Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Universal Tax Credit

1--Universal Tax Credit. This was mentioned in my 'best shot' post.
3--'The UTC allows a taxpayer to divert a part of his or her tax liability to a non-governmental organization that provides certain services within a state or local jurisdiction more effectively or efficiently than does the government.
It is very simply implemented. In a tax year, a taxpayer donates an amount (up to a legally specified limit) to a qualifying non-governmental entity, specifies that amount (with supporting evidence) on the relevant tax return, and that amount is subtracted from the tax owed by that taxpayer to the state or local government.'
4--I ran on something much more radical in 1974.
5--It is heir to all the weaknesses of vouchers in general, mostly those are thatyou are still 'in the system' and that 'the system' will define what entities qualify. It's similar to earmarking United Way funds, but having the UW Board of Directors allocate anyway.
6--'Bitcoin' and hundreds of imitators are coming anyway, and if K. (Kolikoff) is right, the unfunded liabilities are past the point of mno return.
7--the question remains,, on what time scale is one operating?  I was 40+ years early, and much more radical, so I should try someting else, which I am with s'49 peace corps pirates'.
8--Were I to run again, I'd do a Norman Thomas.  He ran 6 times for President as a Socialist, and declined after that.  Why? 'They've taken all my ideas,' he said.
I'd run with one piece of literature. Which tax should be eliminated first? Sales, income, property? Attached would the the compilation of the results.
But I have better things to do. is one of the 49, or will be when the Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi is over.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie' 49' Hartman

Monday, May 29, 2017

Why I won't give up on 'giving my best shot'

Dear Gentle Ones:

Why I won't give up on 'giving my best shot'

This is a great history, it's a great essay, and the visual at the end caps it off very well.

I had almost considered deviating from my initiation of the 49 pirate peace corps work, aimed at organizing the next 1000 years--however long that is.

I will also continuer my 5-part sequence, also derived from EugenRosenstock-Huessy.

But I must markte better. 43 years ago I ran for office on something like the Universal Taxation idea--43 years ago.

About that time my wife and I discovered the idea, from Dr. Kelley, that cancer is in one's body all the time, but kept in check most of the time. Kelley was considered to be an idiot, a quack, and worse.Now yesterday I heard that as a routine idea.

I won't give up. Sheldrake says that the first attempt makes it easier for the next attempts.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '49 pirate peace corps' Hartman

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Stuart Iowa 2020 Tourist Attraction Online Sales For Local Businesses Plus

Stuart Iowa 2020 Tourist Attraction Online Sales For Local Businesses Plus

SUMMARY: As we learn, we produce an online manual. In it, free ads for local merchants are placed. These ads are for things they can sell online. Our ‘feed local’ expertise carves a niche in the growing market, such that by 2020 (our 150th) people are starting to come to Stuart to see how we’re doing it. The local paper runs this website and manual updating and ad campaigns. Everyone benefits—the hungry are fed, the merchants prosper, we exhibit The Roseto Effect. In ‘Outliers,’ Gladwell tells the story of Roseto, PA, where gardening was encouraged, and community festivals, and there were ‘no heart attacks’. and the same on Facebook. We generally encourage more people to garden more, to share with the food stressed. One in eight are food stressed, 40% of WCV students qualify for free or reduced price meals, etc. [Note: Food can be grown year-round, without heating greenhouses, says ‘Four Season Harvest, and greens are grown even in the Arctic winters of Kotzebue, Alaska.] We were inspired by Todmorden, UK, which wanted to be self-sufficient in vegetables.
What should be done next?
1—We are FLSC are vowed to continue through 2020. Much of what we’ve done can be seen on our Facebook Page, but a community garden it high on the list of accomplishments. Next year might come Good E.G.G.s (Experienced.Gardening.Guides to help new gardeners.
2—Captain Stuart founded a town community to serve the food producers in the local area by the Big Move of his day, the railroad.  Can we grow our community to serve food producers inn towns around the world via the Big Mover of today, the internet?
3—If Des Moines builds a string of greenhouses to grow food locally, what does that—and other big plans--do  to us? IT HELPS US! A smaller company pioneered synthetic motor oil, and when asked what the entry of Mobil, a giant company, meant to them, they replied that it helped them, because Mobil could popularize synthetic motor oil, with their big ad budget, and the smaller company could then concentrate on how the small company’ motor oil was better.  The small company could never have reached the billions of people that Mobil’s ads reached.
4—Somebody will take over the website, and help produce the manual.  I recommend The Stuart Herald. Someone on staff could run it and update the story as it happens.  Nick Selman? Tod Broman? Margery Watts? The free ads could be placed right in the stories/manual.  (What could a local business sell online? Almost anything they sell offline, I’d say—and things tied to Good Egg Days of ‘feeding locally’.)
Sheila Plowman is our President, Carl Egger is our Vice-President, New Beginning church has been very helpful, and the community garden is started behind New Beginnings.

Here is some basic information published earlier.
Basics Feed Locally Stuart Community
This is short.
Contact us below, please. Thanks.
1--It started with Todmorden UK—they wanted to become self-sufficient in vegetables.
2-- Kotzebue in Arctic Alaska has figured out how to grow fresh vegetables in the dead of winter.
3—Stuart’s people are hungry. Students, 1 in 8, ‘food stamps’—a National Geographic article. We want to add our help.
4—We propose that more garden more and share. Churches competing more in finding and feeding could be helped by more food grown.
5—‘Winter Harvest’ and other resources show us how to grow year ‘round. (Sprouting too). There are mats to lay down for flowers to attract songbirds, butterflies, etc.—couldn’t we make some for veggies?
6—We’ve started. Community garden, canning school (upcoming), acres donated, seeds too. Presentations by the experienced.
7—Chuck thinks Captain Stuart’s founding of a town to help farmers along the Big Mover—railroad—can be adapted to the present as we help other community farmers along the Big Mover—internet—and that a manual of how we are doing it could include ads for local businesses to sell online.
8—Hey, please just contact us at our Facebook Page or website, Feed Locally – Stuart Community. We’d like your help, and so would the 1 in 8 that are ‘food-stressed’. [I’m at, or Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook (see Notes), or chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]
PS: Seed mats—roll out, water, watch it grow—we could make ‘em for veggies (I repeat). Free Little Library -> Free Little Food Pantries (in Omaha, e. g.). Hunger Trees for every church? Library, New Beginnings Church, permaculture, straw bale gardening, etc.
Added from Facebook post replies May 15 A D 2017
Robert Cook Charles Howard Hartman George Luckinbill picked out walnut meats for years and sold them by the pint. Right Paul G Luckinbill? Charles Howard Hartman, as the article you posted the other day reminds us, preventing waste of food and encouraging skills improvement in preserving/cooking foods is just as important as growing more. Huge batches of home made soups, frozen for later meals can help feed young families affordably and in a healthier manner than typical modern diets. I bet your mother and grandmother knew how to make soups and casseroles!
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 30 mins
Charles Howard Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman Yes indeed! Sheila Troy Plowman, Jo Controlfreak Pudans, Carl Egger, Robert Cook is telling us wisdom about wasted food, and I've read that 40% of food is wasted in America. What should be out plan? PS: The Sunday Register wrote yesterday that 1 in 5 school children are obese--a sign of malnutrition.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 28 mins
Robert Cook
Robert Cook Charles Howard Hartman Malnutrition caused by two elements. Low incomes and lack of food and cooking skills. Soups and casseroles fed generations as they extended meat to feed many affordable and with healthy ingredients.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 20 mins
Charles Howard Hartman
Charles Howard Hartman Soups and casseroles are the key! And tastiness.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Stems of retuned tier 7 books -> message?

Stems of retuned tier 7 books -> message?
Wouldn’t it be nike (sic) if the imperative stems of the 7th tier of JBJ’s 49-book Bible made a sentence or paragraph, a message? It’s been 6 bookweeks, and I’ll report during the 7th.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie '49 pirates peace corps' Hartman

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Remember St.Ansgar--send missionaries to corporations, where the power is!

Remember St.Ansgar--send missionaries to corporations, where the power is!

This  post was caused by a reading of Doug Casey, who proposed ambassadors to big corporations (and privatizing whole African nations, with shares going to residents,
a year ago.

Love in King Jesue,

Charile '49 pirate peace corps' Hartman

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Basics Feed Lodally Stuart Community

 Basics Feed Locally Stuart Community
This is short.
Contact us below, please. Thanks.
1--It started with Todmorden UK—they wanted to become self-sufficient in vegetables.
2-- Kotzebue in Arctic Alaska has figured out how to grow fresh vegetables in the dead of winter.
3—Stuart’s people are hungry. Students, 1 in 8, ‘food stamps’—a National Geographic article. We want to add our help.
4—We propose that more garden more and share. Churches competing more in finding and feeding could be helped by more food grown.
5—‘Winter Harvest’ and other resources show us how to grow year ‘round. (Sprouting too). There are mats to lay down for flowers to attract songbirds, butterflies, etc.—couldn’t we make some for veggies?
6—We’ve started. Community garden, canning school (upcoming), acres donated, seeds too. Presentations by the experienced.
7—Chuck thinks Captain Stuart’s founding of a town to help farmers along the Big Mover—railroad—can be adapted to the present as we help other community farmers along the Big Mover—internet—and that a manual of how we are doing it could include ads for local businesses to sell online.
8—Hey, please just contact us at our Facebook Page or website, Feed Locally – Stuart Community. We’d like your help, and so would the 1 in 8 that are ‘food-stressed’. [I’m at, or Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook (see Notes), or chuckhartmanhistoryconductor]

PS: Seed mats—roll out, water, watch it grow—we could make ‘em for veggies (I repeat). Free Little Library -> Free Little Food Pantries (in Omaha, e. g.). Hunger Trees for every church? Library, New Beginnings Church, permaculture, straw bale gardening, etc.

49 imperative stems toward organizing 'the next 1000 years--however long that is'

49 imperative stems toward organizing 'the next 1000 years--however long that is'

May 13: And now...49 imperative stems heading toward peace corps' and jubilation. Lev. 25, Is. 61,  Luke 4, each of 49 books (Jordan's 'Rethinking...' here: applied by abofseg--applied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups, organizing  the next 1000 years, however ling that is as tribes without perpetual warpath, as the nation-state is empires without slavery, and the Church   is Israel without exclusions, per Rosenstock (and much added) best explained in these Dartmouth lectures: ERH in ‘Magna Carta Latina’ said that every Latin verb form is derived from a shorter imperative stem, so, were we to do something similar with ‘imperative stems’ for each book, we’d have a start of the flowering of speech, true speech, that behind which one puts one’s life.
So, Hebrews: New! (somewhat vocative, a vocative being half an imperative, a naming—live up to it (2nd, 3rd Word?), Titus: Godparent all societies!, 1 Timothy: Author-ity! (sic), and 1 Thessalonians: WorkingWait (sic)?

BR S-H T, ‘In the beginning, Gen 1:1, 1st word) can be seen as an imperative stem iffor worship +, were we to take the letter-words, thus: B “house’  be the house, enter the house, R ‘head’ bow your head in confession, listen to readings and sermon application, S-H ‘eat’, communion (the meal seals the spiel and the deal for real), and T ‘cross’ carry your cross out, now that you have been torn apart/cue up to be put back together, transformed for battle.

Voluntary Taxation (and more): Systematic Computer Digital

Voluntary Taxation (and
more): Systematic Computer Digital
One of many startling quote streams:
'“If we use technology to build an impenetrable network, how can we do tax enforcement” – Barack Obama, SXWX 2016
With new consensus structures, the limitations which were inherent to the previous system are gone. Just like forced marriage used to be the status quo, and then with universal suffrage and new consensus structures that then evolved into voluntary marriage, still called marriage, the vision of Bitnation is that the blockchain as a consensus system will make forced nationality obsolete, which will then be replaced with P2P nationality.
Forced taxation was a natural emergence when the nation-state was used as the consensus system, and with P2P nationality it will no longer be consented to, and so will be replaced with voluntary tax. [2]'
There are several false-to-fact assumptions in this article, especially that the violence-prone will not find a way, but this should be given thought, for I've seen as ad stating that there are 472 digital currencies out.
These folks are thinking systematically.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie '49' Hartman
PS: As light as wave and particle can be seen as an echo of Jesus as God and Man w'without confusion, division, mixture, or separation,' the above can be seen as derived from The Book Of All Truth, in some way that 'we' should explain.

Monday, May 8, 2017

New Lectionary?

There's something to be said for ADDITIONALLY studying a book a week, per JBJ's 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament'. I'm doing it backward, Resurrection (Easter) to Resurrection, and, Lord willing, engendering true speech (lives put behind words--oaths) for each one.  I call it Applied By Oath Formed Small Enthusiastic Groups, the latter from ERH's 1954 Univesal History lectures, free on line. ‘abofseg’
This week is 1 Thessalonians.
For Hebrews, the new echo is Abundance. For Titus, unto Godparents for Society, not just to the church with exhorting to good works, being an example and reproof. 
For 1 Timothy, exploration of being an author, authority.
Next year we'll have segs, of.
The best so far was before this CORAM--celebration of resurrection anno mundi, Also see Facebook Page of same name.
Love in King Jesus,  
Charlie '49' Hartman
PS: Lev. 25 (Jubilee) -> Isaiah 61 -> Luke 4 -> abofseg.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 5 A Year Since My Stroke

May 5 A Year Since My Stroke
1—Actually, my right eye occlusion was a ‘stroke-like event’.
2—I’m tired all the time.
3—I didn’t miss any paychecks.
4—The liability has been turned into an asset, because I concentrated on the most important thing I could do at which I’d be most difficult to replace: True Jubilee Speech, the abofmseg. Take one of Jordan’s 49 books per week. Form a small, enthusiastic group by oath in response to a significant/singificant (worthy of song—glorified speech) from it.  Put your life behind these words, that’s Rosenstock’s definition. Thus Leviticus 25 to Isaiah 61 to Luke 4 (fulfilled in your ears), and this response. I don’t put the Psalms (twice, one per day) in House Of Singing  Times calendar, nor do I go forward, only backward, retuned.  Thus, we’ve had Hebrews (I picked out the ‘new’ into which to enter is to be longevity, based on People Unlimited’s observation that the average life span in 1900 (USA?) was 40, and in 2000 was 80, and the observation that biological knowledge was increasing 4x Moores’ Law [cost of computing halved every 18 months since 1890], and I considered to lives of the patriarch’s and Isaiah 65:20) and, though there’s no abofseg yet, the outline is there.
What for Titus? Exponentize the admonition to exhort to good works, reproofing, and being an example to being Godparents For Society.
1 Timothy is shaping up to be something about being an author, authority. 742 digital currencies is a start, and Rosenstock’s observation that any new technology—and we’re in the midst!—increases reach, decreases time, and destroys old groups. An abofseg forms a new group.
The closest to an abofseg has been the effort.
5—I’d run some, but there’s a better way, PACE exercise.
6—I find that disrupting my routine discombobulates me. Where are my supplements? I live here. Supplements and alternative medicine practitioners have kept me going, with on pharmaceutical.
7—These should have been arranged in TheSevenDays (sic).
8—In other words, I ain’t dead yet. Rosenstock is at the lecture Universal History 1954 from Eugen Rosenstock Huesy Fund, Jordan is at Biblical Horizons ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’.  My stuff is at Facebook Notes of Charles Howard Hartman or chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. I need a successor, but son Tom will curate.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘49’ Hartman
PS: My other work is available, but the timing isn't right?

Thursday May 4 A. D. 2017

Per President Sheila Troy Plowman and Vice-President Carl Egger, the Feed Locally--Stuart Community meeting for today, Thursday, is postponed. Saturday and Robert Cook's will be a demonstration and discussion of gardening techniques. I will have not made it to Stuart Thursday either, since I have been stricken with exhaustion, but I do have a large number of gardening books to donate to the FLSC groups, for checking out. Also, I ordered flower mats (5' x 20") from Parade's ad in the Sunday Register--might this be a product that could be made to make it easier for backyard gardeners-only with vegetables? We'll see. I'm also hoping that the demonstration will be transcripted via a speech to text operation such as Nuance/Naturally Speaking, and that as we go forward this can become in out Manual, an advertising medium for local businesses' online sales, as we glorify the vision of Captain Stuart in 1870 of a town/community by the Big Mover (railroad) to serve the farmers (locally) into a community (Feed Locally--Stuart Community) by the Big Mover (world wide web) as an example to farmers/food providers in towns, to alleviate hunger, by 2020, Stuart's 150th.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2 Feed Locally Ideas: Vegetable Garden Mats, Online Ads for Merchants in Our Manual

May 2 Feed Locally Ideas: Vegetable Garden Mats, Online Ads for Merchants in Our Manual
Couple of thoughts. 1--We might be able to get 'vegetable garden mats,' like the flower garden mats that were in Parade in the Sunday Register. Link below. We could talk to Red Maple. These are $7.99! Monarch, Songbird, etc. I'll post on our Facebook Page. Second is an answer to 'how to get the newspaper on board'.. After we're a little more successful, we can have someone start the manual and offer it on social media and website. We can encourage the Herald (or the guy at Ruby's, who used to have a website) to sell ads, and run the site--these ads would offer online deals from Stuart area merchants, a whole new market for them. The Herald or Mr.Askren (?) would make money that way too. Our manual would be free. Oh, third, could we work on a 'Stuart Bar' to put in the mini-food pantries, made from local products, tasting good, etc.? Pastor at Zion says his wife knows the hunger at Panorama, for she teaches there and is involved in free/low cost lunches. We could call one mat the Pasutti Broccoli Vegetable Garden Mat--she runs the Chamber of Commerce.