Friday, January 29, 2021

Liturgical Maximalism and Biblical Psalm Tune

 I practice 'liturgical maximalism' as liturgy recaps the feasts of Israel. As one goes through each step, one can do what JBJ called -- well, I don't remember it now but it means running your mind through the whole Bible. A good example is near the end of Samuel, when David pines for water from a well in Jerusalem. His men daringly get him some, but he pours it out saying, in effect, this is their blood of daring. Thus, wine in The Lord's Supper. Etc.

I've figured out from Cascione's 'Repetition in the Bible,' which credits JBJ, what a Biblical Psalm tune could be. Just one. 117 with 150:6. 7 Praised, 6 praisers, 5 commands to praise! In (Christian)sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts, for the next epoch, the first 3 are 1,4,9 laid out on a 12 of octave, so each phrase of the respective above is sung in that note. If JBJ's Psalms are ever liberated from his computer one could try some more

Monday, January 25, 2021

A New Form of Knowledge?

 Berman, in 'Law and Revolution' says that the medieval scholastic comparison lf law systems engendered the scientific method, which I will call a new form of knowledge, Sanja Cooklin. We can do something similar, and I think it might engender empathic sensing of new subgroups, as mentioned in 'Last Tango in Cyberspace'. The Axial Age institutions, which started during Israel's Exile could be put into a new week/7--compare closest to earth 'circle-of-fifthsed' to get our days of the week--, sandwiched between 'Already' and 'Not Yet'. But better would be a similar 'law' comparison. There are 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence, for example. Judaism mention 613 (?) laws. Surely Confucius and the I Ching, etc. would qualify. And more. I'd start with Christian Money with Christian Court TV. Encourage others to submit DRAMATIC cases.Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Add to Christian Court TV

 I sent this as a Message on Facebook, but it can’t be copied now. I’ll attempt reconstruction

1—Add other forms of law. Blackstone 21 (?0 listed in Berman. Looking Backward 2162, engendering scientific method by comparing law systems ‘Law and Revolution’, etc.

2—Vimeo, YouTube—drama, not sermons or books or articles.

 3—World-wide coordinating

4—Add 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Axial Age

5—Young …, supervise him

6—After website and app

7--#1 of next 1000, however long, in true (Christian) sociology of 3 institutions, 4 fronts

8—Sense (grok) subgroups, per ‘Last Tango in Cyberspace’ engendered ala scholastic comparison of law systems engendered scientific method. Newform of knowledge. Berman, ‘Law and Revolution’

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Recent Events

 Recent Events

You ask: What about recent events?

Gurri is important, so is the decentralization, and book like Creveld, Berman, Barzun. We are in transition. Technology means old institutions are 'diestroyed'. We see death spasms.

5 things to do.

1--Your calling--the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace.  Mine has much to say about the next 1000 years, a new epoch. You can't win the other guy's game (Fuller, Einstein)

2--Get Ready To Help Locally.

3--Pray. 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Psalm 94.

4--It's both worse than you can possibly imagine, and better than you can possibly imagine.

5--Remember 5th generation warfare. Nets (networks) and Jet (to transmit nuclear, chemical biological--and cyber). Not massed armies (1), artillery (2), tanks (3), or insurgents plus media (4). Only. 'The best victory is when the enemy doesn't know he's in a war' Sun Tzu (paraphrase)

Week 49 Tune of New Epoch

 Week 49 Tune of Next Epoch


We have the sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts.  The tune will be played after these 12 are on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black ones.  The tune will be the priority. (Priorities and tune may change).

This is a PART of the Jubilee Calendar/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar/A Thousand Year Prayer. A PART

Of Aristotle’s 4 causes, this is the Final. A building has blueprints (first, or formal cause), then wood and bricks, etc. (material cause), workers (efficient cause) and the use to which is is put—church, school, home, factory… (final cause).

I propose: Garden (Church, Priest) Forward, 1--Christian Courts (now, after Berman’s view that scholastic comparisons of law systems engendered the scientific method, comparisons toward a new form of knowledge—see Week 45a)—Inward, 2—Psalms (HebrewSing, with Hebrew Cadence, see Week 45b)—Backward, 3--Godparents For Eldsters (sic) and for Preborn —Outward, 4—'Contagious Disciple Making’ the book (baptized a million).

Land (King, Civil Government), 5—Twelve Word Platform/Shadow Non-government (add decentralization, and books such as ‘New Technologies of Freedom, ‘Abundance,’ The End is Near and It’s Going to be Awesome,’ etc. , 6—Restraint, 7—History of Western Civilization (North, ERH, JBJ), 8—Peace Tribe

World, 9—A Thousand Year Prayer/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, etc. 10—Money 2.0 (and local community currencies 3,500-4,500 LETS, etc.) 11—LocalOnlineLeader—consult, better and worse than you can possibly imagine, calling, helping, praying), 12—New property, profits through service, ’et mohar’, Jay Abraham compare #1 above, empathy and Abraham’s Strategy of Pre-eminence)

My tune of the above—proposed, will change: 1, 9, 4, 12, 11, 10, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.

For HebrewSing Psalms, the tune could be chords of these 4 threes, thus 1,12, 2, 6… Use cymbals, etc. as in Psalm 150.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Host A 3013 LocalOnline



Bob Cook’s work is key. When Roseto lost community, heart attack came. It wasn’t the gardening.

5 thoughts on local benefit from online activity.

1—Stuart STEM. Yes, I’ve written before. The key change is the need to get people/students remote work BEFORE, and a communication signed by key community members.

2—Cheap online colleges. This’d be a website aimed at helping high school guidance counselors.

3—We export people. Some succeed. They could now do business remotely, with local proteges.

4—‘Think Two Products Ahead’ extolled to planning needed to play billiards well. Some might help revive the Acme Billiard Emporium. We’d need a plan to make money online if there’s none locally.  I have a couple of ideas.

5—Billions of dollars drive through. Early road builders were communities luring travelers. More.

But remember that ‘if your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall.’ Present a plan of revenue and expenses.


Psalm Poetry Could Rule Week 45b

  Psalm Poetry Could Rule Week 45b

The poet is the unacknowledged legislator of mankind.

The Psalms are the Bible in miniature.

Singing glorifies speech.

Thus, for the Bible to rule, we need to sing Psalms poetically.

One unifying element of Hebrew poetry is Hebrew Cadence.

Let’s take Psalm 117, the 150:6 as an example.

There are 7 Praised, 6 praisers, and 5 commands to praise.

Correlate these to the 12 parts of sociology. (I don’t say ‘Christian,’ because IT IS sociology).

Phrases of the various ‘praise’ will have different notes,  for the 12 parts can beplace on a keyboard octave of 7 white keys and 5 black keys.

(There’s meta-interpretation in The Twelve—they aren’t in the Bible in chronological order, and thus there is a statement of theodicy).

To really get going, do 2 more things:

1—Sing in Hebrew also. Put the letters on one line under your tribal language, and the soundson a third.

2—Use what the Bible commands. Cymbals, etc. Psalm 150.

The grandchildren of your grandchildren will bless you.

Week 45a Toward New Form of Knowledge

 Week 45a Toward New form of Knowledge

I’ll repeat this frequently. Berman held in ‘Law and Revolution’ that the comparison of law systems led to the scientific method. In the Jubilee Calendar’s 45th week, I list 4 ‘church’/garden/priest things, the first of which WAS ‘Christian Court TV’. Now, to obtain a new form of knowledge, I’ll investigate other instructions/Torah.

Here are some.

1—The poet is the unacknowledged legislator of mankind. (See 46b).

2—I don’t care who writes the laws as long as I control themoney.

3—The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord.

4—The Spirit. JOHN 3:8 KJV "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou ...

The meaning is: The Spirit breathes where it wills and you recognize its manifestation by its voice; by the words spoken by men of God as the Holy Spirit gives them utterance. You cannot tell whence the Spirit comes to whither it goes, but you can hear its voice when it does come.

5—I don’t care who writes the laws as long as I write the songs.

6—Why be a Senator? It’s much easier to buy one.

7—‘The hearts  and minds of the people’

8--‘The  mandate of Heaven’.

I’ll repeat this frequently. Berman held in ‘Law and Revolution’ that the comparison of law systems led to the scientific method. In the Jubilee Calendar’s 45th week, I list 4 ‘church’/garden/priest things, the first of which WAS ‘Christian Court TV’. Now, to obtain a new form of knowledge, I’ll investigate other instructions/Torah.

So, as I/we expand on this, what  kind of new field of knowledge might we expect?

Consider that science has caught us with Chalcedon (451?). Light is both particle and wave, as Jesus is both God and Man.

Now, if The Son came to fulfill the Law—make the whole creation whole, then empathy might be one thing.

RJR: The goal of the law is making whole.

I’ll repeat this frequently. Berman held in ‘Law and Revolution’ that the comparison of law systems led to the scientific method. In the Jubilee Calendar’s 45th week, I list 4 ‘church’/garden/priest things, the first of which WAS ‘Christian Court TV’. Now, to obtain a new form of knowledge, I’ll investigate other instructions/Torah.

A good explanation of this empathy coming to be is in Kotler’s ‘The Last Tango of Cyberspace’. He has an expansion coming in July 2021.