Thursday, April 29, 2021

Mom'd be 105. If I'd known then...

 Mom'd be 105, if I'd known then...what I know now.

Her sister died at 104.  They moved her. Not good.

Berendsen, Newport, Namath (yes!), West Health Alert and more. 3 of 4  are doctors)

More if you want it.  ('Alz.')


Monday, April 26, 2021

It's Jeremiah Time.

 It's Jeremiah Time (Jordan) . 51 prophecies (Bullinger). One per week?

Sunday, April 25, 2021

On to Jeremiah's 51 Prophecies, 7x7 Second Layer of Business Servants 'Done'

 On to Jeremiah's 51--7x7 Layer of Business Servants 'done'

I learned a lot. I keep the first layer. Some in second repeat previous appearance in second.

The outline is on Facebook and at Facebook Page 'Eternal Calendar'

I'm doing stuff for  the grandchildren of my grandchildren to fill in.

How will Jeremiah's 51 prophecies (Bullinger) fit in the 49 books C.O.R.A.M.?

God's keeping me tired to work in this area?

Love in King Jesus,

PS: IF you want time-appropriate tunes for War Psalms (there is theological advance) go to previous posts,or watch for the next one.
PPS: IF you want to heal someone 'not clothed in their right mind' like at Joe Namath's HBOT (and the Israeli tent that does it), Dr. Bredensen (reversed cognitive decline with supplements), Dr. Newport (YouTube--rescued her husband with coconut oil), and more (Dr. West, turmeric forte..Note:I told my godparent that there would come a time when I'd need help, but the godparent would have to take the imperative.)

7x7 Layer of Business Servants

 Host A 3067 A 7 b7 7 of Business Servants Layer

Use 7 Days of Creation and First seven Books

First Light and Genesis

(Note, if Hebrew had no vowels to start the ‘R’ of or (light) could also mean iR (city/community) or uR (original) as ‘head’ the word for ‘R’. But the context indicates light. Orthodox (East) thinks ‘uncreated light’

Anyway, go through Light/Electricity, Tesla, Edison J. P. Morgan, TVA/REC, a sixth, and a trifurgation of More, Mumba, and Big Tech. See ‘railroasd’ oost, and 1.2.3 post.

For Exodus/Firmament, start with Moses and trace 1493, various America Before, Australian aborigenes skeleton in South America, Fuller in ‘Critical Path’, Chinese in 1421/1434, America B. C., tribes from steppes and Rome, and coming to America (‘lets’ make a deal’ and ‘make it big and keep it’ and immigrants’ children see both cultures, etc.) ERH and Truce of God stopping war/Knights and horse collar/markets.

3rd. Plants and Leviticus. Puritan Gift for purity, and Haber’s nitrogen factories keep 1/5 (1493)/1/3 Ridley ‘Innovation’ alive. Also vegetable in Arctic winter, vertical farms, GMSs/hybrid ccorn, and especially settlement. (Big Green Resistance thinks it was bad—ag)

4th. Numbers and luminaries to rule. See tattoos, especially ‘President’ as harmonizer of economy as Pharaoh was or celestial orbs. Tribes, on skin. Empires, hieroglyphs on Temple walls, Israes circumcision, Greece nature (Ariisstotle’s naming via those sent with Alexander?) Christians in fellowship and living stones, aforementioned ‘President and economy, and sore future epoch of small, enthusiastic groups (ERH, universal history 1954, tribes without warpath0 true speech cutting through skin and flesh, and heart in restraint from running all but running one of the 12 small, enthusiastic groups.

6 Joshua (Jesus0 and Man as Firmament. Add Deng, Debs, ERH WWI as catastrophe, Billl of Rights (again) and new Tech (Diamandis’ 50 moonshots0 and longer lifespans, maybe Singularity and AI.

7 Judges and Fall—Add ERH’s 7 quotes and the head that the last is firs, All Souls will have the dignity of being judged, will be first (Aristotles’s Final Cause informs, First, Efficient, and Formal).

And the Eighth of coram.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Will Rich Bledsoe's Cities Be In The Cloud?

 Will Rich Bledsoe’s Cities Be In The Cloud?

It could be. ‘The Cloud’ may be like unto a new continent.

Consider ‘How To Start A New Country’:

Also, as a second preliminary consider how Berman in ‘Law and Revolution’ proposes that the scholastic comparison of law systems engendered the scientific method.

(I’ve been ridiculed for holding that a similar  comparison (Islam has 4 schools of jurisprudence) may help in ‘grokking’/grasping the essence of new small, enthusiastic groups, what ERH calls the next epoch—tribes without perpetual warfare. The Church is Israel without exclusions, the nation-state is Empires without slavery…he says.)


OK, for the Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar—the life of Christ and our response—I’ redoing ‘Business Servants’.

I use the Seven Days and Seven Books.

For Genesis Light I went from Franklin/Tesla with electricity to the trifurcation of Big Tech (compare railroads), Mumby’s ‘Medicine Beyond’ electric universe modalities, and MORE.

For Exodus/Firmament, I go from Moses through 1493,America B.C., America Before, Chinese 1421 and 1434, abos in South America, the firmament of the Bill of Rights and ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ to the new continent of the cloud.


Get ready.


Love in King Jesus,



PS: Rosenstock traces the  tattoo of the tribe through the empire’s hieroglyphics on temple wall, through circumcision and Nature, to the Christian fellowship. ‘The Fruit Of Our Lips’.

PPS: Also see Diamandis’ ‘Moonshots’ post, that traces 50 in the past decades. This new technology destroys old groups: ERH.

Monday, April 12, 2021

49 Business Servants a la JBJ

 49 Business Servants a la JBJ

JBJ outlines the 49 books in seven 7s, after days of creation.
This is in 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' at

Why not do something similar with business servants throughout history.

Start with 'light' or maybe 'sound' as first day, and ring 6 more changes on it.

Moses would be a good exodus base toward a new firmament.

For 3rd Day/plants, something about Haber (large numbers of people would die without nitrogen factories), maybe Levitical Puritans (Gift).

The 7th Dy would lead to the 8th, but might be 'The Driving Power of Western Civilization'.

More to come, as I kenosisize.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'grandchildren' Hartman

Monday, April 5, 2021

Things changed rapidly recently

 Things changed rapidly, recently

And Rosenstock said that new technology destroys old groups.

You should be amazed at how recently these big changes happened.

Guri is good on this


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Help With Calendar

 Help with  calendar

Dear Friends:


Help with calendar?


Calendars are important. They regulate times, and actions.


Rosenstock (Harvard, Dartmouth)held that community celebrations came from the tribal social order, business and work from empires, ecclesiastical calendars from Ancient Israel, and educational ones from Greece.


I attempt to make one for the next epoch--small , enthusiastic groups. These are tribes without perpetual warpath.


The Church, ERH held, was Israel without exclusions; nation states were empires without slavery.


We enter a new epoch. See, Universal History 1954.


I call this A thousand Year Prayer--Jordan says we cannot manipulate.


It is a Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--thelife of Christ and our response. See 'Fruit of Our Lips'.


On the 49-book Bible basis ('Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament at www.biblical I write a liturgy.


And each week I show, respectively: Matthew;Chronologies. Mark: Business Servants. Luke: Jubilee foreshadowed or applied. John: Tabernacle of action.


'Toward Peace 2 show my work so far--I depend on grandchildren  of grandchildren to carry on. Christianity is 'the science of timeing' ERH.


Eternal Calendar on Facebook has much. Please requestto be on my ppdates email list.





Charles Howard Hartman

PS: This year, Resurrection to Resurrection, A. D. 2021-22, I ‘m trying to get 49 Business Servants in accordance with the principles Jordan used above.

7x7 Days/Books+ Business Servants this C.O.R.A.M

 7x7 Days/Books+ Business Servants this C.O.R.A.M

I think GodTrinity is keeping me tired so I'll stay HERE to find Business Servants in a 7 x7 pattern, Days and Books.

Start with light (electricity--Franklin/Faraday...) (and as Life--patterns of information/energy

Mose would be the ur-Exodus guy

