The latter naming of days puts us more explicitly in a calendar of covenant sequences.
Translating: Wednesday, June 30 is EphesusBmoY, Philippians , Blessed are Those Who Mourn
EphesusBmoY: Each 'week' (now sheba: 7, oath) we go through a covenant sequence from being called in (kol), to a form of judgment and exile (sardis), to growth (pergamos) to a new start with the word (ephesus), to communion in life and death (philadelphia, thyatira), to exodos [sic] (smyrna).
The days are oddly named, for our present house/Beth/B is caused by the past Ephesus and the future day, Yom, written backwards to show such causation.
OK, Philippians week--it's also a covenant sequence, the second set of 7 books, retuned and backward. To learn this, we live it. This Season the 7 are: Colossians, Ephesians, , 2 Corinthians [Public Vindication as a mountain in time], Romans, Philippians, Galatians, 1 Corinthians.
I call this week a 'sheba,' because 'sheba' means seven, and oath, and we want true speech--that puts one's life behind one's words, and thus is an oath that lasts for 7.
These 7 weeks make a season. Each season is one of the Beatitudes and its corresponding Woe. Blessed are those who mourn, and the Woe of Matthew 23:14.
There is more, of course.
The general idea is that we are confronted with a universe made by orderly God, and we are to respond to it in a rightimely manner. When we see some covenant sequences, we learn to see others.
This is also shown in the Symphony of Peace, peace being the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
The Church Year, the fiscal year, academic schedules, work schedules, community celebrations, sports seasons, etc. remain.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: One might take the themes of the 7 books, to see how they make a liturgy. What is God saying, in sum, in Colossians? Ephesians? 2 corinthians? Romans, Philippians, Glastians, 1 Corinthians?
PPS: Oh, we also have the 49-book Bible running 1-49 at the same time. It's easier to see Samuel as a new Genesis, Ruth as a new Exodus, etc. Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Song, Ecclesiastes. [The 49 books in 7 heptamerous chiasms from Jordan, the retuning is mine.]
PPS: 'Chuck' this, get rid of this, as better comes along.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Why our tattoo is baptism: Peace is our task.
Why our tattoo is baptism: Peace is our task.
Tribes had tattoos.
Empires tattooed the body of the society on the walls of the temple with hieroglyphics.
Israel's tattoo was circumcision.
Ours is baptism.
The re-emergence of skin tattoos heralds neo-tribalism.
The bad part of tribalism is perpetual war, and it is our task to rid society of that, as our ancestors rid empires/nation-states of slavery, and Israel of exclusiveness.
We must make peace, under God, by explicit reconciliation of opposites, and, to amen what you say, thus....the tattoo of baptism into the Prince of Peace, '...truly God and truly man...without confusion, without change, without division, without separation...,' the paradigm of explicit reconciliation of opposites.
Tribes had tattoos.
Empires tattooed the body of the society on the walls of the temple with hieroglyphics.
Israel's tattoo was circumcision.
Ours is baptism.
The re-emergence of skin tattoos heralds neo-tribalism.
The bad part of tribalism is perpetual war, and it is our task to rid society of that, as our ancestors rid empires/nation-states of slavery, and Israel of exclusiveness.
We must make peace, under God, by explicit reconciliation of opposites, and, to amen what you say, thus....the tattoo of baptism into the Prince of Peace, '...truly God and truly man...without confusion, without change, without division, without separation...,' the paradigm of explicit reconciliation of opposites.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
You could live with the 'week' as a liturgical sequence.
You could live with the 'week' as a liturgical sequence. We are no longer 'under' the moon for scheduling, it's the New Creation. Nor even the sun, in an already-not yet way. It's a timing thing. How your time is scheduled determines who you are.
Secondly, were one to say, 'It's not WotansTag/Wednesday, it's EphesusBmoY,' people would ask questions, especially were one to act as God commands. 1 Peter 3:15.
Consider that the churches in Revelation have symbols that point to specific eras in the Bible.
Ephesus, Garden
Smyrna, Prison (Abram to Moses)
Pergamos, Wilderness
Thyatira, Kingdom (David to Elijah?)
Sardis, Judgment and Exile
Philadelphia, World Witness
Laodiciea, Apostasy in Jesus' Day
[The Trumpets are a letter to the whole, or 'kol'].
So, retuning the retuned from Rev. 5:12-7:12, where the Ascension is shown, since there are two more Great Days, Pentecost and A. D. 70, we can get something such as
Kol (includes Laodicea and ...)
As we move through these days, we move through these eras, in an order of worship.
That's how we know how to act, we apply the principles and lessons of those times. Thus:
The Symphony of Peace trains us for.... Here is how it seems to me: You can't get away from 'em, you have to manage 'em. That is, we are constantly being confronted with Initiations that are in the form of a 'universe,' and our Response, must be psalmodic, that is, it must find the spirit of the Initiation, and apply it to other situations, as in Psalm 1:1. The I and the R make an IR, or 'city' in Hebrew. This is the key to the question of 'The Law' in post-Resurrection life. We are confronted with the whole Bible (and history). It is composed. We must respond, as adults, and compose that over which God has given us stewardship. Love in King Jesus, Chuck PS: The Symphony of Peace (History) aka School of Prophets trains us for this.
We are adults now. Amos 3:7. Under Him, we are responsible.
Love in King Jesus,
Secondly, were one to say, 'It's not WotansTag/Wednesday, it's EphesusBmoY,' people would ask questions, especially were one to act as God commands. 1 Peter 3:15.
Consider that the churches in Revelation have symbols that point to specific eras in the Bible.
Ephesus, Garden
Smyrna, Prison (Abram to Moses)
Pergamos, Wilderness
Thyatira, Kingdom (David to Elijah?)
Sardis, Judgment and Exile
Philadelphia, World Witness
Laodiciea, Apostasy in Jesus' Day
[The Trumpets are a letter to the whole, or 'kol'].
So, retuning the retuned from Rev. 5:12-7:12, where the Ascension is shown, since there are two more Great Days, Pentecost and A. D. 70, we can get something such as
Kol (includes Laodicea and ...)
As we move through these days, we move through these eras, in an order of worship.
That's how we know how to act, we apply the principles and lessons of those times. Thus:
The Symphony of Peace trains us for.... Here is how it seems to me: You can't get away from 'em, you have to manage 'em. That is, we are constantly being confronted with Initiations that are in the form of a 'universe,' and our Response, must be psalmodic, that is, it must find the spirit of the Initiation, and apply it to other situations, as in Psalm 1:1. The I and the R make an IR, or 'city' in Hebrew. This is the key to the question of 'The Law' in post-Resurrection life. We are confronted with the whole Bible (and history). It is composed. We must respond, as adults, and compose that over which God has given us stewardship. Love in King Jesus, Chuck PS: The Symphony of Peace (History) aka School of Prophets trains us for this.
We are adults now. Amos 3:7. Under Him, we are responsible.
Love in King Jesus,
The Symphony of Peace trains us for....
The Symphony of Peace trains us for.... Here is how it seems to me: You can't get away from 'em, you have to manage 'em. That is, we are constantly being confronted with Initiations that are in the form of a 'universe,' and our Response, must be psalmodic, that is, it must find the spirit of the Initiation, and apply it to other situations, as in Psalm 1:1. The I and the R make an IR, or 'city' in Hebrew. This is the key to the question of 'The Law' in post-Resurrection life. We are confronted with the whole Bible (and history). It is composed. We must respond, as adults, and compose that over which God has given us stewardship. Love in King Jesus, Chuck PS: The Symphony of Peace (History) aka School of Prophets trains us for this.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
HOST--SuperSimplified [Learning to Speak, to 'Symphony'
1. The Conductor has some initial ideas about who has what respective heart.
2. He makes a tentative list.
3. He starts talking with those who might be brought into the life of the community.
4. He tells them we’re helping each other, we’re recapitulating a process of maturity, we’re teaching how to speak important words that change things, etc.
[All of these can be articulated better and more fully—this is the Super Simplified version]
5. As the Conductor continues, he fills in a grid like this. It can be (better) filled in at the first meeting. (Options abound via the internet (sic) and work and home information being carried back and forth.
Day Person Heart Jordan
6. Before and/or at, and/or during the first of 4 meetings each ‘asks questions’/initiates to each of the others. (Only 1-9 for the first meeting. 10 comes in the 2nd, 11, in the 3rd, 12 in the 4th).
This is the order of Initiating : First Meeting (Instruction/Law/Torah unto Lyric, or any of the very large number of names for the first two. Poor in Spirit and Woe Week 1: Law 87654321 creative construction/initiation—ask questions. For this Super Simplified Version, 9 is there from the first of Week 1, so 987654321..
We are trying to move each Day/Person/Heart/Jordan from Week 1 to Week 2.
We are learning to speak speech which transitions from one era to another, we are maturing by re-enacting this cosmic process, so that others can participate.
We speak true speech, behind which we put our lives.
If not all questions/transitions are articulated before the first meeting begins, the asking of them is the first order of business at the meeting. The Conductor may tell us what to ask.
WAIT! The first order of business is sitting around the table in Tabernacle order. Day 1 is at the west, Day 2 at the east, Day 3 at the north, Day 4 at the South. Day 5 is to the right of 3, Day 6 of 2, Day 7 of 1. Day 8 is to the right of 7, Day 9 to the right of 2.
In this day and age, video recording should be done. Audio recording also. In addition to the filled-out forms of the book. [Ideally, a Symphony would be done each year—this would show a good history of each group, ideally a church. Could be done at camp?]
[It would be helpful to ask these questions by handing out pieces of paper, but in the internet (sic) age, one can just fill in the blanks of the forms in this Super Simplified description.]
9 to 87654321
8 to97654321
7 to98654321
6 to 98754321
5 to 98764321
4 to 98765321
3 to 98765421
2 to 98765431
1 to 98765432
[Days 12, 8, and 1 are played by the same person, ideally—the Conductor. Day 8 speaks first]
This is important. I failed this in Opus 17. After all the questions are received (remember, hopefully BEFORE the meeting, coordinated by the Conductor) each person Responds to these Initiations, making an ‘IR,’ or ‘city’ in Hebrew, with Ten Words. He/She/Each Team speaks for only 1 or 2 minutes. We gradually move from minimal speech to true speech, a symphony that rings true to make new era, new instruction.
[There are previous symphonies and examples and resources available. The Conductor will bring each of these to the orchestra at the right time. Keep It Super Simplified.]
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
Lyric 415263789 responsive reconstruction/psalmodic response (answer questions) ; 10 words of Solo also (in addition to SELECTED answers, within the 1 or 2 minute total time each has—this is run by the Conductor.)
Each ask questions for next week—or begins. All Initiations/questions should be received by the middle of the time between meetings, in order to give time for a 70 word Response, which will be given at the next meeting, along with a few SELECTED individual Initiation Responses, within the 1 or 2 minutes.
Here is the sequence.
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
Lyric unto Evaluation
4 to 15263789, 10
1 to 45263789, 10
5 to 41263789, 10
6 to 41523789, 10
3 to 41525789, 10
7 to 41526389, 10
8 to 41526379, 10
9 to 41526378, 10
10 to 4152636789
Chuck Hartman History Conductor
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
Love in King Jesus!
1. The Conductor has some initial ideas about who has what respective heart.
2. He makes a tentative list.
3. He starts talking with those who might be brought into the life of the community.
4. He tells them we’re helping each other, we’re recapitulating a process of maturity, we’re teaching how to speak important words that change things, etc.
[All of these can be articulated better and more fully—this is the Super Simplified version]
5. As the Conductor continues, he fills in a grid like this. It can be (better) filled in at the first meeting. (Options abound via the internet (sic) and work and home information being carried back and forth.
Day Person Heart Jordan
6. Before and/or at, and/or during the first of 4 meetings each ‘asks questions’/initiates to each of the others. (Only 1-9 for the first meeting. 10 comes in the 2nd, 11, in the 3rd, 12 in the 4th).
This is the order of Initiating : First Meeting (Instruction/Law/Torah unto Lyric, or any of the very large number of names for the first two. Poor in Spirit and Woe Week 1: Law 87654321 creative construction/initiation—ask questions. For this Super Simplified Version, 9 is there from the first of Week 1, so 987654321..
We are trying to move each Day/Person/Heart/Jordan from Week 1 to Week 2.
We are learning to speak speech which transitions from one era to another, we are maturing by re-enacting this cosmic process, so that others can participate.
We speak true speech, behind which we put our lives.
If not all questions/transitions are articulated before the first meeting begins, the asking of them is the first order of business at the meeting. The Conductor may tell us what to ask.
WAIT! The first order of business is sitting around the table in Tabernacle order. Day 1 is at the west, Day 2 at the east, Day 3 at the north, Day 4 at the South. Day 5 is to the right of 3, Day 6 of 2, Day 7 of 1. Day 8 is to the right of 7, Day 9 to the right of 2.
In this day and age, video recording should be done. Audio recording also. In addition to the filled-out forms of the book. [Ideally, a Symphony would be done each year—this would show a good history of each group, ideally a church. Could be done at camp?]
[It would be helpful to ask these questions by handing out pieces of paper, but in the internet (sic) age, one can just fill in the blanks of the forms in this Super Simplified description.]
9 to 87654321
8 to97654321
7 to98654321
6 to 98754321
5 to 98764321
4 to 98765321
3 to 98765421
2 to 98765431
1 to 98765432
[Days 12, 8, and 1 are played by the same person, ideally—the Conductor. Day 8 speaks first]
This is important. I failed this in Opus 17. After all the questions are received (remember, hopefully BEFORE the meeting, coordinated by the Conductor) each person Responds to these Initiations, making an ‘IR,’ or ‘city’ in Hebrew, with Ten Words. He/She/Each Team speaks for only 1 or 2 minutes. We gradually move from minimal speech to true speech, a symphony that rings true to make new era, new instruction.
[There are previous symphonies and examples and resources available. The Conductor will bring each of these to the orchestra at the right time. Keep It Super Simplified.]
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
Lyric 415263789 responsive reconstruction/psalmodic response (answer questions) ; 10 words of Solo also (in addition to SELECTED answers, within the 1 or 2 minute total time each has—this is run by the Conductor.)
Each ask questions for next week—or begins. All Initiations/questions should be received by the middle of the time between meetings, in order to give time for a 70 word Response, which will be given at the next meeting, along with a few SELECTED individual Initiation Responses, within the 1 or 2 minutes.
Here is the sequence.
Order of Speaking Changes because God retunes the Universe
Lyric unto Evaluation
4 to 15263789, 10
1 to 45263789, 10
5 to 41263789, 10
6 to 41523789, 10
3 to 41525789, 10
7 to 41526389, 10
8 to 41526379, 10
9 to 41526378, 10
10 to 4152636789
Chuck Hartman History Conductor
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook
Love in King Jesus!
Sounds Of God Particle And Haik-Vantoura Genesis 1:1 ff.
Sounds Of God Particle And Haik-Vantoura Genesis 1:1 ff.
We can do better, exegetes! By 'back engineering'
Sounds of Genesis 1:1 ff, Haik-Vantoura.
Sounds of the 'God particle' part one.
We can do better, exegetes! By 'back engineering'
Sounds of Genesis 1:1 ff, Haik-Vantoura.
Sounds of the 'God particle' part one.
Non-astrological names of the days of the week.
Let’s start with the names of the days of the week*.
The names of the days presently used in America are a retuning of the sequence 1234567, by a ‘circle of fifths’ method, adding the names of planets/gods of planets. We can do better, by psalmodically responding to the retuning by re-retuning, and by using other principles of the retuning shown at the Ascension, Rev. 5:12-7:12.
In the series of attributes of Jesus in Rev. 7:12, compared to 5:12 there is a retuning, and a particularizing, and are instruments added to voices. See Jordan’s commentary, available from Biblical Horizons, and
This would be similar to the geocentric order (distance from the earth in any direction) of the planets being retuned by a circle of 5ths method from 1-Moon, 2—Venus, 3—Mercury, 4—Sun, 5—Mars, 6—Jupiter, 7—Saturn.
1234567 becomes 4152637. [The 2 and 3 will possibly be explained later. It could be speed, it could be that Day 2 of Creation was not pronounced good until after Day 3, thus tying them together. This is left for later, the principle is clear. It may be ‘fuzzy logic’.]
Start with the last in the series 1234567, and count five, thus 71234.
4 is the first in the next series. Sun—day.
From 4, go 45671, to get the second in the series, Moon-day.
From 1, go five, 12345, Mars-day, or Tiw or Tir in German equivalent, thus Tues-day.
Continue on.
Thus, with each BIG DAY, such as Ascension, there is a retuning, plus. (The aforementioned change to an individual ‘the’ in front of each attribute, and the instruments, perhaps.)
HERE’S THE QUESTION: What about Pentecost, what about A. D. 70—are they BIG DAYS? If so, what changes should be made to get us to names that would name the firmament (the stars/planets are a firmament) aright, and in the right for the time in which we are? Rightimely.
Well, 4152637 becomes 2461357. By a series of moves, I propose that the rightimely names would be flipped, for we are they who have turned the world upside down, and we would get 7531642. [This works out well in some calendrical uses, having 2 as the last, for as we are imago Christi, we do must accomplish our exodus (sic, Gr.), and so the list of the first 7 books, re-retuned, ends in Exodus.
But, to be rightimely, we must name the firmament aright, and the firmament is now, after A. D. 70, Christ and His Church, or better, churches, as in Revelation, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.
But the letters were written to warn the Great Church, Jersualem. [The churches symbolically represent 7 eras in the Bible, and are applicable to our ages, since our ages will be in convenant sequences, and our ages are the application/working out of the Bible, the total definitive revelation.]
Two more things to go. Laodicea is changed to Kol, an acronym for ‘kol’—what God did from Sinai, Octave (the 8th), and Laodicea.
That’s one.
The second thing to do is to symbolically say, show in the Language, Symbol, that causation is from the future also. That the past and present cause the future is untrue. The present is caused by the past and the future.
Thus, the first day of the sheba/week is KolBmoY. ‘moY’ is ‘yom’ or Hebrew for ‘day,’ backward. Pronounced ‘coal yummm’ Yes, we consume/eat time. The same that breathed life into Adam spoke the Days.
‘B’ is the first letter of the Bible, Beth, the house we live in at present, amending the Bible, that starts with B. [I’ve claimed that the words of the letters of the first word of the Bible is a liturgy, forms of speech being added. House! [Command] We Bow to the Head and Listen [Subjective response]. We Eat, the life and death narrative. We carry our Cross, going out. B-R-Sh-T.]
So, the days of the rightimely sheba/week are: KolBmoY, SardisBmoy, PergamosBmoY, EphesusBmoY, PhiladelphiaBmoy, ThyatiraBmoY, SmyrnaBmoY.
Kol, yumm! Sardis, yumm! Pergamos, yumm! Ephesus, yumm! Philadelphia, yumm! Thyatira, yumm! Smyrna, yumm!
Psalm 34:8.
The ears of the Bible related to the 7 churches: Garden, Prison, Wilderness, Kingdom, Exile, Restoration, Jesus’ Day. Or: Jesus’ Day, Exile, Wilderness, Garden, Restoration, Kingdom, Prison. Or, Judges, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Genesis, Joshua, Numbers, Exodus. [In HouseOfSingingTimes, various sequences are shown, of various lengths and orders.]
So on what now is named Sunday/The Lord’s Day, we are given the ‘whole’, on wnin Monday we pray and act according to the wisdom of the Exile Era—Abram-Moses. Wnin Tuesday: Wilderness. Wnin Wednesday: Garden. Wnin Thursday: Restoration. Wnin Friday: Kingdom. Wnin Saturday: Prison.
This is a liturgy. We come into the whole, representatively. We confess our sins, that we have been in the wilderness. We are restored, and restored. The Kingdom is ours, and we are to go to those in prison?
Thus we show the rigttimely true heavenly and earthly situation, as we have done in the past by worshipping every 7 days. We also make it such that people will ask us questions, so we can be 1 Peter 3: 15, ready always to give an answer—and we’ll be provoking questions.
Much more remains to be done. Note that Kol includes an 8th, thus Earth, and thus amending that Christ rose on the 8th Day.
*or better, sheba—7, oath. We make the week a covenant sequence.
With meekness and fear,
Chuck Hartman (Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook,
PS: 1b and 1c to come later.
PPS: Great power flows into the field of time at the death of a man. Echoing that, to work from the end to now should give great power, thus ‘moY’. Christians live backwards, some say, from/in the light of the Great Day.
PPS: Exclamation points may be added at any point, for a name is an imperative.
The names of the days presently used in America are a retuning of the sequence 1234567, by a ‘circle of fifths’ method, adding the names of planets/gods of planets. We can do better, by psalmodically responding to the retuning by re-retuning, and by using other principles of the retuning shown at the Ascension, Rev. 5:12-7:12.
In the series of attributes of Jesus in Rev. 7:12, compared to 5:12 there is a retuning, and a particularizing, and are instruments added to voices. See Jordan’s commentary, available from Biblical Horizons, and
This would be similar to the geocentric order (distance from the earth in any direction) of the planets being retuned by a circle of 5ths method from 1-Moon, 2—Venus, 3—Mercury, 4—Sun, 5—Mars, 6—Jupiter, 7—Saturn.
1234567 becomes 4152637. [The 2 and 3 will possibly be explained later. It could be speed, it could be that Day 2 of Creation was not pronounced good until after Day 3, thus tying them together. This is left for later, the principle is clear. It may be ‘fuzzy logic’.]
Start with the last in the series 1234567, and count five, thus 71234.
4 is the first in the next series. Sun—day.
From 4, go 45671, to get the second in the series, Moon-day.
From 1, go five, 12345, Mars-day, or Tiw or Tir in German equivalent, thus Tues-day.
Continue on.
Thus, with each BIG DAY, such as Ascension, there is a retuning, plus. (The aforementioned change to an individual ‘the’ in front of each attribute, and the instruments, perhaps.)
HERE’S THE QUESTION: What about Pentecost, what about A. D. 70—are they BIG DAYS? If so, what changes should be made to get us to names that would name the firmament (the stars/planets are a firmament) aright, and in the right for the time in which we are? Rightimely.
Well, 4152637 becomes 2461357. By a series of moves, I propose that the rightimely names would be flipped, for we are they who have turned the world upside down, and we would get 7531642. [This works out well in some calendrical uses, having 2 as the last, for as we are imago Christi, we do must accomplish our exodus (sic, Gr.), and so the list of the first 7 books, re-retuned, ends in Exodus.
But, to be rightimely, we must name the firmament aright, and the firmament is now, after A. D. 70, Christ and His Church, or better, churches, as in Revelation, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.
But the letters were written to warn the Great Church, Jersualem. [The churches symbolically represent 7 eras in the Bible, and are applicable to our ages, since our ages will be in convenant sequences, and our ages are the application/working out of the Bible, the total definitive revelation.]
Two more things to go. Laodicea is changed to Kol, an acronym for ‘kol’—what God did from Sinai, Octave (the 8th), and Laodicea.
That’s one.
The second thing to do is to symbolically say, show in the Language, Symbol, that causation is from the future also. That the past and present cause the future is untrue. The present is caused by the past and the future.
Thus, the first day of the sheba/week is KolBmoY. ‘moY’ is ‘yom’ or Hebrew for ‘day,’ backward. Pronounced ‘coal yummm’ Yes, we consume/eat time. The same that breathed life into Adam spoke the Days.
‘B’ is the first letter of the Bible, Beth, the house we live in at present, amending the Bible, that starts with B. [I’ve claimed that the words of the letters of the first word of the Bible is a liturgy, forms of speech being added. House! [Command] We Bow to the Head and Listen [Subjective response]. We Eat, the life and death narrative. We carry our Cross, going out. B-R-Sh-T.]
So, the days of the rightimely sheba/week are: KolBmoY, SardisBmoy, PergamosBmoY, EphesusBmoY, PhiladelphiaBmoy, ThyatiraBmoY, SmyrnaBmoY.
Kol, yumm! Sardis, yumm! Pergamos, yumm! Ephesus, yumm! Philadelphia, yumm! Thyatira, yumm! Smyrna, yumm!
Psalm 34:8.
The ears of the Bible related to the 7 churches: Garden, Prison, Wilderness, Kingdom, Exile, Restoration, Jesus’ Day. Or: Jesus’ Day, Exile, Wilderness, Garden, Restoration, Kingdom, Prison. Or, Judges, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Genesis, Joshua, Numbers, Exodus. [In HouseOfSingingTimes, various sequences are shown, of various lengths and orders.]
So on what now is named Sunday/The Lord’s Day, we are given the ‘whole’, on wnin Monday we pray and act according to the wisdom of the Exile Era—Abram-Moses. Wnin Tuesday: Wilderness. Wnin Wednesday: Garden. Wnin Thursday: Restoration. Wnin Friday: Kingdom. Wnin Saturday: Prison.
This is a liturgy. We come into the whole, representatively. We confess our sins, that we have been in the wilderness. We are restored, and restored. The Kingdom is ours, and we are to go to those in prison?
Thus we show the rigttimely true heavenly and earthly situation, as we have done in the past by worshipping every 7 days. We also make it such that people will ask us questions, so we can be 1 Peter 3: 15, ready always to give an answer—and we’ll be provoking questions.
Much more remains to be done. Note that Kol includes an 8th, thus Earth, and thus amending that Christ rose on the 8th Day.
*or better, sheba—7, oath. We make the week a covenant sequence.
With meekness and fear,
Chuck Hartman (Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook,
PS: 1b and 1c to come later.
PPS: Great power flows into the field of time at the death of a man. Echoing that, to work from the end to now should give great power, thus ‘moY’. Christians live backwards, some say, from/in the light of the Great Day.
PPS: Exclamation points may be added at any point, for a name is an imperative.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Holidays For The Year, Plus
Holidays for this year, plus.
We use the 49-book Bible.
Each week is named for a book.
We are not under 'moonths' (sic).
There are 4 additional weeks devoted to holidays.
53 total weeks.
We start on Easter Sunday. (Resurrection, Pascha).
The week after Easter Sunday is 1.
The Big Picture. Easter, 10 weeks, holiday week.
Then 11 weeks, another holiday.
Then 11 weeks, another holiday--this one for two weeks.
17 more weeks, it's Easter again.
The holidays are a week long.
They are echoing a liturgy.
Easter, we come in.
Public Vindication is like unto cleansing, confession, etc. Also Red Sea Crossing. A.D. 70.
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is like Sinai. Decalogue. sermon. Constantine converts.
Total Christ is like Communion, Lord's Supper, Conquest of the Land. Christian Europe.
There are other analogies, types/anti-types.
Public Vindication this year was June 13-19.
TBOTMOFA this year is September 5-11. (A Symphony of Peace (History) is suggested to be done 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after. Were a congregation to do one per year, it would be good history. Imagine if we had a series of maturing Symphony for our church through the years!).
Total Christ this year is November 28-December 11.
I name things differently, as you may know. A week is a sheba, a 7/oath.
Each day has its book of the 49 also.
There is a Psalm O Day. (See separate note).
A year is a coram (face, presence in Latin). Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.
The days of the sheba/week are renamed and retuned. (This is in a separate note). They also show, in Symbol, the Language, that the present house/B/Beth is caused by the past and the future. The past and the future do not cause the present, that's heresy: Rosenstock-Huessy.
Did I mention that books of the week/sheba are named in a backwards and retuned order also? (We do go straight from 1-49, for maturational purposes also, but that is not the key way. Resurrection Week is Hebrews, the last week/sheba is Exodus, thus we accomplish our demise/exodos (sic) in Jesus.
I know this is confusing. It's early days. This is learned more by living it. I'm young at it myself.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: When I learn to put a grid from Word into a PDF, I can post this.
The 'seasons' in this CalendarHOST are based on the Beatitudes, and are each 7 ordinary weeks.
Holiday weeks are not ordinary weeks, but are mountains in time, and the days therein, respectively, are named for books, in special ways, from the 7x7 grid.
We use the 49-book Bible.
Each week is named for a book.
We are not under 'moonths' (sic).
There are 4 additional weeks devoted to holidays.
53 total weeks.
We start on Easter Sunday. (Resurrection, Pascha).
The week after Easter Sunday is 1.
The Big Picture. Easter, 10 weeks, holiday week.
Then 11 weeks, another holiday.
Then 11 weeks, another holiday--this one for two weeks.
17 more weeks, it's Easter again.
The holidays are a week long.
They are echoing a liturgy.
Easter, we come in.
Public Vindication is like unto cleansing, confession, etc. Also Red Sea Crossing. A.D. 70.
The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly is like Sinai. Decalogue. sermon. Constantine converts.
Total Christ is like Communion, Lord's Supper, Conquest of the Land. Christian Europe.
There are other analogies, types/anti-types.
Public Vindication this year was June 13-19.
TBOTMOFA this year is September 5-11. (A Symphony of Peace (History) is suggested to be done 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after. Were a congregation to do one per year, it would be good history. Imagine if we had a series of maturing Symphony for our church through the years!).
Total Christ this year is November 28-December 11.
I name things differently, as you may know. A week is a sheba, a 7/oath.
Each day has its book of the 49 also.
There is a Psalm O Day. (See separate note).
A year is a coram (face, presence in Latin). Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.
The days of the sheba/week are renamed and retuned. (This is in a separate note). They also show, in Symbol, the Language, that the present house/B/Beth is caused by the past and the future. The past and the future do not cause the present, that's heresy: Rosenstock-Huessy.
Did I mention that books of the week/sheba are named in a backwards and retuned order also? (We do go straight from 1-49, for maturational purposes also, but that is not the key way. Resurrection Week is Hebrews, the last week/sheba is Exodus, thus we accomplish our demise/exodos (sic) in Jesus.
I know this is confusing. It's early days. This is learned more by living it. I'm young at it myself.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: When I learn to put a grid from Word into a PDF, I can post this.
The 'seasons' in this CalendarHOST are based on the Beatitudes, and are each 7 ordinary weeks.
Holiday weeks are not ordinary weeks, but are mountains in time, and the days therein, respectively, are named for books, in special ways, from the 7x7 grid.
What's Next? Some Thoughts, Some Optimism
What's Next? Some Thoughts, Some Optimism
It's possible that the 'empire' is degenerating into tribes, while the churches' 'tribes'--denominations, may be uniting into a more metropolitan organization. The British Empire is no more, nor the French, nor the Japanese. Frantic efforts to unite Europe seem to have failed. Even national currencies are failing. The key to tribes is perpetual war, and we have that, politically with Chicago politics. In the meantime, there are native churches everywhere, not dependent on missionaries from outside. The tribal shibboleths (catechisms, confessions, etc) have fallen by the wayside, it seems. Jane Jacobs thinks that cities are the natural currency-issuers. The internet is the new Gutenberg. Some thoughts. If true, how would one act? Maybe this?
Restating. The church started out after the Resurrection as a small sect/tribe in the big Roman Empire. The Roman Empire fell and nations and nation-states arose, with bishops are national churches side by side, as Jachin and Boaz. Now there are wars upon wars, nation-state bankruptcies, general lack of allegiance to 'states,' while the church is everywhere. That 'states' and 'nations' are resorting to more and more force shows that they have lost allegiance, and if/as/when currencies fail, what will come?
More on this if desired. Here's a study for the US Army. Creveld's book on the Decline of the Nation State is online. Barzun wrote about this in 'Dawn to Decadence'--epilog. For SF treatments, Heinlein's Friday or Gulf is good, and Flynn's 'In the Country of the Blind' is great.
Also see Jordan's 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future.
There's more to Rich Bledsoe than this, but take a look at the centrality of the church here. Only the church as the Lord’s Supper.
Finally: Who Rules the Land?
It's possible that the 'empire' is degenerating into tribes, while the churches' 'tribes'--denominations, may be uniting into a more metropolitan organization. The British Empire is no more, nor the French, nor the Japanese. Frantic efforts to unite Europe seem to have failed. Even national currencies are failing. The key to tribes is perpetual war, and we have that, politically with Chicago politics. In the meantime, there are native churches everywhere, not dependent on missionaries from outside. The tribal shibboleths (catechisms, confessions, etc) have fallen by the wayside, it seems. Jane Jacobs thinks that cities are the natural currency-issuers. The internet is the new Gutenberg. Some thoughts. If true, how would one act? Maybe this?
Restating. The church started out after the Resurrection as a small sect/tribe in the big Roman Empire. The Roman Empire fell and nations and nation-states arose, with bishops are national churches side by side, as Jachin and Boaz. Now there are wars upon wars, nation-state bankruptcies, general lack of allegiance to 'states,' while the church is everywhere. That 'states' and 'nations' are resorting to more and more force shows that they have lost allegiance, and if/as/when currencies fail, what will come?
More on this if desired. Here's a study for the US Army. Creveld's book on the Decline of the Nation State is online. Barzun wrote about this in 'Dawn to Decadence'--epilog. For SF treatments, Heinlein's Friday or Gulf is good, and Flynn's 'In the Country of the Blind' is great.
Also see Jordan's 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future.
There's more to Rich Bledsoe than this, but take a look at the centrality of the church here. Only the church as the Lord’s Supper.
Finally: Who Rules the Land?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
HelpMeDays. Your Own Memory Palace.
HelpMe Days. M'aidezMaydayMaeDay.
It's the first of HelpMe Days. This is the Repentance Walk, Chuck's. CRW. On July 4th is Conferences and Food. This year, the Hebrew letter He (Lo! Behold!). Thomas Sazsz?' Ceremonial Chemistry' and the medical tribe's pharmaceuticals. Memory Palace you can use next. MaeDay80.
What we do on MaeDay80 (80th day inclusive after Easter/Pascha) is walk around the square +, matching the Guilt, Grace, Graditude of the Heidelberg Catechism, the heart, with the chronology of Mae in town.
We've added GoForth+ as the fourth side.
This idea came to me on the celebration of the Circumcision of Our Lord, A. D. 2005. New Year's Eve/Day, 8 days after Nativity, Christmas.
Thus, we remember the Heidelberg Catechism, the events, it's a circumcision, and a zero of confession, a fish of Jesus Christ God's Son Savior (I CH TH Y S), a stitch of the new vestment (Hebrews 1:12). Also a tattoo, and more.
Start before the Southwest Corner at a book place, go east on Guilt, north on Grace, west on Gratitude, and south on GoForth+, to the pro-life pregnancy center. Word to flesh.
I could detail a significant event on each leg and corner, but this year I am teaching Memory Palace. See above. Use this for your own traumatic experience.
However, on GoForth+ Street this year we have improvement. We are not amillennial--that was one of the problems.
We turn liabilities into assets, the mark of the Christian Era.
Here are a few. B3 and Bio-Osidative. Knights Of Helping Elderly Neighboes. Rescue Team. Godparents for Eldsters. Symphony of Peace (nee History), with newsong pre-capitualtion helped by training in new song composition at each of 4 stages of maturity, retaining True Speech, but working toward 'ringing true' as engendering the new Instruction. Names of days now include in Symbol, that the past and future cause the present. EphesusBmoY, etc.
bloom's 'The Genius of the Beast' and Myss' 'The Anatomy of the Spirit' are both rhymes, in the rhyming of sequences, of covenants. A 7x7 of chakras and types of consciousness. The Logy of Phenomenological Logic of the Decalogue.
And more. The Girard funeral conntinues to stand out as what must be strongly taught, for restoration of family. We pray, this is a prayer, this whole thing, for the others, and ourselves. I have long ago confessed to manstealing.
Love in King Jesus,
MaeDay80, being PergamosBmoY, RomansShebah, KOLCoram861
Tuesday, June 22, A. D. 2010.
It's the first of HelpMe Days. This is the Repentance Walk, Chuck's. CRW. On July 4th is Conferences and Food. This year, the Hebrew letter He (Lo! Behold!). Thomas Sazsz?' Ceremonial Chemistry' and the medical tribe's pharmaceuticals. Memory Palace you can use next. MaeDay80.
What we do on MaeDay80 (80th day inclusive after Easter/Pascha) is walk around the square +, matching the Guilt, Grace, Graditude of the Heidelberg Catechism, the heart, with the chronology of Mae in town.
We've added GoForth+ as the fourth side.
This idea came to me on the celebration of the Circumcision of Our Lord, A. D. 2005. New Year's Eve/Day, 8 days after Nativity, Christmas.
Thus, we remember the Heidelberg Catechism, the events, it's a circumcision, and a zero of confession, a fish of Jesus Christ God's Son Savior (I CH TH Y S), a stitch of the new vestment (Hebrews 1:12). Also a tattoo, and more.
Start before the Southwest Corner at a book place, go east on Guilt, north on Grace, west on Gratitude, and south on GoForth+, to the pro-life pregnancy center. Word to flesh.
I could detail a significant event on each leg and corner, but this year I am teaching Memory Palace. See above. Use this for your own traumatic experience.
However, on GoForth+ Street this year we have improvement. We are not amillennial--that was one of the problems.
We turn liabilities into assets, the mark of the Christian Era.
Here are a few. B3 and Bio-Osidative. Knights Of Helping Elderly Neighboes. Rescue Team. Godparents for Eldsters. Symphony of Peace (nee History), with newsong pre-capitualtion helped by training in new song composition at each of 4 stages of maturity, retaining True Speech, but working toward 'ringing true' as engendering the new Instruction. Names of days now include in Symbol, that the past and future cause the present. EphesusBmoY, etc.
bloom's 'The Genius of the Beast' and Myss' 'The Anatomy of the Spirit' are both rhymes, in the rhyming of sequences, of covenants. A 7x7 of chakras and types of consciousness. The Logy of Phenomenological Logic of the Decalogue.
And more. The Girard funeral conntinues to stand out as what must be strongly taught, for restoration of family. We pray, this is a prayer, this whole thing, for the others, and ourselves. I have long ago confessed to manstealing.
Love in King Jesus,
MaeDay80, being PergamosBmoY, RomansShebah, KOLCoram861
Tuesday, June 22, A. D. 2010.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Holidays determine culture. Why?
Holidays determine culture. Why?
A holiday is when 1--the whole people 2--celebrate one thing 3--together and 4--that one thing is an event that happened once 5--for the first time 5--forever.
Now, holidays can be translated out of darkness into light, as for instance in the case in which it is claimed that a pagan Saturnalia was transformed into The Feast of the Nativity, aka 'Christmas'.
After god converted (Constantine was considered a god, but he became a Christian) pagan temples were remodeled into Christian churches.
Another example: The Roman Empire prepared the way for the spread of the Gospel by having some better kind of legal system, and by having roads that Paul could travel on, and by having relative safety of sea travel. Plus, the Gospel was prepared for by having synagogues spread about.
Something similar to this will be happening in a big was as the Beatitudinal Field is realized and put into play. Since the Beatitudes (and Woes, one system) are more comprehensively more beautiful than other such systems, but since analogs have been planted out there, we disciplers as we go can baptize and teach whatsoever He has commanded by acknowledging the similar speech, and translating it.
Thus, is Socrates' 'I am wiser than any other man because I know nothing' in as comprehensively beautiful a system/matrix as 'Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"?
No, and we have just begun to Beatudinize and Woe.
Love in King Jesus to all who celebrated Father's day.'s_Day
You might also look up All Souls.
PS: Tell me a man's schedule (or a culture's) and I'll tell you who he (she) is.
PPS: Two book that are doing some rhyming of Sequences are Myss' 'Anatomy of the Spirit' in which she rhymes the sacraments of the Roman Catholic church, Hindu chakras, and some Kaballah.
Also, Bloom's TREMENDOUS 'The Genius of the Beast'.
[They both need to be translated, but we have been given that to do.]
PPPS: As the holiday was the 4th stage of the Decalogue, we may be in a fourth stage after Jesus. It may be holiday-making time.
A holiday is when 1--the whole people 2--celebrate one thing 3--together and 4--that one thing is an event that happened once 5--for the first time 5--forever.
Now, holidays can be translated out of darkness into light, as for instance in the case in which it is claimed that a pagan Saturnalia was transformed into The Feast of the Nativity, aka 'Christmas'.
After god converted (Constantine was considered a god, but he became a Christian) pagan temples were remodeled into Christian churches.
Another example: The Roman Empire prepared the way for the spread of the Gospel by having some better kind of legal system, and by having roads that Paul could travel on, and by having relative safety of sea travel. Plus, the Gospel was prepared for by having synagogues spread about.
Something similar to this will be happening in a big was as the Beatitudinal Field is realized and put into play. Since the Beatitudes (and Woes, one system) are more comprehensively more beautiful than other such systems, but since analogs have been planted out there, we disciplers as we go can baptize and teach whatsoever He has commanded by acknowledging the similar speech, and translating it.
Thus, is Socrates' 'I am wiser than any other man because I know nothing' in as comprehensively beautiful a system/matrix as 'Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"?
No, and we have just begun to Beatudinize and Woe.
Love in King Jesus to all who celebrated Father's day.'s_Day
You might also look up All Souls.
PS: Tell me a man's schedule (or a culture's) and I'll tell you who he (she) is.
PPS: Two book that are doing some rhyming of Sequences are Myss' 'Anatomy of the Spirit' in which she rhymes the sacraments of the Roman Catholic church, Hindu chakras, and some Kaballah.
Also, Bloom's TREMENDOUS 'The Genius of the Beast'.
[They both need to be translated, but we have been given that to do.]
PPPS: As the holiday was the 4th stage of the Decalogue, we may be in a fourth stage after Jesus. It may be holiday-making time.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Opus 17: What I did wrong.
Opus 17: What I did wrong.
1--We did not sit around a table.
2--We should SUM UP all our answers to questions in a couple of minutes. We should not answer each question. This is training for writing our own symphony at the end.
3--We should remember that we are learning to speak. Truly speak. A true speaking moves someone, and possibly, Lord willing, all of history, into a new era. The new era is from priest era to king era, then to prophet era, then to Jesus era.
4--I should have had the form completely set out for everyone, so that all that would need to be done would be to fill in the blanks.
5--I MUST shepherd everyone, help them will their questions and answers OUTSIDE the meetings. The key writing is IN ADDITION to the short 2 minutes or so answers. For instance, were one a pastor, many things would come up when meeting individually with each person or persons.
6--Having 1 4-week Symphony with short questions and answers, would make something that could be better understood on YouTube.
7--I'm calling it 'The Symphony of Peace' also. People like to play 'peace'. But we need TSOHistory, since it is a chiasm when put with HOSTcalendar.
8--We would start the one-to-ones around August 15 this year (CORAM), meet the weeks (shebas) of the 22nd and 29th, take a break in the middle for The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, and finish up the weeks of Sept 12th and 19th.
9--Here is Chuck 'conducting history' by holiday from Opus 17. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)
CONCLUSION. Should have sat around table, had short summaries to prepare for symphony composed at end, and should have done more one-to-ones. MOST IMPORTANT: Get the form made so all that needs to be done is to fill in the blanks.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Concentrating on getting the calendar better explained this year, and taking things as they come in the calendar way. I'm lacking in getting stuff done, but it is a mustard seed for the next era.
1--We did not sit around a table.
2--We should SUM UP all our answers to questions in a couple of minutes. We should not answer each question. This is training for writing our own symphony at the end.
3--We should remember that we are learning to speak. Truly speak. A true speaking moves someone, and possibly, Lord willing, all of history, into a new era. The new era is from priest era to king era, then to prophet era, then to Jesus era.
4--I should have had the form completely set out for everyone, so that all that would need to be done would be to fill in the blanks.
5--I MUST shepherd everyone, help them will their questions and answers OUTSIDE the meetings. The key writing is IN ADDITION to the short 2 minutes or so answers. For instance, were one a pastor, many things would come up when meeting individually with each person or persons.
6--Having 1 4-week Symphony with short questions and answers, would make something that could be better understood on YouTube.
7--I'm calling it 'The Symphony of Peace' also. People like to play 'peace'. But we need TSOHistory, since it is a chiasm when put with HOSTcalendar.
8--We would start the one-to-ones around August 15 this year (CORAM), meet the weeks (shebas) of the 22nd and 29th, take a break in the middle for The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, and finish up the weeks of Sept 12th and 19th.
9--Here is Chuck 'conducting history' by holiday from Opus 17. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)
CONCLUSION. Should have sat around table, had short summaries to prepare for symphony composed at end, and should have done more one-to-ones. MOST IMPORTANT: Get the form made so all that needs to be done is to fill in the blanks.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Concentrating on getting the calendar better explained this year, and taking things as they come in the calendar way. I'm lacking in getting stuff done, but it is a mustard seed for the next era.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Public Vindication Week--Conducting History (A. D. 70)
Public Vindication Week--Conducting History (A. D. 70)
All religions enshrine their truths in calendars: Rosenstock-Huessy.
History is the record of those things that happen once, for the first time, forever.
Our job is to conduct them.
That is, to strongly remember them, so as to pass them on.
A. D. 70 is such a thing.
There is much dispute about it. Preterists, full preterists, hyper-preterists say that it was the end, I mean the total end, Christ came back, it's over. That kind of thing.
Futurists hold that it's about what WILL happen in the future, Revelation is, and that A. D. 70 was of little importance, the Temple will have to be rebuilt, etc.
One thing is common is that it was about TRANSITION.
Amillennialists hold that Christ will come again, but that's about all that can be said.
Post-millennialists hold that Christ has conquered, and that we are mopping up, that a millennium will come, but that Satan will again be loosed to be defeated at the Second Coming. The Kingdom has come, already, not yet. Definitively, progressively, finally. Ephesians 2:6 is true, we are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies.
Historicism was the view prominent during the Reformation. It held that the 7 churches were 7 ages, and that the last age was then. Luther held that the Pope was Anti-Christ.
I'm operating with a calendar that shows that A. D. 70 was the 11th Day. 6 Days of Creation, Adam fell on the 7th and Jesus did not on the Cross. Resurrection was the 8th Day, Ascension the 9th, Pentecost the 10th, and we await the 12th.
In this calendar, there are 49 weeks, each named for a book of the Bible, considered as 49.
After 10 weeks, Public Vindication, celebration of A. D. 70. For a week. The days of that week (sheba) are named for the 4th books of each of the 7 sevens of the 49, in order 4152637, as our days were named, for the planets (sun and moon included) in their retuned distance from earth. More on that later, but since Eph. 2: 6 is true, better to name our days non-astrologically, after the churches in Revelation.
Then, after 11 more is The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, and after 11 more are two weeks of Total Christ, and after 17 more, the exodos (sic) has been accomplished for us.
More on this as the year, the celebration of resurrection anno mundi, goes along.
I call this calendar House Of Singing Times.
In the next note, I will list the 1-49 books. In HOST (the calendar) I have retuned the books, and they flow backward.
And I have words that go with this world-model building. The Beatitudes and Woes, The Seven-Twelve Days, The Churches.
The Lord be with you,
Today, Mondayy [SardisBmoY in ordinary time] is Numbers. The order of the fourth books, in 4152637 is 4th Seven, Luke; 1st Seven, Numbers; then 52637, respectively, 2 Peter, Job, Galatians, Ezekiel, 2 Timothy.
God wrote books.
All religions enshrine their truths in calendars: Rosenstock-Huessy.
History is the record of those things that happen once, for the first time, forever.
Our job is to conduct them.
That is, to strongly remember them, so as to pass them on.
A. D. 70 is such a thing.
There is much dispute about it. Preterists, full preterists, hyper-preterists say that it was the end, I mean the total end, Christ came back, it's over. That kind of thing.
Futurists hold that it's about what WILL happen in the future, Revelation is, and that A. D. 70 was of little importance, the Temple will have to be rebuilt, etc.
One thing is common is that it was about TRANSITION.
Amillennialists hold that Christ will come again, but that's about all that can be said.
Post-millennialists hold that Christ has conquered, and that we are mopping up, that a millennium will come, but that Satan will again be loosed to be defeated at the Second Coming. The Kingdom has come, already, not yet. Definitively, progressively, finally. Ephesians 2:6 is true, we are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies.
Historicism was the view prominent during the Reformation. It held that the 7 churches were 7 ages, and that the last age was then. Luther held that the Pope was Anti-Christ.
I'm operating with a calendar that shows that A. D. 70 was the 11th Day. 6 Days of Creation, Adam fell on the 7th and Jesus did not on the Cross. Resurrection was the 8th Day, Ascension the 9th, Pentecost the 10th, and we await the 12th.
In this calendar, there are 49 weeks, each named for a book of the Bible, considered as 49.
After 10 weeks, Public Vindication, celebration of A. D. 70. For a week. The days of that week (sheba) are named for the 4th books of each of the 7 sevens of the 49, in order 4152637, as our days were named, for the planets (sun and moon included) in their retuned distance from earth. More on that later, but since Eph. 2: 6 is true, better to name our days non-astrologically, after the churches in Revelation.
Then, after 11 more is The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, and after 11 more are two weeks of Total Christ, and after 17 more, the exodos (sic) has been accomplished for us.
More on this as the year, the celebration of resurrection anno mundi, goes along.
I call this calendar House Of Singing Times.
In the next note, I will list the 1-49 books. In HOST (the calendar) I have retuned the books, and they flow backward.
And I have words that go with this world-model building. The Beatitudes and Woes, The Seven-Twelve Days, The Churches.
The Lord be with you,
Today, Mondayy [SardisBmoY in ordinary time] is Numbers. The order of the fourth books, in 4152637 is 4th Seven, Luke; 1st Seven, Numbers; then 52637, respectively, 2 Peter, Job, Galatians, Ezekiel, 2 Timothy.
God wrote books.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Discipled Society of societies in A. D. 2121?: Preliminary Notes
Discipled Society of societies in A. D. 2121?: Preliminary Notes
Let's start toward a vision of what a discipled, Christian world would look like, a 'Looking Backward' type of thing. Every thing someone says is wrong, has a Biblical answer. Let's start with biggest expenditures, largest people involvement. USFEDerally, its' Social Security, Medicare, Interest, War. We have too large a prison population, when restitution, etc. could be used. Education is Propaganda of the wrong type. We could go on.
Now what are some good trends? Gatekeeping mass media is failing. Debt is becoming overwhelming, and could cause great problems until maybe a new thing comes. MIT has its whole curriculum online, free. And lots of audio and electronic pringt media. General distrust, de-sacralization of the civil magistrate.
I'm sure there are other things of more importance than that.
But let's look 100 years in the future, and plot a timeline (see L. Neil Smith's libertarian time-line in The Probability Broach).
2020--more default
2022--'New Zealand' [Imprimis] policies in rest of world start
2025--newspapers, TV failings
2030--homeschooling reaches 25%
2035--prison population halved as churches help rehabilitate
2040--more squeezing of elderly
2045--wars, but not involving USA as much
2050--Muslims have gold currency
Well, this is a horrible list, but you see the point. We can start from 2121 and work backward, but we don't quite have the vision of what it would look like, without knowing what parts of what is bad that we get rid of first.
Love in King Jesus,
Let's start toward a vision of what a discipled, Christian world would look like, a 'Looking Backward' type of thing. Every thing someone says is wrong, has a Biblical answer. Let's start with biggest expenditures, largest people involvement. USFEDerally, its' Social Security, Medicare, Interest, War. We have too large a prison population, when restitution, etc. could be used. Education is Propaganda of the wrong type. We could go on.
Now what are some good trends? Gatekeeping mass media is failing. Debt is becoming overwhelming, and could cause great problems until maybe a new thing comes. MIT has its whole curriculum online, free. And lots of audio and electronic pringt media. General distrust, de-sacralization of the civil magistrate.
I'm sure there are other things of more importance than that.
But let's look 100 years in the future, and plot a timeline (see L. Neil Smith's libertarian time-line in The Probability Broach).
2020--more default
2022--'New Zealand' [Imprimis] policies in rest of world start
2025--newspapers, TV failings
2030--homeschooling reaches 25%
2035--prison population halved as churches help rehabilitate
2040--more squeezing of elderly
2045--wars, but not involving USA as much
2050--Muslims have gold currency
Well, this is a horrible list, but you see the point. We can start from 2121 and work backward, but we don't quite have the vision of what it would look like, without knowing what parts of what is bad that we get rid of first.
Love in King Jesus,
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
(How) Does The Atheist Speak, Part Three
I've thought more on this. A brief outline. True speech is a vow, ok. Atheists are inarticulate, ok. But wait--our calling is to make the truth evident. So, we must teach the inarticulate. How do we do that? The best example is that of teaching a child. The child is taught be being spoken to, in a special loving way, in the imperative. The tone of 'MaMa' or 'DaDa' is: 'Say this after me'. It is like the Shema--Hearken, Israel. (Hearken means, 'listen and do,' it is 'strong hearing'.
So, command evangelism done in the right way is the way to effect a ministry of reconciliation.
On a Teaching Company audio about jazz it was stated that 'Jazz is an articulated howl'. This is another way of saying the above.
A third approach to the howl is given by a story about Frank Buchman. A prominent atheist as Oxford wanted to talk to FB. FB went, and listened mostly--to a tirade. At the end, the atheist asked Mr. Buchman what Mr. Buchman thought. Buchman replied: 'I know 2 things. 1--You had an unhappy childhood. 2--You are hiding some great sin. Shall we listen to God together?'
The atheist said 'No.' But later, he called Buchman back and confessed that Buchman was right, and the Spirit working through Buchman moved the atheist from a howler to a vower, for the atheist was converted.
Conclusion: We can turn howls to vows.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: True speech is where one puts one's life behind one's words--incarnational. This is being lost in the past centuries in the West. The easiest way to see that is the lack of a declaration of war.
So, command evangelism done in the right way is the way to effect a ministry of reconciliation.
On a Teaching Company audio about jazz it was stated that 'Jazz is an articulated howl'. This is another way of saying the above.
A third approach to the howl is given by a story about Frank Buchman. A prominent atheist as Oxford wanted to talk to FB. FB went, and listened mostly--to a tirade. At the end, the atheist asked Mr. Buchman what Mr. Buchman thought. Buchman replied: 'I know 2 things. 1--You had an unhappy childhood. 2--You are hiding some great sin. Shall we listen to God together?'
The atheist said 'No.' But later, he called Buchman back and confessed that Buchman was right, and the Spirit working through Buchman moved the atheist from a howler to a vower, for the atheist was converted.
Conclusion: We can turn howls to vows.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: True speech is where one puts one's life behind one's words--incarnational. This is being lost in the past centuries in the West. The easiest way to see that is the lack of a declaration of war.
(How) Does The Atheist Speak, Part Two
[Here I have written incompletely about a subject at first, and at second, I grope toward a better articulation.]
Atheists cannot truly 'speak'. True speech is a vow, in which one puts his life behind his words. All vows are made in the name (because of the nature of) of God.
I have erred. There is more to it. Anyone who speaks, must base this speech on having been spoken to before, if only as his or her parents spoke to the person now speaking when the person was a child.
Thus, anyone who speaks acknowledges, though inarticulatedly, the Speaker, Who spoke the creation into existence.
In this perspective, there are no atheist speakers.
I must contemplate more about this.
Love in King Jesus,
confesio, contritio, satisficio
PS: I think it is the difference between self-consciousness and articulation, in the case of vows, and the lack thereof in what I have written immediately above.
Atheists cannot truly 'speak'. True speech is a vow, in which one puts his life behind his words. All vows are made in the name (because of the nature of) of God.
I have erred. There is more to it. Anyone who speaks, must base this speech on having been spoken to before, if only as his or her parents spoke to the person now speaking when the person was a child.
Thus, anyone who speaks acknowledges, though inarticulatedly, the Speaker, Who spoke the creation into existence.
In this perspective, there are no atheist speakers.
I must contemplate more about this.
Love in King Jesus,
confesio, contritio, satisficio
PS: I think it is the difference between self-consciousness and articulation, in the case of vows, and the lack thereof in what I have written immediately above.
Friday, June 4, 2010
(How) Does The Atheist Speak?
(How)Does The Atheist Speak
[Here I have written incompletely about a subject at first, and at second, I grope toward a better articulation.]
Atheists cannot truly 'speak'. True speech is a vow, in which one puts his life behind his words. All vows are made in the name (because of the nature of) of God.
I have erred. There is more to it. Anyone who speaks, must base this speech on having been spoken to before, if only as his or her parents spoke to the person now speaking when the person was a child.
Thus, anyone who speaks acknowledges, though inarticulatedly, the Speaker, Who spoke the creation into existence.
In this perspective, there are no atheist speakers.
I must contemplate more about this.
Love in King Jesus,
confesio, contritio, satisficio
PS: I think it is the difference between self-consciousness and articulation, in the case of vows, and the lack thereof in what I have written immediately above.
[Here I have written incompletely about a subject at first, and at second, I grope toward a better articulation.]
Atheists cannot truly 'speak'. True speech is a vow, in which one puts his life behind his words. All vows are made in the name (because of the nature of) of God.
I have erred. There is more to it. Anyone who speaks, must base this speech on having been spoken to before, if only as his or her parents spoke to the person now speaking when the person was a child.
Thus, anyone who speaks acknowledges, though inarticulatedly, the Speaker, Who spoke the creation into existence.
In this perspective, there are no atheist speakers.
I must contemplate more about this.
Love in King Jesus,
confesio, contritio, satisficio
PS: I think it is the difference between self-consciousness and articulation, in the case of vows, and the lack thereof in what I have written immediately above.
Psalmodic Response, Briefly, As Glorification
Psalmodic Response is responding to the gist/essence/spirit of a half-verse, by applying it in the same 'spirit' in the next half-verse. Thus, Psalm 1:1: First half-verse: 'Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,'
Now, Scriptures shows us how to show that we understand the first half-verse, by showing us how to respond by applying the spirit of the first half-verse into a different situation. thus 'nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.'
This glorifies the word, makes it 'heavier,' more 'kabod,' in Hebrew--heavy. Unity in complexity.
I propose that our whole life is to be such a response to the whole of Scripture.
And if history is a chiasm, then we see an even more artistic response. Thus ERH says that it was tribes, empires, Israel, Greece, the Jesus--the Pivot, the Reverser of the Trend--and, chiastically, the Church is the New Israel, glorifying with more, and more unity, ridding of exclusiveness; Nation-States were the New Empire, but ridding of slavery; and we are in a Neo-Tribal time now. [Greece must be a companion, not an orderer]>
I pray that I have articulated this wisely.
Love in King Jesus,
Now, Scriptures shows us how to show that we understand the first half-verse, by showing us how to respond by applying the spirit of the first half-verse into a different situation. thus 'nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.'
This glorifies the word, makes it 'heavier,' more 'kabod,' in Hebrew--heavy. Unity in complexity.
I propose that our whole life is to be such a response to the whole of Scripture.
And if history is a chiasm, then we see an even more artistic response. Thus ERH says that it was tribes, empires, Israel, Greece, the Jesus--the Pivot, the Reverser of the Trend--and, chiastically, the Church is the New Israel, glorifying with more, and more unity, ridding of exclusiveness; Nation-States were the New Empire, but ridding of slavery; and we are in a Neo-Tribal time now. [Greece must be a companion, not an orderer]>
I pray that I have articulated this wisely.
Love in King Jesus,
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A wise one asked for more explanation of 'America' LH
Thanks for asking for more explanation of "Lectionary Historical for 'America' "
Here goes.
It's kinda like this. Well, many churches have readings from the Bible each week, on an organized basis. For example, a Psalm, an Epistle, a Gospel, an Old Testament. In that way, most (all) of the Bible is read in public worship over a period of time.
This is called a Lectionary.
That's good for the Bible, what about history? I thought, well, we seem to be somewhat deficient in our understanding of the Providential ordering of history by God.
Why don't we do something similar to the Lectionary of Bible readings, only for history.
What hath God wrought?
Here's a simpler example. One simpler one is to take the time from A. D. 70 to now, about 1940 years, or 40 years per time period. (I'll get to America later).
Each week--I start at Easter--we think about/research what was most significant about the next 40 years. Thus, A. D. 7--110, what happened, what would God have us remember about what He did?
So, after 7 week,s we have 280 years @ 7 x 40. From A. D. 70 to A. D. 350, what is the most significant thing that God has done? I'd say that through witnessing, He has converted the Roman Empire!
And we work backward, and from 1730-2010, I'd say, Industrial Revolution.
Thus we learn our history, and we learn to apprehend big chunks of history.
Now, America. There is much lamenting, much desire for change and/or retention of good things. But do we see it as a sequence of God's actions?
Maybe if, during the course of a year (I have 49 ordinary weeks, but 52 would work) if we studied 10 year periods, and longer times, we could 'see' 'America' in the longer run of history.
So, going forward and backward.
The part about envisioning a discipled 'America' 490 years hence comes from the great success (in a negative way) of Bellamy's 'Looking Backward' He went into the future in his imagination, and wrote about what he thought it could be like.
It had great effect.
Dear friends, please stick with me on this, it is a new-born babe, and I hope to get more good comments such as yours so as to improve it, so that we can know what we need to do, as we know the times, as sons of Issachar.
Please ask more. I am a poor writer and this is a difficult subject. It seems good to me, but we need 2 or 3 witnesses, at least.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: A friend of mine has organized the time, according to Ussher, from Creation to A. D. 70, into a grid of 49 squares, each with 81 years. Then he has put marks for significant events on the squares. I'll send you a copy on request.
Here goes.
It's kinda like this. Well, many churches have readings from the Bible each week, on an organized basis. For example, a Psalm, an Epistle, a Gospel, an Old Testament. In that way, most (all) of the Bible is read in public worship over a period of time.
This is called a Lectionary.
That's good for the Bible, what about history? I thought, well, we seem to be somewhat deficient in our understanding of the Providential ordering of history by God.
Why don't we do something similar to the Lectionary of Bible readings, only for history.
What hath God wrought?
Here's a simpler example. One simpler one is to take the time from A. D. 70 to now, about 1940 years, or 40 years per time period. (I'll get to America later).
Each week--I start at Easter--we think about/research what was most significant about the next 40 years. Thus, A. D. 7--110, what happened, what would God have us remember about what He did?
So, after 7 week,s we have 280 years @ 7 x 40. From A. D. 70 to A. D. 350, what is the most significant thing that God has done? I'd say that through witnessing, He has converted the Roman Empire!
And we work backward, and from 1730-2010, I'd say, Industrial Revolution.
Thus we learn our history, and we learn to apprehend big chunks of history.
Now, America. There is much lamenting, much desire for change and/or retention of good things. But do we see it as a sequence of God's actions?
Maybe if, during the course of a year (I have 49 ordinary weeks, but 52 would work) if we studied 10 year periods, and longer times, we could 'see' 'America' in the longer run of history.
So, going forward and backward.
The part about envisioning a discipled 'America' 490 years hence comes from the great success (in a negative way) of Bellamy's 'Looking Backward' He went into the future in his imagination, and wrote about what he thought it could be like.
It had great effect.
Dear friends, please stick with me on this, it is a new-born babe, and I hope to get more good comments such as yours so as to improve it, so that we can know what we need to do, as we know the times, as sons of Issachar.
Please ask more. I am a poor writer and this is a difficult subject. It seems good to me, but we need 2 or 3 witnesses, at least.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: A friend of mine has organized the time, according to Ussher, from Creation to A. D. 70, into a grid of 49 squares, each with 81 years. Then he has put marks for significant events on the squares. I'll send you a copy on request.
Outline of Lectionary Historical for 'America'
Working on outline of Lectionary Historical for 'America'. 4 parts. 1492-Present, forward and backward. Present + 490, forward and backward. The backward is the key. What would a discipled America look like, and how did we get there. Bellamy's 'Looking Backward.'
Memes would be woven throughout, a new garment, Heb. 1:12.
We'd go before Columbus. Many evidences of contact before, and: What impelled him to explore?
Outline only, to be filled in as we go, 10 years per week/sheba in the 49-week year/coram.
W're now in the 9th week since Easter, so 8 have gone by, so 1492-1572, aha! St. Augustine founded, maybe first Thanksgiving on North American continent.
The 'vision' of a discipled America will be the key.
[Or, America may be in the line of Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Europe....? The whole planet is missionized, native churches in every land: Just Gonzalez, Christian Thought Revisited. (And his 3 threads of legal, philosophical, and pastoral/historical would be good to apply and amplify)]
Memes would be woven throughout, a new garment, Heb. 1:12.
We'd go before Columbus. Many evidences of contact before, and: What impelled him to explore?
Outline only, to be filled in as we go, 10 years per week/sheba in the 49-week year/coram.
W're now in the 9th week since Easter, so 8 have gone by, so 1492-1572, aha! St. Augustine founded, maybe first Thanksgiving on North American continent.
The 'vision' of a discipled America will be the key.
[Or, America may be in the line of Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople, Europe....? The whole planet is missionized, native churches in every land: Just Gonzalez, Christian Thought Revisited. (And his 3 threads of legal, philosophical, and pastoral/historical would be good to apply and amplify)]
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