Coin Yourself--my words, I need to start a Page See Joran Lanier, 'Wh Owns the Future' He thought we should be paid for living interesting lives, and this is one way.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Time Extension Kit
What will I do with this gift?
I just today had an almost instantaneous exchange with Australia, and last week similarly with Namibia. From Iowa!
What will I do with this gift?
(But what if Maine doesn't have anything to say to Texas? :Thoreau)
Chuck, who just today had a hypnagogic about an '8' of Business Servants
Preliminaries Toward Business Servants
More later -- I'll be doing some, and/or so will the grandchildren of my grandchildren
7 Genesis ones: Deng, Newcomen (heat to power) McCloskey (2%), Debs (peace, Erhard, Bill of Rights, India) Soap, Truce of God (Cities, Law -> scientific method),Moonshots (Diamandis, biology 4x Moore’s Law), ERH (speech, disciples Berman and others), Festival Laws of Ancient Israel from farmers to city dwellers
Consider: Deng, Exodus = Migration (to America) Puritans/Leviticus (American corporations have followed Harvard's model: the business school model. They do not hire from within. They bring in outsiders. That was a turning point for American business competitiveness. The best book on this is The Puritan Gift: Reclaiming the American Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos (2008) by the Hopper brothers.), Numbers (Explore, 85-90% dead in America, no immunity from living with animals, 1493 ecosystems meet). Deut. (various laws, e. g. festivals toward cities), Joshua (conquest, Empires end slavery [Sowell], Judges (go bad, Rockefeller/Gates).
At 77 "You Don't Need Me' Business Consulting
Dear Friends:
Liabilities into assets
Liabilities into Assets
So, this co-founder
of Libertarian Party of Iowa went to work for 'the government'.
But I had time and
money to listen to all of Jordan and Rosenstock, many Teaching Company courses,
Jay Abraham's stuff, Firestorm Chats, Mount Olive, etc. I could discuss this
with others.
After many years, I stopped. I started listening during my
'dead' work.(Many 'retire', I listened. Steiner. Hypnagogia.
The Gospels Layer of the Eternal Calendar has come to me.
Thus, 2 liabilities have been turned into assets.
Bitcoin Billions
First, look up Bitcoin Pizza Day
Bitcoin Pizza Day: Celebrating the $80 Million Pizza Order
On May 22, 2010, now known as Bitcoin Pizza Day, Laszlo Hanyecz agreed to pay 10,000 Bitcoins for two delivered Papa John's pizzas. Organized on bitcointalk forum, the Florida man reached out for...
Let's suppose this was a $10 order.
For my $3000 tax savings if I'd received a receipt from my $10,00 donation, I could have purchased 300 x these 10,000 bitcoin
If, If, If--lots of hypotheticals, but more than 'not much' "If you're not Dutch, you're not much'--in my case, and that of others, we're 'not much'
Now @ $19,000 (it's more now, March 28, A. D. 2021) 10,000 bitcoin would be worth 10,000 x $19.000 or 190 million, or 1.9 billion.
1.9 billion x 300 is a lot of money.
(Bitcoin recently hit $60,000)
But if I'd obtained that, I probably would not have written 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar.
Love in King Jesus,
Ear Worm
Dear Kit:
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
A. D. 2020 and Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
EphesusCoram871 Resurrection to Resurrection
To the grandchildren of my grandchildren
It’s not time yet for this to become widespread. Advent was
555, Christmas 336, etc.
So, since Christianity is the science of timing, I’’ create something
But first let me explain where we are now.
1—John 21:25, the books about what Jesus did would overflow
the creation.
2—So there’s room. Christianity is ‘the science of timing’:
3—The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our
4—Thus, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany etc.
5—The Gospels Layer is placed on Jordan’s 49-book Bible. A
Thousand Year Prayer.
6—A liturgy is put on it.
7—The order of books is re-retuned and flopped.
8—Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies and JBJ’s 146 Psalms, with
commentary, are to be added.
9—Matthew: Genealogies to timelines. Fuller’s chronology of
technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church
History are the start. Ussher, Timetable of history, etc. can be added later.
10--Mark is about the 49 greatest business servants.
11—Luke asks ‘How does this book of the week (49) foreshadow
or apply Jubilee? Luke 4.
12—John leads us to build a tabernacle of action in the last
7 week—complementing Lent, etc.
13—THEEEOS. Transcendence, increased rate of change.
Hierarchy—destroys old groups (‘state’ as civil government), ecclesia
reformanda, marriage-family-house-business-culture.
14—A 12 of small, enthusiastic groups. 3 institutions x 4
fronts (in, out, forward, backward).
15—Oh, I name the days of the week and the years for
re-retuned 7 churches +.
16—AFTER EEE below, there are oaths (see Berman on cities in
‘Law and Reformation—true speech behind which words one put his life). The
succession is a tune. Order of importance. See Jordan’s ‘Covenant sequence…’ at
Gary North freebooks.
17—Here are my 12, as imperative stems (Compare ‘B’ as first
letter-word of Bible. Be the house, come into the house, build the house…).
18-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4,
12, 11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Thus, Psalm 117 with 150:6 has 5 commands to
praise, 6 praiser, 7 Praised. A word or phrase dominated by each respectively,
would be sung in that note, when the 12 are placed on a keyboard of 7 white
keys and 5 black keys. Compare The Twelve, which are not played/placed in the
Bible Chronologically. Add transliteration of sounds of Hebrew and Hebrew
characters: Unite Christendom by singing’ the Bible in miniature’
19—K.O.L, Kol (from Sinai-qol), Octave, Laodicea. Sardis.
Pergamos. Ephesus. Philadelphia,
Thyatira, Smyrna. For days, add YMM!!!, for years add coram
(Celebration.Of.Rssurrection.Ann.Mundi). ‘Cram in Latin is ‘face, presence’
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Expansion of the imperative stems above. I propose:
Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts (could also lead to ‘grokking’ of subgroups
by including other law systems a la Berman’s ‘scholastic comparison of laws
engendered scientific method’—Inward, 2--Psalms—add
transliteration of sounds of Hebrew and Hebrew characters: Unite Christendom by
singing’ the Bible in miniature’ Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic)
—Outward, 4—'Contagious Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
(Mar 21 Coin Yourself and (March 19 A. D. 2021 add 100 Trillion Shares
Capitalizing Yourself)) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you
can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits
through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Coin Yourself
Just had 'Coin Yourself' thought. If 1% of future cash flow is worth $10,000, you're a millionaire! Wesley Bruce, this il like the book 'Supermoney,' in which corporate shares are used to buy other corporations, but now with crowdfunding, etc. ('New Technologies of Freedom' this could be done without 'government' stopping. Who is doing this?
Saturday, March 20, 2021
To Peter: Good News Among Bad
Gurri's 'Revolt of the Public' says we're in a Fifth Wave, a tsunami of information, that means the elites are NOT in control of the narrative. Written initially before Trump and Brexit, he show examples, from Turkey, to Egypt, Greece, and Israel.
Rosenstock opined that any new technology destroys old groups.
There's 'Abundance' the book.
Much decentralization is taking place.
Bad things show desperation.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'Psalms in Hebrew' Hartman
PS: With time-appropriate tunes.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Baptized one million 'Contagious Disciple Making'
Tell them about 'Contagious Disciple Making' baptizing 1 million in India in a few short years.Person of Peace runs Discpvery Sessions, finds another, etc.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
3 To Do
To Do:
Here's what we had before--
To Do:
I've found easy stuff online to get the Hebrew sounds and letters. My 12 Small, Enthusiastic Groups are made, but the keys are 1--Law 4--Gospel 9--Jubilee Calendar in Sociology. But as ERH wrote in 'Fruit of Our Lips': 'cemetery' (for seminary).
The calendar starts at Resurrection (easter A. D.2021 and goes until Resurrection 2022. Go back 7 weeks (week before Resurrection 2022 is 49) to 43,then forward from Resurrection 2021 for 42 (with a mountain at aa, then 22, then two at 34 and350--thus the liturgy is written across the year. If there aren't enough weeks, stretch the last one out. If there are too few, bunch them up. Use JBJ's 49-book Bible, but also re-re-tune and run it backward.
The 100 Trillion takes off from SuperMoney, and adds features of dead celebrities still earning, and new technologies of freedom such as blockchain, crowdfunding, etc. It needs a guarantor to keep it all straight, and that you cannot pay more than50% minus 1 of yourself. It's part of note 12,page 96of 'Toward Peace 2'
The grandchildren of my grandchildren will use this.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
See Mike Bull’s work, and his sources.
The last 7 weeks are OUR RESPONSE.
Biblical authority: John 21:25 : 25 And there are also many
other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I
suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be
written. Amen.
So, this ‘Gospels
Layer of the Eternal Calendar’ is legit. (The Eternal Calendar is the life of
Christ and our response.)
Omegalphically, it ends with a song, echoing JBJ’s writing
in ‘Covenant Sequence…’.
The song is this, and the summary☹From ‘Toward
Peace 2, p. 96) —I propose: Garden Forward, 1--Christian Courts—Inward,
2--Psalms—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) —Outward, 4—'Contagious
Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).
Land, 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government,
6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe
World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal
Calendar, 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500,LETS, etc.)
11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine,
calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et
mohar’, Jay Abraham
5-- My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12,
11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
For precedent see ‘New Bible Commentary treatment of The
Twelve (minor prophets) which are not put in the Bible in chronological
response. There are 4 notes, then 8
ascending/descending, when put on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black keys.
Mine form a tune also, and when put with JBJ/Cascione
Psalms, using the number of times a word/concept is use, hint at
time-appropriate Psalm tunes. See my 17 and 150;6, a 1, 4, 9of Praised,
praisers, and praise!.
OK, Christianity is the science of timing, ERH.
T—The Transcendent of the last 49 years is the rapid pace of
(technological) change.
H—This destroys old groups. Remembering faithful in all
areas, and especially those around JBJ 9eponymic), such as Theopolis, the
church is moving south. Field: South American going Protestant faster then
Europe during Reformation’. Jenkins; “Africa from 10% in 1900 to 46% Christian
when he wrote’. For ‘state,’ see Creveld (money, justice), Barzun (learn to
read again0, etc.
EEE, see above
O—Oaths, true speech, where life is put behind words. SeeBerman ‘Law and Revolution’ for city formation.
Cities chartered by governments, don’t have it. Seasteads. Enterprise cities in
Central America or Nevada…
Succcession: See above, tune, and omegaalphacity. Sristotle’s
4 cause (use) is the key to the other 3.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Post 1000 44 word summary of my work
44 word summary of my work
Eternal Calendar. Life of Christ and Our Response. John
21;25 Gospels Layer
Christmas 336 Advent 555 Jordan’s ‘Rethinking…’= 49
Sociology 3 x4, 12.
Matthew genealogy, Chronology. Mark Business Servants Luke Jubilee
John THEEEOS Last 7
More Jeremiah 51,
Psalms 146 + MORE
Reverse Speech ERH omegalphic prophet speaks backward, plan trip then go on it
Reverse Speech ERH omegalphic prophet speaks backward, plan trip then go on it
Friday, March 5, 2021
4 things for this weekend
4 things for this weekend.