Monday, November 6, 2017


Were we to take the big gifts we’ve been given (to name two: electricity and planetary division of labor) and trace their development we’d find some gaps that we could fill.
Note: Deut.8 (You’ll go into the land and forget that I, God, have given it to you, with houses, fields, wells dug, etc. [paraphrase})
RJR in ‘Politics of Guilt and Pity’: History is God’s theater. CHH—Don’t you think it’d be creational and sequential?
So, a task would be to relate these gifts to the creation days, and echoes, with the stages by which we got them (and that might yet be to come.
For instance, electricity might be from light, the first day. Planetary dividion of labor might be from the 5th day, to start.
Where MADJAN fits is tougher. Moore’s law x 4 in biological knowledge expansion. Abundance, the book. Decentralization/Centralization. Jordan crossing, the greatest since the 3rd century in the 3rd world—Christendom rising. Artificial intelligence. Nanotechnology.

What do you think is happening?
A set of stages for the planetary division of labor might use one of ERH’s lectures on successive organizations, augmented: After Rome fell, and tribes weren’t kept from perpetual warfare by Rome, forests, for instance, were what kept them apart.  But then came hermits, and then monks, and peasants who paid attention to the farming wisdom of the monks, and after 700 years or so, the Truce of God—‘No fighting during Lent, or from Friday through Monday, etc.’. Thus LAND was organized (and cities by mutual oath-taking (Berman, who also says in ‘Law and Revolution’ that medieval cathedrals, literally, had budgets for 1000 years).
OK, LAND. Then SKILLS, as 153 were needed for knights. Knights, among other things, protected the highways, which could take 10x the traffic, because of the invention of the horse collar.
MARKETS were next.
I propose that the MISSIONARY movement was next.
Now might come recognition of GIFTS?
So, would Land be Law, Skills be Lyric, Markets Fact, Missions be Evaluation, and Gifts be New Torah?
Others will do better.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘to business now’ Hartman

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Thanksgiving, Electricity+, Remembering, Church Calendar...

Dear Gentle Ones:
Thanksgiving, Electricity+, Remembering, Church Calendar...
Some traditions remember certain people--their lives--throughout the year.
I'm thinking that each of these people fits into an historical sequence, similar to the big sequence JBJ outlines in 'Crisis,, Opportunity, and the Christian Future,' namely, Law-Lyric-Eveluation-Fact-New Torah.  One could ues ERH's Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service, and/or North's (THEOS, for example), or Bull's CDATMCG.
Rushdoony, in 'Politics of Guilt and Pity: 'History is God's theater'.
Thus doing, we would 'remember' better.  When we forget God's gifts, He takes them away: Deut. 8 (You'll go into the land I gave you, and think YOU have done it--thus the Pella high school graduation ceremony).
So, in our improved church year, what would we add to our Thanksgiving season and daily prayers?
Some examples: '...: '...what other pillars of civilization do we need to remember, as we do electricity? Reading (the alphabet--thus the great move to phoneticize Chinese with pin yin), sanitation/clean water/some medicine, the automobile and engines, trusts vs. corporations, jury system, liturgy/scientific method/Symphony of History, etc?'
What would you add, Thanksgiving-wise?'
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'tired, concentrating on a few' Hartman
PS: And Prayer of the Church.
PPS: After we get (refine) the list, we can start with Wikipedia and find the persons carrying these gifts, and put them into the sequences, and respons, for God's gifts are 'more, and new every morning'.