Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Big Vote

The Big Vote

This is the week (sheba: 7, oath) of celebration (quickening) of The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (the middle of the year, coram, Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi)

and also

we learn about the 6th Word, ostensibly 'Don't do manslaughter,' but the HC say that if you don't help others, you are manslaughtering them.

Hmm. Is it time to vote with one's feet, away from the blindness, the being locked in a room that has all its doors open?

Charles Howard Hartman

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lectionary Historical

Lectionary Historical

Yes, we must know our history.

In the Hartman Calendar's* Lectionary Historical, it's been 21 ordinary weeks since Resurrection, and @ 40 years/week, that 840 years.

The time from A D 70 + 840 = 910: What was happening A. D. 910-950 that we need to remember.

And, backwards, 2100 - 840 = 1271-1231. What was happening then?

The book, The 100 Most Significant Events in Church History could help, and Timetables of History (not just church).

There are Lectionaries Historical for many periods possible.

'America' would be one, and we'd want to go, say 539 years each way (11 years per week of 49), a kind of 'Looking Backward' to help us hear the distant triumph song.

It's 81 years more or less per period from Creation to A. D. 70. 121 from Creation to Now.

To go the 16 billion years, you must stack up periods within each week, but that helps, since you can get to 49 seconds ago, and fine-tune your time sense. ERH's Soziologie has two parts. Space and Time, and the second is subtitled 'When the Times Must Be Obeyed.'

*'Rhymes' many covenant sequences unto comprehensive beauty.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How To Make Your Communities Better -- Coming Soon

4 pages, for brochure ease.

5th page to go on website as we help others.

As part of a total package including YouTube, live streaming during festival, material to be given to tourists, etc.

Credits to Wayne Larson, Brian Nolder, Jeff Harlow and many others.

Previously 'Liturgical Discipling of Community'.

Love in King Jesus,


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New How Godparents for Eldsters Benefits You and Yours

Each eldster with godparents, and none shall be afraid.

How Godparents for Eldsters Benefits You and Yours

Contacts:, Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook. Short video(s) soon!

Godparents for Eldsters -- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits.

CW: Co-worker: What's new?

CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters.

(Quizzical look)

CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster.

CW: How does it work?

CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters.

CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea?

CH: As far as I know, it's mine..

CW: Get it going, people need it.

Love in King Jesus,

This VERY short ceremony, 6 minutes, also exhibits the value.

3--Short, short ceremony


Witness: ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’

Participants: ‘Amen.’

Hierarchy: (Witness speaking)

‘I am Rev. _____, here on this ____ day of ____, A. D. _____, in _________ to witness the establishment of this covenant before God.’

‘The participants have been asked by ________ ________ to be ___ Godparents for Eldster (____self), in a way similar to that of Godparents or Sponsors for infants in some churches.’

Ethics: (Witness speaking)

‘James 1: 27: King James Version (KJV)
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Deuteronomy 5: 16: King James Bible
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.’

Oaths and Sanctions: (Witness speaking, then the One to be Protected)

Witness: ‘The one to be protected will introduce the Godparents for Eldster to be, after which I, the witness, will ask them to vow to be such, under God:’

One to be Protected: ‘I introduce _______________, and _______________ (as many as have been asked).’

Witness: ‘Do you ________ accept the commission of Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______ possible enfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, or otherwise needs protection, so help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘And, do you ________ accept the commission of Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______ possible enfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, or otherwise needs protection, so Help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘This completes the reference to James 1:27.’

Succession: (Witness speaking)

"Heavenly Father, we thank you for the truth of your Word that nothing in death or life will separate us from your love in Christ Jesus and that whether we live or die we belong to you. By your gracious Spirit strengthen those who have now committed themselves to ____name______ in this confidence and guide them should they face difficult decisions concerning ____his/her_____ care so that their actions may be in agreement with your holy will. Do not forsake them, but uphold and keep them in your love and peace through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."

(Witness) ‘Having now completed this covenant that I have witnessed, the Lord be with you. Go in peace.’

Were this more of an official church action, a more particular commissioning based on Matthew 28, and this particular work would have been better. The above script works well when a friend who is a Shepherd helps by witnessing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Godparents for Eldsters Benefits You and Yours

Contacts:, Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook. Thanks!
Godparents for Eldsters -- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits.

CW: Co-worker: What's new?

CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters.

(Quizzical look)

CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster.

CW: How does it work?

CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters.

CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea?

CH: As far as I know, it's mine..

CW: Get it going, people need it.

Love in King Jesus,

This VERY short ceremony, 6 minutes, also exhibits the value.

3--Short, short ceremony


Witness: ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’

Participants: ‘Amen.’

Hierarchy: (Witness speaking)

‘I am Rev. _____, here on this ____ day of ____, A. D. _____, in _________ to witness the establishment of this covenant before God.’

‘The participants have been asked by ________ ________ to be ___ Godparents for Eldster (____self), in a way similar to that of Godparents or Sponsors for infants in some churches.’

Ethics: (Witness speaking)

‘James 1: 27: King James Version (KJV)
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Deuteronomy 5: 16: King James Bible
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.’

Oaths and Sanctions: (Witness speaking, then the One to be Protected)

Witness: ‘The one to be protected will introduce the Godparents for Eldster to be, after which I, the witness, will ask them to vow to be such, under God:’

One to be Protected: ‘I introduce _______________, and _______________ (as many as have been asked).’

Witness: ‘Do you ________ accept the commission of Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______ possible enfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, or otherwise needs protection, so help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘And, do you ________ accept the commission of Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______ possible enfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, or otherwise needs protection, so Help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘This completes the reference to James 1:27.’

Succession: (Witness speaking)

"Heavenly Father, we thank you for the truth of your Word that nothing in death or life will separate us from your love in Christ Jesus and that whether we live or die we belong to you. By your gracious Spirit strengthen those who have now committed themselves to ____name______ in this confidence and guide them should they face difficult decisions concerning ____his/her_____ care so that their actions may be in agreement with your holy will. Do not forsake them, but uphold and keep them in your love and peace through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."

(Witness) ‘Having now completed this covenant that I have witnessed, the Lord be with you. Go in peace.’

Saturday, September 10, 2011

We Must Sing The Future Songs

FEW will even understand this: We Must Sing The Future Songs.

Sing The Future.

Sequel to ‘Form A Cross With Our Music in Lord’s Day Worship’.

And a wise thing would be this: Since the Past and the Future cause the Present, we should get so into the thoughts of God that we can somehow let the Future impact us in the typological liturgical battle on the Lord's Day.

That is, as He will have dragged us lovingly into His Future, changing us...what song (form) of the Future should we attempt to amen and vow in covenant renewal worship?

This IS deep.

When we only sing songs of the past, we are amening that the past and the present cause the future.
ERH calls this heresy.

We are locked in a room that has all the doors open.

The Holy Spirit adds to our groanings. We crawl before we walk before we run.

Shall I give an example? The best I can do now is a meta-example, an example of how to arrive at this.

Saturday, September 3, 2011