Monday, January 13, 2025

Steve Schlissel

 'When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time': Rosenstock

Thus Steve Schlissel.
I seem to remember that many years ago he started Urban Nations.
I don't find that now, but...
it's a good idea. About | urbannationsnyc.

Instead/In addition to missionaries going overseas, why not disciple immigrants? It's less expensive.
Why did they come here? Wasn't it for a better life, socially and economically?
And what caused this better life? Mangalwadi ('The book that Made Your World') and Woods ('How the Roman Catholic Church Built Western Civilization') are two. But temper them with pages 140-141 of JBJ's 'Trees and Thorns'.
'The Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets': Rosenstock again.
So, could mass 'illegal immigration be turned into as asset, despite 'government'?
PS: When we were caring for my mother, an Hispanic man said that they would never abandon, as Americans do.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sermon Feedback

 4 things.

     1--One room school mission.Jennifer Hodges probably knows most. 90 years ago Iowa has the highest literacy rate in the nation They taught HIGH SCHOOL girls in HIGH SCHOOL to teach 1-8 in country schools. Every 2 miles. My mother and at least 2 of her sisters did this. Your homeschoolers could do this.
      I'd prefer a tuition-charging for profit school, but extra money could be made by selling a manual, doing consulting or having a membership site.
      JBJ would be a good man to talk to, and my brother who was head of the Mississippi State Christian Education Assn. 'New Testament Imperativity' he wrote, listing alll the commands. Education should be Bible- and liturgy based. Luther.
     2--You have several acres. Ruth Stout's 'no work' gardening might help. Deer won't. She advocates spreading hay and growing in that. Troy and Amanda Galeazzi.
     3--Apprenticing youngsters to trades. Darrell Dow. He has more.
      4--Sanjee Benjamin Ang (Pella fella) has info/link that documents Pella as 3rd worst in Iowa concerning something really bad.

Love in King Jesus, 
 Chuck Hartman

Opera of History Update

 Opera of History Update

The 4th part of 'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer' is the Opera of History.
It responds to the singing/marching/opera of each book of the Bible.
The books are structured. Anything structured can be music.
It informs the 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups of the next 1000 years.
I list 42 in each of 4 categories. From 'bereshith' through Acts 2:42.
I'm not publishing yet because they still need work.
I've been much helped by General Purpose Technology on wikipedia.
GPT lists technology that greatly impacts society.
However, individuals, ideas, and institutions are important, in addition to these inventions.
I'll report more later. My mind works serially.

Love in King Jesus,
PS: opera is more comprehensive than Rosenstock's symphony,
PPS: We'll have a 4-note response, like Beethoven's 5th--it will not necessarily be chronological.
PPPS: Bullinger and Dorsey are big helps.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Just Entering My Prime

 Yes, extravagant. Soon I'll forward 'Just entering my prime' in which I propose the the letter-words of the First Word (B, R, SH, T) are a proto-liturgy conflated with Acts 2:42 and giving 42 (!) instances should help compose 'the opera of history' that responds to singing the opera of each boo, a theodicy. It's 'the most important thig I can do at which I would be most difficult to replace' 3 generations at least.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Sing Samuel Proleptic

 Let's sing Samuel! It's easy

It's 3 generation.
Start with Bullinger.
Arrange pastor in center front.
If you use pews, 'chiasm' it toward and away from pastor.
Proleptically encompass redeemed congregation as tabernacle, through shewbread and lampstand and back.
Aaronic blessing.
Pastor greets all as the leave through altar/prayer/cross--opposite HOH.
Singing and candle extinguishing make 4 graces.
Let's sing Samuel! It's easy.
I avoid most social media, I'm attempting to do a 42x4to 'opera' history in response to GodTrinity's opera of each book of Bible.
PS: '1000' is on Google Docs

Why I avoid most social media

 I avoid most social media, I'm attempting to do a 42x4to 'opera' history in response to GodTrinity's opera of each book of Bible.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

To Peter Leithart about '1000' book

 The Jim stuff is good--another way of Psalm singing, and his books to him. And the  'New Abraham' 1000-year deal is a 3-generation project anyway. But a book a week in addition avoids 'doctrine' and could be unifying. The LCMS when they worshiped in Gaerman celebrated A. D. 70, so liturgy through the year conflated with historical evens isn't bad. To sing each book and prolepticall tabernacle tour it could be valuable. I'm one of the few who can do a 42x4 of history, and the 12 smallenthusiastic groups to start ain't bad. Add; 'New Abraham'--