Friday, April 16, 2010

How and Why to make CalendarHOST for KolCoram861


What are the 5 biggest reasons for using CalendarHOST? Rhyming covenant sequences shown in typological form, to enable appropriate action in the big Providential history of rhyming covenant sequences. We are not under ‘moonths’. Liturgy written large—on ‘year’. God wrote a Book of books, and CalendarHOST goes through these books ‘year’ly, retuned and 1-49. Beatitudes/Woes + are the words that go with this ‘house,’ as the Decalogue for the Tabernacle, and the Psalms for the Temple—and we do have Psalm Of Day, twice, with structures… . And MUCH more (Jubilee symbolism not the least).

1—Find date of Easter 2010 and 20ll

April 4, 2010 and April 11, 2011

2—Remember the 49 book Bible

First Tiara—Books 1-7 1-Genesis, 2--Exodus, 3—Leviticus, 4—Numbers,
5—Deuteronomy, 6—Joshua, 7—Judges

Second Tiara—Books 8-14 8—Samuel, 9—Ruth, 10—Psalms, 11--Job,
12—Proverbs, 13—Canticles (Song),

Third Tiara—Books 15-21 15—Kings, 16—Ezekiel, 17—Isaiah,
18—Jeremiah-Lamentations, 19—Daniel,
20—Esther, 21—The Twelve

Fourth Tiara—Books 22-28 22—Greater Chronicles, 23—Matthew, 24—Mark,
25—Luke, 26-- John, 27—Acts , 28—Revelation

Fifth Tiara—Books 29-35 29—1 John, 30—James, 31—1 Peter, 32—2 Peter,
33—Jude, 34—2 John, 35—3 John

Sixth Tiara—Books 36-42 36—Romans, 37 1 Corinthians, 38—2 Corinthians,
39—Galatians, 40—Ephesians,
41—Philippians, 42—Colossians

Seventh Tiara—
Books 43-49 43—1 Thessalonians, 44—2 Thessalonians,
45--1 Timothy, 46—2 Timothy, 47—Titus,
48—Philemon, 49—Hebrews

3—We will be naming the weeks according tof the RETUNED order, going backward, while also going forward. (Rosenstock-Huessy’s seminal ‘Out of Revolution’ traces the history of the 2nd millennium A.D. backward from the Russian Revolution, and we live our lives in the light of the last day, ‘the Christian lives backward’)

4—Ok, we have the dates. Now go to Searching Google for ‘2010 calendar, we get 2010 ( For 2011 calendar, similar. Save the images, and print them.

5—The Key is EliotAnselmTime, just before the final 7 weeks. Start on the 2010 calendar with Easter as April 4, week 1, and continue to week 42.

Then start BACKWARD. Yes, backward. Start at April 24, 2011, and count back 49-43. If 42 overlaps with 42, you must scrunch up all the weeks before 42 into one, and they will all be celebrated at one time. This ‘fuzzy logic’ is the confusion of the time before the final week. If 43 does not reach 42, as it does not in this coram/year, then 42 extends…in this case, for an extra week. Oops! And extra TWO weeks, for when I first did the marking of the weeks, I left one out!

EXCEPT, you must mark A, B, and CC at the appropriate times. After 10, Public Vindication=A. Then after 11 more, TBOTMOFA (The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly) = B. Then after 11 more, Total Christ, two weeks, = CC.

(Other significant dates will be marked WITHIN the calendar).

We are writing the liturgy on the year. You come in, are Called, to start. A=Cleansed, B=Consecrated, CC=Communed, and you are Commissioned at the end, for Exodus in the last week. Luke 9:31, ‘decease’ in Greek is ‘exodos’. We are in His image.

6—We name the weeks after the 7531642 order. More later on the Books of Days, Psalm of Days, etc. This will be enough for now.

7—I will get an 8x8 grid, with the 49 books in the 7x7, the Beatitudes and Woes along the right side down, in the 8th area, and additional comments along the bottom 8th. We need to think in 7x7 terms, with HOST as the basic, rather than the ‘moonths’. We are no longer under ‘moonths,’ months, named for four numbers, 2 dictators, and 6 ‘gods’. We are under the Book of books, the Bible.

8—I appeal for help to get the in better postable form.

9—Here is one way of looking at it.

The number of the week is given first, and the date in the present calendar is given second.

1—April 4 (Celebration of Resurrection/Easter)
2—April 11
3—April 18
4—April 21
5—May 2
6--May 9
7—May 16
8—May 23
9—May 30
10—June 6
A—June 13 (Public Vindication—A. D. 70)
11—June 20
12—June 27
13—July 4
14—July 11
15—July 18
16—July 25
17—August 1
18—August 8
19—August 15
20—August 22
21—August 29
B—September 5 (The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly) (A, B, and CC, respectively are Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, and also can be place on the flow of history as, perhaps, Red Sea, Sinai, Conquest of Promised Land, etc.)
22—September 12
23—September 19
24—September 26
25—October 3
26—October 10
27—October 17
28—October 24
29—October 31
30—November 7
31—November 14
32—November 21
CC #1—November 28
CC #2—December 5 (Note: This CalendarHOST [House Of Singing Times] continues on, but wisdom might indicate that other significant events would be remembered and celebrated as a higher priority at times.)
33—December 12
34—December 19
35—December 26
36--January 2
37—January 9
38—January 16
39—January 23
40—January 30
41—February 6
42 #1—February13
42 #2—February20
42 #3—February 27 (these ‘42s’ are EliotAnselmTime, Eliot for ‘We shall not cease from wandering, and the end of all our wandering is to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time.’ Well this place uses ‘exploring’: Anselm from Wikipedia for ontological argument: “The differences among the argument's principal versions arise mainly from using different concepts of God as the starting point. Anselm, for example, starts with the notion of God as a being than which no greater can be conceived, while Descartes starts with the notion of God as being totally perfect, and Leibniz with something having all "perfections”. The general idea then is that we cannot make it so that it all works out exactly, God is greater than that, but when we get back to the 7 (where we started) it is such that we know the place (topos in Greek, referring to the Temple in some places in the Bible).
43—March 6
44—March 13
45—March 20
46—March 27
47—April 3
48—April 10
49—April 17

April 14 is Celebration of Resurrection/Easter and Starts SardisCoram861

1—Apr 4
[Hebrews] 2—Apr 11
3—Apr 18
4—Apr 21
5—May 2
6--May 9
7—May 16
1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes]
8—May 23
9—May 30
10—June 6
[A—June 13, PV]
[A—June 13, PV]
11—June 20
12—June 27
13—July 4
14—July 11
2 B/W+
15—July 18
16—July 25
17—August 1
18—August 8
19—August 15
20—August 22
21—August 29 [B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
3 B/W+

B—September 5, TBOTMOFA]]
22—September 12

23—Sept 19

24—September 26

25—October 3

26—Oct 10

27—Oct 17

28—October 24

4 B/W+
--hunger and thirst
29—October 31
30—Nov 7
31—Nov 14
32—Nov 21
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
CC #1—Nov 28 [TC],
CC #2—Dec 5
33—Dec 12
34—Dec 19
35—December 26
5 B/W+ [merci-ful]
36--January 2
37—Jan 9
38—January 16
39—January 23
40—Jan 30
41—Feb 6
42 #1—February13
42 #2—February20
42 #3—February 27
[EAT] 6 B/W+
Pure in heart
43—March 6
44—Mar 13
45—March 20
46—March 27
47—April 3
48—April 10
49—April 17
Books for each week and day and Psalm of Day, etc. in next. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Breakthrough on capitalism as beautification and Lectionary Historical: Stitching the garment of and through time and times

Host489Breakthrough on capitalism as beautification and Lectionary Historical: Stitching the garment of and through time and times

Dear Friends:

The Dougs encouraged me to get my stuff 'out there,' and so far I'm getting some things on Facebook (Charles Howard Hartman, Notes--open to Everyone).

This is the second week (sheba: 7, oath) of the Lectionary Historical for this 'year,' and I have been exampling the time from A. D. 70 to Present.

What I've tried to do is to find out the significant events that happened in each segment of 1/49 of the time, about 40 years.

WHAT'S VALUABLE is that these events, and I work forward and backward, 40 years per week, have echoes, causes, effects, impacts, appearances, in other periods. For instance, A. D. 70 is still unresolved: There are hyper-preterists who say that it was the end, there are dispensationalists that say that it is still to happen. I proposed a holiday, days 71-77, inclusive, after Pascha/Easter.

HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART. Hebrews 1:10-12. God discards the old garment of creation (paraphrase). Responding psalmodically, then, could it be that WE, under Him, are to amen Him and His word such that we make the new garment? This would fulfill the first command to Adam, to dress the Garden--to beautify the Creation.

IF, I say if, this is so, then each event that is 'stitched' through time and times is sewing this garment, as we praise Him and the events of Providence, for the Lord inhabits the praises of Israel.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: MaeDay 80 has Chuck's Repentance Walk, and it is, in a major way, 3 formings at once. A zero as we go around the square--repentance, cleansing. Then a 'fish' with the tails of before the square and after it--I X TH Y S, Jesus Christ God's Son Savior: forgiveness and sermon and communion. Then this could be seen as forming a stitch--the garment. (It's also a circumcision, a tattoo, etc.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lectionary Historical Week 2--A. D. 110-150 and A. D. 1930- 1970


The Fifth Word/Commandment requires that we honor our fathers and mothers, the past, to inherit the land, the future.

To recap. The 'year' of HOSTCalendar begins at Easter/Pascha. As ONE EXAMPLE of Lectionary Historical, we take the time from A. D. 70 to present and divide it into 49 blocks, each block, then, about 40 years.
We are training ourselves to apprehend big chunks of time. Thus, we ask ourselves, what was a significant event of that block, those blocks, for we go both backward and forward.

For week one (Hebrews), the times are A. D. 70-A. D. 110, and A. D. 1970-present (A. D. 2010).

I proposed that the significant even of A. D. 70-A. D. 110 was A. D. 70 itself. The Public Vindication of Jesus Christ, James Jordan calls it. And the thread of that continues to the present, when we have significant differences of exegesis about what A. D. 70 means. I proposed a holiday for this significant event, from Day 71 after Easter, through Day 77. The time from Pentecost to Public Vindication, that holiday could be filled with studies of the books of the Bible.

The question for this week is for the readers: What are the significant events of the 2nd Week--Titus? Sources of information might be 'The 100 Most Significant Events in Christian History,' or 'Gonzalez' 'History of Christianity,' or 'Time Tables of History,' etc.

This year I give A. D. 70-Present as an example. Also to come are Creatin-A. D. 70 Uussher and Jordan), Creatoin-Present, and The 16 Billion Years--which will have significant changes--of the Mayan calendar, present 'science,' and Stapledon.

More next week. More on the rhymings of covenants in HOSTCalendar yet this week, Lord willing.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: This is a stitching of events through time and times, as we see how the significant events are flow and related in and through all eras. Hebrews 1:12. We stitch, are stitches of God in the new vestment.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sample of Lectinary Historical--A. D. 70


Dear Friends:

In the CalendarHOST (House Of Singing Times) there are 49 weeks, conforming to a form of JBJ’s 49-book Bible, literarily ordered.

To honor our father and mother in the form of history, I take certain eras and divide them into 49. Each week a part of the era is studied.

Thus, we learn history, and can praise the Lord of Providence.

Key eras are Creation to Present. Creation to A. D. 70. A. D. 70 to Present, and the Sixteen Billion Years Forward and Back (Mayan Calendar, Stapledon, ‘Science’.

We go both Before Present, and from the start.

For an example/ensample, I’ve chosen A. D. 70 to present.

It’s A. D. 2010, so that’s 1930 years, or about 40 per each of the 49 periods. [There’s always a Delay, it seems—I put that at the end).

Two more things. 1—What happened of significance, A. D. 70-A. D. 110, and A. D. 1970-A. D. 2010. 2—How are these events tied in, in covenant sequence flowing through history to echoes, foundations, etc.?

For this first week, I’m discussing A. D. 70, and what is thought of it today.

I have a solution.


In meekness and fear.

The A. D. 70 is misunderstood, yet it is and was very important. We need a holiday. On this holiday, in this holiday period, it can be explained and applied, as we do with other holidays.

Some think that in effect, A. D. 70 was the end of the world. Full preterists. Hyper-preterists.

Others think that what is depicted in Revelation (which I, following JBJ, think is almost totally the period from Pentecost to A. D. 70, and the typologicality of that) is still to come.

The holiday, I propose, should be days 71-77, inclusive, including Pascha/Easter.

More on this later.

This is a very brief example. We also have the names of the weeks, up and down, the tiaras oribiting these weeks, the Psalm O Day, etc. Host3900, I believe, is 100 pages I will be revising into a manual for House Of Singing Times CALENDAR.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck (Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook,

Rhyming Knights Rescue Team


Dear Session:

KOHEN: Knights Of Helping Elderly Neighbors.*

The volume of mail, due to the logistical reorganization, means that I will be working 7 days. However, it will work out that Saturday night ends just in time to get home, bathe/change, and get to church.

This is good.

Now, I'm still working away. I hope and pray that this year, Lord willing, I'll get a sufficiency of 'my stuff' (JBJ/ERH, etc.) onto, facebook notes, BHG archives, etc. that my bequeathing function will eventuate.

I've also been concentrating mostly on my network/heptad Rescue Team members. to each I have given authorization to see all my medical records and to remove me from an abusive situation. James 1:27

This is my main new effort. It's based on the Truce of God emerging from the forests that kept warring/raiding tribes apart @ A. D. 400. Then came the hermits, then the monks, then the sharecropping peasants onto the land cleared. Problem: The forests did not keep raiders out now. Solution: The Church had enough authority, from owning the land and from the science of when to plant, etc. that 'No fighting on the Lord's Day' became the fact. No fighting during Lent, no fighting .... and peace became something that had to be broken by declaration of war, etc.

Then knaves hanging around courts became knights (ERH says the Church did it) protecting the highways, made denser with traffic because the horse collar allowed 10x as much to be pulled.

400-1100, organization of land. 1100-1500, organization of skills (knights). 1500-1900, organization of markets. ... I say 1900-2000, world missions.

One, few, many, all. Hermits, monks, sharecroppers, Truce. Land, skills, markets, world.

And there are the Knights Hospitaller.

I substitute social relations for natural land. In our present situation, Barzun and Creveld among others say that our institutions, especially the nation-state, are failing because of lack of justice and a currency that will not avail.

But the various covenantal organizations are, in a primitive way, as the land was--the do keep some raiders out.

I hope and pray, eventually, Lord willing, that members of the Rescue Team will become Knights Of Helping Elderly Neighbors (acronymic pun intended).

This might be done with the small sums of money I have given each to hold for me. I'll never see it again, for it will be used to help with rescue, or, were I to die without needing it, for some other like person.

You, the Session of Christ the Redeemer Church, and/or her assigns 9as with the members of the RT), also have the authority to see all my medical records and to rescue me from an abusive situation.

You see, I must train the members to be wise a serpents and harmless as doves, for the present organizations, in far too many cases, do not pay attention to the covenantal organizations.

I'll give you and all you all copies of various documents.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: We must conduct history. History is those events that occur once for the first time, forever. There are very few. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, that God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Also, when a man dies, great power is released into the field of time. Pentecost, tribal formation, etc. This current must be conducted, transformed, applied, etc. It's like Scipio Africanus, who wept at the surrender of Carthage. Why, sire, asked his aide. Because someday this will happen to Rome. Realizing the demise, Rome could conduct the current.

PPS: Later, knights will be sharecroppers of micro-economics, using my ex-money to start for micro lending, micro business start-ups. Perhaps ‘tithing’ on IPOs. 50% to the knight, the rest to capital increase, used for elderly ‘traveler’ protection. (This would be temporary, for a season, not a timeless application—do not repeat errors of Methodist teetotalism, etc.).

I’m reading: Ceremonial Chemistry, 1434, Bloom on ‘Beast’, Accelerando. As I work, I think/pray, as the monks did ‘Ora et Labor,’ pray and work. This helps turn Liabilities into assets, the desert of forests and our mere anarchy. All monasteries were given land ‘en eremo,’ in the desert

1—Can see any/all medical records, can remove from abusive situation. $x.
2—1, plus Au, plus more $, resources for micro lending and micro business start up.
3—2, plus gets institution involved-church, family, group like investment club…
KNIGHT/SHARECROPERS: 50% OF INCREASE ADDED TO RESCUE FUND The idea is that Chuck will never again see the money. It will be used for him when he is enfeebled, or for another eldster were Chuck to die in an accident, etc.
Love in King Jesus,

*Less euphemistically, KOHEN=KnightsOfHinderingEuthanasiaandNon-compliencewithNurembergCode, or KOHENNC

DON'T LOSE them!
Art Form of 3rd Millennium:

SuperCalendar, LectionaryHistorical, MaeDay80, Rhyming Covenant Sequences
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.

Naming the days in a rightimely way


1. Days, Knights, and Eras.

1a. Retuning names of days of week to avoid practicing astrology.

1b. Rhyming the covenant sequence creating knights to help acting according to the 5th Word.

1c. Ensampling the LectionaryHistorical from A. D. 70 to present to make a platform for covenantal sequences being tied together.

1a, again. A wise one has said that the Israel of Old and the New Israel conquered the empires based on astronomy/astrology by worshipping every 7th day. This amen said that The True God made the heavens above, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth, and all that in them is, in 6 days and all very good. The True God made that on which you base your religion (and thus your empire).

We should do something similar, showing the true firmament and true causation.

Let’s start with the names of the days of the week*.

The names of the days presently used in America are a retuning of the sequence 1234567, by a ‘circle of fifths’ method, adding the names of planets/gods of planets. We can do better, by psalmodically responding to the retuning by re-retuning, and by using other principles of the retuning shown at the Ascension, Rev. 5:12-7:12.

In the series of attributes of Jesus in Rev. 7:12, compared to 5:12 there is a retuning, and a particularizing, and are instruments added to voices. See Jordan’s commentary, available from Biblical Horizons, and

This would be similar to the geocentric order (distance from the earth in any direction) of the planets being retuned by a circle of 5ths method from 1-Moon, 2—Venus, 3—Mercury, 4—Sun, 5—Mars, 6—Jupiter, 7—Saturn.

1234567 becomes 4152637. [The 2 and 3 will possibly be explained later. It could be speed, it could be that Day 2 of Creation was not pronounced good until after Day 3, thus tying them together. This is left for later, the principle is clear. It may be ‘fuzzy logic’.]

Start with the last in the series 1234567, and count five, thus 71234.

4 is the first in the next series. Sun—day.

From 4, go 45671, to get the second in the series, Moon-day.

From 1, go five, 12345, Mars-day, or Tiw or Tir in German equivalent, thus Tues-day.

Continue on.

Thus, with each BIG DAY, such as Ascension, there is a retuning, plus. (The aforementioned change to an individual ‘the’ in front of each attribute, and the instruments, perhaps.)

HERE’S THE QUESTION: What about Pentecost, what about A. D. 70—are they BIG DAYS? If so, what changes should be made to get us to names that would name the firmament (the stars/planets are a firmament) aright, and in the right for the time in which we are? Rightimely.

Well, 4152637 becomes 2461357. By a series of moves, I propose that the rightimely names would be flipped, for we are they who have turned the world upside down, and we would get 7531642. [This works out well in some calendrical uses, having 2 as the last, for as we are imago Christi, we do must accomplish our exodus (sic, Gr.), and so the list of the first 7 books, re-retuned, ends in Exodus.

But, to be rightimely, we must name the firmament aright, and the firmament is now, after A. D. 70, Christ and His Church, or better, churches, as in Revelation, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.

But the letters were written to warn the Great Church, Jersualem. [The churches symbolically represent 7 eras in the Bible, and are applicable to our ages, since our ages will be in convenant sequences, and our ages are the application/working out of the Bible, the total definitive revelation.]

Two more things to go. Laodicea is changed to Kol, an acronym for ‘kol’—what God did from Sinai, Octave (the 8th), and Laodicea.

That’s one.

The second thing to do is to symbolically say, show in the Language, Symbol, that causation is from the future also. That the past and present cause the future is untrue. The present is caused by the past and the future.

Thus, the first day of the sheba/week is KolBmoY. ‘moY’ is ‘yom’ or Hebrew for ‘day,’ backward. Pronounced ‘coal yummm’ Yes, we consume/eat time. The same that breathed life into Adam spoke the Days.

‘B’ is the first letter of the Bible, Beth, the house we live in at present, amending the Bible, that starts with B. [I’ve claimed that the words of the letters of the first word of the Bible is a liturgy, forms of speech being added. House! [Command] We Bow to the Head and Listen [Subjective response]. We Eat, the life and death narrative. We carry our Cross, going out. B-R-Sh-T.]

So, the days of the rightimely sheba/week are: KolBmoY, SardisBmoy, PergamosBmoY, EphesusBmoY, PhiladelphiaBmoy, ThyatiraBmoY, SmyrnaBmoY.

Kol, yumm! Sardis, yumm! Pergamos, yumm! Ephesus, yumm! Philadelphia, yumm! Thyatira, yumm! Smyrna, yumm!

Psalm 34:8.

The ears of the Bible related to the 7 churches: Garden, Prison, Wilderness, Kingdom, Exile, Restoration, Jesus’ Day. Or: Jesus’ Day, Exile, Wilderness, Garden, Restoration, Kingdom, Prison. Or, Judges, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Genesis, Joshua, Numbers, Exodus. [In HouseOfSingingTimes, various sequences are shown, of various lengths and orders.]

So on what now is named Sunday/The Lord’s Day, we are given the ‘whole’, on wnin Monday we pray and act according to the wisdom of the Exile Era—Abram-Moses. Wnin Tuesday: Wilderness. Wnin Wednesday: Garden. Wnin Thursday: Restoration. Wnin Friday: Kingdom. Wnin Saturday: Prison.

This is a liturgy. We come into the whole, representatively. We confess our sins, that we have been in the wilderness. We are restored, and restored. The Kingdom is ours, and we are to go to those in prison?

Thus we show the rigttimely true heavenly and earthly situation, as we have done in the past by worshipping every 7 days. We also make it such that people will ask us questions, so we can be 1 Peter 3: 15, ready always to give an answer—and we’ll be provoking questions.

Much more remains to be done. Note that Kol includes an 8th, thus Earth, and thus amending that Christ rose on the 8th Day.

*or better, sheba—7, oath. We make the week a covenant sequence.

With meekness and fear,

Chuck Hartman (Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook,
PS: 1b and 1c to come later.
PPS: Great power flows into the field of time at the death of a man. Echoing that, to work from the end to now should give great power, thus ‘moY’. Christians live backwards, some say, from/in the light of the Great Day.
PPS: Exclamation points may be added at any point, for a name is an imperative.