Monday, May 24, 2021

Liturgy into calendar

 I've written 'the liturgy' into the 'Gospels Layer  of the Eternal Calendar'

Chuck John 21:25' Hartman
PS: Public Vindication of the 11th week (days 71-77) including Easter/Resurrection.
Red Sea, Cleansing,  A.D. 70

ERH 7,8 quotes as Days,Books

 ERH 7, 8 quotes as Days

1--Theology—Omnipresent GodTrinity allows us to talk about Him as if He were not here

2--Christianity the science of timing

3--Calendars as remnants of past social orders

4--? Chaangedicious? Maybe changedingly? I must change in order to be the same.

5--Do your calling, your grandchildren will bless you

6--Whatever bears fruit is not sin (?)

7--Driving Power of Western Civilization. Each soul will have the dignity  of being judge, not thrown on the fire. All Souls Day, Judaism  Despite Christianity

8—The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response


Or/and (yes, orand) we can write the song of the next epoch. . Barzun,: 'like a music score carries many (messages)' {paraphrase from '
Dawn to Decadence'). Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Dozen levels simultaneously as on musical score

 Dozen levels simultaneously as on a musical score

Grandchildren: Tried in Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar

Barzun: ’Dawn to Decadence’ page 615

Revive Celebration of A. D. 70/Day 11

 Revive Celebration of A. D. 70/Day 11


Major Benefit: Quashes both Newspaper/Social Media Exegesis, and Hyper-Preterism


When Zion, Dexter (Iowa) worshipped in German, they had a Sunday (11th week after Easter) for it, used Josephus for readings (LCMS)

I recommend JBJ's short book


What readings do you recommend?


Please send links to sermon texts, etc.


This is a Mountain In Time in 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar' From this mountain we can see Psalms as War Songs, with Time-Appropriate Tunes, and Jeremiah Time (Who destroyed Israel  then, and is destroying American Culture now--and how will either return ,and why? How do you know?)


A, D. 70/Cleansing (Confession and Absolution)/Red Sea are similar.


Next: Sinai-The Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly, Reading and Sermon, Convsrsion of Constantine.


After that I leave to the student


Love in King Jesus,



Sunday, May 9, 2021

War Psalms War Tunes 5 Steps

 War Psalms War Tunes 5 Steps (Theopolis Three is PPS)

First, 3 benefits. 1—The grandchildren of your grandchildren will bless you. 2—Everybody glorifies the Bible in miniature, the Psalms, by ALSO singing them in Hebrew. Compare unity of Latin Mass with native speech interlinearity. 3—Timing . Emphasize what’s to be done NOW. (The Theopolis ending in in a Postscript.

5 Steps .Count. 3x4. Small, Enthusiastic Groups Prayer. Priorities. Hebrew and Score. AN EXAMPLE.

Count. Take Psalm 117, with 150:6 as ending. JBJ. Hebrew Cadence  per Cascione, influenced by JBJ> There are 5 commands to praise!, 6 praisers (KJV) and 7 Praised.

3x4. 3  covenants. Church ,King, Word. 4 fronts (ERH). Forward, In, Back, Out.

Put a small, enthusiastic group (ERH, ‘Universals History 1954’— in each of the 12. (From ‘Toward Peace 2—Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’,’ page 96😊 I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts—Inward, 2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).  Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government, 6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.) (Mar 21 Coin Yourself and (March 19 A. D. 2021 add 100 Trillion Shares Capitalizing Yourself)) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham ( has been modified per Berman and Kotke)

THIS IS A PRAYER. JBJ writes at the end of ‘Through New Eyes’ that God is changing things, but we are not to ‘play God’ and try to do it. So, a prayer.

Hebrew—interlinears are online. Score. Take a 12 key octave—7 white and 5 black. Marry each group in order to a note. 1 is lowest, ‘Court’: Law. 4 is 3 up, Disciple: Gospel. 9 is up more: Calendar. Each phrase with the corresponding praise!/ praisers/Praised is sung using that note. (Otheres know those languages, I’m only a patternist). Praised is note 1, praisers is note 4, praise! Is note 9. I have this worked out, if one wished to see it. I’d need the Hebrew and the score written by someone who knows those languages.


THE FORM: Musical score, (English) words, Hebrew transliteration, Hebrew letters.

I’d pay.


Thus we sing the Bible in miniature (Psalms, Luther--[Pslams {sic} are imprecatory]) ALSO in Hebrew. Gllorify8ing, and it’ll take generations.


Love in King Jesus,



PS: I’ll pay to have this done and put in, using a couple of pages of the forthcoming Psalter. It takes some aspects of JBJ’s work and  applies them.

PPS: For Theoopolis’ ‘Bible, Liturgy, Culture’ I see the note as 1, 9, 12. ’Culture’I see as Forward/World because of JBJ’s explanation of the 5 of Creation, the glass of water, and Newton’s law  of gravity as proceeding a law worship service: Called by the falling apple, Cleansed by his knowing that he doesn’t know, but that he can find out, Consecrated by researching what was written in the past and his formation of an hypothesis, theis tested, twice, in Communion, and that, his now theory surviving, Commissioned to take it out to the world.

So, a three note for a  monotonic chant with 3 at the end would be: 12, 9, 1.
This ‘Theopolis three’ would be praying to the LordTrinity that we recognize the importance of Bible, Liturgy, Culture.


APPENDIX  The Pattern Tune of Psalm 117 with 150:6 (KJV)--AN EXAMPLE


So, Psalm 117 with 150;6. JBJ said once that each Psalm of a respective Book (of 5) ends with the last verse of that book.


9—O praise


1—the Lord


4—All ye nations






4—All ye people


1—For His merciful kindness is great


4—toward us


1—And the truth of the Lord endureth forever






1—the Lord


4—Let everything that hath breath




1—the Lord






1—the Lord



THE FORM: Musical score, (English) words, Hebrew transliteration, Hebrew letters.

(One could even use the instruments COMMANDED in Psalm 150!)

Friday, May 7, 2021

Gurri, Rosenstock, Diamandis, and Eternal Calendar

 Yes, it's science fictional, but...

Gurri's 'Revolt of the Public' says we are in a Fifth Wave, and he wrote before Brexit and Trump. A tsunami of information means there are other narratives.

And Rosenstock, decade ago, wrote that any new technology destroys old groups, while enabling us to reach more, in less time.

So, Diamandis list 50 'moonshots'--big technological advances--in the past 20 years.

Eternal Calendar (Facebook) treats all this and moves us 'Toward Peace 2' with the 'small, enthusiastic groups' that Rosenstock mentioned in 'Universal History 1954' at

Contact me for more as I work on it.