artist of 20th century)
3—April 26, Year of the Lord, 2020 Anomaly, various other
homo sapiens, 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago. Deng Xiao Ping, ‘greatest free
market change big country in history’: North.
4—May 3
5—May 10
6—May 17
7—May 24
8—May 31
9—June 7
10—June 14 (Daily Countdown 49-1, 49-29 ends after week 10)
11—Public Vindication (1s, b7 1234567) June 21
12, 11—June 28 (Daily names of days, by books--8531642
continues through week 46, using 28-1, 49-1 continuing)
13, 12—July 5
14, 13—July 12
15, 14—July 19
16, 15—July 26
17, 16—August 2
18, 17—August 9
19, 18—August 16
20, 19—August 23
21,20—August 30
22. 21—September 6
23—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of
Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
24, 22—Sep 20
25, 23—Sep 27
26, 24—Oct 4
27, 25—Oct 11
28, 26—Oct 18
29, 27—Oct 25
30, 28—Nov 1
31, 28—Nov 8
32, 30—Nov 15
33, 31—Nov 22
34, 32—Nov 29
35—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
36—Dec 1 (Total Christ Two, 8s by 851642)
37, 33 December 20 (Opera by Symphonic Method begins,
through week before Countdown, the last 7 before a new Celebration of
Resurrection Anno Mundi (coram/year) begins.
38, 34—Dec 27
39, 35—Jan 3, A. D. 2021
40, 36—Jan 10, Anno Domini 2021
41, 37—Jan17, Year of (Our) Lord, 2021
42, 38—Jan 24
43, 39—Jan 31
44, 40—44 through 46, 40 through 42—Feb 7
45, 41—Feb 7
46, 42—Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall
not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive
back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’
(paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possible conceive’.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are
48, 44—Feb 21
49, 45—Feb 28
50, 46—Mar 7
51, 47—Mar 14
52, 48—Mar 21
53, 49—Mar 25
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the
first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in
Latin.PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins.
1—Apr 8
2—Apr 15
3—Apr 22
1st Timothy
4—Apr 29
1 Thess
5—May 6
6--May 13
2 Tim.
7—May 20
2 Thess.
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 27
9—Jun 3
10—June 10
[A—June 17, PV]
2. Cor
[A—June 17, PV]
11—June 24
12—July 1
13—July 8
14—July 15
1 Corinthians
2 B/W+
15—July 22
3 John
16—July 29
17—August 5
1 Peter
18—August 12
1 John
19—Aug 19
2 John
20—Aug 26
2 Peter
21—Sep 2 [B—September
3 B/W+
[B—September 9, TBOT-MOFA]]
22—September 16
23—Sept 23
24—September 30
25—October 7
26—Oct 14
27—Oct 21
28—October 28
4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—Nov 4
The Twelve
30—Nov 11
31—Nov 18
32—Nov 25
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
[TC #1—Dec 2 TC #2—Dec 9]
33—Dec 16
34—Dec 23
35—December 30
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 6
37—Jan 13
38—January 20
39—January 27
40—Feb 3 [EAT]
41—Feb 3
42 Feb 3
[EAT] Ruth
6 B/W+
Pure in heart
43—Feb 10
44—Feb 17
45—Feb 24
46—March 3
47—Mar 10
48—Mae 17
49—Mar 24
The sequence above is correct, though the DATES ARE OFF
Genesis Ruth Isaiah
Exodus Samuel Kings
Leviticus Psalms Jeremiah-Lam.
Numbers Job Ezekiel
Deuteronomy Proverbs Daniel
Joshua Song of Songs Esther
Judges Ecclesiastes The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for
reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system
makes sense.
Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).
Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth –
Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah –
Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers
and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to
Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel
(Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of
Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the
Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future
of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Genesis – ’aleph (thousand; cp. promise to Abraham)
Exodus – beth (house; in Exodus the Tabernacle is built)
Leviticus – gimel (ripen; or recompense, re-ward, requite)
Numbers – daleth (door, entrance; enter the holy land)
Deuteronomy – he (lo! behold!)
Joshua – vav (hook, nail)
Judges – zayin (weapon; God trains Israel to war)
Ruth – heth (living thing)
Samuel – teth (a winding; goodness?; mud)
Psalms – yodh (hand)
Job – kaph (palm)
Proverbs – lamedh (ox-goad; learn, study, teach; clearly
fits Proverbs)
Song of Songs – mem (water)
Ecclesiastes – nun (sprout, propagate, flour-ish, generate)
Isaiah – samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in)
Kings – ‘ayin (eye)
Jeremiah-Lamentations – pe (mouth; fits Je-remiah)
Ezekiel – tsaddi (related to "capture" and
"righteous"; both fit Ezekiel, the tsadiq)
Daniel – qoph (ape; eye of a needle)
Esther – resh (head)
The Twelve – shin (tooth, jaw)
Greater Chronicles – tav (sign, cross)
Week 6—
The Dartmouth Recorders Week Six
In Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ he mentions those who recorded
Rosenstock’s lectures at Dartmouth.
Russell Keep, Leon Martel, and thirdly ‘a few others’. These lectures
will be instrumental in doing good business world-wide, as they spread his
thought. His grandchildren blessed him.
More later. Long hours. But remember how seemingly small
actions can have large consequences.
‘Critical Path 1000’ will continue the Gospels Layer of the
eternal calendar of the life of Christ and our response (an ERHism), or to use
an ERH naming ‘He Who Reversed The Trend’.
Matthew continues Fuller’s chronology, the above is Markean
‘business servants.’ Luke asks how the book
2 Timothy shows The Jubilee
fulfilled, and the fulfillment applied ‘for our admonition (plus),’ and John
asks ‘What is the Transcendent imperative since@1980?’. Some say peak oil, others increase is
biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore’s Law, others say significant
theological and other work, one could mention FAANG (15% of market, just
recently formed), ‘Life after Google,’ etc., but I would hold out for a
formulation like unto Rosenstock’s—‘Any new technology increase our spatial
reach, decreases the time it takes, and destroys old groups,’ along with his
mention in Universal History 1984 that the next social order will be ‘small
enthusiastic groups’—tribes without perpetual warfare, as nation-states are
empires without institutional slavery, and the Church was Israel without
A symphonic method in ‘Critical Path 1000’ attempts to help
find these, founded on rue speech, being ‘oath-formed’. A prayer.
Charles Howard Hartman EphesusCoram871, PergamosYMM!!! May
20, A.D. 2020
PS: Also posting at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor
Week 7—
After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly
debunking much This is not necessarily
I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since
1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A
Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as
does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.
But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal
calendar, 'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the
My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard,
Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and
destroys old groups.
Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance,
the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.
This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary
Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.
My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's
worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine,
it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens,
2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.
3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on
seeds for gardening. Food.
4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at
which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the
eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal
History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an
example of The Symphonic Method.
These are posted on Facebook and at
HostA1120 Week Seven
of 53
After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly
debunking much This is not necessarily
I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since
1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A
Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as
does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.
But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal calendar,
'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the response.
My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard,
Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and
destroys old groups.
Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance,
the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.
This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary
Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.
My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's
worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine,
it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens,
2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.
3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on
seeds for gardening. Food.
4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at
which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the
eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal
History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an
example of The Symphonic Method.
These are posted on Facebook and at
The standard readings for Second Thessalonians Sheba of
EphesusCoram871, (if it’s Tuesday it must be PergamosYMM!!!).
Matthew, from Fuller’s chronology in ‘Critical Path: 9 key entries, from 1280 through 1390,
starting with Compendium of Agricultural practices and Spectacles, and ending with Metal types, Korea. The idea is that you’ll get your won copy,
for GodTrinity will reward our attempts to remember, as he plagues us with more
forgetting when we evade remembering.
From ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’ we
have dates starting with the Synod of Whitby (A. D. 664) through Boniface, and
including Bede.
The Anomaly is the above re: the Last 80 Years.
Mark’s business servant is Elizabeth I and the British East
India Company, the start of a naval-based trading cartel, that socialized costs
(tax-paid British Navy) and privatized profits. However, some say that English
law is what will propel India past China.
For Luke we answer the question, how dies Second
Thessalonians show the fulfillment of the Jubilee laws by Christ, and how are
it’s admonitions best to be applied?
For John, what sort of tabernacle is being made since 1980,
and especially with the events around Covid 19? I’ll revisit this, but look at
a Bullean arrangement, leading to a 7-fold response, one for each 7 weeks next
Transcendent Imperative, Hierarchy, Ethics (Priest, King,
Prophet/Garden (Church), Land (King), World (Society), Oaths and Sanctions,
I may write a summary/introduction to CP1000.
Why do another layer of eternal calendar?
This is answered in 'the Complete Week 7 of 53, So Far' at
chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Short: John 21:25
Also, I'm starting to progress on The Symphony included in
wees 3, 10, 17, etc., and on the '7 to do' in weeks 7,14, 21, etc.
I'm in 'tardema'/deep sleep in my robot-like work (from
'From Bread to Wine'--thanks, Dan Dillard.
Is the REACTION to the corona virus, or The Great Default
the transcendent imperative, to be Bulleanly filled out, as God writes in in
history, or is it something else, such as ERH's adage about new technology--it
increases reach, decreases time, and destroys old groups?
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Critical Path 1000--A Prayer' Hartman
PS: If it's Wednesday, this must be PergamosYMM!!!
HostA1120 Week Seven
of 53
After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly
debunking much This is not necessarily
I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since
1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A
Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as
does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.
But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal
calendar, 'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the
My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard,
Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and
destroys old groups.
Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance,
the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.
This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary
Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.
My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's
worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine,
it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens,
2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.
3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on
seeds for gardening. Food.
4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at
which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the
eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal
History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an
example of The Symphonic Method.
These are posted on Facebook and at
The standard readings for Second Thessalonians Sheba of
EphesusCoram871, (if it’s Tuesday it must be PergamosYMM!!!).
Matthew, from Fuller’s chronology in ‘Critical Path: 9 key entries, from 1280 through 1390,
starting with Compendium of Agricultural practices and Spectacles, and ending with Metal types, Korea. The idea is that you’ll get your won copy,
for GodTrinity will reward our attempts to remember, as he plagues us with more
forgetting when we evade remembering.
From ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’ we
have dates starting with the Synod of Whitby (A. D. 664) through Boniface, and
including Bede.
The Anomaly is the above re: the Last 80 Years.
Mark’s business servant is Elizabeth I and the British East
India Company, the start of a naval-based trading cartel, that socialized costs
(tax-paid British Navy) and privatized profits. However, some say that English
law is what will propel India past China.
For Luke we answer the question, how dies Second
Thessalonians show the fulfillment of the Jubilee laws by Christ, and how are
it’s admonitions best to be applied?
For John, what sort of tabernacle is being made since 1980,
and especially with the events around Covid 19? I’ll revisit this, but look at
a Bullean arrangement, leading to a 7-fold response, one for each 7 weeks next
Transcendent Imperative, Hierarchy, Ethics (Priest, King,
Prophet/Garden (Church), Land (King), World (Society), Oaths and Sanctions,
I may write a summary/introduction to CP1000.
Dear Diana:
You ask, why not retire and enjoy life? However, in the
‘deep sleep’ of work I’m playing for the next 100 years with ‘Critical Path
1000—A Prayer’.
SOME BACKGROUND. A PROFESSOR AT Harvard and Dartmouth, Eugen
Rosenstock-Huessy, showed that calendars are very important. They organize our
times of life.
Calendars under which we live are derived from previous
social orders. Community celebrations come from tribal social order. Work
schedules and business production and marketing are from empires. Israel gives
us ecclesiastical calendars. Educational calendars come from Greece. (60% of
Iowa’s budget is devoted to schools.)
Now, he also said that the eternal calendar is the life of
Christ and our response. Thus, ‘church years’.
But John 21:25 says if boos were written telling all that
Christ did, the universe could not contain them.
So, there’s more to the eternal calendar.
Little old me is working on Gospels layer. Matthew starts
with a geneology, end ends with commanding discipleship. I use Buckminster
Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most
Important Events in church history, and put them on a 49-book (53 weeks with
holiday weeks) calendar. The 49 is from Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the
Old Testament in which the twelve minor prophets are one book, Kings is
one—scroll couldn’t contain—as is Samuel, Lamentations goes with Jeremiah and
Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah.
Bullinger says Mark is about servanthood, and Rosenstock
says it is addressed t empires, which gives us business, so a business servant
is each week.
In Luke, Jesus’ first utterance is the fulfillment of
Jubilee by Himself. I ask for each book how it shows that, and what is to be
our application.
Then Joh shows us a tour of the tabernacle, and we are to
build them, and GodTrinity does in history, His symphony and theater, We have
42 weeks of chronology and that last 7 are a seven-fold work of what He’s done
since @1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ leave off.
Inside I have a ‘Symphony’ which attempts for find the
small, enthusiastic groups Rosenstock says are next, as new technology expands or reach, shortens the
time, and destroys old groups.
There’s more. Each
week has a short essay at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. It’s not the last word,
but I pray it’s a helpful word.
Love in King Jesus,
Week 8—
Week 8
Matthew: Fuller—1400-1482. Most interesting to me: 1460,
‘Printing established a universal symbolism for algebraic numerals.
‘100’—732-863. Tours, Charlemagne Crowned, and most interesting to me: Cyril
and Methodius Evangelize Slavs (new alphabet!).
Mark, business servants. Consider-- Innovators: Jay Abraham,
Matt Ridley’s book ‘How Innovation Works’. McCloskey ‘bourgeois’ books—2%
economic increase since @1750 because trade and innovation—bourgeois values’
were thought good.
Luke: How does
Colossians show Jubilee fulfilled and applied?
John: Tabernacle-- Is The Great Default (unstated fear
thereof) the Transcendent Imperative of the last 40 years?
Week 9—
Week 9 of 53 of Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
Remember, per ERH, the eternal calendar is the life of
Christ and our response. I emphasize John 21;25 and RESPONSE
Remnants of previous social orders are in calendars such as
community celebrations (tribal), work schedules and business (empires)
ecclesiastical calendars (church years, etc.) and educational calendars
HostA1122 Week 9 of 53
Anomaly: Next week—Maybe electrical sensitivity —(‘Invisible
Rainbow’) , Big Crash
Matthew: Fuller—1524 through 1548-- many entries, arithmetic
book, Bible in England, printing in
America (Mexico). ‘100’—909-1054.East-West Schism
Mark-- business Servants from Ridley’s “HowInnovation
Works’. This is a GREAT bok. Ilentit out as an anti-depressant. Newcomen
(engine, mother of Western Civilization—heat to power), Haber(nitrogen from
air, saves 1/3 of world from starvation), Brahmagupt in India, forst about
zero, Fibonacci helps merchants with it and Arabic numerals and positioning.
Innovators get it to mass use, inventors usually are contemporaneous—21 with
Edison’s light bulb.Lots of gradual improvements.
Luke: How does Ephesians show fulfillment of Jubilee and
application of fulfillment?
John: Headed toward building tabernacle in history, 3rd
weeks of 7 I work on Symphony (categories added to for each 12) and 7th weeks I
work on the tabernacle(s0 being built now NOW
--Misc. notes
Isaiah 65:20 2.5 years younger after one year. I’m
participating now in this study, temporarily suspended.
Diamandis as business servant. ‘To make a billion, help a
billion’. BOLD, the book. Nope, Newcomen and sequence toward innovation from
‘Innovation’. Newcomen engine a ‘mother of Western civilization’. Heat to
power, 18th C. => Western Civ.
'The State,' like Rome, fails. What scenarios?
JBJ, Hoppe, Barzun, Creveld.
ERH ad a 700-year+ scenario in one of his lectures.
Since Chuck the Hammer at Tours, 'til 1492, the Reconquista
took 700+ years.
What 'ya got?
Chuck 'Who has something' Hartman
Week 10—
Week 10 2nd CorinthiansSheba, EphesusCoram 871
To ‘eat’ incorporate the Axial Age institutions God started
during Exile: To 'eat' incorporate the
Axial Age, it's: AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, Lao-TseDia, AbrahamDia,
BuddhaDia, GreekTheaterGod'sOperaDia, NotYetDia. Compare how Norse, Greek, and
Roman gods were eaten into the 7 (week) by retuning by 5ths, per Rev.
5:12-& 7:12.
Critical Path 1000 aka Thousand Year Prayer aka Gospels
Layer of Eternal Calendar
This week we work more on The Symphony, that starts the week
before Total Christ (communion).
There are two parts.
1—The questions, four each of 12. Consider 4s of 5s.
Psalms—5 parts, Bible in miniature
Lists in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’
Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man (and tribes thereof?)
Earth Air Fire Water Quintessence, and Days of Creation
B R SH T (first word of bible, proto-liturgy House Head Eat
(fang) Cross
4 of E. T. Hall (‘Silent Language)
Hall’s next 4
2 of Hall’s (10) 2x?
Festivals, 3, then f Passover Pentecost First Fruits, then Trumpets
Atonement, Tabernacles (maybe Purim as 4th of each)
First 4 of 10 words, then JBJ’s 5 +8, 6 +9, 7 + 10
7 days, three in chiasm
Next 3 oath-formed institutions, with individual mandate to
re-form bad, aunto dominion mandate of society
Church, Marriage (family), Civil Magistrate
Too future/forward, revolution
Too inward, mystic,
Too back, decadent
Too out, war.
Examples (you help?) Liberation theology is too
revolutionary, but we can learn ________
Theresa of Avila was too mystic, but we can learn ________
What of the other ten?
And what small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg) oath-formed,
small, productively profitable, enthusiastic groups (peace, no
warpath—explicitly reconciling opposites
POEM GodTrinity
lovingly drags us into His future, changing us
And as we are torn between the past and the future, the in
and out, our howls become music and we the singing song
The hero is the one between time, helping explicitly
reconcile opposites in necessary exigencies
I call ‘ofsppeg’ now something easier to remember: psofpeg,
thus sof-peg. Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups.
Matthew: Fuller in ‘Critical Path’2550-1582, two that stood
out were ‘lead pencil’ 1565 and Mercator projection, 1582. In ‘The 100 Most
Significant Events in Christian History’ we have Anselm, First Crusade and
Bernard Found Monastery at Clairvaux—1093-1115.
Mark: Lloyds Coffee Shop (coffee a new stimulant) where
insurance (for shipping) began—one of the great inventions.
Luke: How does Second
Corinthians show Jubilee fulfilled and that fulfillment applied?
John: At the 14th week, and each 7th, we refine our
understanding of the Transcendent Imperative Light (tel’ is hill, small
mountain, in Hebrew) of the last 40 years. I’m still looking at the rate of
change, and Rosenstock’s observation that such change increase our reach,
shortens time, and destroys old groups—see the 3 institutions x 4 fronts above.
Last but not least, Chuck introduced himself to Louise as
summer school for super scholars at SCE (then UNI now), and Chuck plans to have
his grandchildren tell their grandchildren about ‘A Thousand Year
Prayer’—Kennedy halves, and paper twenties. Godparents too.
Week 11
Week 11 Mountain in Time Public Vindication
Week 11 of 53, not in the 49. (When Zion, Dexter (Iowa)
worshiped in German, they celebrated this the 10th Sunday--70 days--after
Easter. Readings from Josephus).
I wrote a liturgy onto the year. After 10, Public
Vindication (Red Sea, A. D. 70…--Confession/Absolution, Cleansing). After 11 more
TBOTMOFA (the Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly (Sinai, Readings and
Sermon…) after 11 more (Totus Christus, total Christ, Conquest of the Land,
This is done much better in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’
but one could see liturgical church order of worship as a recapping of ancient
festival calendar. We come in at Passover, Absolution is First Fruits,
Pentecost is Readings, Trumpets is Sermon, Atonement is Communion and after
having been made into a Tabernacle, we are sent out to fight back as Purim.
The Fourth books of each respective set of 7 in 4152637
order are the respective names of the days of the week. See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old
We’ve had history from Fuller’s chronology of technology in
‘Critical Path’ and from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian
History’. Others will add more, such as
from timetables of history. Thus we remember, and GodTrinity may not send a
plague of forgetting, see Philistines and Exile.
I should get the 10 business servants that I’ve highlighted
each week. Rosenstock said Mark was to empires, from which we get business
calendars, and Bullinger says it is about being a servant. Thus, business
servants. Add Gilder, per his writing, and especially his mention of time-prices.
Up 518% since 1980 in abundance, the amount of time one must work to buy the 50
key commodities of life, per Pooley and Tupy in his George Gilder Report May
2020/Volume 10. See Tabernacle of our time.
We honor Luke’s (Luke 4)declaration of fulfillment of Is.
61, Leviticus 25 Jubilee per each book of week, 8531642, backward. 8531642 is
retuned 4152637. See Jordan’s Revelation commentary, picture of the Ascension,
and the changes including retuning, in 5:12-7:12.
Every 3rd week now (3, 10, 17, 24, 31—all of 49) I revisit
and improve the Symphony that helps find the 12 new PSOFPEG. Productive, Oath-,
Formed, Profitable, Small, Enthusiastic Groups—stated by Rosenstock in
‘Universal History 1954’ Dartmouth course recordings and transcript, from
Every 7th week (7, 1`4, 21, 28, 35 – all of 49) I revisit
the Tabernacle Since 1980. GodTrinity still ‘opera’tes in history, as He did in
the Bible. Mike Bull.
I have not re-added what I’ve done already of Bullinger’s
list of 51 prophecies from Jeremiah (‘We’re in Jeremiah Time’—Jordan) nor the
146 Psalms (Jordan, and summaries of books of them—Jordan. I have done a
Cascione on 117, with coda of 150:6, finding 5 ‘Praise!’ 6 praisers, and 7
Praised, notes bbeing high for 5, medium for 6, and low for 7.
I’m in ‘tardema’. Modified. A deep sleep during which I
receive ‘messages’ while in working—a rut.
3 names, ‘Critical Path 1000’ and ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar’ and ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. The eternal calendar is the life of
Christ and our response: Rosenstock. Christ is important, as defined by
Chalcedon as ‘true God of true God, and true man of true man, without
confusion, Division, mixture or separation.’
--Summary to given to those to give to grandchildren,
timing. It’s too soon for me, but it’s important.
HostA1128 A Thousand Year Prayer
1—Calendars organize our times, and actions.
2—Rosenstock-Huessy held that community celebrations are
remnants of a tribal social order. Also, were business and work schedules of an
empire social order, ecclesiastical calendars of Israel and educational
calendars of Greece the respective remnants.
3—The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our
response. See Chalcedon for true man/true God.
4—At this time, various church years are used.
5—But surely John 21:25 indicates more are needed.
6—A Thousand Year Prayer tries 3 things, not as a final
word, but perhaps as a useful word:
a—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—Matthew uses, to start,
Fuller’s history of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important
Events in Christian History’. Thus,
genealogy to start is matched with genealogy of discipleship under all
authority at the end. Mark tells of empires (ERH) and servanthood (Bullinger),
thus, one business servant per week. Luke 4 tells that Jesus said he had
fulfilled this prophecy in their ears—Isaiah 61, Leviticus 25, Jubilee. How this is shown in each of 49 books, per
Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ is what is done each
week—I name each week/sheba after the respective book, re-retuned and backward
(also no retuned and forward?). John shows tabernacling, and we are to amen how
GodTrinity is building one since 190.
b—To John. Address it every 7th week.
c—Rosenstock held that the next 1000 years would be ‘small,
enthusiastic groups’/tribes without warpath. We address that every 3rd week,
and between just before Total Christ (communion), as PV is absolution, and
TBOTMOFA is Word).
Aka ‘Critical Path 1000’. Aka ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal
I’m still writing. A book will emerge after the week before
next Resurrection,/Easter. chuckhartmanhistoryconductor
There’s more. This is brief. Tell your grandchildren!
I may grow up and make money, sending messages to ‘improve!’
to grandchildren of godparents, children and grandchildren—with money.
Week 12?
Dutch Calvinist Stevin and decimals, 17th C
Here's the Wikipedia
Mentioned inn Fuller's 'Critical Path' chronology of
technology that I use for one of the Matthew parts of 'Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar'. ('A Thousand Year Prayer'.
He wrote in Dutch, thinking it was the best language.
'. Muslim mathematicians were the first to utilize decimals
instead of fractions on a large scale. Al-Kashi's book, Key to Arithmetic, was
written at the beginning of the 15th century and was the stimulus for the
systematic application of decimals to whole numbers and fractions
thereof.[15][16] But nobody established their daily use before Stevin.'
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Proverbs 16:4" Hartman
PS: This is an attempt to manifest that Jesus has all
Week 13—
Host A 1140 July 12 Week 13 of 49 14 of 53 Galatians
Jeremiah Time
Jeremiah bought a plot of land, thus 'saying' with this
action that Israel would return.
I'm giving godparents, children, grandchildren some 'ferns'
(FRN--Federal Reserve Notes) and Kenney halves (40% silver) to have THEIR
grandchildren improve ECCE! (Eternal Calendar Community Enterprise.(AKA 'A
Thousand Year Prayer'/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'Critical Path 1000'.
It's gestating, the book will be out after next Easter'.
Chuck 'tardema' Hartman
I’ve been busy getting the Opera set up. It starts at week
30, ‘players’ who are to find the small enthusiastic groups to replace are from
Adam through Xaviera, etc.
The BuildUp 7 follow the THEOS, with Ethics as
Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Magistrate, World/Society/Prophet—these
enunciate the 12 new PSOFPG (Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable
Enthusiastic Groups) and the oaths are articulated at week 6, and the 7/10/12
TO DO are at week 7, just before PhilademphiaCORAM871.
Developing, especially the 4 questions for each of the 12,
which are in one of my notebooks.
Blog and website to come.
Week 14?
Week 15—
Week 15 A. D. 2020 Eternal Calendar Company
SardisYMM!!! 3JohnSheba EphesusCoram871 Week 15 A D 2020
Anomaly, from Montgomery’s ‘How Do We Know There Is A God?’
I pick ‘Isn’t the story of creation only a myth? Montgomery’s case is that
Jesus thought not, and He proved Himself to be God’. There is also the Horowitz
view that DNA is attuned to something greater in the universe, and that it
operates by sound and light, and thus, things can happen quickly. Hancock’s
‘America Before’ is worth perusing.
Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’—Pascal, Boyle Newton
among much. From ‘The 100 Most important Events in Christian History’—Luther’s
95 Theses. What happened in 1986
Mark: Business Servants, Jack Ma
Luke: How does 3 John show Jubilee fulfilled, and the
application thereof.
John: What tabernacle will we be constructing at BuildUp.
Here Mike Bull’s work helps. ‘Those Wh Hove Fallen Asleep,’ but illustrates his
Week 16—
Week 16 August 2
A short summary explanation, and then this week’s update.
Short Summary Explanation: (This week at end, this is a
short entry)
(I may not be able to edit this. I hope I can add to it!)
August 3, 2020 in Uncategorized
Tags: enthusiastic groups, Eternal Calendar, Rosenstock,
society and culture
I set up this site for North’s Business Course.
My main work now is ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’
The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response.
A Church Year is essential, but not complete.
John 21:25. Books about Christ would overflow Creation.
This is my calling.
It attempts to discover and operate Rosenstock’s ‘small,
enthusiastic groups’–the next social order, in the face of old groups being
destroyed as new technology also increases our reach and decreases the time.
Matthew–chronology of discipleship in ALL areas.
Mark: Business Servants.
Luke: How does each book of Jordan’s 49 show Jubilee (Luke
4) fulfilled and that fulfillment applies. (‘Rethinking the Order of the Old
Testament’ at Biblical Horizons).
John: What Tabernacle is God (and are we) making NOW–which
should we be doing?
OK, now this week!
Matthew. From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of
technology, 1670-1695, 7 entries. Discovery of speed of light, chlorophyll. Newton
and Leibniz—calculus.
From “100 Most
Important Events in Christian History’-1525, Anabaptist movement begins, 1534
Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy.
Mark: Business Servants. Austrian Economics. Mises Institute
has many FREE downloads, print book for sale. Gary North’ calling wat Christian
Economics. 4 books. Student, Teacher, Activist, Scholar. LewRockwell dot com has contemporary
articles, links.
Luke: How does the book of Jude show Jubilee fulfilled, and
that fulfillment applied? Luke 4.
John: What tabernacle? It looks more and more like Jeremiah
Time—what plot of land are you buying in anticipation of the return?
Anomaly: From
Montgomery’s ‘How do you know there is a God? Can we scientifically explain
Extra: The order in which we concentrate on the 12 PSOFPEG
(small enthusiastic groups—the next social order—will make a tune, when laid
upon an octave on a keyboard.
Week 17—
Week 17 Money 2 point zero and 57 billion
Remember that The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and
our response. A Church year is essential, but incomplete. John 21:25. The
Gospels layer, I pray, will be helpful, but not final.
Before I start on the usual, here are advantages of each
Matthew: God sends us a BIG problem when we sin a little.
Like a little Philistine culture, here’ being under the Philistines. Don’t like
the land laws, here’s completely out of the land. Don’t want to remember
history, here’s Alzheimer’s and history destruction (see Barzun). So,
remembering history and its rhythms will help us remember and apply.
Mark takes the ‘Bourgeois Dignity’ (McCloskey) theory that
2% annual growth has occurred since @1750 because trade and innovation were
honored rhetorically and financially and applies it to honoring business
Luke asks how Jesus’ words in Luke 4 about this prophecy
being fulfilled in theri ears is seen in each book, and that fulfillment
God ‘opera’tes, writes theater and music—an opera—in history,
using such models as 7 Day Creation, 7 steps of making the tabernacle, etc.
(Mike Bull). We should do the same. The last 7 days are such. Weeks 30-37 are a
4 step (or 8) opera, to find the music of 12 ‘small, enthusiastic groups’ to
play next. Garden x 4, Land x4, World x4. Put ‘em on an octave of 7 white keys
and 5 black, and play a tune by striking the most important first. See
chronological and theological order of The Twelve.
Now to this week, but remember, this is, I pray, a helpful
word—it’s not the last word. Improvers will improve. Think Second Foundation.
Grandchildren of children and spouses, grandchildren, and godparents.
Anomaly7, from Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a God?’
Why so few Christians, and What impact?
What of importance happened in 1987? (Later, ‘Improvers’
will enter item for Garden, Land, World). Jesus has ALL authority, not only in
the Church.
Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ timeline of
technology, 1698-1714. Newcomen engine (see Ridley ‘How Innovation Works’,
Newton’s ’Optics,’ first daily newspaper in London—and many others. From “The
100 Most Important Events in Christian History’: Calvin published
‘Institutes’—1536. Pope (in West) approves Jesuits, 1540
Mark, Satoshi and ‘Money 2.0’. This shows the possibilities. See also
Diamandis’ works such as ‘Abundance,’ Bold,’ The Future is Faster than you
Think’. Bitcoin Pizza Day, man pays 10,000 Bitcoin for a pizza—let’s say $10.
Later, Bitcoin reaches $19,00 each. Multiply, you get $190 million. Now a man
gives $10,000 to a church, but does NOT get a receipt. @30% marginal tax rate,
that would have been worth $3000, or 300 X $10. Now, 300 x $190 million is $57
billion. Make sure you treat people respectfully, and do your work, such as
giving receipts to donors.
Luke, how does First Peter show Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4)
and that fulfillment applied?
John, what tabernacle? A subsidiary Transcendent event might
be the corona virus, which is destroying old institutions, but it dwarfs in the
face of the Transcendent Transcendence of rapid technological change, which
increases our reach, shortens the time it takes, but DESTROYS OLD GROUPS. We build new one through the Opera (weeks 30
through 37) and apply them in week 49, there being 12 of them.
Published now on substack, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor,
Facebook, Eternal Calendar Page on Facebook, a WordPress site for Ron Paul
Curriculum Entrepreneurship class (problem with domain name should be solved by
next week). Facebook Notes don’t seem to work for me now. Scribd and YouTube
after book is done—I get inspirations all the time in ‘tardema’/deep sleep.
Improvers will improve, Deo Volente. Book out next year. I’m
in deep sleep at hum-drum work that pays me enough to work on this calling. I
added Upledger’s 2001 ‘CranioSacral Therapy’ book to the 49 of BuildUp. This
will help post-polio syndrome if I have it, having gained 25 years by good
supplementation. I’m improving already.
‘Gospels Layer of eternal calendar’. ‘A Thousand Year
Prayer’. ‘Critical Path 1000. PSOFSPEG—Productive, Oath-Formed, Small,
Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups. This teaches timing as well as music of the
times, so I am obtaining help of grandchildren of children, respective spouses,
grandchildren and godparents to improve later. Second Foundation.
Week 18—
Summary So Far and Week 18
Calendars help tell us what do do and when. Rosenstock says
community celebrations are from the tribal social order, business and work
schedules from Empires, ecclesiastical calendars are from Israel, and education
from Greece. Greece is a companion, don't let it be a social order.
Issachar Thousand Year Prayer is Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar--the life of Christ and our response. Add it to Church Year. There
will be more, John 21:25
I write it on a 49-book Bible--Jordan'Rethinking the Order
of the Old Testament.
At the end, I tell you what we'll have at the end.
This is Week 18, 1 John, thus:
One Page Year EphesusCoram871
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
2—April 19 Titus
3—April 26 1st Timothy
4—May 3 !st Thessalonians
5—May 10 Philemon
6—May 17 2nd Timothy
7—May 24 2nd Thess.
8—May 31 Colossians
9—June 7 Ephesians
10—June 14* 2 Cor.
11,12—June 28* Romans
12, 13—July 5 Philp.
13, 14-- July 12 Gal.
14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.
15, 16—July 26 3 John
16, 17—Aug 2 Jude
17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet
18,19—Aug 16 1 John
19, 20—Aug 23 2 John
20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter
21,22—Sep 6** James
22, 25—Sep 20** Rev
23, 26—Sep
27 John
24, 27—Oct 4 Mark
25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.
26, 29—Oct 18 Acts
27, 30—Oct 25 Luke
28, 31—Nov 1 Matt
29, 32—Nov 8 The 12
30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.
31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.
32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah
33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.
34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel
35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings
36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.
37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs
38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms
39, 44—Jan
31 Samuel
40-42, 45-46 EAT
Feb 7
Song Job
Ruth (this
43, 47—Feb 14 Judges
44-48—Feb 21 Deut.
45,49—Feb 28 Lev.
46, 50—Mar
7 Genesis
47, 51—Mar 14 Josh
48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers
49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus
*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21
**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of
The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)
Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not
cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at
where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and
“God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I
had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren and
great gc will improve, D. V.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are
1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7,
10, 12 TO Do.
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the
first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.
PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022,
and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm
Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.
Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book),
and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be
placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,
Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar? See my short writing on a Church being
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming
we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical
Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important
Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun,
Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher,
Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says
it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to
highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself,
even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.
Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee)
prophecy. How does each book of
week/sheba show this and the application now?
John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still
speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so,
what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be
written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as
we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s
Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in
World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and
Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church).
This from Cascione.
See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for
basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12,
the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a retuning,
a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from 8 and
9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD INDICATE
A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.
Ok, now we have what we should study, and that upon which we
should act, for each week, each Gospel
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends with the
command to disciple, a discipling genealogy. Jesus has all authority, but I
start with the timeline of technology in Fuller's 'Critical Path' and the
timeline of church history in 'the 100 Most Significant Events in Church
History'. I've divided each into 42 (last 7 weeks are tabernacle of action.
Fuller: First technical school apart from military engineering, though blood
pressure and thermometer and more are there. In '100' we read of Council of
Trent and Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer 1549
Now to Mark, Business (ERH, Empires) and Servants
(Bullinger, thus: 1694, Bank of England granted monopoly on money, agrees to
buy all 'government' debt. Proverbs 16:4?
49 Business Servants
A 7x7 gird
1 Deng
2 Moonshooters Harriman
Van Rijn
4 Gates Rockefeller
5 McDonogh
6 Dartmouth Recorders
7 Eliz. I British E. India Co.
8 Innovators Abraham McCloskey
9 Ridley
10 Lloyd’s Coffee Shop--Insurance
11 Gramsci Prov. 16:4
12 Benedict
13 Gilder Time Money
14 Knights Hospitaler
15 Jack Ma
16 North Mises Rockwell Rothbard
17 Satoshi
Money 2.0
18 1694, etc.
19 Jacobs
20 Justinian Theodora
21 Patriarchs
22 Ford
23 Debs vs. WWI
24 Reformers
Berman’s scholastics and scientific method, Laurence
25 David Solomon Noah
26 Sears Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton
27 Barton’s Jesus
28 Festival Laws Ag unto City
29 Fuller Troy WWI, etc. CP
30 Abundance
31 Jeremiah Rosenstock: Past and Future Create Present
32 B. T. Washington, Oprah Madame Walker, etc.
33 Franklin H. C. Anderson
34 5 Billionaire Chinese Women
35 Energy Medicine Horowitz
36 Ellison Bloomberg Buffet
37 Michael Jordan Walt Disney
38 J J Hill
39 Ayn Rand Organized ‘Crime’
40 Jobs
41 Merrill Schwab
42 Edison Tesla Westinghouse
43 Indulgences
Sixtus Sixth Santorum
44 Perot
45 Siegel ‘Genius of Beast’
Szasz Drugs—Legal/Illegal
46 Musk
47 Toyoda
48 Barnum
49 Me, I, We, They
Luke: Take Luke 4, prophecy fulfilled. Jubilee. How does
each book show it fulfilled, and the application of that fulfillment? 1 John.
John: It's a tour of the tabernacle. What tabernacle are we
in, in which of the 7 steps. And what will be the BuildUp, the Transcendent, Hierarchy,
Ethics x 3 (Gardern Land, World), Oaths and Sanctions, Succession--what to do
when what tune on the 3x4 of Christian sociology?
There are 2 other
things. 49 ears for BuildUp. This is 1989--in what should one have invested
(one's time, one's 'only capital--or money?) What was the key event? Garden,
Land, World. Church, civil magistrate/'state'/king, World?
7x7 PDF Last 49 years
Finally we have anomaly, questions. I use Montgomery's
short'How do we know there is a GOD?' 18 is 'One true God?' 'Religion of my
Finally, here's what we'll have when done.
What We Will Have When Done
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old
groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought
to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts.
1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space.
(Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH:
Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more.
This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to
each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and aplication of that
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the
end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND
Love in King Jesus,
Charles Howard Hartman (Facebook),, etc.
Week 19—
Host A 1188 2JohnSheba EphesusCoram871 August 23 AD 2020
Week 19
A Thousand Year Prayer Issachar
Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
Opera progress written about at the end.
‘The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and Our
Response’: Rosenstock
Calendars organize our times and actions. Tribal Social
Order remains in community celebrations. Empires leave us with work schedules
and business plans. Israel leaves us with ecclesiastical calendars, and Greece
is educational calendars.
Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ we have 1746-1760,
discovery of many elements (zinc, nickel, bismuth) but the key is Leyden jar
toward electricity. From ‘100Most Important Events in Christian History’ we
have John Knox and St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 1559 and 1572.
Mark: Business Servants, I propose Jane Jacobs’ work on
cities, especially as might apply to new cities (‘Civis Zoom sum’ and
seasteads, spacesteads, Akoin0 plus Buckminster Fuller himself, who asked in
1927 what a penniless, non-academic could product—it was much.
Luke: How does 2 John
show the Jubilee (Luke 4) fulfilled and that fulfillment applied?
John is about a tabernacle.
What tabernacle and tune should be ‘Issachar’ed’? The last 7 weeks are the BuildUp.
Anomaly: From Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a GOD?’
Two questions: ‘Don’t all religions lead us to God and to Heaven?’ and ‘Who is
the Messiah? Is he still to come?’
This is a growing work.
Christian Sociology is NOT Hall’s 10x10 (‘Silent Language’)
but 3x4.
3 oath formed institutions—Church, King, Marriage.
4 fronts (Rosenstock-Huessy) in Cross of Reality :
Imperative (Forward, Future), Subjective (Inward, Response), Narrative (Back),
Objective (Out). These 4 result in Planetary Service, Succession in North’s
THEOS of the first 5 Words in one rendering: Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics,
Oaths and Sanctions, Succession.
ERH held that wrong fronts resulted in, respectively,
Revolution (in a bad sense), Mysticism, Decadence, and War (in a bad sense).
I’ll need to find one each of the 12, as bad examples, but
as items we can learn from.
In the meantime (or is it a mean time?!) I have done 12.
I’ll need four questions for each for the Opera. Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’
will help. So will ERH’s ’12 Tones’—modified, and Jordan’s 12 steps of
Covenant, from ‘Covenant Sequence…’.
4 in Church are ‘1000 year Prayer,’ Psalms (Jordan and 117
with 150:6 using Cascione’s Hebrew Cadence—into calendar—a felicitous
mis-typing got ‘celendar’/quickening), Jeremiah (Project, and 51 Bullinger
prophecies into calendar), and Godparents for Eldsters. Garden/Priest/Church
4 in King/Land/Civil Magistrate: 12 Word Platform, Peace
Tribe of Christian Courts, Money 2.0, and Civis Zoom Sum—various new cities.
4 in World/Prophet: Stuart STEM and Stuart Wooden Nickel
Highway, Stuart Todmorden Self-Sufficiency, EMP (‘Cars’)/Grid and Amish Dude
Ranch/Electrically Sensitive Retreat (‘Invisible Rainbow’), Radical Longevity
and Alternative/Energy Medicine/Longevity.
4 Questions: B R SH T (House, Head, Eat, Cross). ISNO (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Ojbectirve) and Planetary Service, THEO and S, Land Labor Capital Management,
1st 4 of ERh’s 12, 2nd 4, 3rd 4, 1st 4 of JBJ’s 12 Covenant, 2nd 4, 3rd
4…Yes/No/Forward/Back, Future/In/Back/Out…
The 4 fronts of the new PSOFPEG social order (Productive,
Small, Oath-Formed, Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups): Tribes has in, dancing
greens; out, warpath; future, altar; back, totem polies. PSOFPEG have in,
electronic app?;out, toward peace; back, all history; forward, postmill? Israel
was back exodus, future messiah, in each beneath own vine and fig tree and none
afraid, out exclusions.
What will we have when done?
See Week 18, please.
What We Will Have When Done
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old
groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought
to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts.
1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space.
(Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH:
Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more.
This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to
each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the
end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND
Sent to North—
Crossed Fingers 5 Points Smartphone Before and After Western
In ‘Crossed Fingers’ you had a series of events listed that
echoed the five point covenant model. That would be a good structure for
Western Civilization course.
Transcendence. Start with this: God owns everything, God
delegates authority, With Authority comes responsibility, Value is imputer,
Mankind increases dominion.
Hierarchy. The second point would include Chalcedon,
Cochrane’s Christendom solves one and Many—Greece and Rome don’t.
Ethics. Third would be Berman’s contention that scholastic
work with law systems provided structure for scientific method.
Oaths and sanctions. McCloskey’s view that after @ 1750,
rhetorical and financial payment of trade and innovation produced @ 2% annual
growth. Ridley’s heat to power would fit in here.
Succession. Now there’s the smart phone (bandwith, ‘Civis
Zoom sum,’ Gilder’s teleputer, light as particle and wave (see Chalcedon),
Fuller’s ‘ephemeralization’ as chemistry and physics replace mechanics,
Diamandis’ 6 Ds—Digitalization, Deception, Disruption, Demonetization,
Dematerialization, Democratization, Gilder’s time pricing, etc. (Liberty and
What will the family man in Southern Africa do with this
transcendent gift?
(My grandchildrens’ grandchildren may improve ‘A Thousand
Year Prayer’ app (‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’) with something such as
Week 20—
Joe Namath and others cure ALZ So Can You Imperatively
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John continue on, and Anomalies.
Here’s what you need, when someone becomes befuddled/is not
clothed in their right mind/is demented.
Tell ‘em what to do. (They should have told you then
[before] to do it now.)
‘Without the imperative there is no future (for them)’
Call it Godparents for Eldsters (on Facebook and elsewhere).
Namath—they have MRIs showing reactivated brain cells.
Dr. Bredensen’s ‘The End of Alzheimer’s’ is good. He’s an M.
D. at UCLA.
Dr. West cured his short-term memory loss with Turmeric
Forte. (Health Alert).
Dr. Sears says he can do it and oes do it for $199. His
copywriting is great, fulfillment not so much.
This is one of 12 small, enthusiastic groups re: Christian
Sociology, 3 oath-formed institutions x 4 fronts.
PS: If I’d known then
what I know now, Mom might still be alive and well.
To get emails weekly from my substack updates, send me your
Week 20, Part 2—
Week 20 of 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'A Thousand
Year Prayer'
Debs: IWW and WWI Business Servant
Readjust your categories.
Debs got over a million votes while in prison for protesting
WWI--they called it sedition. Harding pardonedhim.
I've heard that WWII started on the same battlefield where
WWI ended!
Very destructive. Hoppe's 'Democracy: The God The Failed'
contrasts well the relatively minute casualties of dynastic wars to the GREAT
casualties of democratic wars, starting with Napoleon.
First Generation, massed armies. 2nd, artillery. 3rd, tanks.
4th, insurgents and media. 5th, nets (networks) and jets. Few realize that
Covid could be for first of a fifth.
Anyway, Debs was against the destruction. It reminds this
one to the Republican Workers Party and No New Big Warsm but what des this one
Further, Land is paid in rent, labor in wages, caital in
interest, and management in profits. An exercise for students wold be to see
how these are all mixedup. Civil Service, rent moratoriums by CDC, etc.
A valuable viewing and hearing in 'Because All Man Are
Brothers' (IWW 'anthem') to the tune of 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded'. Here's
Here's Peter, Paul, and Mary:
Because 'we' don't make the right distinctions and
imperatives, chaos is loosed?
This is week 20. I've changed the business servant (Mark) to
Debs. Labor Day.
The Tune of the Next Era is coming soon, based on the
Christian Sociology of 3 institutions, 4 fronts, and 4 Initiatives, a 48, plus
One like unto how The Twelve are theologically played on an octave, because
they are not chronological in the Bible.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck' hot-shooting sparkplug' Hartman
Debs Day and Tune of Next Era
October 19, Week 26
Coming next: Resummary, in parts and then back on schedule
I bought this as a present to myself for Debs Day,
Republican Workers Party' book. 'Oct.20. Debs, a Socialist, got over a million
votes for President while in jail for being against WW1. He was pardoned by
The closest to Debs today is probable Tulsi Gabbard.
Weeks 20 1nd 21 together—
Weeks 20 and 21 Together
Host A 2105 Drudgery Week 21
7th weeks reconsider the 7th 7 of weeks, Our Response. I
have the tune now. A new era is a new ear—do you hear it? Luke 4.
James week, Patriarchs as business servants, Tune Unto Next
Era (T. U. N. E.) in John (tabernacle)
Next week is The Battle Of the Mountain Of Festival
Assembly—Pentecost and Trumpets in liturgy written on the year (coram). 4s by
4152637. See Jordan’s 49.
Montgomery Anomaly from ‘How do we know there is a God?’
Love one another? Human nature?
‘100’—1608-9 John Smyth Baptizes First Baptists, 1611 King
James Bible
‘Critical Path’ 1781-1788 (pace quickens) Steamboat,
tungsten Galvanic electricity and more
Host A 2014 TUNE Tune Of Next Ear Christian Sociology Opera
Week 20
I’ll get this out, though imperfect. These will change with
others and the years (corams). The next era is the next ear--can you hear? Luke
Christian Sociology has 12 (or 20?) parts.
Hall, in ‘The Silent Language’ has a 10 x 10 grid.
For the Tune of The Twelve, see ‘New Bible Encyclopedia’—if
the twelve minor prophets were in the Bible chronologically, they could be laid
out on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black ones. Do so, then play The Tune of The Twelve, as in
the Bible. The tune could be it, or it could be articulated as Beethoven’s 5th
is to da da da dum!, or it could be something to harmonize with—and the
harmonization what is sought…
I do the same with the 3—Garden/Church/Priest, Land/Civil
Magistrate/King, World/Society-Marriages-Family-Business/Prophet.
And the 4. 2 each time and space. Forward, Backward. In,
At Week 30, I start with 4 phases. 12-1, 415263789-10-11-12,
753164289-10-11-12, and 1-12.
Each initiation has a response. I’ve kept it simple.
1 Forward Christian Courts
2 In Psalms (117 ‘Cascione’d—to start)
3 Back Godparents For Eldsters (and babes in womb, and those
with other gifts) [But Berendsen, West, Sears, Namath—‘End of Alzheimer’s, with
Matthew as theological part]
4 Out Contagious Disciple Making
(Note: ERH says bad F is Revolution, Bad I is mysticism, bad
back is decadence, and bad out is war.)
5 Twelve Word Platform (See Nisber ‘History of Idea of
Progress’ and Kipling’s ‘Night Mail’ 1905 as first to start future story in the
future—1928 Hamilaton USA)
6 Restraint
7 North’s Western Civilization Unto Smartphone (see his 5
and mine—and what to do with this transcendent smartphone)
8 Peace Tribe
9 Local self-sufficiency
10 Stuart STEM
11 Amish Dude Farm
12 Wooden Nickel Highway (and other local, community
currencies, altcoins. See Bancor/Kenya,
etc. More)
(There are more things to each of the above, and they’ll be
listed at the end)
1 House Head Eat Cross (b-r-SH-T)
2 Law Lyric Evaluation Fact
3 Ox Lion Man Eagle
4 Passover-First Fruits, Pentecost-Trumpets, Atonement,
7 First 4 of ERH, with Inherit with firs
8 Second 4 of ERH
9 Last 4 of ERH with 3 generations at the end
10 First 4 Beatitudes (Woes)
11 Last 4 Beatitudes (Woes)
12 White, Red, Green, Black
Could have Father-Son-Spirit-Bride,
Father-Mother-Child-Humanity (Intelligences), Next 2,3,4 then Challenge 2 3 4,
--THESE 12 X 4 = 48, THE 49TH is timing/where’s the money in this
Added to the 12, may make a better generality; poems (both
not both, and GodTrinity lovingly drags). ‘Crisis, Opportunity and the
Christian Future, Jordan on ‘Western Civilization—Good bye. Baptism as
commissioning a fighter, week 48. Food-Energy-Welcome Home Heroes-5G,
‘Invisible Rainbow’. 71% water, phyles, cryomissionary Knights Hospitaler,
money 2.0, America Before, 134, Longevity, Principia Operatica as New
Scientific Method
Don’t forget the 12 of covenant sequence from Jordan’s book
1. Announcement of God's transcendence; His laying hold
on the situation (Ex. 2:24-25; 20:3).
2. Declaration of God's new Name, appropriate for the new
covenant being installed (Ex. 3:13-15; 6:2-8; 20:2a).
3. Statement of how God brought His people from the old
covenant and world into the new one (Ex. 20:2b; Deut.
4. Establishment of the new covenant order, especially the
governmental hierarchies thereof (Ex. 18:13-27; Deut.
5. Appointment of new names for the new finished product
(Gen. 1:4-5, 6-8, 9-10; at Moses' time, "children of
Israel" is the
new name, replacing "Hebrew").
6. Grant or distribution of an area of dominion to the
covenant steward or vassal (Ex. 3:8; Deut. 1:19-12:31).
7. Stipulations concerning the management of this grant
(Ex. 20-23; Deut. 5:1-26:19).
8. Statement of the terms by which God will evaluate man's
performance: promised blessings and threatened curses (Ex.
23:25-33; Deut. 27, 28).
9. Placement of witnesses to report to God on man's behavior
(Ex. 23:20-23; Deut. 4:26; 30:19).
10. Arrangements for the deposition of the covenant
documents (Ex. 40:20; Deut. 31:9-13).
11. Arrangements for succession of covenant vice-regents
(Deut. 31:7, 14, 23; Deut. 34).
12. Artistic poems that encapsulate the covenant, and that
to be taught to succeeding generations (Deut. 31:14-33:29
Sep 28: David Pizer consider 'Life Money' As Knights
Hospitaler started as protectors for pilgrims (to Holy Land) 'Life Money' could
use blockchain, etc. for life extension pilgrimage. (mY wORD IS DOWN)
Week 28—
Timing and Week 28
For the week starting Oct 25, 2020 I received the idea that
I should anticipate the last 49 years, written acrossBuildUp )the final 7
weeks) by subtracting the number of the week, from the year we are in, thus
2020 less 27 is 1993—what happened then. See Wikipedia entry.
This would get us into the flow of what’s important, and
when it happened.
Also, add subtracting 7 x, thus 27x7 is 168. 2020 minus 168
is 1852, or 1849-1855.
Do the same for 7x7, or 7x7x27= 1323, so 2020 minus 1323 is
609, the 7 years of which it is the center.
Pick other things to put in, such as Dr. King’s view of
100,000 humans 100,000 years ago, that we couldn’t build the pyramids today,
and thirdly, ‘America Before’.
And, timing: Next year, ebook and downloadable calendar; the
year after, app.
--Now to week 28;
Anomaly—Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? From Montgomery’s
little booklet ‘How do we know there is a God?’
Matthew, from Fuller’s “Critical Path’ chronology of
technology: 1856-1884, a big one being Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, among
Matthew, from ‘100 Most Important Events in Church History’:
1807 British Parliament Votes to End Slave Trade’ On this, read Sowell’s ‘Black
Rednecks…’ also.
Mark, Business Servants: 2, 1—How the Festival Laws
transformed Israel from agriculture to city, and 2--Pasteur vs. Bechamp
(disease, vaccinations).
Luke, it’s Matthew: How does this show Jubilee prophecy
fulfilled. (Also, is part of that prophecy of Isaiah that of telling the truth
so that they WON’T see?)
John, tabernacle—do we see it historistically (sic) in the
periods of sevens revealed in Week 27?
--Upcoming: Week 30-38, refinement of 12 Productive Small
Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups. PSOFPEG. The advantage of
profitability is that others, attracted by profits, will ‘do it
better’—Mimesis, Girard. Also, if your outgo exceeds your income your upkeep
will be your downfall.
--Example, #11 (of 12) Back in World. LocalOnline.
This is caused by the prospect of a Great Default, the
inability of the state system to work. (Barzun says we will learn to read and
write again, even though the cyberneticists rule, e. g.) Rosenstock holds that
any technological change DESTROYS old institutions, while it enables us to
reach/act farther, and quicker)
5 areas; Food, Energy, LocalOnline, Import/Export,
Food can be handled by the techniques used to grow vegetable
in the Arctic winter (indoors), aquaponics, gardening and storing, etc. Energy awaits some battery improvement, so
that they can be charged and delivered like ‘Delcos’ in the past, and
Heinlein’s ‘shipstones’ in ’Friday, science fiction. (Koppel, in ‘Lights Out’
details the vulnerability of the electric grid to hacking, and Gingrich re:
‘One Second After’ details vulnerability to EMP, which Rockwell ‘EMP Hoax’
defies. 2000+ nuclear explosions, no electric grid failure.) Local/Online
is shown by Zoom classes in STEM
subjects, and more. Import/Export welcome back exporter individuals who have
been successful away, to starts remote businesses in the old home town.
Legitimacy will come from local currency for one—done 3500-4500 times around
the world, and/or such things as Bancor is doing to develop local
currencies/communities in Kenya, and more.
These should be implemented, but the Roseto Effect is about
COMMUNITY, not food or anything else. The Old Home Town exports food and
people. Iowa, e.g., about in the middle of population in these uSA, has more
people than were in the colonies in 1776, and far more energy. Roseto Effect:
No heart attacks in a community of gardening immigrants, with many festivals
Week 29—
Host A 2022 November 8 Week 29 The Twelve
Special Note: With Christian Sociology--three
institutions,4 fronts-- and Cascione's
concept counting, Psalm tunes should cange note orders for the times.
Theodicy And Rhythm. (Note to self: 49, Rhythm 1, X7, X7,
and second and third)
First, Theodicy:
The Twelve is the twelve minor prophets considered as one
It’s a theodicy, a justification that God’s apparently
unjust acts are good.
(At one point an author asks God (paraphrase): ‘Why are you
doing this to us, the (Assyrians?) are so much worse’. God answers something
such as ‘I’ll take care of them later. Right now I’m working with you’.)
A second point: The twelve books are NOT put in the Bible
Were one to place them over an octave of keys, 7 white and 5
black, and then play them according to the order of the Bible, one would get a
(New Bible Commentary).
Jesus is the Greater Theodicy, we follow Him unto Peace.
Thirdly: Toward Peace, A Thousand Year Prayer, Gospels Layer
of the Eternal Calendar plays a tune also.
(The Eternal Calendar is ‘the life of Christ (God Man Chalcedon—CHH) and our response’:
Rosenstock. He also said that ‘peace is the explicit reconciliation of
I put together A Christian Sociology of a 12. 3 institutions
and 4 fronts.
For each of the 12 I proposed a ‘small, enthusiastic group’
(ERH, ‘Universal History 1954’)
Then I ranked them in importance.
So, I have a tune of the next era also (Aslan, Narnia sand
the world into being).
Fourthly: The tune would be different for different eras—as
would the groups. ‘Deus Vult’. ‘He was before He was not.’ ‘Hier stehe ich.’
Fifthly, we should HebrewSing (yes) all Psalms throughout
all Christendom using this tune and Cascione’s counts of concepts.
117 with 150:6 as an ending, has 5 commands to praise, 6
praisers, and 7 Praised.
My tune of the next era is 1,4, 9, 12, 11. Sing it thus,
phrases using notes.
An alternative to monotone and 3 at the end.
Now, Rhythm.
Toi get the ’feeling’ of history, go 29 years back from 2020
and discern the key happenings of that year,1991.
Then go 29 x 7 years back, and discern the key happenings
ofthat 7 year period, that heptad, with the year in the center.
Do it for 29 x 7 x 7 for the jubilee, 24 years on each side.
Do it 2x that.
Do it 3x that.
FINALLY, we continue with Matthew’s chronologies, Mark’s
Business Servants (but add 49 worst (events, individuals, groups…--for my
Add Luke’s Jubilee to
be fulfilled, fulfilled, and now what. Add John’s tabernacle-to-be (last 7
NEXTWEEK is week 30, Opera begins. Each of twelve
groups, will have the first of 4 initiations.
Week 31 will be the first response. 10 words. Second is 70
words. Third is 153 words, fourth @ 500.
Initiation and Response make an IR, Hebrew for ‘city’—a
community, then.
Week 30
Host A 2053 Imperative Subjective Week 30
With Christian Sociology--three institutions,4 fronts-- and Cascione's concept counting,
Psalm tunes should cange note orders for the times.
Then Planetary Service during BuildUp
Rivers. B. Russell, from Eden, Empires--Egypt etc.,
Himalayas (Fuller, ‘Critical Path’
I have 12 fours.
For Week 44
Host A 2053 For Week 44
Our Response
Improving The Symphonic Method. Make it simple, each
question goes to all. What are your 4 questions, a 5th after. Put week before
and after Total Christ weeks. November 29, before, in "Critical Path
1000. What are your 4 questions, 5 if
one after?
Who owns ya, baby?.
Grandchildren's grandchildren
Still writing it, but I ordered some Kennedy halves (40%
silver) to give to children, grandchildren, and godparents along with Ca$h to
tell their grandchildren about 'Critical Path 1000' aka 'Gospels Layer of
Eternal Calendar' aka 'A Thousand Year Prayer.
1 significant event for each of last 49 years Please send
your nominations here or to
This is for BuildUp of 'A Thousand Year Prayer,' aka Gospels
Layer of Eternal Calendar
Here's one:Only 14 FOURTEEN!! years ago. 2006
Put in BuildUp of A Thousand Year Prayer
Host A 1142 One Page Year EphesusCoram871
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
2—April 19 Titus
3—April 26 1st Timothy
4—May 3 !st Thessalonians
5—May 10 Philemon
6—May 17 2nd Timothy
7—May 24 2nd Thess.
8—May 31 Colossians
9—June 7 Ephesians
10—June 14* 2 Cor.
11,12—June 28* Romans
12, 13—July 5 Phil.
13, 14-- July 12 Gal.
14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.
15, 16—July 26 3 John
16, 17—Aug 2 Jude
17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet
18,19—Aug 16 1 John
19, 20—Aug 23 2 John
20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter
21,22—Sep 6** James
22, 25—Sep 20** Rev
23, 26—Sep
27 John
24, 27—Oct 4 Mark
25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.
26, 29—Oct 18 Acts
27, 30—Oct 25 Luke
28, 31—Nov 1 Matt
29, 32—Nov 8 The 12
30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.
31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.
32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah
33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.
34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel
35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings
36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.
37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs
38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms
39, 44—Jan
31 Samuel
40-42, 45-46 EAT
Feb 7
Song Job
Ruth (this
43, 47—Feb 14 Judges
44-48—Feb 21 Deut.
45,49—Feb 28 Lev.
46, 50—Mar
7 Genesis
47, 51—Mar 14 Josh
48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers
49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus
*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21
**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of
The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)
Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not
cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at
where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and
“God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I
had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren
and great gc will improve, D. V.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are
1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7,
10, 12 TO Do.
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the
first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.
PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022,
and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm
Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.
Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book),
and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be
placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,
Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar? See my short writing on a Church being
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming
we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical
Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important
Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun,
Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher,
Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says
it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to
highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself,
even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.
Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee)
prophecy. How does each book of
week/sheba show this and the application now?
John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still
speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so,
what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be
written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as
we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s
Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in
World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and
Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church).
This from Cascione.
See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for
basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12,
the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a
retuning, a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from
8 and 9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD INDICATE
A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.
What happened in 1985?
A year may not be the appropriate time period.
THEEEOS (Bull), or Sabbath + 6 feasts, or 7 Creation Days,
but I'm melding an event a year for BuildUP (7 weeks before Easter/Coram) with
one event per year for the last 49 years, one per week. This is week 14 of
Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, First Corinthians, 1985.
What happened of most relevance to Christendom that year?
A note in the Symphony of History (ERH), A scene in God's
Theater (RJR). something in Opera (play with music, musical is too light),Opera
is 'works,' plural of 'opus' in Italian.
Assumption: GodTrinity is still active. How does he work?
Other things of note (ugh! an equivocation)--US off gold
standard, Money 2.o (Altucher, altcoin, Satoshi bitcoin--blockchain), Deng
de-collectivises agriculture in China,
biological knowledge increasing 4x faster than Moore's Law...)
After 1985, I'll be asking about the other years.
Gospels Layer keeps rolling along, more next week/sheba.
Also, I'm on substack
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Yes, they put two 'n's in my name.
49 business servants. Not the final word, bu< I pray, a
helpful world
1 Deng
2 Moonshooters
4 Gates Rockefeller
5 McDonogh
6 Dartmouth Recorders
7 Eliz. I British E. India Co.
8 Innovators Abraham McCloskey
9 Ridley
10 Lloyd’s Coffee Shop--Insurance
11 Gramsci Prov. 16:4
12 Benedict
13 Gilder Time Money
14 Knights Hospitaler
15 Jack Ma
16 North Mises Rockwell Rothbard
17 Satoshi
Money 2.0
18 1694, etc.
19 Jacobs
20 Justinian Theodora
21 Patriarchs
22 Ford
23 Debs vs. WWI
24 Reformers
25 David Solomon Noah
26 Sears Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton
27 Barton’s Jesus Jesus
28 Festival Laws Ag unto City
29 Fuller Troy WWI, etc. CP
30 Abundance
31 ‘Genius of Beast’
32 B. T. Washington, Oprah Madame Walker, etc.
33 Franklin H. C. Anderson
34 5 Billionaire Chinese Women
35 Energy Medicine Horowitz
36 Ellison Bloomberg Buffet
37 Michael Jordan Walt Disney
38 J J Hill
39 Ayn Rand
40 Jobs
41 Merrill Schwab
42 Edison Tesla Westinghouse
43 Indulgences
Sixtus Sixth
44 Perot
45 Siegel
46 Musk
47 Toyoda
48 Barnum
49 You
Fill in these blanks?
Maybe one each in Garden, Land, World
Check Wikipedia entry for each year
2020 To Be Determined
2019 North, ‘Christian Economics’--Student’s Edition –Also,
‘Teacher’s.’ ‘Activist’s,’ ‘Scholar’s’
2016 Bledsoe Non-politician Donald Trump, elected President
of the USA, 2016...
7 more
2012 Theopolis founded
2009 Mike Bull’s first main work
7 more
2006 Twitter
7 more
1995 ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’
1994 “Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future’
7 more
1991 Former Soviet Union
1988 ‘Through New Eyes’
7 more
Last 7
1973 ‘Institutes of Biblical Law’ and Rosenstock-Huessy
dies—his grandchildren bless him (
JBJ 49
Host A 1150 JBJ 49
From this link:
1--Genesis 8--Ruth 15--Isaiah
2--Exodus 9--Samuel 16--Kings
3--Leviticus 10--Psalms 17--Jeremiah-Lam.
4--Numbers 11--Job 18--Ezekiel
5--Deuteronomy 12--Proverbs 19--Daniel
6--Joshua 13--Song of Songs 20--Esther
7--Judges 14--Ecclesiastes 21--The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for
reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system
makes sense.
Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).
Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth –
Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah –
Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers
and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to
Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel
(Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of
Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the
Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future
of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Genesis – ’aleph (thousand; cp. promise to Abraham)
Exodus – beth (house; in Exodus the Tabernacle is built)
Leviticus – gimel (ripen; or recompense, re-ward, requite)
Numbers – daleth (door, entrance; enter the holy land)
Deuteronomy – he (lo! behold!)
Joshua – vav (hook, nail)
Judges – zayin (weapon; God trains Israel to war)
Ruth – heth (living thing)
Samuel – teth (a winding; goodness?; mud)
Psalms – yodh (hand)
Job – kaph (palm)
Proverbs – lamedh (ox-goad; learn, study, teach; clearly
fits Proverbs)
Song of Songs – mem (water)
Ecclesiastes – nun (sprout, propagate, flour-ish, generate)
Isaiah – samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in)
Kings – ‘ayin (eye)
Jeremiah-Lamentations – pe (mouth; fits Je-remiah)
Ezekiel – tsaddi (related to "capture" and
"righteous"; both fit Ezekiel, the tsadiq)
Daniel – qoph (ape; eye of a needle)
Esther – resh (head)
The Twelve – shin (tooth, jaw)
Greater Chronicles – tav (sign, cross)
Host A 1149 The 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups
1—Coin your own money—a beer, etc. David Pizer to get to the
far future you will need monetary vehicles more reliable the the present ones,
maybe derived from Altucher's 'Money 2.0,; which search? Keep me informed. Thanks Venture to the Far
2—Small town—use ‘Looking Backward’ the Coralville writer.
Sports Lingo
3--Someday someone will make million$ (search 'Judge Judy
makes over 100 million dollars a year' with 'Christian
Courts,' which also search. I will consult on the 'et mohar'
metathesis' market. Bret L. McAtee, Thomas Weddle
From Week 10
The questions, four each of 12. Consider 4s of 5s
1--Psalms—5 parts, Bible in miniature. Adam F, Garden
(Tentative: Money 2.0)
2--Lists in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’. Beth, I, Garden (Tentative: Christian Courts)
3--Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man (and tribes thereof?). Carl, B,
Garden (Tentative: Godparents for Eldsters)
4--Earth Air Fire Water Quintessence, and Days of
Creation. Donna, O Garden (Tentative: 12
Word Platform)
5--B R SH T (first word of bible, proto-liturgy House Head
Eat (fang) Cross. Fred, F, Land
(Tentative: Personhood Day)
6, 7, 8--4 of E. T. Hall (‘Silent Language). Grace, I, Land (Tentative: Small Community
Hall’s next 4. Howard, B, Land (Tentative: Better Languages)
2 of Hall’s (10) 2x? Irene, O, Land (Tentative: Bild A Peace
9--Festivals, 3, then
Passover Pentecost First Fruits, (Purim) John, F, World (Tentative:
Speculative Fiction Applied)
10—Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles (Purim) Karen, I, World
(Tentative: Longevity/’Cryonics’)
11--First 4 of 10 words, then JBJ’s 5 +8, 6 +9, 7 + 10
Lawrence, B, World (Tentative: Adjusting to rapid change)
12--7 days, three in chiasm Mae, O, World (Tentative:
Beatific Vision/Heaven)
Next 3 oath-formed institutions, with individual mandate to
re-form bad, aunto dominion mandate of society
Church, Marriage (family), Civil Magistrate
Too future/forward, revolution
Too inward, mystic,
Too back, decadent
Too out, war.
Examples (you help?) Liberation theology is too
revolutionary, but we can learn ________
Theresa of Avila was too mystic, but we can learn ________
What of the other ten?
And what small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg) oath-formed,
small, productively profitable, enthusiastic groups (peace, no
warpath—explicitly reconciling opposites
Singing Mountain of Time Liturgy in CORAM Let us sing the
new epoch of peace
Henry David Thoreau - If a man does not keep pace with
- Henry David Thoreau quotes from "If a
man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a
different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured
or far away."
Let’s sing the new epoch of peace.
List of musical elements.
Singing Mountains in Time
We're aiming at the Tune Unto Next Epoch in Week 49. 12notes
in an octave, 5 black and 7 whites. Played in order of importance. The TUNE
itself, the TUNE articulated (as first notes of Beethoven's 5th), the TUNE
calling for a harmonizing response of other notes.
Here are the other tunes. First 70 days, 49-1, 49-29. Then
7531642 until the last 49 days, 1-49.
Get Jeremiah's 51 prophecies and the 146 Psalms x2, with
summaries of books and whole from chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
Opera (weeks 30-37) follows same order as holidays. 21-1 for
Public Vindication, 4s by 4152637 for TBOTMOFA, 1-12 for first week of Totus
Christus, and 7531642 for second week.
I'm very healthy. I think there is some post-polio, but a
doctor is working on it. I need more exercise, for metabolism, but the
FitTrack(like a scale for weighing) which somehow measures 8 health things such
as bone density, muscle s, etc.) says I'm in good shape. We think it says I should weigh too little.
Working overtime this quarter, we'll see how it works.
Watch for 'Toward Peace Tune' coming soon. What to do. Compare The Twelve (minor prophets) not put
in Bible in chronological order. Put them on piano octave (7 white keys, 5
black) in chronological order, then play them in the order they are in the Bible. You get a tune. It could be the EXACT tune, it could be notes
to be articulated (as the first notes of
Beethoven's Fifth) or it cold be something with which to harmonize.
3 institutions ( Church, King, Marriage) x 4 Fronts
(Forward, In, Back, Out) give another 12, and I propose small enthusiastic
groups (tribes without perpetual warpath) and the ORDER of their importance for
a Tune Toward Peace. (Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites).
ERH: Any technological change destroys old groups, while
increasing our range and shortening the time.
Love in King Jesus,
Evangelism by church year colors HebrewSing Psalms Psalm
Evangelism by wearing church year colors
Why (blue)?
It's (season) of the eternal calendar.
What's the eternal calendar?
The life of Christ and our response.
Why is that important?
Christ became man to bear our sins. He was andis God to
forgive them.
HebrewSing Psalms
Lead with benefits, then give proofs
1--Psalms are the Bible in miniature
2--Everyone would use Hebrew and their native language
Easy to do. Get Hebrew, write below the sounds and (English,
in our case) translation, and the SOUNDS
Monotonic chanting and 3 notes at the end would work.
Overhead projectors, smartphones, Chromebooks, Raspberry Pi
are cheap.
Or do lining out.
Send me one when you have it written. Start with he 23rd
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Co-Worker had to translate hieroglyphics to get his degree
in tourism guide in Egypt. We routinely read upside down and backwards.
PPS: Think future generations.
Possible tunes for Psalms--Cascione/Jordan
Example below.
Run it through a 'Christian Sociology' of 3 institutions, 4
3: Church, King, World. Self-maledictory formation.
4:Forward, In, Back, Out (ERH)
Put these twelve on a piano octave of 7 white and 5 black
Play by importance (See New Bible Commentary for The Twelve)
I see 1, 4, 9, 12, 11 if needed.
117 with 150:6 has 5 commands to praise, 6 praisers, 7
Praised. Assign a note per above.
Love in King Jesus,
Project: HebrewSing (sic) all Psalms. (JBJ-146) The material
is online, start with 23, and here are advantages: 1--All Christendom sings the
same, 2--Bible in miniature, 3--Future generations will learn more.
Need native language, Hebrew, Hebrew sounds, some music (until
Cascione/Christian Sociology notes, chant)
I'd pay.
War Songs 4 point 0 is Psalm 117 with end of 150 verse 6
I have 4 to post. 2.0 is about Hebrew. 3.0 explains this.
Then there’s Week 30, 12 groups and 4 initiation, questions.
To understand this, you need 3.0, but the basic idea is that
the tune reflects the importance of the small, enthusiastic group, one of 12 in
A Christian Sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts.
I maintain that it’s 1, 4, 9, 12, aa…, that is Forward in
Church, Outward in Church, Forward in World, etc.
1—1, 4, 9 is flipped. (This is for the first coram of the
next 1000, however long that is).
2—There are 5 commands to praise, 6 praisers, 7 Praised.
3—Praised is Low=1.
4—Praisers is
5—Praise is High=9.
6—Co-workers tell me the ‘Sound Hound’ app or the ‘Score
Cleaner app’ will print a score/sheet music from sung/played tunes. I’m out ot
it, in ‘tardema’
7—So, Psalm 117 with 150;6. JBJ said once that each Psalm of
a respective Book (of 5) ends with the last verse of that book.
9—O praise
1—the Lord
4—All ye nations
4—All ye people
1—For His merciful kindness is great
4—toward us
1—And the truth of the Lord endureth forever
1—the Lord
4—Let everything that hath breath
1—the Lord
1—the Lord
8—Psalm tune will vary according to emphases in the 12 parts
of A Christian Sociology. ‘Deus vult!’ seems to be a 4. What do I know?
War Songs 2 point 0 Prayerfully Consider
1—What do I know? Use the Theopolis Psalter(s) as a base.
2—Start with JBJ’s 146 Psalms (Psalms Conference)
3—Get the Psalms work he did for monthly donors—key concepts
in bold.
4—Maybe the bolded would be good for cymbal use (Psalm 150).
5—What do I know?
6—Unify Christendom by chanting in Hebrew ALSO.
7—Use an interlinear printed out.
8—OOPS! I forgot, put them and summaries on Jubilee Calendar
(See ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’,and Luke 4) I did it, have
that somewhere.
9—Put Hebrew sounds in order to translate and chant.
10—Your grandchildren and their grandchildren will bless
11—Remember, the Psalms are the Bible in miniature.
12—Yes to Pentecost, yes to 5/6 of the Bible is in Hebrew,
yes to being abe to read upside down and backward.
Note: Arabic letter have different shapes, depending on
where they are in a word—first, last, middle. Wonderfulneses abound.
With A (not The)
Christian Sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts, laid out on an octave of 7
white and 5 black keys, and striking the important things first, you have a
Psalm tune for this era. 'Deus vult!' would differ, so would 'Hier stehe Ich'.
I've done 117 with 150;6. Compare 'The Twelve' a theodicy NOT put in the Bible
chronologically, but which makes a tune. Also, firt 4 notes of Beethoven's 5th,
Deo Volente. A citizen is one who can put it back together
after it all falls apart: ERH.
1—‘Things fall apart’ amidst ‘Abundance’—the book. 2—Jordan
amens this in ‘Through New Eyes,’ but warns against ‘playing God’.
3—We can pray though, CHH. 4—Rosenstock (ERH) stated that
any new technology increased reach, shortened time, and destroyed old groups.
5—In Dartmouth lectures, ‘Universal History 1954” ERH held
that the next social order would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’—tribes without
perpetual warpath, as nation states were empires without slavery, and the
church was Israel without exclusions. Thus, a chiasm of history. Jordan held to
successive emphases on The, Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost. These can both be
6—I attempt to base these groups on A Christian Sociology of
3 institutions and 4 fronts, and prioritize to make a tune, a la ‘The
Twelve’—‘New Bible Commentary has basics, no tune.
7—Thus ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar’—the life of Christ and our response. 9Chalcedon)
8—I’m writing this. Good website and downloads 2021, app
2022? Grandchildren of godparents are to be on board.
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding of the
universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of
every potent and creative
man in the world. But you look outside and try to deduce by
your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins,
and how it should be
run. You'll never solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a
selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your
will bless you.
Charles Howard Hartman, Thanksgiving Anno Domini 2020.
Thursday November 26
PhiladelphiaYMM!!!, Jeremiah-Lamentations Sheba,
Kennedy halves to your grandchildren, bills for ‘postage’.
Host A 2026 The 12 groups and 4 initiations or questions
12 groups
I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts (OK, Sharia
Berman ('Law and Revolution') wrote that the scholastic
comparison of laws led to the scientificc method.
Maybe we can do something similar?
Love in King Jesus,
Forward, 1 Christian Court TV (a co-worker calls this ‘Judge Jesus)—Inward,
2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious
Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine,
calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et
mohar’, Jay Abraham
12 Initiations Week 30
1—B R S-H T house,
head, eat, cross
2—Ox Lion Eagle Man
3—Day 1, 2, 3, 4 [9, 10, 11, 12?]
4—Day 5, 6, 7, 8(Sermon
on Mount) {9, 10, 11, 12?]
5—Father, Son, Spirit, Trinity
6—Forward, Inward, Back, Out (Me ,I, We, They)
7—Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective(Planetary
8—Take, Break, New Name, Give(Enjoy)
9—Heaven Above, Waters Under, Earth Beneath, Creation
10—Beatitudes and Woes 1, 2,; 3, 4; 5, 6; 7, 8
11—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers(Deuteronomy)
12—Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact
Host 2044 The New Twelve Tune
1—The Old Twelve, 2—Christian Sociology, 3—ERH’s bad,
4—CHH’s proposed 12, 5—CHH’s Tune, when played in order of importance,
6—Timing: ‘Whare’s the money in this, 7—A page one each to come
Week 24, Mark
1-- A piano octave has 12 keys—7 white, 5 black.
The Twelve (twelve minor prophets) can be put on the octave,
When played in the order of the Bible, they make a tune.
This can be THE tune, or it can be an invitation to
harmonize, or it can be something to articulate, as the first notes of
Beethoven’s Fifth may be.
2—Christian sociology can be a ‘twelve’. 3 institutions, 4
Institutions: Church, Civil Government, Marriage (Garden,
Land, World—Priest, King, Prophet. Marriage can be House, Family, Business when
extended.) (Various)
Two space fronts—in/out. 2 time fronts—forward, backward
3—ERH (Rosenstock) says that to forward is Revolution, too
inward is Mysticism, too backward is Decadence, too outward is War.
(He also has Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Objective…and Planetary Service in his reconstruction of Revolution of the
West. Also Jesus, Confucius (Lao-tse says Hartman), Abraham, Buddha (Greek theater
says Hartman and says Hartman, ERH’s Symphony of History, RJR’s
(Rushdoony) ‘history is God’s theater
for #5, all sandwiched between Already and Not Yet.)
4—I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts—Inward,
2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious
Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine,
calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et mohar’,
Jay Abraham
5-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12,
11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
Alternatively, Dec. 12, A. D. 2021—1 Jordan Bible, see
Wilkins @ chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, 5, liturgy written on year calendar, 9
money 3.0
1—Pay someone to do Christian Courts (see ’ Teaching
Billions to Pray Better’)—find someone who’ll make money. Judge Judy over $100
million/year. 4--Subsidize how to do it in cities. 9—Grandchildren. Next year
downloadable calendar, website, year after app, grandchildren. 12—Get it going
REBUILDNNEEWW heterosis and ’50 Shades of Jay’.
11- Plan? 10- Plan? 2—117 now, work on rest after JBJ’s Psalter, 3—Work
with various? 5—Temporary ‘til 12 caches up, 6—A new group or ‘Politics Anonymous’,
7—Wait ‘til he’s done, but THEOS it,8—Plan?
but work on each.
7—A page for each would be good for week 25. The ‘calendar’
rolls along.
Host A 2050 Brief Update Tuesday Dec 1 AD 2020 EphesusYMM!!!
IsaiahSheba EphesusCoram871
1—I should have 14 who will give to grandchildren to improve
my work.
2—The Opera portion concentrates on ’house’.
3—We are in the double mountain of time holiday kolisheba
BREAD portion.
4—Deo Volente, ebook downloadable with good website will be
in 2021. Printedable too.
5—App by 2022. (Note: In conquest of Axial Age institutions,
this is AbrahamDia.)
GoodNews layer of eternal
calendar continues.
7—The last 7 weeks,
BuildUp, will feature what to do, and
flow of history/future.
Transcendence—rate of change, abundance. Hierarchy—old
groups destroyed, small and enthusiastic groups, which?
Ethics 3—Garden, Land,
World, and x 4 fronts. Oaths and Sanctions—house, threshold blood, Truce
of God.
Succession—Tune Unto New Era, at this time. 1, 4, 9, 12, 11
(and Psalms—117-- and in Hebrew)
8—GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
And as we are torn in the present between the past and the
future, the in and the out
Our howls become music, and we the singing song.
The hero is the one between times, the first sufferer, the
Host A 2051 49 Worst Theodicy
Host A 2024 War Songs 3 point 0 Psalm Tunes Per Time It Is
1—I don’t know.
2—Prayerfully consider.
3—Use Theopolis Psalter(s) as base.
4—Consider ERH’s (Rosenstock-Huessy’s) theory that new
technology increases reach, shortens times and destroys old group.
5—Then consider his thought in ‘Universal History 1954’,
free online audio and transcript: The next social order will be samml,
enthusiastic groups—tribes without perpetual warpath.
6—Do A Christian Sociology of 3 institutions, and 4 fronts.
7—Luther: Church, King,
Haus. Or, 3 by self-maledictory oath.
8—2 spatial fronts: In, Out.
9—2 time fronts: Forward, Backward.
10—These also make a ‘Cross of Reality’.
11—FIBO is Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective in
‘Revolutions of West’.
12—1-12 is Church FIBO, Land FIBO, World FIBO.
13--Write this on a piano octave of 7 white keys and 5 black
14—Put a small, enthusiastic group in each of the 12. Old
groups destroyed.
15—Note: Old groups
destroyed, Buckmnister Fuller’s ephemeralization from mechanical engineering to
physics and chemistry, and Diamandis’ 6 Ds—Digitalization, Deception (it takes
longer), Disruption, Dematerialization, Demonetization, Democratization. (See
his books: ‘Abundancce, ’ The Future is Faster Than You Think’.
16—Remember, The Twelve are not in the Bible in
chronological order. They make a tune of theodicy? (See New Bible Commentary—not
for tune, theodicy).
17—Is there a ‘Jesus Tune’ in addition to His being all
tunes. Tubb ’Winds of Gath’.
18—Play the tune of the next year (Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi—CORAM) of the next epoch bystrikingfor firstof
importance forst.
19—I’ve proposed 1, 4, 9, 12, 11…
20—Then make the tune for each Psalm.
21—‘Deus vult!’ time ,differs from ’He was before He was
not’ time,’ and from ‘Hier steh Ich’ time, e.g.
22—See 4.0 for 117.
Host A 2028 Christian Court TV Short Intro
Christian Court(s) TV (youTube, etc.) would solve your
fund-raising problems, and be a GREAT ministry when you would have videos from
churches. Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year, so there's a market. Email
me at, I've written a plan.
See more on Facebook
Deo Volente. A citizen is one who can put it back together
after it all falls apart: ERH.
1—‘Things fall apart’ amidst ‘Abundance’—the book. 2—Jordan
amens this in ‘Through New Eyes,’ but warns against ‘playing God’.
3—We can pray though, CHH. 4—Rosenstock (ERH) stated that
any new technology increased reach, shortened time, and destroyed old groups.
5—In Dartmouth lectures, ‘Universal History 1954” ERH held
that the next social order would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’—tribes without
perpetual warpath, as nation states were empires without slavery, and the
church was Israel without exclusions. Thus, a chiasm of history. Jordan held to
successive emphases on The, Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost. These can both be
6—I attempt to base these groups on A Christian Sociology of
3 institutions and 4 fronts, and prioritize to make a tune, a la ‘The
Twelve’—‘New Bible Commentary has basics, no tune.
7—Thus ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar’—the life of Christ and our response. 9Chalcedon)
8—I’m writing this. Good website and downloads 2021, app
2022? Grandchildren of godparents are to be on board.
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding of the
universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of
every potent and creative
man in the world. But you look outside and try to deduce by
your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins,
and how it should be
run. You'll never solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a
selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your
will bless you.
Charles Howard Hartman, Thanksgiving Anno Domini 2020.
Thursday November 26
PhiladelphiaYMM!!!, Jeremiah-Lamentations Sheba, EphesusCoram871
Kennedy halves to your grandchildren, bills for ‘postage’.
Host A 2031 For The Twelve New Legitimacy
How get it, keep it? ‘Revolt of the Public’ opines that
Ortega y Gasset’s ‘Courage, Honesty, Humility’ as exemplified by leaders is the
Hoppe’s ‘Short History of Man’ says that with decentralization,
natural leaders will be evident.
Hartman holds that some kind of true speech/oath behind
which words one puts one’s life, a la Berman’s (‘Law and Revolution’) formation
of cities @ 12th C. after ‘Truce of God’ and mutual oath-taking will help.
Host A 2030 Tunes the 12 PV TBOTMOFA TC 1 and 2 New Epoch
Per ’New Bible Commentary’ the twelve minor prophets are NOT
in chronological order in our Bibles.
Let’s put them on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black keys
Then let’s strike them in the order they are in the Bible.
We get 4, then 8 in a row.
This tune might be a) the tune, b) the tune to articulate (4
note of Beethoven’s Fifth, e.g.. c) something with which to harmonize.
For the next, let’s use JBJ’s 49-book Bible. (Tunes of
Public Vindication, the Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, Total
Christ 1 and 2—and, modifying, the Tune Unto Next Epoch.
For TBOTMOFA 4s by 4152637 (see Revelation 5:12, 7:12 for
this retuning, in JBJ’s Revelation commentary. Also, this is close to our days
of the week, using planets and ‘gods’ of planets for naming)
What’s the tune of Public Vindication. I propose 7x by
7654321, using JBJ. [See later]
For TBOTMOFA, it’s 4s by 4152637
For TC 1, it’s 1s by 1234567
For TC2 it’s 7s by 7531642
For Tune Unto New Epoch, I’m working on it. 3 institutions x
4 fronts = a 12.
Now we’ll put JBJ’s 49 book Bible, 7 sevens, and then come
back to the tunes for the holiday weeks (qolisheba)
Host A 2012 Christian Sociology Gospels Layer What Do Now
Biblical Psalm Tunes
What more during this Deep Sleep/Tardema? Rhythm/Flow of
For this week/sheba
Christian Sociology, Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar (The
life of Christ [God and Man] and our response, What Do Now, Biblical Psalm Tunes
What more during this Deep Sleep/Tardema? Rhythm/Flow of
‘The Devil’s Dictionary’ (Kotler, July 2021) has a character
who ‘feels’ the future—rhythm!
Wow! Sound interesting, worthwhile. BUT..July 2021!!!
Amazon blurb. 'New York Times bestselling author Steven
Kotler's follow up to Last Tango, a near-future thriller about the evolution of
empathy in the tradition of William Gibson and Neal Stephenson.
Hard to say when the human species fractured exactly. Harder
to say when this new talent arrived. But Lion Zorn, protagonist of Last Tango,
is the first of his kind—an empathy tracker, an emotional soothsayer, with a
felt sense for the future of the we. In simpler terms, he can spot cultural
shifts and trends before they happen.
The Devil's Dictionary finds Lion Zorn enmeshed with a
strange subculture: polyamorous crypto-currency fiends with a tendency toward
eco-terrorism. These crypto-eco-punks have executed the largest land grab in
U.S. history, buying up huge swatches of the American west to establish the
world’s first mega-linkage. This unbroken tract of wild lands stretching from
Yellowstone to Yukon is meant to protect biodiversity and stave off the Sixth
Great Extinction, but something’s rotten in Eden. Instead of saving existing
species, exotic creatures unlike anything seen on Earth keep turning up. Called
in to track down the origin of these exotics, Lion quickly finds himself
entangled in a battle for the survival of our species.'
Host A 2013 12 of History
Constantine, Athanasius/Tertullian, Theodora/Justinian
Gregory VII
Pace of Change,
Jordan/ERH, Mises School, Smartphone/Internet, Blockchain/Satoshi,
Diamandis 6D
Host A 2059 What Is Next?
We’ll end up at week 49 with a tune for the next epoch—1000
years, however long it is.
We play this tune according he the emphasis on the
respective ‘notes’ of a Christian Sociology (see below)
1, 9, 4, 12, 11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
Briefly: 1—Christian Courts, 4—Contagious Disciple Making,
9—A Thousand Year Prayer,
12—New Property, Profits, 11—LocalOnline, 10—Money 2.0,
2—HebrewSing, 3—Godparents For Eldsters, 5—Technologies of
6—Restraint, 7—History Western Civilization/Smartphone,
8—Peace Tribe
This tune will change, and it can be use for HebrewSing.
Cascione. Use most used for first note—example, 117 w/150:6 has 5 commands to
Praise! (note 1?), 6 praisers names (note 4?) and 7 Praised (note 9?). The
octave may be flipped, so Praise! Is 9, praisers are 4, and Praised is 1. It
could be done as articulation, re: first 4 notes of Beethoven’s 5th.
In the interim we have left out Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies
(Bullinger) and JBJ’s 146 Psalms. These are somewhere in my writings @
The last 7 weeks, are Transcendence (rate of change)
Hierarchy (old inssstitutions destroyed as our reach increases and the time it
takes decreases (Rosenstock). 12 Ethich, 4 eachof Garden/Church/Priest and then
Land/King, and then Marriage-World-House-Family-Business, #6 is Oaths and
Sanctions (maybe truce of God mutual oath-taking (Berman) and #7 is
succession—Resurrection gives us power and responsibility to DO, to the Glory
of God.
The last 49 also goes through JBJ’s 49-book Bible
(Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament) and has the one significant event
for each of the past 49 years,and for each 7 (in week) and maybe more 1/7ths.
Fourthly, weeks 30-37 are occupied with refining the 12
notes, using 4 questions from each of the 12 to each of the others and itself
(Initiation). 10, 70, 153, @500 words as Response.. Thus IR, Hebrew for city.
These 4s are:
1—B R S-H T (House, Head, Eat, Cross) First Word/Letters of
Bible (CH claims that this is a proto-liturgy)
2—Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man
3—Days of Creation 1, 2, 3, 4
4—Days of Creation 5, 6, 7 (Fall), 8 (Resurrectionand Sermon
on the Mount)
5—Decalogue, per JBJ: 1,2,3,4 and 5 is 5 and 8, 6 and 9, 7
and 10
6—Father, Son, Spirit, Bride
7—Forward, In, Back, Out (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Objectiv and Planetary Service)
8—Take, Break, New Name,Give out with instruction, and we
9—Heavens Above (Garden) Waters Under (World), Earth Beneath
(Land) Creation
10—Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact
11—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers (Deuteronomy)
12—Beatitudes and Woes:1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6; 7, 8
Previous work on Notes
Host 2044 The New Twelve Tune
1—The Old Twelve, 2—Christian Sociology, 3—ERH’s bad,
4—CHH’s proposed 12, 5—CHH’s Tune, when played in order of importance,
6—Timing: ‘Whare’s the money in this, 7—A page one each to come
Week 24, Mark
1-- A piano octave has 12 keys—7 white, 5 black.
The Twelve (twelve minor prophets) can be put on the octave,
When played in the order of the Bible, they make a tune.
This can be THE tune, or it can be an invitation to
harmonize, or it can be something to articulate, as the first notes of
Beethoven’s Fifth may be.
2—Christian sociology can be a ‘twelve’. 3 institutions, 4
Institutions: Church, Civil Government, Marriage (Garden,
Land, World—Priest, King, Prophet. Marriage can be House, Family, Business when
extended.) (Various)
Two space fronts—in/out. 2 time fronts—forward, backward
3—ERH (Rosenstock) says that to forward is Revolution, too
inward is Mysticism, too backward is Decadence, too outward is War.
(He also has Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Objective…and Planetary Service in his reconstruction of Revolution of the
West. Also Jesus, Confucius (Lao-tse says Hartman), Abraham, Buddha (Greek
theater says Hartman and says Hartman, ERH’s Symphony of History, RJR’s
(Rushdoony) ‘history is God’s theater
for #5, all sandwiched between Already and Not Yet.)
The Next 1000 Years: THEEEOS
Hat Tip: Mike Bull
Since JBJ declines to speculate ('play God': TNE) I use
Rosenstock's Universal History 1954 ( to pry to find 12 small,
enthusiastic groups. in my 12 new layers
of Eternal Calendar, this is John.
The last 7 weeks are
THEEOS, in this way: What is the Transcendent characteristic of existence since
1980? Then is when Fuller's 'Critical Path' ends, and also the '100 Most
Important Events in Church History'.
T= rapid pace of change. Diamandis, and especially Gurri
(Information has doubled in one year, this Fifth Wave tsunami of information is
like unto the invention of writing (1),and of alphabet (2).
H= Rosenstock's dictum that any new technology increases
spatial reach, reduces time taken,and destroys old groups.That's thefirst two
weeks, when we are now. 'The center cannot hold' Decentralization, desperate
Next, the 12 new groups.
Love in King Jesus,
EEEOS of The next 1000 Years
S= The song that encapsulates (JBJ 'Covenant Sequence...')
is Psalm 117 (with 150:6) 'tuned' via Cascione's/Jordan's repetition in the
Bible,onto an octave, with 5 black keys)
O= 'Lord willing.
Changes 2022
Garden/Priest/Church 5--JBJ's Bible 2--Psalms 3--Christian
Courts Video 4--Contagious Disciple Making
Land/King/Civil Magistrate 5--12 Word Platform 6--Nations as
Trade Routes 7--History of Western Civilization (North) 8--Godparents for
Eldsters, first peace tribe (greatly extended productive lifespan)
9--The Next 1000 Years 10--Money 2.0 and 3.0 11--LocalOnlineLeader (sic)
12--New Property
The grandchildren of my grandchildren (and other
'grandchildren) will improve this.
Love in King Jesus,
4—I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts—Inward,
2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious
Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
(Mar 21 Coin Yourself and (March 19 A. D. 2021 add 100 Trillion Shares
Capitalizing Yourself)) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you
can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits
through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham
5-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12,
11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
1—Pay someone to do Christian Courts (see ’ Teaching
Billions to Pray Better’)—find someone who’ll make money. Judge Judy over $100
million/year. 4--Subsidize how to do it in cities. 9—Grandchildren. Next year
downloadable calendar, website, year after app, grandchildren. 12—Get it going
REBUILDNNEEWW heterosis and ’50 Shades of Jay’.
11- Plan? 10- Plan? 2—117 now, work on rest after JBJ’s Psalter, 3—Work
with various? 5—Temporary ‘til 12 caches up, 6—A new group or ‘Politics
Anonymous’, 7—Wait ‘til he’s done, but THEOS it,8—Plan?
but work on each.
7—A page for each would be good for week 25. The ‘calendar’
rolls along.
Host A 2054 Lind 4th generation wars to you
'Enter Fourth Generation War. All over the world, state
militaries find themselves fighting not other mirror-image state armed forces
but the ghosts of premodern war.'
'At the crux of Fourth Generation War is a crisis of the
legitimacy of the state.'
' our streets over the past few months. Fourth
Generation War has come to a theater near you. '
'Restoring the legitimacy of the state requires a federal
government that actually cares about America “beyond the beltway,” and neither
political party offers that.'
'I can see three possible outcomes to the crisis of
legitimacy of the American state.'
Read ERH, transcript and audio of Dartmouth
lectures 'Universal History 1954 and follow Eternal Calendar
CHH thinks this Covid could be the first in a series of 5th
generation war moves, and as Sun Tzu wrote “The best victory is over an
opponent who doesn’t even know he’s in a war’.
Orwell: ‘We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand
ready in the night to do violence to those who would do us harm’
Host A1161 7x7 grid of last 49 years
What should you have invested in then?
Beloit has a neat 'Mindset' series, which tells about
incoming freshman. There's even a compilation of mindsets over the years. Great
reading. I'll use it for 'Toward Peace'. Also, last
343 years, 49 x7.
1-1972 2-1973 3-1974 4-1975 5-1976 6=1977 7-1978
8-1979 9-1980 10-1981 11-1982 12-1983 13-1984 14-1985
15-1986 16-1987 17-1988 18-1989 19-1990 20-1991 21-1992
22-1993 23-1994 24-1995 25-1996 26-1997 27-1998 22-1999
29-2000 30-2001 31-2002 32-2003 33-2004 34-2005 35-2006
36-2007 37-2008 38-2009 39-2010 40-2011 41-2012 42-2013
43-2014 44-2015 45-2016 46-2017 47-2018 48-2019 49-2020
Last 49 heptads (7 year periods) by heptads, 871 ends 2013
46-1996-2002 47-2003-2009 48-2010-2016 49-2017-2023
We have entered a period of opportunities unprecedented in
our lifetime. The combination of Moore's law, Pareto's distribution, and the
lockdowns is changing the world. This is because prices have fundamentally
changed. The price system now favors innovation, less-expensive communications,
and geographical mobility.
Bechamp @ 1886 vs.Pasteur. Rappoport on Lew Rockwell
‘terrain vs. germ is still one of the most important debates in human history’
Aug 21 2020
2008 internet too slow for Zoom, 2020 NOT As the people with big money abandon the
great cities of this country, of which New York City is paramount, the balance
of political power is going to shift. It is going to become more decentralized.
This is good news for those of us who have not been part of the mainstream.
2008 internet too slow for Zoom, 2020 NOT. ‘
2020 Lockdowns, NYC dying (Altucher)
he discovered a medicinally useful drug, the first synthetic antibacterial
organoarsenic compound salvarsan,[56][102][103] now called arsphenamine. Fleming 1928, others earlier
2008 George Carlin dies
1995, web,perGary North lesson 6. See Wikipedia.1905 Direct
marketing (90 years before)
2001 Upledger ‘Cranial Sacral Therapy’
Improvers will have an entry each in Garden, Land, World,
and Opus Dei (?)
Elon Musk
1989 McCloy dies
Van Til ‘Survey of Christian Epistemology’ also 1969, 1980
Host A 1143 49 for BuildUp one for year
I recently read an article, "The Stages of Life As It
Relates To Your Career."
• Learning – In your 20s – A time when you try lots of
things to see which ones motivate you. There are not many things you can do in
your 20s that I would consider mistakes.
• Experimenting – In your 30s – You sort out your interests
(and your friends) to eliminate the ones that don't fit who you are and where
you're going.
• Mastery – In your 40s – You focus on the things you've
kept after the experimenting stage. You're developing your skills and becoming
an expert at them.
• Reaping – In your 50s – The period you reap the rewards of
the decisions you've made previously and create systems to reach your highest
earning potential.
• Guiding – In your 60s – You mentor others with the wisdom
you've gained in prior years and leverage your major life message.
• Legacy – In your 70s – The decade you put things in place
that will live on when you're no longer here.
• Maximizing Your Zone of Genius – In your 80s – You spend
75% of your time doing the one thing you do best.
Add Garden, Land, World and by heptads or decades?
Add David Oates, ‘Origin of Speeches,’ Casciione? Speech
Thinkers (ERH)
What do YOU think the most significant event of each of the
past 49 years was? Mike Bull
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· Reply · 4m
Mike Bull
Mike Bull Charles Howard Hartman No idea. Significant to
whom? is part of the question.
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· Reply · 2m
Charles Howard Hartman
Jesus is the result of genealogies--first art of Matthew,
then tells us to 'disciple'--rather assumes is 'going'. What are the results of
these? These disciplings? Maybe in 7 areas--THEEEOS?
Only 14 FOURTEEN!! years ago.
Put in BuildUp of A Thousand Year Prayer
Fill in these blanks? MAR21 AD 2021—See Diamandis Moonshots
last 20 years
Maybe one each in Garden, Land, World
Check Wikipedia entry for each year
2020 To Be Determined March—USA coronavirus awareness per
Gary North subscriptions
2019 North, ‘Christian Economics’--Student’s Edition –Also,
‘Teacher’s.’ ‘Activist’s,’ ‘Scholar’s’
2016 Bledsoe Non-politician Donald Trump, elected President
of the USA, 2016...
7 more
2012 Theopolis founded
2009 Mike Bull’s first main work
7 more
2006 Twitter, Smartphone(? )
7 more
1995 ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’; World Wide
Web online (North’s Business Course)
1994 “Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future’
7 more
1991 Former Soviet Union
1988 ‘Through New Eyes’
7 more
Last 7
1977 Published in 1977 in The Millbank Memorial Fund
Quarterly, the McKinlay’s study was titled, “The Questionable Contribution of
Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the
Twentieth Century.” The study clearly proved, with data, something that the
McKinlay’s acknowledged might be viewed by some as medical “heresy.” Namely: “that
the introduction of specific medical measures and/or the expansion of medical
services are generally not responsible for most of the modern decline in
By “medical measures,” the McKinlay’s really meant ANYTHING modern medicine had
come up with, whether that was antibiotics, vaccines, new prescription drugs,
whatever. North begins 10 hours a week on his commentary.
Van Til ‘Survey of Christian Epistemology’ also 1969, 1980
1973 ‘Institutes of Biblical Law’ and Rosenstock-Huessy
dies—his grandchildren bless him (
Listen Read LearnPlay Doubt Critique/Analyze Protest/Witness
Win Rule Teach Speak Bequeath (at beginning Inherit, and end 3 generations).
North begins economic commentary on Bible.
The 12 (3x4) at end in a sequence of importance makes a
tune, tune of THIS time
Host A1161 7x7 grid of last 49 years
What should you have invested in then?
Beloit has a neat 'Mindset' series, which tells about
incoming freshman. There's even a compilation of mindsets over the years. Great
reading. I'll use it for 'Toward Peace'. Also, last
343 years, 49 x7.
1-1972 2-1973 3-1974 4-1975 5-1976 6=1977 7-1978
8-1979 9-1980 10-1981 11-1982 12-1983 13-1984 14-1985
15-1986 16-1987 17-1988 18-1989 19-1990 20-1991 21-1992
22-1993 23-1994 24-1995 25-1996 26-1997 27-1998 22-1999
29-2000 30-2001 31-2002 32-2003 33-2004 34-2005 35-2006
36-2007 37-2008 38-2009 39-2010 40-2011 41-2012 42-2013
43-2014 44-2015 45-2016 46-2017 47-2018 48-2019 49-2020
Last 49 heptads (7 year periods) by heptads, 871 ends 2013
46-1996-2002 47-2003-2009 48-2010-2016 49-2017-2023
Then do 7x, 2x, 3x, 4x and maybe use ‘Timetables of
From Guuri ‘Revolt of the Public’: 5th Wave, after Writing,
Alphabet, Printing (Press), Mass Media—first server on World Wid Web 1990, MP3
1993, blogs 1997, Blogger (free blogging software) 1999, Wikipedia 2001, social
network Friendster 2002, LinkedIn and Napster 2003, Facebook 2004, Apple
iTunes2003 (by that time 3 billion pages
were on the Web). This is a review—read
his book. Legitimacy. It will come when elites show Courage, Honesty, Humility
(via Ortega y Gasset’s works).
We have entered a period of opportunities unprecedented in
our lifetime.
Jordan’s 49
Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).
Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth –
Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah –
Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers
and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to
Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel
(Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of
Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the
Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future
of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Based on Revelation 5:12, 7:12, Jorden holds that Jesus
retuned the universe at His Ascension, because His 7 attributes are reun\uned
by (circle of) 5ths, and that we got our names of the days of the week by
retuning the planetary orbs from nearest to earth.
Thus 1Moon, 2Venus, 3Mercury, 4Sun, 5Mars, 6Jupiter, 7
These become 71234Sunday
12345Mars (Tir/Tiew?)Tuesday
Etc. 2 and 3 are
switched and other cultures of the West have some other names of days of the
Based on this retuning, I’ve retuned again and included
earth, and switched, and then switched the 49
I name the days (and year/’coram’ (Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi) after the churches in Revelation (leaving out
Jerusalem the Whole—r putting it in as qol/kol), thus
K/Q.O.Lymm!!! (the first day of week, year of heptad of
years. God ‘kol’ed from Sinai. ERH: ‘Without the imperative there is no
future’. Exclamation points are for excitement, and YMM is a homonym for
‘yom’—day in Hebrew—and indicates that we delight in incorporating (eating)
Host A 1142 One Page Year EphesusCoram871
1--April 12, A.D. 2020
2—April 19 Titus
3—April 26 1st Timothy
4—May 3 !st Thessalonians
5—May 10 Philemon
6—May 17 2nd Timothy
7—May 24 2nd Thess.
8—May 31 Colossians
9—June 7 Ephesians
10—June 14* 2 Cor.
11,12—June 28* Romans
12, 13—July 5 Phil.
13, 14-- July 12 Gal.
14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.
15, 16—July 26 3 John
16, 17—Aug 2 Jude
17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet
18,19—Aug 16 1 John
19, 20—Aug 23 2 John
20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter
21,22—Sep 6** James
22, 25—Sep 20** Rev
23, 26—Sep
27 John
24, 27—Oct 4 Mark
25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.
26, 29—Oct 18 Acts
27, 30—Oct 25 Luke
28, 31—Nov 1 Matt
29, 32—Nov 8 The 12
30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.
31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.
32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah
33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.
34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel
35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings
36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.
37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs
38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms
39, 44—Jan
31 Samuel
40-42, 45-46 EAT
Feb 7
Song Job
Ruth (this
43, 47—Feb 14 Judges
44-48—Feb 21 Deut.
45,49—Feb 28 Lev.
46, 50—Mar
7 Genesis
47, 51—Mar 14 Josh
48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers
49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus
*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21
**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of
The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642)
and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)
Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not
cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at
where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and
“God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I
had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren
and great gc will improve, D. V.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are
1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7,
10, 12 TO Do.
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the
first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox
(days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The]
Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin.
PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022,
and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm
Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.
Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book),
and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be
placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,
Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar? See my short writing on a Church being
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming
we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical
Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important
Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun,
Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher,
Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says
it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to
highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself,
even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.
Add to'1000'
A slight digression--back to 12 new Layers soon
Grandchildren of grandchildren will do more of
Business servants A--B takes the 7 Days x 7 days
2-Gilder mentions Goedel's Incompleteness run through
Von Neuman,
Turing, also
Shannon,to produce computer
theory and blockchain/internet unto free market money with bitcoin-like
and gold
Gurri mentions '5th Wave'.'Scandal of Money"
3-'Superclass' 1-in-a million who run the world {pray
1Timothy 2: 1-4)
Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee)
prophecy. How does each book of
week/sheba show this and the application now?
John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still
speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so,
what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be
written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as
we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s
Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in
World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and
Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church).
This from Cascione.
See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for
basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12,
the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a
retuning, a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from
8 and 9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD
INDICATE A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.
Better in grid
This has de-gridded also!
UpledgerHostA1091 49 Business Servants (Sep 17—Is when it
came to market better, e. g. Ford or Benz. Or, where is it in development
progress, THEOS?)
Battle of Tours on 10 October 732.
A 7x7 gird
1 Deng 2 Moonshooters
Van Rijn 3
FAANG 4 Gates Rockefeller
Pharma 5 McDonogh 6 Dartmouth Recorders 7 Eliz. I British E. India Co.
8 Innovators Abraham McCloskey 9 Ridley Upledger
Medicine 10
Lloyd’s Coffee Shop--Insurance 11
Gramsci Prov. 16:4 12 Benedict 13 Gilder Time Money 14 Knights Hospitaler
15 Jack Ma 16
North Mises Rockwell Rothbard 17
Money 2.0
Akoin* 18 1694, etc.
Battle of Tours on 10 October 732. 19 Jacobs
Civis Zoom Sum
Fuller 20 Debs vs.
WWI 21 Patriarchs
22 Ford 23 Justinian
Theodora 24 Reformers
Berman’s scholastics and scientific method, Laurence
‘treasures’ 25 David Solomon
Noah 26 Sears Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton 27 Barton’s Jesus
Jesus 28 Festival
Laws Ag unto City Pasteur vs. Bechamp
29 Fuller Troy WWI, etc. CP 30
Abundance Digitalization and 5 more Ds—a new language? 31 Jeremiah Rosenstock: Past and Future Create Present 32 B. T. Washington, Oprah Madame Walker,
etc. 33 Franklin H. C.
Monks—Johnson, ERH 34
5 Billionaire Chinese Women 35 Energy
Medicine Horowitz
36 Ellison Bloomberg Buffet 37
Michael Jordan Walt Disney 38 J J Hill
39 Ayn
Rand Organized ‘Crime’ 40 Jobs 41 Merrill Schwab 42 Edison Tesla Westinghouse
43 Indulgences
Sixtus Sixth Santorum 44
Perot 45 Siegel ‘Genius of
Szasz Drugs—Legal/Illegal 46
Musk 47 Toyoda
Deming 48 Barnum 49 Me, I, We, They
Add to'1000'
A slight digression--back to 12 new Layers soon
Grandchildren of grandchildren will do more of
Business servants A--B takes the 7 Days x 7 days
2-Gilder mentions Goedel's Incompleteness run through
Von Neuman,
Turing, also
Shannon,to produce computer
theory and blockchain/internet unto free market money with bitcoin-like
and gold
Gurri mentions '5th Wave'.'Scandal of Money"
3-'Superclass' 1-in-a million who run the world {pray
1Timothy 2: 1-4)
Unite Christendom via singing ALL Psalms in Hebrew. To a
native language, write the Hebrew characters/letters underneath with phonetic
sounds under that. Your great-grandchildren will bless you. Why or why not? PS:
If you can get JBJ's works of art of his translations and formatting of Psalms,
that would help.PPS: Why not striking cymbals when the name of the Lord is
Next: Disobedient Son of Christian Courts
Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year, so there’s a
market. Maybe different courts will
produce the analog to the scientific method, as Berman says in ‘Law and Revolution’
that scholastic comparison of law systems did.
This is a call for Videos ant (tran)scripts. We don’t want
talking heads, but drama.
The case to be acted out: disobedient son. Deuteronomy
21:18-21 King James Version
18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will
not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when
they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and
bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our
son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton,
and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones,
that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall
hear, and fear.
This can be approached either from discussions in books
(North, Jordan at
or from a case. (Son moves back in with parents after college, refuses to move
out, plays video games in basement, etc.
Approach from church aspect, king/civil government aspect,
family/house aspect.
Remember that Prager via Bledsoe contrasted father and
MOTHER with the pagan societies’ view that the FATHER had total control. ‘In theory at least, he held
powers of life and death over every member of his extended familia through
ancient right. In practice, the extreme form of this right was seldom
exercised. It was eventually limited by law.[3]’
Bring such a son before the court. I suggest 3 advisors—one for church, one for civil
government, one for family.
What should be done? Consider that Newton spent plague years
in his mother’s attic, working on his ‘Principia’. Consider Thorstein Veblen.
Consider ‘college’ as prolonged adolescence.
A 2 minute video—a couple of pages, and one 5-8 and another
15-30 would be good.
What should the church do?
The civil government? How should the Highest Court be approached by petition (prayer)?
This drama is not easy, but it must be done.
Using a variation of Pastor Meyers’ approach to the Psalms,
we can ask; 1—How would this apply individually then? 2—Corporately then? 3—How
was this fulfilled in Jesus? (He was charged with being a disobedient son,
drinking wine wrongly, etc. 4—Wow, in wisdom, should this be applied now,
corporately? 5—Now, individually?
Next year I’ll add a good website.
It will have downloadable grids for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022
(EhpesusCoram871 and PhiladelphiaCoram871).
To recap, you’ll need Fuller’s ‘Critical Path,’ ‘The 100 Most
Important Events in Christian History,’ and Montgomery’s “How do we know there
is a God?’ Other chronologies should be
added, such as ‘Timetables of History’.
‘Where’s the money is this will be a key question for timing
purposes over 1000 years. ‘Money 2.0’ may come into play.
There are MANY ways to monetize this. Search ’50 Shades of
Jay Abraham’ for FREE ways to start.
REBUILTNNEEWW—Risk reversal, endorsement, back end, NOT
indirect advertising—direct, love your customer first—not your product, test,
address needs, address buyer—and no one else, make it easy to do business,
educate your way out, tell ‘em why, what works—keep doing it,. A short list I remember.
--To Christian Courts ‘Disobedient Son’ add Berzun’s
emphaisis on teenagers as doers, page 84 ff of ‘Dawn to Decadence’.
Disobedient Son of Christian Courts
This is Note One of Tune Of Next Era
Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year, so there’s a
market. Maybe different courts will
produce the analog to the scientific method, as Berman says in ‘Law and
Revolution’ that scholastic comparison of law systems did.
This is a call for Videos
ant (tran)scripts. We don’t want talking heads, but drama.
The case to be acted out: disobedient son. Deuteronomy
21:18-21 King James Version
18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will
not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when
they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and
bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our
son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton,
and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones,
that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall
hear, and fear.
This can be approached either from discussions in books
(North, Jordan at or from a case. (Son moves back
in with parents after college, refuses to move out, plays video games in
basement, etc.
Approach from church aspect, king/civil government aspect,
family/house aspect.
Remember that Prager via Bledsoe contrasted father and
MOTHER with the pagan societies’ view that the FATHER had total control. ‘In theory at least, he held
powers of life and death over every member of his extended familia through
ancient right. In practice, the extreme form of this right was seldom
exercised. It was eventually limited by law.[3]’
Bring such a son before the court. I suggest 3 advisors—one for church, one for civil
government, one for family.
What should be done? Consider that Newton spent plague years
in his mother’s attic, working on his ‘Principia’. Consider Thorstein Veblen.
Consider ‘college’ as prolonged adolescence.
A 2 minute video—a couple of pages, and one 5-8 and another
15-30 would be good.
What should the church do?
The civil government? How should the Highest Court be approached by petition (prayer)?
This drama is not easy,
but it must be done.
Using a variation of Pastor Meyers’ approach to the Psalms,
we can ask; 1—How would this apply individually then? 2—Corporately then? 3—How
was this fulfilled in Jesus? (He was charged with being a disobedient son,
drinking wine wrongly, etc. 4—Wow, in wisdom, should this be applied now,
corporately? 5—Now, individually?
But timing is key, helped by ‘Where’s the money in this’—in
most cases.
Host Aa 4050 Money 3 point 0 Capture the Culture
Money 3.0 Capture the Culture
BENEFIT: Diffuse the good. Can you see a culture which has
currency based on the imperative of coining the good?
PROOF: Read what’s below.
‘I don’t care who writes the laws, as long as I control the
We’ve had Money 1.0, all until ‘Money 2.0’ (Altucher).
But these all (1.0, 2.0) are at best vocatives,
names—one-half imperatives. (if-then)
Money 3.0 (CoinGood) is an imperative, based on Matthew 25:
31-46. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take in the stranger. Judgment,
Heaven & Hell, will be on that basis. Athanasian Creed, end.
Let’s spread this good, diffuse it.
How? Start with Chi
Prizes for those who have done it, and for those who do things we reward with
CoinGood, and for those who suggest the latter. Get many involved in coining
good. Matt. 25: 31-46.
Examples: Casey, pages 304-314 in ‘Assassin’. He has 100
million, gives out a million to those who already own some crypto, has sold
many earlier, sells on exchanges, White paper explains. He rewards for spying
on corrupt. Search ‘free crypto making,’ see Campbell’s special email address.
Forthcoming Robinson ‘A Ministry for the Future’. Pays for
carbon dioxide down takes.
Now that you’re CALLED (COMMANDED), you must be CLEANSED
(confess your inadequacies, and be authoritatively told that you can do it).
CONSECRATION will involve readings of history such as the
above, and the Bancor work on community currencies in Kenya, and works about
the various present failures (Creveld) and future hopes (Rosenstock’s ‘small,
enthusiastic groups,’ Casey’s phyles…Akoin’s Semegal city—see medieval town charters.
The sermon tells you to get your team together. This would
include the 3 who advised ‘Assassin’ and Chris Campbell, who’s with Altucher,
and more.
Put BODY to it and BLOOD.
COMMISSIONED thus, go going.
--Can you see a culture which has currency based on the
imperative of coining the good?
--Matthew 25: 31-46 Compare end of Athanasian Creed) KJV
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the
holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he
shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the
goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,
Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty,
and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me:
I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when
saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked,
and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say
unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my
brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart
from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was
thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye
clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw
we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison,
and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but
the righteous into life eternal.
Dec 13 2021
America is gone. JBJ, from Christian state to university and
now we know not what. ERH from nation state to small enthusiastic groups.
What to do? Well, 'Bible, Liturgy, Culture'. Bible--use
JBJ's 'Rethinking ...' and do the 49 book Bible with 7 sevens. Add intros from
Through New Eyes commentaries, material from 'Literary Structure of Old
Testament, JBJ's Psalms translation (use many options, such as Psalm 25 as
acrostic from New Jerusalem Bible, add Bull's work--again, among many).
Liturgy--write in on the 'year' from Resurrection to
Resurrection. After 70 days, Public Vindication to inluude A. D. 70, Red Sea, absolution. Another 11 to The Battle of
the Mountain of Festival Assembly, Sinai, Readings and SErmon. Another 11 to
Totus Christus, Connquestof Promised Land, etc. Include Europe--Constantine,
Culture--is Money 3.0 more difficult than a foreign mission.
And write Psalms with these notes, 1 and 5 and 9. But I've written of these.
Add to'1000'
A slight digression--back to 12 new Layers soon
Grandchildren of grandchildren will do more of
Business servants A--B takes the 7 Days x 7 days
2-Gilder mentions Goedel's Incompleteness run through
Von Neuman,
Turing, also
Shannon,to produce computer
theory and blockchain/internet unto free market money with bitcoin-like
and gold
Gurri mentions '5th Wave'.'Scandal of Money"
3-'Superclass' 1-in-a million who run the world {pray
1Timothy 2: 1-4)
Host 4023 A Toward Peace 12
1—On Jordan’s 49-book Bible, see at Biblical Horizons,
‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. Re-retuned, and backward, so start
with Hebrews, end with Exodus. (From Rev. 5:12-7:12 (Ascension pictured)
universe is retuned. Days names from churches, thus re-retuned. Also days of
Axial Age, pr ‘Christian Future, sandwiched between Already and Not Yet—Jesus,
Lao-tse, Abraham, Buddha and add Opera (Greek Theater plus Song). What book?
2—Liturgy written on year, so where in liturgy?
3—Matthew, timelines at end, from genealogy at start. 2.
‘100Most Important Evens in Church History,’ and Fuller’s chronology of
technology from ‘Critical Path’. More possible. Dive into 42nds.
4—Mark. Business Servants. 2again. Those come to mind and
from the 7 Days (7 is Fall) of Creation. 7 ends with 8 Resurrection, 9
Ascension, 10, Pentecost, 11, A. D. 70, 12 Already Not Yet Great Day.
5--Luke—How is Jubilee anticipated, Shown in book?
6—John. Tabernacle being built. Seen Weeks 43-49. How
Tabernacle (furnished)?
--2 added, omegalphacity and bothand3and
7—ERH show in ‘Fruit
of Our Lips’ that Jesus superseded,
respectively, tribes by Matthe, empires by Mark, Israel by Luke, and Greece by
John. He ‘omega-ed’ them so we could alpha. 1/49
8—Also 1/49 Jordan’s small book “Vindication of Jesus Christ’. It show destruction of whoe
Old Creation, so we could alpha toward the New Jerusalem.
9—Maimonides’ 613, 1/49thed, using Meyers’ 5: What meant to
individual in old, to corporate, fulfilled in Jesus, corporately now, individually
10—Then 1/49 the 2250 commands (imperative stems, ‘Magna
Carta Latina’: ERH) in the New—and articulate them through civil magistrate and
11—25 key values of the Trinity, e. g., solved one and many
problem, Greece and Rome couldn’t (Cochrane ‘Christianity and Classical
12—Bothand, Chalcedon: Jesus Christ is both true God of true
God and true Man of true Man, without Separation, confusion, mixture, division…
. How manifested? See light as both particle and wave. What else is hidden in
creeds? Logic: Sheffer stroke (not both the one and the other) can be used to
derive Russell and Whitehead’s 5 operators in ‘Principia Mathematica’ so what
math arises from both/and?
Both not both the one/
And the other and both the/
One and the other.