Monday, September 27, 2021



A Million Baptisms

Christian Court Video/TV (Judge Jesus)

Jubilee Calenda Next 1000 Years

CoinGood—Akoin Senegal, Banco Kenya Community Currencies, SF

+ (Godparents for Eldsters is one)



The Afterword of ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ tells of the million. They found a person of peace and rand discovery groups. India. Expansion into cities desired.

A ministry. Video equipment under $1000. Solicit 2-5 minute videos, 8-10, 15+, with transcripts. Many judge shows on TV, there’s a market. Go through Maimonides and ‘New Testament’ and books on case laws and law of covenant AND ‘ripped from the headlines’.

Calendars are remnants of past, says Rosenstock. Education, Greece. Community celebrations, tribes. Business and work, Empires. Ecclesiastical, Israel. A ‘new’ calendar will organize the next ers. Start with 49 books (The Twelve is one, Jeremiah and Lamentations, Samuel, Kings, Greater Chronicles—‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’). Add liturgical mountains to get 53. Eliot-Anselm Time. 12 more layers to the eternal calendar (Church Year is one)

The best intro to Money 2.0 application is 10 pages describing one that pays for spying on the corrupt in Casey’s ‘Assassin’. CoinGood would initially pay for Chi Prizes—who has done Matthew 25: 31-46. Also, like aviation prizes and Diamandis’ X Prizes, pay CoinGood for things to be done. Thirdly, pay for suggestions about the first two. CoinGood, GoodCoin. It’s imperative. Others are if/then. What’s in your wallet?

9% on all for Charles Howard Hartman, 1404 Broadway, Pella, Iowa 50219-1007. (More)


Host A 4041 Third

The Present Liturgy Culture Comprehensive

 Host A 4040 The Present  Liturgy Culture

Present, as Gift from Trinity

Present ourselves as to a doctor

Present as now, past and future causing. (ERH, heresy to say past and present cause future)

Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission

We’re CALLED into the present, as we are called into church.

What appears to be the present? 1—Great technological change. Diamandis’ Moonshots of last 20 years, metatrends of the future. Guri (‘Revolt of the Public’) information tsunami and Fifth Wave (a la Printing, Alphabet, Printing Press, Mass Media). ERH: Any technological change increases reach, shortens time, and destroys old groups.

What are the small, enthusiastic groups? What is next after university? Surely 4th Generation War is here. Afghanistan, Lind, end of state and state monopoly. See Hoppe ‘Democracy, the God the Failed’ on increased death and carnage with democratic wars instead of dynastic ones. 5th Generation, networks and jets—bioweapons and more. See ‘the End is Near, and It’s Going to be Amazing’ and other such (Flynn’s ‘In the Country of the Blind’ ends with music). Stefnal, scientifictional, science fiction, SF.

But Heidelberg One: Our comfort in life and death, we are the Lord’s. John 20.CLEANSED

CONSECRATED. first see above @ called. A form of Readings. ‘The action is the reaction.

‘Sermon, application. Law, Gospel, Calendar, Currency. Consider Judge Jesus Video and TV. Consider, ‘Contagious Disciple Making’—baptized a million. 1,000,000 in a few years. Jubilee Calendar for next thousand years, add 12 layers to eternal calendar. Currency and imperative (stem, root of all Latin verb forms, ERH in ‘Magna Carta Latina). Money 2.0, CoinGood—see Casey’s ‘Assassin, 304-314. Robinson, Akoin (Senegal) as medieval cities.CONSECRATED.

COMMUNED. Drink! A mystery. Use liturgical maximalism. Sacrificial system, David pouring out well water ‘It is their blood!’ in 2 Samuel, Paul poured out as a drink offering, institution, etc. Meal seals the deal and spiel for real.

COMMISSIONED. Matthew 28 (nations).  Also parallel—creatures (‘Probability Broach’).


This is short, but sweet, I pray.  Others will do better.

NOTE: Heisenberg destroys correspondence, Goedel destroys non-contradiction (see Chalcedon). What's left? Comprehensive. The 5-step throughout.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

North Mobile App Part Two

Lesson 117: Mobile App Development Part 2

Richard Emmons

Lesson Objective:

In today's lesson, you'll finish building your app using the Appy Pie app builder.

Reading Assignment:

Article: Learn How to Create an App for Free in 10 Steps using Appy Pie
You may find this article a lot more helpful than a long video to learn app creation with Appy Pie.

Article: "Mobile Website vs. Mobile App: What's the Difference?" by Sara Angeles

Video Lesson:

How to make an App for free with App Builder Appy Pie (6:23)
This video shows how to build an Appy Pie app in under 7 minutes. No coding skills required.

Lesson Project:

Your assignment today is to finish building your test app using the Appy Pie app builder.

If you are not building a test app, your assignment is to write a 250 word essay on mobile apps.

Additional Resources:

You can design your App Icon using Then use this online resource to resize the image for various devices.

Article: "How To Start a Mobile App Business" makes money by creating slide decks and financial models for business startups raising capital, i.e. money.

Appy Pie AppMakr Demo – How to Create an App without any coding? (1:22:24)
Here is an in-depth on how to use the Appy Pie app builder. You can watch portions of this video if you get stuck along the way.

Copyright © 2021 Richard Emmons

© 2021, Inc., 2005-2021 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Shekel of the Temple

 Shekel of the Temple--get one of your congregation members to do it

Money is quasi-imperative, except for CoinGood.

What's in your wallet?
It's easy to make a free crypto currency (search) and for security, see Campbell of Altucher.
Or the guys mentioned in the beginning of 'Assassin' (Casey).
His crypto pays for spying on the corrupt. Robinson's forthcoming 'A Ministry fo the Future' pays for carbon dioxide downtakes, Spinrad says in an 'Asimov's' review.
The Shekel of the Temple (CoinGood) would pay for 1--Matthew 25:31-46 done, 2--to be done (Chi Prize, compare prizes for early aviation feats, X Prize) and 3--to get more involved, suggestions for Chi Prizes.
I'll do it after Advent if you don't.
Love in King Jesus,

The best summary in on pages 304-314 of Casey's 'Assassin'.

North Making An App

Lesson 116: Mobile App Development Part 1

Richard Emmons

Lesson Objective:

In today's lesson, you'll learn about app development on the AppMakr platform and plan your own smartphone app. You'll build one or more apps over the next two days without doing any coding.

Why would you want to create apps as your business? To help people connect with their customers, supporters, and fans. You'll have far less competition for app design than for website design.


Let's take another self-assessment like we did for lesson 111. Instead of website creation, we're considering mobile app development. Which group are you in?

  1. Are you taking this course for information only or don't need a mobile app for your business?
  2. Are you planning to create a mobile app for your own business only?
  3. Are you planning to create websites and/or mobile apps for clients?
  4. Are you unsure at this point what you plan to do?

If you place yourself in groups 1, 2, and 4, creating a mobile app is an optional project for this course. You would benefit by watching today's video lesson and reading the App Creation Blueprint document. Then invest the next two days on your business or developing your skills in your area of service.

Group 3 students should create an app and test it on either Android or iOS. You have a 30-day free trial period before a fee would be charged. You can create an app, save screenshots, and then cancel the project. This gives you hands-on experience planning and developing a mobile app. A client or prospect may ask you, "Have you ever created a mobile app?" You can honestly say, "Yes. Let's talk about what you'd like to achieve with a mobile app for your business."

Reading Assignment:

Read the Appy Pie home page to learn about this smartphone app development and publishing platform. AppMakr was acquired by Infinite Monkey in 2013. Now the company has been acquired by Appy Pie.
USP: "App builder to make your app without coding. No code app maker that lets anyone build Android & iPhone apps in 3 easy steps."
"No code app builder" means you don't need to know any computer programming language to build an app.

Video Lesson:

Update: I improved the 10-step app creation process after recording this video lecture. In Step #3 "Structure Your App," you now choose the economic model of your app. Will the app be free, paid, advertising supported or a combination? Here are some pricing options to consider:

  • Free: Most local businesses will give the app to customers and prospects and make money selling products and services. Churches will give away app to members to increase connection and hopefully make it easier for people to donate money.
  • Freemium: Most games are free apps with in-purchase options to get new features and levels.
  • Two versions: Many apps have a free "lite" version and a paid premium version.
  • Ad supported: Some apps are free to user and supported by advertising.
  • Paid: Many apps are sold for 99 cents to $2.99 and more.

Also, the lesson video references two other Mobile App builders no longer included in this course. You will plan and build an app using Appy Pie over two days. If you plan to offer mobile app development to your clients, you need to evaluate several current mobile app development options to determine which tools you want in your toolbox.

Now you should watch today's lesson. (20:15)

Lesson Project:

Your assignment today is to learn about the Appy Pie platform and plan your first app. You have three more lessons to create one or more test apps. Your goal is to create test apps to learn the skill of mobile application development using a no code app builder.

Download the Build Your App blueprint.
For your first app, you can complete the blueprint as you create your app following the 10-step process. This may seem backwards but how do you plan to do something you've never actually done before?

How to create an app using Appy Pie AppMakr? (2:45)
This short video provides an overview of the app creation process using Appy Pie. You can create an app, test it, and then end your project at that point. Or you can continue with the "Try Now" option to try it out for 7 days. The "Try Now" option required a PayPal account when this video was created.

Article: Learn How to Create an App for Free in 10 Steps using Appy Pie
You may find this article a lot more helpful than a long video to learn app creation with Appy Pie.

You can use what you learned in the 10-Step article to plan and build your app.

Additional Resources:

You can find more articles and resources for app development in Business II, Lesson 56.

Appy Pie offers a CMS with over 200 features. CMS stands for "content management system." WordPress is another CMS.

Copyright © 2021 Richard Emmons

© 2021, Inc., 2005-2021 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.

Sunday, September 19, 2021


 LocalOnline. That's the future, for a while, especially the Local part. Face-to-face. Food, fuel, electricity. Secrets of the Soil has some good stuff, though we are in an area with GREAT soil. They grow vegetable in the Arctic winter now, and aquaculture (Portable Farms) is coming along. 'Secrets..' has info from a USDA fellow about additional ethanol options, so fuel. Electricity might involve reviving the 'Delco' battery delivery. Kunstler says a railroad is good. 'Secrets...' worriedabout global COOLING though. The key is commmunity.Gladwell's 'Outliers' told of the Roseto Effect--no heart attacks. It wasn't the gardening, it was the community.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Girard me I pray For the Advolution

 Host A 4035 Girard me I pray For the Advolution


Revolution of the West and Christian Money imperative advolution


Papal Revolution, German, English, French, (American) Russian .Germanr ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5.--brief

Papal: Realize the kingdom of God on earth by emancipating  all humankind. New Persons: Crusaders,  Dominicans…sailing ship captains…craft guild members. New institutions: Add universities, governments dispatching ships. Result: Christendom, Europe and outposts world-wide. New speech: Theology and Prayer.

German.Imperative: Freedom of conscience. New Speech: Secular literature and art. Bible in vernacular. Science (freer—CHH)New Persons: Add conscientious laymen, public school teachers….Institutions: Add civil service. Result: Public schools, bureaucracy, Science.

British Revolution. Imperative: political freedom from king and princes. Purify Church.  New Persons: lawyers, gentlemen, parliamentarians. New institutions: parliaments and courts. Result: Rule of Law.


French Revolution.  Bourgeois citizen to power.  Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.  New speech: National literature, journalism. Entrepreneur. New institutions: Corporations, newspapers. Result: Capitalism, free press…

American. Combined French and English. Result: All   over the world. Planetary Revolution

Russian: Freeof economic exploitation. Speech: Quantity Person: Proletarian. Institution: Dictatorship.Result: New industrialized nation, social programs.

(More, this is woefully brief. The chapter is only a few pages.



Now; Imperative: Imperative money/currency—CoinGood/GoodCoin. Speech: Matthew 25:31-46. Institutions; Chi Prize. Done, To Do, Proposed. Result: With Toward Peace 12, Peace.

Girard: Others will do better, put me out of business.


Without the imperative,  there is no future.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Declare The Revolution CoinGood

 Declare The Revolution CoinGood

Chi Prize Now, OK; CoinGood Later? Sep 8


A wise one says there are three ages of man, child/artist, adult/fighter, elder/priest. I add another--Ancient/knower of when. That is, some should be artists all their lives, some should progress to eldership, the wise old one. The Ancient knows when to be which. Sometimes one fights, sometimes one writes a poem, sometimes one consoles. Love in King Jesus, Who knew when, Charles Howard Hartman

Rosenstock-Huessy, The Christian Future


The Supreme art of war io subdue the enemy without fighting: Sun Tzu


Dear Dr. Leithart:


Making progress. Chi Prize is for 3--those who have done, those who will fulfill conditions, and those who will recommend condition. Compare prizes in early aviation.

The recommendations will get people thinking of how  will Matthew 25: 31-46 be pbeyed.

Give some $ and some GoodCoin. $100 of bitcoin early was worth $48 million--Kim Komando.

NO ONE will do Matthew 25, we will.

Casey's 'Assassin' novel, and 'A Ministry fo the Future' both create 'money to get spedific things done--respectively, spying on the corrupt, downtaking carbon dioxide.

GoodCoin will pay for fulfilling Matthew 25: 31-46.

Now, Jay Abraham costs $120,000/day. To get North we'd have to pay teachers to do  his Free Online Christian Curriculum.

To get an IT person would require asking in our circles.

It IS getting easier all the time. Search 'Making Free cryptocurrency' One fellow says it takes 10 minutes!

To protect it, the excerpt below explains how.


Love in King Jesus,



PS: I call it CoinGood when I want to capture the imperative, which is very important.

PPS: I suggest 100 million, 9 million for me and my next project, community sustainability.

PPS:I think we're OK on timeing. I suggest $1000 and 100 GoodCoin for 10 Chi Prize winners. I have the $.

PPPS: What would be a good set of conditions for the next round of Chi Prizes?


Blockchain domains: Having a blockchain domain is like having a decentralized Godaddy, WordPress, and Paypal account that you own. (Best part? No annual fees.) For example, I own chriscampbell.crypto. Once I integrate wallets into it, anyone can send crypto to me using that domain, without needing to fumble around with complex addresses. Even better, I can build a website that can’t be taken down in the same way traditional, centralized websites can. The leader in this space is Unstoppable Domains.


Search ‘making a cryptocurrency for free’


Declare the Revolution (see ‘Beyond Belief’ p.80 and Chapter 5


Imperative, Future Spirit : CoinGood Thou/Me

Subjective, In: Son, Matthew 25: 31-46 I

Narrative Father: Chi Prize (3) We

Out, Planetary Service: Adopted They


See: Casey ‘Assassins’ Paladin pays for spying on the corrupt

‘A Ministry For the Future” Robinson, currency based on carbon dioxide downtake


“Asimov’s’ Spinrad on Robinson, ‘On the Net’ of Star Trek  economy, and Belamy, money as equal % of nation’s production  in warehouses

 Benefit: I’ll give $1000 when you activate a study/action group on GoodCoin, WordCoin, PeaceCoin…

Second: This should solve Theopolis funding, especially if the Bitcoin Pizza Day 10,000=$25 to Bitcoin @ $30,000plus can be adapted. May 22, 2010 10,000 bitcoin for a pizza order 10,000 x 30,000=$300 million

Third:  This would do good.

Fourth: It’d be an example.

NOW. Facts from past, present, future:

Past: Berman tells of medieval cities receiving charters, which included the authority to mint their own money. Also, shekel of the temple and ordinary shekel.  The aforementioned Bitcoin Pizza Day—10,000bitcoin for a pizza order.

Present: Akoin will be used in a city to be built in Africa (Senegal) on land given to that popular African singer. A cryptocurreny: Money2.0 (search) says Altucher.  Bancor, a Swiss firm, is using encrypted currencies for economic development in Kenya. There are other developments. My mother used to shop at a neighboring town that had a store that only sold things for Gold Bond stamps, received for purchases at grocery stores, etc.

Future: Doug Casey’s book ‘Assassin’ had a currency that paid for spying on the corrupt businessmen and politicians—the Paladin (‘Have Gun, Will Travel’). Investors could buy in early at something like the Bitcoin Pizza Day price. In a review in ‘Asimov’s’ of Robinson’s ’Vision for the Future,’ mention is made of a currency based on removal (takedowns) of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


The GoodCoin/PeaceCoin/WordCoin might be based on Matthew 25: 31-46.

--We’ve had Benefits. We’ve had Past, Present, Future. We’ve had THE TAKEAWAY.


There’s more to be said, but we don’t need many pastors (the expression ‘tits on a boar’ comes to mind). Businessmen!

Possible members: The great marketer, Orthodox Jew, Jay Abraham—he’d want equity, he’d be worth it. Tom Woods, James Altucher (90% scans), George Gilder, Doug Casey, Gary DeMar, Mike Bull, persons in your circle who want a society based on helping, respect, mutual indwelling. Second Career Men/pastors would be OK. You can think of many. Former Senator Santorum has ‘cathio’. He thinks it can run the whole Roman Catholic church. Think Peter Diamandis—this is a ‘massive transformational purpose’. North is sceptical but does hold to the subjective theory of value—a thing is worth what someone will pay for it. Mises? Wendy McElroy? Jerry Browyer, Chalcedo, John Turmel.

Our big challenge will be going rom Bitcoin Pizza Day to Bitcoin $30,000.

We could start slowly, only giving a ‘Chi Prize’ of GoodCoin/WordCoin to an organization a year, and keeping GoodCoins/PeaceCoins as in a bank account. The fellows who baptized a million ’Contagious Disciple Making’ would be a good choice.


Chuck ‘let’s do’ Hartman

Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook

1404 Broadway, Pella, Iowa 50219


PS: More available

PPS: I’ll be recruiting

PPPS: Email me back. Also:,,

PPPPS: 9% for me










Matthew 25:31-46 King James Version

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:


33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.


34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:


35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:


36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.


37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?


38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?


39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?


40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:


42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:


43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.


44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?


45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.


46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Host A 4033 GoodCoin Leithart

Assure Theopolis Funding: Speak GoodCoin

Search ‘making a cryptocurrency for free




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Some examples of moods are indicative, interrogative, imperative, subjunctive, injunctive, optative, and potential. These are all finite forms of the verb. Infinitives, gerunds, and participles, which are non-finite forms of the verb, are not considered to be examples of moods.


Chi GoodCoin Prizes—done, to be done, recommended


ALTUCHER CONFIDENTIAL Blockchain domains: Having a blockchain domain is like having a decentralized Godaddy, WordPress, and Paypal account that you own. (Best part? No annual fees.) For example, I own chriscampbell.crypto. Once I integrate wallets into it, anyone can send crypto to me using that domain, without needing to fumble around with complex addresses. Even better, I can build a website that can’t be taken down in the same way traditional, centralized websites can. The leader in this space is Unstoppable Domains.



Chi Prize Now, OK; CoinGood Later? Sep 8


A wise one says there are three ages of man, child/artist, adult/fighter, elder/priest. I add another--Ancient/knower of when. That is, some should be artists all their lives, some should progress to eldership, the wise old one. The Ancient knows when to be which. Sometimes one fights, sometimes one writes a poem, sometimes one consoles. Love in King Jesus, Who knew when, Charles Howard Hartman

Rosenstock-Huessy, The Christian Future


The Supreme art of war io subdue the enemy without fighting: Sun Tzu


Dear Dr. Leithart:


Making progress. Chi Prize is for 3--those who have done, those who will fulfill conditions, and those who will recommend condition. Compare prizes in early aviation.

The recommendations will get people thinking of how  will Matthew 25: 31-46 be pbeyed.

Give some $ and some GoodCoin. $100 of bitcoin early was worth $48 million--Kim Komando.

NO ONE will do Matthew 25, we will.

Casey's 'Assassin' novel, and 'A Ministry fo the Future' both create 'money to get spedific things done--respectively, spying on the corrupt, downtaking carbon dioxide.

GoodCoin will pay for fulfilling Matthew 25: 31-46.

Now, Jay Abraham costs $120,000/day. To get North we'd have to pay teachers to do  his Free Online Christian Curriculum.

To get an IT person would require asking in our circles.

It IS getting easier all the time. Search 'Making Free cryptocurrency' One fellow says it takes 10 minutes!

To protect it, the excerpt below explains how.


Love in King Jesus,



PS: I call it CoinGood when I want to capture the imperative, which is very important.

PPS: I suggest 100 million, 9 million for me and my next project, community sustainability.

PPS:I think we're OK on timeing. I suggest $1000 and 100 GoodCoin for 10 Chi Prize winners. I have the $.

PPPS: What would be a good set of conditions for the next round of Chi Prizes?


Blockchain domains: Having a blockchain domain is like having a decentralized Godaddy, WordPress, and Paypal account that you own. (Best part? No annual fees.) For example, I own chriscampbell.crypto. Once I integrate wallets into it, anyone can send crypto to me using that domain, without needing to fumble around with complex addresses. Even better, I can build a website that can’t be taken down in the same way traditional, centralized websites can. The leader in this space is Unstoppable Domains.


Search ‘making a cryptocurrency for free’


Declare the Revolution (see ‘Beyond Belief’ p.80 and Chapter 5


Imperative, Future Spirit : CoinGood Thou/Me

Subjective, In: Son, Matthew 25: 31-46 I

Narrative Father: Chi Prize (3) We

Out, Planetary Service: Adopted They


See: Casey ‘Assassins’ Paladin pays for spying on the corrupt

‘A Ministry For the Future” Robinson, currency based on carbon dioxide downtake


“Asimov’s’ Spinrad on Robinson, ‘On the Net’ of Star Trek  economy, and Belamy, money as equal % of nation’s production  in warehouses