Sunday, June 27, 2021

3rd Layer Omegalphacity Eternal Calendar

 3rd Layer Omegalphacity Eternal Calendar

Centuries for ‘Church Year’.

Decades for ‘Gospels Layer’.

Years/Weeks for omegalphacity.

I thought I should do what I’m best at, so I wondered what would come @ A. D. 3000, after ‘the Next Thousand Years’.

I went into kenotic hypnagogia, and here’s what came out: omegaalphacity.

Sources: Jordan’s ‘Vindication of Jesus Christ,’ Rosenstock’s ‘The of Our Lips,’ Greg Hartman’s ‘Imperativity’—or what’s like it.

Put excerpts on the 49-week, liturgical matrix.

Thus, in a year, we understand the ending (omega) of the Old World/Covenant/Jerusalem, and the beginning (alpha) of the new, leading, through imperatives, to the city, the New Jerusalem, fully realized.

Fruit’. Fruit’—each of the 4 sections of the matrix—10, 11, 11, 17 is devoted to excerpts about how the old social orders were ended. Matthew—tribes, Mark—Empires, Luke—Israel, John—Greece.

JBU’s analysis of liturgy as one of the 7 of Revelation is put on the liturgy os Gospels Layer.

Commands in the ‘New Testament’—especially, Epistles, are on the 49 weeks. Relate these commands to the Old Testament books also. Check Greg’s book and/or other sources.

At the end you’ll see how Jesus changes all, symphonically.

Monday, June 21, 2021

'Fathering' the next epoch?


The Next 1000 Years:
A Prayer,
Being the Good News Gospels Layer
Of The Eternal Calendar of
The Life of Christ and Our Response
[The First Layer is The Church Year,
Parts Started after Hundreds of Years—Advent 555, Christmas 336, etc.]
Matthew, timelines. Mark, Business Servants. Luke, Jubilee(s). John, Tabernacle(s)
Both not both the one/
And the other, and both the/
One and the other
GodTrinity lovingledly drags us into His future
Changing us, and
As we are torn in the present between the past and the future,
The in and the out
Our howls become music
And We the Singing Song
Toward Peace 2a, © 2021/PhiladelphiaCoram871
By Charles Howard Hartman (social media), Pella, Iowa uSa
App, Kindle, and sites forthcoming

Friday, June 18, 2021

Our 60th year

 Our 60th year.

What have been the big changes since June 17, A.D. 1962?

What will our grandchildren see in the next 60?

Make a list, send it.

Chuck introduced himself to Louise on June 17, A. D. 1962.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Twelve Sentences

 12 sentences

1—Calendars direct action

2—Tribes, community celebrations. Empires, business. Work. 3—Israel, ecclesiastical. 4—Greece—education (Habits, taken for granted)

3—Matthew—Timelines, after genealogies (all authority)

4—Mark—Business Servants (ERH, Bullinger)

5--Luke—Jubilee(s) (Of 49)

6—John—Tabernacle(s) (Of Action, Christian Sociology  THEEEOS)

a. Psalm of Day—sing in Hebrew with Hebrew Cadence tune

b—What layer will begin in ‘3000’? More. Timetables OF hIstory.

7—Jeremiah prophecy of the week. 51 Bullinger

7—John—Christianity is the science of timing

8—Luke (first mention, Luke 4—how? The 49)

9—Mark, Business Servants (both as they come to one, and 7 Books/7 Days)

10—Matthew (Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ technology, ‘100 Most Iportant in Church History’ and move [Timetables of History, ‘Adam’s Chart’, specialties

11—Names are vocative, half imperative. Every Latin verb form is derived from a short imperative stem. Many New Names—Liturgy primes

12—The new calendar directs the new epoch

Friday, June 11, 2021

Christian Sociology Part 2, Toward Appropriate Psalm Singing

 Christian Sociology Part 2, Toward Appropriate Psalm Singing

Christian Sociology


OK, we have 3 covenants, and 4 fronts each

Garden, Church, Priest: 1—Forward, Imperative, Law 2—In, Subjective, Lyric 3—Back, Narrative, Evaluation 4—Out, Objective, Fact

Land, Civil Magistrate, King:

Also, World, Culture, Marriage (House, Business, Etc.

Next we fill in these 12 with small, enthusiastic groups.

Then we Prioritize the 12.

Then we Hebrew Cadence a Psalm (117 with 150:6, to start) [We can do as Psalm 46 and ‘A Mighty Fortress, or as an elaboration of 4 notes (Beethoven’s Fifth]

Then we add the Hebrew to the native tongue for Christian unity.

Stay ‘tuned’! (It ain’t easy, or anyone could do it!)

Monday, June 7, 2021

Basic Basic Basic: "They can't afford us'

 Basic Basic Basic: "They can't afford us'

Sardi, in a recent article on LewRockwell dot com, claims that the motivation behind much of what's happening is that 'they' have promised to much, and are getting rid of old people so they don't have to pay off.

Two other things: 'If something can't go in, it will stop'

And, Kotlikoff claims that the USA needs $222 trillion in CASH now, to pay the unfunded liabilities.

But, Christians, remember Laurence, who, when order to bring to the Roman authorities the treasre of the church which he administered, brought forth the poor of Rome.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: What is to be done?